Medieval Dynasty - Year 18 Town Tour - The most incredible decorating!

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and welcome to Medieval Dynasty today we're going to be taking a tour of my Village down City it's uh after 18 years of development and zero years of decoration so it's pretty it's pretty sparse and Bland as far as the Aesthetics go but it's got a good layout and uh that'll come in time I'm gonna take us into the map so we can get a overview quick of where we are oriented currently I'm going to move this over into this section so as if we are coming into the town from gustavia this is the northeast corner of my village town city and we're gonna go do that here real quick [Music] so we're going to leave our little seating area and Venture East astar resource storage and get a little quick view of the lake on the right Dodge the child here coming up I took that turn a little wide and slow I'm going to jump over the little bridge that we have here and we're coming to the Northeast side now so here if you watched my video of uh tips or locations of where to build oh we're thirsty I'm gonna have to get a drink here in a second uh right over here you're gonna have hunting for deer there's going to be wiseant and there's going to be moose unless you happen to place structures right here in which case is going to cause them to despawn these were let's see the Woodshed in the hunting cabin are the first buildings that I would have put down in the early stages of the game after a house or two for sure so these are pretty original to the old section of the city the two herbalist Huts were definitely added more mid game if not late game I have one herbalist Hut set to Gathering berries and one herbalist Hut currently set to flowers but previously would have been set to gather everything to make oceans um dandelions and attains those kinds of things I'm gonna grab a drink real quick so we don't hear the thirsting sounds for my character player here too much um started to do some decoration here in this section of the herbalist Hut obviously it's limited but I think you can see that there's potential for something here it brings us to the bridge which this whole section of fences yet to be finished I like doing the fences here so that it hopefully restricts them to using the path as much as possible sometimes they take a straight line and just walk through things foreign so we're going to come over here and this is the oldest part of my settlement here these two homes were the first original homes that I made followed by the two in the back to make a little quad nice little Orchard and little hops plants in the back over there these being the first actual houses that I made and that being the first Resource Building this was the production area started so this was the sewing Hut the workshop and the blacksmith Smithy here on the corner and I expanded those and added an additional Smithy and additional sewing Hut to expand production capability let me make it a little bit better going back I would have definitely done this differently maybe created a whole nother section to have a separate Smithy and sewing area or maybe just moved the blacksmith shop altogether and just have this be sewing and move the blacksmith somewhere else and we still May potentially do that nice thing about this game is nothing's permanent you can always make changes it's just a matter of how much time do you have to make it happen so coming into here we have another resource building on the left and here's the stable the stable I consider to be more like a parking lot I would envision people coming into the settlement or the town and leaving their horses here to be cared for while they traded or did something else visited the tavern maybe there'd be some sort of hostel here or something at some point there's a little quaint little residential section of simple homes that still need some decoration and things I believe there's Palisades here in the back but I don't know if I want to keep those or not encompassing this entire settlement in a palisade is a a pretty big deal you can see it on my map how it traces along follows the road here deviates off a little bit down this direction and comes all the way around I did build a section down here along this road that we'll come see in a minute but that's a lot and I feel like for a settlement of this size I don't know that they would have wanted to entirely encircle it or wanted to take the resources to do so I don't know this pocket would be great to add a little cart please make hearts devs if you watch this and hear this message please please make hearts but that'd be awesome if we could put a card here if not for decoration purposes you know maybe it's not utilized you know maybe it has no utility or function but just for decorating plop one down like a barrel or something but I can really see that being here in this little pocket so hopefully in the future we'll see anytime you see these fields here that are kind of inside the actual building area where buildings are that's because I couldn't really build a structure there the slope just wouldn't allow it so it became a field or an orchard if that was the case likewise with this one right here right in the middle of the town the slopes and angles just wouldn't allow a building very easily so I think I could only build one in that corner back there so I decided to make this a field over here we have the windmill the first Windmill and that would be the Miller's house right there [Music] let's see if we can make the jump all right we may jump into third person that was a nice uh find a happy little accident to have that house be able to be jumped on and then get up here on top of the windmill to get a really nice view of what we're looking at here with our city very convenient before they introduced the photo mode which is how I was able to get some screenshots and we'll jump down here on the apiary [Music] this I consider to be my home I've started building a little Hitching Post area for the horse that way I can leave my horse there and not feel too remorseful about it being left just roaming I could potentially tie it up there and that be where it is over here we have a large set of fields and a huge Orchard area up here I tried Building Homes up here on this section and [Music] because of the terrain and because of the rock formations there were no buildings that I could build up here pretty much at all so this is a completely unbuildable space but I was able to put in Orchards