The Viral Podcast Ep. 82

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get ready [Music]   we're going viral [Music] hello everyone and  welcome back to another installment of the viral   podcast I'm your host Chelcie Lynn and I'm your  host Paige Ginn and thank you guys for joining us   today thank you very very much uh couldn't do it  without you and we just love having you here on   this bright day if you weren't here listening to  us we'd be talking to ourselves we say that every   week and we mean it and we mean it dude because  that's literal oh yeah and we would like to also   announce that we are about I did the math the  other day honestly of our follower account uh a   billion you know minus our followers yeah because  we need that little ticker going yeah we still   need to get a ticker but go yeah go ahead no that  was pretty much it it was a large number I forgot   it but well we're just trying to take over the  world so if you could just keep sharing liking   and commenting big time and also we don't know  the exact date yet we will keep you all updated   but Greg is currently over in the new podcast  Studio building walls for us big [ __ ] walls   big [ __ ] balls so we are in the home stretch  of the new studio it's gonna be way nice for us   we're gonna have more space we're gonna have  a completely new look oh God we're gonna have   leg room we don't need Allegra anymore no no  it's Allegra it's allergy medicine oh [ __ ]   dude we're gonna be so far away from each other  it's gonna be nice I might get cold cause if you   listen to the Pod and you don't watch us you guys  don't know how small it is in here and the people   that watch we have it set up very good to where  it looks like we have space in here we don't oh   no space I guarantee you everyone over there can  smell my [ __ ] right now yep you know and I know   they can and I know you can as well feet and  [ __ ] yeah so we're excited to have a little   bit of space in the new pod room we're gonna  have a new look me and Paige were talking about   today it's gonna be a surprise um we will have a  whole area for guests We're not gonna have guests   regularly on the Pod but if we want to guess  what they're gonna be popping in we can cause   we got space and extra chairs and people have been  asking YouTube videos I think I'm gonna do it they   want a behind the scenes of the podcast but they  just don't understand all we look at is chords   oh yeah I'm looking at chords right now it's not  like fancy in here no they think we have like damn   kitchenette and stuff and we post we post pictures  of behind the WE Post all the time they know what   it looks like in here they want full details oh  okay all right um can I bring something up uh   before we get started into everything maybe maybe  oh no well Paige got so high again now [Laughter] so high the other day and said something  that blew my mind so let me set it up for you   we had a show I don't remember where we  were or it was almost done with tour we   were in I don't know Philly it was Philly  me and Paige were sharing a hotel room it was after the show we're sitting there I took a   shower we're kind of winding down for  the night and uh Brett are you okay oh dude he's staring at the black  one he was staring at the wall   he's trying to blow the weed smoke  shop alien right doing what you were   just doing just now and get a shot of  that this is what I was looking at go okay she said weed and I think  oh yeah okay back to my story   so we're whining down for not about to go to  bed or whatever and lights are still on and   she's sitting on the edge of the bed I don't even  know what she's doing scrolling I don't know yeah   maybe well that's what I was doing I was laying in  bed scrolling tick tock and I came across a video   of Michael Jack Michael Jackson performance  that said his first time ever doing what's   it called the moonwalk his first time ever doing  the moonwalk and I'd seen him do it but I'd never   you know everybody's seen that but I had never  seen the video so like oh let me watch it and it   said like Crowd Goes Wild and I was like oh let  me watch this so I start watching it let me add   something Chelsea listens to her videos really  loud out loud you know so you can hear every   video being yes you could hear it oh yeah yeah  so I'm sitting there I'm watching it and like   minute goes by he hadn't done it yet another  minute goes by he hadn't done it yet so I'm   thinking internally I'm like damn when's he  gonna do this I don't want to skip because   I don't want to miss it you know so I'm like  damn so it wound up being like a four minute   video and he does it at the very end so right  when he does it and I see it I click out of it   and Paige goes dang that that must have been a  really good video for you to watch the whole thing   and I said well he was doing the moonwalk for  the first time so I just wanted to see it you   said you were waiting for the moonwalk I go  yeah I was waiting for him to do the moonwalk   and she goes she looks up dead ass serious and  goes you know I don't believe in that right and right when she said that I knew that she had  no clue what I was talking about and I knew what   she was talking about I thought she was talking  about the moon landing the moon landing of the   what's his name Walking on the Moon Neil  Armstrong yeah I thought she was talking   about Neil Armstrong after that and the second she  said that I looked over I go [Music] and then she   right when I did that she knew she put two and  two together that I was listening to a Michael   Jackson song and we were laughing so [ __ ] hard  and I go that's the highest thing you've ever said   that but I was really high that one time  when I thought we went bowling before we   went bowling and I asked how bowling was listen  listen we were in Lake Tahoe with some friends   and we're about to go bowling we were all getting  ready to go bowling Paige comes in my room high   as [ __ ] goes how was bowling and I go don't  know Honeys we haven't been yet hey hotties   haven't gone yet how was bowling I go we haven't  gone yet we're about to go dude that was just I   just I thought it was funny I just wanted to share  that real High Times High Times here do you think   people understood the story yeah had to have yeah  and if you don't use high something yeah oh one   other thing our freaking airplane almost crashed  oh my God it was scary the guy the freaking pilot   comes on the intercom and goes oh we're gonna  have to circle around for another 15 minutes   the weather's too bad to land and dude so air yeah  Air Traffic Control just did not give us the okay   so we're just circling yeah first off me and you  were flying from Philly back home to film this pod   and we get to the airport and it's the littlest  plane you've ever seen this is not a big regular   plane this is like a little plane so right  there me and you both go oh no like you know   it was musty two seaters there's something about  being in a tiny plane that does not feel safe I   dropped my cracker and I couldn't even bend  over to pick it up because the seats were too   small oh yeah and you're a quarter my size how  do you think I felt I was miserable the whole   time you did not feel good so anyway yeah we're  sitting there we're about to land in in Nashville   pilot comes on says that says Air Traffic Control  won't let us land it's not safe we're gonna stay   up here and do some circles we know how we said  no circles we said no circles we said no circles   well all of a sudden we're doing  circles about what 15 minutes   and keep in mind Chelsea never heard the  announcement no because I think I was sleeping   so anyway keep in mind Pages two rows behind me so  I woke up and we're doing circles and homeboy next   to me is praying eyes closed hands together up in  the air and listen I've had turbulence in a plane   before this was different this was not normal  turbulence our plane was on its [ __ ] side   okay it was like this it was on its side we were  doing circles and the turbulence was so bad that   for the first minute I thought okay it'll it'll  calm down and calm down and it kept getting worse   and I literally was