The joys of being Shark Bait : Raft

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and we're back with some raft and the way we ended up on this game was it kind of floated to the top of my weird ranking system I'll have a update on that at some point and uh I put it to the pole vote and it did really well so well I was like you know what let's just cack it open so let's start up just a new world we'll put it on normal and we'll see what it's like expand your raft using the build Hammer now I've tried a few starts of this and yeah the start you have to be really careful you can die very easily at the start because well usually thirst or hunger there uh there's a guy called Bruce in there who's going to try and uh cause you to fail as well but I wouldn't worry too much about Bruce he's not your biggest enemy uh this is the main early game Loop is you're grabbing resources uh ooh there's that Barrel over there those ones are ones you want to look out for they're the main ones I task you're starting on these four blocks of wood you can expand this later once you get the resources but for now it's yeah Harvest this now look at the bottom right you'll see we just got a whole bunch of stuff o we got a raw Beast excellent that means we've got room for food in a bit this takes a little bit of practice but you start getting pretty decent at lobbing things you have to aim oh no never mind there I messed it up so let's grab that one there and wow that was an impressive amount of missing on my part yes but this is what we're going to be doing for a while grabbing all this scrap until it's time to make something oh there's Bruce uh say hi Bruce Bruce is going to try and uh nibble on us for well the rest of the game it seems we'll worry about him later or not at all one of the first things I like to craft is a paddle uh let's maybe move that paddle to over there paddle allows you to change your direction just a little bit makes it good for going towards Islands uh points of interest or maybe if you want to just adjust your course you're more likely to snag a barrel or a chest or something along those lines there also a few other things we're going to oh that was tasty hey how you doing Bruce having a good time down there yeah he's going to take a nibble at us in a bit which reminds me we should start our next thing which is weapons we're going to want to craft ourselves a wooden spear which is going to require me to get some plastic and I don't yeah I spent all my plastic I that's okay we'll probably get some out of this Barrel it'll be fine come here and no that is all wood never mind uh you come here there's some plastic right over there and yeah sometimes it this is not so accurate o there's another piece probably can't reach this one but we'll give it a try no if you right click it brings the hook right back in immediately and you don't have to go do any uh animation saves you a bunch of time we're still short one piece of plastic wait no was that wooden spear one piece of rope but we can make that out of leaves so we shall craft the spear now the spear is necessary because well Bruce is going to be back and Bruce is not going to be happy with us uh now see that chest over there that big one we probably wouldn't make that it's too far away so we're going to do a quick bit of a paddle just to give ourselves some there you go don't need to do it too far thank you kindly oh yeah that was tasty now there's an island up ahead we want to make sure we Ram right into that island and preferably land on it you can get resources on islands and a quick stop there could net us an awful lot of junk we would be very happy with the main thing we're worried about is two three things I haven't mentioned before well two things uh bottom left there you can see a water symbol and a food symbol that is basically how much food and water we have inside our body if we run out of food if we run out of water that is fail States for the game as far as I'm whereare a respawn or something but we need to get those resources to completely sustainable as quickly as possible uh so once we hit that Island I'll try hey Bruce you ready to come take a nibble every so often he comes along to take a nibble out of your raft and we have to stab him in the face but turns out he's waiting a little bit longer today that's fine hey Bruce go away one two three and Bruce is gone we'll repair the raft in a minute the raft is actually damaged so we'll have to fix that but I'm not going to worry about it just yet just grab some of these while we here I hate to see resources go to waste now you come here perfect and now let's make sure we definitely definitely reach ourselves the islands contain lots of nice resources we want so we want to make sure that the we sort of get stuck in this thing come on perfect I think we're jammed normally you have to build an anchor if we can just Jam ourselves here that's great uh give me that give me that no you come back here where you going make sure you beat yourself perfect uh down here you can see rocks see those little rocks they're likely important give me that and just double check on the raft so we want to grab these as quick as we can these rafts allows us to make anchors axes all sorts of things and no there's Bruce Bruce came along just to give us a little nibble that us no he's thinking of us and now we want to use those to make an axe where is it Stone axe craft perfect oh we should put the stone axe inide there then we can use that to chop down these trees it'll give us even more resources every time we swing that's a plank uh that's two paav leaves another plank another two planks and another plank perfect has your inventory looking quite empty now you'll find