The Untold Truth About Building Wealth

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do you guys see how much money was made during the pandemic anybody say how much money was made during the pandemic just how much criticism these people how this billionaires became rich and all this other stuff i'm gonna tell you why that happened all the way at the end of it but you got to figure out for yourself where you are in this where you are with the topic prior to this like who you want to be how you want to make your money now having said that let's go there's a couple things we need to talk about that's going on in america today cody said patrick you know what i wonder about your style is when you speak it's like you you you are comfortable being controversial and you touch certain topics but you don't offend people but but you still touch the controversial topics well i have to touch a controversial topic today so let's talk about it there's a lady named jane elliott anybody knows the story who knows who jane elliott is handful of you i love it let's get controversial jane elliott a day after martin luther king is assassinated does an exercise with her third graders because she's a teacher so one day she brings in her classmates and she says i just want everybody everybody to know in this classroom here if your eyes are blue blue eyed people by study are known to be better smarter stronger and they have more privileges than brown eyed people and she says this to these third graders by the way if she did that today she'd be in jail for 20 years okay okay so the kids are like really blue eyed people i'm brown oh this sucks so as she's watching all these kids day one they're doing an exercise and this one brown eyed person doesn't understand one of the formulas that she's given and the blue-eyed kid says oh you don't understand it oh that's right you're brown-eyed so the brown hat kid looks at him says what'd you call me well you're brown height us blue-eyed people are privileged you're not the brown eyed kid comes shoves the kid fight breaks out teacher comes the next day he says guys i have to apologize i messed up what's that the study came back it's actually the brown eyed people that are more privileged than blue-eyed people and they get more privileges they're smarter they're stronger by by a mile they're just much stronger and smarter my mistake blue i know you thought about that's really the brown eyed people so next thing you know the brown i was like i told you you know it's like i'm the brown eyed right the third graders and the blue i don't oh really yeah the blue eye you're not as smart as a brown eye so what happens a day goes by two days goes by one of the kids starts calling one of the blue white you're bluey you're a bluey fight breaks out right you know third graders will say the dumbest things to each other right next day she comes and she says kids i've been lying the entire time to you the world doesn't care whether you're blue eyed or brown-eyed nobody has privileges over you you want to win big go make it happen you want to learn you can nobody cares about your color your skin your ethnicity no body does now some of you don't like this message but this is coming from a guy who was born and raised in iran who have been called every single thing in the world because i started off at morgan standing dean with her day before 9 11 and we know who did 9 11. it's from where i'm from i remember one time i was speaking in denver colorado the speaker his name was jack it's 06. i've never been introduced this way before he says and the next speaker we're bringing up one of the fastest growing agents in all of america he's doing stuff we've never seen before his former occupation is a pilot he knows how to fly planes he just doesn't know how to land planes help he bring up patrick with david did you get did you get it or no so i come up i'm like okay now here's a crazy thing i'm not offended i was in a military my skin is so thick like when people try to troll like do you realize how bad we would have trolled you in the army we would have destroyed you psychologically you're so sensitive oh my gosh spend a month at our army unit people are so weak nowadays i'm so sensitive so where am i going with this with you let me tell you where i'm going with this and you here's my point to you listen this is the problem we're all facing and we have to overcome this number one what is america doing today to us exactly what i just shared with you propagandas now propaganda is when i explain it to you about to look at in a completely different way what is the definition of a propaganda here we go information especially of a biased or misleading nature used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view in other words manipulate is that happening today to us yes or no all right gas lighting what is gas lighting here's gas lighting manipulating someone by psychological means into questioning their own sanity like how many guys are sitting here like maybe we are bad people i mean i mean we must because 798 people said in the last month on tv oh my gosh babe we're such terrible human beings babe babe you know moving forward we have to apologize to everybody we're such terrible people what the hell you told me we're terrible you know 99 of people i meet in my life they're good people i don't know if you know this or not 99 of people i've met in my life are good people black white hispanic asian educated doesn't matter 99 of them are good people but