The Virus, the Vaccine, the Masjid and the Market

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[Music] raheem i begin in the name of allah most gracious most merciful we praise him and we thank him for his boons and his gifts and his favors and we ask his special blessings on his final messenger muhammad [Music] i consider it an honor and a privilege for me to introduce sheikh maulana imran nazar hussain a well-known islamic scholar and missionary of international repute who is to present an islamic perspective on the current pandemic kovid 19 which has descended upon the world as a gruesome perilous scourge the like of which mankind has never never before experienced governments across the globe have frantically responded with an array of precautionary measures which preceded the introduction of vaccines at the beginning of this year the world health organization a major agency of the united nations has been trying to regulate prescriptions across the board which governments have been slavishly following in many cases these restrictions that have been imposed are in the main oppressive in nature but can be easily argued as necessary in a climate where the spread of the infection is running riot bringing total bewilderment in its trails in every democratic country in the world where people's rights and freedoms are guaranteed by law we observe the emergence of legal battles between citizenry and the state when this plague visits a family member and hospitalization is necessary the agony the pain and the indignity is unspeakable visiting rights are prohibited frontline workers that is doctors and nurses in the main are fatigued and overworked outside help and communication barely exists equipment and other treatment facilities are woefully inadequate the caregivers the patients and families all become helpless hopeless the pain and the indignity intensifies when that calls a final farewell and decent burial or cremation is denied a final glimpse and or preparation of the body of a loved one is denied this experience is repeated over and over affecting countless families open fire system of cremation practiced by hindus and many christians is prohibited in trinidad and tobago with no plausible reason given by the authorities to retrieve a corpse is an ongoing nightmare are piling up and this debacle intensifies sheikh mawlana imran hussain has been commenting from time to time in an attempt to give an islamic perspective to this ongoing raging confusion the concept of mandatory vaccines is gaining traction across the globe economies have been shaken to their very core was it necessary to shut down the market when did it whom did it benefit have the vaccines helped thus far and to what extent what about people's rights to worship worshipping in the mosques and keeping social distance in total contravention of the sunnah of our holy prophet muhammad upon whom be peace what about handling it in a different way the closure of beaches which are traditionally places of healing and therapy couldn't they have remained open with stated restrictions question about questions rather about the adverse effects of our school children remain unaddressed the hurt and the pain and the calamity that follows the shutdown of our education system continues to be a source of major concern the list goes on and on how does sheikh imran treat with at least some of these burning issues are the barriers up against his ideas here in the caribbean mandatory vaccination is gaining support and governments are becoming anxious in this regard the courts shall be man on inundated the courts shall be inundated with litigation or leading to nowhere all the constitutional niceties shall be vigorously canvassed on both sides governments on the one hand and the citizenry on the other this idea or this concept of necessity shall it prevail or shall the citizens have their way yet i am to view that sheikh i am of the view that sheikh imran has something valuable and interesting to say he is a well-known author with no fewer than 30 publications to his credit a roving islamic missionary who has traveled who is treading in the footsteps of his venerable and highly respected teacher and philosopher the late mawlana dr fazlu rahman ansari may allah bless his soul who hailed from pakistan sheikh imran has a huge following of students from all over the world who are benefiting from his pioneering works in the field of islamic eschatology and recently he has embarked upon the idea of an online institute for the propagation of islamic eschatology his discourse my dear brothers and sisters i am certain will be most stimulating and informative sheikh imran nazar hussain blessed name we praise him and we glorify him as he ought to be praised and glorified and we pray for peace and for blessings on all his noble messengers and in particular on the last of them all the blessed prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam as we greet you with us for your kind introduction to this talk entitled the virus the vaccine the masjid and the market this is the first of a series of eight topics to be delivered between now and the month of ramadan and my learned brother mawlana sheikh siddiq ahmad nasir who was one of the distinguished students of my teacher mawlana dr muhammad for the rahman ansari who will join me in this series of lectures between now and ramadan this is my first and there'll be three more to come and our topic once again the virus the vaccine the masjid and the mac and the market and of course we will be trying to offer an islamic eschatological view of the subject when we study the subject from eschatology we begin by recognizing that we now live in the end time our prophet allah's blessing be upon him gave us many many signs by which we can recognize the end time before allah brings down the