Inside The Ones Who Live feat. Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira | Show Me More | AMC

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great let's go damn it this is so good people are going where have you gone it's driving us mad she needs to follow this Trail and find her man it was incredibly difficult emotional territory we had long planned to make sure that we completed the story it was really really powerful to be reconnected I love how we start the series because it's such a Walking Dead way to do it hi we're back he's chopping off his hand I pitched for the hand to be chopped off we finally get on handed Rick it's an epic love story I'm all in for Rick and Michonne they kick ass it's Rick and Michonne it's the most special story you could possibly tell that's left in the apocalypse when you're willing to step into dire circumstances because you believe you can overcome them and you're with someone who thinks exactly the same that's a pretty powerful Duo that is the magic of the Ron this is some crazy love I just have to sort of look into her eyes and then off we go how does it feel to be back in The Walking Dead Universe you know amazing it's an epic love story with a lot of Gore really the show is Titanic with zombies it was so rooted in a love story in this very unusual unexpected scenario this is my last one the last Le letter I write to you that you'll never see please just know I tried there's quite a lot of needles to thread in this story because we have two characters that have left the mother ship my name is michon that we have to sort of catch the audience up to I lost someone years ago it's very wonderful Rich storytelling process which just allows you to really exercise every part of yourself heart soul body guts and girded by great writing it is a very very cool journey to be back on I couldn't get away I couldn't get back to you I love you it has been a long time coming we're talking five 6 years of leaving breadcrumbs in shows Across The Walking Dead Universe things get in the way Co all types of things figuring out the right format for how it comes to the fans and comes to life again it's always been a question we knew we needed to answer of what happened to Rick where did he go will Michonne find him each step we took giving seeds of the world Rick's to arure it was evolving as we went Den I and Andy and I we didn't want to stop telling the story this is something that all three of us did together you know I've played this character for so long and sort of bent him and stretched him in so many different ways that he feels very very familiar to me but this is a different story that we're telling here it's a different Rick it's a Rick that a lot of people are going to feel surprised by I hope we have to get him to a place that is pretty broken and dismantled before the lovers meet each other you've spent the entire first episode with Rick you haven't seen Michonne except in a dream and then this crazy thing happens at the very end where he's shot out of the sky and of course it turns out Michonne did it it's kind of [Music] amazing at start of the series Michonne is on a very specific task she needs to follow this Trail and hopefully find her man that dve in Michonne is huge her love and her faith won out and broke through I got a call from Scott gimple and he asked me to design armor for michon it's an incredibly distinct costume Deni was very involved in making choices I offered many options by the time she saw it come to life she was thrilled I've always had a cape on michon when I introduced her she was wearing a big hooded Cape the Duds that we incorporated come from the belt that she always used to wear and the colors are just so quintessentially michon purple leather and all these beautiful colors that we introduced when we very first saw her so I want to use all of those same elements that we've seen over all the years and bring it all into one piece the dreads and the katana is the coolest combination of things I've ever seen in my life if you could have an Apocalyptic Zombie set that's it it's great to be back into her body it's reconnecting to the this world and to the stakes and to the ways that I exercise that are the ways that her body moves and getting back into the fullness of her Humanity Michonne what she's doing traveling the world looking for her lost love believing he's alive is inspiring she has from the very beginning really believed that he was not gone forever and that he had not died she is not letting this go until she either finds him or finds his dead body those are the only two options for Bon the reunion of michon and Rick it was incredibly emotional we have a few people on the crew here are huge huge fans of the show and you know got a little teary oh my God there's there's been tears shed the reunion of these guys have been in the hopes forever we all cried I you that's an epic Love Story sort of scene to have michon and breathing the same air again is one of the most exciting things and working with deny is so effortless because we share so much history and we both really really care about telling the right story for these characters I just have to sort of look into her eyes and then off we go Rick and michon have always had a really strong connection and chemistry and their love for each other so Andy and I loveed to get in that sandbox and bring them to life