The Vision Of Triumph In Truth Ministries

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Well I want to open up the bible and just share a few scriptures with you as we prepare our hearts to talk about the vision that the Almighty has given us here at Triumph in Truth Ministries, and we're going to start with Acts chapter 2. If you have your bibles, just grab your bible. Acts chapter 2, we're gonna begin with verse 36 and it says this, "Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that Elohim has made this Yeshua whom you impaled both Master and Messiah." So this is Kepha, this is Peter, preaching on the day of Shavu'ot and he's preaching about Yeshua. He's preaching also about the indwelling Set-apart Spirit. Look at verse 37 "And having heard this, they were pierced to the heart and said to Kepha and the rest of the emissaries, "Men, brothers, what shall we do?" And Kepha said to them, "Repent and let each one of you be merged or baptized in the name of Yeshua Messiah for the forgiveness of sins. And you shall receive the gift of the Set-apart Spirit. For the promise," The promise of the Father which is the promise of the indwelling Set-apart Spirit. "...For the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are far off, as many as YAH our Elohim shall call." And so this promise of power from Elohim by the indwelling Set-apart Spirit is for all of us who would would believe upon Yeshua, and so I just take that very very seriously. I realize that's not by men's might nor by man's power, but by my Spirit says YAH of hosts. The only way we're going to accomplish the vision as the people of Elohim is to be filled with the Spirit of Elohim. We must have the promise of the Father, the promise of power the promise of the indwelling Set-apart Spirit so that we can accomplish the things that Elohim has called us all to do. So before we go any further, I pray that you are filled and refilled. I pray every person who's watching tonight will have an Acts chapter 2 and Acts chapter 4 experience that you would have a Shavu'ot experience. We just had a wonderful Shavu'ot together last week we were live, we live streamed a wonderful time together and we prayed for everybody who was watching, and I tell you, I got filled and refilled and I pray that all of you did as well. But we need the indwelling Set-apart Spirit, we cannot accomplish the vision that YAH has given us without His Spirit and it is the Spirit of the Father and it's the Father who puts His Spirit on each one of us, it's whosoever will. Verse 40 says, "And with many other words he earnestly witnessed and urged them, saying, "Be saved from this crooked generation." Then those, indeed, who gladly received his word were immersed." Water baptized. "and on that day about three thousand beings were added to them." That's a pretty good day to have 3,000 beings added to the Kingdom. And then look at verse 46. It says, "And day by day," Now, this is very very important because truly, if we're filled with the Spirit, truly, if we're living according to the Word, truly, if we're preaching Yeshua, then the work of the Kingdom should be going on day by day. Some people are glad just to have a little response on the weekend or once a month, or once a quarter, or even once a year. But I tell you, we're living in the days now, the time is short and we need to be filled with the power of the Set-apart Spirit and we need to expect ministry to produce fruit day by day. We're really not doing what we're called to do until we see fruit happening day by day. It says, "And day by day continuing with one mind in the Set-Apart Place," That's talking about the temple, the temple was standing in this day, the Temple in Jerusalem, so they were gathering in the temple. And it goes on to say, "...and breaking bread from house to house," Now, let me pause just for a moment here and say this is the biblical model. How are we, as believers, supposed to meet? How are we, in the Kingdom, supposed to meet? The model that we have here is corporate worship, where we all get together in one place and house-to-house worship, where we break it down into small groups and we meet in the homes. When you think about how you can introduce people who have not believed yet in Yeshua to Yeshua, I believe the best place is in a comfortable environment, a homey environment in our homes, in our living- rooms, in an environment that is not nerve-wracking and difficult to process, but just a real comfortable setting. I believe that's where people are relaxed enough to hear the Good News of Yeshua and believed upon Him with a belief that produces repentance and repentance that produces justification, and justification that then, produces obedience to the Scripture. And we're not just talking about a "gospel" that's just about a mental acknowledgment that Jesus is the Christ and that's all you have to do is just mentally acknowledge that Jesus is the Christ and then you're saved and then you don't have to do anything else - we're not talking about that. We're talking about a true belief in Yeshua that produces testify which is repentance, which is turning away from your sins and embracing the Master, returning to the Master in obedience. So when we perform teshuvah, when we repent, then we're justified and our justification then produces a desire to be obedient because what is definitive of the New Covenant? By the way, this is a new covenant. There is something new about this New Covenant and what's new about the New Covenant? One of several things is that we receive when we believe upon Yeshua, we see the indwelling Set-apart Spirit, who gives us the want-to be obedient and the power to be obedient and that's definitive of the New Covenant. So if you're truly one who is "saved" in essence, justified, under the New Covenant then you have the want to be