this is effective so what does this do both can be very effective way to shape a population's mind and they're doing it today and most are falling for now parents what do they do similar things they instill beliefs on us i host a monthly webinar with uh certain seals and founders around the world the one i was doing two days ago one of the guys good looking wiper looks like brad pitt like almost too pretty one chromosome away from being a girl like he is way too pretty to be a guy so he's talking his hey you know and he's still like quite like a little timid to himself but all of a sudden he snapped he's got his 20 million here like he has nothing to be embarrassed of he says you know what patrick for the last three months and the book you gave us to read you know what it made me realize i said what for 29 years i believe i'm shy i went to my mom the other day i said mom you f me up cause everybody you ever introduced me to here's how you would introduce me yes this is my son hunter he's so shy here's my son hunter he's so shy okay you're my hero i guess i'm shy and then we act like we're shy he's so shy he's so shy right the other day i'm talking to my kids and you know they're doing jump ropes so they're going doing jump ropes and my younger one is better at jump rope and all of a sudden the older one comes and does it and we measure how many times we can do because they can get a toy if they hit a number everything in our family is like performance-based right so the older one all of a sudden gets to 39. and the younger one has 28 dylan now dylan's cavs if you ever see dylan's caps it makes no sense right so i said to dylan look dylan here's how this works tico's stamina you're fast but tico's stamina meaning tico can run long distance but you are fast so i walked around and i think about look at this parent look what i just did right a week later mario comes over and they start doing the same thing says yeah you know what my dad told me my dad said tico's the one that can run long distance but i'm shortened so i get tired fast and i caught him state i'm like oh man you messed up so i said let's go for a talk i said hey let me tell you something i used to not have stamina but i build it i'm one of the most very few people can outglass your daddy and i think you can do the same as well you think so that of course buddy absolutely you can do it as well all right all right so the other night we're laying down hey so who's smart in this family tico like the older one i said how about you no he's smarter i said no i think you're very smart for seven i wasn't smart like you at seven you think i'm smart of course you're smart okay i'm smart now i don't say things like you can be anything you want to be in life that's a lie so i don't say stuff like that like hey you can jump 46 inches no that's lebron james at 680 265 pounds you may never jump 46 inches body right your dad's vertical leap is six inches you don't have good genetics right so so so i can't say anything because we can't be anything it's a lie parents tell right and quite frankly when one day you realize you can't be anything it messes with you a little bit then you have to escape right so instill beliefs now here's the thing we have to realize these beliefs parents impose on us our siblings our friends our spouses our bosses some do it intentionally most do it unknowingly like don't go call your mom today say mom you suck dad you screwed up he knows we all screwed up as parents you just want to screw up a little bit less but you have to be aware of this so today we're having lunch and the conversation starts with me tom and mario and sam and i said let me ask you questions i'm having this conversation by the way this content we just came up with just so everybody knows this part of what we just came up with right now so i'm talking i'm like so let me ask you a question what did your mom tell your dad tell you when you were a kid that pissed you off so i go back like my dad would always say patrick's lazy pat's lazy my grades were lazy everything was lazy i passed late so i'm like i'm lazy okay i'm lazy i'm lazy i'm lazy how about yours and tom's like he's a chatter chat or what i don't know something shadow what's the word that they call the chatter one box so it's about chatterbox he's a chatterbox so tom's like i said did you like it he says honestly when my mom introduced me like that to people i talked i don't like that i said mario how about yours and we're going through the whole thing i said tell me about the positive thing and sam tells me about his mom what do you what she said about him he didn't his father died early when he was a kid but he tells me about his father and and mario tells me about his mom and you know mario is this and tom's tells me his thing i said you know what happened with me i said you have no idea how many of those moments i've had my mom and my dad you know some of them could be you know all women are da da da you know men are if your mom tells you a thousand times men are that you believe men are da da da so if you got an argument with your husband because your mom told you men are that if you got an argument with your wife because your dad told you women are right so i said one day i got so pissed off i said i'm gonna create my own identity and here's what it is you ready he said what is that's at 23 years old i said i'm gonna be known for this when pat says something's gonna happen it's done i wanted everybody to say this was in business with me so i started