it was really really powerful to be reconnected and when some people are kind of interlocked in that way been working together for so long they're just kind of like gears and that's why you have to be ready with multiple cameras to be able to capture whatever moment they give you and they give you gold almost every time when Rick sees Michelle his world is upended again and hers is too oh sorry tight Rick had difficulty taking his helmet off when he needed to kiss Michonne he rips the helmet off and every time it was kind of catching him bless him he didn't complain but he just suggested that maybe we don't take the helmet off every time you not you know I've got big nose and quite a big jaw and a big chin and it was a tight fit I think and so it kept catching on my cheek B you but it is what it is I got a little boo boo it's fascinating to watch deny work I think Deni feels her emotions very physically so then you see between tap she has to kind of just recharge by being very still and quiet hey Mark take Mark filming in February in New Jersey it's not been without his challenges we had Sunshine rain and snow all throughout the afternoon we were shooting that scene the weather kept changing it was crazy I think we had about four seasons in one hour you know and by the end of the scene we had snow falling I mean it was just bizarre the Christmas show now your seasonal favorite I think Andy actually quite enjoys embracing the suffering so like sometimes he's there and he's clearly got fewer layers than he should have on he's like no this is good this is good he is never going to say oh I you know I I'm not going to kneel on the ground cuz it's wet and it's cold he will always give his all for the sake of the story the weather matches the moment dramatically and there is something romantic about snow it definitely turned out beautifully and you really feel the emotion of the moment which is the most important thing so even if you see a little bit of snow in the background of a couple shots it's you know part of shooting outside you just got to keep going we take care of the story we take care of each other and we trust the process of how to find the story together we capture something that was real and true once it's all put together it will live up to the expectations of these two characters colliding so unexpectedly again in the world I pitched for the hand to be chopped off it was my call Andy's reaction was Glee and everybody else's was hor it's such a walking day way to start it's like hi we're back he's chopping off his hand I hope starting the first episode with that moment that the fans are just like oh my God he got off his hand the moment that I did it I thought this is the most idiotic call I've ever made I thought he was crazy but it's worked because I think it's added a very cool physical layer to the character that maybe the audience hasn't seen before it's something we've obviously talked about over the years because it happened in the comic book we finally get one-handed Rick you know it's cool actually I'm glad we did it now we wanted to show the lengths this guy had gone to to try and get home you did this to get away it was the only way it's a huge production challenge anytime you're trying to hide an appendage that is actually there but in story is not there is just difficult we have two different Prosthetics that the audience will see for most of the series we have the primary one that was made by Greg Niko's team at canb ax needed to look like a weapon that a soldier could have but not a weapon all the time so it's got the secret knife that comes out the top of it there's a hard one and a soft one and it has a hidden zipper so he can zip it on and off I have a bunch of different blades so like bfx versions different lengths we'll work a lot with the weapon making sure that that animates out and in in a very smooth way and feels as sleek and smooth as the aesthetic itself so this is rubber this guy the rubber fist the very first day on set Andy was Shackled and there was a key for it she put this little key in the thing and it broke off and I panicked and she went oh my God I'm fired he was so sweet about it he was like it's okay we'll figure ited out you know it's going to be fine that moment I went I love this girl that was our very first first like interaction he enjoys telling that story to everyone on the crew which is great I did a stupid thing we had this fight scene with okaf for it was a nine-page emotional fight scene that was on day three and I didn't put anything under the Rubber and I got rashed like anything cuz i' been sweating and all the rest of it so we have to put a nice silk liner glove sometimes they're you know elbow length here we go she loves doing this it's a sort of ritual that she goes put your little number on before we go it's not what I expect is the heroic Rick Grimes that I'd be wearing a little silky glove it's amazing to see them play the story that we wrote together hopefully we get to give the fans a story that is answering a lot of questions that I've always had about the universe Andy was in The Writer's room all the time and I wrote an episode their handprints are all over it this isn't just Scott gimple creating another part of the story they did it together as actors I think they've always been super talented seeing them as filmmakers you know embodying a bigger part of the whole is