obedient and the power to be obedient, that comes by the indwelling Set-apart Spirit. The people that don't want to obey and people that obviously don't have the power to obey, I don't believe that they've truly had an experience with Yeshua because when we believe on Yeshua, we received a promise that you made to Abraham and his capital Seed, the Messiah, that through Abraham and Messiah, all the nations of the earth shall be blessed and Sha'ul tells us the ultimate blessing is receiving the indwelling Set-apart Spirit who gives us the want-to and the power to be obedient. And remember, the Spirit is simply the Spirit of the Father, it's the Father putting a piece of Him on you, the Father is Spirit and He can put His Spirit on whomever He wants to. In Yeshua, we all receive the Spirit of the Father, when we receive the Spirit of the Father we we become a lot like Him and the Spirit of the Father was the Spirit that was upon Yeshua and later, Sha'ul calls the Spirit, the Spirit of Mahsiach because it was the Spirit that was on Yeshua and so we get filled with the Spirit of the Father or the Spirit of Messiah and we then represent Messiah in the earth, we become His body. Hallelujah. And so the home is a wonderful place to share the truth of Scripture to introduce people to Yeshua and for them to believe under justification and receive the indwelling Set-apart Spirit. So notice again, it says, "And day by day continuing with one mind in a corporate setting, in the Set-Apart Place, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness," So what do we do in the home ministry? We eat food. I don't think anybody's going to complain about that. "...they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising Elohim," So there's lots of praise in the home group setting. "and having favor with all the people," See, homes are a wonderful place for the favor of Elohim to be manifested. "...and having favor with all the people," Notice. "and the Master added to the assembly those who were being saved," Here's that phrase again, " by day." What do we want? What is our hearts passion? We want to see people come to believe upon Yeshua with a belief that produces sincere repentance and teshuvah and that repentance then produces justification, and a true justification then produces a desire to be obedient - that's what we want to see. We want to see that going on in our homes, wherever we might live, and we want to see people as the scripture says here, saved day by day. That is our passion. So firstly, we're going to talk about our vision for the Dallas Fort-Worth Metroplex, for our local body and then we're going to extend it out to those of you who are apart of the extended Triumph in Truth family in different states of this great country, and then we're going to extend it out even further to those of you who want to be apart of what Mashiach is doing what Abba YAH is doing through this ministry right there where you are in your nation. Alright so, let's go to another verse of scripture, this is in Acts chapter 5 and verse 42 and notice what it says, "And daily in the Set-Apart Place," That's corporate worship, that's talking about the temple. "...and in every house," Well, I love those words together, "every house". That means every person who has a house can have a ministry. This wasn't just a few houses. This wasn't just a few select people, this was the vision that Elohim had given that early congregation of belief in Yerushalayim. They were meeting on a regular basis in the Set-Apart Place, or the temple, but they were also meeting in every house. They were passionate about Yeshua, they were passionate about the revelation that they'd received from the Spirit, they were passionate about introducing Yeshua as Master and Mashiach to anyone who would hear and they opened up their homes as a place a comfortable place, a comfortable setting to where they could teach the Good News and people could hear the message, the life-transforming message of Yeshua and the Kingdom of Elohim. Notice it says, "In daily in the Set-Apart Place and in every house they did not cease teaching and bringing the Good News," And what's the Good News? Yeshua the Messiah. So all of these that were being added we know on Shavu'ot, there were three thousand and then later, there were more thousands of people being added. They didn't have some church building that they went to... yeah, they were still going and meeting in the temple but that wasn't all because there were restrictions on what you could say in the temple and what you can do in the temple, so they opened up their homes and they started meeting in every house. I can imagine the most simplistic, simple people we're just opening up their homes and hosting people loving on people and introducing Yeshua as Master and Mashiach. And it says, "...they did not cease," there was something going on in Yerushalayim that was empowered by the Spirit, they were anointed by the Spirit, they were passionate. It wasn't religion as usual. It wasn't "church" as usual but this was something Elohim was doing and I believe Elohim wants to do the same thing in the days that we're living in. "...They did not cease teaching and bringing the Good News, Yeshua the Messiah!" And then go with me all the way over to Acts chapter 21, closer to the end of the book of Acts and we're going to begin with verse 18, and I want you to see something remarkable Acts chapter 21 starting with verse 18. It says, "And on the following day, Sha'ul or the Apostle Paul went in with us to Ya'aqob," Your bible may say James. "and all the elders came." So this this is Paul going to Yerushalayim and meeting up with James. Look at verse 19. "And having greeted them, he was relating one by one what Elohim had done among the nations through his service." So Sha'ul who was telling Ya'aqob and the