flowers around here like see there's this yellow flower no don't they just take up slots in your inventory which is kind of valuable well not longterm but shortterm you'd need some space in your inventory too oo yeah there's a barrel right there we're just going to grab that while we're here potato is that a potato there's potatoes in this game oh hell yeah I thought there was any beets but if there's potatoes we're planting oh we're going to plant so many potatoes anyway up here there should be more junk sometimes there's a special canister at the top of these islands no never mind pineapple excellent some pineapples will be nice it'll guide us get us over the food hump we are going to run into at some point you come here H CL a couple of PS nothing too crazy I was really hoping they'd give us some more resources than that I'm going to see about finding a few more stones and then we're going to get out of here this is scrap it's also very valuable and I assum I managed to break the hook already hey your scrap hook will run out so you do have to replace it and how much is that going to cost us e we got it covered nice Bruce will probably come along and take another quick nibble out of this but that's okay we're trading health for these resources I think one more bite is the most we could take but I definitely want some more Stones ow buger off Bruce uh fine I think we are golden we've got everything out of this island that we want and it's time to get moving uh that means yep Scoopy let's go this seems to mess up your raft orientation though we're not going to probably be a little bit sideways when we go places but on come on get us out of here okay we're moving next up we want to produce ourselves a building Hammer this requires Rope Rope is actually made down here you can make it out of leaves however instead of going all the way down there what you can you can do is just click on this plus symbol here and it will take the leaves out of your inventory we have 27 of them and it will start turning them into rope for you yeah that also helps narrow down our inventory just a little bit so we don't have as much junk in it oh is there stuff coming along yeah you know what I'll worry about that in a minute for now uh let's see kind of want to expand out the area we're on so hammer yes craft that please and then we grab the hammer and this will allow us to place down pieces here come here you uh damn it I do like grabbing all those leaves when they go by namely because they give us so much rope and rope is pretty valuable for everything damn you Bruce never mind we can replace that normally I would have repaired I should have repaired that actually that's one the one they bid on the last time all uh let's start with the production side of this you can't pause the game at any point on fortunately uh damn it I spent all my plastic okay fine I'll get some more plastic then we'll start on the construction side of this so we are going to need water and food water requires a simple purifier and we will just check that down there come here well I mean if they're coming right by us we're not going to like let them go um we want to place it in the middle to protect it as much as possible from brucey's uh well Bruce likes us a little bit too much so let's just put it back here is Grand nope we're going to need you as well more plastic the better come here lovely shot we need a bunch of plastic for this next section and I kind of spent all of ours on expanding the raft that is fine there's always plenty more trash in the sea oh it's hitting night time things are about to become a little bit more um Troublesome anyway we're going to need an empty cup we're going to craft that we will put the empty cup there we're going to fill it from the sea and then we are going to place it in our desalinator thing uh then we're going to place some Planks on it and that thing is going to start making clean water for us clean water we can drink is good because we're actually a little bit thirsty at the moment more plastic thank you we need a lot of plastic right now and there is a barrel over there that's a little bit too far away come here you and come here you I do like the way it sort of uh it makes it a little bit uncomfortable how quickly you have to grab these things more plastic all right so if we go back here we will notice that this is finished and we can press e to fill with fresh water we've basically boiled the water turned it into clean water and now we can drink it and that increases our water telling then Bo we'll put in some more water there wood yeah let's just grab that wood get damn you now that we've got that done oh Barrel I am going to put down food food is a small crop plot we're going to craft that grab this Barrel reel quick come here come here I will always stop for a barrel and we put down this food crop plot uh you can go right there I suppose yeah gra there before we plant this the thing you can't pause the game you can't stop you have to just keep going constantly as far as IW there's no pause button even if you hit the escape on the menu it just brings up the menu it doesn't actually stop the game now we need to sort of plant food what do we have we have where's the potatoes where's my oh there's my potato excellent okay we will plant one potato uh we shall also plant the two beets because we don't have any more potatoes uh then what we need to do is uh get rid of that water for a second grab that Barrel come here oh we're night time now at night time the sea becomes much rougher and it's harder to snag things uh you take the fresh water and we want you to I told you to please plank why did we not get water there never mind we'll distill some more I'll worry about