The UnXplained: Mystery of the Roman Dodecahedron (S6)

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Rome Italy within this modern city lie the ruins of what was once the capital of the Roman Empire for centuries Rome was the most sophisticated Metropolis in the ancient world and Roman Engineers also built breathtaking structures throughout Europe and the Mediterranean many of which can still be seen today these engineering Marvels have endured the ravages of time for nearly 2,000 years and stand as magnificent monuments to Roman Ingenuity the Romans were certainly the most brilliant Engineers of the ancient world when we think of Rome today we think of the Coliseum we think of the aqueducts we think of triumphal arches all all of them are an emblem of Roman civilization they could discern effective Technologies and then exploit them to a much greater extent than anyone ever imagined previously the engineering achievements of ancient Rome are well known and continue to capture people's imagination but is it possible that the Romans were even more advanced than most of us realize and could they have possessed technology that Rivals our own tangar in Belgium January 2023 the curator of the galar Roman Museum announces an extremely rare archaeological Discovery using a metal detector a local hobbyist Unearthed a fragment of an ancient Roman artifact this tiny piece piece of bronze was once part of a mysterious object known as a Roman doic cedrin any discovery of a Roman dodecahedron is remarkable and unusual because there's not many more than 100 known to exist generally a dodecahedron is a 12 sided item and the Roman dodecahedron was about the size of a baseball and had 12 sides they were hollow inside and multifaceted with different balls or spikes around the outside of them which are very difficult to create through molding or construction Roman do decahedrons have been found all over Europe and nobody knows for sure how they were made the craftsmanship that it would take to make a bronze Roman DOA hedrin would have been very challenging for a metal Artisan to make at the time so it could have been an example of the skill of an artisan to show like look what I can do because it was very complex and bronze was not cheap historians theorize that Roman Engineers may have fashioned dodic hedrin using a sophisticated molding process but why did the Romans go to such lengths to craft so many intricate and peculiar pieces of bronze what's strange about them is that there is no record of what they were used for and it's still quite a puzzle and a mystery to historians what function they actually serves however there's a number of uses that have been proposed from tools in astronomical calculations to candle holders as well as implements in religious performances what they are has been disputed many times and I do Veer towards the very practical explanation and that is that it was a sort of knitting device because if you put yarn around the various protrusions on the do cedron you can create a sleeve or a tube of of knitted Fabric in theory that is something really practical because some Roman garments are depicted with sleeves there is still a huge amount of mystery around these very peculiar objects but one of the most popular theories is that it had a more mystical function perhaps it was used uh in divination or sorcery or fortune telling some historians wonder whether these objects were used for forbidden rituals now if these were indeed tools for the so-called dark arts this raises the question is this part of the reason why there are no records explaining what this doc cedron was used for whether Roman doic aedin were used during rituals or for more pragmatic purposes they remain a fascinating Enigma and suggest that the Romans C mhip was far ahead of their time
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 172,855
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, the unxplained, william shatner, history william shatner, history unxplained, scary videos, mysterious events, unsolved mysteries, The UnXplained, watch The UnXplained, The Intriguing Mystery of the Roman Dodecahedron, Roman Dodecahedron, Dodecahedron
Id: ZV0rPtzHYaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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