like we're gonna die we're  gonna go nose we're gonna die doing the left turn that would happen and I wasn't even scared or  terrified I was pissed because I was thinking   man I've got things to do when I get home I've  got things coming up I literally was like I'm not   gonna be able to do the cruise the Tammy Cruise  who's gonna post my next Instagram who's gonna   post my next patreon you know like literally I was  like I've got things to do and then I was pissed   and then we made it on the ground and I've  never felt relief it makes you never want to   fly again and then you fly again oh I'll be on a  plane next week probably oh for sure anyway yeah   we almost died so are you guys glad we're here  because we're ready to go viral cause we gotta   take over the world we can't die I know I was  thinking Houston to take over the world I was   just thinking of all we can't leave it up to Brett  to take over the world and nothing will get done you'll be staring at walls you can't take over  the world staring at walls twisting the mustache   so anyway yeah so we're alive and um still alive what else are we doing are we doing segments  are we done talking or we're done talking   but I think we should let someone else talk  maybe if [ __ ] you want to go ahead and uh oh [Music] yeah yeah so the other day I burnt popcorn really  bad in the microwave I said it for like four   minutes which was kind of dumb so smelled really  bad and it's really hard to get the smell out   I did a lot of tick tocks it seems like if you  boil lemons and lemon water you know that would   work that worked the best but then another thing I  watched they said uh to get oven cleaner for your   microwave and I went to get the oven cleaner  and then I watched tick tocks that said don't   use oven cleaner in your microwave that's bad so  always make sure you do your own research yeah um saw an experiment where they had uh red  ants and black ants they put them in a jar   and nothing happened but if you shake the jar  well just start killing each other that kind of   just shows you know always look at who's stirring  up the pot Brett is your dad time's up lean back   yeah did I hear birds chirping the entire time  you were talking okay here's something the whole   time making noises like a song was playing really  light or something it sounded like birds chirping   yes heard that it was subliminal what I'm just  kidding so what's the truth no there are no birds   if you're watching Brett gotta uh refresher on his  mullet yes he got his haircut that's a mullet brat   thank you by the way yeah Jerry did a good job  yeah can we actually figure out the birds let's   be quiet and see if we listen to him ready not  at all it's only when he was talking right talk   do I sound Angelic Maybe hear it now that was  funky I didn't hear birds I heard like music   playing or something very little you guys know  if you carry a staff around that's considered   grounding Brett your Top's up right your thumb is  up right your time's up all right you have staph   infection but no Brett your time's up lean back  huh all right I'm gonna go ahead and announce Rock   [ __ ] of the week you guys every week I pick a  rock [ __ ] to um oh and there's something else I   want to say that reminds me to uh Maggie's gonna  send you a free exclusive Rock [ __ ] t-shirt   um that's not a part of our merch it's exclusive  but if you do want merch go to we   started doing merch different as well we're not we  don't have all the t-shirts we had on there we do   have our top two sellers but we're doing monthly  drops monthly merch drops it's a different t-shirt   every month and we're I think we're doing like a  hundred a month and once they're sold out we don't   so be quick on it be quick on it and  the first word the beginning of each   month so yeah be on the lookout check  our Instagram stories all the stories   because we'll do updates 100 this week's  Rock [ __ ] of the week is Nikki Sims congratulations honey you are rock [ __ ]  of the week thanks for clicking and Ticking   um that reminded me I had a lady come up  to the meet and greet I forgot where I was   uh Detroit mate I don't know and she came  up and uh old lady elderly starts walking   up to me and she's doing this and if you're  listening she had one one hand in a fist   she had the other hand over the fist but the hand  that was in a fist she was turning like this it's   like the mullet if you were gonna this is called  like the mullet oh I didn't know that yeah so   she's doing that and then humping it and then  doing it and she she was walking up to me and she   was doing this and I go hey Honeys what are you  doing she goes hey Honey's oldest rock [ __ ] here   I'm [ __ ] a rock whoa did you die oh man yeah  I lost my [ __ ] they said I would have lost it   is a way to communicate to other Rock [ __ ] and  to let them know you're a rock that girl without   talking yep without talking we have our own sign  now it's you're [ __ ] a rock look sign language   that's funny I think this is what they call the  mullet so like if we're gonna go give each other   a fist pump let's say and then somebody catches  it with the mullet oh but then you just hump it   yeah but now it's the rock fricker and she was  the lady who we met we had a show in Detroit and   afterwards we went to Denny's and her and her  daughter were in Denny's and then we mentioned   them on the Pod and they were so happy when we  mentioned them on the pot so I'm mentioning her   again yeah and they were so sweet everyone was  so sweet meeting them at your shows we got the   best gifts and oh we really appreciate all the  handmade and thoughtfulness just everything that   goes into it it's been a blast these coasters  everything it's been a blast I'm done with   tour but I'll see you guys in the fall be on  the lookout for tour dates so all right well   I think it's time we I don't know open a can  of beans and roll that beautiful Bean footage   hello and welcome to the MooMoo commercials our  next partner has a product I use literally every   day I started taking at one because it's hard for  me to swallow pills so with the powder form and   all the supplements just in one is so convenient  and easy for my lifestyle literally all you gotta   do is just put in a cup of water mix that up and  that's it so what is this stuff you know I know   I know you're asking that Chelsea page what  is this stuff listen it's a it's a bunch of   stuff that's good for you that's what it is we're  talking 75 high quality vitamins you guys minerals   all right probiotics and adaptogens to help you  start your day off strong and right listen I do   all of my healthy stuff in the mornings you  know because by the end of the day listen I   want a bologna sandwich I'm not gonna lie I want  a bologna sandwich for dinner in the mornings is   when I do all my healthy stuff it's easy you wake  up you scoop it out you mix it up you down it The   Taste is good I know that you you're gonna look  at the green and think oh it's going to taste   all funky no no no no no no no ma'am it's got  a vanilla flavor it's easy to get down easy to   drink and we both do it every morning athletic  greens was created when the founder experienced   a ton of gut health issues and ended up on a  complicated supplement routine to recover it cost   him a hundred dollars a day all right he created  athletic greens After experiencing how difficult   it was to create an optimal nutritional routine  on your own and you guys this company for every   purchase they donate to organizations helping  to get nutritious food to kids in need including   no kid hungry here in the U.S and that's awesome  right now it's time to reclaim your health and arm   your immune system with convenient daily nutrition  it's just one scoop in a cup of water every day   that's it no need for a million different pills  and supplements to look out for your health   and to make it easy athletic greens is going  to give you a free one-year supply of immune   supporting vitamin D and five free travel packs  with your first purchase all you have to do is   visit viral again that's viral to take ownership   over your health and pick up the ultimate daily  nutritional