The Village must grow : Medieval Dynasty Ep9

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and we're back with some more medieval Dynasty and today it's looking kind of nice got to give it to this game it does have this wonderful Ambiance going on all right H today I was going to do some insulation on all of the houses namely to free up space in storage me being the hoarder I am I keep putting more and more stuff into storage and eventually we're just going to run out of space rip to four tons of space and I'm using 3.2 so I either build another storage shed or start getting rid of some of the stuff we have in storage one of the things we have in storage is a lot of stone and a lot of limestone specifically this Limestone you can use to insulate H houses so yeah let's go around and insulate a few and I'll show you what it actually does it'll make our villagers happier which not really a big deal but it does decrease the amount of firewood they burn as well so let's get actually let's take our house the M would probably appreciate that uh you give me add installation there we go and you'll see all of those things that are high highlighted in blue they can be insulated and not the hunting lodge though so four Limestone up there and oh God it's going to take a while is it there you go insulated stone wall no all of these houses are identical so what I'm going to do is I'm going to insulate this one all the way around we'll have to smash Limestone into all of them with a hammer and then once it's done the house will be fully insulated this gives uh marginal benefits as you go up but I'll show you the end result sh she's sleeping don't wake her got to give it to the baby as well the baby's sleeping through this like a champ how you doing kiddo yep yep Perfect Isn't She a be all nicely limeston up to make her well insulated now what's the difference between an insulated house and an uninsulated house well it's all to do with this thing over here how much wood you're burning and this insulation level this is the best type of house you can build these Stone ones with the woodl roofs they're the best houses you can build in terms of insulation but the only go up to 92.9% unless you insulate them with Limestone but uh the most important here is 34.29% now the great thing about insulation is if you have 100% insulation on a building people get 50% mood so for every two points insulation you get one point of mood so for example if this was a a 50% insulated building which I think the worst ones are you would get 25% of a mood bonus for staying in that house but this is the maximum bonus you can get uh that gets us up to 50% so realistically we gained a few points of mood for everyone and saved ourselves a little bit of wood but more importantly I cleaned out some of this Limestone out of the shed and uh yeah I think I'll just spend the last of limestone to cost 66 Limestone to um insulate each house and I think I'll go around and spend a lot of it all of that limestone is spent and now it's time for the plan for the day once I met a guy who kept saying wday howling even when there was just a light Breeze I don't get that quote plan we have most of the people we actually need already has signed out now okay we're going to have a bit of a baby flood soon four babies are on the way that's going to eat into some of our farmers and one Lumberjack and a cook and all that I can actually tweak some Lumberjacks for Less Lumber now but you know the the big thing we want to do is just basically knock out a few quests and hammer things in the background and pass as much time as possible reason being our people are going to be cooking all day every day and we're going to be ranking up the Tech in fact right now Building Technology is at 3,400 and production Tech is 3,200 this is our main goal was to knock out 10,000 points into this and we're playing through it at speed in fact we have maybe a little bit too much flour and stuff and I'll have to do a bit of a cook session at one point but that can wait for now what I want to do is knock out some quests in the background and uh we'll jump back in in a bit another little side thing I'd like to take care of this is the local village where we do a lot of our well our shopping and selling and things so we're going to put a storage hot right beside it so that we can access all of our storage uh right beside it and then we can go and sell stuff as needs to be also it's handy that if we take a carer we can grab any stuff from our storage without having to go all the way back to our village though this may take a minute to build hold on a quick note to self about this issue uh when building one of these it's actually well pretty slow normally but if you bring along a donkey with all the materials you can run to the location bring all the materials with you and build this place in no time at all done and now we have a local storage Beacon right beside this place we also have one near another Village as well but not quite as close as this that also increases our storage by another oh actually I should upgrade this while I'm here in fact we can upgrade this quite handily upgrading it to level two should be fairly simple