and some of these are just individual Orchards tucked in together rather than one giant Orchard so if I go to destroy you can see this is one section of Orchard and then there's another section of Orchard and then you know it splits here so I just fit them in where I could figuring I gotta make use of the space somehow The Orchards don't have to be congruent so having a field you know a bunch of small Fields incongruent to each other kind of looks odd although maybe not um it wasn't just something that I wanted to try oh Kitty I'm gonna pause for a moment my cat needed some attention sorry and we'll come down here to the second avern that was built this uh whole section here with my house included and the windmill is more of a phase two I guess you could say we have two kitchens here that's a barn in the background there [Music] nice little seating area still yet to be decorated with anything you know substantial for sure [Music] and the tavern where my spouse currently is employed or working I guess nobody gets paid I think that should be an option incorporated into the game payment to your people think that would be a you know at least for the ones that work directly for you I suppose but I guess they could make their own money with their own work that they do I mean they're doing something so you can see I have Gates here across this road this is a game made Road it's not something that I made with the Palisades going around I just thought you know maybe that would be something that this town would do but again like I said encompassing this entire settlement with a fence structure a palisade is pretty pretty immense that would be a lot made use of this terrain with some Fields lots of birch trees were in here and I did cut them down in order to make room pretty much everything over here is unbuildable because of the rock Foundation or the rock formations you really can't do much so I can't even put fields in here the Clay Pit down there obviously you can see my extraction worker working on the Clay Pit apparently my Farmers have nothing to do which means I need to be sticking them in a barn to make all the Grain and flax and fertilizer and animal feed that we need so there's the start of the Palisade I don't think it looks bad um I think it looks alright it's just interesting so there's my extraction Hut so we'll come down here you can see my compost bins I switched from manure got rid of my pigsty had one pigsty and I was creating so much manure that it was not being utilized and it was just pretty much a nuisance at that point so I switched to compost bins to make a rot with most of the old stuff that I generate most of the old Foods there's my food storage there next to that house I like to put Wells next to all my taverns I think them having a good source of water is pretty appropriate little fence area getting ready to do some decoration Barn so several barns so most of this settlement was built before they Incorporated the farm shed the farm sheds allowing the workers to work near the fields and before that you had to have a barn so I'd have probably four or five barns spread out across the settlement because that's what their intentional use was our initial use was I should say and probably get rid of a few I don't think I need that many barns I think I can employ enough people to create the animal feed and fertilizer that I need sufficiently with just maybe two or three so we'll see about doing that another little seating of the area over here tucked between the homes and a farm shed to give access to all the Orchards that are scattered throughout Midtown and over here up on this Plateau we'll come to that in a second we'll come down here and uh another little residential section it is summer or no it's fall so kind of everything is died back it's not as Lush and growing as it typically is probably should do a spring or summer tour to give a better look at aesthetically how beautiful this game is so now we're back to the main kind of production area the first Tavern so this is the main Central Town location back to where we were on the map here kind of back in the middle here I have three kitchens a little bit of decoration getting started so uh this kitchen in the middle here this used to be a well and I switched it to a kitchen because I needed more kitchen production earlier in the game than I thought that I would need so I tucked that little dude back in there and I believe they have modified the game since then when they did a building update on how you build structures they require a little bit more room now you can see those buildings are near touching certainly overlapping on the roof line I don't think you can get buildings that tight anymore so this is a remnant of the earlier days of the game it was still after the 1.0 release but before they did a significant building update we've got more compost bins in the back between the two food storage buildings there another resource storage here on the right oh I'm sorry I didn't I didn't even did I touch you I didn't think I touched you I think you're just getting a little dramatic I like having the market stalls here on the back side of the tavern I think that would be pretty appropriate to the time the tavern being a significant draw of people you would want to have the markets there as well this is residential area for the people that work those markets [Music] so we're going to head up here to the animal husbandry area [Music] up here this is a little plateau of sorts I guess you could say a little Hill that uh wouldn't allow me to do a lot of building so I couldn't put a lot of homes up here nice big pasture for the cows here we'll get into a photo mode so we can see what this look [Music] so we have a big pasture for the cows here at the Cow Shed on the left we have a house for the Miller that works the mill and a stable and a donkey building right here and this is another house big Orchard in the back that goes back to where that Clay Pit is then yours are all my chickens I have three chicken coops too many now but uh I needed to ramp up my egg production to make all the pies and things that uh that I wanted to make we'll get over and look at the Sheep here in a minute but uh just wanted to give an aerial view of this [Music] we'll come through here cut in and this is where we get into the wool production [Music] there's a couple of homes that are still under construction over here you can see I've got a lot of sheep a lot of sheep big into the wool production over here [Music] this little