insurance hey Honeys I need some life   advice now all right so back maybe about four  months I dated a girl it only lasted about two   months and we broke up but while we were dating  she moved in she brought her cats with her two   cats specifically and I have two cats my own  so no I have forecasts um after we broke up she   moved out and I still had her cats months later  uh my house is sinking and it's making it hard to   date you know girls ask about the forecast about  my animals and forecasts and I always just tell   them oh um I I have my friends cast over and I  feel bad for lying because I don't really want   to tell these girls that I'm wanting to date  that I have my girlfriend's cat at the house   I know she's she's having a financial situation  she can't find places to live for the cats to live   um but it's really making me hard to be able to  date with these cats in my house what should I do   should I tell her to take the cats back should I  just force the cats back but I do love these cats   and I do care about them I know she's struggling I  just need help what should I do I love you guys so   much I listen to your podcast every time it comes  out you guys are the [ __ ] best I love you guys   bye we love you love you thank you for calling in  you're in a pickle yeah cause cats man four cats   two that's a lot of cats and it'd be different if  he didn't if he didn't like the cats but he says   he loves them so he feels that's hard because you  can't just go let him off at the freaking church   or fire station like you you actually care and  he's sweet because he still cares about his EX's   what a cool dude Andy cares about the new  people caring about this he's just a Care Bear   listen though I I know you love them but  those are her cats it's been months she   needs to figure this out listen if your  house is stinking time's up cat's back   I mean time's up it's been what do you say several  months yeah your your house is stinking it's been   several months she needs to figure this out like  if it were me I would just be like I wouldn't feel   guilty I'd be like listen you you your cats have  to go somewhere else your family your friend like   your family friends whatever like I can't keep  these cats I would send her a text I'd start   out sending her a text saying hey Honey's cat's  here hey Honey's extra cats yeah start with that   two extra here uh say how much longer till  you're back up on that those feet [Music] [Applause] that's funny hey Honeys oh man dude  and also I just feel like I don't know man   it's been several months you're going back and  you're getting your animals like what like you   you're finding another place for them beside  your ex-boyfriend she's taking advantage of   your kind heart yes because damn dude you have  to think yeah the extra turds the smells the   food the meows the litter box all the [ __ ] dude  it's too much you're just trying to get [ __ ] not that type human human I you know you go  over to guy's house and the [ __ ] got four cats   and the house smells like cat [ __ ] no thank  you we're leaving yeah are you leaving Maggie   leaving yeah there's no I can't fight through  that [ __ ] yeah yeah I think if it's an if   it's become a nuisance to you I don't don't feel  guilty about asking her to do something with them   I would not feel guilty at all she is taking  advantage of your of your kind heart you've   helped out she's it's been long enough she needs  to take on her family whatever something else for   the time being he's just lying oh yeah they're my  buddies cats yeah those are my friend's cats then   he meets the Fred these are your cats no I know  God that's a tough one but I I don't I feel like   I feel like time's up this is a good this is  a pretty simple one to get out of yeah stand   up for yourself time's up listen something's  got to be done let's figure this out please   I'll give you a week they got to be out of here  scat scat love you honey love you Honeys thank   you for calling in oh he's sweet hey honey um  I have a question here I have a situation I'm   kind of nervous like I don't know what to do this  guy I met on Tinder so [ __ ] hot like literally   so hot just I'm beautiful we're gonna link up  soon um you know couple days and we were kind   of just you know sexting and he was like so you  know what are you into I went over what I'm into   blah blah blah and I get to him and he says that  he really likes getting his ass ate so I've never   done that before I don't even know where I would  start um I haven't really heard page or you know   in Brett talk about really eating ass I know she  had before but what is is it circular motion is   it up and down what is the right um flow you know  what feels good on the gooch let me know honeys you take this in a white ass  eater um how do you eat ass tell her damn I mean I'm not so experienced on ass  eating that I actually know a technique about it   wait how many times even if it's the same person  how many times would you say you have eaten ass   she's Counting damn hold on hold on wait  wait wait you have a number in your mind   Brett have a number in your mind of how many times  Paige has eaten your ass probably on average don't   say ass just your ass and the full length of us  yes yes don't say it out loud don't say it out   loud okay Paige write yours down right here damn  dude are we on no you'll no you'll tell me in a   minute okay don't don't look Brent okay we're  seeing on average how much Paige thinks she has   eaten ass no just total just total yeah okay and  then Brett okay so I have Paige's number here so   Brett you go ahead and say yours verbally wait  this is without hold on hold on no it's just me   so many times have you eaten my ass okay all right  go ahead Brett come on I was gonna say six now six   okay your you guys are a little off page  says 15. oh probably I do blackout sometimes twirling down there reach around too  yeah oh sometimes I think I poke it yeah I think I do tongue punch the fart box and  then I uh hmm okay so this this chick I don't be   too rough but not too gentle either because you  don't want it to tickle if anything is a little   too gentle on your [ __ ] it's gonna tickle  yeah that's true that is true yeah come in   with Force but but here's the thing you don't have  to like go crazy fingering it while you're eating   it just Rim your tongue around oh no fingers  really get involved I don't I'm not trying to   pull out any sort of juice no just tongue just  tongue strictly tongue I think yeah I think so   too here's my here's my thing I'm worried that  if you get down there and you taste Ash juice   I'll [ __ ] get up and walk out here's the  thing I would text him if you're comfortable   with it and comfort with them I would be like bro  listen if I'm gonna eat your ass you have to take   a shower right before that's what I'm saying  yeah it's all about that mutual respect right   right because if you know beforehand if this is a  plan thing and you're still not washing your ass   that's bad on you well some people are  disrespectful but if you don't know if   you're it's just a random hookup and your ass is  dirty no you take one for the team I guess because   well if you're planning on doing it she said  they're planning on it they met they've they've   they're planning this they've been sexting  so he needs to have his ass clean pristine   like I don't want one drop of juice on there and  get the hair because sometimes I've had to pull   out uh butthole hair oh and then look at Brent  Brett's butthole hair in Paige's teeth yeah I keep   everything I have a four and a half inch pubes  you're you have the hairiest [ __ ] I've ever seen   yeah I tried to pull on it to get them out in  the shower why just to get him out hold on it   yeah I don't like to shave so I just so you just  pull your [ __ ] here that's aggressive what yeah   it Like You Yank them yeah yank them out  take a big pile of sometimes I'll forget   to yank you got me on a bad yank day I think now  hold on don't ever say you got me on a bad yank   day again Yankovic no and if y'all have seen  Brett's [ __ ] and I have plenty of times it's   uh we're not talking about a few hairs we're  talking about Brett