THE WALKING DEAD The Ones Who Live Episode 3 Breakdown | Ending Explained & Easter Eggs

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welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host Paul in this video we're breaking down The Walking Dead the ones who live episode 3 is out now and things are heaing up with the CRM we're now officially halfway through the season and it's been nice watching Rick and Michonne falling for each other he falling for each other anyway we're going to get into it and continue our breakdowns of the series every week please hit the thumbs up if you've been enjoying them so far and make sure you subscribe to never miss a video without the way thank you for clicking this now let's get into the ones who live so the episode begins years ago on the Streets of Philadelphia like a Springsteen classic panning along her feet we see the shoes of Rick Grimes which are tattered bruised and bed this is a far cry from his military uniform and it shows how much his positions changed there he's given a new hand to hit the thumbs up with r here they're second class citizens entering the city he looks up at the windmills which are used to bring power into Philly they pop up later on at the 45 minute Mark and we can see them in a bit eyze shot as we look over Cascadia these obviously wouldn't just be put up in the middle of City so it shows the resources that the Civil Republic have they can quite easily build something up like this highlighting that they're incredibly resourceful Rick's completely blown away by it and shout outs are edit a m for pointing out how it echoes Negan when he was first taken to the Commonwealth the way Rick looks up here is also mirroring a shot from the pilot in which he looked up and then saw a helicopter this was obviously the beginnings of the CRM setting up things that have now led to this the season 2 finale also opened with the same Chopper that eventually led a her to Hershel's F so throughout the show constantly sense the CRM and this shot is sort of like poetry they Rhyme now Rick then begins to walk through the streets which is later married with michon that comes at about the 30 minute Mark and she looks up at the windmills in the same way we've had lots of reflections of them walking the same path with a shut of Hill last week being drafted in we learn this is a special place for Rick as he's where he used to visit to remember his lost love really poignant moment that will'll talk about later on and it's here that he also comes across Jadis these two women symbolize different things and and Jadis represents the future with the CRM Michonne on the other hand represents freedom and they're both pulling him in opposite directions also find it funny how Jadis was up for sleeping with him and that kind of put on shaky grounds with Michonne I lay with him after you care we learned that she made sure that she was there for his orientation and I do kind of wonder if it's more than just a professional interest I say what you're doing there love and here she still appears like a normal person and hasn't got the uniform or the Fast and the Furious fantastic Beast haircut she brings up how her group used to work with the CRM and how she trade both leaders and people with them last week we saw a real dichotomy as Michonne was interviewed by two different groups the nomads saw her strength as a weapon and were more than happy to get her involved on the flip side of this she had to hide that from the CRM and pretend to be a b as they shut down A's ain't that a b and jadus mentions the CRM had an outreach program for resource exchange which is similar to Jesus recruiting people to Hilltop wear that Jadis traded Rick to get away from kimon and she sees the Hope in the CRM she says they have a 500-year plan and are the best way to restart civilization M also pointed out that she says the CRM can't operate in the CRC which calls back to the newspapers in the world Beyond they show that their rule was eroding and Rick and Michonne may be the ones to bring it down could to the apartments after the crash and we then see a difference in Rick whereas he's close got it with Jadis he's open and trusting with Thorne and is far more forthcoming with who they've just brought in this includes her status as an A and Rick wants to make sure she gets classed as a b Rick also realizes he's emotionally compromised and it might give it away if he starts crying and hitting subscribe which everyone should do thorn is also of course a mirror of Rick as she had someone out in the real world that she wanted to get back to however she focused on her future in the CRM or as Rick wanted to be back with his family we then culminate with our third scene tiies all together and rejoin Jadis with her Simple Jack haircut she knows that she'd be forced to kill Rick if he escaped and also that she could get in trouble for saying he's a b if it was an a that made their first Escape everything would come crashing down and jadus would be in deep [ __ ] just like her haircut I ain't going to lie I'm getting cooked now last week I was like ah she's got a go mate but Jadis she's playing 4D chess she's basically done what I do which is where I carry around a letter on me all time saying Ryan ER did it if something happens to her a file exposing Rick will be found and it means that all those from his group will like end up dead yay we've seen arthus they are and scottm gimple explained last week why they dropped the gas the reason is that they were getting close to Philadelphia if the crmc is a caravan of people moving North in New Jersey they're just going to eliminate them Jadis also calls herself a Believer which might be what the BNB stands for she's fully indoctrinated though and thinks 2 A's working together is something that could lead to the CRM falling I kind of thing I might know how this is going to happen and that takes us in a theory Grimes Theory Grimes Theory crimes so last week when Michonne was with Nat he clearly explained how to make purple gas the purple light what was that I had the chemicals in my red wagon I got a lot of toys in there and uh the fuel is out there you know this was an explosive that could attract the Walkers and I think it was dropped in for michon to use come further down the line she might use it to attack the CRM and this could be something that then attracts a herd this could flip the script on how the helicopter LED one to hers and bring things full circle from That season 2 finale anyway that's in the Grimes the Grimes the gri now from here we could to the title sequence and now see the pair reunited