The Viral Podcast Ep. 103

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get ready we're going viral get ready we're going [Music] viral hello everyone and welcome back to another installment of the viral podcast I'm your host Chelsea L and I'm your host Paige Jin happy Halloween happy Halloween everybody woohooo um if you are a listener uh you will need to either hop up on the YouTube video tomorrow or our Instagrams to see our costumes we really outdid ourselves this year you think yeah I always plan last minute yeah I planned this like two days ago but I think we pulled it off it does look we really pulled it off uh I am just a scary lady yeah and I'm uh uh your eyeball lady yeah Elva yeah elv Ela Ela and Maggie is shrimps be singing baby shrimp shrimps be singing she's a professional singer and Brett uh thinks he dressed up but that's how he looks every day yeah 1970s San Diego Clipper interesting do better yeah you got to do better man it's Halloween you got to do better man thank you guys for joining us uh this week and for helping us take over the world we love and appreciate you guys and uh let's talk about Halloween okay do you still trick or treat oh man yeah you go knock on houses no but you know what's funny is and this is a true story gosh we were like I was probably 10 11 um but I obviously looked like I was 20 you know dude the I'm sorry the way you talk is so [ __ ] creepy with that you going m like the makeup the makeup is good baby oh my um you were 20 well I looked 20 cuz I'm I'm huge and I've always been big even as a kid people always thought I was like a teenager when I was like nine or 10 I'm not even kidding always just tall and have breasts or what tall had boobs and also my face was never childlike you know when I was like three and four sure but when I just physically grew up quick soed yeah so I remember going trick-or-treating we were in Marietta Oklahoma and you probably don't remember this Maggie uh we went up to this it was me you and Beth and I think Mom had like dropped us she was like driving us around and we had went up to this house and this lady opened the door obviously Maggie and Beth look even though we're like a year apart they looked way younger and little than me I looked like the mom but I was trick-or-treating yeah you you needed candy too I was like 11 I was trick-or-treating so she this old lady open the door and we're like trick or treat and she gives Maggie a piece she gives Beth a piece and she looks at me she goes aren't you a little too old to be trick-or-treating whoa and shuts her door sad did you stop do you remember that Maggie barely vaguely yeah did that like ruin your confidence of knocking on doors and trick-or-treating or did you like go to the next house and are you kidding me you like I'm 11 [ __ ] no I was trying to get as many rees's as possible I went I went all night oh dude I was the first one out the last one done matter of fact I think I even went the next year too I mean I kept going I kept going I kept going that's sad though you're like okay I think the last year that I trick-or-treated it though I remember seeing someone that I went to school with that was in my class and he was like taking his little brothers and sisters he was taking his little brothers and sisters around but and he wasn't he didn't have a he wasn't trick-or-treating himself and here I come I'm like hey with your sack of candy he's like oh you're trick-or-treating I was like yeah dude I I always was just trick-or Trea until like every year I'd think am I a little too old to be doing this but then I'd go back the next year yeah Maggie the girls are not going this year are they well I asked him and Lola said she didn't care to go yeah live wants to go yeah if I would go until the last until they do until both of them you know until Liv says I do not want to go anymore hell I'd take her yeah you know what I mean yeah I'm going to take her I feel like kids can come around candy a lot easier than they could than we could back then and it's like what's the cut off what do you mean I know when do you stop trick or treating I think whenever they just don't want to anymore I think they do have like an age where they say we're like yeah like a common age where they say but I don't I don't listen to that I just go yeah I don't know is it when you become like a teen would you say gosh I see I saw a lot last year trior treat like big teenagers I think adults I think everyone should be able to trickortreat we should all go trick or treating dude and just see what H dude that's a good idea for like a a a a video and have somebody like recording us wearing mics and just trigger adult trigger treating can we do that next year should we all get dressed up and just we have to be dressed up oh yeah oh have to be dressed up I say we do they won't be able to tell if all of our faces are painted they're not going to turn you down and say you're 37 ma'am right let's try it let's do it let's try we still have to do carolling too I want us to all go carolling and see how many songs we can sing in a row before the people shut their door you know what we we used to do we used to get a big trailer and put like hay bells on it and then somebody would drive and you just hop off and back on we need to do that hot chocolate and [ __ ] you can't do that in the city you can't do that in town that was in love County Oklahoma you know what I mean you can't like they'll let you do that there here you know if we had a flatbed and we were all just in the back of it jumping on and off we can try it yeah I guess there's no rules there's no rules there's no rules that would be fun we need gosh Greg driving he would probably try to try to kill us he would just for fun just for his own pleasure oh that was one of the maddest times I've ever seen you when Greg dropped you off somewhere and peeled out and you turned around dude and your face was the maddest I've ever seen I don't even remember that Greg's the worst driver I've ever been in a vehicle with and out for no reason people would see that and think that maybe we were fighting or something and I got mad he drove no everything was probably wonderful and great and I got out of the car and then just being an idiot just peels off like crazy and that's what pissed me off why just for fun just just just to get a laugh it honestly made me laugh so [ __ ] hard well he won and he goty he won and he goty um I have a couple little holiday uh or not holiday but um um Halloween facts here the holiday bait uh dates back more than 2,000 years wait are you doing your um no oh oh okay I was confused too no no sorry um Halloween is even older than Christianity itself it all started as a pre-christian Celtic Festival called salmon um which means Summer's end trick-or-treating has existed since medieval times I wonder what they gave back then [ __ ] wow that'd be so cool we should bring that back I mean if it's adult only obviously no it's Blow Pops right right right [ __ ] to Blow Pops you know what I mean um let's see uh so it started out like um like worshiping and [ __ ] right I don't know it said um it says back then it was known as gussying in Scotland and Ireland that's when trick-or-treating started young people dressed up in costumes and went door too looking for food or money in exchange for performing songs poems or other tricks that is