curtain on history the end time of course is marked the heart of the end time is the belief in the return of the true messiah jesus the son of the virgin mary allah's blessings be upon them but before he returns there are many signs we should appear in the world and our prophet said for example that woman would be dressed and yet naked what else do you need to wake up and realize that we are living in that time prophesied by our prophet islam to islam the quran then takes over in surah to the kaf which is the surah of the end time this is the eschatological surah par excellence of the quran sura to the cafe and in suratul careful allah warns us in the encounter of musa islam the prophet moses with khidr alaihis the most learned of all men the model of scholarship in hiroshima islam in the encounter of these two allah gives us a warning that appearance and reality are going to be different from each other in the end time and only a model of scholarship that comes from within sight will be able to connect the dots up unfolding in the world and be able to read and penetrate accurately the reality of events unfolding in the end time but conventional scholarship cannot do it and that's why on all three events the boat the boy and the wall conventional scholarship field and the model of scholarship of hidalg built on the foundations of intuitive internal spiritual insight was able to penetrate the reality of the events and so now when we turn to the virus it has been in the world for two years now and that's a long enough period of time for people of insight to realize there's something sinister at work unfolding in the world through the virus what is it that's happening in the world why has the world changed so rapidly a period of only one week must have been a year and a half ago and in one week the world the world changed the more there's more to this than meets the eye and we want to begin our analysis of the virus this unusual virus from the quran by pointing out that allah has informed us that he created all of the world the whole world not only the material universe but all all of creation he created everything with truth and so beyond material reality there is a spiritual reality and everything in this universe makes tasbih glorifies the lord god when najmu was and the stars and the trees make siddha they prostrate and worship and so truth is embedded in everything in this universe nature is pregnant with truth and hence nature by itself unaided by evil people nature by itself would never target all of mankind with a virus at the same time something is curious here because this virus is unusual it is unique it has never happened before in history that a plague or a virus has targeted all of mankind at the same time when they planned this malicious attack on mankind they didn't think about that and so we can conclude we who worship the one god and whose conception of truth comes from above not from parliament and not from the judeo-christian zionist alliances working on behalf of israel our conception of truth is different and that is that this virus could not have come from nature unaided by evil people and therefore this virus has come from laboratories and will continue to come from laboratories and as a consequence we have come to the conclusion and we do not force our views on others this is our view and we should have the freedom to express our views and this is our view that this is biological warfare being raised on mankind i know that there are many who will differ with me because they have such great great respect for scientific tech scientific and technological knowledge and for medical knowledge instead and therefore they would be hesitant but let us tell them that there that is virus medical expertise is inadequate to study this subject no you need something more than medical knowledge you need to be able to study the reality of what's happening in the world today and then you will come to the conclusion that we have come to that this is biological warfare being waged on mankind we had the view it must have been a year or more ago when we expressed the view and i have delivered several lectures on this subject so far and this certainly can't be the last we held the view that this virus has not come for just a moment in time and we anticipated more than a year and a half ago that this virus will remain in the world for several years and alhamdulillah we praise and thank allah that this at least this part of our analysis has been validated as a consequence of what has happened the last one in a half years uh if this is biological warfare then who is it being waged against what is the end of this warfare our prophet allah's blessings be upon him he prophesied as only a prophet could prophesy he said that the arabs will be wiped out by plague that's the old word the new word is epidemic he said the arabs will be wiped out will plague that they would die the way sheep die and those who have the capacity to connect the dots to be able to penetrate the reality of what is unfolding now would realize that this is perhaps the beginning of what will eventually culminate with the destruction of the arabs prophesied by prophet muhammad alaihi islam islam and that in the same way that the quran spoke of a shadow a shadow that's right proceed now to a shadow which will unfold in three parts and when we looked at political history we spoke about pax britannica and then a pax americana which replaced it and then we anticipated that it will culminate it is not as yet culminated with a pax judaica and then britain and united states only there preparing the way for israel to eventually rule the world and so everything connected with dajjal is marked and stamped with three parts and so we are now suggesting to you and allah knows best that this virus will unfold in three