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[Music] the second episode of The Walking Dead the ones who live was simply incredible something I was a little concerned with going into it was not that it would be Michonne focused but that it would be not until the end of the episode that we would see the reunion between Rick and Michonne like we did at the end of the first episode thanks y it's something that we were able to get to 3/4 of the way through but the stuff with Michonne is simply incredible and both heartbreaking to witness you can see a different level of writing on this series like we never really got with the original show about halfway towards the lifespan of The Walking Dead I just think the writing started to fall off a little bit I think the character drama started to fade away in favor of action sequences in favor of the more astounding aspects of the show rather than the meticulous character work that was being done in the beginning of the show so that was really nice to see this kind of getting back to what I initially grew to love about The Walking Dead which was the character drama the World building with everything that's going on with the CRM that is something I have been really excited to see I love the world building of this show it's got me excited again again I fell off of this show back in season 9 when Rick left and so now this just felt like the natural progression my step back into the walking deadit Universe it reminds me in a lot of ways of The Last of Us series that came out last year on HBO The Music specifically it definitely has an homage to The Last of Us themes you can tell there's inspiration from that series but getting back to the stuff with michon now we see her perspective she was about to gut Rick they see each other and that's where we cut at the end of the first episode so now we come into the beginning of the second episode and what little I know of how the main series of The Walking Dead ended a came across these two people that Michonne rescu simply because she saw that they needed help and it's something that in this world you don't see a lot of you know people are taken advantage of so many times the weak are always hurt because the strong simply want to impose their will upon everybody and to see somebody like Michonne who's going to go out of their way to save people who need help it's refreshing to see both as an audience member and I'm sure it's refreshing to see in the world of The Walking Dead and it leads us to a group of people that I wasn't too sure about at the beginning because any time we were introduced to new Side characters in The Walking Dead towards the end I was always kind of annoyed with a lot of the new characters we would be introduced to but these characters are so refreshing to meet and I immediately grew to like and Nat he was very entertaining to watch and just to seeing the relationship that he built with Michonne I just love that and so it makes it that much more heartbreaking to witness what happens and you really see the brutality of the CRM as they come across this group of people that they have no idea who they are but in the crm's eyes if you're out inside their walls you're a threat to their organization you're a threat to what they're doing and it's simply heartbreaking to see what happens because as the nomads this group that Michonne has joined up with start traveling through a city they come across the CRM or rather the CRM comes across them I see these people and then they launched this chlorine gas it was so brutal to see the outcome of what this gas did this was a group that I really thought would make it back to Alexandria with Michonne I thought we might have a happy ending here and it was so sad to see the outcome of what happened to these people leaving only Michonne and Nat as the lone survivors of this group and then we find out why it's taken so long for Michonne to get to Rick is that they had to spend a whole winter recovering because of their injuries Michonne has now lost even more time away from her kids and more time away from Rick it's now only her and Nat and they're at such a low Point thinking this might be it and as Nat and Michonne recover Nat does tell her believe a little bit longer it's okay to go back home go back to your family and just believe a little bit longer believe that he's still out there doesn't mean you give up it just means you go home you recuperate try again later believe a little bit longer Nat he's so profound he has these Great Moments throughout the episode and you really bond with him as a character he became one of my favorite new characters on the entire show and I wanted him to last I wanted him to to make it but unfortunately this is the world of The Walking Dead and it doesn't always in happppy for everyone Nat and Michonne start their Journey back to Alexandria and as they are headed back they find the helicopter we're catching up to the point at the end of the first episode and we see who was trying to take down the helicopter the Rick was in find out it was Nat and it was Michonne we're caught up to the events at the end of the first episode Michonne takes out the CRM soldiers finds Rick unfortunately one of the soldiers was still alive and kills Nat I really wanted him to make it going forward the show is called the ones who live but it seems to be the ones we lose does that mean Rick and Michonne are the only ones that are going to live in this show we'll see we'll find out this was crazy but now we're caught up with the events after the heartbreaking loss of nat we're caught up with the events of episode one Rick and Michonne have reunited and it was so great to see those two come back together not only for Rick and Michonne but I think for deny and for Andrew Lincoln you see the two actors I think are represented here too and their reunion with each other and their chemistry unfolding and it's something I don't think I really appreciated with the main Walking Dead show was the relationship between Rick and Michonne but seeing them interact here I've got no complaints about their relationship with one another you can really see the love between these two characters and I think it is done perfect here and so it's that much more heartbreaking to both lose NP in this moment and without hesitation Rick goes kills the other CRM Soldier knowing that this person who Rick doesn't know he knows that this person is important to Michonne and so Rick does the thing that he would do in any circumstances he goes and he ends the life of the soldier and then it turns from a sweet reunion to uh Terror on Rick's face and again this is a Rick that we have not seen I don't