section of Road winds down from there comes over I like this little private roadway here this little residential section so these are homes that are going to be for the kiddos that grow up everybody's going to need a place to move into come down here I believe I have a started apiary here next to where this Farm shed is a few hops little residential section back to back a bit grid like a lot of my a lot of my settlement is pretty grid like I was trying to get Compact and fit as much in as I could I didn't want to go too broad out in space you know sprawling out I wanted it to be tight back in the medieval times things would have been kept tight so that it could create some sort of fortification or defense around things but uh this admittedly became pretty sprawling pretty quick which is why I talk about the current Palisade going around being maybe a little too daunting of a test build so we have markets set up here in this area under the trees under the shade make it a nice area and they're not too far from the new Tavern that was built it's another series of homes over here more markets on the back and this is the tavern here we'll come around to that in a second we'll just keep going this way though so a little alteration to the line of the fence just to basically make room for this maple tree that would presumably grow and get really big nice little hops area right here I think my character yep character started growling maybe I have some food on me and I can eliminate that [Music] all right now we don't have to hear my character's stomach growling and you guys think that it's me hungry or something picking up by the microphone um obviously there's a well right there that uh is next to that kitchen and this is a food storage area and I just division carts again devs carts bring us some carts please carts Wheeling back up into this so they can unload the food into that food storage area I just envisioned that being something pretty applicable so over here this road pull up the map so you can see is a actual fixture in the game that comes down off the split and comes down to the water so I just Incorporated it into my city Palisade with Gates over there home not yet and you know not yet built then we have those rural resource built in here and now we kind of come into the tavern area kitchen like I said Tavern lots of seating big fire pit lots of seating this is going to be like a makeshift flower bed of sorts I'm going to put a bunch of pots filled with flowers in it to simulate something being grown there um Farm plots just don't work as you probably have discovered and this little residential section here this little Private Drive private walkway Private Road whatever you want to call it I think it's cute again leaving a lot of decoration but we still haven't built these homes so a lot left to do a lot left to do this road kind of ends here there is a gate to get people to get back into I think there's berries over here or something I can't remember or maybe it's just maybe access to that farm shed and then the fork that goes left here comes over to a more substantial entryway to the settlement I guess off of this main road but also is a good direct access to these giant fields that I have these are a more recent addition because I was running low on Flax so my flax Fields were limited in town and I needed to ramp up production again so I just built huge giant fields of flax my problem now is I don't have anybody living close enough to work them efficiently but that will come we'll make some changes but you can see I've got a fence going around it because you got to keep the bunnies out and uh we'll see what happens you're going going forward so presumably we would come through this gate again the Palisade thing I don't need to dwell on that and we'll come down by the lake lake path looks like we're losing light so we're going to wrap this up pretty quick and we come to the swimming docks and the fishing Hut this little Berry Patch here I like to Cordon those off to keep them because I would imagine they would have done something similar Fisherman's been busy had some good catch and they're processing the meat getting ready to take that over to either the kitchens or maybe the markets to sell see a school of fish out there and this backside is still pretty undeveloped um not committed on what I want to do back here I feel like this house is a forced element um probably will lose it maybe turn this into a garden of some sort maybe put in something but the trees I don't know I wish we could plant trees because I would definitely plant some large Maples around here include those into everything and again this section back here is kind of wasted space I could probably put a simple house here I don't think I could fit a large home but that would also require cutting down these pine trees too which I'm not against doing I think pine trees in medieval times were actually more dangerous and they were cut down used for building because they're so straight but they have a tendency to blow over in storms and because they're so tall they can cause a lot of unpredicted damage so in most cases these Pines would have been cut down and used whereas the maples and The Birches they would have been left for shade and decoration because the other thing is Pines shade homes during the winter and that makes them cold so you wouldn't want to do that so again I don't think Pines would have been left standing very often so that's a tour of my village town city year 18 still continuing to go I imagine based on the decorating that I have it'll probably take me another 18 years just to decorate it alone but I think this is a good point to stop I'm gonna Mosey on over to the Spire over here and if there's room for me to sit down and all it a day thanks for watching and that's going to wrap up this video I really appreciate you watching until the end if you enjoyed the content please like the video and subscribe to the channel of course you can always ring the bell to get notifications of future videos that are posted but also don't forget to participate in the discussion in the comments below because I genuinely want to hear from you again thank you for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: SGTSylver
Views: 17,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Medieval Dynasty, Medieval Dynasty City Tour, medieval dynasty gameplay, medieval dynasty game
Id: lNd5IAo8nWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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