Camino de Santiago Documentary: DOS CHICAS

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[Music] we just ran into a man who's from France and Montana how did he know where we were from both scoff yes oh that's a horrible French accent but that's better than I can do sir well he knew Alabama from Forrest Gump so we told him it was our brother Montana congratulations on your first miles the community she just asked me why do you put yourself through this and I said what she said hiking my sister Montana and I chose the French route because we've heard it's the most traditional or at least the most popular of the Santiago's and gives you you know the typical experience so we decided we'd start with this and then maybe try something like the Norte at a later time I'm really looking forward to a different culture meeting people from all over the world trying different foods hearing different words and a different language and just the entire experience and I think what makes it most special is that I get to share this with my little sister and I didn't get my passport and get to cross into another country until I was 30 and so knowing that my sister is getting to get out of Alabama and see something different something new and there's a whole world out there at 19 is just very special to me and I'm happy that I get to drag her along for this experience reverse Barre we stayed in st. John PA too poor last night which is still in France we haven't crossed into Spain yet got checked in and got our credentials so they give you a little camino passport that you get stamps in along the way and then at the end you show that for your completion certificate and now we leave the road for check now you're on a real trail see now most normal people would book the first few places they're gonna stay when they go to a different country but I usually just do things on the fly the first stop is in an area called Orson from what I understand it's just about a bear gay but it books up like way far in advance so they told me a week ago when I tried to book it to give him a call the day before yesterday I called and the man told me that as long as I am there by 1:00 p.m. he should be able to help me out so we've got to do in three and a half hours four point eight miles with 2,000 feet of elevation which doesn't sound terrible but again it's our first day buns of steel buns of steel this is like wow like stinging nettle or something like geez it's stinging bad huh so just touch this with my bris and it's like on fire and Montana backed up to let a car go by is it like stinging nettle on steroids Oh Oh first untied shoe of the trail we've got 12 minutes to get point two which i think is where the road goes down there and then back up it's just on the list good god you made it with minutes to spare let's hope they have space oh we're gonna be sleeping in the ditch right there with the chickens you can't do this Montana that your pillowcase yeah it's like that it's like when the dryer [Music] we're making a rescue from the restroom III friend to eat some clothes maybe I really shouldn't put it in please be free come on you have to help yourself [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] I'm really glad that we got to stay at Orson last night because it was just a cool place it had great food and it was really clean a lot of folks there so it just has kind of the community atmosphere but I think my favorite part of the whole experience was during dinner while we were all eating dessert they had everybody stand up one by one and tell their name where they were from and why they were hiking the Camino oh then actually a guy that we met yesterday as soon as we got to Orson is hiking because he lost his daughter earlier this year and he's carrying a little necklace that has some of her ashes in it he's gonna go ahead all the way to the coast and spread her ashes in the ocean so there are a lot of people out here with different stories of why they're doing it and why this is special to them so it's just cool to have everybody share that and I guess it kind of brought everybody together instead of being just awkward and it was awesome and if that's any indication of what the rest of this trip is going to be like then I'm pretty excited you know what oh no it is new it's just sluggish day two we are already having to embrace the Sun now we have a pill and drink I guess the good news is we won't be sweating it's got a butterfly booty [Music] ten kilometers yeah we think that's what it isn't it was not ten miles yet I was just telling Montana I wish we could find a place out of the rain to take a break and we did and they have hot chocolate [Music] hey sweet oh you probably can't even scratch yourself that veil whose strong legs what stay to the front side did you make a deposit you make a deposit less than a quarter mile to Spain Montana I think we're there ready to go to Spain yes let's go yeah the French fries were so good be careful in that wood it's slick my turn wow that's a big pile you put back there still raining and we are glad to not be out in it this albear gay is huge they have about 290 beds after dinner last night we had drinks with several other pilgrims just kind of hung out there's a strong sense of community on this pathway but with so many people out here of course it's it's kind of a community thing and as you can see all the ones on the top floor here are now cleared out because Montana and I are really good at the last ones out and that's why we might have problems with places booked along the way but we'll figure it out cuz I'm not gonna get