really special this show is fulfilling a story that we set in The Walking Dead and to do that we pulled in a lot of BS we were fortunate enough to be able to bring a few people from the original series there's people we brought in that we've been working you know a decade with Michael craus Michael slovis Denise HTH we have Yen hufky who's our fabulous costume designer and Jeff Shane the production designer and Vincent Gideon who's key hair who was an OG was with the show since day one of the original show also this series gives us the great opportunity to bring back paulana as Jadis it's wild to be back with great friends again so there's a good group of us that have all that built-in knowledge then get to integrated into this whole new world and Crea in New World it really helped us continue the story we were telling with them in the first place it was a comfort to have them there if we couldn't be in Georgia we brought as much of it as we could with us it was really cool because we do have a lot of new people on the crew and new energy and new ideas and people approach things from a different way we are directing episode 1 and two I'm the onset prop master I'm the visual effect supervisor I'm the cinematographer it's been amazing because so many of them are fans of the show anyway I was very excited when I got the call and jumped right in I was like yes 100% uh I love the show I watched all the season so this was pretty cool I've been trying for years to get involved with the show in some capacity and you want to honor everything because you love it so much but you also don't want to rest on The Laurels of everything that's come before you have to give it everything visually that you can so it just feels like an extension of the larger Walking Dead family which has been really nice I thought this was suicide it is I was just being nice I'm very excited for the world to meet Matt Jeffers he's a very fantastic actor I went to to see deny do Richard III in Central Park and Matthew is in play with her I just had the idea of that I think this is that this role was written for him Michelle doesn't leave people behind that is what slows her down but then it's also what introduces her to this wonderful few friends that she finds that really help her a long way you've been telling me to go home you should but you can still believe he's up there it's a bit surreal because when I moved to the city in 2013 to pursue acting I used to have Walking Dead viewing parties in my apartment with my roommates I would go to bed at night being like man that's I'm going to get emotional but like you know that's what I want to do those are the stories that I want to tell and work with those people working with deny the chemistry that we were able to forge together and bring that into this show has been really a dream come true this is all I got you that's it the thing that I've learned is understanding Scott's miles long depth of knowledge of this world he's like okay so let me just give you a little backstory about Nat and then he goes on this like 10minute description of like am my left-handed or right-handed and like what were my first words as a baby it was very important to me to talk to him about the rule I'm not of his stature and it's not for me to say the experience of that I know how to build build things and I know how to burn things but it takes more than that at the end of the world you showed them that you showed me that as a little person representation in this industry has been tricky being an outcast in a world that wasn't built for him is at the same time very unique for me but I think ultimately very Universal for everyone who feels like they don't quite fit in this world they have this rich and raw relationship and he has great influence on her is it about wanting to see how it ends Wonder Know How It Ends those things guide her in very crucial moments later on that first week of filming was rough just because it was so cold and everything was night shoots and it was all outdoors and so it had a certain level of brutality and intensity which hopefully will transfer onto the screen because it was all about Rick's descent in the CRM this new world throughout the shows in The Walking Dead Universe we've seen aspects of the CRM in small ways and in big ways this is the future this is actually a system of governance that works this place has a 500-year plan to recreate the world as it was better than it was remaking civilization finally besting the dead that seems like a perfectly fine way to spend one's life everybody wants for nothing food shelter Snappy un unforms it's all provided everybody but Rick is thrilled to be there there's no Escape for the living okaf for had to sacrifice the love of his life to save a city I lost everything if it weren't for Oka for Rick probably would have been killed years ago he saves Rick's life countless times because Rick is trying to escape Rick would rather be killed or put in jail I'm in hell if I can't get back to the people I love most on the planet but over time he's worn down I don't want Power that's the thing you already have it it was quite fascinating to experience as a scene partner and also was a fan of the show because one second you're talking to an and you Lin and then a second you're walking with Rick Grimes it's just a real experience the CRM needs to change this is why I need to two of you Pearl