it later for now I'll try CCT as much trash as I can right fill with fresh water yes then do we have to water the crops I don't think it wants us to water them maybe I've watered them already and I'm losing my mind and there is an island up there ahead I wonder if we can Beach ourselves on that one it doesn't look like it's got a good beach but we'll try and get ourselves Mo there if at all possible if we could strip that for resources too that would be wonderful no God damn it please I was busy yeah I shouldn't let that happen Dam it and we don't get to the island either come on come on if you could be us just a little bit that would be great uh this might work ah I think we are actually beached for the night ooh that is nausea and juicing right some of the food we found was a pineapple on the way so we are going to eat that pineapple to keep ourselves alive perfect do we have any other food on us no that's a problem let's go check out this island and see if it's got any food that would be really great if I did have food uh what is down here oh there's rocks as well there's rocks definitely here but I want to see if we can't get up on top of the island God trees are wonderful they give so much resources and you don't have to do much o watermelons yes that's food another tree have been a good day any more watermelons up here never mind just another tree mangoes perfect this should be at least keep us from starving while we wait for our first crop to come in more pineapples in fact let's uh Chow Down on some mangoes while we're waiting ah here's a box over there let's go oh glass B scrap all sorts of junk uh yes please are we missing anything uh I don't think so what are these These are Pam seeds no we can't use those just yet they're too large uh anything else left here no I think we got the lot oh there's these flowers here don't bother they much later on those flowers will become useful I'd say but for now we ah don't be such a wuss it was only a tiny drop you'll be grand now can we get those not with the axxe okay fine oh crops are done yay all right so we can Harvest those do you have space I feel like my inventory is a bit full how much does it cost to craft a small storage yeah I think we can afford that we shall craft ourselves a small storage and then what I'm going to do is put that down here yeah we'll put that down right there exent and we'll stick the seeds in it hold down left shift to move everything yeah we'll put in the stuff we don't really need too much of that's glass and bolts you know what you guys can stay in there too excellent well then that gives us a little bit more space to store stuff and I think it's time we get out of here yeah we're have survived the night time to get moving Bruce FY chill seriously first replace that then we have to heal this uh block pick what's this H repair yeah repair there we go we've repaired it okay so everything's repaired up we're moving again which direction are we moving damn it we missed that Barrel never mind never mind all right we need to expand this out we're trying to become sustainable and to do that we need to well start cooking this food we're making at do that I think we need to extend this on a wee bit damn it right of plastic already how do I keep running out of plastic o food's ready to harvest perfect uh how many potatoes we got now there two okay plant plant and then Chuck in the Beats for the last section we should actually cook up the Beats though if we want to get a decent amount of resources out of them so to do that we need to put in a fire Place simple Grill where's rope we can afford that okay where can you go well put you over this side let's see oh plastic come back here right where was I oh yes we have to place some planks in this Grill uh then what we want to do is sort of Grill up the beets in the meantime though I'm going to eat some mangoes just to keep us going oh what are you come here no no no you're not allow to get away I like barrels too much yeah that's never mind I messed up well while those beets Grill up it's time for us to maybe eat some more of those mangoes then we'll grab up the cooked beet and eat that as well excellent we're actually looking you know reasonably healthy if you can say living on a beat diet is healthy but whatever right where were we ah yes we wanted to extend on all of this so that we could do more uh and I think I have to water these crops don't I yeah I never water rare crops all right give me more food so we need another planter box down here perfect we shall plant a few beets in here uh plant plant we have any more no we do not y give me that damn it just stop tempting me with all this stuff I shouldn't get to distracted but I keep doing it all right we're going to need more water as well because we can't produce the water fast enough uh you are you yep I I drank the fresh water didn't I eat to fill with fresh water eat to water the crops eat to fill eat to start making more right oh Barrel come here yes there we go give more spuds damn you okay so we've got some crops growing and I need more water though let's give me another purifier we'll stick that down right here and we're almost self sustained at this point why is that taking up so much space right then we'll get down a second Grill just to be fully covered just there boom now we have well everything we need sort of and we're about to crash into another location I might have to kill the shark at some point but I think for now we're fairly safe I think we just raid this island for more wood and supplies and then move on oh check this island out see if it's got any resources and then get moving on our raft is nicely trapped thankfully oh found another crate top of the island got a