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all right so today we're taking on something called the viking burger i know it sounds pretty intense but look at me i look the part see if i can eat the pot this cow's falling to pieces [Music] oh load up mercy 10 pounds right today i'm at a place called shepard place farm which you might remember um i visited i think it was two two three years ago yes i'm still up on the on the wall of fame over there that was a breakfast challenge uh today i'm taking on the brand spanking new giant burger challenge and it is giant and it's called the uh the viking burger which is ten and a half pounds two and a half pounds do you have an hour to do it an hour and uh look at this a big shiny knife too better than average it's a beef i guess like a regular like just a large beef patty a bunch of green stuff as you can see healthy vegetables some chips onion rings and uh coleslaw or some kind of slaw looks delicious can't wait to tuck into it kind of right let's get the timer going the bread cake alone is massive oh eggs on there as well the bread cake has kind of fallen apart on me [Music] what's the beard homie welcome back that was a long one welcome back to another episode on man have i got a video for you today i told you this thing it was big it was really big so big the uh the plate full of food is just making me chuckle to myself anyway this is called the uh the viking burger i think that's the third time i've said it now mushrooms too oh yeah and as if it wasn't you know hard enough already the dreaded shrooms are on there too man i can't get away from that i can't catch a brick mushrooms in the in pretty much every video this month look at all the veggies yeah i mean don't get me wrong i like vegetables i spend my week eating salads a lot of you might know that already but this is preposterous look at it i saw a picture online in advance it's pretty new but i thought you had that looks like it's you know pretty simple but this is what tends to happen when i tell people in advance that i'm paying them a visit i don't know if things just seem to double in size i've just made like a a giant bacon sandwich there's so much left [Laughter] i'm watching this now thinking if somebody clicked on this video and then skipped straight to like three minutes in they'd be thinking wait a second isn't it supposed to be a burger challenge i think we've gone past that point now it's just a bunch a bunch of food on a on a plate and uh it's getting tough now i can finally see some uh tree here it's like moses pot in the sea a biblical reference for a biblically sized challenge i think you'd agree anyway this is uh yeah the viking burger fourth time i've said it now and it's available at shepherd's place farm if you want to take a shot at it i'd encourage you to have a look at their website because um i've forgotten how much it costs but you do get it free if you finish in an hour i think you get a t-shirt and definitely a spot on the wall of fame there's too many vegetables here it's too many yeah i'm all but certain this thing contains probably my recommended daily intake of vegetables for the week if not the month but it also contains a rather large beef burger patty some bacon mushrooms as i mentioned vegetables onion rings and of course loads of chips too [Music] i forgot that part um yeah just smacked my hand on the table there which was pretty painful not as painful as eating all these vegetables but i probably have been a little clumsy sometimes maybe i should bring uh a towel with me too to every food challenge that way i don't have to ask for like a huge stack of napkins oh this is rough right yeah i quit whining you big baby was it with you and chips anyway the burger tasted good the burger patty the bacon enjoyed that very much the chips even were pretty decent but man the amount of vegetables in this thing in fact around this point we're almost 19 minutes in and i remember thinking i might just have to bail on this because i really did not want to eat this huge pile of cold vegetables i won't eat that yeah all the toothpick thingy that's not edible but you know i thought let's let's just push through it's gonna be tough but uh there's glory to be had i want to get some coke but there's no one around yeah man's getting desperate at this point i i'm looking for just something sweet and fizzy but look at that it's the coleslaw too as if it wasn't bad enough already but yeah i wanted something sweet and fizzy just to take the edge off you know and give it a slightly more interesting flavor just a big old pile of vegetables now i don't want to eat it oh chip ordinarily that would be a a bad thing but it's actually quite quite pleasant amongst all this salad you know i'm in trouble if i'm actually looking forward to the chips that's not usual if i can i don't want to eat vegetables with my hands come off it's sun get stuck in there pretending like i'm waiting for the cutlery i think i'm probably just trying to take a breather you can see my face i'm like oh i don't want to do it oh i didn't see that mate could i get um just like a fork mate oh vegetables getting to me now maybe i should have done the vegetables first because nobody looks forward to vegetables you know when you when you when you get in there when you've been in a while yeah that is true i didn't really strategize much with this one might have been an idea to do the vegetables first but ideally i would have liked to pick the whole thing up and eating it like a burger but that never really pans out you know the bread often doesn't stand up to the the weight of ingredients on the inside it's doing a quick time check now 30 minutes and actually it was kind of novelty to do a burger challenge which was legitimately one large burger because often you find it's a bunch of regular-sized patties stacked up in a tower so to do it this way it was it was pretty fun these are red onions man they're messing with my mojo i can't pick the other stuff off yeah you often forget yeah there aren't that many food challenges that i know of that contain lots of vegetables right especially uncooked vegetables so it's you kind of forget how difficult they are to eat in in large volumes just because they're kind of fiddly you know it's hard to pick them up and stuff i'm just making excuses after this i don't want to see another vegetable again oh look at that a piece of bacon amidst all the vegetables that's that's a bonus yeah i tell you that that slice of bacon there that did help kind of like punctuated the the salad with something that tasted good anyway um we're almost there you'll be happy to know what i i time lapsed a lot of this because it's it's just me scooping vegetables off a uh a greasy surface but um anyway i'll be enjoying the video i'll catch you the next one so are you making me cry yeah well you're very welcoming those onions were rough that bench [Music] is the vegetables man they're just going straight through me
Channel: BeardMeatsFood
Views: 3,809,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: calorie challenge, mukbang, cheat day, cheat meal, man vs food, eating challenge, eating challenge uk, food challenge, matt stonie, beardmeatsfood, beard meats food, beard meets food, beard vs food, adam moran, british competitive eater, fitness, eating channel, eating show, 10000 calorie challenge, 10k, massive eating challenge, huge eating challenge, 100000 calorie challenge, burger challenge, biggest burger challenge
Id: aHlwjFa1QGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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