doing it can you do this i can't why not because if i say it and if i don't do it then my reputation of pat says something it's going to get done goes lower i'd like to keep a score of 80 percent when i say i'm going to do something 80 at a time guess what i want to be done i want it to be done i want that to be my reputation and i'm going to create on myself so so tom what you do yourself tom's like at 33 years old i created my own reputation what was it i leave people better than i found them that's tom's mo everybody that ever works with tom says tom leaves us better than he found us pat if he says something's gonna get done gets done i used this entire method of propaganda and gaslighting on myself because at that time when i said it was a lie but i said it so many times i guess what happened all of a sudden if i say it's gonna happen so it's a negative thing but all of you in here can use us positively now your parents your boss your peers your siblings your friends have years of experience on you doing this you got to change your reputation the marketplace they're not going to do it for you you got to go out there and start saying i'm sorry what was that no no that's the 27 year old johnny let me tell you what the 41 eurozone is known for the 41 your john is known for that that really yeah i'm not laughing did you see me laughing no no i'm not laughing i'm dead serious oh bro i'm just like no i know that i know like you like to say that all the time you got to stop saying that cause that was like 14 years ago bro i don't live in the past you do can we move on yes all right okay cool you guys got to stand up for yourself a little bit when people do this to you now let me continue let me continue let me continue so now someday you have to determine your own identity and beliefs you gotta you gotta dictate it you leave this place if this is just another event you came here to get a couple pieces of business maybe meet somebody maybe network and you leave and nothing changes about you this was a waste of an event for you not for everybody but for you so you got to make some decisions here now power words power words applies on leadership persuasion selling negotiation recruitment scripts overcoming objections dealing with underwriters dealing with insurance companies it's all words so here's some of the words i added to my repertoire maybe could help you out as well replace the word should with ought stop telling people what they should do that's not your business tell them this is what you ought to do because odd still gives me an out should doesn't give me an out shoot is a judgmental word art is not so replace those two request hey john can i make a request yeah yeah pat what's going on i'd like to see us improve in the following areas man yep you know what pat we're going to work on okay cool that's my request guys can i make a request no right word request request add it to your repertoire next hey johnny can i make a suggestion to you yeah of course what's that so i can make it to yeah i don't know if i would put that desk over there why not here's why you know how people enter whatever it is can i make a suggestion to you next bobby if i were you i would consider doing the following but i'm not you but if i were you i would do this but you got to do what you got to do but if i were you i would do dot dot johnny do i have your permission to be direct with you sure do i have your permission yes hey babe yeah babe do i have a permission to be direct with you yeah of course what happened you know the other day family was over and he kind of joked about that one thing just really bothered me really bad i've been thinking about it for it's been four days i'm still thinking about it oh i'm so sorry babe no it's okay but i just want to tell you like moving forward like that's got to kind of stop like it just doesn't sit well with me i appreciate you listening to me but you know i just want to tell you that oh babe i'm so sorry i'll work on a movement for you thanks so much babe all good i'm gonna go to dinner yeah let's go to dinner right so boom conversation now versus what though the other day you make something just you know maybe it's good for movies but it's not good for marriage you know when you're kind of lived to animate it hey you know what i want you to consider what's that i want you to consider doing this consider has an out ought has an out suggest has an out request has an out right let me get back to you a lot of us want to give answers right now you would save 80 of your arguments if you just said to people at the end hey johnny yeah um let me get back to you okay yeah look just give me like a couple days all right cool you get back to them if it's important to get back to you if you make a note of you're going to get back you've got two days to process the decision whether you want to do it or not but it's power of words right let me make a case to you why you ought to that i'm going to make a case to you guys why you ought to make a lot of money post pandemic really what is it here's what it is i'm gonna make a case to you why you ought to consider getting an annuity right now i'm gonna make a case to you why i want you to consider this kind of an insurance policy okay what is it here's my case and then you go into your presentation right please thank you these words have power a person wants to do business with you if you use these magical words versus somebody else who doesn't if you're in the sales world you're dealing with people