Thorn she extends Humanity to Rick she's a good soldier whereas Rick is all Christians these two are comrades in the beginning who then become foes I love that leslianne is South African and I'm Zimbabwean and it was really exciting to to bring her on and she just blew everything out the water with her auditions friendship seems like something that doesn't exist out here leslianne just brought such a beautiful power do we allow the pl to get set back no ma' it's been two sets of very welcome in Arms from both tonight and Andy sort of just going Welcome to our world and Andy was cheering me on when I had my first zombie kill holid in I facetimed with my son the pile of Walkers and he's like wow it's making television moving magic I don't agree with okao and everything but he laid from the ground up I want to do that Rick and Thorne they're in some ways kind of mirrors of each other they're similar kinds of people we wanted somebody that could stand toe-to-toe with Rick and give as good as she got when they were like yeah you're going to fight Michelle and rck I was like I'm in let's do it Thorn is just a thorn to Mich when it comes to fights and kills Deni always wants to do it herself she's had a lot of practice in the last few years with all the Black Panther stuff she really will come in and work with the son coordinator and work with the sun team and figure out the choreography of it she has trained for years with the sword and she's very very good at it I mean maybe in another life they would maybe have been friends that's possible I think life surrounded by death all in one View isn't that right my gosh we got Terio Quinn we're so fortunate to have him play Beal he's such a magnificent acent you asked me how we won how we survived how did you survive it was incredible to see Terry and Andy just mix it up they love doing scenes together sacrifice be has been in The Walking Dead Forever I talked about him a hell of a lot in Walking Dead well beyond and here he is when Scott gimple called me and talked about it I talked to my friends in my agent and everybody said wow are you kidding and I was like oh well okay the end of the world and the beginning of the world I think there might be a fun little reveal for people that the man in charge is not just a straight up black and white bad guy I alone decided the path ahead and I alone want to feel the weight of it I just want to make the character feel bigger than life what he's done with this very charismatic complex mad is brilliant I saved Philadelphia by sacrificing Pittsburgh enemies my friends my home to get to sit down with two Powerhouse actors and watch them just go at it that's a performance piece essentially he speaks for most of the episode and I listen so I'm thrilled that I don't have to learn all those words Terry's going to be cing it I'll take that chance I'm taking that chance on you I love it throughout the course of the scene that he's saying I've never had a soldier like you but he doesn't quite see it coming he recognizes it just a second too late that Rick was going to be the death of him swear on the sword inevitably as we've seen over the course of the show people are way scarier than the Walkers no Andy did a lot of his own stuff you generally don't want the lead of your show diving head first across the table onto the floor but Andy loves loves loves to do it he was like no no I can do it can do it he's like I'm not going to go face first like it'll be fine and action and then we rolled and he absolutely went face first over the side of the table and he's like I don't know what happened went head first s everybody okay he wants the action to look cool and he wants to be able to see his face so that you know it's really him there was some fighting and fortunately stuntman did a good bit of it from me then we try to jump each other I pull a gun end of beill it's poetic that Rick kills Beal with his own sword and also it was handy you have to know that if you try to escape with her I will make sure that all those people that you love die I've known about this part of the world being revealed for four and a half years now being back in The Walking Dead universe is an absolute dream this being my third show that I've done in this world and Jadis my character has changed so many times that it was just keeps me on my toes I love stepping back into her big old boots as she wears now jadus heightens the stakes and heightens obstacle we'll have a world I'm going home B you're bless re so they've got this very complex love hate more hate than love relationship hi Rick sorry for breaking in Rick is like you're nuts get me out of here they just have always played off each other so great they did save your life you're a hero the haircut oh I feel it viscerally you left because you were being judged for things you did in your past instead of who you were trying to be Jadis and Gabriel it's complicated father Gabriel really did open up things about Jadis that we hadn't seen I know you're not them I see it when I look in your eyes she truly loves him but the problem is is that she can't allow herself to truly be seen as the an and the Jadis she was it's safer for her to stick with being Warren offic of Jada Stokes shoot me make me understand show me who you are having the Magnificent Seth Gillingham come back to play Gel as a stepping stone into understanding her shading her in a bit more I