stages and in the first stage which which is still we are still in the first stage it's like a drizzle of rain and the numbers who are dying are just few as yet but wait if we are correct there are heavy showers of rain still to come and they will shake up mankind with the numbers of people who will be dying and then when we thought this was the worst then the thundershowers will come and then you will see the fulfillment of the prophecy of prophet muhammad alaihis law to islam about the destruction of the arabs what are you going to do at that time if you were living in the city and people are dying in such huge numbers what's going to happen to you if you are a believer and you have to have a salah to janazah or a funeral pray and you you want to be buried they won't have any time for that not in the cities it's possible that the government will decide that all bodies must be burnt and you don't you can't quarrel with them at that time you're dead you you won't have a thoughtful janaza you won't have a burial a prophet said the time will come when a believer in order to preserve his fate preserve his deen preserve his way of life of islam he will have to flee to the mount inside and to places where rain falls and take with him some sheep and goats and suratul kaff has informed us about that philosophy of withdrawal from society they may turn their noses down in contempt but we will have the last laugh because suratul kaffir is the guide the young men fled they fled the cities and they stopped at the cave to rest and that's when allah put them to sleep but they were heading for the remote countryside and that's our message to you today we don't know as yet the end but we are anticipating that they're going to be heavy showers to come and then thunder showers and this may last for another few years so what do you do answer is about time to wake up and to realize that you need to seek security and safety in the remote countryside the virus is likely to kill millions and millions and millions the arabs are likely to be wiped out why because a park's judaica cannot replace a pakis americana when israel is so small and the world is so big either israel must grow as big as the united states all the world must become significantly smaller which would it be our view is that the world is going to become significantly smaller and therefore the virus has come to aid and to assist the passage from pakis americana to pakistan before we proceed further our prophet said allah's blessings be upon him he said if a plague takes place and today you call it the epidemic i don't use the word pandemic i don't like people creating new terms for me he said if an epidemic takes place and you are located in that place where the epidemic is taking place you say don't leave and if you are outside that area don't enter today it's called quarantine fancy term but our prophet gave it to us fourteen hundred years ago if you're outside don't enter and if you inside don't leave but he never said shut down the market he never said stop people from working earning their livelihood he never said cause the economy to collapse he never said shut the masjid. ah yes we have in the world today two kinds of people you have those who have eyes and can see and the rest are sheep and cattle and goats and camels even when they graduate from a darululum and so life must continue without with whatever precautions we can take life must continue when an epidemic takes place you don't stop visiting people who were ill you caught the virus you don't stop visiting them going to them giving them food taking care of them they need water to drink you don't stop doing that because they're you're afraid to catch the virus because our prophet said as only a prophet could speak but who cares today for what muhammad ali islam islam said who cares today everybody have more knowledge now because the government tells them what to do the world health organization tells them what to do and they don't care to peanuts so muhammad allah's blessing be upon him he said that if you die from the virus from the plague while you were there not flying not fleeing not hiding not trying to save yourself from death he said you'll die as a shahid as a martha and you therefore enter into heaven without any accounts but today seems as though we want to run away from heaven and so life continues when an epidemic takes place and only governments which have less knowledge than two peanuts who don't know where the virus is going where it's taking they come with all their fancy footwork telling us do this and do that and do the other do not allow the economy to collapse we notice with admiration that imran khan the prime minister of pakistan realized the re the necessity of maintaining the economy and he has defied the world health organization and he he has succeeded in keeping the pakistani economy alive and above surface while tunisia has collapsed and tunisia is now borrowing and borrowing and borrowing more when you allow the economy to collapse and then you have to go to the world bank and the imf and other lenders to borrow more money you're tightening the rope around your neck but our prophet allah's blessing be upon him gave us rights that allah has given to us that we have the right to earn our livelihood and no government no government no government should have the right to deny a human being the right to er in his livelihood but we need thinkers who can challenge governments at this time and finally before we end [Music] what has our prophets said about the masjid lazar hadith in sahih bukhari concerning judgment day and it is very hot and people are thirsty and the father is the prophet muhammad islam to islam go to him and he's there at the spring of al-qaeda and he offers them water and the water quenches their tests but there are some muslims