awesome imagine the being the the person that invented that they were like hey you know what I've been thinking about I mean how stoned do you have to be to be like hey let's get dressed up and go knock on doors and sing and maybe they'll give us some candy dude and they did it it's a worldwide phenomenon now I never see anybody doing tricks though I want to see some tricks D when we go trick or treat next year let's do some tricks when they say we got to have tricks ready though like you guys got to throw me up in the air or something you know what cheely do stunt I'm serious if you three dude oh my we got to do this we have to plan this out and we need somebody hiding in the bushes filming yeah this will be you say it's called gussing like gussing I the word was weird I didn't know how to how do you spell it well I've already I've already gone out of it g u s u i n g something like that hey I was hearing something about Halloween that like people would get dressed up to go um eat ass to go eat ass and kill what like the PE like evil spirits and [ __ ] like that's why they would get dressed up why did I hear this oh there's no telling um I don't know that is very interesting um maybe there's a bunch of different theories about how Halloween was created huh yeah oh I bet there's Halloween historians out there that that know most definitely what is your biggest Halloween memory or what is your like what do you remember what what was fun about it what like you know what stuck out was just kind of being like damn that house had a KingSize bar oh dude oh dude oh dude and that house had a funsize bar that's what stuck out oh dude we went to the rich side of the neighborhood yeah and we were just hoping for for the good candy The Good The King side yeah yeah Absolut same just doing that I would say like running around with your friends even though it was kind of cold outside and just you would warm up because you were in your costume and then just filling up that bag of candy it was just such a joy dude like I loved Halloween we hardly ever got to pick our own costumes my Grandma had a big box that we just recycled costumes every year so we'd have to go and like just figure out what to be um but my favorite and this is going to be cheesy but my favorite Halloween memories aren't even from when I was a kid it's from taking Lola and live when they were little yeah you know like taking them seeing other people experience yeah I always hated when I'd see apples what people would just leave apples like oh God or they give you a ball of pop like a popcorn ball yeah um yeah I guess that too and I was thinking of that the other day I want to fly my nieces out to Nashville and just you know go have a good time for like a week and just that'd be great you know experiencing holidays and [ __ ] with people who've never experienced it cuz you remember exactly how you feeled when you were a kid oh big time like you would hear Santa coming on the TV on the news and thinking oh damn he's actually on his way here mhm he's on his way to my house to my house do did y'all see that Viral Tik Tok of that of that lady uh she's like holding her baby and she's like or her kid and she's like as Christians we don't celebrate Halloween we like to just dress up and spend time with family and people are stitching it going oh yeah that's what Halloween is oh I didn't see that oh gosh it went viral and she's being dead serious she was like we don't celebrate Halloween we just like to get dressed up and and hang out with our friends and family and people were like yeah that's it I guess they don't go out and trick or treat I I don't know I don't know I just thought that was funny damn she tried to do something there and she didn't she didn't all she did was get got she got got um let's do a have you heard scary Edition I scoured the internet for some kind of um weird creepy stories from people um so this lady said I lived in an apartment in Marina Del Rey California 9 years ago just before Halloween a third floor balcony was decorated with a prop of a dead man slumped over in a in a chair for a few days every time I'd come home I'd look up and think how cool looking it was and wondering why they didn't have lights shining on it at night after a few days people realized it was actually a resident of the apartment who offed himself I was looking at a corpse thinking how cool it was Wo what the [ __ ] she couldn't malt smelly she had bad yeah she couldn't malt smelly baby she had she had sickness yeah wow um next one not the scariest thing that I know about but the scariest thing that's ever happened to me I worked at a pretty well-known record store in Los Angeles in the 9s a guy in his early 20s used to come in and ask me about records a lot and one day in conversation he let a weird detail out about my life it it slipped and I hadn't told him my quote my dad was not American I brushed it off thinking my coworker has mentioned it to him since he was such a regular about a week later I was driving home and my car broke down it was incredibly hot and I had to walk several miles to get to a pay phone which was outside an Elementary School I called a cab and hung up the phone and after sitting a moment it started ringing so I picked it up the person on the other end said bad luck about your car talk to me until your ride gets there I hung up the phone but it was definitely that guy he had he had to have followed me for a moment wait sorry I'm lost here he he had to have followed me from home trailed me from the car called the school to ask for the Payphone number and found a way to call me at that number there weren't really cell phones at the time but there was a gas station and a grocery store across the street so who knows I immediately quit my job and moved back in with my parents within 48 hours I went to visit old friends from work a few months later and they told me that guy was arrested Ed for kidnapping oh my dude you got to watch your back dude how I mean no cell phones and he's freaking calling her dang and always check in your rear viiew mirror right just always look just look whenever you think about it well you never know what's going to be back there just be safe and look and just who's following you home right I mean I've had people take videos of me not even knowing I did years ago had a had a car follow me and I noticed it was following me and I can't I remember where I was we had one follow us remember um in Los Angeles where were we it was following I don't remember me you be or when we went to Beth's birthday a couple years ago in the cabin in Oklahoma oh yeah yes what's that place called Broken Bow broken broken bow yeah somebody was following us out there and then we like hurried up and whipped into a driveway Greg was driving so damn it was kind of scary but that's right absolutely we think it was a fan Chelsea hit a tree and then I hit a tree yeah absolutely Good Times D you backed into a damn tree Good Times okay I remember back when I was seven my family and I had moved into a new house we had only been there for a few months and our next door neighbors were consistently fighting our houses were fairly close almost a full arms length away from one of our Windows anyways one night as me and my sisters were getting ready for bed we heard the usual arguing and thought nothing of it the next day after I