elders, the brothers all the things that Elohim was doing in his ministry throughout the Gentile world and I'm sure he had a lot of wonderful things to say. Verse 20. "And when they heard it, they praised the Master and they said to him, "You see, brother, how many thousands of Yehudim there are who have believed and all are ardent for the Torah," So Ya'aqob and the elders, the brothers, they were listening to Sha'ul talk about what Elohim was doing in the Gentile controlled areas and like anyone, after you've heard somebody else talking about what Elohim is doing in their ministry, you want to take a moment and tell that in whatever He was doing in your ministry and that's what happened here. And so Ya'aqob and the brothers began to tell Sha'ul and his party what was going on there in Jerusalem and notice, what it says here. "And they said to him, you see, brother, how many thousands of Yehudim," All right. Your bible may say "myriads". If you look up the word myriads, a myriad, a single myriad is ten thousand so plural myriads is more than ten- thousand. It would be twenty-thousand or more all right and probably many more than twenty-thousand. " many thousands of Yehudim," Speaking of Jews. "there are who have believed and all are ardent for the Torah?" How many tens of thousands of Jews have believed in Yerushalayim and they're all ardent for the Torah? They are Torah-keeping believers in Yeshua. Now, why am I reading this passage to you? Because I want you to see the result of the vision that we're talking about when you have people coming together corporately. They have large corporate meetings but they're also opening up their homes and they're simply using their home as a comfortable setting that people can come into and receive teaching and be introduced to Yeshua and believe with a belief that produces repentance, with the repentance that produces justification, and with the justification that produces obedience to the Scripture when they began to do that and it says they all participated. Everyone was excited about it then over a period of time, but we don't know exactly how long a period of time, but over a period of time we see here the evidence of what happened with the ministry there in Yerushalayim. Myriads or tens of thousands of Jews believed and they were all ardent for the Torah. So Jerusalem was a metropolitan city, it was a large city, lots of people live there and this is biblical evidence that when you have a vision of corporate meetings and house to house and everyone's passionate and everyone's filled with the Spirit and everyone's focused over a period of time, you can transform a metroplex very much like our Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and so this is what we're doing - we're putting a focus on home group ministry. Now, we've always had a focus on home group ministry but we're going to ramp it up we're going to get really focused and we're going to open up our homes and we can see, in our mind of belief, we can see points of light... many, many, many, points of light throughout all of the Dallas Fort- Worth area, we're talking about simple people who love Yeshua, who are walking in Torah, who are willing to open up their homes, who are willing to receive training. Not training to make them great preachers or great bible teachers or anything like that, but training to be hosts, training on how to love people and then we're going to produce a home worship video resource that we will put out every week that our hosts can play in their homes and you may have already seen these home worship video resources. We have every element of a gathering on video. We start with the shofar blasts, we have the quoting of the shema, we have praise and worship time, we have wonderful praise and worship. We also have prayer time, we also have blessing of the children, we also have a Torah highlight segment, we have an offering exhortation and we have a message, and it's a wonderful resource and we hear that people are using it not only across the Metroplex, but in many states of our country and in many nations around the world. So we're going to make that resource available to you, that is our pledge to you every week and these hosts are going to, then, host people into their homes, have a time of fellowship and food, have a time of getting to know one another and encouraging one another, and then they're simply going to play the home worship video resource and you'll be able to control each segment with your remote. So when it's prayer time, you can push pause and take more time and pray for people if you have that need, and so you can just play that resource. Everyone can worship together on Shabbat, it could either be Friday evening or it could be sometime on Shabbat day and just worship in the home. We're not asking the hosts to be able to answer all the questions, we're going to give a web page and we're going to give an email address where people can email in their questions to be answered. We're also going to be posting on our website the answers to some of the basic questions that everyone who's just starting out in their walk with Yeshua and in their walk in Torah, there are basic questions that most people ask, we're going to answer those, we're going to post those. They're going to be very well studied out opinions and viewpoints, biblical teachings, that people can resource. And so, again, you don't have to be a bible scholar to host people in your home, all you need to be able to do is love on people. We're going to give you all the resources necessary to be successful. If there is a question, and there will be questions, you can email us and get a to answer from us or you can go to the website and you can get the resource there that will tell you our position on certain topics and so we're really excited about this resource that is