up at 4:00 a.m. to race the crowd all day that's stressful apparently the woods that we just walked through here behind the Sun was an area where covens of witches met back in the 16th century yes and nine people from the region were taken at the stake hey I'll get you my pretty and your little dog too here we are chillin wait where are we s been now s what is it you know they don't pronounce our age like au Espinel okay you know Montana's but been hurtin she's got a little hits in her here to get it's not her knee but her foot so I told her that you're supposed to listen to your body and she was pretty bummed out that we were only going for miles today instead of the third thing 13 that we had planned on but sometimes you just gotta do what you got to do are you ready - hi Montana has decided that her feet feel good enough to try to do this nine miles are they actually feeling good enough everybody was so sweet last night trying to help Montana fix her foot and we got this I got I've got a foam roller yeah I've got a bag of a whole pharmacy we're gonna get through this stubbornness he runs in the family I reckon y'all the Camino is a through hackers dream because we've been probably two and a half miles so far and we came across this little cafe bar whatever you want to call it this little stop behind me that's got some different snacks and sandwiches etc and so I stopped for a cafe con leche well having braces and drinking all this wine and coffee I'm really supposed to be drinking out of straw but it seems like no places ever have strolls so I went in there and I asked when she gave me the coffee if I could get I asked you have a straw and she said what and I was like a straw and so she handed me this little spoon here so then I used Google Translate and looked up on my phone apparently straw is paja so I said PAH and she said oh and then when grabbed a couple little straws for me so Google Translate has definitely been very helpful obviously being able to pronounce the words better would probably help more but kind of learn that as you go because this this Alabama runs deep and and it's hard to kind of reverse some of this well the wind blew my paws away when Tia had to go in and ask for more and the woman corrected her and said Paquita I have to say I really admire people who speak more than one language I mean it's incredible to me for people to speak - but there are folks here who speak several I hope they know there's a gate down there I have to say that's I don't know if embarrassing is the right word but that's how I feel a little bit to go to a different country and visit and not be able to speak their language and of course I've gotten by the best I can and tried to learn some basic phrases before I got here but I really do appreciate the people who do speak my language and are patient with me in my terrible pronunciation to know their language this is Purdy [Applause] just a little bit ago we passed the point of no return that was the last road access that I know of we could call a taxi so we've got about two miles into town now and this stubborn thing says that she's gonna make it so bran the whole long stretch almost there almost there [Applause] yeah you did it no you got it the whole time oh my gosh that was about bad that was interesting probably the last ones again yep farewell zoo very we have to move on now you tried so hard though don't rip my finger off now and I set you free yay smack-talking you yeah at least my feet don't look like that not yet look what Montana just found there you go those are the beasts that stung us the first day oh maybe it's those they're not in the vine but the other thing I don't know it's the devil whatever it is but now we know I just feel so bad for Montana she's going home like a trooper we're gonna take zero and Pamplona it'll be a good spot to you know kind of relax a little bit so Montana and I have a kind of funny story it was funny when it happened but okay we've been pushing them to turn the lights on we go in places but the problem is some of them are located next to doors and I think Siddhant Lee ding-dong-ditch somebody don't know what that is that's when you push the a doorbell oh and then you take off from it you know kids usually do stuff like that but I hadn't no I thought it was a button for a light I mean why would the doorbells on the light switch is what this thing that makes zero sense to me so anyway you know we didn't hang around to do the right thing and say sorry we didn't mean to bring the Norvell probably because we don't know how to say that in Spanish and it would've been like real confusing to pull up Google Translate and try to say that and all that so anyway we just ran down the stairs like [Laughter] [Music] think I read people [Music] three people we have in a past five place while we were walking around pulling out of it mentioned podiatry so we made an appointment and Montana went in and they did rub out the plantar fascia and then they did some sort of like poking so I don't know if it was like a dry needling thing exactly i we don't know exactly what it was but it seems to have helped Montana somewhat anyway she was a trooper I know it hurts hush these are the walls of Old Town Pamplona that we are walking through I just think it's really cool they date back to the 16th century and the Camino is actually this path right here how crazy is it to see buildings and structures that are older than our country that's just just kind of hard to really wrap your mind around [Music] a lot of these little villages that we're walking through remind me you have something