The Viral Contagion of Cabin Fever Explained | The Symptoms of and Syndrome that destroys flesh

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so what does a pandemic look like well now the entire planet knows and i sit here with a sore throat while my fiance coughs in the other room so it's safe to say we might be totally boned on that front but speaking of boned what happens when a different form of infectious disease begins to take hold in a small community in the woods this particular disease starts out infecting livestock within the area before eventually jumping species to human and further beyond that outside of this backwoods town so today we'll be talking about the movie by eli roth way back in 2002 when the fall was actually cold cabin fever and the diseases that reside within the skin and flesh of humans as per usual there'll be a time stamp up on the screen that you can bypass a summary but wouldn't you rather just listen to the soothing sounds of my voice no alright well let's get to it anyways we start our journey with a hermit walking through the woods seemingly he has been out hunting for a while and has found himself a rabbit for himself and his dog as he tries to wake his dog up he grabs its arm and lifts but the dog's chest and abdomen have completely torn open spraying the hermit dog's blood instantly infecting him through the mucosa membranes in his eyes while this is happening a group of college students are let out after finals funnily enough the articles i read have said that it says it's spring break but have you seen the trees and the woods this is definitely like november anyways while driving by they tell a kid not to go to college and this isn't important but college while expensive is an absolute blast it's like one of the most expensive parties you'll ever have so if you're on the fence go to college if not that go to trade school alright done being a dad regardless of that as they drive through to their destination they stop at a small gas station where they meet the owners while sitting with dennis paul gets his hand bit which honestly why would you sit next to a random kid and try to shake their hand seems a little weird but this causes a bit of a verbal altercation with a store manager over putting up a sign about it but it instills some tension between the group and the owners as they go inside to get their drinks bert attempts to steal candy and then gets caught back in the truck they head towards the backwoods where the cabin is and then head inside the group decides to split up at this point with bert running off to hunt squirrels paul and karen heading down to the lake to swim and jeff and marcy straight into the bedroom while burt is running around like an idiot missing every shot eventually he happens upon a hermit by accidentally winging him with a shot meant for a squirrel the hermit crawls out of the ravine with his skin heavily damaged as bert yells for him to stay back before firing a warning shot into the ground which sends the hermit falling backwards into the ravine once more burt then flees from the area and remains silent about the event later that night as the group is sitting around a campfire telling a ghost story about a bowling alley that had been taken hostage by a crazy person a friendly drifter named grim and his pet dog dr mambo show up which the first dog i get i'm gonna have to name it dr mambo discussing if they can hang out he flashes the green he has and the group decides to let him stay before they can however reign begins to move in and they have to cut the fire short and head back inside grimm heads back home to pack up his belongings in the meantime and then reunite with the group while grim is gone they wait inside the cabin until they hear a knock at the door the hermit from earlier has made his way out of the ravine and now is asking for help bert immediately shuts the door in his face saying he's sick and shouldn't be let in while the group argues the hermit gets into their truck and begins vomiting blood all over the inside group then runs outside and begins attacking the truck and him in the process which ultimately heavily damages the truck the hermit exits the truck and approaches marcy and karen paul accidentally lights the hermit on fire at this point which sends him running off into the woods the next day it becomes apparent that they need to look for help in terms of fixing their truck jeff and burt first set off to look for a tow truck and then encounter a farmer she is gutting a hog and is angry at the fact that all the meat is bad as well the same illness has been affecting her livestock for quite a few weeks they enter her house to use the radio and as it turns out the hermit is this woman's cousin they quickly leave the home after fear of being connected to the assumed bodying of this hermit while back at the cabin with karen paul is approached by a cop who says that he heard some commotion and is concerned they mentioned the hermit and the cop agrees that they must have just ran him off and that he would put in a report and get the tow truck out there but that it's gonna be all right back inside paul calms down karen who is upset over the slaying of the hermit once she seems calm enough he attempts to seal the deal but i guarantee you whatever is wet down there is wet for all the wrong reasons after retracting his hand he discovers it is covered in flesh and blood pulling the covers back he spots that the infection has spread to her groin to which the group isolates her immediately in the shed for fear of its spreading as they are attempting to figure out what to do dr mambo returns without grim several times and fairly aggressive to boot jeff keeps watch over bert who is fixing the truck to keep the dog at bay every once in a while it will still return upon fixing the truck burt actually coughs up some blood but doesn't bother to tell the others he then checks his lower abdomen where it's apparent whatever karen has he has got as well he then takes off after jeff and paul discovered that he has actually caught whatever disease this is after seeing this jeff is terrified of catching whatever this is and then heads out on his own with the drinks to quarantine himself away from the others as bert