crate and no Nails we're looking for a nail right now and we still have not found one oh there should be some good Stone down there there's a lot of shallow water down there it's usually full of stones and not seeing anything around here all right let's head down find ourselves some Stones did not find any food on this island I don't think oh actually no we got a couple of coconut so it's not the end of the world right let's hope Bruce doesn't take any interest in us while we're uh out splunking for Stones hi Bruce yeah Bruce is still being an ass at we'll worry about that later all right we got hey have you made water you have not made water no you've definitely midw and you have not I think you need planks yeah you ran out of planks we'll fill you up we'll fill you up we'll fill you up and we'll fill you up how our crops looking what the Bruce Bruce chill damn that guy just has no chill whatsoever o yeah that's not good right we have planted all of our crops now actually I'll just quickly start roasting some beets for later now that the crops are all planted we can fill these with fresh water and water the crops and fill this with fresh water and water the crops then we can immediately refill both of those things and boom we're set up for our next round of crop water stuff and everyone's kind of hungry right now we have zero food what's Vine goo oh wait no got these things we can eat some coconuts while we're waiting whole thing will just Chow Down perfect that will at least get us over until these beets start to come in and we got some watermelons but I'll save those for now perfect cooked beet cooked beet H we should eat both of those and then we can start cooking up the replacement beads done so we're pretty much sustainable now that we can produce enough water and we can let's get out of here we got everything from this island I want to start moving again so we can start collecting resources I think we could do a little bit more expansion the more we expand the harder it is for Bruce to get it our soft tangly bits our soft tangly bits being all all the stuff in the center so that's enough for now I like to keep some plastic so we can build some stuff night time's just wonderful well I think we have finally achieved sustainability um you pick up that beat perfect and potatoes we actually have enough that we're can start making them up or sorry turning them into baked potatoes gives more calories cost you wood but wood is ow I needed that leg damn it okay goes back all right uh barrels oh there's a chest come here what you got pretty much like a barrel but oo slightly bigger Stone yes I would like you too in fact I think time we started researching we may have uh managed to collect enough resources o you come over here and I don't think we have much left in this paddle This paddle is about to snack oh come here come here come here yep done hey you get away from my food Jesus you mess with my spuds I'll murder you hey big potatoes how you looking yep yep that's exactly what we wanted uh what do the big po are place oh yeah that was this let's uh Chow Down on this and that should keep us going and do we have any other things yes we have some cooked beets come here so we can eat those as well like let's just keep chowing down on those until they're all gone and I think that's it we just basic basic very basic ass setup so long as you can keep providing yourself with wood you can basically keep going for ever and we're going to want to start getting into researching other things now so this is the start and comes the next Parts all right first up I should probably replace the paddle yeah paddle first okay God damn it Bruce yep every time repaired done and we'll set you back to that just there's oh so much more stuff to collect but it's fine what we're going to do is go straight for the research lab the research lab will allow us to Ultimate some of this research collection so we don't have to keep doing this cuz this gets annoying after a while I mean it's fun at first it's a fun little mini game and great we also broke the hook to me plastic cook hey I think we need scarecrows to keep those away or something come here damn that was terrible on my part decoration package that's fun but no all right uh what we need is a simple research table we shall craft that research table shall go there where we going to put this research table at the front or the sides you know what I'm going to put it the sides rotate please we shall open it and we shall start our research first thing we're going to give it is a plank please research planks easier way to think of it get away birdie I saw you if you look through here you can see all the things that are researchable and you can decide which ones like if you want to get access to Flippers you need to research plastic seaweed uh Vine goo and rope but that's not what we want instead we're going to grab one piece of rope uh we're going to grab what's it one piece of plastic I think sure and what's next I want to get my hands on the automated net collectors ah yes so we need a nail and a plank so to get a nail though we actually have to make one uh to we can nail we go in here and we can craft it and we go back into this section and we Chuck in the nails there research please take that out of there up to the top and there we go can now learn how to make those automated net things give here wood y i you can't stop collecting stuff it just feels so wrong y never mind okay uh to make those we'd have to go to where is it no no ah simple net collection we need some rope for that craft it and then install it on the front done now anything that runs into that let's actually test it now should be automatically connected by the net and