from Disney World or Epcot or I don't know because they're so beautiful and historic looking right so it's just I don't know nothing that I've ever seen before in my life it just has a completely different vibe in it and everything that I've seen that's even similar to it is just kind of like a replica so to see a place that looks like that in real life not just because it's cheese alia made to look that way it was just really cool I guess if you just go and see parts of the world other people haven't you don't really need an imagination [Music] hello Montana's playing at the church I heard that you know you can send your bag ahead right yeah that's what I did a lion from ronsis balls to be right thanks stubborn somebody told me what paja is slang for in Spanish and let's just say I won't be making that mistake again good morning another day on the Camino Francis and another night of barely any sleep there was a man last night that Montana said sounded like he was grinding pepper in his throat and it wouldn't graphic today is an exciting day because it's the whole reason Montana decided to hike the Camino and that is we get to visit the wine fountain tradition is that the pilgrims drink their wine from a shelf we had heard that it's like more special if you will if somebody gives you a shell or are you trying to went along the way but I don't know where we're gonna find one because we're not near the coast so we decided we would hold out until we got close to the wine fountains so last night we go on a hunt for shells and we found some with like ten minutes to spare at this little store that was close in at 8:00 p.m. and then we started thinking Martina was like I wish we could kind of personalize them or paint them or make them different somehow so they're not just like everybody else's shelves and at that point with about seven minutes to spare we happened to pass this little shop and there was a sign that said something about ceramic lessons on the outside of the door so we go in and the lady in there does not speak English but through Google Translate we're able to find the words to ask her if she sells paint the lady insists that we come in and sit down and she gives us some paints and some brushes and some little palate doohickeys that you put paint on and we sat there and we painted and we asked well what time do you close and she said well actually 8:00 but I'm cooking so go ahead and do your so we painted our shells and then when we got done we said well how much do we owe you and she shook her head and she said a thank you so of course I hugged her because I'm a hugger and when I gave her the thank-you because she's not hugging and we have peanut shells and they're so not very attractive probably from what most people's artistic standards would be but they're beautiful to us and our mom likes them so that's all that matters and so today we get to drink wine out of shells that are special to us and that kind of have a cool story and a cool experience behind them so anyway onto the wine fountain this wonderful man of music brought chess Montana so Oh God [Music] in the dark again I'm going to take that long in the bathroom we just checked in and so far we are the only ones in room it's not really picked this kind of partitioned off with curtains I like that this hospital has these rubbery like covers over their mattresses I say that's to help prevent bed bugs which is awesome now the blankets I see her just like at hotels they probably rarely get washed so I don't ever use these but you could bring just a sleeping bag liner and probably get by with using these blankets I just I'd rather not so I always throwing off the bed and then it looks like usually I assume when they have pillow cases that the pillow cases do get washed daily if they're used but sometimes they'll give you like little disposable sheets and pillow cases which this place actually also does that [Music] that's pretty this is the view of the neighboring village from the village right outside of our Hospital witches it's fine [Music] you're gonna tear out that fact all right no just pull it straight up you got the other one out yes it's called the the [ __ ] need eight I'm not the roll down to do it you won't break myself everybody passing today has been saying buen Camino like normal and I'm thinking move all Camino because I don't smell good and I I don't know I don't have a fever or anything I'm just stuffed up coughing I have had a little bit of a sore throat so it could be like an allergies sinus ething but the only thing is Montana has been like that for a couple days too so I don't I don't know if we both just kind of have some crud or she's got something he gave to me but it was a pharmacy in the next little village there wasn't one where we save last night plus it was Sunday so they're closed opening it there before they close for their little afternoons yes we're staying tonight in logroño because we we booked it ahead of time since there's a Wine Festival there and from what I understand at this point every day it's been getting booked up so I would have gotten us a private room just in case because don't need to be having the crud up in a bunk room it's not really fair to other folks but now we're kind of in a tight spot so we will be hand sanitizing and washing our hands and coughing in our sleep even doing the best we can to kind of stay to ourselves but yeah-huh thankfully it's kind of an overcast day so it's not just sports and hot and miserable because we are doing a little over 11 models today this is the snail home store it's a promise one we were trekking