attempts to find help at the convenience store dennis ends up biting bert which dennis's dad and his two friends give chase back at the cabin marcy worries that they will all become infected and paul attempts to calm her down as well and seeing as they say like you know there's a party at the end of the world even if it's a small world paul and marcy instinctively do the do regretting the affair paul leaves while marcy takes a bath crying her skin is looking damaged at this point and as she shaves her legs flesh begins to peel off in a panic she runs outside screaming where dr mambo is waiting for her she is then eaten alive at this point and that will be discovered later as paul was attempting to find his group he eventually runs across a reservoir floating within it is the body of the hermit after falling into the water and onto the hermit he realizes that the infection is spreading through the water paul hoofs it back to the cabin to warn everyone not to drink the water but upon getting there he finds pieces of marcy everywhere he opens up the shed to find that dr mambo has been feeding on karen as well paul takes out dr mambo with the handheld and then proceeds to bludgeon karen with a shovel at a mercy of her situation which holy lord man the boy's gonna have some serious ptsd at that there had to be a quicker way to do that as burt begins to succumb to his infection he makes it back to the cabin pursued by dennis's father and two companions they open the door to the cabin and immediately take out bert which is absolutely brutal no talking no exchange just bang paul then nails his friend with a shot who falls back and then hits dennis's dad in the stomach with another shot paul comes outside to find one guy fiddling with the box which i'm not really sure what he was doing but then he gets a screwdriver in the air and meets his end via brain bleed paulin runs off to look for jeff an attempt to save him at minimum but then finds grimm has been half eaten by presumably dr mambo paul having no clue where jeff may be runs to the convenience store where he then jacks a truck while driving however he discovers he's infected too he crashes into a deer and then gets out of the truck where he runs into the woods and then is reunited with the deputy who promised him the tow truck apparently the tow truck broke down and they had to get a tow truck for that tow truck which i don't know if i just can't read the situation is it a lie or is it the truth i'm not actually sure paul then requests a ride to the hospital but before leaving a call comes over the radio saying that a group of kids went on a spree and they have some sort of skin infection meaning that the police should shoot on sight the group quickly turns on paul paul in turn attacks and infects several of the deputies new friends before knocking out the deputy as well paul is then picked up by a passing truck and then weakly tells the doctors and police where he may have contracted this disease they can't understand him so they decide to take care of the problem since the hospital is not equipped to deal with these kinds of wounds or infections paul is loaded into winston's squad car and in vain tries to tell him about the infected water supply hall is then dumped at the edge of a creek jeff who presumably awakens from a drunken stupor finds all of his friends deceased in the cabin except for paul sadness eventually turns to relief as he realizes he was the only one to make it out alive because he quarantined himself he steps outside and is immediately blown away by the cops who still have their original orders at the end we see that the kids that have made lemonade from the creek where paul's body was just upstream have caused the actual police officers to be infected by the contaminated water all the while a truck in the background heads out presumably being bottled water from the reservoir spreading the infection even further past the confines of the small town so getting a good look at the degradation of the mitsu we can see that the body is suffering from some pretty severe and life-ending issues which starts as almost inflamed skin and then continues as it melts off the body and rips away with the most minor of pressure so the question remains what exactly is causing this and what is happening at a cellular level which results in destroyed skin well before getting to the actual cause we must first take a look at the symptoms and syndromes that actually exist in real life and unless aggressively treated would ultimately result in the same fate as these friends experience seeing as the water supply is infected upon ingestions of the contaminants it's clear with everything else the infection begins in the mouth throat and stomach area however it does not stay there following the pathway of the water it would infect the entire digestive system and continue into the head of this person seeing how the hermit looked at the beginning it almost appears as though it's a head cold his eyes and nose are red somewhat indicating inflammation and infection of the mucosa membranes in those areas however he is splattered with blood from his canine companion so his origin of infection was likely through the eyes this may actually be why he might last longer as the infection had to travel down from the eyes however likely it still uses the bloodstream as the main mode of transportation another thing to note is that when karen was infected she also displayed the same mucosa membrane inflammation in her face as well meaning that areas with lots of blood vessels do appear to be the first to fall for the rest of the campers their infection window was purely through the water they drank at random points in time their infection as mentioned would likely have traveled through the throat and to the stomach and because of this their infection was center mass which would have made a quicker distribution point to the rest of the body and this would have also likely caused them to start coughing up and throwing up blood much faster than the hermit as a result another major point i wanted to discuss was how the virus travels and where it ultimately ends up as the body degrades not only do we see ejection from the blood from the body but we also see the physical manifestations