when I say anything I mean there's a limit it'll hold 10 items and then it'll stop so we should probably make a whole bunch more of them the plan would be to basically start extending this raft and we just want to Hoover up everything that comes by and then you know we'll worry about the research and the tech and all that stuff and Bruce as we expand this out become a longer and longer raft of just enormous garbage collection well we've managed to hey get away from there we've managed to come to an island on our little raft which is a bit wonky now you'll see we got a bunch of collector traps at the front uh I think we need to get ourselves an anchor though because I want to stop here throwable anchor yeah let's craft one of those right now and let's stick one of those on the raft uh you no rotate rotate perfect uh we would like to be closer to the land before we drop this though we want to be able to do some exploration this looks like a big island wow it do look pretty huge all right come on come on hurry up and did we just crack that oh come on seriously okay okay fine that's it uh overboard that's it it'll be a little bit of a swim but I think we'll be fine how our crops looking uh they are still going let's grab some a little bit of food before we go as well cooked potatoes thank you kindly uh start baking some more you kind of get into a habit here where it's like you want to replace the wood but each of them so each one of them has two pieces of wood going on and let's grab some big potatoes before we head off to explore the island m M nothing but spuds I got rid of all the beets I mean why would you want beets when you have spuds it just makes no sense well we've got our water we've got our food uh you guys will also replace the wood underneath you yeah done and when we come back they'll have more food and water to work with h let's hope the Sher doesn't decide to take too many bites out of this thing when we're gone and or too many bites out of us as we go to shore hey Bruce how you doing buddy hey did we kill him hey Bruce is dead I mean yay well let's grab some rocks while we're here I figure Bruce will come back you don't kill him forever he will return can we Harvest him uh e hole to pick up this give a shark meate or something oh hell yeah we get to eat shark feels a bit like Dave the diver to be honest but I suppose Dave the diver came second right I think we got enough rocks for now let's go grab ourselves some wood H we're probably going to need a new ax in a minutes anyway huh cave mushrooms why not I have no idea if they're any good for us or not I'm sure there's something somewhere hey we're going to need to get a shovel it seems though I need to get my hands on some leaves because I've ran out of rope yep I somehow managed to run out of rope and I without the Rope I can't make an axe to chop down more trees to get more leaves to make more rope may have slightly scuppered myself a wee bit it's fine I'll figure it out uh yeah that doesn't look [Music] good right up the Poop [Music] Shoot yeah this seems like just a game of uh pin the tail on the donkey you know what I [Music] mean [Music] who I'm going to run out of wood in a minute yep there we go uh can't make a stone Axe can we make a wooden spear not without a rope ow that was in the face I was kind of using that stop that yeah we can't craft a rope so it's kind of putting us in an awkward position here never mind huh how are we incapacitated waiting for rescue surrender and respawn lose 2/3 of inventry oh no that's bad well surrender and respawn well that sucked I probably should have paid more attention to that okay next time be better prepared also we need rope like a lot of rope well this island was a terrible bust we lost a whole bunch of resources and that we can't even craft a spear my own fault I spent so much time you know what we're not going to stop on an island until we've managed to start mastering collecting all the resources that go by all of them all we're doing right now extending our ship just extending it like freaking crazy oh come here I can't let these barrels F by basically anything that goes in the middle tends to get caught by our little Nets there that makes our lives so much simpler I don't think I could reach this guy nope never mind got him and I'm just going to keep extending the raft from left to right until well yeah we go along and collect all this stuff we're going to keep extending this raft and putting on more and more Nets until eventually we're harvesting the entire debris field that comes by there's like seems to be a limit to how far it spawns depending on where the raft is so I say we just keep increasing this until our resource income is so high we can stop caring about the basic stuff which would be nice uh this costs an awful lot of rope unfortunately but we can kind of afford it and we can afford it more and more every time we add on more of these see snags it and then we just come by here every so often and grab this stuff scare that I got to find some way getting rid of that uh seagull I'm thinking a shotgun would be preferable the one thing I have to keep harvesting though is leaves namely because we just don't get in enough rope it takes a lot of rope to make these H so it's the one resource we're always a little bit shy on that's okay it's fine it just takes a little bit longer but soon we're getting to that point where it's just well we'll we'll have it all we have arrived at another Island damn it just going to get it ah and that's fine we can replace it we can afford to replace it we have well lots of resources coming in fact I'm going to leave them here no want that rope going to have a quick look at this island here it looks smaller and