on through viana and we saw an English over to the side it said pilgrims Oasis listing vanes that they had for sale that we haven't seen in Spain and it turns out they're Canadian the folks that are running the place they have snacks and different foods and they also do the best so I talked into it outside of her comfort zone it's just like refreshing and I just I had some hummus and vegetables because I've been missing vegetables something out here serious it was a good stuff and kind of a pick-me-up that I feel like we both needed since we were kind of blah today somehow my math early it was incorrect we're actually going 12 point two miles today which will be our biggest day so far intriguingly grown so logroño is one of the bigger places for sure that we've been I don't mind this that's lame lamest photobooth ever it didn't even let us make funny faces and this is why it was lame because it's for like passwords and stuff it's not a fun photo [Music] okay Dante Tamils now that you've walked 100 miles what will you do with the rest of your life oh go back to Alabama and lay in the back you even walk 400 plus more [Music] [Music] I'm feeling so much better today and I didn't really want to admit it to myself but you know I always share the good in the bad with everything so I'm going to on this trip also and I think I was getting a little bit homesick on top of actual not feeling well sick being submerged in a completely different culture not being able to communicate well with other people going places and ordering food that I'm not quite sure what I'm ordering having people around everyday and not getting great sleep because you know people do snore they have different schedules this isn't a normal backpacking trip for me I mean there have been a lot of things that are completely different about this good and bad I think that putting ourselves in situations where we're not comfortable and as I've said before getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is important all of that to say that I think I was getting a bit homesick I think I've kind of reached a point on that where I'm like okay I was getting a little homesick and now it's time to reevaluate and just kind of change my perspective and I know that there will be a lot of positives that come from that so anyway if you've ever experienced that I feel yeah if it's not normal in general then at least I'm weird with you because that's how I feel Katie you like kitties I guess huh the restaurant is yes one table for three person people Oh [Music] we are in essentially a bit of a predicament we usually around lunchtime looked ahead figured out where we're gonna go and then we call on either vaporization or even online make a reservation but at least that way we know what we're filling up to instead of trying to plan out several days in advance they might potentially have rooms we've seen a lot of people in trial today start that night we just saw a sign back to the air for another albear game it wasn't listed in gut hook or on and they didn't answer so I don't know where we're gonna sleep tonight we might be on the park bench for real that's a taxi somewhere else but even surrounding areas I wasn't really finding anything online earlier so they tell you not to countless people spam they don't like it I mean the first couple of days we had to stay in all Vegas because we didn't have any other option but in Pamplona oh you gotta sit there I see there's nobody they want guidance noise oh god you're lucky if it's just one yes or yes that we know it looks like it was shot but yeah I probably just kicked it somebody got angry that they they were closed we got to the donation I'll bear gay and of course it's closed they're having some kind of problems so for a week they're not having anybody stay there and there were these two fellas that were sitting outside they were very sweet they since the place was closed they actually have a tent and they're gonna camp down by the river but they offered us their tent and said that they would sleep outside on the ground in their sleeping bags and we're like that's really nice but you don't have to do that so we're gonna go to the tourism office I called them they said come down there and they'll see if the next town has anything available and then we can taxi there so and if not I guess we'll be sleeping on some benches somewhere because I mean I was kind of joking earlier but we really don't have many options buenos the lights are working I don't know is that like a and you think they would tell us if they were so weird I had to call the front desk and apparently I think is in that okay so we finally made it we went to the tourism office that closed and well she said it was already closed but she would stay open for us to get there so we get there we have to leave the card in there [Music] she calls around everything is complete Oh completes already and so it means everything's fold up filled filled up full up she thinks of this place sure enough they have one double left which are looking at anyway we can't keep doing this we're gonna have to start booking ahead because with paying 45 euro 250 euro every night to have a place to sleep we are gonna be on park benches and eatin some ramen noodles that they I don't think I haven't even seen here but and they probably have them and it's not gonna be fun so we're gonna start booking Hannah Montana [Music] that's why you always bring your phone to the bathroom with you see cuz Hotel Hermia go to hotel or Mia don't eat that [Music] No [Music] see [Music] gracias [Music] What did he say are you not sure