you have a lot of [ __ ]   hair down there so you just get in the shower  and [ __ ] pull it yeah yeah yank him out but   I think I'm gonna stop doing that because I want  to get those super long too like four and a half   what what right that's probably why he's  got those [ __ ] lips from Yankton yeah now   that's on the inside trauma hey Brett are you  grabbing a big patch or a couple hairs at once like probably 10. so like you're  picking grass you're out in the 50s   picking grass yeah look at your  ass what why instead of Shaving answer me that why I just don't I don't have time  I feel like but you're in there yanking you're in   there yanking Pizza I'm in there cleaning so while  I'm cleaning I'm just kind of yanking that's gotta   [ __ ] hurt I know if you get one eyelash and  tweeze it out it hurts my nose hairs too I'm a   ganker yeah I've never heard I've never heard  of that you should have played for the Yankees stop stop stop that was a good one that  was the best one you fight that was good oh it's getting hot in  here dude that was so Random though   Jesus Christ I didn't know he did that because  he is in the shower for like 40 40 minutes I   always try to do at least 20 because that's  grounding but I always probably only do like 10.   not Harris he's talking about minutes yeah  oh [ __ ] Brett would you wax your butthole   oh I bet you love it would you  let uh would you let Beth said no   all right if we took you to European Wax  Center yeah you would wax your butthole oh yeah   I think you would love it I love having my  butthole waxed there's no better feeling yes   I think Brett would just like the pleasure of  just like a woman doing that to his [ __ ] like   he would like the spread the lather really he  would like to be all spread up on the English   he I love get I love the warmth of the wax on  my butthole and I love how it feels after oh   it's amazing just not too hot not too cold it's  just perfect it's amazing I hate getting my [ __ ]   waxed but butthole oh my god do you get the little  Gooch that little thing between your butthole I   have to perineum after does that spot hurt no what  hurts is the fupa the top of the of the [ __ ]   the not the lip the lips hurt too but you know  what I'm talking about like the up like where   my pubes are yes what if I got all my pubes  waxed you've been growing those out of ears   would I have to seriously chop them in half to  get them waxed she'd probably trim them yeah   I'm not ready to let go of them yet you're  not ready emotionally Brett we should get   your butthole waxed yeah 250. I'm waiting on it  I am you gonna charge me 250k too yeah Sony's   not involved Sony's not involved in this one no  it's fine so would you still do it [Music] um so   if you say this but then I I bring it up out  of the Pod and you say no you can do that no   I'll do it really yeah yeah okay well we'll see  planner right now or we'll see no we'll make sure   to secretly Vlog you after this I'll make an  appointment and I'll pay for it how about that   sounds great how about that can it be a woman too  yeah thanks sure I've never had a guy with wax me   I don't think I've never had a male waxer ever I  bet they're pretty good at it yeah I bet they are   oh I don't maybe I should do a guy I wouldn't care  I would let a you know male wax her but oh I've   had so many chicks be like oh men come in here  and get their balls waxed and I'm thinking that is   such a sensitive area just think of that stretch  that ball stretch I bet you get some long balls   slapping back on the seat just dude yeah I wish  they would take slow-mo videos of that well we're   gonna take Brett um to get his [ __ ] waxed so be  on the lookout for that I'll stop yanking balls   that little gobbler thing is so long really yeah  I haven't seen them I don't think I've seen your   balls I've seen your wing in your butthole  there's a lot of hair on them yeah should I   we're not doing the balls are we maybe not  unless you want I wouldn't I don't want to do   that don't do that yeah taint though you want  your taint butthole yeah okay we're doing it   okay be on the lookout tight nothing buddy all  right what was the initial question she just won't   know how to eat ass oh [ __ ] we're still there  yeah holy [ __ ] there's no way here's the thing   Honeys don't overthink this just get down there  fill out the vibe yeah and just lick I mean have   you ever had a carameld apple sucker any type of  Sucker pretend like it's one of those jawbreakers   you're just trying to get to the middle just lick  okay add something yeah I think he should send a   video on how he wants to get eaten like this you  want a haircut is him going to do this yeah no   like a video on like you know a certain website  just do it like this and okay yeah demonstration   either way Honeys good luck don't overthink it you  got this just take confident let your tongue lead   the way it will too just seriously it's all you  have to do don't own that ass yeah own that ass   and good luck good luck Honeys love you  hey Honeys Rock Clunkers from Florida here   um first of all I have to say that uh my husband  and I were going through a rough patch but   um we got back together and just smoked for  the first time last night I'm so tired today   at work but it was worth it Honeys because uh  who doesn't love a good nut um oh yeah anyways   um I just wanted to call in I was listening  to the latest pod about the fingersniffer guy   um and I just wanted to call in  and say I'm also a finger sniffer   um I like the smell of my scalp like not  like sweaty scalp But like after it's been   you know like a day's past and I'll scratch my  scalp and I'll Sniff and I love my own scent   um I also scratch my balls and sniff and that's  how you know I need to know I needed you know   time to shower you know but anyways um super  happy Rock Parker here and I enjoyed your show   Chelsea and Ponte Verde just getting Ponte  Vedra um and I love you ladies uh Brett   take their hands off the wall and put  them on that cheeks man all right oh   yeah oh yeah take them hands off the  wall and put them on my butt cheeks butt cheeks okay bed sheets it says here bed  sheets I don't know Google voice oh Google   Voice is not correct I heard butt cheeks  wow so he is also a finger sniffer loves   the smell of his scalp and loves the smell of  his sweaty balls loves the smell of a scout I   kind of get that because even like I'm wearing  a hat right now and I've noticed a different   type of smell even when you wear a hat from not  wearing one if you rub your fingers through it   does get a little Aroma hmm what's it smell  like damn it just smells like kind of scalp   there's really nice smells there's really  not a way to put it maybe a little oily or   I don't think I've ever smelled my skunk  it could if you're eating a lot of garlic   yeah you gotta make sure you both eat garlic  so that way you can't smell it I'm not gonna   lie I've been getting a lot of cheese out of  my belly button and it smells so [ __ ] bad   don't ever [ __ ] say that again you've been  getting a lot of cheese out of your belly button   the last couple weeks because I've never  really get the stuff out of my belly button   and I've been dipping Q-tips in there and it  looks like shredded cheddar crumbly cheddar   what's it smell like [ __ ] I bet I could dig in  there right now don't I'll [ __ ] puke okay then   uh I would say have you ever had one of those  earrings that's like smells really bad oh God   that's kind of like what the belly button smells  like and you know what why do our bodies stink   and why do they stink so fast after a shower like  you take a shower and you expect like okay I'll   start stinking in a week or two no it's within  it's within 30 minutes you're stinking why it's   just like we spend our life just trying to hide  all these holes that smell we have holes that   smell belly buttons [ __ ] ears buttholes yeah  shorts huh shorts yeah that's the whole yeah just   just our body stinks so bad and people get the  biggest blackheads dude my dad has the biggest   blackheads on his back I could on his back mm-hmm  didn't know about that back heads back heads and   they are huge and they