far less dangerous than the last one and we're also going to have to well bring more weapons next time or research better weapons the thing is we're still stuck on the basic stuff reason being we haven't actually done any research I've been too busy dumping all of our resources into well expanding the raft at and it's turning into a bit of a well I think this is how everyone would do you just sort of end up sucking up everything that comes by by and you don't care we'll get into the tech in a minute but as far as we're sustainable and able to just vacuum up everything coming across the ocean I'm quite happy now let's just see if there's anything fun on this island to pick up I remember this island this is the same island we've been on several times before huh yeah this looks disturbingly familiar all right so you just sort of yeah I got this procedurally generated and we're full are we yeah get rid of the watermelon seeds we don't want them what's that Palam seeds no we don't want those either well just take your wood and any food you've got please well this island proved nice and all but there was nothing to crazy there we got some iron ingots and things which I've stored here so sorry metal ore copper ore some clay I've decided to dump these in storage in case we need them can we actually cook those mushrooms uh Cave mushrooms where do you go on the food tree no they don't do anything never mind we will store you in here then because we don't want to waste space on our character with with stuff that's not useful we are still continuing with our usual uh boil those up or make potatoes for food burn stuff for water and I think it's about time we started doing some tech though what I can see here there's a bunch of tech like this one here Advanced purifier can purify several cups of water at once does not require fuel that requires though a pan of glass which we do have so if we were to grab this pan of glass and research it that should unlock that particular recipe it will cost us the glass but oh what's this drinking glass okay I'll take them both scarecrow keep scarecrows away from the scare ah seagull away hey hey hey I was just talking about you you how do we make a scarecrow uh we need to research leaves okay that seems very very doable so we've got scare oh Grill need an Metal Ingot for that I'm probably going to need some sort of uh what do youall it furnace there's got to be a furnace around here somewhere right smelter can smelt or sand and seaweed wait okay for that we need a dry brick how do you make a dry brick uh we can make a wet brick right this could take me a minute you know what let's get moving anyway there's no point sticking around here we can make more resources as we move so let's we anchor and get out of here you get out byebye uh start moving us this Direction [Applause] please Perfect you don't want to get caught in that Island wait a minute is this our direction of movement now oh we are way out of sink got to straighten up somehow and I'm not sure exactly how to do that I'm going to flail around with this paddle a bit and maybe twist the craft somehow what I have done is I have fed like a little bit of everything we've got on board ship I basically took everything out of storage and dumped it at one point or another into the research bench so this unlocks a whole bunch of stuff we can get Empty Bottle can be filled with lots of water we'll learn that uh yep what is this sweep net useful for catching bugs Basic Bowl oh that would be nice uh flippers increases your speed underwater yes storage yes Stone arrows okay uh paint Mill what was that noise I know I think it was just collecting stuff no I chucked this sail on to try and give us directional movement and I'm just putting it forward and we seem to be running into stuff so I'm going to call it a victory I would like to get a steering wheel though so we can at least steer ourselves a bit but haven't found that yet medium crop plot yep I'll take it Lantern okay bucket useful for Gathering milk uh axe um yep we'll take that scrap hook basically the same faster more durable and can be thrown further large crop plot okay now we're talking metal fishing rod sure clay Bowl go for it cooking pot no we can't get that one for that we need the Metal Ingot so we've learned pretty much everything we can however we do now have access to a dry brick dry brick I basically got by making a wet brick out of clay and sand and then uh just leaving on the deck of the ship until it DED out this allows us to get the smelter perfect and what's this The Sweep net useful for catching bugs sure we will take that too that means we've researched everything that's available to us and we're still miles away from getting anything else well fine let's see what we can build all of this scrap we're about to bring in and we are yeah I should go around and harvest all this stuff hey get away damn it Bruce no missed him with the first stab we got to get him real quick I need to get a better spear don't I I remember this island it's only with that boar at the top that we have to like poke to death I I think we'll do another quick spin around like I'm pretty sure we just keep visiting the same Islands again and again so even if we don't do this one we'll have to come back and grab whatever we need to unlock something so I'm just going to run around a bit more grab up the resources and unlock a few more things I kind of want to see what happens when we get into smelting and get a bit more Factory orientated foodwise water-wise we're started but uh higher Tech stuff yeah we need a little bit more work on that well things have changed slightly there's a absolutely giant Island over here and I can see some lights on the to