The UPDATES you missed inside Davinci Resolve 18 FREE!

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DaVinci Resolve 18 is out now but if you're on the free version is there any point in upgrading because all of the headline features referring to the studio version so what's new in the free version well in this video I'm going to whiz you through all of the small little improvements that blackmagic's made to the free version of DaVinci Resolve for version 18. but before we do I just need to let you know that this video is sponsored by our friends at Squarespace now as mentioned a fair amount of the big headline features for DaVinci Resolve are limited to the paid studio version but the free version does get a handful of goodies and some real quality of life improvements as well so let's run through them shall we now one of the big headline features is the introduction of this Blackmagic Cloud collaboration features which allow you to work collaboratively in DaVinci Resolve with anyone in the world it's a great new headline feature which in today's world of remote working really does help to set DaVinci Resolve apart from the rest it is free some of the cloud features aren't available to everyone just yet but they're making their way through adding new countries new regions to that list So eventually it will be available basically for everyone now I haven't actually dug into it that much as of yet I do plan to but I haven't just yet so if you want to see the entire process check out this video by creative video tips who talks you through the whole process from start to finish next up we've got the inclusion of the Blackmagic proxy generator which again is available for both the free and Studio users now previously working with proxy's in DaVinci Resolve was a bit of a faff it was a fact to generate them you didn't know where they were it just wasn't the best experience in the world and the new proxy generator just helps to streamline the entire process it's an external app so you can open it outside of DaVinci Resolve you point it to the folder you want you select your format and then you just leave it to run it'll automatically create the proxies for you put them in a source folder of your original folder so then they'll be there ready to edit when you're in DaVinci Resolve and you know exactly where they are so if you need to remove them you can just go and delete the folder when you eventually do hop into DaVinci Resolve it's super quick easy and simple to swap and change between the proxies and the original files you simply click on playback go to proxy handling and then you can disable all proxies prefer proxies or prefer camera Originals simple it's a massively improved workflow next up we've got some of the general improvements to the edit page functionality and there's a few goodies in here the first one edit index now shows clip duration you may never have used the edit index before but it's actually quite useful so I'm on the edit page in resolve if I click on edit index it's up here in the top left hand corner I get this list now basically this is a list of everything that's currently on my timeline so if I move my playhead you can see it's skipping around or I can just give them a click in the index and my playhead will move to that location on the timeline now for each of the clips you get a bunch of Handy the information so I've got things like record in out I've got the name if I right click on the column headings I can add all sorts of additional stuff like Source codex FPS resolution that sort of thing what's been added is this record duration so straight away I can see that this video file is 19 second and 20 frames in length now another handy thing you can do with the edit index you can of course search for Clips by just clicking on the little magnifying glass and you can filter by all sorts of Handy things or if you just click the three little dots you can use all of these default filters so if I wanted to just see all of the clips on my timeline for example that have transform effects I can just give that a click it will show me the list here and if I give those a click I can jump straight to the Clips in question next up we've got some improvements to the subtitles on the edit page again this is not something I use a huge amount so I won't show you the ins and outs but they've got things like support for timed text ttml XML and embedded subtitles ability to view and import subtitles from media storage support for re-linking subtitle Clips there's loads of stuff in there they've made some quite big improvements to the way that subtitles work on the edit page next up we've got support for live previews when using the text plus Color Picker this is probably one of those things you never love sleepover but it was quite annoying if you realized it wasn't there if I grab a text plus put it on my timeline give it a click in the inspector I can now go to color and as I change the color you can see it's updating live within the preview window it's not a big thing but it is much handier to be able to see it updating rather than having to pick the color click on OK review it go back into the color the same thing can be said for the fonts they all just work via the preview as you'd expect on the text plus there's now support for reversing shape Iris and wipe transitions on the edit page again not a major thing but it just gives you a little bit more flexibility if you're working with transitions on the edit page if I grab any one of those transitions in question let's say this diamond Iris pop it on this edit Point by default is going to play that way but if I give it a click I've now got the option to reverse it tick that box and it's just going to play the other way instead again just gives you a few more options we now have support for showing up to 25 simultaneous multicam angles in the viewer pretty Niche I don't know many people that are using 25 angles in multicam but it's handy that it's there we've got support for setting current project settings as default now this was available in older versions it was just a little bit fiddlier now it's much much easier within any project click on the Cog bottom right hand corner to open up your project settings change your timeline resolution your frame rate all that sort of stuff to whatever you want it to be as the default and then simply click the three little dots top right hand corner and you set the current settings as the default preset whenever you jump into DaVinci Resolve these will be the settings which will automatically load into that default settings simple drag and drop project archives to project manager to restore this again might be a bit Niche but it's something that I will benefit from so project archive files you can generate from within DaVinci Resolve and it will basically export the entire project that's the project itself the timeline the effects all that sort of stuff the actual media files that will create a copy of them and the cache if you really want it now previously what you'd have to do I'd have to open up my project manager right click restore the project archive and then go and search for it manually instead what we can simply do now is drag the project Arco file onto here drop and it will automatically restore the project just makes life a little bit easier and now real quick message from this video sponsor Squarespace in today's world pretty much everyone needs a website including me and building a website using Squarespace couldn't be easier they have a bunch of really awesome templates which are an absolute Doddle to customize and modify to get them looking exactly as you want them plus there's a bunch of built-in analytics SEO tools online stores blogs and now even scheduling tools meaning I can keep everything in one place which banks my whole life way way easier so if you fancy checking out Squarespace for yourself simply head over to right now to start your free trial when you're ready to launch head over to forward slash Mr Alex Tech and use the code Mr alextec at checkout to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or a domain easy as that next up we've got improved performance for night vision glitch TV and other effects now some of those are limited to the studio version but the main takeaway from this is a lot of the fusion effects on