or anything you're doing these things will do wonders for you now let's talk about dreams how many of have big dreams let's see here now this time that man with the arms across white shirt glasses on he will not raise his hand is that your husband by the way you're elbowing him or no does he have dreams or no yes what's his name can you tell us his name bart bart what's what's his last name tell me his last name's not what is it okay no no it's not simpson right so it's last name is what hi bart my buddy bart okay let's talk about dreams here we go number one serious question by the way just so you know nobody cares if you get this answer right or wrong so you question how many of you are 100 clear about your dreams and goes to the point that if i brought you up you can recite it in 20 seconds everybody would believe you [Laughter] how many of you come on miss your hands i can't this light is like a tanning bed right here how many guys how many guys are so chris by the way i appreciate you for being honest look by the way let me ask please put your hands up and folks i actually want you to look around how many of you are so crystal clear by your dreams and goals that you can go on stage and explain it to everybody put your hands up put it up high look around by the way good to see you buddy you know good good to see you look around look around look don't look at me look around turn around and look behind you look behind you how few people's hands are up okay so now great let's process this so when it comes down to dreams i can tell you most people are not that clear we just kind of live our life he's like i hope you know now watch this some of you who are anybody ever wonders why such a small percentage of people's dreams become a reality anybody ever wonders that who wonders that like why does such a small people so i've asked this question on myself so many times here's why because we don't ask the second third or the fourth question so what's the second question here's the second question your dreams that life you want to live how demanding is that life how demanding is that dream of yours what does it require for you to do is it a one year run is it a three year run is it a 5 10 15 20 run what is it how demanding is it we don't ask that question but some of us do but the third one is where people quit and nobody knows no one knows why people's dreams don't become a reality until the third question you ready for the third question are you willing to meet that demand you know there comes a time in your life where you're kind of like ah devon booker they asked him they said how was he being in high school he says honestly i never partied i don't know how it was to party he says i practiced in the morning i went to school after school i had double practice then i had another league by the time i came home i was done with my i was so tired my friends wanted me go out i never had time to go out so then we see him in the finals dropping 40 something points about to win the finals and people wonder oh he must be talented no no he was willing to meet the demand i wasn't willing to meet the demand in high school i wasn't look at my height i have an athletic body i could have played a lot of sports i wasn't willing to meet the demand but nobody explained this thing to me you think i'm going to explain this thing to my kids when we talk to them of course they're going to answer this question very soon they're gonna know whether they are or they're not many of us didn't know but now you do so now some of you are like well my dreams are pretty big how demanding is it to have those dreams become a real pretty big are you willing to meet the demand you know what i mean i don't know i know don't give me no 95 is i don't know believe me i know you know what the last one is here's the last one when you close your eyes and you go visualize that dream does it make you emotional do you actually cry about it do you sit there and you say oh my gosh if this were to ever become a reality i would melt i would melt how many guys can think about your dreams and get emotional how many guys can do that raise your hand if you can do that now watch how many more hands came up now i wonder why that happens to you i wonder why that happens if somebody told me says well pat i'm making 400 000 a year i was a butcher i was a butcher but i was a bartender making 65 000 a year making 400. the hell am i doing working 80 hours a week again why would i do that i said aha great question because dreams are multi-dimensional and you've only thought about one dimension what's that i just explained this in aruba remember a couple weeks ago we talked about this and here's what it is most of us we only think about dreams from what perspective whose dreams ours see it's multi-dimensional first way we think about dreams are our dreams second way is your spouse's dreams ask my wife one time babe what are your dreams babe i want to be a poet seriously seriously you're not you're serious yeah babe i want to be a poet you babe you never told me poetry stuff yeah i write poetry on the side no yeah cool man i've never gone like a roses are red violets this is why i love patrick so much i've never got nothing like that i'm like oh cool you write poetry i don't know what you read but great i said why don't you go do something with that he says what do you mean let's find the best poet professor in la and we did was a professor at ucla so don't you go pursue it go find out if it talks you if it pulls you