part of the vision that we're talking about here and we want to see homes opening up all across the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Now, last I checked, and it's been some time ago, there are six, seven, eight million people in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Many, many cities all with contiguous borders, lots of people, and we want to see points of light, we want to see these Triumph groups open up all across the Metroplex and we're going to give training and support to all of these hosts, then, we're going to bring people all together about every ninth week. So we'll go about eight weeks in the homes with the home worship video resource and then on the ninth week, we're going to rent out a place, somewhere big corporate setting, and we're going to bring all the groups together. And we may take Shabbat day and the first day and have sort of a mini conference. It's like a home family reunion, where we all come home and we'll have wonderful worship, we'll have wonderful teachings, we'll have dance and we'll have food and we'll just have a really really spectacular time, anointed time in the presence of YAH. We'll do that about every ninth week and it'll get to be to where people will want to come from Oklahoma and Arkansas and New Mexico and Louisiana and the states that are all around us and some people may even want to fly in from other states in our country and we would welcome them. It's going to be a tremendous time and it'll be a time of imparting vision. And so, that is our vision for the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and for Triumph in Truth here, locally. We do believe that once this vision starts coming to pass that we will be able to duplicate this vision in other metropolitan cities, in many different states across our country and also we'll spread out even further. We believe this will be a model for other cities, in other nations and so we're excited about it because it's very much biblical and, look, if they could transform Yerushalayim with the opposition that they had in those early days, if myriads of Jews came to believe because the people were opening up their homes and inviting people into their homes. We believe the same thing can happen in our Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area. Hallelujah. So, what are we asking from you? Well, if you live locally here we're asking you to pray, that's it. We want you to pray. We want you to pray and we want you to ask the Father what should I do? How can I be apart of this? We know that we're going to have to get to know some of you that we don't know very well, we're going to definitely have to spend some time together in training, we look forward to that and facilitating your home being opened, but we believe in relative short order as we do our part and the Spirit empowers us that we can begin seeing points of light all over the Metroplex, opening up. And then, each time, every ninth week or so, each time we have a corporate gathering, we're gonna believe they'll be even more people come and it'll just grow and grow and there'll be just such an enthusiasm and an excitement that we'll see a real move of the Spirit. Now, I've been in the ministry 30 years, a little over 30 years now, and there have been things that have been spoken by the Spirit in my heart and visions and dreams and the like and I want you to how passionate I am because I believe we're postured right now to see the greatest visions and dreams that I've received in over 30 years in ministry come to pass. I wouldn't be here tonight, speaking to you through this camera, if I didn't believe it. I'm not saying one thing to you tonight just kind of hoping that it could happen. I believe it's going to happen and it's just going to take people who will pray, receive vision and direction by the Spirit and then take action, take action. Receive the resources that are available to you and take action and we will see something really really tremendous happening in the near future, I believe, right here in the Dallas Fort-Worth area, and then, as a model, where you are in metropolitan areas or even in rural areas. It doesn't matter it, it'll work anywhere. And then, also, in cities and nations around the world. So we're going to talk more about our vision of being a witness to the United States of America. I believe that we have a very short window of time after this coronavirus pandemic to preach the Good News of Yeshua and His Kingdom, to preach repentance and forgiveness of sins, to preach a message that will have people cut to the heart to cry out what must I do, to preach about a justification that goes beyond just a mental acknowledgement but it's a justification that produces a desire to be obedient to Torah and Yeshua's Torah lifestyle. Yeshua said, follow me, He didn't say follow religion, He didn't say follow some religious doctrine, He said follow me and Yeshua kept Torah. People say, well why do you wear tzitzit? Yeshua did. Why do you worship on Shabbat? Yeshua did. Why do you obey the bible? Yeshua did. He said, follow me. He's the one I follow, I don't follow religion. I don't follow traditions of men or religious doctrines, especially doctrines of personal irresponsibility and lawlessness. I follow Yeshua and that's the message that we're going to preach. I tell you, during this pandemic when there was so much death and so much fear I was praying and I believed that the Spirit spoke to me about a window of time for this nation the United States of America and for Canada - we'll talk about Canada here in just a moment - to receive this message, their hearts have been tenderized because they've experienced a little bit of what end-time events are going to be like. Oh, if you were impacted by the fear, and by the panic, and by the terror, and the idea of this unseen