like they will smell  a blackhead smells oh God Maggie looks High   just body smell man second hand it's like she  goes points up brat yeah free smells anyway that's wild a lot of people love the smell of  their own he loves the smell of this I wouldn't   say I love it or even like it or even I mean you  don't notice once I can smell stuff do you guys   smell your scalps I told Beth last night like  behind my ears stink you gotta clean them shits   and I asked her and Tina if they clean behind  their ears yeah Ed said she does Tina said she   doesn't oh I if I don't clean behind my ears yeah  that's what I'm doing a lot of the times I'm not   scrubbing back there for sure I'll maybe put my  hand back there no I'll take a washcloth with soap   and scrub behind my ears and all my ears you don't  clean your ears I do now but recently I haven't   oh yeah you gotta clean your ears a few months  ago I I was scratching back there and there was   like cheese God and it stunk so [ __ ] bad and I  was like oh I didn't know behind the ear would do   that it was orange almost it was white cream oh  my God hold on it's white cream can you imagine   meeting Maggie on Tinder you look her up you're  in the car after your date you're kissing on our   neck oh [ __ ] dude you get a little you start to  nibble on the ear and you start gagging and you   look back there and there's cheese ear cheese and  he goes honey you got some of your dinner on your   behind your ear and then it licks it off I can't  believe some people don't clean behind their ear   that is a even if I don't wash my hair I take  and I clean I'm I just don't really ever think   to clean behind my ears because they're just  right there and like I don't ever think mine are   dirty and I always thought washing the hair was  enough yeah because the soap it just streamed down Brett do you wash your ears oh yeah I'm doing that  like the whole time like the drain thing if you're   not pulling if you're not yanking you're washing  behind your ears get the drainage too yeah going   on I guess I do the drainage stuff a lot with like  oils maybe that's what it's kind of helping yeah   bro that's oh my God I can't believe Tina doesn't  wash behind her ears I'm texting that [ __ ] well   it's dry skin is what it is and all that build up  you got to get the well that if you think about   it that's a crevice your ear is I mean that's a  it's not a big crevice that's a little crevice   and then if your head gets sweaty and nasty  so is right there yeah that's true but it's   not covered with hair I've always cleaned  like my ears yeah but not just not behind I've been getting flakes in the upper area of my  ears the little corn maze what's that place called   all of those waves dude we are so nasty we're like  our whole stink we're getting corn we're getting   creamy corn creamy corn maze it  was white and cream gosh man well   thank you for calling in a lot of people love  love their own smells and that's fine love thy   smell yeah love yourself always no matter  what no matter how stinky your holes are   I love you thanks for calling in honeys if you're  sitting in your car right now and thinking damn   I want better sex well then guess what you  are listening to the right podcast because   we have something for you we got you a big  old fat discount at Paige   what's I've been living under  a rock let me tell you if you love busting   nuts that whether that's by yourself or with the  partners okay they've got the thing for you plugs   click ticklers dildos I mean I could literally  sit here for an hour and go on with all the   stuff they've got listen if you're thinking whoa  I mean are they good stuff listen they've been in   business for decades okay multiple decades they've  got everything you're gonna need to help you bust   a nut I mean sex swings Lube I I like I was saying  I literally could go on but you could get on there   and look for yourself it doesn't matter how much  you spend or what you buy all will be packaged   discreetly for you so you don't have to worry  about anybody knowing what you are buying and it's   for free okay and fast and if you're wondering  man I don't I don't want my uh next door neighbor   the old lady next door knowing that I'm buying  butt plugs guess what she's not gonna know okay   because like page said the package is discreet  unless you want or know then hell go over there   and just tell her what you bought just enter offer  code viral at checkout that's viral v-i-r-a-l at this is exclusive offer specific  to this podcast so be sure to use code viral to   get your discount 100 100 free shipping and get  it fast with Rush processing code viral oh yeah hey Honey's into banana here I just wanted to  tell you about a story I just thought of that my   brother-in-law told me a long time ago um when he  was in medical school one of the other residents   he was working with told him a story about how a  lady came into the emergency room one day and she   was clearly on some type of drugs not sure  what but she had came in her pelvic area   and so they went to do an exam and when  they went to look in her vagina they found   um every flavor of those like EOS chapsticks  those like egg-shaped chapsticks every flavor   um two rested or I think it's like a rusted house  key or something and then the best part where   um she had those mini like too many troll dolls  stuffed up her vagina and she referred to them   as her lady purse or refer to her vagina to her  lady purse and those trolls were The Gatekeepers   um so yeah just uh thought maybe you'd enjoy that  entertaining little story can't believe it's real   but it is um but anyway oh yeah dude she's got  a deep cavity tub Gatekeepers to have two troll   dolls every flavor of those little ball chapsticks  and house keys eels are pretty big too those are   big those are big yeah I'm just trying to think  of one of those in my post cake I hope this lady's   okay I hope she's off drugs I don't know what kind  of drugs she was on but can you imagine getting   so high that you're just walking around the house  being like what can I stick up there next to be a   gatekeeper and then a rusted key the trolls didn't  do their job keys are going up in there dude   oh man rusting I've only stuck a perfume bottle  up there but yeah you didn't keep it up there   and a squash you're right a squash there's things  I masturbated with and had sex with oh my sister   called last night and said oh yeah me and my  friends back in high school would go buy cucumbers   and condoms and um we would all [ __ ] them in  front of each other I can't believe you're saying   this in front of each other whoa that's a thing I  said dude imagine you're just uh the cash register   person just like okay each of these girls are  buying cucumbers and condoms this isn't this is   a weird add up well and it's like go to separate  rooms like why like yeah can you imagine like okay   now you go I'm waiting on you yeah that's very  interesting and I bet I know which sister it   was I'm not gonna say oh I already said it you did  you just said sister oh I definitely said Jasmine   I knew it was Jasmine I knew it was Jasmine she  well hmm did she say I could ask the podcast if   anybody's ever done this no it's we tried to get  her to say who it was but she said it was a secret   she'll never tell well that's fine nobody else  we're not saying anything and here's the thing   11 you learn a cucumber just you don't need  a condom on that cucumber is hard enough and   it's and it's soft like why the condom  pesticides maybe yeah I don't know smart   you're smart pesticides smart those pesticides  yeah they're just trying to be healthy it's   interesting yeah organic smart and healthy yeah  I've just done uh yellow squash a perfume bottle   and then sex toys I've never done anything  anything crazy just dicks and fingers and   dicks fingers dicks fingers tongues squash perfume  couches I have humped couches they didn't go in   me but Johnny I've hunted dolls okay all right  we get it we get it we get it I've masturbated   with a lot of household items we get it think  of that troll doll hair coming out all the way slick back looking like [ __ ] like trailers  sleep back here yeah