who come to him for water and he refuses to give them water but in another hadith also in bukhari it is allah who said don't give them any water and they ask oh messenger of allah why we are believers we follow you we are muslims why are you denying us water and the prophet would say you changed the religion after i left there are great dangers in changing the religion in your political system in your economy and this and that and the other but the worst place of all to change your religion is in the house of allah you can't do worse than that the prophet allah's blessing be upon him gave us the rules of prayer of being allowed to enter the masjid and he never told us that you need to have a face mask to be able to enter a mustard i went to a mustard in a in warringville in trinidad for salaat i was coming back from the airport and i saw the sign at the door no mask no entry i turned my back on that building which pretends to be a mustard i turned my back and i went left it and i perform allah's messenger said one learned man is harsher on satan than a hundred or thousand ignorant worshippers i turned my back i did not enter so you cannot put a sign at the masjid no mass no entry government wants you to do it who is alakbar in the house of god who is allah who is supreme whose authority is supreme is it the supreme court we shall determine that or the privy council where has knowledge gone allah is supreme in his house and if you do not recognize alaris supreme and you recognize the government to have supreme authority you're not worshiping allah anymore you're worshipping the jail and you will have to suffer the faith of those who worship the job i went to another masjid i won't mention the name in order to protect anyone from embarrassment and when the imam saw me he said he said sheikh you have to lead the salah to juma i said to him listen i will give the khutbah but because i use a chair now i can't go down and say someone else will eat this he said fine so i went on the member and i gave the quran i made mention that in allah's house allah is not the government when the was over and i stepped down from the member and i'm walking now to sit on a chair in the last line i noticed what's going on here the people are standing with spaces in between but did the prophet allah's blessings be upon him did he not say that if you leave a space instead of standing shoulder to shoulder you know it if you leave a space he says shaytan will come and fill that space and you are leaving enough space for a couple shayed to come when i saw that i i shivered with fear i took my chair and i went to the back of the hall i refused to join that salaatu let the sheep and the cattle and the goats and the camels do what they want i went to the back of the hall and i made salah to zohar because that's a bogus so that what do you do when governments around the world now impose the authority on you in the masjid and force you to abandon the law which has come from allah and his messenger and obedience law what do you do over the last one year i have been traveling i traveled in several countries for one year i left trinidad in october 2000 and one and i returned in october october 2000 and i returned in october 2001. and i went traveling to several countries i spent a long time in pakistan and i traveled all over the country to all all the major towns and some of the major cities in some of the towns as well even went to the countryside i prayed to allah and i never had any virus and he said i successfully and returned home without any virus but wherever i went i found but for salah to juma every masjid i went to people were performing this a lot the normal way only one country in the world i saw this social distancing in salat and i shivered when i saw it it was in france even in albania which is in europe i went for suraj you must several you are in albania there were thousands in the masjid people were all outside the masjid performing salaat and there was no social distancing and you hardly ever saw anyone with a face mask that was albania um in britain in london i had to perform salah juma a few times in london in september and there was no social licensing and there are very few with face masks and i come to my own country of trinidad and what i see is people like sheep and cattle and goats and camels without a capacity to even think properly may allah grant those who are able now to go to sura to the cafe of the quran and to recognize that the model of scholarship to be able to penetrate the world in akhirozlaman that model of scholarship does not come from the dollar alone and at the heart of that model of scholarship which differ which differs from conventional scholarship is the capacity to use internal intuitive spiritual insight knowledge which comes directly from allah internally received that one is externally acquired this one is internally received and these two oceans of knowledge must come together and be harmoniously integrated this is what suratul kraft says you will find the most learned of all men and that was the scholarship of my teacher a blessed memory mawlana dr muhammad father rahman and sorry we pray that allah might help us and protect us in these terrible times when the virus is no longer a shower of rain a light shower but rather it becomes heavy rain and then becomes thundershowers and people are dying in millions that allah might bless us to be able to hold on to the faith and bless us that we might be able to find refuge inshallah in these turbulent times muhammad
Channel: Sheikh Imran Hosein
Views: 220,035
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Id: 633NrZj7XYg
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Length: 38min 16sec (2296 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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