finished getting dressed for school I walked outside my front door and as I was walking up to our front gate I noticed something to my left in the neighbor's front yard it was the young woman just laying there on the floor on her back I vividly remember the way she looked she was wearing a pink skirt and her arm was stretched out towards our fence my mom came out next and saw her right away she quickly rushed me and my sisters into the car and dropped us off at school when I got home that day there was police tape blocking off the neighbor's house and that's when I realized that she was dead I honestly thought she had passed out from drinking but she'd been murdered by her lover stabbed in the stomach multiple times sheesh yeah dang just stabbing somebody dude dude oh gosh dude how could you even bring yourself to do that people are crazy absolutely so happy repetitive stabbing is scary what's that the repetitive stabbing yeah just stabbing in general holy sh [ __ ] yeah I know so anyway there's there's that have you heard scary Edition those were good ones thanks anise have you ever had any um scary Halloween stories like or even like haunted houses oh that's another thing corn mazes haunted corn mazes in Utah are thing yeah and when we would go with my friends just back in the day those were some good memories running from chainsaws oh yeah hearing that noise now I love a good uh what are they called just scary house yeah like a Halloween house like a haunted house um we we went last year to one here in Nashville and it was great up until the last May maybe 10 minutes and you know when all those lights and the fog was going on that fog we couldn't breathe I thought I was truly going to have a panic attack it it it was pretty bad Magie was holding on to me just closing her eyes and every we could not breathe too much fog I couldn't see we lost a kid yeah we did it was bad we still haven't found her I she's still there you know I didn't feel safe yeah I did not feel safe that's what they wanted you know what sometimes I'm more afraid of the workers than an actual scary person I'm like this [ __ ] doesn't know what he's doing I know like where do they even hire these people dude they're like that's what carne's do in off season oh [ __ ] I actually don't know what if they're like hey we're looking for some people to reach out and grab people in some dark all the Peds okay oh my god oh Lord Count Me In oh Lord yeah you guys um watch your um I like Halloween I like Halloween I do like Christmas more I think Christmas is definitely more of a buildup yeah Spirits are high yeah the snow mhm have you experienced snow in Nashville did we get snow SN last year yeah it sure did okay a couple times but it didn't last no it lasted like a day or two yeah by the time I was back from Utah I never even saw it really yeah so um do you want to slip been to another sey let's do it called two truths and One Lie oh two truths One Lie yes ma'am you want to go first huning you want me to go first sure I'll go I guess okay hit it I have been SpongeBob before on Halloween okay I have been Aisha before on Halloween okay and I have been a Barbie before on Halloween which one is the LIE okay let me think this out here I think you AA is yes CU you are Chinese so I think maybe your family done that for you when you were little I think that's a yes what when she's little you're laughing at maybe your family had done that for you I think I think that's a yes I feel like every little girl is a bar was a you know dressed up as Barbie or had a Barbie dress or something but also see you doing SpongeBob and when you were little SpongeBob was big big big I'm going to say Barbie is the lie you [ __ ] I'm good I'm I'm good go ahead it wouldn't play sorry I'm good that was good thank you well it's all about when you don't know the answer to something just just take a moment and think MH and think about your options think about what you can exclude what you can move you know that's that's how you get the answer to things a lot of the times and my sisters will probably text me and be like you've been a Barbie yeah yeah shout out to Pa's sisters and her whole family uh and Aunt Jody you know listening right now we love you guys we know you guys listen and we definitely love you guys love you Mom yeah I love you dad I love you dad I love you Dad all right my two truths and a lie you ready I hate Halloween movies I hate candy corn and I hate caramel apples two are true one is a lie you hate Halloween movies you hate candy corn candy corn and you hate caramel apples mhm mhm which one is the lie I'm lying to you about one of them um I wouldn't I wouldn't say you hate Halloween movies you you um just you don't like scary movies but I don't think you hate Halloween movies and I know you hate candy corn so that's true I do hate candies and I've never seen you eat a caramel apple I don't know if you [ __ ] dude I'm just going to say the LIE is you don't hate Halloween movies you got it right oh yeah one more time oh yeah oh yeah keep [ __ ] playing that oh yeah that one's like really low oh yeah I love it dude we both got it right we're getting good maam we did both get it right yes ma'am oh yeah we're going to do a few more things on this pod but let's play a call you got a call loaded up Maggie I sure do here we roll that beautiful Bean footage hello and welcome to the MooMoo commercials do you like busting nuts uh I know you do okay and and you guys know we've been working with Adam and on this podcast for a while and there's a reason why okay they know what they're talking about when it comes to busting a nut they have been in business for decades the best way to get started is to go to Adam want a better sex life want a better rubbing one out on a Tuesday night by yourself life um you got a partner you want to amp it up with you got multiple partners all at once hell we don't care what you got going on we just want you having fun and Adam and Eve is going to have everything you need to do that we're talking dildos vibrators uh butt plugs [ __ ] suckers anal beads [ __ ] rings Lube lingerie and much much more and it's discreet shipping so what are you waiting for stop waiting around get clicking today Adam and Eve is all offering 50% off almost any one item and free shipping just enter code viral at checkout that's viral v i r a l at Adam and this is exclusive offer specific to this podcast so be sure to use this code viral to get your discount 100% free shipping and get it fast with Rush processing code viral oh yeah hey Honeys it's uh well I'm not going to say my name but uh I just wanted to tell you a little story while I was on my way to work so my ex I was having like suspicions he was doing something while I was a when I got back uh he went to the bathroom I looked on his phone and he [ __ ] uh one of his friends and they were texting about it and she was pregnant with his best friend's baby and talk about oh my gosh you probably almost touched the baby and blah blah blah and I was like what the [ __ ] and so I couldn't hold it in so when he came back in the room I was like what the [ __ ] dude and he turned it around on me and said well she yelled out her boyfriend's name how do you think that made me to i'm like [ __ ] like this isn't about you this is about me and this was in my villain era okay Honeys so after this I [ __ ] hung