looking like Tammy dolls   gosh dude this is [ __ ] funny dude I love troll  dolls when I was little and I remember one time I   went to went to this uh yard okay I can't think  of a troll doll without thinking of this story   so my best friend from high school her  sister and brother-in-law were youth pastors   and do you remember the story and we went  down to Dallas Dallas has this big like   every year they have like like Sprint  like everybody has yard sales it's like   it's like a big convention big like every  town like every county has yard sales it's   a big thing and I so anyway we went down  there we were yard selling I was probably   13 14. you know I had no money I took maybe a  few dollars with me whatever and we just went   down there and we were you know and I saw this  really uh cute troll doll with hot pink hair   and I wanted it you know I think I paid dollar or  something you know because I remember having them   when I was real real little but they kind of went  away and I saw it I was like I want the troll doll   bought the troll doll went back to the car  everyone was like oh what everybody get and I   showed my troll doll and you would think I showed  them an upside down cross with 666 on it damn   freaking the [ __ ] out freaking that is that will  not be in our car that is satanic that is demonic   and I'm like oh I literally was like what I go  it's oh it had a it was for the end of my pencil   had a hole in it yeah and I go I'm just I go  I don't understand what and I still don't know   the connection they were talking about  to this day made me go take it back   I couldn't get they didn't even want the car  freaking out as if I had brought some sort   of like oh my gosh you went and walked it back  did they give you your money back I think so I   was literally like you guys it's like a piece  of plastic with some hair I mean freaking out   on me uh so now I just keep describing that  they're freaking out so now I can't think   of a troll doll or see a troll doll without  thinking of that we get a trolled off for the   Pod room yeah I have like seven I bought Libya  troll doll but yeah I have been hearing their   I don't know I don't I need to do my research  on them because that's very interesting like   why were we so infatuated with these things as  kids they were cute yeah and all the different   colored hair but now all I can think about is  it a wet haired troll doll I'm looking up here   I looked up troll doll satanic it just says author  Phil Phillips spent the 80s warning parents about   forces and children's uh toys and TV animation  blah blah blah don't know what that means   um um let's see I'm seeing not it just says  trolls World Tour the satanic I think it's   just the whole concept of the pencil going  up the anus they didn't like no bruh that's   not it because this is for the pencil no come  on now um people comment saying my Furbies are   scary too I love of the Furbies I've always had  Furbies but people are saying it has something   to do with like they can hear you and all this  stuff and this says and here's my thing and I   think I tried to talk I think I tried to explain  this to them if they weren't having it I see a   article here that says evil things unknowingly  in Christian households here's the thing if it's   how do I explain what I'm thinking if it's  unknowingly doesn't okay how do I hold on   let me let me let me get this out I feel like  it something only holds power if you let it   so like I was I had told them I'm like listen  this is a piece of plastic with some hair it's   not it's not that's what it is to me it's not if  I don't know then we don't know and nobody knows   right does that make sense like if someone's  like oh you have a um you have a crocodile I'm   picking up our little crocodile here you  have a crocodile in your home that's like   that's supposed to be well you know like whatever  yeah well is it though or is it a piece of wood   yeah you could kind of turn anything to anything  like that only holds negative power if I think   it holds negative power am I right does that mean  we're doing the thing where you would you know do   that gesture below your knee and then somebody  would look and you'd punch them so we're doing   all that and then then some people say oh that's  racist you know I haven't heard like we were doing   that thing oh yes yes yes oh you do like the yeah  okay yeah and then you punch somebody and then you   don't think anything wrong of it and then you're  making those symbols that's what I'm saying is   it if you don't know if you just play stupid or  you're just stupid and don't know I don't know I   guess I'm not I'm not saying it how I'm really  feeling or you know what I mean I don't know I   think it's coming out it's okay since what you're  saying you get what I'm saying I just don't know   the right word do you guys I don't know if someone  were to come in and be like oh you can't that's   not you shouldn't have that that's whatever I'm  like well that's just a cookie jar to me you're   oblivious to it it does mean anything other than  what I think it is so does it it does it really   hold negative power over me no because I don't let  it it's a cookie jar you know I don't know yeah I   just thought that was a little ridiculous and I've  never been able to think of trolls the same ever   I mean it's weird how little things freaking out  on me when I was at youth camp we were doing the   light as a feathers stiff as a board Thing game  oh damn they those youth leaders came running in   there oh God like never [ __ ] before we all got  uh kicked out of Youth Camp because that's like   well you guys needed it the most y'all were doing  a Satan ritual if anybody near the Lord it was you   guys you were in a tent dude with flashlights  out in the middle and they kicked y'all out   y'all needed the Lord the most I know it was all  the seniors like doing it with us so we just you   don't think it's a bad thing like even Rose's  posies We All Fall Down as I guess uh satanic   kids song I Don't Know I don't know  but we all did that on the trampoline   ashes ashes they all fall down that's bad I  guess now too that's a great song so what's   even real plague maybe just all the kids Diane  what are the links huh what are the uh lyrics to   that ring around the Rosie's pocket full of posies  ashes ashes We All Fall Down see that just seems   like some kids doing rings around the flower  beds and then they fall which is what we did in   circles didn't we but where do those ashes come  in yeah who knows that says the ring around the   rosie is a coded reference to a red circular  rash common in certain forms of the plague uh what flowers that people carried to fend off  the illness yeah just little things you just are   monitored to do yeah and we just do it and then  then you'll just Google it or yeah Tick Tock it   and you go whoa I can't believe I was doing all  that listen nobody really knows anything about   anything if you think about it I don't know [ __ ]  I think I think I do I don't oh there's so much   yeah I know I've said that before damn Lots going  on Lots going on that we don't know about so let's   just say let's just say that like for instance  I'm doing kegels right now and none of y'all knew   huh I'm doing kegels right now and nobody knew  see you thought you knew everything Gotti geez   Gotti John Gotti John Gotti all right well thank  you for calling in Honeys we love you oh so much   the average person has around 12  paid subscriptions think about that   if you think you're only  subscribed to a handful of services you might want to double check okay with  rocket money you can quickly identify and   cancel all of your unwanted subscriptions rocket  money formally known as true bill is a personal   finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted  subscriptions monitors your spending and helps   you 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like you'd fit more   comfortably into Cars airplanes if you're three  feet tall and you're extra cute and you probably   don't you can't legally drive so that would  be not bad right people just driving around   if you're eight feet tall you can't fit I mean  that's