the edit page and now much much quicker of course your experience may vary a little bit depending on what Hydro you're on but for me my PC I've noticed a massive difference titles are just much much quicker they don't have to take as long to render transitions much smoother and some of the built-in effects just work in real time whereas before they were far chuggier than they should have been and those performance increases aren't just limited to Fusion effects they have improved project performance especially when dealing with large projects I haven't really noticed this much per se but it's good that they've made some improvements there as well but what about edit page effects within the free version of DaVinci Resolve 18. well actually there's only really one new one and that's the fast noise effect I have actually made a whole video about the fast noise effect if you want to go check that out it's linked up here somewhere essentially what it allows you to do is to apply some quite cool effects like smoke fog still water running River or a heat Haze effect as you're seeing right now and it's actually really fun to have a play with you can use it to create some really funky titles as well as messing around by adding motion to still images there's lots of cool stuff that you can do with it to find it open up your effects Library click on open effects scroll right down until you get to the texture area and then you've got your fast noise effect you can just apply that onto whatever you want give it a click in the inspector effect you've got a preset you can just change this so let's go with water surface and if I hit play you can see I've got this water surface effect going on you can have a play with all of the controls in here to get it looking exactly as you want it so honestly just experiment with it have some fun with it Fusion there's not really much here mostly the performance improvements and that sort of thing but there is one change to the way that Fusion Works which I think is worth mentioning and that's how you copy compositions you copy effects from one clip to another previously what you had to do was use your middle Mouse button which a lot of people complain about if they're using a modern Mouse maybe like an apple Mouse it didn't have a middle Mouse button so now they've changed it annoyingly they've actually removed the functionality to use the middle Mouse and now it's entirely different I would have liked them to keep the middle Mouse option as well but there you go so now how do you do it so instead now make sure you've got your Clips open by clicking on Clips top left hand corner here so I can see my Clips down the bottom this clip here has got this transform node applied if I want to copy this to another clip or multiple different clips I can just highlight the ones that I want so I've got all three of these selected that was just by clicking and holding Ctrl now if I right click on the one that has the effect already applied there's an option to apply composition It'll ask me if I want to overwrite I do and that's going to copy that transform node or whatever nodes are applied to that original clip to all of the other ones which I had selected color page nothing really new to report within here not only within the free version anyway the only thing that's kind of worth mentioning is that that fast noise effect from the edit page is also available from the effects library on the color page in terms of fair light for those interested there's actually a bunch of improvements but I don't know enough about fairlight to be able to talk you through them so instead check out this video by Jason I've linked it down below he talks about all the the new DaVinci Resolve 18 fairlight updates everything you need to know in one handy video so go check that out and last but not least the deliver page and again there's actually some goodies in here which have kind of been overlooked and are definitely worth mentioning and the first one there's a new 1440p YouTube preset on the deliver page from the render settings over here scroll over until you see the YouTube icon click the drop down and now the 720 1080 1440 and 2160. on a similar note the support for video uploads to internet accounts when using custom presets so for a while now you've been able to upload videos once they've been rendered directly to YouTube from within DaVinci Resolve but previously you had to you always use those YouTube presets now you have the option to upload to Youtube using whatever settings you want so if we just scroll over and select custom export I've got all of my usual controls within here I can set those to whatever I need them to be and then if I scroll down I've got this YouTube settings and expand that and then I can tick upload directly to YouTube give it a title description all that other stuff add to the render Cube the video will be rendered and then automatically uploaded directly to YouTube now quick tip if you don't see this YouTube settings all you need to do click on DaVinci Resolve top left go to preferences system at the top internet account and then just make sure that you're logged in to your YouTube account here if you want to say the same for Vimeo Twitter Dropbox you just make sure you're logged into whatever service you need and last but not least you've got the ability to render individual Clips with timeline effect this is actually quite a big one and I've not seen anyone talk about it just yet so if you didn't know there's an option to render individual Clips within DaVinci Resolve which means rather than running your entire timeline As One video it'll take all the little bits from your timeline and render them out individually it can be quite a handy way of just transcoding your footage from one codec to another that sort of thing but previously they were a little bit limited because they wouldn't pull through any timeline effects so anything you've applied via adjustment clip would be completely ignored and any speed changes wouldn't pull through either but now all of that has changed so if we take this example here I've got this clip which has an adjustment clip above it which simply just zooms it in and then I've got this second clip which has been sped up so I'm going to hop over to the deliver tab I've got a custom export at the top here you can see render single clip I'm going to change that to individual clips and now this is the new Option render timeline effects so by default I'm just going to add to the render queue and render these out without applying the timelinefx and we'll end up with three files the first one is the adjustment clip that will just be completely blank the second one is that first clip but it won't have that Zoom applied and the third one will be the second clip but it will be playing at normal speed now what we're going to do exactly the same but we're going to enable our timelinefx add to the render queue and render these three out instead now this time we've just got two video clips the first one is the first clip but obviously this time we now have our adjustment clip applied so we're all zoomed in and then the second one has a speed change applied as well and having that timelinefx option just makes these individual Clips way more useful now for the last point I just want to talk really quickly about stability I can't guarantee this is the same for everyone but from my experience of using DaVinci Resolve 18 it's been really really stable the first few beaters were a little bit choppy one and two especially but from about three or four it starts to become really really stable and I think since then my experience with the wrenchy resolve 18 has been my most stable experience with DaVinci Resolve I've ever had a lot of the silly annoying bugs seem to be ironed out and it's just running really really well so there you go that's everything that I think is worth mentioning in the free version of DaVinci Resolve 18.
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 36,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech, davinci resolve 18, resolve 18, davinci resolve free, davinci resolve 18 free, whats new, whats new davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18 free download
Id: s7wtSNXZtEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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