out I don't know I hung out with his brother and his best friends and we ended up starting to you know do stuff and uh you know one of them [ __ ] me in the puss and the other one [ __ ] me in the ass at the same time so I [ __ ] his brother and his best friend at the same time and he got word of it and came over and I literally had to hide my naked ass in the bathroom well after that uh you know he was hella pissed cuz I don't know how he even found out I was there but after that I took it a step further and I [ __ ] his dad and Dad a [ __ ] like he never did so y that's just a story I wanted to tell my Honeys I love you so much uh while I'm on my way to work I listen to you both all the time uh Paige shout out to my farting sister I love farts I love to fart I fart all the time I love you Chelsea I love you all and all of you goodbye Honeys we love you Honeys love farts wow wow lot to unpack here the fact that she had the patience to wait for this [ __ ] to get out of the bathroom or whatever and then confront him I would have been barging in there like wait did you [ __ ] you know dude what gets me is he was like who she said her boyfriend's name think M makes me feel the Victor and the freaking manipulation dude I bet his name was Victor I bet it was Victor can you and can you imagine like what what did he want her to say like oh God you're right I not think I wasn't thinking about you how could she have done that oh man I feel so bad for like come on he was just trying to throw any type of guilt and distractions he could because he did not like the situation he put himself in I'm so glad that his dad ate her [ __ ] oh my God he ate it that's what she said she said Sheck she [ __ ] yeah and he ate ate her [ __ ] better than yeah which honestly if you think about it is a weird thing for a dad to do yeah yeah my son was in this hole and I'm going to lick it right that's sick dude that's kind of a weird thing for a dad to do well and the brothers also [ __ ] that hole man the whole family had a piece and then the dad got the lickens H yeah well at least she was getting some I mean she's getting some she got it licked and sticked good for her she was getting some and getting that Karma right cuz karma is my boyfriend karma is a dad looking all my [ __ ] um the freaking boyfriend though yeah you can't come back from that you no how do you even feel about that you kind of do you still hang out with your dad and your brother after they [ __ ] your I don't know dude forgive and forget I mean I think it's a forgive and forget thing it's got to be a forgive it's got to be like let's never talk about this again let's forgive and let's forget um most definitely let's forgive and forget Absolut you three have never [ __ ] the same person God no no and we never will no Never Say Never Jesus Christ hell no absolutely not nope so that's a wild one what a wild story thank you for calling in Honeys I could never do that do what so so let's say if you you let's say that the same thing happens to you know Brett yeah I wouldn't go [ __ ] his whole family yeah you you [ __ ] Russ I'm not you ma'am I I haven't [ __ ] him I said Russ is I said Russ is hot I said Russ is good-look dude on this podcast you've been like oh Russ Russ daddy R Daddy I think Russ daddy is and I know he's listening love you Russ and his head is exploding right now I think Russ how old is Russ 69 yeah great age9 dudes 69 for a 69y old dude he's got it going on would you [ __ ] Ross I don't know if I could I bet you could I don't know I bet you absolutely could she could you could if I had to maybe but I don't know if I would want to oh damn then that's not consent that's not yeah let's not do that yeah absolutely not well thanks for calling in and sharing your beef with us that's that was a good good way to get him back absolutely yeah you got to move on from that dude cuz listen it he he felt no guilt he went and [ __ ] her and came home was like I almost touched the baby with my dick you can't come on dude that deserves [ __ ] his whole family that does yeah so um I would like to do a quick shout clout oh yeah um oh sorry I love it Maggie play whatever hold on I'm looking this is hard they have still not figured out the new soundboard and I think it's [ __ ] hilarious I love play the random [ __ ] give them [Music] on this shout clout I would like to shout out honestly parents on Halloween because a lot of parents love getting the dressed up and going out and they live for it and some don't but and that's okay and they still do it for their kids and those this shout shop clad is for you if you have worked all day and you have a hard job you are busy the last thing you want to do is get a bunch of kids dressed up drive them around that sounds fun to some parents and some it doesn't but you still buckle up and get it done with a smile on your face so your kids can have a good Halloween and a good memory and shout out to you for doing the damn thing this is for you baby wo and they probably already woke up at [ __ ] 5:00 a.m. getting their kids ready for Halloween at school right if they still do that exactly yeah did they take that away from you guys too I can't remember I feel like we dressed up I feel yeah we were allowed to dress up I think they took it away after we were already out of school oh they okay I didn't know they took that away maybe some schools you can still dress up but for ours they were like it's too big of a distraction and like I don't know why they for sure took it away can't just be that cuz they do spirit week and everything else but dude it's like one day so the kids can still dress up they just have to wear like no face paint no machetes or knives and then just wear like a your like a princess yeah dress you could wear that they can only wear it for an hour what and then they did a walk through and then they had to change again yeah that's what started happening in when I was in school it was just dumb dude I get the freaking don't bring a gun machete all that just just in case but like there's so many other options right let us live I always did it real simple in high school I would literally wear like bunny ears a bunny tail I just something because I didn't I didn't want to we I think we could there were no rules when I was in high school we I could go dress like this if I wanted re just on a regular day even no no on Halloween we weren't allowed to wear flipflops at school yeah tank top we couldn't either we couldn't wear shorts that weren't beneath our knees mhm and we couldn't wear shirts that shoulder showed our shoulders at all yeah and the clothing stuff I mean I think it's ridiculous but I kind of get it but it was the flip-flops for me I know maybe hey the feet yeah that's true no they said it they said it was a um fire hazard what oh you get tripped up with the but people could wear heels I know well that dude and that was fine nothing makes sense people could wear heels people could wear um that's what got me pencil skirts right so this is not a fire hazard if you know like this is just you don't want people wearing flip-flops cuz you can kick those flip-flops off and [ __ ] run for it if anything exactly you know exactly and you know what shout out to the people buying candy cuz candy is expensive dude it's so expensive yeah and you have to buy a lot they don't put enough in one bag they don't