that's big and I saw eight feet [ __ ]   walking to McDonald's looking at the menu while  going to the bathroom wax his head up on the   up on the ledge so see and I look in three I  I'm thinking three two because I want people   to carry me around and stuff oh in a Bjorn you  know I'm gonna go with three feet yeah it's three   feet from me um now would we rather smell like a  hamster cage or cheese that's been out in the sun   [ __ ] dude hamster cages are bad but probably  because I was we were bad at changing out the   [ __ ] dude I'm going with cheese out in the  sun melted cheese that smells great okay I'll   be some queso right you know hell I'll put that  in the perfume I'll spray that on me now oh gosh   cheese does smell but a hamster cage you know  people are gonna be thinking that's your [ __ ]   a hamster cage is a bad [ __ ] smell they need  to change up that Sada stuff oh and then just   yes I no I can't do hamster cage so I'm going  with cheese okay and then would we rather have   no sense of smell or no sense of taste I'd rather  have no sense of smell but isn't that kind of if   you don't if you can't smell you can't taste well  let's be hypothetical here yeah yeah well am I   losing both right just because you don't say yeah  hold on Brett's so high that everyone he goes yeah I'm going with no smell I don't give a  [ __ ] about I no I'm I want to taste   my [ __ ] to not smell your farts would be  great your guyses I don't mind my own butt   right yeah same yeah what are y'all going  with over there three feet or eight feet   three okay I think I would rather be eight foot  why just because I I feel like you would be able   to do more see I feel opposite I wouldn't  want to be um helpless being three foot   tall I feel like you wouldn't be able to like  protect yourself oh and you know what I mean   just get a gun that's true but I don't know I'd  rather be eight foot I can I can see where that   you're coming from on that I don't know yeah okay  yeah stay strapped stay strapped you know okay   what about hamster cage or cheese cheese in the  sun cheese yeah cheese cheese no smell no taste okay no smell yeah smell yeah okay I  need to taste food yeah we gotta taste   food what's the point of living if you  can't taste your food right there isn't   a point because not I've been sick  before where I haven't and it sucked   love eating you just try to imagine the taste this  group loves eating tell you that much and we love   farting so that would be a win-win it would be a  win-win for us double happy yeah for sure I love   the would you rathers keep those coming Honeys  oh every day yeah thank you for calling in Olivia so I called earlier about my  son who throws up on purpose   um while sucky a guy's dick  right and I just realized that   I have no room to talk because we're talking  about I hear you guys talk about food Foods foot   fetishes um and my boyfriend has a thing about  feet and um I don't like take pictures or anything   literally the only thing we pretty much do is  um sometimes when he's horny and I don't want   to deal it with him he just like asks if he can  borrow my feet and he'll jack off using my feet and he asked him like I'm just as  curious as everybody else like what   is it about feet that's like so exciting and  he says it's for him he says it's not like   um like the toenails or anything he's like the  thing that I have but a thing for is the soul of   the feet and using that texture to touch his penis  just gets them off you know I'm like it's weird   but I'll take that over him being an alcoholic  or a druggie any day if that is your thing   thank you for that you know  it's better that than drugs um so yeah yeah bye bye bye honey oh yeah bye  honey he goes I'm not a toenail guy or nothing   I just like the souls the Soulful uh sorry hoodies  our dogs are barking dogs are going nuts what Greg   Greg's here yeah yeah sorry for the barks um  but you are right because I'd rather you know   my cousin right now is on some drugs and it really  does tear down your family yeah you know so it I'd   much rather have him [ __ ] Souls right you know  right I'd take the souls over the drugs any day   you're right it could be worse and he could be  into worse stuff sexually you know he could love   like when you [ __ ] on him or something yeah  or love [ __ ] on you or something you know so   you're right hey in in any aspect of your life it  could be worse so great way to think about that   um man we've really talked about this a  lot on the Pod but do just love [ __ ] feet   dude to be honest if I was ever tired  I would just I would give up my feet   anytime yeah just clean them up after right  I think we just like busting nuts right and   you know feet work feet work if they're close  by if they're close by something close yeah I   wonder how he's [ __ ] them if he just has the bad  Heights that's perfect for his dick I don't know   how do you wrap your feet around the dick tight  enough to to jerk off with I think mine make a   pretty good slit together but that still I don't  know I don't know I'd love to see it I've never   seen them huh he borrows them right what if he  has like little levers that go around the feet to   just keep them strapped together it's a good idea  that's actually a brilliant idea around the ankles   and then the top of the feet we need to start a  foot fetish toy sex toy business yeah yeah that's   how we take over the world it's like a lingerie  hole that's how we take over the world right there   dude that's wild I agree with you I'd be like if  you're tired or something like ah just use my feet easy he ain't got to be near you he'd be at the  end of the bed oh gosh yeah you just make like   a form with the Arches yeah kinda I guess so the  Arches arches of the feet dude hey as soon as we   get this new podcast studio built we are looking  for a dude who has a foot fetish I'm talking not   mild not mild if you are like listen I love [ __ ]  feet I love jacking off to feet I love souls   I love salt if you are a foot fetish [ __ ] we  will fly you in to Nashville to be on our podcast   I wish that we had the studio I don't know like  at 95 or a good number we need to make it a big   thing yeah like the hundreds episode or something  that's coming up feet dude yeah and he has to   have time to talk you can't always have to go you  know oh no we're gonna go no we're flying him in   he's gonna be in studio I wish that we could  get a foot fetish person and then an expert   on like why like a sex therapist or something  yeah or just a site like a psychologist and   why people love feet or what aroused it just  for any Kingsley yeah very interesting good idea   great idea okay thank you for calling in we love  you thank you for the call thank you hey honey   it's burnt out nurse here I'm just feeling  stuck I did all this hard work to become a   nurse I still have goals to further my degree  I want to be a high level event practice nurse   but I still have to go get my bachelor's  and then go back to school for that but   I'm feeling stuck I work in one of the best  hospitals quote unquote best in the world   in the country biggest we do the most highest  security and I've gotten really good experience   in the two years that I've been there however the  more I see the less I want to be in the fields   when they say it's all about the money that's not  a lie I've seen them put [ __ ] black ass grass   lungs and Transplant patients for lung transplants  I've seen them talk patients families out of   withdrawing care who are clearly just [ __ ]  dead and this is day to day it's it wears on you I don't know if switching to Like  Home Health I'd feel more fulfilled I'm just stuck but I'm about to listen to  episode 78 turn my mood around feel better I've   been applying at other places I'm just scared  I thought this is what I wanted to do foreign because I feel like I still could find something  else it just sucks going through all the steps and   having to learn the hard way but I love you honeys  keep on doing what you're doing like I said I'm   gonna change my mood around and listen to this  episode here with Paige's dad oh yeah oh yeah   I love you love you Honeys oh man I'm so sorry  um