THE WALKING DEAD The Ones Who Live Ending Explained | Episode 6 Breakdown & Easter Eggs

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okay so the Walking Dead the ones who live episode 6 is now out and this ending explain is going to break down that finale title the last time it's packed with Easter eggs things that hint towards where we could be going and also a lot of stuff to unpack throughout this video we're going to be going through it all and also giving our thoughts on the series as a whole so come with me on a mission to get through the ones who live and please hit the thumbs up if you've enjoyed the breakdowns make sure you subscribe for videos like this almost every day as we go through all the A's and B's of your favorite franchises without the way thank you for clicking this now let's get into the ones who live are we crazy certifiable last week we saw Jadis catching up with Rick and Michonne and on her death cushion she revealed where she'd hid the file throughout the series we learned that she'd caught them in 4k an info on Alexandria was hidden in her room in the event of her untimely death is would then be found and lead to the location being destroyed pones just realized those f got to go so the pair headed back to the CRM they're now engaged about to be enraged and hitting up Cascade but I'm not a rapper now we've had teases throughout the series about the big Echelon briefing in which all the heads are going to get together this is something that happens in the episode with us finally learning the truth of what's going on now that should be fully caught up and that takes us into episode 6 now we begin with a little love nest and some quotes from from the show the first of these having wrecked before we cut into michon's interview from there we jump to the CRM next we have alap for and then Jadis Nat and lastly Beal not only did the quotes Chronicle the season but the items we catch on the table do as well for example as the tasty nuds from last week and the map from the Escape Plan there's also a bottle of Black Label and two glasses which calls back to J this's arrival in the show this kind of felt like a symbolic scene of the pair together but I liked how it worked literally as well it ends with the proposal which is how we closed out last week and we then cut to Rick and Michonne kissing as they go through the plan now if you're wondering how they got the clothing back well I'm pretty sure that Michonne's wearing Jadis his armor he can catch the three stripes on her arm which Jadis also had last week we then cut to Rick Rolling In like his name's Ashley in the voice over he talks about the burning and fires semiat appeared repeatedly throughout the season last week we talked about all the instances so I don't just want to rehash that and you should have been here if you don't know what I'm talking about but fire is something that's symbolically shown up time and time again Rick's Farm Story was about how his father burned the crops in order to start again which is something that the end up doing with the CRM back at base Thor can't believe he's back and he States Michonne pushed him out the helicopter and saved him as we know this ended up crashing but I felt like it was on a symbolic level as well we sh save Rick from being stuck in this trap but it's clear that thorn wants to remain in it she talks about how giving up can be a strength and it shows how submissive people can become for safety this this is something that we've seen in real life with several social studies showing that people will often give up freedom in order to be safe whether it's governments having more surveillance over the population or monitoring messages we all go with it because deep down people believe it's going to protect them Rick almost fell victim to that too and Thorn sees herself as belonging because she's been promised power now I've actually been rereading children of June and there was a passage in it that I think lines up pretty well with why the CRM killed the A's it talked about how when there's an impressive government that all Rebellion has to be stamped out quickly if leaders manage to establish themselves then people will follow them and this has a knock and effect that will lead to those in power being Ed if you're a leadership and you don't have any other the leaders then there's no one else for the population to follow therefore people have to remain loyal to you because you're their only option just sort of talk about that cuz I know that there is a lot of people confused over the whole killing the A's thing but that passage stood out to me and made sense in the context of this show also I get to talk about June again which any excuse I'll bloody take it now outside we see Michonne stealthing her way in and doing parkour to get through the defenses arriving at jus' room she finds the info inside a metal cat which is of course what Jadis used to make with the Scavengers this is similar to the one that michon got for Carl and it also highlights certain things about Jadis Jadis or rather an this was the true side of her and Anne was the good side who wanted to be an artist I think putting Alexandria inside the shows it was close to her heart and it's clear that she didn't stop thinking about the colony we of course also have that picture of Gabriel and it highlights the other side to her this one out in the end and she told Rick and Micha where the secret was hidden rather than dying and dooming them to destruction not like they needed to find it in the end anyway cuz everyone gets killed and the CRM completely changed their policy so side plot looking back was a bit pointless now the arrival of Gabriel last week had people going back through the timeline to see if my guy had cheated on Rosita tried desperately to find the Tweet going through everything but there was a user who worked it all out they said that Gabriel hadn't cheated and this is because Rosita died one day before retirement and then after this we had a time Jump of one year Jud to Michelle mentioning how long she was in the mall or or Rick saying how long he was at the CRM we know there's also been a couple of years to add to it so technically the kiss happened after her death so no guys he didn't cheat I'm glad it was you in the end I'm glad I was you at the end whoa whoa whoa what what what you mean by that Ria don't die don't bloody yell don't die on Eugene I'm glad it was you in the [Music] [Applause] end now we'll talk later on about how I think Gabriel could be brought back down the line but I think his return