The Secrets to Painting a New Warhammer Army

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I have a huge problem this is my Space Marine collection and it is my hobby shim there is over 2 000 points of Space Marines here I never thought I'd get here but this is over 500 to 600 worth of Space Marines even more than that now I since I added the Leviathan box and they're all unpainted it's embarrassing at this stage they've been sitting on my shelf for way too long I know that the new 10th edition of Warhammer is here it is the perfect time to get them painted but one problem I've just been putting off painting them because I can't decide how to paint my Space Marines Space Marines have lots of different chapters all with different color schemes and I know that there are people who love them there are fans of ultramarines blood angels Dark Angels etc etc and I get that there's a lot of appreciation for the big bold saturated schemes that those chapters use but they're not me I love war 140k for the Grim dark and a lot of the Space Marine models that I own are the newer Primera Space Marine style they look great in terms of the sizing but they feel a lot more tactical modern military inspired like they're out of Call of Duty rather than the Grim dark of old that I adore my joy of Warhammer 40K was inspired by a lot of the classic Blanche artwork where everything was awful all of the time and everybody had a weird face also these masks were everywhere so I don't know how I'm going to be in these models so I've just been putting it off but I've come up with a little bit of an idea for these Space Marines and maybe if you're somebody who's intimidated by painting or feels like they're not good enough maybe this video will help you see what's possible with just a little bit of imagination and very little skill so I don't want to paint all of Mike's PS3s all at once with this new scheme in case I end up not liking it but luckily 10th edition Warhammer 40K has a new combat Patrol mode that I'm kind of in love with and I have a game of that scheduled for tomorrow so I thought why not kill two birds one stone I'm going to paint a combat Patrol and I'm going to fix the spaceman grimdark problem all at once this is the black Templar combat Patrol this is a portion of my Army no I'm not painting black Templars I'm gonna be painting these Space Marines as my very own Homebrew custom lore chapter the iron sovereigns I'm designing them as a spin-off of the black Templar and because I love Grim dark my chapter are going to be made up of the Space Marines that were too extreme for the notoriously very extreme black Templar yeah these guys are kind of intense no I don't have a lot of time to paint these I need to get these done for like tomorrow but I kind of want to get them done a couple hours so we're gonna have to be fast here luckily I do think we can make it there's only one like 17 17 Miniatures here so the first thing we've got to do when we're painting a new color scheme or an army is figure out how do we start and I love to go back to basics and think about the core concept of the army so what do I think of when I think of Space Marines well I think of knights in space with a thuggish oppressive attitude I think of boots slamming into people's faces and I get this vibe from all the heraldry the swords the tabards and of course all of the Glorious Blanche art okay so first thing we're gonna do is prime them black because well we're going for a grim dark look here right obviously though I'm not gonna be painting all of these in quiet Solitude alone with my thoughts because you know that would be hell luckily this video is sponsored by raycon and as a result I have my handy raycon earbuds to accompany me on this stationary Journey with their 8 hours of Play Time meaning that I can watch another entire rerun of the X-Files for the 17th time while I paint my Space Marines and I don't even need to worry about any dangling wires getting in the way of my paintbrush these bad boys are totally Wireless and come with a huge selection of different colors though I opted to match the black Templars and every classy bass room out there with a cool black color scheme even better raycon started half the price of other premium audio Brands meaning that I can afford more plastic miniatures for my incalculably large pile of Shame Recon have three different customizable sign profiles but my favorite is the awareness mode feature so that I can hear if anyone is trying to creep into my eyes in the dead of night while I paint an unreasonable amount of Space Marines in an arbitrary challenge pretty relatable I think raycon offer a 30-day free return policy if you're not satisfied so if you want to help support the channel and get some awesome wireless earbuds that let you listen to Dubstep Gregorian chanting to help get you in the mood to play with some Space Marine Miniatures then click on the link in the description below or go to buy discourse Miniatures to get 15 off your raycon purchase thanks for sponsoring today's video Recon and so I'm going to start on these models with some lead Belcher I'm dry brushing onto these by picking up hint with my rough brush here wiping most of it off on some cloth and then stroking the model with the remaining residue this metallic Sheen will simulate the armor of a knight and it will make a grid foundational color for the iron sovereigns after all their armor needs to be ironed if they're the iron sovereigns right next up I'm going to take a different expandable brush and dry brush some White Scar onto all the cloth skin and hair bits of the Space