because well we've got the storage inside it to do the upgrading you know what let's do that now resource Storage level two upgrade and we just pop inside to take all the resources we need out of the storage container I need to cut back on firewood production I think actually I'll wait till winter then I'll see about cutting back on firewood production done that brings us up to six tons yep six tons of storage we even spent a whole bunch doing it right H why did I do all this again oh yeah so I could still sell stuff here really easy I went on a bit of a minor deforestation campaign this Hills needed to go well I wanted to be able to see the hills or also I just wanted to see how many trees we could destroy so that's a fair chunk I think what I'm going to do though is rip up all the stumps I don't want them growing back this might take a minute or two also I I think I'm going to kill a few more I do have a quest to chop down 20 trees might as well start now it's hard to see with all the fog but we've managed to remove quite a few of the stumps we have about 7 or 800 logs in storage because of all of that we still got more stumps to go but it's getting dark and I think next season's winter in Winter all the forest growth will be gone or all the undergrowth will be gone and be able to see stuff much easier so I think I'll just have a quick wash up and then maybe sleep until next season I mean it's been a long day perfect that should keep the wifey from going a little bit nuts well we got all our quests out of the way this has been this has been a rather productive season oh management wise there's a few things of note uh let's see here production now Nicola was well we hired them with six production so they're exactly where they're supposed to be Sil brat was actually never a cook until recently they were originally in produ we s them to make buckets see gowa here they have been our longest serving cook that we've left doing nothing but cooking and they've got production level four this here is lechmere they've been one of our shortest serving production people doing buckets and they've already surpassed our longest serving Cooks so making buckets is far far faster at cranking it up once cat and dear hit level five in production we're moving them right back into cooking and then we'll cycle people out of cooking into making buckets until everyone's level five well except for in ing Twitter whatever uh yeah I'm pretty sure she's going to pop next season or the season after we've got four expected mothers so that's going to eat into our Farmers our Cooks our farmers and our Lumberjacks so yeah things are going to get uh funky oh and this is our wood Demand right now 56.4 Watch What Happens though when we go to the next season uh this person is not interested in talking to you right yeah well I'm not interested in talking to them right now is this my house o oops sorry they all look the same okay my bad my bad are you just been standing here in the dark yep love you too sweetie uh don't stab me in the Sleep hey we're at 56.4 wood demand once we move into Winter though what are we up to 774 all so wood demand goes up in Winter because the houses need more heating that seems very reasonable and I should probably put on my winter gear look at that fully rugged up we should be fine no matter how cold it gets let's see if uh the wife has a quest for us love you're here okay that's starting to get on my nerves okay I have a favorite Dr now I think we're doing good all right then let's have a quick oh it's f yeah I won't be able to see the tree stumps I want to like show off like the nice flattened area we've made and all of the trees that we have oh yeah you can see the see the tree stump's pretty good I'll be back I just got to go do some more tree stum clearing it's been a long year oh and the reason I've got switched to third person view it's much easier to dig up tree stumps when you can see where you're going if you go into first person view you can't move and look around for the next Target while you're in it which makes things very disconcerting and probably a little bit nauseating making it here for some people it's kind of weird to think that this entire place used to be a forest now it's just well open land I don't think the village is going to expand that far but it is just nice to have that open space there plus you know no Boors can sneak up on us we were below 70 logs when we started that I think I may have went a little overboard but I I just was running out of wood too much I thought I'd do a big Harvest and that yeah that that will keep us going for a while until we do do another housing building spree which might be a while well it's a new season so time for us to do our regular stuff which is head immediately over to the nearest Village grab every single Quest we can anything to do with technology would be great also Building Technology is going along quite nicely all of that we just want to get to level five or 5,000 in Building Technology so we can get Mining and once we get 5,000 in production technology we can knock out smithing level three which gets us iron tools then we can make all our own tools and we're pretty much self-sufficient