Well, are you ready to get into YAH's
Word today? I am as well. I want to invite you to
open your bibles with me to Deuteronomy chapter 22
and we're going to begin with verse 9 in just a moment,
and I've entitled this message today, "No Mixture!". As you know, we've been
tracking along with the Torah portion and we're in the book of Deuteronomy
and I'm going to extract several verses from this Torah portion,
but we're going to be talking about the fact that Elohim does not
want mixture. He doesn't want us to mix in to His pure worship as defined by the
Torah. Pagan influences, pagan
ways, and we have to come to a realization that there's been a lot of
mixture in religion and this is the day when
those who truly love Elohim are coming out of Babylon,
they're coming out of Egypt and they're casting off
all the pagan ways and all that mixture is going away, hallelujah, because we
understand what the Torah says about having no mixture in
our lives. And so, Deuteronomy chapter 22 beginning with verse 9 says this, these
are interesting verses, "Do not sow your vineyard
with different kinds of seed," Now I realize that most of us don't have
a vineyard, but if you had a vineyard then Abba YAH is
saying, don't sow your vineyard
with different kinds of seed. He doesn't want a mixture of seeds.
Now, we're going to get to the deeper spiritual application in just a moment,
but keep that in mind. No mixture. "...lest the yield
of the seed which you have sown and the fruit
of your vineyard be defiled." So this is telling us
that if we were to sow our vineyard with different types of grape seeds
and we had all these different types of grapes coming up in our vineyard
that Abba YAH would consider that vineyard defiled.
The deeper spiritual application is that mixture
brings a defilement. Mixture brings a defilement, so if you have
mixture in your life, you say, yes I love Yeshua and yes, I want
to walk in this Torah lifestyle, but you still love some of those
religious traditions of the past, you're still hanging on to some of those
Roman holidays or whatever it might be, you still have mixture. That mixture that
you're allowing into your life and into your worship, is
defiling you and this message today is to encourage
you to come out a mixture. Look at verse 10. "Do not plow with an ox
and a donkey together." So this is talking about
putting an ox and a donkey in the same yoke and you probably
remember how Sha'ul said do not be unevenly
yoked with unbelievers. In other words, don't put a believer in with an
unbeliever in the same yoke, so don't put an
ox and a donkey together in the same yoke. And we're going to cover some of
those verses here in a moment, but this is talking about no mixture.
Verse 11 "Do not put on a garment of different
kinds of wool and linen together." So it's
talking about a garment that's woven with different
types of threads. Do not mix up the threads, threads that
are woven, together in a garment. Don't put that
garment on. And people ask me, well do you
wear garments that are just 100 percent, one type of thread? And the answer is yes,
because there is an object lesson. When you go into a store and you have to
look for a garment that's a 100 percent of one type of thread, that's an object
lesson that you think about and you meditate on
every time you go into a store because there are lots of garments
that have threads that are mixed up, and Abba YAH say, I don't want any mixture. So,
if you're putting on a garment that has threads that are woven together that are
all mixed up then you're not thinking about purity, you're not thinking about what your bible may call "holiness" or set-
apartness and I'm going to take you there in just a
moment, where I want to show you that set- apartness
is simply being unmixed. If you want to be set-apart to YAH then
you're unmixed. So yes, the answer is I do only wear
garments that are 100 percent of one type of thread and when I'm
in the store and I'm looking around, I find that it's more difficult to
find that pure garment. And that's a picture of the world,
isn't it? It's more difficult to find that person who's walking without
mixture and yet, as we get closer and closer to the time that Yeshua returns,
I tell you what, we need to take seriously this charge of Torah
not to live with a mixed up life, not to mix in a whole bunch of pagan
influences into our lives, into our practices and into our worship.
All right. Let's go over to Leviticus chapter 19 and we're going to pick up
with verse 19 and this goes into a little more detail
concerning these same types of verses here. It says, "'Guard
my laws or obey my laws. Do not let your
livestock mate with another kind.'" Now, this is just talking about different
breeds, like cattle have different breeds so don't
don't have cattle mixing breeds, all right? No mixed up
breeds in your cattle or your livestock.
"Do not sow your field," We talked about a vineyard already,
but YAH's saying don't sow your field so if you have a large
field, maybe it's a wheat field, or whatever it might be. "Do not sow your
field with mixed seed so don't don't mix up the seed, it's
like the vineyard, don't mix up the seed that you cast out in
the field. Again, an object lesson to teach us,
no mixture. "And do not put a garment woven of two sorts of thread
upon you." So we've talked about that as well. So
these are a number of verses in the Torah
that teach us a very powerful lesson about mixture.
YAH does not want His people mixed up. Now go with me over to Leviticus chapter
11 and we're going to pick up with verse 44,
and as I've mentioned a moment ago, to be set apart,
your bible may say "holy", to be set apart is to be
unmixed. If you want to have a really good understanding of what set-apartness
is, set apartness is a person whose life and whose worship is unmixed.
If you don't have a bunch of mixture going on then you are
set apart and the more you live by the Scripture, the more set apart you are.