think this is a rick we've ever seen cuz I think this is the most broken we've ever seen Rick but the closest we've gotten to seeing Rick in this scenario is how we saw him with Negan in season 7 of The Walking Dead when Rick was so broken by Negan that is the closest we've seen to this Rick here but that was still a Rick that had a little bit of rebellion stewing up inside him this Rick here that part of him is kind of being quelled you see little parts of it that come up here and there later but this is a Rick that Michonne is going to have to get used to this is a Rick that Michonne is not familiar with the Rick that she knew is no longer here and then we go from Rick having to tell her immediately hey you can't associate yourself with me if they find out that we know each other we're both dead so in order to keep you alive you got to change your name cuz they know about you they know who you are okaf for definitely did and he probably pass that information on to other people so in order to keep you safe in order to keep both of us safe and in order to keep everybody else safe that we know and we love and we cherish you got to change your name you can't pose yourself as a leader cuz now we know what an a means and what a b means if you're an a you're a leader and you're killed if you're a b you got a better chance of making it through so pass yourself off as somebody who's not a leader you can't show that you good with a sword you can't show that you were the one that killed the CRM agents we have to pass that on ASN being the one that did that you can't refer to the Walkers as Walkers because Rick calls them Walkers and that means that you would know that term because you know him I love that they do point that out that Walkers is not a universal term it is something that the Atlanta group was calling them it was something that initially Morgan was calling them and the Atlanta group was calling them because of Rick and then the alexandrians calling that because there's an extension of the Atlanta group but each group has their own term for the infected for the walkers for the biters the Geeks you know whatever you're going to call them and so I love that Rick threw that little nugget in there hey you can't you can't call him that then he says go with them pass yourself off of somebody else I will find you and so she goes through orientation she goes through this interview process now she's going by the name of Dana so you're going to call yourself Dana you're going to say you were part of a group and now you've been on your own for a while and it works so Michonne gets in she's Dana to the CRM her and Rick meet up reuniting with one another here and there in secret Rick trying to find out how's everybody how's Judith and Michonne was about to tell Rick you have a son you have another son his name is R.J she held it back and I'm very curious to see how Rick is going to react it's got to throw him through a loop this is a revelation that is definitely got to stick to him and hopefully kind of snaps him out of whatever's going in his head right now and pulls him back to the person that he was before so Michonne holds back that Revelation that Rick has a son and as they're talking to each other Michonne finds out that Rick cut off his hand and it's what Rick says I think that really gets to Michonne and he says it's one of the last times that I try to get away and she says one of the last she realizes he did try to escape several times but eventually he had to quit eventually he gave up she sees Rick as a man who gave up and that's not who she knew that's not who she fell in love with it's not the Rick that she remembered that's not the Rick she was hoping to find but you got to remember they were separated for years Rick has been with the CRM he's Poss Poss L come around to their way of thinking because at the end of the first episode Rick has basically gone all in with okaf for he's not going to escape anymore he was giving up at the end of the first episode there's going to be a challenge with Rick and Michonne going forward with how are they going to interact with one another how are they going to move forward in their relationship what's going to happen here they're at a very different point than they've ever been before and so it's really going to be interesting to see how they go forward and now to skip ahead a little bit we meet up with Rick and he enters his apartment and there sitting in the dark is Jadis and Jadis is not on his side anymore Rick is not happy to see her and we'll find out why in episode three going through this episode it was great now that Jadis is in the mix this throws a whole other wrench in the plan cuz it seems Rick is like we're going to make our way out of the CRM we're going to escape and this is another thing going back to when Rick and Michonne reunited Rick's words are I'm not with them well he was technically he was of course he's not going to be against her but he was with them he may not have been the one to release the gas on their group but when they enountered each other when Rick crashed in the helicopter he was with them so they're going to have to come to terms with what that means and how that defines their relationship and so to give my final thoughts on this episode I think it's another win for The Walking Dead Universe absolutely loving what I'm watching I can't wait to see what is going to happen week by week it's the first time I'm looking forward to Walking Dead Sundays again and that is so exciting as a Walking Dead fan somebody who used to be so into it and is now actually getting excited to get back into this universe cannot wait to see what's to come in episode 3 if I'm going to give this episode a ranking I think I'm going to give it a 4.5 out of five or an A minus on the letter scale it's not quite the five out of five like last week's episode was but I truly truly enjoyed this episode it is definitely one of the best things we've seen in the entire Walking Dead Universe the character drama is so much deeper than it's been in a long time I was grip from the beginning to the very end of this episode cannot wait to see what we got going moving forward let me know what you thought of this episode down in the comments below remember to hit the like button and subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you don't miss a single thing from this channel I hope you all have an awesome and a fantastic day and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Maeson Phillips
Views: 1,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ExJ78jvIVbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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