and that's just in case of hammering her wh up to Tavern I'm want to try and knock out as many seasons as we can today and do we have any kind of food on us that gives us stamina no we do not H where is you come here I usually keep some spare supplies on the donkey for just such an occasion cherry juice perfect that'll give us uh 80% less stamina consumption what you doing and if you tell me you're chopping down a tree I won't believe you that's not how it goes another day another Splinter and then she's like oh never mind I'm out of here well yeah that's what you get NPCs for messing with okay fine um as you can see I've put in some houses here at the back of the village just added more we're actually looking pretty densely packed it's sort of turning into a square though pretty much everything I build turns into a square at one point or another doesn't it right and once we get in a few more houses back here the place will be perfect square now I've did a bit of a change of plan when it came to uh the today's goals or this season's goals I was going to go around the map and do all those quests then I thought why I mean the plan is in effect we are producing the technology we need we're up to what 3,800 points we've got enough people all I really want to do is upgrade the village so let's Implement a few things like oh let's up upgrade the workshop to level three as well as that we've now got access to fos which will allow us to get Sheep and Wool maybe just spin up some of that to see what it's like uh we have a hunting lodge level two which is of no use to us and finally over here we're just coming up on mines come on one more 1,000 more points so I say upgrade time first off I'll do the Sheep thing uh that way we I can go around and hire sheep this season and I think we'll just stick the Sheep back here back how big is this sheep fold huh you are pretty big there you go oh greater time just hit development level the more buildings you have uh the more development level you have which means the higher the taxes you pay ah we got the money though we don't care too much and this is what a sheep fold looks like it can also hold goats but goats are useless so we're just going to get sheep and cram it full of them where do I get some sheep at this time of day what time is it o no I'll wait till tomorrow instead I'll just spend the night upgrading a few things I'm thinking yeah this food storage can be upgraded to level two that should double food storage ability we're going to need a bunch of logs all that stuff I'll just take care of some upgrades well that's nicer looking but at the same time it also gives us better storage as in it doubles their storage capacity for food which is good that could become a problem later on now we got to do production though uh production wise I believe we have Smithy level three but no not smiy workshop level three uh this is going to take what oh great stones and logs and yeah this this could take a while that Workshop is actually looking solid as it you can't just see right into it I don't know if how much it improved it by it's definitely increased storage capacity by 100 kilos management wise the workshop can still only hire two people H I think this just opens up new production opportunities as in there are other things you can craft that you couldn't craft before not that we really care it still looks cool oh and you look at that we have three mothers going on we got Our Miss and then we've got two more mothers we've got two more that are pregnant yeah and we've got three kids now they'll soon be yep so we need to get through the seasons as quick as possible and I'm thinking might do a bit of cooking though tonight we have a lot of flour and a lot of water uh let's process some of this after a long night of cooking 250 flatbread which is more than you guys do in a season or just about actually uh we're going to go find ourselves some sheep actually there's got to be some someone around here we can ask any of you guys know where the Sheep are how do you do yeah perfect what's the bets the guy who knows where the Sheep are is single let's take a closer look at you yep yep knew it how you doing lady you look very tired and run down and like you need a super duper bath dear God okay I'm here for your sheep treating want to see my a good day we'll just uh yeah we'll buy you h oh wow 1 2 3 4 12 animals okay we're going to need to buy a lot aren't we so expensive and mail okay we're going to want to get our hands on at least o two males mostly females and then let them uh expand okay there's another one you know what we'll take you to I'm not even sure how much I paid for that one o more Vi uh female Grand like this are expensive mail finally all perfect then you can also go on the fold that means we'll have a chance to have more sheep every year in fact let's just buy this one while we're here we might as well stock up as much actually how much was that one it's only 241 for the Lambs huh it's actually a good idea in a year's time they'll be fully mature and we can start shearing them I think that's all of them how much money did that cost us a fair chunk but it was worth it probably I wanted to get sheep up and