listen here's my thing yeah you've spent a   lot of time and dedicated a lot of time and life  into this you've spent a lot of money on school   um but what's the point of living if your quality  of life is not good you know it's never too late   for anything people change jobs careers you  don't have to have it all figured out by the   time you're 25 I mean people change careers at 50  60. save it like even Greg now like a couple years   ago Greg was still studying for you know for his  Masters and now he's just gonna stop doing that   and he quits his job at the end of this this month  beginning of next month quit his job he'll be 40   you know he's terrified he he is so scared to quit  his job but I've been telling him for the past   10 years 10 years I have said if you don't find  another career you're going to have a heart attack   how long did he go to school he did the four  years he's eight years total he did the four years   you know regular and then and then um he just got  his Masters yeah so sometimes if it's just not   going right for you or you see things you don't  like and you don't want to be in that type of   environment then get out just like a relationship  if it's not going well you have all the resources   to just leave and it's terrifying I get it Greg  is I was scared when I quit my nine to five to do   comedy full-time I was terrified Greg is terrified  he's like Chelsea I don't know what I'm gonna do   I don't and we're you know very blessed that  you know he doesn't have to go get a job right   away he can figure out what he wants to do there's  plenty for him to do here to do in Nashville he's   wanting to do a bunch of stuff I said just take a  minute take a breath you've been working your ass   off at this job for the past 10 years ago take a  breather and then figure out what you want to do   and and I've told him I go that job's not worth  it he's stressed 24 7. he works his [ __ ] ass   off he works constantly and I literally had to  force him to quit I'm like you're quitting you   are quitting and you're doing something else for  quality of life man he's 40. he's terrified he's   like this is all I've known my whole adult life  is doing this I'm like well this is the second   chapter because there's no way he's enjoying it  no he's not yeah I was thinking you know that is   number one kind of just you know a life goal just  whatever I'm doing make sure I'm enjoying whatever   work I'm doing you know whether it's crafts or I  just want to work my way towards that so I never   feel stuck doing something I you know I'm trapped  right and listen dude work sucks nobody likes I   mean if we could all just live off the land and  have a great little lot and nobody had to work   that that'd be great people would probably choose  to do that rather than work everybody's got to   work work sucks somewhat but you have to be able  to enjoy it most of the time enjoy what you do   everything's your own choice so I'm just thinking  quality of life yeah you went to school for it   is that a waste no you have to you I think you  should you're on the right track you're applying   to jobs you're trying trying to move around do  something different I think you should I think   if you are truly miserable I don't think that's  good sometimes it's hard to make decisions when   you know friends or family anybody have kind of  gone through your career with you and then you   say oh I'm gonna give up that and then you you  already know people are gonna go but you went to   school for it it's just like who cares whatever  [ __ ] what everybody else thinks do what makes   you happy and do what you enjoy we love you it has  to be for you honey don't worry about anyone else   you got this yeah whatever career choice you  choose yeah as long as you're good and real   quick before we move on I just don't think that  even if you go to school for something you have   to have that job for the rest of your life it's  okay to change and move careers even when you're   older there's no rules to this life people think  there are so many rules there's not do whatever   you want you have to do it makes you happy I've  switched up I switched up something every day   almost yeah your hair you're right no just like  even with thinking about the future or you know   when I was growing up even in high school oh  and be a radiologist no I don't want to do this   like I went to school to be a freaking news media  broadcaster and now now I'm here talking about how   to eat ass and hey you're broadcasting how to eat  ass you're doing it you're taking over the world   take so I'm so sorry Honeys you you feel stuck  but I think I think you're on the right track   you know what to do you know one more thing the  lungs transferring freaking black lungs into   like old dusty ass well hospitals are  businesses they have to make money   and you know a lot of people think  oh the hospitals are doing what's   best for you no they do what's best for  their bank account then Pockets right so   um thank you for calling in Honeys I hope the  days get easier for you we love you love you   this is the last call last call hi honey it's  long time follow over here I have been listening   to your podcast since I was pregnant and I  used to walk and listen to your podcast in   my headphones and now my baby is almost six months  old which is [ __ ] crazy but this has to do with   um first time sex and if you lost your  virginity so the first time I did it   um he put it in one time hurt so [ __ ] bad one  time though so that's like whatever it was with   Mormons I did right they put in one time um  it popped my cherries out and that was it the   second time I did it you know I actually [ __ ]  but in and out but this is my first time count I   mean my cherry popped but more men say they put  it in once it doesn't count so let me know love   you Chelsea can't wait to see you Ben rabbits  this summer I love you sugar bye great call   oh wow okay can we answer that or am I tripping  ah the Cherry Pop I don't know I think we have   answered that I feel like we have because we said  like yeah it's going in we've answered that call   uh-huh yeah he's got the calls mixed up it's the  only one under that category okay that's all right   well we already answered that months ago am I  tripping no I think we've definitely answered   anyway for sure well yeah she's saying does the  first one count yeah you're [ __ ] a winner within   you we did answer that I know we did imagine  you go back and it's a say no it's not you're   that's not [ __ ] no people are gonna be like yep  that was answered on episode 42 like they'll know   but why not have a refresher let's refresh it  hey Honeys if a wiener got in you and your cherry   didn't pop I've never had a what are you talking  about Brett it's okay we'll end it with this call   yeah yeah look at Gary um yeah if a winner went  in you that's your virginity Honeys right yeah   because I don't think there's always just blood  everywhere if you're first [ __ ] you know so I   never bled yeah so what if you just never blood  but then you're you're getting railed all the   time then you're just like oh no I've never [ __ ]  right that's true if you're waiting on blood if   you're waiting on blood you might be waiting for  decades who knows it's not a virgin right Virgin   Mary dude uh all right well yeah so you're [ __ ]  and if you have anything to call in about if you   need advice from us we we give out wonderful  advice um give us a call give us a call at 442-77-331 and always remember  that you are doing great you're   looking good and [ __ ] what everybody else thinks we're going viral [Music] get ready ready [Music] drink so much tea I'm gonna pee my pants
Channel: The Viral Podcast
Views: 53,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Happy, Comedy, Podcast, Chelcie Lynn, Paige Ginn, Lean Back, Summer, Flowers, Driving, Tour, Standup, Road, Trips, Theovon, Viral, Trending, Nashville, Improv, Fun, Family, Relationship, Cats, Love, Jobs, Viral podcast, TVP, Airplane
Id: zAtCSjx-I7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 32sec (4832 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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