incoming ha a pine tree down fill through the ground [Music] oh this must be a man we had a really good night last night when we got to the help bear gay to start with you were just laughing with everyone because several times all of us have found ourselves stranded in the restroom with the light cut off and this has been the challenge of mine I mean I won't even be in there for a long time like just going number one and it will cut off we thought it was going to be our least favorite place and then ended up being one of our favorites more because of the experience in the environment due to the folks I know that those things sound silly but just those little moments that you can kind of laugh about something or share an experience with people or knowledge or whatever it just it really makes it but there are some things that we just don't need words for that are universal like hugs and smiles laughter and kindness it's the toilet free yes yeah [Laughter] Oh justice is my middle name [Music] traffic jam [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] guys I don't know if you can hear but she's singing I've always loved you yeah the name of the town has already held true and we're not even in it yet r.i.p little buddy Montana's being sweet and we've been around the past so people don't have to see a dead mouse [Music] little Montana is kicking my booty today she always says that the heat is her kryptonite like the freezing rain is mine but uh it's hot and she is trucking along considering all the troubles that she's had with her feet and her knees and then getting kind of creepy lack and just seeing her overcome that because as she has said before the only exercise she's ever cared about is walking to the bridge see that it's not flowing he's dehydrated Montana slightly we've been averaging about 15 miles or so per day today has been an exciting milestone because we crossed over the halfway point so we've got less than 240 miles to go right now I believe and I've heard that in Saha gyoon which is the town that we're gonna stay in tonight they have halfway compostela x' that you can actually supposedly frame but if it is something in fact that is available we'll definitely grab one or two we're on the way to get our halfway certificate Montana has on her fancy white socks for the occasion oh wait oh you're just barefooted [Music] hi-de-ho vixen here I could do without the like string like I just wanted to knock it be like she took pictures and then he looked again and he saw legs on and she said what if he was thinking why she was yelling at her get out we have to go all the way and she was moving to the heart attack and she was dying that and he's taken with the best friend of his wife that woman that was the couple which was the couple taking that day to Santiago I met them last night saina I keep having these like best albear gay stories or you know one ends up trumping another but I think that we finally stayed in my most favorite one blob uh steed and Saha goon the woman who works there will owns it she's from South Africa she ended up being one of the sweetest ladies ever I was hanging out with folks from Germany a couple others from the US one from Belgium and we were talking about just the cultural differences and just the different reasons of why some of them chose to walk one of them that stood out in particular is a guy he had no heartbeat and was resuscitated so to more or less celebrate his second chance at life he's out here walking the Camino I mean how crazy is that but that's the kind of stuff you run into out here everybody's got their own story and everybody has their own reasons but everyone is like-minded enough to step away from the rat race and come do something to explore different country religion or you know themselves [Music] giving you hungry that's cool oh this could take a while this is what Mama's mean when they say look both ways crossing the road or you'll get squished like a pancake [Music] I think my favorite part of seeing all of these cathedrals and historical buildings are the ceilings because they're all just so different and pretty in their own way and that's really what I look forward to I walk into a room and I immediately look up to see what's above me Montana says she likes the stained glass windows but yeah the the ceilings are my thing for sure now maybe that's not what you're supposed to go in and appreciate in these buildings but you know it is what it is [Music] [Music] I'm such a child [Music] it's beginning to look a lot like God Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah yeah Oh its mousetrap and there's a cat [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know the proper way to order this but Montana and I have had so much problem organ Jaco before that I it step-by-step I said let's say Kelly in table dos Caliente Cohen Chuck a latte so hot milk with chocolate and hey we got it you better go to bed Cinderella you better go home Cinderella out into the cold at least it's not raining uh is that snow on the mountain it is y'all it is cold like cold cold like trying to be winter cold in fact this morning I saw some snow on the mountains and I was like oh no and then I realized you know what I'm not trying to finish the through hack up in those mountains it's kind of nice to you know be able to not freak out and not rush cut in and just uh you know enjoy the mountains with snow from down here [Music] [Music] the clouds look bad don't they so it wasn't supposed to rain today but the weatherman lied I mean there's one right there and then like a couple right there I don't know that