running because I want to start getting wool in and we can use that to make money later on when we want to try and Hammer out an achievement before we go and do another Mass craft I should check up on a few things namely Craftsmen the two Craftsmen have now maxed out at level five and done that means we can cycle them back into cooking and take two of the cooks out and put them into crafting done now the two ladies are in there I I did the guys first because I figured they're going to be around for the longest and the women are going to be ending up gone for 2 years so it's better off to get the guys done first we'll get the most productivity out of them uh burn workers yeah everyone else is pretty much sorted oh and we have hired a new person and we've stuck them in the sheep fold they are not actually great at it they've only got a two in farming but I was too tired to go looking for any else I'm like who cares and said they can just Harvest wool which is not a lot 6.65 wool seems think they'll make one wool thread a day that is really pathetic hopefully that gets better as the fold increases as in right now how many sheep do we have we're still short a bunch of slots so and those Lambs haven't matured so maybe we'll see we'll give it a year or two now I am going to queue up an awful lot of bread and go grab a snack well that was an entire day with what time is it is it morning yeah it's 3:25 well that was a lot of cooking a lot of cooking 250 flatbread technology wise our technology production has actually surpassed our Building Technology I think I think that's a good sign good sign all right I'm going to dump this off and then actually just go to sleep there's no point doing anything else today right I don't think there's much to do today we've sort of caught up with everything we've also deployed most of the tech we've got access to I could maybe build another storage Warehouse how much storage space we got o probably should build another storage Warehouse considering how quickly we go through stuff but that's about it I don't really have any major plans now we're sort of coasting along and waiting for the technology to kick in actually I can do a quick Baron upgrade I've completely forgot to do that we gained access to that ages ago and then I just sort of blanked it where is Barn Farm shed Baron level two and we'll get a baron level three a lot later from now all right let's see what this makes what kind of difference this makes well I'm going to have to redo the numbers now these things can support four workers so we only need two of these sheds uh where did I put the other two of these sheds I don't one of them's over there but where's the Third Kind of losing track of all the stuff you build after a while this Village is getting out of control ah yeah I built these two right here right beside each other yeah no no I remember now this town looks weird I think it's just the narrow Alleyways going through everywhere this is sort of the only main road going through it which sort of ends in a barn if I had to plan this all out again I'd probably do things a little differently and more grid optimized but hey for first attempt it looks horrendous absolutely horrendous now where were we yes uh changes probably need to be made I've been wondering why this was getting so stocked up I put down another storage shed just so we'd have a couple of tons more storage but weightwise logs of course sticks your way up there I should probably sell a bunch of those we don't need them all buckets like yeah I I chopped that down to about 80 buckets every time I pass through a town fertilizer that's where we're getting a whole bunch of extra storage from that's 500 fertilizer that's more than a would fertilize all our fields we have less than 500 plots of land that need fertilizer every year so this is yeah maybe a little bit Overkill and firewood actually I think the firewood is about right it goes up during the summer and well spring summer autumn and then it goes down again during winter as we burn through the reserves clay we don't really need bronze bars I used to make tools tools wise are actually looking pretty good loads of pickaxes sides shovels I made everything out of bronze just because we could and I need to build two more bronze axes and a bronze pickaxe I like to have everything at about the eight level oh and one hoe as well well I think that's enough of that season I don't think there's anything else I want to do just yet so I'm just going to sleep through till next year uh 46 minutes oh come on seriously I have found a way to kill time it's called technology grinding uh what we're trying to grind up here is Building Technology it's dumb but it works uh let me show you building technology 4313 building for technology 4315 we just gained two points for completing this chunk of the building I stole this off another YouTuber well Uber Millie is their name so Uber Millie showed this as a way to grind up the tech but it is quite efficient it's just very boring so if we have nothing else to do I think I'll just leave this here and come back occasionally and just knock out some Tech all I really want to do though is get to 5,000 points so yeah another 