it's like $15 a bag damn and that'll do like 10 kids how much candy are you supposed to give out until you want until you run out and your porch your porch like goes no not that and I didn't mean it like that oh what you mean like how many pieces at a time however many you can afford however many you can afford last year we were handing out candy at my house in town we bought so much candy we were like oh this is going to be fun we're just going to sit here and pass out candy nobody showed up nobody showed up at my house either nobody showed up and I was like what the [ __ ] that is weird they must have like a designated place in Nashville for trick-or-treaters or something cuz my neighborhood was empty and there's nice houses around and I know it's weird I don't know if you made the post Maggie or me but a few years ago in San Diego when we first moved to Escondido we lived outside of town we did not live in town we did not have we did not live in a neighborhood and you lived on a hill in a hill we did not have a neighborhood there was like three or four houses near us so we couldn't have gone trick-or-treating where we lived we needed to drive in town and find a neighborhood so it was either me or you uh I put a post on uh you know the Escondido you know fa one of the Facebook things I put hey like where where does the where's the best neighborhood to go trick-or-treating and ESO this guy goes uh howad about your own what and it pissed me the [ __ ] off it pissed me off so bad wow it doesn't even make sense right how about your own I don't even one piece of candy right I don't think anybody was handing out candy in our neighborhood no there's like four house no oh he's saying how about your own neighbor no I feel like you don't have to stick to your own [ __ ] neighbor you can go wherever you want especially if you live outside of town and you don't live in a neighborhood so anyway there was a couple nice people that go oh everybody goes on this one main street so that's where we went and sure enough there was hundreds of oh it was crazy yeah do they open up the gated communities for the Halloween that I don't know I have no clue they need to yeah yeah open up that's where the Kings size is open up them gates open up them Gates that's where the king size gates open up them Gates all of us staring we're outside just banging on the gates open the gates dead um you know what we haven't done in a while Paige that I personally think is a perfect time for this what is it oh my God what oh my God who who is that turn around I have something a big surprise oh my god oh somebody oh beautiful somebody's [ __ ] me go you're so talented oh my God spread him you have a huge [ __ ] thank you oh my God who is that where's your sister you're scaring me get your sister in here oh my God where's Barbara Barbara what you doing barara somebody's back here [ __ ] me Bara that's Damian Damian who is that me that's me oh my Lord oh my god it feels so good Damian Gap gape in your hole all right stick it in me Damian okay come over here come over here oh ow Lord that hurts you're tight you're tight hole bber don't act like you don't have a loose [ __ ] hole [ __ ] I'm going to come in your sister oh come in yeah all right well that was great dude the fact we do that ridiculous that we do that and the fact that people listen to it [ __ ] the br oh God here may huh where's Damian Papa daman's right here that's Daman [ __ ] you oh lordy lordy lordy lordy lordy um let's do you know what BR time my dad came up with my nickname what um cuz my nickname's Umma your nickname is Umma that's funny I never thought about that I never thought about that oh there's Brett hey Brett how you doing over there great how are you good you've been really quiet really and I'm not going to lie it's been nice no I'm just kidding no I was going to say the opposite part of me doesn't like that cuz I love telling you to lean back and you haven't given me that opportunity so would you go ahead and lean forward for us Brett so fun fact about C uh Freddy Krueger he's actually a real guy quite the gaslighter narcissist apparently hypnotist he would use uh powers to kind of man manipulate women get them to fall in love with them and they found out about it and ended up burning them burning them up so apparently that's a real person I didn't know that uh the uh Los Angeles Clippers that's my uh uniform here uh they used to be in San Diego a Clipper is a uh really fast boat you didn't know um they used to be the Boston Braves too so they moved from Boston to San Diego and then La so that's kind of cool um damn other [ __ ] go ahead you got it um you can do it Brett this your dad time's up Lean Back Brett that was one of the first times you've ever not talked the entire minute do you think do you think if we gave you another minute you could do it no I'm a little blanky why what's going on took a shroomy I don't know it's my headphones are kind of I can't his head they hard to keep on and the right ear is a little fuzzy okay for some reason we have four mics and but one of the mics just I don't know fuzzy head it's fuzzy only in one ear and we've tried different headphones in it and we don't know why we get it in the right ear or the left deer yeah one of them technical difficulties so I did not know Freddy Krueger was a real person me either where was he from I'm gonna look that up right now yeah isn't that that guy that Daniels was hanging out with huh Freddy kruer what huh what Beth you know what I'm talking about the guy in the movie the guy that plays him in the movie oh probably what you mean he's a real guy well like I don't get it what you mean a real guy the character Freddy notm on Elm Street based on a true story what the [ __ ] yeah who got me is Freddy Krueger based on a real Ser serial killer in Buffalo oh Buffalo New York we T speaking or what what let me look it and and then it has its own Wikipedia damn let's see here um uh while you're looking up that I'll talk about have you guys heard of the that Momo Challenge on freaking in 2018 that [ __ ] was weird and scared the kids were like freaking out it was like getting all the kids yeah when a guy um what would he do dress up as what would he dress up as a it was something freaky I know that yeah and he would just call all these little kids and make them do all these things and if they didn't he would say oh well I'm going to tell your parent he would threaten them and he would go to so far to the point where like kids were killing themselves and like hurting their pets and [ __ ] I remember and they they've never found him no that's wild and that was in 2018 Lord dude like where you at though a scary rumor is spreading through Western New York um that A Nightmare on Elm Street is based on a real life serial killer is it true was it f was Freddy Krueger real a Facebook page uh representing the City of Buffalo claims filmmaking Legend Wes Craven was inspired by actual by an actual person named Frederick Krueger that allegedly killed at least 20 children in Buffalo New York in the in the 1800s a photo shows a gravestone for Frederick Krueger who reportedly murdered the children using only a garden claw and lived inside an abandoned Factory's boiling room until he was caught and allegedly spent the rest of his life in Buffalo psychiatric hospital um this is that West Craven actually