Now we understand that we are justified by belief
in Yeshua Messiah alone. You cannot be justified without believing
in Yeshua. But once you believe in Yeshua, then you receive the indwelling Set-apart Spirit who gives you the want-to obey and the power to obey and you get
into the Word and the more you obey and the more you
learn these wonderful lessons of Torah and begin to implement them in your life,
the more set apart you are, the more unmixed you become
and you are one who walks in set apartness. Leviticus chapter 11 verse 44 "For I am YAH your Elohim and you shall
set yourselves apart." In this process of believing unto justification receiving,
the Set-Apart Spirit having a desire to be obedient
and then learning what the Torah teaches in all of scripture
and begin practicing those practices and those ways,
in that way, we are setting ourselves apart.
Now people say, well you know, some people must have the holy gene.
They're just holier than the rest of us. There's no gene.
There's no set-apartness gene. There's no holy gene.
Being set apart simply means you're obeying the bible.
The more you obey the bible, the more set apart you are. So this says, you shall set
yourselves apart and you shall be set apart, live set
apart. Don't have mixture for I am
set apart. There's no mixture in YAH. There's no mixture in YAH, He is
righteous and righteous alone and He says I want
you to be set apart or unmixed and pure as I am unmixed and pure.
Now let's look at Leviticus chapter 19 verse 2. It says, "Speak to all the
congregation of the children of Israel, and say to them, 'Be set-apart,"
Be unmixed, be pure, be righteous, walk in my ways, walk in my Torah.
"...for I YAH your Elohim am set apart." Now let's look at
first Peter chapter 1 and verse 13. It says, "Therefore,
having girded up the loins of your mind, be sober, set your expectation," Or your
hope. "...perfectly on the favor that is to be
brought to you at the revelation of Yeshua Messiah
as obedient children." People say, well you know under Yeshua.
This is what religion says, you don't have to do anything, you just have to
believe. Well that runs absolutely contrary to
what the Scripture says. This passage tells us that we're to be
obedient children, that we are to obey the bible not
conforming yourselves to the former lusts
in your ignorance. Don't give yourself over to those
former lusts, those things that you lusted after
and that would include pagan days and pagan worship
practices and wanting to eat your swine and wanting to eat your meat with the
blood still in it and all the things that you did in your
ignorance. No. You are not to conform yourselves
any longer to those former lusts in your ignorance. "Instead,
as the one who called you is set-apart," Or
unmixed, pure, righteous. "so you, also, should become set apart
in all behavior." All of your behavior you should be
unmixed, in any of your ways,
in all of your life your life should reflect
Torah. It should reflect the scriptures, it should reflect a pure form of worship
as defined by the Torah. And so some of us have quite a bit of
work to do, we all have some work to do getting rid of the mixture.
Verse 16 "Because it has been written, "Be set-apart," Be unmixed. "for I
am set-apart." I am unmixed. All right. Go with me over to Exodus chapter 20
we're going to pick up with verse 1. And set-apartness or holiness
begins with the covenant with the ten words, so if you understand
the first three commandments of the ten words and you
truly live those things out in purity and try to be as perfect as possible,
then you're going to begin the process of being unmixed.
Exodus chapter 20 verse 1 says, "And Elohim spoke
all these words saying, "I am YAH your Elohim who brought you out of the
land of Mitsrayim," It's time for all of us to come out of Egypt. If you're
still hanging on to some of the stuff that's in
Egypt or maybe Babylon, you need to come out, get rid of the mixture,
"...out of the house of slavery. You have no other mighty ones against my face," See, be
pure. Only have one Elohim, Abba YAH and worship Him
alone. Don't mix in the practices of the pagans.
Don't mix in the holidays and and the traditions of religion
because many of those traditions have a pagan root so it's time to cast those
things off. "You do not make for yourselves a carved
image or any likeness of that which is in the
heavens above or which is in the earth beneath, or
which is in the waters under the earth, you do not bow down to them nor serve
them for I YAH your Elohim am a jealous EL,
visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children
to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me.
But showing loving commitment, to thousands to those
who love me and guard my commands." Do you love Him? Do you truly love Him?
I'm not talking about having some religion,
I'm not talking about saying, well, I just love Jesus
and you have so much mixture in your religious practices
that you've defiled yourself. It's an abomination
to the Master. If you truly love Him, you will guard
His commands. Yeshua said that, He was quoting Torah. He said, if you love me
keep my commandments and so to be set-apart it begins by having only one
Elohim, by practicing the ways of that one
Elohim Abba YAH, by embracing His Word, the Torah,
and by living out these commandments understanding what they mean
and even going deeper to the deepest spiritual application to understand all
these object lessons and to realize He wants no mixture. He will not share
you with anyone, He is a jealous EL, He will not share you with
some pagan deity, some false deity. He will not
share you. When you think about, well I just I love my easter and I just love my
Christmas and when you understand the the root of those
holidays, it's an abomination to Him. Notice it says, He shows loving
commitment to thousands to those who love Him and
guard or obey His commands. All right go with me over to Deuteronomy
chapter six, we're going to pick up with verse one.
And this tells us that YAH wants a pure form of worship
as defined by the Torah. Now, we've already mentioned that but I want to
show you these verses Deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 1.