she went it's not just your dreams it's your spouse's dreams babe what are some of your dreams babe we don't ask those conversations you know what's the next dimension you and your spouse's dreams together babe how about us one day what do we want to be one day oh babe i never thought about that i know babe what about us so it's me her us then it's a kid we got four kids now i got a nine seven five and a three week old by the way just so you guys know right thank you yes so to me it's my oldest nine-year-old dennis the seven five then it's the three week old right so the other day we're driving the car and i said hey tico dylan i keep saying tico's name is patrick but patrick dillon said yeah daddy i said so what are you guys going to do long term you guys going to be in business with your daddy are we going to do business together they look at each other mario you remember this i'm already somewhere around here he says well then that's a pretty deep question we got to get back to you on that yes or no mario where are you i'm like you got to be i'm like oh i'm sorry yeah sure you know i'm driving i'm like damn mario that was a deep response so 10 minutes later we're still driving i said that we thought about it what's that buddy me and tico are going to start a business together we want to run businesses together ourselves that's what we're going to do but not with you but we're going to do it ourselves i'm like freaking awesome because it's now your kids dreams now it's you your spouse and that one individual kid then it's your kids together what they're gonna be doing so when you sit there and you kind of play and you go to like oh my gosh what if one day with the kids running businesses together and i'm oh this is gonna feel so freaking amazing when i was single 23 years old the girl broke up with me like literally a legit breakup i deserved to be broken up but she broke up with me okay so guy asked me a question about marriage does he want to get married i said you have no idea how about one since i was six years i wanted to be a dad i want to be like my dad i love my dad i want to be him he's my hero right so i want to get married he says interesting i said i tell you one thing here so what's that i said i would never let my daughter marry me at 23. i got work to do meaning me at 23. so i said i'm married when i'm ready not right now i wouldn't let my daughter marry me that's how i talk to myself right so this whole conversation about big houses it has to make sense to me right like why buy a big house so i'm sitting there americans like to do what do you do when the kids come over there's a party they call it like hey we're gonna go to the johnson's house and sleep over whatever it's called right is that what it is sleepover right look i'm sorry no no your dad's still a syrian armenian from iran we don't do sleepovers however if they want to do sleepovers at our house it's totally okay but it's at our house so i said i want to have a big house so all of my friends my kids friends all want to come to their house that's how i thought about it then christmas you know how christmas comes in you're kind of like who do you want to go to for christmas oh do we go to your parents house or your parents house hey you know the kids want to go to your parents yeah i know but okay when my kids have that conversation with their husband or wife babe guys where do you want to go we want to go to grandpapa david papa's house i visualize that no joke thousands of times i swear to god i swear to god not even messing with you so my house i wanted to create a house that not only my kids's wife and husbands come their kids come and all of their in-laws come i don't know if you got that i want all of them to come so that means you need how big of a house for a legit house then i still have 20 euros so i'm gonna get that house because right now the house i bought is like a 27 million house i live in right now that house is gonna be a bigger house all good it's gonna become a reality god keeps me healthy it's gonna become a reality because i went through this formula guys this is the formula and it gets me so emotional thinking about it fires me up when i think about it and some of us we just live our life hey cool i'm gonna go to vegas let's go hey let's go to hawaii this year let's go to hawaii this year hey babe we're making pretty good money 224 yeah make more money than your cousins make more money than your siblings it's kind of cool make more money than my dad the hell is that life all about what a waste of a life and you were not put here to just make 220 or 480 or 720 something bigger with you but you got to ask those tough questions sometimes we don't ask those questions let me continue because we're still on the dreams by the way for only 9.99 i'm going to show you how to put you just kidding i had you i had you for a minute look at you i knew he was going to sell something tonight okay all right stay with me this is my vision board it's three of them the one on the top left you see it took 14 hours for me to put this together the one in the top four is what excites me the one on the top right top left excites me top right inspires me and bottom drives me so top left is dreams one day i want to live dot dot dot okay top right is fire competition greatness being the best i want to meet that path and the bottom one is history crusade cause and i created a formula where i go on 20-year runs i don't go on 90-day runs i don't like one-year runs i want 20-year runs