that is bedbugs for real though like it doesn't look like the Google image what a bug bite looks like but whoa all dude this said three in a row but that's like 20 in a row mm-hmm I think that there was probably a mosquito flying around the room last night that's what we're gonna hope it was because I woke up and I had a bite on my hand and then actually my other hand also well a few bites and that was it but I woke up and I shined my light all around looking on the sheets and stuff and the beds that we stayed on last night were wrapped in like a liner I guess the pillows could have bedbugs but they even gave us this little disposable sheets and pillowcases there I did hear something buzzing in the night it could have been a flower I could have been mosquito but that's one of the scariest things is to get well to wake up scratching because of everything that we hear we've run into several people on the Camino so far who have experienced bed bugs but anyway think it's a false alarm but it was still a little concerning in that town over there has warmth and beds and food this is a good weather only all very gay don't cry son Aurelio hey it'll be okay get out someday your prince charming will come and you won't have to scrub our clothes anymore cinderelly thirty minutes [Music] it's like cotton candy in the sky [Music] some ruins something that used to be you don't know what but their ruins you see it it's pretty though looks like a Christmas tree farm [Music] not in the plains anymore y'all oh so pretty we are approaching la Cruz de Ferro and this is where people leave a stone by the cross usually one that they've carried from home or from beginning of their journey this is like a maze tradition apparently on the Camino Frances [Music] yeah pardon me for my wife [Music] [Music] are the knees are you telling a story no okay didn't hear to quit your braces on no okay you need to take your braces off in about two years the mountains are disappearing how do you say hot chocolate we saw her okay and they're gonna heat up a candy bar for you three miles ago we'll be saving snails the whole way [Music] this is a nice room like you know but like these these I scratched too much but like oh my god yes that's I mean these definitely are not mosquitos my booty it's called down on the inside and everywhere in all the pockets and then once you've scalded everything then lay it down then yeah some straps and the Builder submerged [Music] [Applause] lighter oh my gosh hole we were joking around like looking at the water surface but only jingle keen look I think it's a bad dog [Music] I think it's it [Music] okay I'll look let your pack soak longer though the whole sleeping bag away it's staying there Hey did you come to greet us and welcome us to the you franca hi hmm oh my goodness you're sweet you're a sweet baby oh okay all right really okay T person but okay oh my goodness [Music] we got a private room for two euro I mean nine euros to beds I'm tired we caught and said what's wrong with it did you check the beds my ring here had holes in it I had stitched up my breeches and they were still kind of leakin so I just tossed them my rain jacket was leaking but both of those have already been on I believe one and a half 3x so I figured they lived their life out and I got a poncho Montana ended up sending her reindeer home and getting a poncho also so now we're gonna both look like Little Red Riding Hood when it's raining for the next few days breaking out the full wheel drive like a little troll running hey got a little hitch in your giddyup so he's probably old man yeah another province this is what mile 400 looks like soggy it wasn't supposed to rain today but it is missing right now and right in the middle of town mile 400 looks like breakfast I'm gonna go first doo-doo-doo-doo hey Justin hitting sorry is just an exciting milestone for me because we've been hearing about it from beginning Sariah is the town where a lot of people start their pilgrimage because that's all that's required to get a Compostela in Santiago from this point forward we have to get to say ghosts or stamps in our little credentials book just I guess try to validate that you actually did the miles so from from now on we have to make sure we do that so a lot of the bars that you stopped at have some of the cathedrals and it's been really fun collecting them honestly ah officially 100 kilometers left about to roll into town bright and early in the day at 7 p.m. are you ready 914 miles of ring never really done this punch of life thing until now and it's a real struggle to do it oh I'd like to just to do it by yourself so it's only word if you want it over [Music] so that's other than that it seems really nice to be aerated from underneath so you'll get sweaty and it helps I have a way of redundancy for your stuff keeping it dry in your pack but if you got a hiking buddy like mine back there then the poncho is probably good otherwise you just need to exercise or stretch your arms so that you can become more limber than I am apparently did you get yours Oh or be young [Music] [Music] we are I mentioned in Sariah that I was surprised that we didn't see a crowd because I knew a lot of folks would be starting from there but we found the crowd we've been hiking around a lot of folks today which honestly on rainy days is really kind of nice just knowing that you're not alone we're staying in an area tonight though that has several L bare gates so I don't think we'll have to stress over having a bed what's interesting to me is that you can tell who has been at this for a while and who is just starting