"And this is the command the laws and the right-rulings which YAH your
Elohim has commanded. To teach you to do in the land which you
are passing over to possess so that you fear YAH your Elohim to
guard all His laws and His commands
which I command you, you and your son, and your grandson,
all the days of your life and that your days be prolonged." If you obey His
commands, if you walk in set-apartness, if you get rid of
mixture, if you don't allow mixture in the first place then it says
your days will be prolonged, you'll live a long life on the earth,
you'll be blessed. You remember what we've taught you that
that the Torah was given to bring life and blessing,
that's exactly right. Verse 3 "And you shall hear,
O Israel, and shall guard to do, that it might be well with you, and that
you increase greatly as YAH Elohim of your
fathers has spoken to you in a land flowing with
milk and honey." So He will bless you, He will
increase you greatly if you'll keep out the mixture. Verse 4, "Hear, O Israel YAH our Elohim
YAH is one." He is the number one. He is echad,
there's none other. "And you shall love YAH your Elohim with
all your heart, and with all your being, and with all
your might." That's all of you.
You love Him completely, not holding anything back. "And these words which I'm
commanding you today shall be in your heart, and you shall
impress them upon your children," We're talking about the commands, the
commandments. "and shall speak of them when you sit in
your house and when you walk by the way and when
you lie down, when you rise up and shall bind them as a sign on your
hand and they shall be as frontlets between
your eyes. And you shall write them on the
doorposts of your house and on your gates." So the words of YAH
are impressed upon the believer and you think about them, and you talk about them,
and you teach them to your children and your grandchildren,
why? Because they bring life and they bring
blessing and if you have YAH's words and His commands
in your mind and on your heart and you obey those commands, you'll not
be mixed up, you'll not have a mixture, you'll not
bring all those pagan influences into your life and into your
worship. Which YAH says is an abomination
and so we need to make sure we don't add to the Torah, or take away from the Torah,
but we live the Torah out as it has been written.
Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 1 "And now O Israel listen to the laws and
the right-rulings which I am teaching you
to do, so that you live," There it is again. "and shall go in and possess the land
which YAH Elohim of your fathers is giving you." There's the blessing.
Verse two "Do not add to the word," Do not add to the word. Now Judaism has
broken the Torah by adding all kinds of rules and regulations, they just made it so hard to do. Yeshua
said, heavy burdens hard to bear and Yeshua
is the living Word of Elohim, He is the living Torah,
and He came to demonstrate to us how to live out the Torah
by favoring the Spirit. He was bringing people back to the written
word of Elohim. Do not add to the Word, don't
complicate it, don't make it religious by adding a bunch of man-made rules and
regulations. You're going to turn a lot of people away.
When you do that religion has done that. "Do not add to the word which I command
you and do not take away from it,"
Christianity, you've abolished it. You have said that
all we need to do is have a mental acknowledgement that Jesus
is the Christ, now, if you start obeying the Scripture,
you've fallen from grace and now you're nothing but a
law-keeper. Well, you know what we say if you're not a law-keeper what are you?
A law-breaker. And so don't take away from the Torah, don't abolish it.
"...so as to guard the commands of YAH your Elohim
which I am commanding you." Look if you don't have the Torah, if you
don't have that foundation for righteousness in your life,
you're going to let all kinds of worldly and pagan influences
into your life. You're defiling yourself. You're defiling
your worship practices by bringing in all these
worldly influences and all these pagan influences.
Take easter for example. You know, they'll have a sermon on the resurrection of
Jesus and then they'll go out in the lawn
and they'll give all the children a little basket and they'll run around
and they'll look for painted eggs and you've got easter bunnies.
What is that? Is that a pure form of worship as defined by the Torah, as
defined by all of Scripture? No, that is mixture and
mixture, we're going to find out, nauseates the Master,
makes Him sick in His stomach. He wants to throw up.
And so this message is to encourage you to get the mixture out.
All right. Don't add to the Torah and don't take away from the Torah.
Then, Deuteronomy chapter 12 beginning with verse 29,
this tells us not to worship Elohim in the same way,
in the same manner, that the pagans worshiped their false deities.
All right. Deuteronomy chapter 12 verse 29
"And when YAH your Elohim does cut off from before you the nations,"
Those nations that they were going in to dispossess.
"which you go to dispossess, and you dispossess
them and dwell in their land." Verse 30 "Guard yourself," Be careful. "that you are
not ensnared to follow them," To follow their ways.
"after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire about their
mighty ones saying how did these nations serve their
mighty ones and let me do so too." Now this is not talking about,
you're inquiring about serving the false deities of those nations that
you dispossess. This is talking about asking about how
did they serve their false deities and then bringing those practices into
your worship of Abba YAH. Abba YAH does not want to be
worshipped in the manner that those nations worship their false deities.
He has a pure form of worship as defined by Torah, that's how He wants to be
worshiped. Look at verse 31 "Do not do so
to YAH your Elohim for every abomination which YAH
hates they have done to their mighty ones.
For they even burn their sons and daughters
in the fire to their mighty ones." Verse 32
"All the words I am commanding you guard to do it,
do not add to it. Nor take away from it." He's saying don't inquire of those
nations how they worship their false deities and
then come and want to worship me in the same way.