depicts a different the guy I'm looking up he was in like the uh traveling circus here I'll just show you oh what oh we got multiple Freddy Kruegers Frederick Frederick Krueger this guy's Fredick what the hell is going on with these Fredericks Frederick oh you found us on Tik Tok okay the real Freddy Krueger does it talk about it if you like played it and put it or would we get some sort uh it's got a music over it like it was oh okay the real yeah he apparently he would hypnotize women so he'd kind of haunt their dreams so they'd only think about him that's a narcissist yeah only wanting them to think about him damn I'm going to hypnotize you so you dream about me smart that is definitely said smart said smart shut up he's halfway there oh my God just has to learn hypnotizing I guess oh god oh man can you imagine if this [ __ ] was hypnotizing you that's that's the last person I would ever let hypnotize me what if Brett becomes a serial killer and we don't and nobody knows stop seems like it's so hard to kill now why have you tried no just like from the date line stuff the pube that's kind of stuck with me yeah yeah yeah yeah Brett tells people that like when uh the feet dude came over here and interviewed Brett is outside saying yeah it's really hard to kill people these days and I'm thinking Brett like Brett come on man act noral don't say it like that they knew we were joking we were smoking there was a little bit of silence and I'm like [ __ ] dude here they think Brett's a killer that is funny my makeup is making my eyes water so bad you're crying dude I can see it are you okay yeah I'm okay but it's hurting all of a sudden it's been fine the entire time um wow here you can put this on your ey oh my God thank you Biffy a Biffy thank you y'all talk so much yourselves while I while I use this should we listen to another call right yeah we can do that let's do that hi Honeys um this is Judy and I was just listening to the latest episode 96 and you had a caller that was talking about her photo ID um being so bad that it was just funny and she was laughing through most of you know her call and y'all were talking about um you know just how much joy it brought you just hearing her laughing and stuff and being so happy so later on PA did mention something about people just doing that I think I think she said that if she didn't I was just thinking about it but where you just kind of make yourself laugh and um just have a moment where you're just laughing and it just almost makes you want to really laugh you know it becomes real so with doll that being said I was going to say maybe sometime um during your next episode of the podcast you could all save like 30 seconds or maybe make it a full minute of just you all start laughing even though it's going to start off fake let's just see if it turns into real laughter I feel like it will um also shout out from Arkansas I heard y'all talking about coming to Hot Springs Arkansas I'm not in Hot Springs but it's just an hour away but um I hope youall have a great time while you're here and I love everything that y'all are doing and can't wait for the next podcast bye Honeys a honey shout out to Arkansas love Arkansas this time of year okay so she wants us to start pretend laughing and see if it turns into real laughing I love this call that's funny I'm nervous let's do it all all the four of us let's do it you know we're going to look and sound so [ __ ] stupid so dumb oh yeah you guys ready what if we actually end up laughing well I'm already almost starting to laugh just thinking of us [ __ ] I'm we should individually laugh no no it's funny said dude what the [ __ ] that's not even fun I'm going to set a timer I'm going to set a timer 30 seconds for 30 seconds and we have to pretend laugh and see if it turns real and I'm already okay ready everybody ready [Laughter] go [Laughter] oh it's hot oh [ __ ] dude I actually did stir laughing the breath laugh is pissing me off I know it was so hard to to laugh cuz yeah looking at Brett made me so mad and when he was going like that's his real [ __ ] laugh I told him to do his real laugh so I had a couple real laughs in there I laughed mostly when the timer went off and me and paig looked at each other dude that was fun did y'all have fun though yeah I have fun oh my God my ey my eye is still watering so bad laughing is fun but I love when you're not supposed to laugh right that's the best time to laugh oh my gosh oh I feel like I look so cool dude you look really cool thank you when you're not supposed to laugh is the funniest time to laugh oh God there's nothing better my god when your stomach hurts that's Burns that's a good time when you're in a moment where you're not supposed to laugh and even if the even if what you're surrounded by or listening to isn't funny like you're not laughing at that it doesn't have to be funny but it's the fact that you're not supposed to laugh and when you look at someone and you start laughing like we've played call we've played serious calls on this podcast where I'll just look at pay like and we kind of start laugh like smiling and we've seen comments like oh we saw you we saw you laughing during that call and Sh and she was pouring out her heart and you were laughing it's like sorry it's funny and also we know each other on a deeper level than just the podcast like well you've eaten my ass yeah like I've eaten your ass they haven't and you don't like tears well you don't hate them but everyone knows your thing with tears so when people cry even that adds another element in my brain like I know Chelsea doesn't like tear but it's nothing to even do with a [ __ ] caller ever you know like like we feel for everyone that calls in It's just sometimes you got to laugh oh and yeah not not even the not even the Pod just in general dude when you're when something's like quiet and you're not go God there's nothing better than laughing dude I'll get a thought in my head sometimes and just bust out laughing out loud and or anyone will go what's funny and it's just like oh a thought came in my head yeah and you can't even explain it I know how's Gary doing over there he's slaying down sleeping it's weird him being over there [Music] Gary where's my mommy there's this monster here with us where's my mommy Gary come back he he hears you Gary you love your mama what's everyone's favorite Halloween candy I like you you can't go I mean you can't go wrong with races gumdrops CH formula the gumdrops the dots or the dots yeah the red ones when I was a kid in trigger treating if I yeah my favorite was the Reese's and the dots I remember dots uhhuh and Chelsea you eat them weird what do you mean what do you do you'll like bite you bite the dots you'll like take little slivers out with the FR how do you know cuz I've seen you eat them and you leave the yellow ones in the Box yeah I don't care for the yellow ones I will eat them but you know no I like to put them in my mouth suck on them get them all like juicy and warm and then I'll just use my teeth to slice them that's weird because it's all one texture you know what I mean mhm yeah she doesn't ever just take a bite and eat it oh no I suck on it for a while and then I and then I bite it off I like sliver it off my teeth and like bite it on yeah yeah I never just eat it no you have a weird way with eating how like even when you're eating a