THE WALKING DEAD The Ones Who Live Episode 2 Breakdown | Ending Explained & Easter Eggs

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welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host Paul in this video we're breaking down The Walking Dead the ones who live episode 2 is out now and throughout this video we're going to be going through it all last week I was a bit skeptical on whether I was going to cover it but now I'm obsessed with Walkers just like Gary liner now I'm on a michon to bring you weekly breakdowns and give you my thoughts on how the series is going the new entries filled with Easter eggs lots of crap pun opportunities and references and clues about where we could be heading so come with me my partner in crime and let us make our way through the Land of the Dead let me help you remember to hit that thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe for videos like this every day by the way huge thank you for clicking this now let us get into the ones who live now we begin with a head of Walkers and get focus on one carrying petol and kerosene wearing a t-shirt shirt that says gas man let me help you around him we see an explosion happening and this walker is also used in the same way turns out that he's poter that giant H at the end of season 11 with Michonne ler trying to make her way through them now this idea of a man in an explosion starting things is symbolic for a character that we meet in the entry that is Nat who's obsessed with burning things and eventually his lighter gets given to Michonne the idea of someone helping her is represented in him and in the end she clearly wants to burn it all down brings things full from this gas man opening shot and has a much deeper meaning on a second watch from here we cutter the title sequence and then get a time Jump that takes us to six years after the bridge delivering a narration we see hmer shown somewhat mirror Rick as last week he told a story through the use of letters here we see as she recounts the main series and we get clips from what we become that episode dropped during season 10 and it was the 13th entry in the penal midseason Michonne discovered his boots and the phone which confirmed to her that Rick was still alive we then had the scene where she rescued the pair who we learn have taken her to their Community Michonne would then pop up during season 11 but we're filling in a hell of lot of stuff we didn't know now du to Michonne's skills they're desperate to keep her in the community and it's somewhat Mer's Rick in the Civil Republic they see him as someone they can use and Michonne seen more for her value than what she actually wants the cries about being back with who she loves falls on deaf ears and they constantly put obstacles in her way this includes how there's a giant Hood moving beside them and yeah he guys we've got a new name for Walkers that is the whaling which in eastern territories is meant to be spirits that and body grief and sorrow bit of a reach but there's a South Korean horror film called the whing which is about ghosts Ghouls and zombies she of course also wears a Japanese samurai costume and carries a sword a bloody a bloody badass sword now this episode's also laced with lots of Western iconography as we have a convoy traveling through the country there's the music Nat refers to picking his wagon and the group also wear ponchos the trucks in RVs circle like wagon cams and move in train like formations like those Wild West Cowboys King back's character wears a cowboy had as well and the leader got a big stars and stripes flag in the corner of her office now un likee Michonne they're happy to leave people behind and they all live by a code got me wondering if that was something that was Common Place back then cuz it was also something they did rings of power now not to bring that up mate CU I know you guys might not like it but then bloody half fooot they used to also leave people behind if they couldn't keep up Lenny Henry is swine e way she's given a horse a mama and a book for the kids and she heads out as Al lone Samurai it's here that we get the scene from the season 11 finale and watches she heads out into the Wailing this H's massive and it reminded me of one of Alphas but we see how Michonne makes quick work of them using that rocket launcher that debuted last week we see she's knocked off her horse by the gas man's head purple explosions then start to line the countryside and this attracts the Walkers to move in opposite directions it acts like a pting of the Red Sea and it turns out the Convoy want too with it normally when we're like 13 years into the walking dead or whatever it is I think it's even longer than that and they start introducing new characters I I can be as an audience member I can be like oh [ __ ] sometimes they're absolutely crap but I have to say I really like this group just nice getting a campfire scene with him and that's sort of like a standing for Eugene gu an inventor who can create explosions and yeah I think he's the stand out in this episode I did think it was a bit dasy inspired all these people to ditch their lives to go and help Rick but it at least gives michon some people to bounce off of this highlights that the group have changed their ways and now they're no longer leaving people behind we also learn the couples having a baby and it shows how these Nomads are trying to make the most of it rather than being resigned to the doom and gloomy get here now after a long night's sleep they head a Bridges terminal which reminded me a lot of the Terminus location however before getting there they're bombarded by an Apache helicopter and Shad still eded a map for pting out it's like the chlorine gases a take out out Oma they also intended to use it on Portland because it was becoming a burden that all pulls from the world Beyond including hwk who M found some similarities with an okafo okafo killed Marines to protect people which is samat HW also did as well reason is that they were getting close to Philadelphia if the crmc is a caravan of people moving North in New Jersey they're just going to eliminate them either way there's clear Illusions to things like the Blitz and mustard gas which have been used in Warfare my great grandad was actually guess in World War I and apparently he always had issues breathing even later into his life the characters can't breathe and bleed from their noses which makes it absolutely agonizing to watch it blankets the landscape and makes them flee to the mall which I believe is a clear nod to Dawn of the Dead Zach Snider then elevated things for his remake and had a pregnant woman tied down to a bed which is also mirrored here we can see that there's blood on the pillow next to her and I'm guessing that she attacked her partner and then this is how he turned really heartbreaking scene and it shows how evil a crmr as they fight indiscriminately against the group Michonne finds them all turned a dead except for who created a ring of fire with after shaveen perfume in order to protect himself plays in his backstory of creating fires and burning things and he Sparks a Aida signifying how the fire helped him we then get a scene in which Michonne recoups and recovers and she uses an oxygen mask to help with her lungs clear that the P St going stir crazy bit with not saying that this is all he's got Michelle wants him to go to Alexandria but he wrestles with this while sparking up his lighter he says he knows how it will end while staring at the flame and this could foreshadow the character's death in the future in which he's shot while the Forest Burns around him it's not a reach that's that's