think for the audience it's going to be really really helpful and beautiful really he came to me to help you find an answer you just found it it happened a long time AG ago one of the last times I try to get home one of the last times there are so many unanswered questions that Michonne has Rick's behavior is so erratic and bizarre and uncharacteristic and hurtful he is mad that he is just as in love with her and loves her more than anything but at the same time he's pushing her away she's just receiving the hurt of that because to her she can't fathom how they both live on the same planet and don't find Every Witch Way to be together even though they're together they're not because he's a soldier they just have these sort of Stolen Moments and conversations and notes as he's trying to figure out how to get them away all she sees is this is the place that kept Rick away from his family for all of these years we will get away the only time that she comes to know the extent of his wounds is when he doesn't go with her I'm not coming and if you don't go you'll never get away that is such a massive betrayal and that I think really shows better than anything else how different they have become he is in trauma it's not that he doesn't love me or want to be with me but there's a wound going on here I said that if you love me go it's hidden behind emotional disconnection and numbness he's lost his hand but he's lost much more than that and he's lost a certain perspective and an ability to go into things with a certain fearlessness it's Unthinkable to michon to see Rick this way it's it's a point of anger she faces him and starts to see his position in this Army and how he seems to be embedded in it in a way that he's not able or willing to leave that's when she sees there's a lot going on here he's so terrified by the CRM and what they're capable of that it's changed him she's saying you're still the same man he's saying I'm not the same man we can't do everything we're not those people anymore it's over everything we had is broken never say that to Michonne cuz she pulls you out of a helicopter Rick is trying to push Melle way in any way he can because he truly believes she is in danger he'll break her heart as long as she stays alive so he comes at her with both barrels but again it's Michonne not a good idea she rips that rug right out from under him and controls the narrative from there on out for them I love that the spec team created this trust uh that the helicopter is resting on and there's airbags set up in various different positions within the frame structure itself so they can fill it up with air and then really create this crazy movement the helicopter was mostly practical rain thunder lightning chaos atmosphere it does create some really rough turbulence but we're going to pull the door for her then she'll reach over grab Rick essentially just roll out of the airframe and they'll have stunt pads within just inches of the door frame then we did a great shot putting them on blue screen so instead of moving the actors we mov the camera which was a safer way of doing it then when we put in a background it will feel like they're falling away it was very exciting I just thought this is absolutely Bonkers but we're doing it it's that crazy epic love move we'll probably survive the stop we close enough this one of the most fantastic endings of any episode I've ever seen of anything damn it this is so good we have two people who are not in a good place with each other who aren't even talking to each other I'm glad I wasn't there that day cuz I think those looks just would have vaporized me we needed a timeout I can't believe you did that I can't believe you said that episode 4 we knew what it was it was the Reckoning of their relationship and Deni is like yeah I'm writing that one she had an expectation of what their reunion would be and he is not meeting that expectation so much of the dialogue that's coming out is what is internally going on with these characters and of course she knows her character better than anyone this episode is the chance to get into just the two of them together and who are they right now in this time and place and where did they go from here do you still love me always I've never stopped loving you Deni is an Obi winning playright she's incredibly accomplished as a writer and it was incredibly difficult emotional territory what did you say everything we have is broken I tried everything I wrote that episode and gimbo was like she's the showrunner of that episode I wanted to defer to her vision and that goes straight through post like she handled this episode and and she was my boss it was interesting changing of hats I'm busy directing how things look and feel in the episode as well as jumping it back and forth into my character you won't come home with me I don't want to do this I have to it was actually really really great to step into the space and to see the sort of modernity of the apartment and the aesthetic those are all things I had very clearly on the page this was one of my fabes growing up I thought I was meant to be a writer for a while there here we go Ed energy energy and we had the Good Fortune of having Michael slovis one of the Great directors captaining the ship he dealt with it with such care and reverence I tried to tell the story organically and honestly I spent a lot of time prev visualizing coming