Marines that's right you haven't gotten through a painting video without paying The Slap Chop tool because that's what we're going to be doing with Those portions of the models the White Scar dry brush will act as a highlight catching on to all the edges for us and that means when we add a contrast pin to it later the recesses of the cloth will be darker and the edges will be brighter providing a nice little bit of contrast on the model there's actually a lot of cloth fabric on these black Templar models and that's great because we're going to slather it in the contrast paint doomfire magenta firstly this is a lovely bright color that will contrast well against the darker armor but secondly this is a lore thing for me I have all my Inquisition models painted in this same Santa so I'm thematically tying the iron sovereigns into the Inquisition in my collection and the reason for this is because in the lore the iron sovereigns act as enforcers interrogators and ultimately executioners for the Inquisition unlike most other Space Marine chapters the iron sovereigns worship the Emperor as a God and are feverishly devoted to that belief see I told you we're getting the Grim dark hand right not with the magenta painted on the tabard I'm gonna go over some of the selected parts of the armor with the magenta too and I'm trying to keep the consistency of the paint here slightly less thick so that the underlying metallic still shines through the contrast this mix these portions of the Space Marines look like they were painted like bumper cars or dodgeums if you're not from the 90s and I'm not painting any of the areas of the Swiss race here in particular just the odd shoulder pod or knee pod or weapon here and there I'm randomizing this because firstly it's funner to just keep things a little bit fresh and also because it adds a bit of variation and visual points of interest on the models as individuals see I don't see these Space Marines as a unified Army so much as a series of different Knights individually doing combat these aren't soldiers they're Warriors or maybe more like thugs then we're gonna pin some of the little points of interest on the models like these Scrolls here we're gonna hit these with the magenta as well at random just to keep on reinforcing our Primary Colors the Scrolls that are embedded in the magenta though will paint those white just to create a little bit of visual difference and then we're gonna use scigor brine for some of the belts just some of the details there and retributor gold for some bullets and for some other details especially on the Marshall because we want him to look a little bit more austere and dignified and now we're going to get to the oh really fun bit I love it whenever the Pantene on lore comes together perfectly this is how I creating a Homebrew chapter can be a lot of fun because you can add a lot of specific elements and be really imaginative and just let your imagination run wild one of the Homebrew lore elements of my chapter is that they have sworn not to clean their armor or weapons until all heresy in the galaxy has been purged so as you can imagine this is gonna take a while and because they travel from planet to planet to recruit the worst of the worst from juvenile prisons they have plenty of neophytes in training learning how to kill Heretics the good old-fashioned way with violence and bleed this is one of the elements of Warhammer that I really love using Homebrew to inform your pants scheme in this way your army can be built and painted in a way that is consistent with your role play vision of your army it's unlike any other game it's what I love about wargaming from the beginning to the end I want my and scheme on my models to be informed by my own lore and Homebrew no I was in two minds about keeping the neophyte armor cleaner than the initiates and other Space Marines but I decided that this armor would be passed on through the generations when the previous occupant unfortunately died and therefore it has progressively gotten more stained and bloody as a result so their armor is going to be just as bloody and grimy as all the others and that's exactly what we're gonna do now we're gonna start covering all of the space marine armor in dirt grime rust on blood so I'm gonna go over the armor here with bits of brass scorpion to represent rust that has formed on the armor throughout the centuries this is a really awesome step because it's going to break up some of the monochrome lead Belcher metallic color a little trick here is to smudge the brass scorpion with your thumb this will help it blend in I'll make it look a little bit grimier and dispersed perfect for a grim dark aesthetic I'm adding this effect about randomly but I'm also trying to hit the exhausts on the spare spring backpacks I'm trying to hit the muzzles on the guns to represent the effect of Boulder fire and I'm trying to hit around the legs and the joints to represent splotches of of dirt and grime I also like to throw on splotches of cygor brown and rattling Grime here as well just to add to the look again smudging these pins where it makes sense all of this is going to make sure that the models look actually painted and not just primed with a bit of metallic I love adding these types of details onto models because you can really individualize them these holy paladins of Injustice are starting to really look like the monsters that they are then I'm gonna try and paint all the cloth parts that aren't tabards either side or brown or black Legion black depending on my mood and I'm going to do the boots in the opposite color that I previously painted