of it so we are going to tilt the sail and try going over there I've stuck in a scarecrow so that I don't keep having to chase off the birds makes life slightly easier which reminds me I keep having to do these potatoes I would like a better Grill but for now we'll just have to stick with what we got uh when it comes to food we have other options I would like to get into storage and stuff but we need hinges there's there is a lot of tech we're going to have to open up before we can really get into the meat and veg of this but I do like some of the options ooh Stone arrows yes right now I've just been sort of expanding the raft why because well it seems really easy to do and it's kind of Handy we are going to slide up here and then once we get close enough we will drop anchor uh do I have an anchor yes I do in fact let's get the anchor right here uh NOP no no there we go perfect so once we're right up against it fact I think that might be close enough yep let's do it you perfect and you furl up don't need any more movement done let's do a little bit of exploration uh do we have enough yeah we should have enough stabby stuff in fact I think I'm going to make a quick chest and dump some things before I go in case I die up there yeah that's a distinct possibility isn't it all right Island let's see what you've got going on uh we did lose something to the shark before we got in here but I am okay with that there's a house on top of this with some lights on it we're going to go have a look see what it's going on tree huh it's a tree too big to chop that feels weird okay there's a giant bird over there whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy what are you doing are you trying to drop rocks on me you ass hat oh that's why we need the bow and arrow probably should have invested in one of those you know what let's uh keep running and see how much closer we can get the and where is it uh how do we get up oh wait here it is never mind oh wonderful it's a Porky you know what pory you just keep doing that there's no resources I want from you to be honest that I'm aware of and this may have been the wrong Island to go through for our first test out because I'm pretty sure our second cuz I'm pretty sure this is a little bit higher level than we're ready for maybe should have done more research missed me there's got to be something good oh yeah there is something good at the top here Perfect all we have to do is get there without dying I mean not impossible but not easy whoa what are you okay [ __ ] huh um cool what do what we can buy and sell stuff how do we buy trash cubes how do we make Trash Cube oh my God okay I'm going to have to go look up a Wiki or something to figure out what's going on here do you mind I'm sure it probably doesn't turns out we need to get a recycler to start making the trash cubes to buy stuff here o chili T recipes there recipes okay fine I get it I get it that makes sense points relatively North trust CU fine some other time then in that case let's just go around and grab whatever we can off this island God damn you birdie you are really annoying well let's get out of here oo maybe there's something at the top yeah I'd like to stab you goat but unfortunately we're running from the weird bird that dive bombs us with Boulders seriously what kind of mutated bird is it that does that sort of stuff yeah come on what do we got up here where's that bird I'm going to come back with a bow and arrow someday and kill that thing but not not today oo what are you tasty grub recipe for red melon y I'll take it and I don't know what half of your stuff is I presume you were some sort of radio antenna type thing well never mind let's go I really wish there was a way to jump back down into the water so we don't have to go down the long way oh well we'll do what we got to do and hopefully the bird doesn't get too annoyed let's try stabbing that goat on the way home see if it does anything maybe you can tame it with food or stabby stab come here buddy oh yeah that Bird's still around damn you birdie where is your home I would like to stab your home huh no that's too much effort so we're at this island and a couple of the things that we don't get in oh what the hell you are very determined can you swim no seems it loses interest once you go swimming come on yeah I give up that thing just can take too much of a pounding I think we need arrows for that one all right let's go find ourselves some ore I want to find some metal ore and I want to find some Oh What It clay clay and metal ore two the things we could really use did that thing just come along and drop that stuff on my oh my God surrender and respawn yeah I I think that's that's going to be the I hate that bird how do we make a bow and arrow again H this new hook thing is actually pretty good at farming we are uh going around a smaller Island and just grabbing up all the resources and we don't have to worry about getting dive bombed by an Angry Bird does make it easier to grab those resources we have been looking forward to excit O what are you you know what we'll take you whatever you are well after strip mining the island we've got some sand some more copper uh some clay this should allow us to start actually smelting stuff up is the Hope Oh what do we got in the storage bin man I got to remember where everything is yeah you guys can go in there and I do need to figure out how to make this stuff work but first I think we're going to start moving again uh remove the anchor I've dumped it all the way down this end because well I was trying to get really close to that and it was kind of hard because it was a little bit of an awkward positioning however we now have wow yeah I think our raft is a