up with plans coming up with story boards speaking to all the Departments so that on the day when we get here it goes as smoothly as possible I was very specific about wanting him to be the director of the episode I wrote he was beautifully collaborative you know there were all types of details we were we were hammering out the whole time while dealing with massive themes and tone and pivotal moments that had to be exacted a certain way and intimate moments and how to shoot them it is the reunification of Rick and Michonne and I knew that that was going to be exciting and emotional why did you come after me you know why say it you're the love of my life it was great to be in there and it was sad to see it get all destroyed cuz it was kind of this cocoon for them to figure themselves out and it sort of like then completed its purpose and fell to dust we're getting out of here and we wanted to show this kind of incredible cohesion and the badassery of them kicking us and as they exit the apartment block before it falls we will add a helicopter outside of the department just to show the action of shooting the missiles and then when we go into post we want to make sure that the V effects are as invisible as possible you see that far fun and the return of these two characters stick shift at the end of the story they are in a really good place we can make this whole damn world ours if we want to yes we can probably should have ended it right there and everything would have been cool but this is a Walking Dead Rick and Michelle think they' finally gotten away they're United they're together they're kind of having the best time ever and then of course they wake up and there's datas at the foot of the bed with two gs I can't wait from a show to be eye to eye with me and actually kicking my ass we've never got to do anything physical together before no wck we got to go the car chase was amazing and you know car chases are really hard to shoot but it was super fun thing to get to do hold on the car chase and all that is super exciting I love doing stuff having that pod car with the driver on top so you could have Rick and Michonne in the car and you don't have to worry about Den I actually driving they loved it Andy was having the time of his life he's like this is the greatest thing ever we don't get to do car chases too often in The Walking Dead it was a pretty good one making six episodes I feel is harder than making 16 it's is tighter it's more intense Mikey satus the director of this episode it's a huge asset to making this kind of stuff happen satus is family he's like my brother super happy super positive I knew you'd come back he's such a part of how the show looked and felt from the very beginning all right here we go I started out as the camera operator for the first season season 4 started direcor photography and directing moved over to fear kept directing The Walking Dead up to season 9 and coming back now to finish this story full circle action how about you show yourself we talk not going to happen Rick I live for the cost either Rick and michon going to die or Jadis is going to die but there's no way they're walking away the fates of your friends your children sealed when Jadis says you guys can't see past the two of you it is something that ultimately lands especially with Michelle she's right there has to be a sacrifice it was really fun to get them all in the same room Deni and paulana get to do these big meie scenes together man when I was in preparation to be on the show all those years ago Den's character of Michonne just stood out for me so strongly like I love her the final moments of 105 it's a really incredible set built by Jeff and the rest of the art team we wanted to create this little maze and kind of ground it and found it in some kind of past reality decided to put it into more of a museum Visitor Center so Taxidermy it was a big element you shot it to make it look as epic and as Labyrinth and as the intention of the scene was supposed to be I was lucky enough to learn learned that Jadis was going to die before I read the script and he told me I was going to die and it's weird cuz you enter the organ dead Universe knowing that you're going to go jad' death is a very Walking Dead classic kind of death drop it there's emotion there's conflicted choices that have been made double cross me before I double crossed you it's very cool that jadus gets bit special effects makeup did a great job with the newly fresh Walkers as well well as J's W there might be some VFX enhancement that we will do maybe a little bit of additional blood that we want to add it was very intense as is paana had about three pages of dialogue while she's dying and I knew if I didn't kill you all somehow some way you come for the trm so I drew up the dossier to protect myself Iana acted the hell out of the scene and they're such gracious and generous actors you kept us alive for a reason they just kept giving to each other like take after take you just try to honor that with your cinematography in terms of keeping it real you told Gabriel you wanted to marry her it says a lot that she gives Rick the ring how did you she was doing the best she could with what she had the end of my story she's not just bad gu she's a lot more interesting than not go ahead and then Rick has to end things for her it just makes it that much more complex I think I'm still processing