Ancient Aliens: Secret Extraterrestrial Enclaves Revealed (Season 20)

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People love to tell me about their UFO sightings and it seems like there are more now than ever. Which begs the question... is it possible that aliens reside right here on Earth? In this countdown, we take a look at locations around the planet that might be hiding secret outposts for otherworldly beings. <i> Number three, the Dark Pyramid of Alaska.</i> [suspenseful music] [narrator]<i> Alaska, the largest of all US states.</i> <i> It's home to the nation's highest peak,</i> <i> its biggest national park,</i> <i> and more coastline than all other states combined.</i> <i> For ancient astronaut theorists,</i> <i> the dense uninhabited wilderness of Alaska</i> <i> conceals a multitude of mysteries</i> <i> and perhaps an extraterrestrial presence.</i> [Andrew]<i> Within this area,</i> <i> incredible amount of weird things take place.</i> We have paranormal activity, the appearance of strange cryptids, and other monsters of time and space, <i> as well as the manifestation of UFOs and mysterious lights.</i> [mysterious whirring] [<i> narrator] Within this region of anomalous activity</i> <i> stands Mt. Hayes, one of Alaska's tallest peaks</i> <i>and a place where UFO sightings</i> <i> are reported with great frequency.</i> Many people have seen UFOs, flying saucers, strange lights flying in and around Mt. Hayes. -[wind whistling]<i> -Now, there's no road</i> <i> that can go up there.</i> <i> Only way to get to Mt. Hayes is to actually fly there,</i> <i> which most people don't do.</i> So what are these craft that are flying around Mt. Hayes? [narrator]<i> For decades,</i> <i> eyewitness testimony was the only evidence</i> <i> to support the notion that Mt. Hayes was a UFO hotspot.</i> <i> But in 1995, declassified CIA documents</i> <i> revealed that Mt. Hayes</i> <i> was the focus of a top-secret government project</i> <i> called "Stargate."</i> [Hugh]<i> Researchers were looking through CIA documents</i> <i> and they found evidence</i> <i> of a project underneath Mt. Hayes.</i> And they say they saw, written in these records, that it was actually an alien underground base in this area. [narrator]<i> Could there be a hidden extraterrestrial base</i> <i> in Alaska?</i> <i> While the idea sounds far-fetched,</i> <i> in 1992,</i> <i> US geologists detected a mysterious pyramidal object</i> <i> underneath Mt. Denali.</i> <i> Seismic instruments reveal</i> <i> the top of the 550-foot-tall pyramidal object</i> <i> lies 150 feet below ground</i> <i> and just 130 miles southwest of Mt. Hayes.</i> <i> Many researcher believe it is an artificial structure</i> <i> which is become known as the Dark Pyramid.</i> [tense music] The Dark Pyramid is this massive pyramidal structure under Mt. Denali, <i> which is said to be twice the size</i> <i> of the Great Pyramid of Giza</i> <i> and made of black stone.</i> [narrator]<i> Investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe</i> <i> has spent years researching the Dark Pyramid</i> <i> and has interviewed a number of people</i> <i> who claimed to have information,</i> <i> including one man who claims his father</i> <i> has actually been inside the Dark Pyramid.</i> He said that his father was working for Western Electric <i> and ended up</i> <i> as a very skilled electronic engineer</i> <i> being asked to go to a location</i> <i> west of what was Mt. Denali.</i> <i> His father told him that there was a big freight elevator</i> <i> that was sticking up out of the ground</i> <i>and when you got to the bottom,</i> opened up into full bore... room, work, offices. <i> The father is introduced to the fact</i> <i> that they are at the bottom of a pyramid</i> <i> and that each of the three corners,</i> they have these offices that were actually monitoring energy. <i> And the father tells the son, who got in touch with me,</i> <i> "We are measuring energy coming out of this pyramid</i> <i> that is enough</i> to power the entire country of Canada." [Childress]<i> The stories of the Dark Pyramid</i> <i> are pretty interesting.</i> And you've got to wonder if there is not some kind of power plant <i> that's there underground in the middle of Alaska.</i> <i> And if this Dark Pyramid isn't some kind</i> <i> of extraterrestrial base</i> [buzzing sound] [Giorgio]<i> Number two, Mt. Shasta.</i> <i>[narrator]</i> Northern California. <i> Towering over the landscape,</i> <i> at an elevation of more than 14,000 feet</i> <i> stands Mt. Shasta.</i> <i> This rugged peak has been the location</i> <i> of strange and incredible stories</i> <i> for thousands of years.</i> [wind whistling] [Nick]<i> Mt. Shasta is where</i> there are multiple strange events taking place. <i> UFO sightings...</i> <i> paranormal events,</i> <i> strange disappearances...</i> <i> that go back throughout history.</i> <i>Indeed, one can look to certain Native American legends,</i> <i> for example,</i> <i> to say that Mt. Shasta</i> has always been associated with strange goings-on. [narrator]<i> Local indigenous tribes</i> <i> such as the Shasta,</i> <i> Wintu, Modoc and Karuk have inhabited the area</i> <i> for more than 12 centuries.</i> <i> Each revere Mt. Shasta as a place where sky beings</i> <i> landed on the Earth and created civilization.</i> The local people believe that in ancient times the great sky chief Skell came down from the sky <i> to live in Shasta and has been there ever since</i> <i> and protects it.</i> [narrator]<i> The people who live near Mt. Shasta...</i> <i> had been encountering UFOs for more than 100 years.</i> Almost everyone who live there has seen something unusual. <i> In one of the most remarkable UFO sightings</i> <i> I've heard of, it took place in 2008.</i> <i> Witnesses in the town of McCloud</i> <i> saw a UFO that looked like a giant glowing jellyfish</i> <i> move over the town</i> <i> -and then...</i> -[whooshes] <i> fly off into the distance.