now why 20-year runs i'll explain it to you in a second so for me everything is visual i have this painting commission it's in my house right now used to be my office for the longest time that's me in the back by the way this is a 15-foot painting if you've never seen it's a massive painting can you name everybody who can name everybody who can name it can you actually name everybody okay who can name everybody most people can't name everybody okay so i'm at the top i'm in the blue suits you're right so that is tupac did anybody get tupac by the way yes or no some of the country people are like who is that guy yeah that's that's the guy named tupac not two-pack tupac right right next to me it's senna ironton center anybody knows senna the race car driver if you don't i named my daughter after senna her name is senna rose bedavid same spelling how much i love that guy the man in the middle is the shah shaviran when i was born in iran he was a king and it's lincoln a republican kennedy a democrat einstein who believes socialism milton friedman who believes in capitalism mlk whose approach was very different than tupac and they're sitting in a bank vault with a lot of secret hidden messages in there they're debating two books one of the books is if you look at the table it's in rants atlas shrug and the other book they're debating is karl marx communist manifesto that's how messed up my mind is by the way just so you know that okay and there's an empty chair and one day that empty chair will be revealed you know what this does to me every time i see it you don't even know what it does to me what's yours by the way not telling you to go build something like this but you got to create these things when you wake up and see them it fires you you can't just wing it and put some stuff up there this takes time to put it together let me continue so now driving for me it's a three-step formula for everybody here number one is pacing at what pace you want to go so some of you guys are like i'm not going to work 16 hour days great that's your pacing some of you guys may say i'll do 16 hour days once a week but i'm not going to do it five days a week that's your pace i'm only doing 12 hour days no problem i'm not gonna work more than eight hours a day no problem i'll go six days a week great but what's your pace first question you gotta answer what is your pace second one is lifespan for how long are you willing to go at that pace for how long one year two years three years five years i don't know you gotta answer that then the last one is your focused effort which means what at the beginning i have to sell all the time then it's about recruiting talent then it's about developing then it's about raising money so my time changes based on what face i'm at let me make this visual for you so hopefully this will make sense this is where people win or lose folks can you tell me what your hardest working day of the year was scream out the amount of hours you worked on the hardest working they say it on three hang on get that number in your head your heart is working day of the year you ready on three everybody one two three okay great the hardest working day you ready nobody cares about your hardest working day what helps you win is your bottom 100 worst working days don't brag about the day you work so hard i care about your bottom 100 that's where you lose and that's where you win so when you look at this here's what this is the top shows four different if you go to the bottom right the bottom right shows the one percenter the 10 percenter the 20 percenter and the 80 percenter this meeting is called what eight percent nation right so you got the one percent 10 20 80 the 80 is the green go look at the people who are green you see how greens they work hard they work hard they work hard and a bad breakup or client cancels they go all the way down to a one one setback destroys those in the 80 the 20 they work hard they work out they go all the way down to up to nine and a half meaning they work just as hard as anybody but once they get a big check of 50 000 they go all the way down to a four do you see that the ten percent they work hard work hard work hard nine and a half and they're worse than six they still work hard and then you got the one percent their best is nine and a half their worst is eight so you can't compete with those guys so again what are the three things pacing then it's what span what's the last one focused effort right pacing span focused effort so now that's one question you gotta answer the next one is the following in this room is it fair to say that some have more talent than others is that okay if we say that is that okay if we said some have more talent than others yes or no okay how many guys have ever met an overachiever who's met an overachiever scream out the over that you personally know i'm talking about and your friends and family not like public you're going to say steve jobs and you're fr unless if he was your cousin but anybody in your personal life okay on three just say his name or her name over achiever on three one two three does everybody know he or she was an overachiever in your community yes or no they pretty much know it right so what is an overachiever somebody that goes above and beyond what people expected him to do when you look at this you got three different types of people the average the talented the genius how many guys have somebody that after school you thought this person was gonna crush it in life and they did nothing