was done for a reason we find Beal reflecting Rick from the stud of the season with him protecting the wall he also refers to him and Rick is the dead calling back to Rick's famous speech from the show that we are The Walking Dead Beal to me sort of represents the fature that Rick could have if he chose to have an insulated view the idea of Beal being in opposite of the alexandrians is also shown in Jadis his room he's on the other side of the pillar to Gabriel and both represent the two choices that Jadis could have taken now in a similar sort of scene setup to what we've had in the series we have be looking at the camera and explaining things to the audience we've had this long star down in several of our characters with it being one of my favorite directorial choices in the show here be asks what the worst thing Rick's ever done is with us getting flashes of a murdering Shane and tearing a guy's throat out personally I believe it was him leaving the show cuz some of them Seasons after mate they they were a bit rough no had to give him the echelon briefing and he wants him one sheaths a sword from the Revolutionary War belonging to Mera this was a man who was famous for saving a city Mera died but be said earlier in the season that he believed he was on the right side this is something he brought up with Oka for and it of course reflects what be is trying to do this season he then goes into his pass and talks about how he fought in Vietnam which is another loss that may set up how he views Warfare be thinks the message and how a changes the world is more important than the Victory and thus he doesn't mind taking the eles he sacrifices home in Pittsburgh in order to save Philly and he understand sacrifice Rick recounts the farm story but we also saw him cutting off his hand in order to escape AP I think that metaphorically this is what the season's about with them being willing to get rid of something in order to go forward now from this point we see Michelle picking up a stuffed bunny which is something that's appeared throughout the show there's big theories about what they really mean I won't go into Theory time H but Lydia graci and Judith they've all had one with the same Etsy store owner even making them for the show it's thought that they're meant to be a sign of Innocence that children possess this is why Michonne remembers her kids at this point and it highlights the future that they're fighting for however the way the CRM want to use kids is more like a resource and it's clear that the ones who live will be forced into their civilization a scientist predict that humans have 14 years left to live before things come to a close however in the end the CRM seemed like they're going to be helping people which might actually allow Humanity to thrive they have the full might and resources of what's left of the military and can now use this to guard and protect that's originally what the Army should have done and we know from fear that there was at least an attempt at it however Oka fall showed that the Army would going in to kill the humans and th he ended up killing them I think the fact that the CRM also wanted to destroy major cities is probably what made him start going against them and putting his own team in place still a lot about him that we never got cleared up but let me know below exactly what you think this map shows Portland which according to the world Beyond Wiki has 87,000 people there World Beyond had survivors going there to warn them an attack was coming and we know this show set after that you see Jay disappeared at the end of it and with her death being in the show it straightens out the timeline this city is supposed to be part of the alliance of the three which is team with Philadelphia and Omaha as we know though the CRM attacked Omaha which went against their joint protection agreement now it's all just about evacuating the kids so there's a future and then destroying the city so the greater hle can go on it's pretty chilling but Rick refuses to leave people behind and thus be's got to go it's all falls flag attacks and again another coming on government and how manipulative those in power can be Rick knows longterm that Alexandria will be hit though and they'll either be killed or forced into their ranks thus he ends up taking down be adding to a long line of people that have been cut in the show I kind of feel like Beal should have had guards on the door or something but no also I really wanted Michonne to sword fight Beal anyway Rick triumphantly says he's not dead which is a line he's repeated throughout the show going against his last speech trying to sneak his body out it all ends up kicking off after he reunites with Michonne creating a not inspired explosive the pair end up with a thorn in their side here they head out to the meeting and you can't catch blue and green canisters in the back these actually appeared in the credits right at the star and I had been wondering for a while what they were so it's nice they finally clear this up D also heads out searching for them and on a whiteboard we can catch a line that says PPP exception this is the n of the triple P card which has been one of the big mysteries in the show this was first introduced back in season 7 episode 6 with Tara coming across it it then appeared in Tales of The Walking Dead and and has been a big mystery in the franchise gimple teased that we will learn about how this all ties together eventually and I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you think it could be due to it being an exception it could also highlight there's another hierarchy in the CRM I do feel like there's other stuff out there and it'll be interesting to see just how they continue to develop them inside stories using Beal and the guard from the LIF they create an improvised explosive timer but as they make a run for it Thorn then shows up throughout the series we've been predicting that it would come down to this with it sort of playing off the scene from episode one however I felt like it was going to be a choice where she allowed them to escape and this is because it reminded her of who she had out in the world she turned her back on that person which I think would have closed out her AR well but they just had it so she was shocked at be being dead I think she just represents someone who's given up on love and how that hope is ultimately what lost it for her in the end she does say that Beal was wrong but I felt like they could have done a bit more writing wise even though the performance was pretty good no yeah how that tank