symbolism that and he refused to leave anyone behind but I think in reality it was him who didn't want to be left in The Walking Dead world you have to work with others to survive and I don't think any of them would have made it this far without somebody's help not know was there and thus he had to keep the others clothed which I think's another similarity that he shared with Eugene Eugene lied about who he was to be protected and Nat like him probably realized it was about strength in numbers obviously Nat's also a little person so he would rely on others and I think this is why this story about the samurai sword also falls apart Rick's trying to paint him out as being a really fearsome Warrior but clearly you know there's people who take notice of this again it's really great character and cassing and it was kind of sad seeing how he went out as they hit the road we see they use Walkers like menial workers which might be a reference to the end of Sha of the Dead coming across a cruise that you off a safe har we see how the bodies have been piled up and burned this obviously indicates that it was done by man and Michonne seems to accept that Rick might be gone in a Twist though it's n who wants it to keep pushing and he translates the message on the phones which I believe a little longer that kind of thing because he's got nothing left now that he's sort of in a position where he's the one that needs the idea of Rick as well Nats lost everything andless he's just holding on to that and keeping going means as much to him as it does here we then get a moment that brings us to current a which is where things come full circle from last week I love how this kind of f in the blanks cuz the way they left things made me think that she knew it was Rick in the chopper you seem weird that they randomly shot a chopper out the sky but them not taking any chances makes way more sense that is built a customade rocket launcher and he believes the first rocket was a dud as we know though it landed in Oka for before then going off helping to bring it down things line up perfectly and we see how Nat sends another rocket as some of them flee which leads to Michonne and Rick coming face to face remembering those CRM killed she wants to look them in the eyes and it's in that that she ends up un masking him big moment for the series and I could have happily had them in the episode there however there's still more to come and Rick knows that they won't be able to escape he's well aware of the Trap that they caught in and knows that they have to play it smarter they're just three people who are up against not well two people cuz not not goes out but yeah there two people who are up against an army and there's no way they'd be able to outrun them so Rick stages things and pins it on Nat love the detail where he also tells Micha to call them Walkers because that will give away that the pair know each other like why is everything got a different name it's so stupid but it's also one of the things that quite find it quite Charming either way we call back to the opening and we watch as she participates in an interview huge shout outs again to Matt for bringing up how similar this is to the one with Felix and she's put in a similar position to what was initially she gets a uniform like his and Thorns from episode one and we get a similar shot to how he walked out they have the truck lined up with a lug on the side and both characters walked out where we panned out to get a clearer view really good way of telling us they're in the same spot but now Rick has much more power sliding in the back Rick tells her about his hand and talks about how it was one of the last times that he tried to escape his emphasis on one of the last times there because it shows he he had given up after burning those phones michon tells him about Judith but she skips out the fact the p a son which I believe is done because she doesn't want to burden him Rick also brings up the death squads which could be connected to the world Beyond plot of the CRM studying reanimation and test subjects the lighter is given back and this carries some subtext to it as it highlights that she wants to burn this all down staring out over the complex she sees the Apache helicopters which were of course what led to all her friends deaths sparking up the flame it spells out danger and that there that there mate that's subtext the rat symbolizes obviousness now it's at this point that we get a Cod out to the entry and see that Jadis has returned during michon's rise we got cuts of a bottle being poured out with that reveal being what we get here I believe her last appearance was in the world Beyond season 2 but let me know if she's popped up in another time chronologies all over the place at the moment with this but obviously she also knows who Michonne is she knows that the sword with now wasn't his as well and threatens if they try to escape all the ones he loves will die she was never worried about Rick escaping but Michelle shows up the two of them together they can do anything she obviously lied about having a bee as well so her survival in the CRM depends on them not finding out who Michonne is it's a really thrilling scene and I think she's going to have to go because there's no way Rick's going to let her stand in the way of it she's been back and forth over her shades of morality pretty much every time she's appeared and yeah that Charlie thrown fast in the Furious Ezra Miller and fantastic Beast haircut this shows that she's fully on the dark side are we the Baddies I know she had it in the world Beyond as well mate I'm just saying mate it it's but it's a striking haircut we'll leave it there it's a striking haircut very very very military so yeah shut up yeah she's she's got to go and I'm really excited to see what happens next just throws a curveball into it and again I really enjoyed this episode I thought they might lose some steam after last week but now they kept going and that it just paid off everything from that brilliant first one it feels like the show's back on form and I hope you guys have enjoyed our coverage too and make sure you leave your your comments below please drop a like on the video and if you want to support the channel as a member of the spoiler Society then please click the join button you get early access to videos every week and it goes such a long way to helping us out going to get some heavy spoilers merch we've also got our t-shirts located just below the video that will let you pick up all kinds of tops like our the time one me and the boys Loki what whatever you want it's a go go support so yeah thanks for sitting through the video if you missed our video last week what the hell is wrong with you H but I'll let you off cuz it's on screen right now and you're going to go watch it so yeah huge thank you for clicking this I've been your host Paul I'm going to see you next time I hope and yeah you take yourself mate peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 93,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the walking dead, the ones who live, the walking dead the ones who live, the walking dead the ones who live episode 2, the walking dead the ones who live trailer, the walking dead the ones who live episode 3, the walking dead the ones who live review, the walking dead the wones who live breakdown, ending explained, breakdown, easter eggs, comics, differences, rick grimes, rick, michonne, the walking dead the ones who live episode 2 breakdown, recap, review, ones who live review, jadis
Id: 1CSfv0Mwudo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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