A New Discovery about Dodecahedrons - Numberphile
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Channel: Numberphile
Views: 959,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: numberphile, path, platonic solids, dodecahedron, Yellow Brick Road
Id: G9_l8QASobI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
What stuck out to me was that the final proof seemed to be pretty much a straight line on a plan of a dodecahedron. Why couldn't that be found before, even without all the rest of the theory behind it?
I'm amazed this wasn't discovered sooner, but it's so cool, and now I have to fiddle around with that double pentagon lol. Also: that guy is really cute. :3
Wonderful video! Mathmaticians who are able to share their joy of their work, and even make it accessible to non-math people is what we need!
Now we need to start dodecahedron-earthers
Wow how was this not thought of earlier? Iām not gonna lie this video is making my hopes of becoming a successful mathematician a lot better :)
All I need to do now is find a question that nobody has thought of yet that has a super easy answer and call it a day, should be simple enough no?
Instead of yellow brick road... Dodecequator
Edit: pronounced Dodec-equator
Has it not even been possible to draw a line, see that it goes a little to the left of the target, then draw another line that goes a little to the right of the target, and conclude that there is a solution in between?
When IVR (Interactive Virtual Reality) becomes more prevalent, this would help in setting up unique maps. It might lead to interesting developments in AI pathways as well. Exciting!
Did anyone figure out whether the yellow brick road separates it into two equal volumes?