He's saying it's an abomination, what they did
is an abomination, the way they serve their false deities that's an
abomination to me. Don't come trying to worship me in the
same manner as they. He says, "All the words that I'm
commanding you guard to do it." In other words, worship me
in the way that I define through my Torah.
Do not add to it, nor take away from it. No mixture. Don't mix in
things, traditions, pagan ways, pagan holidays. Don't mix them in.
Keep them out. Do not add to my Torah, my Word, and do not take away
from it. All right. Let's go to Leviticus chapter 20 and
pick up with verse 22. This tells us to do the ways of YAH and
not walk in the ways of the nations. Verse 22 "And you shall guard all my laws
and all my right-rulings and do them, so that the land where I am
bringing you to dwell does not vomit you out."
See when there's mixture, the land will vomit you out.
I think about America today. America is heaving,
this land is heaving because of the wickedness
that's taking place in this country and there are other nations around the world
the land is heaving, nauseated, wanting to vomit out the
people because of their wickedness, because of
their evil, because of their pagan practices.
Verse 23 "And do not walk in the laws or the ways
of the nation which I am driving out before you,
for they do all these," Talking about all these
loathsome things, these abominations. "and therefore I loathed them."
So YAH's saying, walk in my pure form of worship as defined by my Torah
and do not walk in the ways of the nation which I'm driving out before you,
don't walk in the nation's ways for they do abominable things
and YAH says, I loathe them. Verse 24 "But I say to you, you are going
to possess their land and I myself give it to you
to possess it, a land flowing with milk and honey
I am YAH your Elohim who has separated you from the peoples."
Separated you. He brought you out, He wants you to be
pure. He wants you to be righteous. He doesn't
want you to continue to be mixed up, He brought you out. He separated you.
"And you shall make a distinction between clean beasts
and unclean," So we need to know the difference between clean
and unclean. "and between unclean birds and clean and do not make yourselves
abominable by beast or by bird," In other words, don't
practice abominable ways. "or whatever creeps on the ground, which I
have separated from you as unclean. Touch not
the unclean thing and you shall be set-apart to me," Remember what set-
apartness is? Being unmixed, no mixture.
"and you shall be set-apart," Or pure. "to me. For I YAH am set apart," That's a
theme we see over and over again. "and have separated you come out
from the peoples to be mine." And He defines what that looks like. "And
a man or a woman in whom there is a medium
or who are spiritists, shall certainly be put to death,
they are to stone them with stones. Their blood is upon them." And then look
at Deuteronomy chapter 18 and we'll pick up with verse 9. It
says, "When you come into the land which YAH your Elohim is giving you, do
not learn to do according to the abominations
of those nations." Do you think you've been influenced
by religion? Do you think you've been influenced by traditions?
Do you think you've been influenced by the world?
How much of that influence do you think you've brought into your worship of
Elohim? Elohim is saying here, do not learn to do
according to the abominations of those nations or the influences
of the world around you. "Let no one be found among you who makes his son or his
daughter pass through the fire," speaking of to Molech, burning a newborn
on the altar of Molech. "or one who practices divination, or a
user of magic, or one who interprets, omens,
or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who
calls up the dead. For whoever does these is an abomination
to YAH and because of these abominations YAH your Elohim drives
them out from before you. Be perfect." Or perfectly follow the Torah.
Be perfect in obedience. "be obedient for YAH your Elohim is perfect." Hallelujah. Don't learn the ways of the nations,
don't be influenced by the traditions of your fathers, your pagan fathers.
Come out from among them and be separate. Jeremiah chapter 10 verse 2 says, "Thus
said YAH, "Do not learn the way of the nations,
and do not be awed by the signs of the heavens,
don't worship the heavenly bodies for the nations are awed by them.
For the laws of these peoples or the ways of these peoples
are worthless." Are you still practicing some
worthlessness? - Oh, I just love that particular holiday.
It's not written of in the Torah, it has pagan roots but I just
love it - YAH says it's worthless. Are you still practicing worthlessness?
"For one cuts a tree from the forest, work for the hands of a
craftsman with a cutting tool. They beautify it
with silver and gold." Does that remind you of anything? Putting silver and gold
upon a tree? "They strengthen it with nails and
hammers so that it does not topple." So it's erect, they bring it into their
home, they decorate it with gold and silver.
"They are like a rounded post and they do not speak.
They have to be carried, because they do not walk.
Do not be afraid of them," In other words, don't worship them.
For they do no evil nor is it in them to do any good."
All right. So this is talking about an idol,
it sounds a lot like a Christmas tree to me. People say - well, I don't worship the
Christmas tree - okay, then you can do without it this year?
You put it to people that way and then you find out if they truly worship it or
not. Don't learn the ways of the nations.
Jeremiah chapter 16 and verse 19 "O YAH my Strength, and my Stronghold, and
my Refuge, in the day of distress the nations
shall come to you from the ends of the earth and say,
"Our fathers have inherited only falsehood,"
Our fathers have inherited the false, only falsehood.
There was a whole lot of religion going on when you and I were born.