to be honest but man she made it through a long way these are two people that were separated by time and space in a world where it's impossible to go a few miles without experiencing danger as against the world and they found each other impossibly and they themselves as individuals are not powerful enough but when they find each other they do find that power together when you're willing to step into dire circumstances because you believe you can overcome them and you're with someone who thinks exactly the same that's a pretty powerful Duo together the whole damn world I see how we could make it better and if we can Rick we have to now that we have them finally United together and how Unstoppable they are Rick kills Beal Michonne kills Thorn they blow up all the frontliners and turn them all into Walkers and manage to get away that is the magic of the Ron the show has always been about one man doing whatever it took in order to be reunited or save the lives of his loved ones and his family and his family obviously became this apocalyptic family the people that they collect along the way the reunion scene was pretty wild because at that point the writer strike was on so I didn't get to see it until like later as a as a fan it was an intense powerful beautiful day and and a lot of different emotions coursed through both characters that were expected and unexpected we avoided seeing this helicopter as much as possible but we have one hero shot of them coming out of a shnook we have fans here a r fan to give a little bit of wind effect as well as a little ramp for Rick and Michonne to walk off of but the rest will be VFX so we will CG in a helicopter the finale was important to us in so many ways the family came back together with all the puzzle pieces Judith had Rick's gun then we have RJ showing up with Call's hat I also dressed RJ a bit like call so that for the audience in rck and for those Uber fans like me from a distance it looks like call hi Michonne with a sword Rick had his boots on the boots from day one of season one he wore those I was petrified they were going to fall apart Midway through scene but they didn't I knew it Dad I knew you were still out there this is my first time working with Andy and I'm super excited he is pretty silly he laughs a lot he makes us laugh a lot Kaye and Andy had actually met back in season 9 she had come in for her hair makeup test and it was his last day he's so great with kids in general we had never met Anthony before that day they would just talk and chat between takes and just give it that family Vibe this is a unit and they're supposed to be together working with Denai is incredible she's such a great role model for me she's incredibly passionate about what she does I was very excited to see Denai back in Action this was everything it was everything all at once it was beautiful the fans are going to go crazy I'm going crazy I think I cried most of that day I was getting really choked up with the monitors and emotionally for me I think we really captured it you do a lot to help your actors with light and with camera positions but in the end of the day it's actors who make that emotional connection I knew you come back I believed this is the moment you want you know it's the moment I want as a fan of the show the ending gives the fans what they want which is they're reunited and they're going home and Alexandria is safe and they've kicked some serious ass along the way they found each other and risk everything that they regain to do the right thing to see them do that and to see them win was a beautiful thing that type of connection that just never died between them is epic it's freaking Michonne it's the most special story you could possibly tell that's left in the apocalypse I love a sh sh Redemption finish which is get them together see the emotion and then pull away that felt like the right way to finish this thing oh my God Robert curtain initially pitched the comic as the zombie movie that never ends and that's what we're doing seeing The Walking Dead universe expand the way it has the way it continues to expand is is incredible it's what I was hoping for there's a lot of ways to continue The Walking Dead story whether or not we'll ever see Rick Crim or michon again on your television I I can't say it for certain but for right now this is the happy ending that that we all wanted them to have there's something powerful and hopeful in it it's the same story it's one continuous story that began with a man Waking Up 3 weeks into the apocalypse half dead looking for his family and book ends with him finally being reunited his L [Music] [Music] [Music] ones [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Walking Dead
Views: 127,018
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Keywords: trailer, twd trailer, amc new show, amc+, the walking dead, the walking dead spin off, walker, variant walker, show me more, daryl dixon the walking dead, twd shows, Inside The Ones Who Live | Show Me More | AMC, Inside The Ones Who Live, the ones who live, TWD, michonne, rick, rich and michonne, inside the one who live, the ones who live first season, season 1, the walking dead show me more, show me more episodes, show me more videos, behind the scenes, commentary, featurette, twd
Id: U8JYV0S1re0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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