thing saved them from the explosion though and yeah going to need some science person in the comments to explain how they're still alive think that think that arm of the wearing might be plot all may and that goes for the grenade Rick PS and the gas cuz earlier in the season that was burning people's eyes and yeah I I just felt it was a little bit inconsistent at this point we get a broadcast voice over explain the crm's changed its policy and that people can come and go freely this completely changes the demeanor of the CRM but whether it's good or bad remains to be seen the scientists of course predicted Humanity didn't have very long and it's going to be interesting to see if they managed to rebuild the world we get some memorabilia and also the name Tito which was of course a code word that Judith and Michonne used the pair end up going back to Alexandria in like name only I think they probably ran out of budget at this point and just had to film it in a field rather than going to the location what really matters though is Rick's being united with his kids and not only is he back with Judith but he also gets to meet RJ he's someone who built him a a hero in his mind but Rick's gone back and forth over whether he lives up to this call of course still hangs heavily over the character I think with RJ he can find somewhat Redemption he was the one that red terrible things for and though he couldn't save them he could save RJ also yeah you forget how quickly kids grow up in it I looked at a video from mine last year in DM me time flies mate was a powerful reunion though and RJ rocked his dad's hat without of course being like call two he says he knew he'd come back because believed and this of course builds off the back of the beli little longer saying that was etched into the phones and that closes out the series as the chopper takes that Aid to other Communities going forward I feel like these side seasons are probably setting something up big and that eventually we'll get an Avengers style team up for example the Daryl Dixon show's got a season two and that's going to be dropping at some point in the summer Norman readers confirmed this on his Instagram story and he also revealed the title of the season that's going to be called The Book of Carol and no prizes is for guessing who's going to show up in that you might remember that originally the first season was going to be the pair but Melissa McBride ended up dropping out however looks like the band's Getting Back Together which I think teases that what's going to be coming personally I believe we're going to be getting all these spin-off shows before a big final one where everybody teams up that's why I feel Gabriel was brought back and it teases that Alexandria is going to return too will be interesting to see if we get a final final final final season of The Walking Dead that finally pulls the whole thing together I think in General right I think that it's a bit difficult to end zombie related properties which we tend to see in a lot of different films pretty much all zombie movies close out up and ended because it's difficult to close things out properly only one I can fully think of was 28 Days Later but even that got opened up with a sequel so I think they're probably going to build to that and then finally be like we stop the Dead reanimating the world can return just depends on how much they want to milk it out for and how much of the audience remains obviously let me know below what you think but as my thoughts on the season you know what I enjoyed it the spin-offs have been kind of Hit and Miss for me and though I've kept up on them they've not been much watch for me that's why I didn't bother doing the show from the jump but that first episode really got me on board I still don't think the series quite managed to recapture the high of that though we did have a lot of good moments I do think the first half of the season was stronger than the latter part though and that I'm still being like that was The Dawn I think the season was kind of weird and as of making this breakdown they had haven't announced a season 2 yet but I think there was a lot of hesitation when they were putting this together kind of feels like they wanted to do a season 2 and maybe put things in place where the CRM would be the big bad I could even have seen beel becoming there too and have all the heroes have to team up to beat him felt like they were going that way as well but then they didn't know if they'd be getting another go so they didn't really want to leave it open-ended but also didn't really have enough time to give us a killer CRM story with Rick and Michonne I think they dropped the ball a bit with how things wrapped up you know it was big waste of B's character and to me it was a weaker finale to close out what had been a strong show we see this happening a lot with these six episode series as well and obviously a lot of the Disney stuff's been victim to it too but yeah there are things to to like personally and I think overall you know though the finale let me down this probably is still my favorite of the spin-offs so far I don't know looking back on it if it's going to be one that I highly recommend um but if you're still interested in the direction that they're going obviously I think it might be worth you checking out just to see how things happen with Rick obviously I'd also love to hear what you think on it so let me know below your thoughts on the series please drop a like on the video and if you want to support the channel as a member of the spoiler Society then please click the join button get early access to videos every week for just 99 cents a month which goes a massive way to helping us out you want to get some heavy spoilers merch we've also got our t-shirt line below the video and that 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Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 142,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the walking dead, the ones who live, the walking dead the ones who live, the walking dead the ones who live episode 6, the walking dead the ones who live trailer, the walking dead the ones who live review, the walking dead the wones who live breakdown, ending explained, breakdown, easter eggs, comics, differences, rick grimes, rick, michonne, the walking dead the ones who live episode 6 breakdown, recap, review, ones who live review, the walking dead the ones who live ending explained
Id: -ozfCJVHuKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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