700 points or so and I'm done with this one way or the other this is not perfect by any means you lose half of the material you put into it so it costs you half a log every time you get a log back 50% of the time basically but still a very very cost efficient way of generating technology points I definitely made sure to find the right house this time around definitely right let's see if we get any good stuff this season come on any events anything we have had no season events in ages I don't know why pay taxes hello handsome how is my be I have a favor to ask of you could you take this money to the castle and pay the taxes of course said de on my way perfect how's my beautiful D family doing according to little boss man over here we're bored anyway I could help maybe you could tell him one of your stories I mean to try anything at this moment uh my famous madeup tale gladly sure a long time ago what oh great a coward night a de bir a kingdoms King a blind painter or an honest nobleman oo uh what would be the most realistic one let's see we'll go with a cowardly Knight blind pain no cowardly night alongside his pet oh my God carp yep perfect their home was like no other it was rainbow colored reasonably priced H Castle sewer Oak privy in yeah let's go with in yes reason PR didn't have any friends apart from each other no one really like them because every single day they spent playing board games telling madeup stories hunting imaginary caterpillars eating fertilizer or trying to sell their tacky wooden figurines o we go with playing boring games but soon is all going to change your nearby Village was attacked by a flock of demonic Ducks yes a band of Heartless task collectors oh that's a good one a swarm of carnivorous bees don't care a gang of rebellious teenagers a pack of extremely adorable puppies oh it was the puppies the attackers were as ruthless as they were Whimsical the villagers ran into leaving their homes and B belongings behind all hopes of lost then when our lovely hero and his companions came to rescue the these day Mighty weapon every before seen in this realm a magical Ladle which made a funny sound when slung Common Sense unprecedented violence and tricet dance routine a clever lie it's got to be unprecedented violence with the use of this Unstoppable force that falls dispersed and vanished Into Thin Air well that's what you do when you you bring Unstoppable violence to puppies oh God I just real yeah it was puppies wasn't it the villagers returned to their homes and cheer the noble hero and his pet they asked what kind of reward would the Liberator want the answer was simple their lives the newborn babies until the end of time all of their souls every single one of the persons a throne made out of teeth H getting kenchy vibes from that one well uh the fact that the hero lived in exile for all those years with only companion in capable of human speech aside made his sense of humor a little rusty to say the least the villagers didn't appreciate the joke and threw them into the dungeon that's not the end of the story you see in the dungeon the hero found love oh my God a beautiful guard named mustach Marta oh that's a strong Contender Carolina the overeater toothless Tamara well we do have a tooth thing going on piggy the pig uh Sam bore let's go with mustache Marta yep yep and then they got married and lived happily happy lives because they never had children they died soon after he could never leave a cell she like which she liked very much they both loved interrupting each other's sentences uh they didn't know any better okay they both loved interrupting each other's sentences uh but it looks like our tiny lad loved us he's probably just likes his daddy's voice you might be the accent is one thing I I like to immediately about you uh my what do I have an accent are you joking of course you have you sound nothing like the locals or even most of the Travelers you never pointed it out I thought it was obvious just like your different colored eyes my what now you're just pulling my leg just a little bit have to run hello H is kid going to actually grow up at some point right oh we can put that away now those fields look nicer now that we can see them and I'm pretty sure those trees aren't coming back however plans for today well our technology is going up really well in production we're at 4,700 and we're probably going to hit the 5,000 suit enough so we need to get access to mines quick sooner rather than later mines gives us access to iron and iron we can use in the Smithy level three will access when we get to 5,000 here so um yeah I'm going to pound logs all day it seems oh finally mine's unlocked we're done oh yes okay time to go uh build ourselves a mine that was not nearly as bad as I thought yet also just as bad as I thought and our production technology is catching up oh and one wonderful thing last night when everyone stopped working I went to the workshop and I made a beer bottle a meat bottle and a wine bottle just to check how good they were at generating production technology and they're really good they're uh way better than our flatbread way better than jugs clay jugs anything like that at least twice as good