on the outside of the body because of this as mentioned the circulatory system would have been the mode of transportation infecting the rest of the body throughout but also necrotizing tissue why do i believe this to be the case well when a person is infected small sores and burst blood vessels begin to appear in the skin the early signs we see this happening is when burt's abdomen appears to have small bruises underneath the skin on the lower abdomen which indicates the capillaries of the skin are bursting and leaking into the surrounding tissue as the disease progresses larger sores begin to appear on the skin that look like holes until ultimately the skin begins to fall away so what's happening underneath well as you know the top layer of skin is no longer living anyways we are all really just dead skin cells but in the hypodermis layer of the skin where the blood vessels are located and more than likely extending into the dermis layer this is where we see the most damage occurring as blood vessels below the skin burst these areas of skin are no longer receiving oxygen or nutrients and as a result the skin begins to die from the inside out all over the body large patches lose oxygen which allows for minor pressure applied to the skin to cause it to completely tear away seeing as the anchor point for the skin is no longer viable however you may have noticed that they seem to experience very little pain while this is happening i mean karen didn't even know that she had a wound in her groin area and most of this just appears to be mental anguish knowing that you are going to be meeting your ensuing well the nerves located within the skin are also choked out as the skin begins to die so nothing is reporting the pain as the disease progresses further it appears to also heavily affect the larger blood vessels internally in the throat and internal organs blood begins to leak into the digestive system which we see in those in the later stages they actually begin to vomit blood or at minimum cough it up which means that the blood vessels in the lungs are also suffering to some degree but the vomiting of blood is actually very normal because blood is an irritant to the lining of the actual stomach if you didn't know in the latest stages disorientation begins to set in as the blood vessels in the brain are destroyed as well as blood loss creeps in we see people get more lethargic in herbert's case he didn't seem to understand basic commands or intents which is why he was pretty much set on fire in karen's case she got more and more tired as the virus took hold as blood levels dropped and subsequently oxygen levels within the brain keeping your eyes open would be increasingly difficult and you would more than likely be going into mods which is multi-organ dysfunction syndrome which essentially means that you're going to have multiple systems start shutting down not really that great but there is an actual syndrome believe it or not that exists in real life and it's known as stevens johnson syndrome essentially when the skin necrotizes from the inside out however with sts this is much more mild and the more extreme version of this would be toxic epidermal necrolysis or essentially lysing the tissue in the epidermal layers so you're sitting there and you're kind of wondering well roanoke you know man we're waiting for what this is actually called concerning the disease well as the movie put it it is an unknown disease basically they say it is a virus and judging by its ability to move through water and how quickly it infects completely breaking down the body i would have to agree but what sort of virus might it be well judging by its ability to infect livestock initially and the hemorrhagic nature it possesses i would have to say it's an adenovirus an adenovirus is one that destroys blood vessels and is usually found in deer or as of late we find it in deer it is shared through bodily fluid contact which we see with the dog getting blood in the eyes of the hermit and it causes profuse bleeding by rupturing blood vessels but more importantly it may be shared airborne but if bodily fluids leak into water it has shown viability for a while in this environment as well so what it appears to be is that first this adenovirus existed within a population of wild animals whether it be deer or some other type through interaction with livestock it was able to mutate and then jump species once this happened the virus would then be around humans much more readily and may have even adapted to humans much like how swine flu jumped to humans from pigs this is made mentioned by the farmer angrily saying that all the meat was ruined and how the sickness has been going around for weeks after jumping to humans the lesions and hemorrhaging seen in deer would now be ours and the virus didn't stop there it also made another leap into dogs which we can see with the hermit's dogs and likely dr mambo was completely losing his mind because that dog got super aggressive which can be explained by the fact that when paul actually goes out to find jeff he ends up finding grim half eaten presumably by dr mambo anyhow the virus is then spread in large quantities via the dead hermit in the lake and infested the water supply after it was then as simple as being sucked into the cabin from the pipes that ran there and then at the end we see that the mutated form of adenovirus is in spreading out via bottled water to the rest of the world which would ultimately lead to even more cases popping up and potentially even worse water supply issues
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 1,296,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cabin fever, Cabin fever eli roth, cabin fever virus explained, Cabin fever explored, Eli roth cabin fever, Cabin fever 2002, cabin fever remake, Cabin fever 2, Roanoke Gaming, Virus in cabin fever name, Cabin fever dr mambo, Cabin fever Marcy, Cabin fever karen, Cabin fever ending, Cabin fever plot, Cabin fever paul, Cabin fever deputy, Cabin fever skin disease, Cabin fever karen scene, Cabin fever jeff, Cabin fever hermit infection, Cabin fever disease, horror films
Id: DpXd3AsaeQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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