We didn't come up with all that stuff, it was already here when we were born
and we were taught a lot of religion. We were taught a lot of falsehood, a lot of
false things and we just carried along with it and
some of us just got to where we just loved it
and then you come into contact with the truth and you're challenged. What are you
going to do with the truth? What are you going to do with this truth
that has the power to radically transform you? Are you going to
ignore it? Are you going to cherry pick? Are you
going to go through the truth market and just pick out a
little bit here, take a little off the shelf over there?
Mix it in with all your pagan stuff and all your worldly ways
and all the religion that was going on before you were even alive because
you've learned to love those things and now you're
all mixed up. You've got so much mixture in your life and YAH says it's an abomination. You say - well, He knows my heart -
but He tells you plainly in scripture if you're mixed up,
if you don't care enough about Him to learn about His ways and to walk
in His pure ways, to worship Him the way He wants to be worshiped
according to His Torah. Then He says it's an abomination you've
defiled yourself. And this is saying there's coming a time
when the nations are going to say our fathers
have inherited only falsehood what was given to us
was false futility, falsehood and futility and there
is no value in them. Our false feudal pagan
practices have no value. They're no value to Elohim, they don't produce life and
blessing for us. They run contrary to the Torah, they are
an abomination in the sight of Elohim and the
nations are going to realize that what they
inherited is worthless, is worthless. And my prayer is that
there'll be people today listening to this message that will come to realize
that some of the things they're hanging on to are worthless
and it's time to come out of Babylon, come all the way out. Don't try to have
one foot in the kingdom and one foot in Babylon.
Some people like to straddle it like that, one foot in the Kingdom and one
foot in Egypt. You've been brought out of
Egypt. It's time to come out of Egypt, all the way out of Egypt,
be His own special people who proclaim the praises of YAH who's
called us out of darkness. I hope you don't love darkness or a
little bit of darkness so much so that you just won't come out
all the way. You know a half truth is a whole lie
and some people are walking in half truths. They have a little bit of the
bible, a little bit of Torah but they're still
hanging on to darkness. They're still hanging on to pagan ways
and pagan traditions and Roman holidays and it's an
abomination to the Master. Ephesians chapter 4 starting with verse
17, says, "So this I say," This is Sha'ul writing. "and
witness in the Master that you should no longer walk as the
nations walk." This is Sha'ul just simply quoting the
Torah, just simply breaking it down in a way that we can all understand it,
the Torah about no mixture. "That you should no longer walk as the
nation's walk, in the futility of their mind,"
The nations have lost their mind, basically. We're seeing more and more of
that today even in our country, in certain cities of
our nation, people have lost their mind. "Having been darkened in their
understanding," They don't understand the truth, they don't understand the Torah.
They don't care to understand the Torah. "Having been estranged from the life of
Elohim," The Torah brings life and blessing.
"...because of the ignorance that is in them," The worst kind of ignorance is
self-inflicted ignorance. Some people are ignorant because they
want to be. You tell them the truth and they don't want to hear it.
I hope you're not one of those. "...because of the hardness of their
heart who, having become callous hard having given themselves up to
indecency, to work all uncleanness with greediness." If you're
doing this, you're you're mixed up, you've got a mixture.
"But you have not so learned Messiah if indeed you have heard Him,
and were taught by Him as truth is in Yeshua,
that you put off," You get rid of the mixture. "...put off
with regard to your former behavior," Get rid of your former behavior, this is
Sha'ul in what's called the the New Testament. I call those writings
the writings of the emissaries. But he's saying, put off with regard to
your former behavior. Don't live like the nations, don't live
like you used to come out of the mixture. "...the old man, being corrupted according to
the desires of the deceit, or deceitful desires, and
to be renewed in the spirit of your mind that you put
on the renewed man, the new man which was created according
to Elohim, in righteousness and set-apartness
of the truth." The truth will set you apart.
If you obey the truth, you will not be mixed up. You'll not have a mixture,
you'll be set-apart. Your bible may say "holy".
You remember? Set-apartness is simply being unmixed.
Verse 25 "Therefore, having put off the false, speak truth, each one with his neighbor,
for we are members of one another. Be wroth or be angry,
but do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your rage,
nor give place to the devil. Let him who stole
steal no more," That's one of the ten words. "but rather let him
labor, working with his hands what is good,
so that he has somewhat or something to share
with those in need. Let no corrupt word come out of your
mouth but only such as is good for the use of
building up. Let your words build people up so as to
impart what is pleasant to the hearers.
And do not grieve the Set-apart Spirit of Elohim,"
How do we grieve the Set-apart Spirit of Elohim? By allowing mixture,
by loving what we shouldn't love. The Torah tells us that we're to love
YAH with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. He wants our
all. We shouldn't love these pagan ways. We shouldn't love these
worthless attitudes, and traditions, and activities and
behaviors. We shouldn't have mixture. We shouldn't
grieve the Set-apart Spirit of Elohim by whom
you were sealed for the day of redemption.
"Let all bitterness and wrath and displeasure and uproar, and slander be
put away from you, along with all evil. And be kind towards
one another, tenderhearted forgiving one another, as
Elohim also forgave you in Messiah." Now look at chapter five and
verse 1, "Become, then, imitators of Elohim,"
How do you imitate Elohim? You live according to His Word.