bag of chips you like go through the chips and you'll throw chips back in for other people to eat and then um and then um there's something else you do yeah I got to pick the the best looking chip yeah you do that but there's you just do different things when you eat I guess maybe everyone does but yours stick out maybe I'm interested in knowing more cuz we'll start making notes see I don't I don't realize I'm doing that I mean I you know what I mean I don't think about it I just my brain just does it I do weird [ __ ] like I'll just take crust off Pizza the part everyone hates and that's my favorite part oh I love the crust oh God and I've been craving Papa John's Pizza oh I may get that tonight field crust or just regular field crust like with cheese field crust fi with field stuff crust field I thought you meant like a field of corn ma'am I was going field crust you're like where's that what is that no uh do you like the stuffed oh I like it stuffed I like anything if it's a whole stuff it that's how you'll order it though like stuffed cheese and like some people add sausage and [ __ ] if I'm ordering from Pizza Hut I like a pepperoni stuffed crust extra marinara on the side okay and if I'm doing Papa John's I like their cheese sticks their bread cheese sticks and then I get like a a regular pizza and I get like like pepperoni and not pepperoni I get like mushroom and sace beef do you get olives yeah I'll do that sometimes and do you like Mariner hot or cold either okay honestly honestly I'm 50/50 does not matter I like to switch it up yeah but I definitely like my sauce with my pizza I want it to be covered and I mean every B I want like M I'm the same way extra Marin I need a mar a whole marinat tub to myself yep and I don't care for restaurant pizza like a pizza restaurant I just I don't know what it is I like a chain I don't like restaurant pizza I don't like restaurant Burgers either I will never order a burger at a restaurant ever yeah we talked about this you liked Five Guys and all that [ __ ] even if someone's like oh you got to try this burger this restaurant had the best burger okay it's not going to be cuz I don't like barant burgers I wonder what it is don't know I don't know like a good garlic burger place never I wonder if it's like real meat like real I think because most of those burger places have like okay let's put it this way if they have those thick ass meat patties I can't do it that's what I see too at restaurants a lot and that's a lot of restaurants yeah now I like if it's a burger place and it's like has the thin like thin or crispy McDonald's Style eh too thin but kind of but like Shake Shack and they have those like those thin B like that's what I like God that sounds so good Maggie it does oh we're hungry I've been craving in and out you know what they they have one coming here till like 2025 6 I don't know really it'll be that late dang oh dang well we'll be in California soon me and Paige have to go to California in January so I'll take you thank you you're welcome we got to pull up there and Cafe Rio oh God yes the cafe Rios in California suck though but oh really compared to Utah and stuff oh gosh Cafe Rio sorry guys this is what happens when we don't eat before the podcast you get a Food Channel this is literally what happens if we don't eat before the food before the podcast did I tell you I posted food on my channel and they're like what are you a Food Channel now well on what your YouTube uh just an Instagram story you always post what you're cooking and I know like oh you should just have a Food Channel that's all you post now well well you got to eat you love we loving how am I going to survive right you got to eat and who and everyone posts food literally everyone and that's not true like people love food content they people are always like I want to see like what you're cooking what you're eating like people love when I do the what I eat in a day on Tik Tok oh my God the I get comments they're like do this every day like I want to do one of those yeah yeah you should absolutely might as well just as well just as well just as well um we got one more call Maggie yes ma'am this is let's do one more call before we sign off oh sad hey Honeys farmer here I got a question now on Instagram there's all like these baby cows and stuff and they're super fuzzy and super cute and fluffy and I love them would you rather have a super fuzzy and fluffy cat that could roam the house or would you rather have something more like a really really fluffy dog cuz I really want to get a fluffy cow to have Rome in my house but I also really want a dog and I can't decide so let me know what you guys think honey love you oh yeah oh yeah he's being dead serious yeah hey honey that's the most random would you would you rather a calf or a a fluffy dog I've seen those fluffy calves those are real I didn't know those were a real thing like those are like you can buy those but people put them in their house I didn't know that me and Jerry used to let this little goat our neighbor's goat come in our house every single day after school and just chill on the couch with us and watch TV it loved Jerry and so before our mom was home we would just let it come in and we wanted him so [ __ ] bad she's like that's the ne she found out one day and we got in trouble but oh my God can you imagine the [ __ ] and piss like why would you put it in your house I don't know if people do or um I don't know here's my thing I've seen those fluffy cows oh my gosh I didn't know like they're called mini moov but a cow I didn't know they got down to that small of a size so this is not like a cat like a cow to you know Slaughter and eat this is like a a pet a baby a baby I guess it would be the same as having like a Great Dane like a smaller I that's what he's saying like I could I could have a a little cow yeah or a fluffy or a fluffy dog damn dude I feel like dogs have more emotion yeah than a cow no I don't know man I follow this guy on on Instagram who like who like has a big calf you know and he's always like loving on them and they'll lay on him and they'll I mean that might change my mind I mean it makes you not want to ever eat a burger again tell you that much we went from like C but guess what I still I still do but it definitely makes you think absolutely I can't eat ground beef anymore it grosses me out that's what I was just saying my family called and said they can't Chelsea loves it though I think they changed something in it or I it tastes so weird to me now like what stringy whenever I'm cooking it it like doesn't break up I've seen Tik toks where people have got chicken from Sam's Club and it's just [ __ ] like genetically made oh it's so bad I haven't eaten meat in a while that's why Greg wants to wants to get our own cow yeah well you might get you might get that cow then yeah no these these mini cows on here they're like they range anywhere from like 10 to $15,000 no and then you have to feed them Hay all the time and how big are their shits I mean if you want to get a little mini cow I think you should oh this one's name is Squirt no since we got one I mean I say you do it but I personally wouldn't keep him in the house loocking up the floor put him in the backyard you know like have a fenced in like like a nice little area for him little little Barn yeah little entrapment little Barn