so I'm going to paint a saigor bronze boots to go with black pants or black boots to go with the brown pants I love all this is just to make sure that the models don't just blend into the terrain now I'm going to use a Golem and Flash for the skin and then when I'm painting the neophyte hair I'm gonna go for some random vibrant colors because it's the future and people use hair dye in the future there you are now I'm going to use some ink paint pants that I picked up in a local art store and I'm going to use this pan to add some obscenities and random markings and declarations to the armor you can kind of use these like a pan but they do come out quite thick so be careful with these My Space Marines just so happen to be particularly unpleasant and they want the Galaxy to know that hence all the graffiti once all of this paint is dry we're gonna get to one of my favorite Parts we're gonna get to give our Space Marines their baptism of grim dark this is dark tone wash from the Army painter and it's gonna make this color scheme come all together right now our armor is too shiny our rust too obvious our Grim too bright right we're gonna need to blend it all together by slathering dark tone all over the models oh yeah nice and deep that's it boy get in that nice deep black I love this stuff it really transforms Space Marines into Grim dark Avengers of Darkness Army Panther dark tone reminds me a lot of the old formulation for non-oil and just like Nolan oil of old it is liquid talent in a bottle and if you're ever nervous about a paint job or you've painted a model and you just don't think it looks very good just remember to add some wash over the model and it will genuinely make the model look 10 times better I love using dark tone over metallics and for darker colors but if you have something like red armor then red tone does a trait and green tone works for green paint etc etc just match them up honestly this will help a model pop now we're gonna leave the dark tone to dry believe it or not this is the longest part of the process of painting this game and while we wear it uh we may as well move on to the vehicle so this is the impulsor and we're going to do exactly to this what we did to our Space Marine infantry 2 except you know more plus we can fit some bigger naughtier words on the impulsor with our ink paint pens very naughty there's something incredibly impetuous about this that I just love this impulsor is designed to bring Space Marines right into the heart of bottle and so therefore the opponents might have an actual opportunity to read some of this graffiti okay and so we've done that and the space trains are now drying so we can add our finishing touches I'm going to use blood for the blood God from Games Workshop to Splatter blood all over the models after all being a Space Marine can be messy especially if you don't clean your armor I really love this part there's just no such thing as too much blood I'm going to make sure that I hit Parts where I think the blood would spawn gosh if a chain sword had been recently used and of course I'm gonna get plenty of blood into the chain sword there as well and then we're going to add some bottle damage to the models by using a hobby knife to carefully slice dings into the armor and really that's us done just slap on some Oscar grounded debris to the beers paint the rim black to finish and then finally sheared the Astra Granite with some drakenhoff Knight shield once it has dried in and we're not completed our iron sovereigns are finished that's a full combat Patrol and a couple of ours and honestly waiting for the dark tone to dry I'm waiting for the Oster Granite debris what's the longest bit and okay wow what a trip I think these have come out looking great and they are very Grim dark like a 2009 first person shooter how about that for Call of Duty my iron sovereigns are now ready to rip and tear across the Galaxy or at least a combat Patrol of them is I mean I still have two thousand points of Space Marines the piano that I have the levator models but uh this is a start at least and I know my scheme I've got no more excuses to not get the rest of these Space Marines painted I found painting these pierce rings a lot more fun than anticipated this actually my first time really painting a lot of Space Marines they were a joy to pan honestly they have big blocky Parts lots of armor they're very toy like I can see why they were one of the original models made by Games Workshop when it came to creating their own Warhammer line and I get why they recommended to beginners they're definitely a lot easier to paint than some other armies that I collect so here you are then the iron sovereigns custodians dealers interrogators executioners and judges nine the Galaxy will bleed and if you're interested in hearing my thoughts on the combat Patrol game mode for Warhammer check out this video here unless it's not out yet in which case well I'll give you my thoughts on 10th edition generally in that video and if you if you enjoyed this video and you'd like to see more hobby content on the channel then give this video a thumbs up so I know or support me on patreon at discourse Miniatures for access to Backstage Discord rooms where you can chat to me directly and a huge thanks to my patrons especially Sonic Brad crypto Kev mistress Arby noveny and Travis Hunter thank you so much guys and I'll catch you all next time bye bye
Channel: Discourse Minis
Views: 27,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N-lwuSI8sCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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