with the logo episode one only had Rick whereas episode two just featured Michonne here though we get to see them both together which I think is a nice way to handle it we then cuted the wall we saw Rick at in episode one and get further mirroring with her continuing his job Walkers are HED in by a big truck with speakers on and a set of horns with bright yellow lights these are similar to the thing that they push later on which also draws in the walkers from the forest the sign above the wall is for the United States post office and we see that this truck is one of theirs Michonne uses the name do which is something Judith used for her in season 10 episode 11 Dao is actually a short Japanese sword so it makes sense with michon being like a samurai we see Rick as a record of 68 Walkers with his name being up on the wall guy was clearly an a clearly and this is why I was at the top but it's something that the CRM they just don't see this is likely because of how trusted Jadis is and yeah you can see how the entire reputation rests on her shoulders now a lot of Michonne scenes here reminded me of the last of us with this being a similar job to what Joel had a coworker CLE remarks on how good she is which could also have made her suspect that she was an a the disruption charges ends out in the background and later on they're using the Escape she once more demonstrates that she's the [ __ ] and keeps up the act by purely ignoring Rick go to okaf for's funeral and we see be and she's sword from the Revolutionary War he was a legendary figure who was two killed in the conflate and it could highlight what's going to happen to Beal I feel like this is setting up a sword fight down the line cuz Hey they've got a sword here Michonne's got a sword you guys know what to do Let Them Fight Beal is also fascinated by history and he brings up the word ficon this means the disease and the Cure which he says is how he feels about Rick Rick is the poison in the CRM society and Rick's group has always caused issues Hilltop Alexandria they all had a nice time and then Rick grp showed up and it all went to [ __ ] actually think though that it's more like the CRM who I believe are working on a cure there secret knowledge that the hups have which may also tie into the world beyond the CRM of the disease because of how they go about it and they're happy to exterminate people at will however though if they get the Cure then all those that will be lost could justify the cost Thor brings up how she sees the bigger picture now and probably realizes that they're way more important the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few and it's a big direction to take things that was hinted to us with Ela 4 Oka 4 said that Rick could stay in the CRM and the work there would protect those outside of it and it would mean more than if he went back to them I think the only way to end the Walking Dead Saga is to probably hint that they have got a cure sure you could have them just going on forever and ever and ever but I I think if they want to close a book on it properly then they need to at least tease that she discusses how she was capsized and a go ship went by which was a cruise liner this could be what we saw last week but that might be a reach either way ala for to her aboard and though he thought she was an a he still ended up recruiting her this sums up how instantly sus out Rick was but he had other plans in place dor is clearly loyal to him because he saved her life and it's sort of similar to how Rick might feel with Jadis I felt like Rick's little salute was a bit more of a one just done for the show Raz hers was way more formal this is further alluded to when the pair in private with him not really giving a [ __ ] about doing it and we discover that she's been promoted and then C to her arriving at Ricks she then drinks from the same bottle as Jadis suly showing us they're part of the same mindset Dawn tells them all the decision makers will be in the same place soon and this could be setting up a future attack on them Theon definitely seemed like she wanted to burn it all down last week and fire is something that appeared throughout the series there was of course the fire from the bridge explosion that started this and Rick cutting off his hand was when he was surrounded by fire then there was the gas explosion in episode 2 which featured n constantly sparking up the lighter the title sequence also appears like Fire 2 and there is this idea of burning throughout the show however the characters Z Thorn will obviously want to stop this from happening as she knows what's really going on up there might have found the last phone with Flappy Bird on it and if that's the case then this was all worth it I also feel like those helicopters michon so are going to come into play as we of course now know that Rick's able to Pilot One say they get that purple gas and fly over where the heads up are you know that's going to lead to a pretty big scene and I'll give you another theory time but then Rick starts digging out his own plans and due to the or in the map we can tell this is what he's going to use for Michonne a about was something he tried to use as a means of Escape before and it may be another path that they have to take down the line however I'd love it if it was actually a rick with a teer on the front a little trick and when they went looking for them they found all these plans these could mislead them and they'd follow them instead and it would lead them in the completely wrong direction you also not understand the disruption charge time in this place in a Michonne's first Escape Plan bangs and Thunders are often used in prison escapes and it was of course a big pot of sh Shank Redemption that was directed by Frank Gabon and guess what he went on to work [Music] on now fromo we could have set up a their plan and he just wants michon to get out it's far too risky for Rick to leave and he used a dead body he found that he said lied to make her look like she died going under the bay she discovers a wire trap and comes across Spring Gardens this is a real Philadelphia location which is a nice bit of attention to detail michon refuses to return home without him but we do get a fake out where it seems like she left Rick makes it seem like he's done what Jadis asked and she's kind of glad cuz it seems like she's after that Rick dick so hot right now sort your hair out love and we can talk but Michonne hasn't left think she probably even beats Rick's record and this allows her to get into the CRM now that out of view scenes are a polar opposite to last week but Rick shows