He said, be set-apart for I am set-apart. In other words,
don't be mixed because I have no mixture in me. "Become, then, imitators of Elohim as
beloved children and walk in love as Messiah also has loved us and gave
hHimself for us, a gift and an offering to Elohim for a
sweet-smelling fragrance. But whoring and all uncleanness,"
Do not touch what is unclean. "or greed of gain. Let it not even be named among you,
as is proper among set-apart ones, those who do not walk in mixture neither
filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse
jesting, which are not fitting, but rather thanksgiving. For this you know
that no one who whores nor unclean one, nor one greedy of gain,
who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the reign of Messiah and Elohim."
Now how does Sha'ul know that? Because there are prohibitions against
all of these things in the Torah. Sha'ul is quoting simply Torah here.
He's just putting it all together as he writes
to believers in Yeshua in the congregation in Ephesus. He's just
putting the Torah all together, kind of compiling it and he's quoting
the Torah. Verse 6 "Let no one deceive you with
empty words for because of these the wrath of Elohim
comes upon the sons of disobedience." There it is right there.
The wrath of Elohim is coming upon the sons of disobedience,
disobedience to the Torah, disobedience to the Scripture.
See there are sons of obedience and there are sons of disobedience.
As i mentioned before, a half-truth is a whole lie
and someone who calls himself a son of obedience
but he's allowed mixture to come into his life,
he's not obeying. The Torah prohibits mixture, there's to
be no mixture. Don't sow your vineyard with different
types of seed. Do not plow with an ox and a donkey in
the same yoke. Do not wear a garment that's woven
with different types of threads. No
mixture. If you have mixture in your life, you're not
yet a son of obedience. You're still a son or a daughter of
disobedience. Because when you obey fully, when you
become perfect as He is perfect, then you'll get rid of all
the mixture. Verse 7 "Therefore do not become
partakers with them." "Do not become partakers with them for
you were once darkness but now you are
light in the Master." You are light. The command is a lamp and the Torah a
light. You reflect that light. "...walk as children
of light, for the fruit of the Spirit is in all
goodness and righteousness, and truth, proving what is well pleasing to the
Master and have no fellowship with the fruitless
works of darkness, but rather convict them."
Expose them. Get them out of your life and then don't
support mixture in the lives of others who claim to be believers.
And then, in Isaiah chapter 5 picking up with verse 20, we find a very very
interesting passage and this is simply
a woe from Elohim to those who are all mixed up. They have so much
mixture in their lives that they have completely lost
their true north. They don't have a moral compass anymore.
They're just totally mixed up. They're walking in such
mixture that they're confused about what is right and what is wrong, what is good
and what is evil. Let's read it. Verse 20 of chapter
5 of Isaiah, "Woe to those who call evil good," There's coming a time that
we're living in those days, when people will call what is evil good.
They have allowed so much evil in their lives that
it's just commonplace with them and they think it's good.
They're confused, they're mixed up. "Woe to those who call evil good
we're seeing that today and good evil who put darkness for light,"
They've allowed so much darkness in their life that
they think it's normal and they put darkness for light.
They put pagan ways above true worship defined by Torah,
they put Roman holidays above bible holy days. They put darkness for
light. They put their evil, worldly, pagan
practices above walking in the ways of Elohim. It goes on to say, "...and light for darkness,"
They're mixed up. "who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for
bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own
eyes," You run across those people all the time.
"and clever in their own sight." They just love
the way of religion that they have determined for themselves
everybody has their own truth, you hear that a lot today.
Everybody has their own truth. they do what's right in their own eyes,
and yet, the Scripture prohibits that. Do not do what is right in your own eyes
but do what is right in Elohim's eyes.
"Woe to the mighty to drink wine and brave men
to mix strong drinks," Some people just act like they're drunk.
I mean, they're so mixed up and so confused
they just look drunk and act drunk and sound drunk. Verse 23 "Who declare
right the wrong they say what's wrong is right
for a bribe," They take money to say what is
wrong is right and the righteousness of the righteous they turn aside from
Him." They're not hearing it. They don't want
to hear what's righteous and they're going to
hate those of us who walk in the righteousness of Elohim. "Therefore
as a tongue of fire devours the stubble and the flame consumes the chaff, their
root is as rottenness and their blossom goes up like dust."
There's going to be a judgment and YAH's great judgment is going to
fall upon those who have allowed mixture
into their lives and into their ways, those who
call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for
darkness who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. There's going to be
a great judgment. "...because they have rejected the Torah of
YAH of hosts," How do we avoid this mixture?
By embracing the Torah of YAH of host, by embracing the Torah by living in His
ways, by loving His ways. "because they have rejected the Torah of
YAH hosts and despised the word of the
set-apart one of Israel." They despise the word of the one who has
no mixture, the set-apart One of Israel.
We mentioned that Sha'ul wrote about not being
unequally yoked, let's take a look at that. Second Corinthians chapter six
beginning with verse 14, "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers,"
Don't plow with an ox and a donkey in the same yoke.
"Don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers,"
In other words, don't yoke yourself up to unbelievers in the sense of
embracing the practices of unbelievers, doing what
they do and saying what they say, thinking like they think, don't do it.