so um probably going The Jug method would be the better way because then you could just transition over to these you'd have all your clay people work never mind never mind so we took the definitely suboptimal approach by going with masters of flat red but it is what it is oh this is where we did a little bit of tree destruction when we got drunk but you can see some of the trees have actually grown back because we didn't remove the stumps after two full years the tree stumps return ah so that's when I first came here good to know all right we're back to build a mine just let me uh drop off some gear first I have no idea how this is going to work we just go with the extraction there's a mine and object must be placed on entrance to cave is that it okay I'm got to go get a bunch of planks this is supposed to reveal iron inside the mines and bu just generally make it easier to mine uh it's supposed to also change them as well and make them deeper I'm interested to see I've been kind of looking forward to this one for a while probably should not be doing it in the dark but it is what it is mine construction completed oh and there's torches in here oh that is cool oh it's gotten bigger it's gotten much bit oh yes oh hell yeah I need to go get a pickaxe oh and they've got signposts these are arrows that lead you out or am I reading this wrong no arrows yeah yeah okay so if you do get lost in here it will point you the way out oh up we managed to get 61 iron ore my reasoning is under if I'm correct on this that's about 30 iron bars which should be about 15 tools that that is worth it now we just have to hire a bunch of miners to work this system if we go under management extraction and then mine yes we can put six miners in this this is yes this is just awesome sauce uh they can only get Stone Salt copper ore tin ore and iron ore they can't get where is it the extraction shed is the sort of the downgraded version so the one you get originally you get Limestone and straw here but you can't get Limestone and straw in the mine so can you get clay in the mine no you can't get clay either so Limestone straw or clay you cannot get in the mine but supposedly mining iron or tin ore or copper ore in the mine is one of the fastest ways to level up extraction I'm thinking we're going to need to be getting a few people in on that like immediately well okay first I got to build some houses then we got to hire some more of them so looking at my notes we are going to need two miners so that they can two additional miners so that they can work in the mines uh a smiy worker and a sewing machine worker then we're going to need one more a hunting person uh well a hunting person so they can get leather for making the cloth for the or to help make the bags for the sewing person uh we also need a salesperson as well so that we can sell some of the other junk we've been pulling in and then we also need another additional house just in case the wifey decides that we should hire someone else four more houses I feel like I'm spending most of this game just building more housing like there's just so much of it that is actually required and then you just go yep I'm going to be doing this all day this could take a while we have to transform all the walls into the correct variants oh man and then we going to do the same thing with four houses there really needs to be some they need to allow mods for this or something or have it that you can just press one button and change an entire house to Stone I don't think I have built I think I've built one normal house and all the rest have been stol every single last one of them I feel like this is a sort of a housing project going on we're just we've got a whole bunch of people in here all specialized this is just the entire Stone section I still have to do all the planks I think we might run out well we're going to definitely eat to a lot of our Stone reserves doing this this is just so expensive building all the housing for everyone complete all it cost was most of a hammer you God so much building now I just need to recruit like two three four six more people oh you know what I think I'm just going to take a nap what day is it it's 6 4 oh 7 minutes past 4 in the day you know what let's just do a quick recruitment run around the place and then just skip forward as fast as we can oh we just locked Smithy level three I was out here trying to get uh get my hands on some more recruits we've hit 5,000 production finally all right that means we can start smelting up iron and we can start making iron tools all by ourselves I'm just trying to I think we just hired our Smithy guy yeah our Smithy worker that guy is actually just walking off that direction towards the Village um oh I should probably assign him out before he gets annoyed that we haven't uh done anything with him yeah there's a guy through production they'll make a decent Smithy app pointy the hiring spree is complete and we are through to the next day we have 46 population how how do we have you know what doesn't matter we've also got two mothers and one two three four kids so we got four kids and two expectant these just they keep multiplying I'm telling you there's nothing you can