</i> [Jack]<i> I was driving back from Klamath Falls</i> <i> and around 7:00, 6:30, seven in the evening</i> <i> in the summertime.</i> All of a sudden, I looked up in the mountain and I seen the whole mountain towards Yreka side open up. <i> And then this big ship came</i> <i> and sat there and hovered for a minute and went right in.</i> <i> And the next thing you know, the mountain closed and...</i> <i> I was like, "What is going on?"</i> I never let things like that bother me, no. I've seen things like that all the time. [suspenseful music] [Nick]<i> Over the years, there have been a number</i> of very significant UFO sightings around Mt. Shasta. <i> And you have to wonder, why is that the case?</i> <i> I don't think we can rule out the idea</i> <i> of some sort of permanent presence</i> <i> buried deep within Mt. Shasta itself.</i> [narrator]<i> Could alien beings really be living</i> <i> inside Mt. Shasta?</i> <i> In November 2020,</i> <i> author and researcher William Henry,</i> <i> along with local historian Dustin Naef,</i> <i>set out to explore Pluto's Cave on the slopes of Mt. Shasta.</i> [William] That is just spectacular. [narrator]<i> It is here where numerous eyewitnesses claim</i> <i> to have encountered mysterious beings</i> <i> emerging from inside the mountain.</i> [Dustin]<i> There is a really big subculture here in Mt. Shasta</i> <i> that has always believed that</i> these caves and tunnels contain a civilization full of people just like you and I and they come back and forth through portals hidden in these caves. <i>If you look at the USGS charts,</i> <i> there's an immense negative magnetic anomaly there</i> <i> that surrounds Mt. Shasta.</i> [William]<i> That's the lay line they describe here?</i> [Dustin]<i> Yeah, a lot of psychic</i> <i> and paranormal phenomena actually occurs</i> in places that have magnetic anomalies. And used as a portal between inter-Earth realm -and the stars. -Yeah. Anything capable of generating energy like that could be conceptualized as a portal. I've had people actually contact me and tell me they've seen people in this very cave walk right into a wall, and vanish. Wow. [tense music] [Andrew]<i> For many hundreds of years,</i> <i> Mt. Shasta has been known for entities</i> that manifest out of the mountain, they appear, they travel, and then they disappear. <i> And this would seem to have led</i> <i> to the belief that there might be some kind</i> <i> of secret alien base</i> <i> actually deep within that mountain.</i> <i> [Giorgio] Number one, the moon.</i> [narrator]<i> November 20, 1969.</i> [narrator]<i> Apollo 12 astronauts Pete Conrad and Allan Bean</i> <i> make history by becoming the third and fourth person</i> <i> to land on the moon.</i> <i> After they return to the command module,</i> <i> they detach the lunar module</i> <i> and crash it into the moon's surface.</i> <i> Upon impact, something unexpected happened.</i> <i> The moon reverberates for more than an hour.</i> With Apollo 12, people refer to a crash. It wasn't really a crash. It was an aimed de-orbit of the rocket <i> used to lift off the lunar module.</i> <i> And the crew separated the launch vehicle,</i> <i> and crashed it back into the ground</i> <i> right close to where they'd had a seismograph</i> <i> that they had installed down there.</i> <i> Well, it vibrated.</i> <i>So it was kind of an early clue</i> <i> as to how solid was the surface of the moon.</i> What was amazing about this is that the moon began to ring like a bell and did so for nearly an hour. <i> Dr. Wernher von Braun, who is then the head of NASA,</i> <i> decided that for Apollo 13,</i> <i> they were gonna intentionally crash a heavier portion</i> <i> of the rocket into the lunar surface,</i> <i> And when they did this,</i> <i> the moon rang like a gong this time</i> <i> for over three hours</i> <i> into a depth of over 20 miles.</i> This was not expected, and it still puzzles a lot of scientists today. <i> The inferences that the moon must be hollow</i> <i> because the moon is made, predominantly on the surface,</i> <i> of a kind of rock called basalts.</i> <i> Although it's a very lightweight rock,</i> <i> it also absorbs impact extremely well.</i> <i> And so, if the whole of the moon</i> <i> was made of that kind of rock,</i> <i> you wouldn't expect it to reverberate</i> <i>when a large impact took place.</i> The reason that this is played down is because the idea of the moon being hollow, uh, just contradicts what we know about physics. [narrator]<i> In his 1966 book,</i> Intelligent Life in the Universe, <i> renowned scientist and astronomer Carl Sagan</i> <i> defined modern scholarship</i> <i> regarding the composition of celestial bodies</i> <i> throughout the cosmos.</i> Carl Sagan suggested that a natural satellite cannot be a hollow object. <i> This is very odd</i> <i> because why would the moon be vibrating</i> <i> unless it's a hollow object.</i> That would suggest it's artificial. [narrator]<i> Is it possible the moon is not only hollow,</i> <i> but an artificial structure?</i> <i> Ancient astronaut theorists say yes.</i> It would seem to be that our moon is some kind of gigantic artificial spaceship <i> that is here to monitor our planet</i> <i> and it only makes sense</i> <i> that if extraterrestrials are coming to Earth,</i> <i> that they would be using the moon</i> <i> as a kind of forward base for our planet.</i> It's perfect for observing and coming to and from planet Earth <i> and going to other planets or solar systems.</i> [spacecraft whirring]
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, ancient aliens, ancient aliens full episodes, ancient aliens clips, aliens, aliens video, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ufo, ufo video, ufo videos, ufo video clips, ancient ufo video, ancient aliens history channel, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, history channel documentaries, alien bases, ancient aliens compilation
Id: oPuqpn2IeWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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