he's accepted he can't escape the burning of the phones are symbolic and still stands in place with fire representing that this entry is about Michonne realizing that she can be free but all she has to do is take a little leap Michonne then comes across the screen screen shots and we learned that he was also trying to remember Carl Rick was the one who started trying to forget her and the atist told Rick to believe a little longer just like Nat this inspir said I hope he can be saved and Thorn takes it awaya for spoke to them in episode one it's clear here this is where his wife was as Thor explains that this is what the city could have become it was bomb and Oka for saved the day and he brought them here to show he was willing to disobey orders it's also explained that A's can't survive in the city as they're just too Restless it's sort of like how some soldiers can't rest after coming back from war and it reminds me of the portrayal of Jeremy Rena's character in The HT Locker it's further proof that the A's are poison and the CRM can't maintain order if they have chaos she's then invited to Cascadia which seems to be near Portland and shells are expensive and significant their resources are they can travel easy from east to west which is kind of the scale I hopeful with the Commonwealth I do wonder if they will do the Commonwealth storyline of michon finding her daughter which may be where we head with season 2 we do know that originally they one of three wreck movies but that might change to just being three seasons not sure what's going on but Thorne does point out that they have an emergency button that is basically like sending out an Uber request hitting it will signal any helicopters within 300 miles and this will likely be used in an upcoming entry think it would be crazy if Rick was the one who pressed it because this would allow Michonne to get away he'd have to really sacrifice his position and it would be to save her and then they could come back and do something for season two if we get it if we get it which I hope we do cuz it's good softball out in the forest we see his michon's told to stay back but she ends up disobeying the order this again highlights she's an A and she's joined by Rick it shows that the pair can do anything together but she's drawing way too much attention to herself Captain bloody [ __ ] block almost ends up shooting her and she berates Rick for bringing her in highlights that idea of a farmer con and Thorn worries that if one disobeys that it might Inspire others that takes into another theory time a theory Grimes a theory Grim I lied when I said there wouldn't be more you sucker you idiot so Thor was obviously the reason that Rick didn't Escape as she pretty much forced him to return to the base I think with them both making a break for her that we're going to get a similar scene that happens down the line Thor is likely going to be sent after them and I think she might be the one who ends up catching them I think though we'll get a further repeat of that scene towards the end but she'll make the choice to let the pair go she really needs to put herself in Rick's shoes and think about what she would do if she was in his position don't want to see her May them go back and that's in a the Grimes the Grimes called it that cuz of Ricky Grimes you sucker at the base Rick basically has a devil and angel on his shoulder with Jadis being the one pulling him to the side he berates Michonne and T will send her home but she's the one who ends up forcing him to go with her grabbing him and jumping out the chopper we see as they then disappear into the night and I think you forgot your parachute love H but it's clear that Michonne doesn't think that she can survive this in a voice over to Judith she implies they might not be back and we're going to have to see if they jump the Shar next week don't know how they're going to explain how they survived this like maybe they they have a parachute on board or or maybe something else is going to happen now just a disclaimer I make these videos without the next episode trailer being out so yeah if you know then please drop it below either way I think the show is going to shift gears and we're going to see our heroes on the Run that's normally the second part of a prison break story and it makes sense to have that in the second half of the season now for who else could be showing up I wonder if Morgan's going to appear as his last appearance in fear had him saying this remember that friend thought we' go look for him this message is for Rick Grimes man I'm going to come and look for you whether you're at Alexandria or not he could end up showing up at some point and I'm not going to do a theory yeah cuz I stole it from Ryan Ary but if you watch this video you know who I stole it from and go over and tell him he's a sucker as well anyway I thought this was another solid episode and at this point we're now three for three it'll be interesting to see how the Dynamics change next time as we're heading in a different direction for the series let me know below what you think's going to happen as I'd love to read all your comments and theories please drop a like on the video and if you want to support the channel as a member of the spoiler Society then please click the join button to get early access to videos for 99 and it goes such a long way to helping us out going to get some heavy spoilers merch we've also got a t-shirt line located below the video and this has just got lots of things like a crap Theory time we'll do a theory Grimes one if enough for you buy the theory time one I promise you that now if you want something else to watch you've got a breakdown of last week's episode so if you missed that one then go and check it out but out the way huge thank you for sing through the video I've been your house Paul you've been the best and I'll see you next time take care peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 100,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the walking dead, the ones who live, the walking dead the ones who live, the walking dead the ones who live episode 3, the walking dead the ones who live trailer, the walking dead the ones who live episode 4, the walking dead the ones who live review, the walking dead the wones who live breakdown, ending explained, breakdown, easter eggs, comics, differences, rick grimes, rick, michonne, the walking dead the ones who live episode 3 breakdown, recap, review, ones who live review, jadis
Id: X8peSDx5En0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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