little bit weirdly designed as in that uh it um gets a lot it gets covered in water a lot this is not a dry raft at all I think there's more Stone and uh a little bit more sand over here that we can get our hands on so let's get a little bit closer and drop anchor yeah our anchor system is still terrible but whatever yep perfect now we just have to hope that we don't get bothered by Barry while we're doing this wait Barry Barry damn it I can't remember his name so the best I can figure the whole point of this is to go around grab as much scrap as you possibly can grab some sand grab some clay and then you can start getting into the smelting section there's also some little bits of iron ore that are around the place grab those two while you're here uh Stone wise I think we're actually good I'm going to stop harvesting Stone because I think we've got enough also once you get far enough away from your raft it seems Barry or Gary whatever Gary likes to follow your raft so if you go away from your raft or go to the opposite side of the island to your raft he tends to just not go over there can we afford to do this no I left all of my rope back on the boat well I didn't want to bring anything with me that I wasn't uh prepared to lose I think I finally figured out what I've been doing wrong all this time well okay by the dying part hi Barry how you doing sorry is it Gary or Barry you know what I'm going to use it interchangeably and mess it up repeatedly what I should be doing is on every island I need to be going around and Mining out all of the sand and all of the mud sand mud uh copper iron because what we need to do is make a smelter and to make a smelter we need to do where is it we need to have six dry Bricks now to make a dry brick what you first do is make a wet brick uh I know one 2 three four five six so in fact well let's make another six okay a little bit shy but I'm pretty sure I've got some more of that stuff in storage somewhere those blocks well okay all but the end one I picked up the end one earlier to see if I could well I didn't know if it was dry or not turns out that reset the timer so these ones are now all dry because they've been lying out in the sun yep yep still perfectly dry perfectly dry oh there is another Island I would like to raid that one let's uh get that going that way perfect the reason I would like to raid that island is well because I want the iron ore and all that stuff on it just let me get these rest of the food on and then let's start putting down the next section which is smelter yes all we need is some nails done craft it up and where we going to put this in fact I don't think we need to be quite so like I've been very stingy with where I've been placing everything I don't think I need to be that stingy yeah we'll put that what let's put it over here give ourselves some space you place plank sure okay but I also want to place some resources in here so placement lower done let's see how long that takes is there a fire on in there H let's give that a minute um I think we're almost close enough I've been rotating this around a bit to try and control it but actually no if we could just skim by it that would be a lot better you get over here oh you want to make sure we don't quite touch the island yeah that's about close enough I think uh in that case we shall make ourselves an anchor and Shu it down you no no perfect oh God damn it Gary stop that oh yeah forgot to reild this yeah that's just faster all right now how are you doing pick up Metal Ingot right we got a metal ingot that means it opens up more research are you finished no you looked too shiny okay Metal Ingot give me metal ingot check it in here hit research now we've got access to a net launcher aim at an animal to catch it all righty uh we have advanced Grill yes please stationary anchor oh finally let you anchor your raft we don't have to keep making the disposable ones cooking pot combines base food into amazing meals thank you bird's nest oh that's what those giant clams are for I presume the bird's nest are to distract the birds or make them friendly or maybe we can oh maybe we can capture them I cooked up one of the seagulls it was actually pretty good give you some decent resources okay um H I think we're going to cut this out here for the day next up we're going to be going into the smelting and we're going to into the more uh metal sections of this I would like to get my hands on a steel spear if at all possible what do we need for that ah metal spear even greater device at Pok things wait a minute how have I not learned all of these things oh learn learn learn learn learn yep we'll take them all in fact we're just going to take everything that's learnable and I should probably drink some water before we die of thirst uh fresh water thank you okay perfect so I'm going to spend a bunch of time wandering around this island collecting all of the natural resources and hopefully avoiding Bruce while I do it yeah that guy likes to take nibbles on you if you're not careful next up we're going to knock out all of the tech that comes under iron steel all that junk the copper and we're going to expand the raft at the raft is still a little bit tiny but I figure if we expand it out so that we're soaking up all the garbage we should be able to expand even faster well that's the theory so this was raft I uh hope you enjoyed it good [Music] luck [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh
Channel: Francis John
Views: 22,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play
Id: GvYVMyTiFes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 28sec (3208 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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