do about it we've got a new seamstress two new miners uh where is it we've got a new Hunter we've also got a new blacksmith and we've got some animal breeding dead I just stuck them into donkeys into the donkey section just so I remember they're there they got to I got to make them a Traders Hut in fact I should go make them a Traders Hut right now that should be the first thing I do today uh this second Trader is going to be doing a smattering of things namely reducing the numbers of stuff you have way way way too many of actually even more feathers can go yeah just some of this stuff we have no real use for we have thousands of sticks we are never going to use the sticks would be more important if you were making wle houses which we're not doing we want the instulation uh there's also a bunch of other stuff we're selling off like some excess fertilizer because we've got too much of that some of the excess straw uh hops wooden bowls beer bottles empty stuff all of this stuff can go we can even get rid of some of the ores and we're probably going to start selling off the copper and bronze in a bit on the ground that we've got iron ore now we just have to upgrade the Smitty actually should go through just the plan it's fairly straightforward and this Village should be entirely 100% self-sustaining without any input for me every time our shops over there or markets over there sell stuff the coins get dumped into this chest this is going to be more than enough actually let's just have a quick check they're pulling in 765 gold coins a day that's going to like over 12 days they're handily going to pay our tax bill so this Village will be self-sustaining in terms of money income so long as we can keep all of the inputs that go into the flatbread and everything else going there is a lot of inputs there is oh so many inputs uh first off let's just check the uh the kitchens themselves they're turning it we got 95 bread there the second kitchen has 105 okay so we definitely need a second sales person just to handle all of the food we're going to be producing but that's fine that's fine that can be organized that other guy the second Market can be switched over to that in a bit then uh these kitchens need the water the water comes from the extractors the extractors are taking care of that the wells are right on it however we also need the grain which requires the farmers now we've got plenty of farmers but the farmers require tools uh those tools have to be produced by the Smithy guy so the Smithy guy produces the Hol he produces the sides he produces all the stuff they need to actually do the we're going to have to make well I have actually upgraded him yet but we will then they also need bags those bags are required to throw the seed in the fertilizer down so we need need is someone working in the sewing Hut which is why we hired a sewer at the same time that se to make the bags they also need leather which means we have to hire a hunter to work in the hunting lodge to get the leather to combine with the linen to make the bags we also have to plant flax by the way I haven't got around that yet okay so we have to plant flax as well that's that go on the list of things to be done the flax goes into the sewing Hut along with the leather to make the bags so that the farmers can plant their crops and any leftover time that the sewing Hut person has will get them to do wool or things like that we that's why we've got the the in all right with that done I think that's all the steps in the chain or am I missing something oh the mine we need to have the mine running so that we can get the iron or that we can feeded the Smithy to make the tools yes and the Woodshed needs to we need two woodsheds because we need to be pulling in what is it firewood so that everyone can stay nice and warm and the second one is there to make planks uh so that we can make buckets we need those buckets to level up our people we'll probably cut back in the bucket production once everyone's maxing out on the production front so once we finished hiring well actually I think we we not I won't say we finished hiring there's probably going to be more hiring because I'm going to have to build more houses guaranteed but we've got the guts of just about everything down and once I get the last few buildings upgraded basically the Smithy and the sewing Hut this place will be self- sustaining we can just let it run and okay eventually the storage sheds will fill up with something or will overflow with something but by and large as long as we just take out stuff and don't put anything in this thing should effectively run forever anyway I think that's enough progress for one day there is so much building that goes on in the background it's like it's fun but you're kind of like it's it's kind of therapeutic almost it's a calming anyway I'm going to cut this out here I uh hope you enjoyed it good [Music] luck [Music] n [Music] a
Channel: Francis John
Views: 10,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play
Id: 5dtYZPBLp20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 40sec (2140 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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