little thing oh did y'all see our giant shroom growing out there by that big tree I did M I've been taking pictures of it for like I think it's a Like A Parasite tree mushroom it's nothing edible it's pretty though it's big and pretty um yeah I would worry about the cow in the house I personally went and do that they're pretty though and they're cute and how well are cows trained or can you who knows I guess it might all depend on the trainer but yeah I have no idea for me right now as as right now I'm just going to take the dog cuz it's just easier for me right now but yeah even that's too hard absolutely oh gosh I don't even have one they're full-time jobs they are cute but this one has like drill down its mouth like no the drool dog and the hes walking that's what I'm saying they're going to be clunking up the floor and then when you're making uh your spaghetti sauce you put ground beef in there it's going to be all looking at you like that's me really really we live together and you're cooking my species you got to be careful with that you know got to be careful with that God and their [ __ ] fa is right next to the counter they can just eat all the food off the counter that's true table I don't know I wouldn't put one in my house no no I agree I guess people do it though need to look into that there's a pig on Tik Tok named Homer uhhuh and I love him he likes to sleep in and the owner comes in and he like Homer and takes all the blankets off of him he sleeps next to the owner the owners in the same room and he has a whole ass bed pillows and he hates waking up a well I know the feeling dude I just want to lay there all day I just want to lay there all day holy [ __ ] dude I love pigs Maggie loves pigs I know they're so smart oh yes I love they are smart kind of makes you think about eating bacon get another mini pig absolutely I'd have to keep it outside I couldn't put it in the house yeah get pigs all of you well we're we're getting chicken soon yeah we're g we need to get that cleaned out in the spring yeah wait till Greg gets here he'll do it chicken here in this y chel we could probably put a little pig in there too with them cow dude yeah we're going to I have like a barn CF shed thing in the yard we're gonna make a chicken coop out we're gonna we're gonna take the front door off and kind of make it like a yeah kind a little chicken coop put like a chicken fence around it and we'll have like chickens so if you need eggs Honeys we got you I bet we're going to have a lot of eggs yes oh gosh I love eggs that's a bread yeah that's more oh I go through eggs I go through eggs probably more than anything eggs and butter Chelsea and butter I don't know if I'll be able to eat them yeah I read so many I read so many messages about Maggie like to stay away from Grease and eggs and eggs cuz we're gallbladder yeah [ __ ] dude I just had something that came to my head and I [ __ ] what was it o oh the pigs are we going to be seeing those in the Bahamas yes yeah we're going to that beach my friend got bit up by his own Pig like it just [ __ ] took a chunk out of his leg like bad well he's saying you're eating us let me eat you could have been why I don't then they put the pig down no but um it was going to happen anyway yeah but um do they bite there the Bahamas I bet anything's possible I don't know I have no idea I'm scared of them dude we're going to the Bahamas for Libby's 50th birthday this is before this is like a month before we're going to the Bahamas for the cruise um so that's funny I'm going to the Bahamas like twice in the and Libby wanted to go there for her 50th we CH she chose any place she wanted to do it so we're going to the Bahamas in January for 50th and then the cruise is in March and by the way the cruise uh giveaway ends in like a few days and I had one more thing to say about the cruise giveaway or not the giveaway but the cruise the pport I know you said we don't need them and then I saw comments that said you can't get off or did we did I say this on here already can't like get off the at the ports maybe when you you know how they go from port to port and you can get I guess if you don't have your passport you can't get off at those I was told by the cruise people you do not need a passport but if you're coming on the cruise I will triple triple triple triple check before and I will put that on my social media all the info or you guys just triple check even if you're listening like yeah I will triple check that I was told they they do this full-time they do it all the time they that you do not need a passport I thought I assumed you would need a passport obviously you're leaving the country why would you not but some somehow they said you don't need a passport to do this and so and you can get off at each location they said yeah we're going to only one location to Bahamas it's a three Cruise so Tam Tammy's pontoon party dude I so this so this is air this will this is Halloween and then the cruise giveaway is November 1st so yeah it's it's it's tomorrow I'm so happy that our podcast stay landed on a Halloween how fun that's [ __ ] awesome how fun thank you guys all did you have anything else to say [Music] no no no no thank you all so much for being here and have a happy oh I did have something to say okay okay real quick oh [ __ ] yeah you better get well this week you guys I'm going to be in Tucson Arizona doing a standup show and then I'm going to be in Bakersfield so come watch and rock [ __ ] of the week yes I don't have it how do you me and then I'm going to be in Fresno I think Fresno is almost sold out sanou San Louis abiso and then Monteray and then State Line Nevada that's right baby um Lake Tahoe I'm coming for you um got some little West Coast show so please get your tickets at cool you pick a rock [ __ ] did you want to just go ahead Honeys let's pick one let's pick one I'm hopping on our Instagram I'm going to pick someone that commented let's do that so if you if you interact with our social medias on our vir podcast social medias you most definitely uh could get picked for rock [ __ ] of the week how about that and The Rock [ __ ] of the week gets a free exclusive Rock [ __ ] shirt absolutely and rock [ __ ] of the week is Heather Nicole Heather Nicole Heather Co absolutely Honeys and uh Maggie will get your address and we'll you send you a free t-shirt and also get your uh merch at thear yes and thank you and make sure to check us out every Tuesday and the YouTube comes out every Wednesday and we love you and have fun trick-or-treating be safe watch out for needles watch out for um creeps absolutely keep your holes tight and give us a call at 4 42777 3331 and always remember that you are doing great you're looking good and [ __ ] what everybody else thinks get ready we're going viral get ready we're going [Music] viral woohoo oh
Channel: The Viral Podcast
Views: 38,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halloween Scary, Ghost, Costume, Dressed up, October, Decorate, Halloween, Pumpkin, chelcie lynn, paige ginn, Taylor, Swift, Singing, Talking, Love, Relationship, Drama, Viral, Trending, Podcasts, improve, Improv, Comedy, Fun, Happy, Boyfriend, Girlfriend
Id: 1x_ywa-qQRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 31sec (4171 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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