"for what partnership has righteousness," See if you're obeying the Torah, you're
walking in righteousness. "and lawlessness?" Those who live like
there is no law. What partnership
is there between a person who is walking in the Torah,
walking in obedience to the words of Elohim
and those who are living like there is no law, there is no partnership?
"...and what fellowship has light with darkness?" Remember what we said?
That the command is a lamp and the Torah is a light? Well, fellowship has
light, somebody walking and embracing the ways of the Torah with
darkness, someone walking in evil ways. "And what agreement has Messiah with
Belial, the prince of demons? Or what part does a believer have with
an unbeliever?" The answer to all these is none.
"And what union has the dwelling place or the temple
of Elohim with idols? For you are a dwelling place
of the living Elohim, as Elohim has said, "I shall dwell in
them and walk among them and I shall be their Elohim and they
shall be my people." In a pure relationship,
no mixture. Verse 17 "Therefore, "Come out from among them
and be separate, come out from among them and be unmixed says YAH,
do not touch what is unclean," Do not do the abominable thing, do not
touch what is unclean. Do not embrace
pagan ways and practices. Do not celebrate
Roman holidays. Instead, walk in the bible holy days.
"...do not touch what is unclean and I shall receive you.
He's not going to receive those who are walking in uncleanness.
- well, He knows my heart - well, He's told you in His Word that He wants all of you,
He doesn't want the mixture. He's coming back for a pure
bride. The bride is one who's dressed in pure white linen, the white linen
is the righteous deeds or the righteous acts of believers. When we obey the
Scripture, when we obey the Torah. Yeshua is not coming back for a bride
that's all mixed up and unclean and impure,
He's coming back for a people who are walking in set-apartness.
"And I shall be a father to you and you shall
be sons and daughters to me, says YAH the Almighty." Isn't that beautiful?
That is wonderful. Now, I want to show you something in the book of Revelation,
I don't know if you've seen this before, but this is a powerful revelation.
Revelation chapter 3 beginning with verse 14.
I mentioned earlier that luke-warmness is nauseating
to the Master and this passage tells us that.
Revelation 3:14 "And to the messenger (or the angel) of the assembly in Laodikeia write, the Amen, the trustworthy and true witness,
the beginning of the creation of Elohim, says this, "I know your works
that you are neither cold nor hot. I would that you were cold or hot.
So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold
nor hot, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth."" This is not talking
about being red hot for Yeshua, Yeshua is saying
there are certain foods that are good cold.
There are some foods that are good hot and Yeshua said, because you're not cold
and because you're not hot but you're lukewarm. What is
lukewarmness? It's a mixture, it's a mixture of cold
and hot. He says, because you are mixed up, because
you are a mixture, because you've allowed mixture,
you're not walking in the purity of the Torah.
You're not walking in the purity of the Scripture.
You're not giving Elohim you're 100 percent. You're mixed, you are lukewarm, you're a
mixture of cold and hot. And because you're that way. Yeshua says
I'm going to vomit you out of my mouth. In other words, lukewarmness a mixture
nauseates Yeshua. By the way, He was talking to believers.
These are believers in the assembly in Laodikeia.
Verse 17 "Because you say, 'Rich I am and I am made rich
and need none at all,'" I got it made, I got it just the way I like it,
I'm doing what's right in my own eyes. I got everything I need, I'm rich.
I continue to be rich I don't have any need.
"...and you do not know that you are wretched,
and pitiable, and poor, and blind, and naked." So these are people
who say they believe in Yeshua but they're not walking in the ways of
Elohim. They've got a mixture, they're not hot
and they're not cold, they're lukewarm. There's mixture there and they think -
man, we got it made, we're doing it the way we like it, we're enjoying
our religion the way we have it - and Yeshua says, you don't even know
that you're wretched, and pitiable, and poor, and blind, and naked.
Look at verse 18. "I advise you to buy from me
gold refined in the fire, so that you become rich," What's he
talking about, gold refined in the fire? We find in Psalm 19
verse 9 in the second half of that passage, it says, "The right-rulings of YAH
are true they are righteous altogether, more desirable than gold than much
fine gold." So he's talking about the righteous right-rulings of YAH So what is he saying? He's saying I
advise you to buy from me, gold refined in the fire. In other words,
come to know the righteous right-rulings of YAH
come to be a Torah obedient person so that you become rich.
Remember the Torah brings life and blessing.
Psalm 119:72 says, "The Torah of your mouth is better to me than
thousands of gold and silver pieces. And then we see in Psalm 119:27, it says,
"Make me understand the way of your orders
that I might meditate on your wonders." And then, Proverbs 30
verse 5, the first part of that verse says, "Every word of Eloah is tried,"
Tried in the fire. So Yeshua is talking about
the Word of YAH. And then it says, "...and white garments,
so that you become dressed, so that the shame of your nakedness
might be shown," Again, the white garments represent the righteous
acts of believers. And so Yeshua's saying, you need to buy
from me white garments, you need to learn from me to walk in the
ways of Elohim. Again, Yeshua is the living
Torah and His whole ministry was to bring
people back to the written Torah, so we say, hey, you need white garments
because you're naked. The way you get the white
garments is to learn my Word and obey my Word.