enemy that could that could snatch the life of any of us, a lot of people were just terrorized and horrified during this period and then right on the heels of this pandemic came this horrible situation with with an unarmed African-American man who, through a video, we the whole nation in the world, saw what happened and then the riots broke out and the looting, and the violence, and the fire, and the murder, and you could see right before you, not only was there this pandemic, this perilous pestilence the bible talks about and how even Yeshua taught that there would be deadly diseases in the end-times right on the right on the heels of that, you started seeing people running wild in the streets, and breaking out windows, and burning down buildings, and setting places of worship on fire, and murder that took place and it's been horrible and people have tasted just a little bit, this is just a little of what the end-time events are gonna be like. It's gonna be far worse, far more horrific, far more terrible in the future but because they've experienced a little bit of it, I believe their hearts are temporarily tenderized. I believe that their eyes are more sensitive to seeing in the Spirit, their ears are more sensitive to hearing in the Spirit. And I believe there'll be a window of time, I believe Abba YAH is saying, I want the United States witnessed to, I want to send a witness into every state and this witness is not the typical religious doctrine of "just say you believe, just acknowledge in your mind that you believe," you don't have to change, you don't have to live any other way, just say you believe and then you're "saved". A lot of people that have bought into that thinking that they're saved and they're really not, so we need an end-time witness, we need a witness in this hour that will preach the truth, who will preach a Good News of teshuvah, returning to the Master in repentance and in obedience, to believe, yes, but to follow. Yeshua said follow Him, follow Him in His Torah lifestyle. A justification through belief that empowers us to obedience by the Set-apart Spirit who gives us the what? The want-to obey and the power to be obedient and to become a light. Yeshua said, "You are the light", He's talking to His taught ones, you are the light of this world, if we're not the light, this world is dark. And so, Abba YAH was speaking this by His Spirit into my heart, during this horrible time, and charged me to take up this calling and to go from state to state and to cry aloud, and spare a nod, and to lift up my voice like a shofar blast, and to tell the people their transgressions and the people their sins and how they have transgressed the Torah, and how they need to turn to Yeshua in belief, and begin to follow, truly, follow Him in His lifestyle, and how by repenting with sorrow only generated by conviction that comes by the Set-apart Spirit and being justified unto obedience they can be a light to their family, a light to their community, a light to their state in this nation, and Abba YAH wants a witness in the United States of America, how are we going to do it? We're going to do it, and this all came by the Spirit, we're going to do it by purchasing an RV, a trailer. I didn't know much about trailers, some of my loved ones and Rich, who's like a son to me in the belief, has talked to me about trailers, told me about a toy hauler which is a an RV that has a big block of garage space in the back of about ten feet, it's supposed to put your four-wheelers or your motorcycles or whatever back there, and then there's one that we've looked at that has an additional 10-foot elevated porch that comes out from underneath the trailer, so that there's 20 feet in the very back that can be customized with a preaching platform, speakers, television equipment, and we can pull it with a truck and they're telling me I need a large truck like a large diesel truck, maybe a 300- series Ford, or Ram, or Chevrolet, or whatever and we could pull it into a community, set it up. Other people can bring their trailers, we could set up that preaching platform, have a crew go with us, set up the cameras, we can make our teaching video right from that trailer, the ones that people will watch all over the world and we will witness to those states. We're going to blow the shofar at the welcome to Oklahoma sign, the welcome to Arkansas, welcome to New Jersey, welcome to Pennsylvania, we want the people to see that we're blowing the shofar over every state in the union, we'll go all the way up to Alaska because we want to cover them all. We'll go out to Hawaii, may not be able to pull the trailer out to Hawaii, but we'll get out there. One other element of this vision is that we want to film in each location, going from location to location, we want to film a series of programs that we can put on social media as a program, as a video program that shows us going from place to place, it has some travel footage, it has some footage about the challenges that we have in each location and putting it all together and setting it all up. And then, the last maybe five, or seven, or ten minutes of the program we want to do clips, highlights of the sermon that I'm preaching that week and we're probably going to do eight weeks on and eight weeks off. So we'll tape eight different events then we'll go back home and we'll produce eight episodes in this series and then, each week, we'll post another episode and over time, it'll begin to build and people will want to know where you're going to be next? Where are you going next? Some people will even decide that they want to go from location to location with us for eight weeks and others will just hear, we're going to be in your town in a week or two, and they'll make plans and they'll bring their RVs to wherever we might be in an RV park or out in the field, or