based on just the general vibe really everyone there's a definitely a contrast the folks who have been at it for a while especially on the rainy windy windy days folks who just started are still very cheery and excited and you can see a lot in their eyes that you know they're just happy to be on this journey even if they're embracing the suck from the start and then those of us who have been out here a little bit longer are more hardened especially the ones who have been in the rain now for a week or two I can't really keep up with time so I would say that's something that's kind of unique to this pilgrimage is seeing the contrast of those who are excited because they see a light up into the tunnel and then the ones who are excited because it's the beginning of their journey this is something that we've just started being on the menu it's called Santiago ok because we're near Santiago look ya'll we've got the power strip to ourselves we could sleep in several of these beds I'm just kidding I would do that but just stay in this pool I'll bear game like the other two we're the only people here even the people who work here we're not here past 7:30 me and Montana are having a slumber party [Music] [Applause] I think this might be the coolest looking caterpillar I have ever seen check out that word we looked ahead at the next few days to kind of see what the weather is supposed to do and it's showing that for three days we'll have no rain and that's really what we're going for so as of yesterday we were less than 50 miles from Santiago so we're hoping to finish in three days including walking today we just don't want to to walk in and finish on a day that's completely cold and rainy and miserable one of the last suppers before we're officially in Santiago Monta husband saying the whole time jokingly well halfway jokingly that she's just ready for it to be done and yesterday she said to me she's like I don't want it to be over yet and she saw how far we really traveled you know she's like oh my gosh we've almost walked a whole country and I'm like yeah I mean that's the point just seeing that progress in the excitement in her to see that progress was just I don't know very rewarding for me not only because I've also experienced this myself but just experiencing it from Arzu it is Santiago Eve it is 7:00 p.m. and we're still walking because most people stop with about 12 miles to go it seems but we didn't really want to have to do 12 miles in the last day for the next week it's gonna be raining so we decided if we go six more miles we'll only have six to do to get into Santiago tomorrow and then maybe we can get our certificate and have time to explore so we're gonna probably be doing a little bit not hiking tonight to get to where we're going thankfully they allow us to check in until midnight I'll have a private room for our Santiago Eve not won't have to get up super early and no snoring and tomorrow did they feel real know Peru Montana's sad now he's okay he may be dead [Music] civilization is that you I think it was we were a little stressed because receptions appears to be closed but did you get it did you it's the final countdown there it is there - it broke our last view until we descend into Santiago oh my gosh the bells are ringing [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we decided that just walking to Santiago wasn't going to be enough for us so we are gonna walk to the starett I mean we started at the border of France so why not walk all the way to the coast Montana is pretty determined that she wants to know that she walked across the whole country before so what we're doing [Music] [Music] I just wanted to go on an adventure with my little sister that we could both enjoy I don't have children but my much younger sibling are kind of that for me in the way that I want more for them I want them to see more than I did and to do more than I did allowing her to get out and see something different than Opelika Alabama for example I seen her come out of her shell out here and learn a lot of different things and I just hope that from here on out so kind of carry this experience with her and long for more things like this but it's been great being able to share this time with her because as everyone close up they kind of branch out and do their own things and so I don't know if we'll both ever have the time to do something like this together again so all in all I'd say that my goals have been accomplished and now we're fixing to complete our steps from the border of Spain all the way we've actually walked to the coast of this insane [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mascara was known in Roman times as the end of the world so I just think it's cool not only are we gonna walk across the country of Spain for going sit in the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nobody go go go you can do it you're almost there no you can't go under the finish line he said I'm just gonna love finish line hey I got you I got you dude are you eating the finish line [Music]
Channel: Homemade Wanderlust
Views: 410,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, hiking, backpacking, hike, gear, adventure, fun, story, Appalachian, Trail, PCT, CDT, thru-hike, Auburn, Alabama, epic, climbing, canyon, national, nature, mountains, update, park, lake, trail, tents, camping, summer, University, Aubie, River, stream, Mountains, National, Scenic, Dixie, Camino
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 1sec (5461 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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