And then, it says, "and anoint your eyes with ointment," It's talking about the
Spirit opening your eyes, the Spirit needs to open people's eyes to the truth,
the truth of Torah. Torah is the foundation for
righteousness. Yes, we are justified
by belief in Yeshua, but when we believe in Yeshua then we receive the promise
that YAH made to Abraham and his Seed, the Mashiach, that through Abraham
and Messiah, all the nations of the world will be
blessed and Sha'ul calls the ultimate blessing, the receiving of the Set-apart Spirit.
And so they need to have their eyes opened
and anointed by the Spirit so they can see the truth
and begin to walk in it. It says, "and anoint your eyes with ointment
so that you see." Verse 19 "As many as I love I reprove and discipline
so be ardent and repent." Some of us have so much mixture and others of us just
have a a bit of mixture here and there, but the
closer you get to Yeshua, the more your eyes are open -
that you see, oh, I have more mixture in my life than I
knew. And so yes, we are praying that we would
have gold from from Yeshua refined in a fire
to know the truth of Torah in the scripture and
also that we might become dressed in white
garments that we might not only know the truth
but obey the truth, the white garments being the righteous
acts of believers and that our eyes then would be anointed
by the Spirit that we might see the truth and walk in it.
Yeshua says, those I love I reprove and discipline.
He says, so be ardent and repent. That's what this message is
all about today. And then we're going to close out with a couple more passages,
Isaiah chapter 2 and verse 2. This tells us that Yeshua will teach the
pure ways of Elohim from Yerushalayim in the Millennial
kingdom. Verse 2 "And it shall be in the latter
days that the mountain of the house of YAH is established
on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills
and all nations flow to it. And many peoples shall come and say come,
and let us go up to the mountain of YAH, to the house
of the Elohim of Ya'aqob, and let Him teach us
His ways" Let Him, YAH, teach us His ways. Of course
Yeshua is the perfect representation of YAH on the earth.
"and let us walk in His paths for out of Tsiyon comes forth the Torah
and the word of YAH from Yerushalayim." And so, Yeshua is going to teach
the Torah from Yerushalayim and the nations are going to pour in and
they're going to want to hear the Torah taught in it's
purest form from Yeshua, and so we look forward to those times.
And then Revelation chapter 22 picking up with
verse 11, this is a a powerful and wonderful
passage. It says, "He who does wrong let him do
more wrong," There's going to come a time when time
is up. You may not have listened,
you may have loved your traditions, your religious ways that are not based in
Scripture, in the Torah. You may have loved the darkness more
than the light. There's coming a time when those that
are doing wrong they're just going to keep on doing
wrong. "...he who is filthy, let him be more filthy,
he who is righteous, though let him be more righteous,
let him keep on being righteous, he who is set-apart or unmixed,
let him be more set-apart, let him keep on being
unmixed. And see, I am coming speedily and my reward is with me, to give to each
according to His work." Yeshua is going to give to each one
of us according to what we did, not what we said we believe.
That's where religion goes so wrong. They're teaching people, just say you
believe, just have a mental acknowledgement that
Jesus is the Christ, that's all you need. Don't try to obey anything because if you obey you've fallen from
grace and now you're just a law-keeper. Runs
absolutely contrary to all of scripture to think like that but religion has
embraced it, because it is a doctrine of comfort and
convenience. Yeshua is coming back to give to each
according to His work. The Scripture says, "I am the 'Aleph
and the Tav, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Blessed are those doing His commands," Now, let me stop and ponder this a bit.
Blessed are those doing His commands. The Torah brings what? Life and blessing.
Blessed are those doing His commands, the commands of Elohim.
Now, why is it important for us to do the commands of Elohim?
"...so that the authority shall be theirs under the tree of life," In other words, so
that you get to eat from the tree of life.
"and to enter through the gates into the city." The new Jerusalem.
So if you want to eat of the tree of life and if you want to get into the new
Yerushalayim, how do you get the authority to do that?
You keep the commands of Elohim. You obey His commands. If you obey His
commands, you'll walk in a pure form of worship as described
and defined by His Torah. If you obey His commands, they'll not be mixture
because there are commandments that prohibit mixture
and you will walk in a pure pure form of worship. Hallelujah. Look at verse 15. "But outside,"
In other words, those that are left out. Doesn't mean
those that are just right outside the gates of the city, just means those that
are left out. "But outside are the dogs
and those who enchant with drugs, and those who whore, and the murderers,
and the idolaters, and all who love and do
falsehood." See, the people who have mixture in their lives
are people who have a certain affection for falsehood.
They have an affection for tradition. They have an affection. They don't care
that those things run contrary to the Scripture.
Oftentimes when they hear it, they're not having it.
Don't talk to me about that, I'm not changing.
People who love and do falsehood are going to be left out. It's a sad
truth, but it is a bible truth. And so we come
to the conclusion of this message, our title is, "No mixture" and we've shown
you in the scripture today that YAH desires His people to love Him
completely perfectly, fully. He wants all of you and He wants you to
worship Him in the way that He is prescribed,
through obedience to His Torah and His Word.
And if we will come out from among them and be separate,
if we'll not touch the unclean thing, then He will be our Elohim, He will be,
as the scripture says, a Father to us and we will be His children. Hallelujah.