wherever it might be. And then, you precious people, somebody's asking can you come to Kansas City? Well, I can if you can help us get a meeting together. We're going to rely upon the Set-apart Spirit to move upon the hearts of people who will say - brother, G. Steven, I will help. I will help put together a meeting. I will invite people. I will help find the location the campsite or the field that we're going to meet in, or wherever it might be. I'll help you put it together, and if the Spirit is moving upon you right now to do that then I want you to send us an email. Maybe even tonight before you go to bed - - - I believe they're putting it up on the screen for you or at least putting it in the comments. Send us an email and say, I felt stirred by the Spirit, I want to be a part of this, I want you to come to my area to my state to my town and I'm going to help you put together a meeting. And so you asked, how can we support the vision? Well, there's lots of ways and I need your help across the spectrum, but I'm not gonna beg anybody, I'm gonna ask you to pray. And I know when you pray and the Almighty speaks, then you'll take action. So number one, if you're stirred by this pray about helping us put together a meeting in your area, contact us and let us know that you want to do that. Then, we're going to put your area on a map that people can go to and see all the places that have invited us to come and then pray that the resources will come in. I know that when we all pray together the resources will come in. I just posted this vision a couple of times, maybe three times, on Facebook and without ever asking for any money, I just ask people to pray, more than half of the money has already come in for the trailer. So, we need the rest of the money for the trailer, we need the money for the truck and we need the money for the television equipment and all that. I'm not even gonna say this is how much we need, I'm gonna say please pray. You may not be moved to send any money but if you'll pray, somebody will. If you pray, the money will come from somewhere. And so, that's what I'm asking, I'm asking for you to pray. Pray with us. Believe with us. Believe that this is more than just somebody's human passion. I can tell you this, I believe and I felt the Spirit so profoundly and so strongly when He spoke to me about this. So, we're going to go to all 50 states in the United States of America and then the Spirit spoke to me about Canada and getting up into Canada and doing the same thing in Canada. We have a lot of people who support us, who watch our videos, who pray for us up in Canada and I believe the Almighty is saying the same thing for Canada. Canada needs a witness, something really wonderful and supernatural is taking place in Canada and Canada needs a witness. And then, let me go further, we're talking about North America here, and Mexico being the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world with the most people, we're going to take our videos and make transcripts of all of our videos and we're going to have translators translate our transcripts into Spanish, then, we're going to start putting Spanish subtitles on all of our videos and we're going to start sending out the videos in Spanish, and we're believing that Mexico will begin receiving those videos and watching those videos and something supernatural will take place in Mexico, but not just Mexico, Central America, and for many, many, many years our ministries had an inflow in Central America and in Nicaragua especially, and I have a team there that had worked with me for for many, many years - and a big Shalom to Gerardo and to Israel, if you're watching, I want you to know I love you. I've been thinking a lot about you. The Spirit's been stirring my heart concerning you and I want to get in contact with you real soon about what we're wanting to do with our videos with the Spanish subtitles. We want to get it out across Mexico, all throughout Central America and in the Spanish-speaking countries in South America, and Spain and all the Spanish-speaking territories and islands in the like. We know the Philippines, they speak Spanish in the Philippines, we love the Philippines and in other places. So we want to do that, that's part of the vision too. So I pray I'm not overwhelming you with vision. The point is, we don't lack vision and we're talking to you tonight because we believe the Spirit has led us to share our vision to ask you to pray and that something supernatural is going to take place because of this evening. I told the team that we have working with us tonight I believe something big is going to happen, I believe something big is going to happen tonight because we've taken the time to share this vision and I believe the Spirit is moving and I believe the Spirit, the Spirit of the Father, I believe the Father is moving upon the hearts of people and what we're saying is resonating with you. You don't have to know all of the answers to all the questions that you have right now, just ask this, is my heart resonating with this message? Do I sense in my Spirit, Abba YAH, drawing me to participate? We don't have to have everybody to be apart of this vision, we just need the people that the Father's drawing to be apart of this vision. Great things are about to happen.
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 4,829
Rating: 4.9431281 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Jesus, Yeshua, Christ, Christian, Messiah, Messianic, Jew, Jewish, Torah, Bible, Scripture, Lord, God, Elohim, Truth, Old Testament, Old Covenant, Original Covenant, New Testament, Renewed Covenant, New Covenant, Moses, Mosheh, The Vision, Vision, The Vision Of Triumph In Truth
Id: yjk_R9xfDKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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