who knows anybody like that who knows anybody like that okay you know what that was him or her never wanted to know their capacity they wasted all that talent happens in sports happens in military happens in business happens everywhere fyi this is a very tough chart to look at because some of you guys may leave here saying i'm a pretty talented guy but behind closer i'm not gonna lie i'm pretty lazy and i'm pretty like i'm not that focused and i like work hard one month and then i disappear for six weeks and eighty percent time i follow i'm not gonna lie to you like you maybe let's just say that's the right everybody here's got a reputation just so you know some of you guys got a reputation here how many guys remember the guy who had a reputation that you don't want to fight in high school who knows that guy anybody knows that guy you don't want to fight johnny he will knock your ass out yes or no how many guys do hey you know what that one guy's got a reputation what's that don't get your girl too close to him why why just don't why he's that charming really everybody has a reputation just like you got a reputation of being a overachiever and achiever under achiever all of us will die with one of those three reputations if it doesn't bother you don't even worry about the slide but if this scares the hell out of you well then do something about it go do something about it leave this place saying i am currently an underachiever let's just say i'm not gonna go like that i'm gonna work my way up to be an achiever achiever means what you're doing good in life pretty much everybody thought you were gonna be at that level but overachievers when they say i'm gonna lie to you bro i never thought no joke like one of my friends adrian love this guy he invites me to conrad and we go there nicest guy he says pat i just have to tell you this i know none of our friends will tell you that so what's that he said pat i swear to god all our parents would talk behind closed doors because yours was the only armenian family that got a divorce and everybody say stay away from pat because he's going to be the one the biggest drug dealers and he's going to take all you guys to jail and i never thought you can do anything with your life so at least you said the biggest drug dealer there's something good about that's the biggest i take that as a compliment you know at least it's the biggest you know may spend 30 years but you write about man say this guy was the biggest but the point is nobody in high school thought this guy was going to do anything i chose one day when i asked those tough questions so let me wrap this up for many of you seven ways to reach your potential number one it must matter to you if it doesn't you won't do it number two know the difference between reacting and initiating many people are reactors taxes change you react your money goes down to 17 000 in a bank account you react something happens in your family there's a loss of loved one they didn't have insurance you react versus initiate right big difference find systems that make you think less and make you more productive if you don't have systems like for me i wanted to have a problem-solving formula that i can transfer to you where you can use it yourself that's what i that's my specialty i want to transfer that over to where you sit there and say even after we're talking to todd about how to take this i think his youtube channel is going to end up in a million subscriber channel i think the guys got the goodies to do something big in the industry and even more by the way but we were processing stuff together i can't help myself that's where i go to i process things and we go to it right so you got to find systems so you think less what does it mean that is think less i've been walking this entire time i've been pressing this button i'm not thinking to press this button i'm just walking i'm not thinking i'm just doing it you have systems systems help you think less and you produce more you have to think a lot it takes a lot of your energy away conserve your energy you're going to need it move on faster something happens to you move on normally takes you a week to get over it do it in three days normally it takes you three days to get over it try to do it in one day normally it takes you one day try to do it in six hours normally a bad client pisses breaks your heart it takes you six hours do it in two hours it's two hours doing it by the way just till today i don't like rejections it just doesn't take me a week it takes me five seconds till today look at presidents debating on stage they're debating on stage you know and boom they're going back and forth you don't feel them getting offended because they're human beings but they move on and they go on to the next one even them they're not robots none of us are but you got to move on faster next define hard work most people don't know what hard work is actually define what hard work means put a number to it compete up and stop being afraid of competing people bigger than you don't be afraid stop competing with people below you are next to you go up compete up well at least i'm making more money than my cousin or my brother or my sister that's nothing let's compete up a little bit right if you want to go out and compete in a marketplace last couple things before i wrap up why should someone work for you or with you this is a question we rarely ask number one what benefits are you currently offering to others by the way this is not just working for you as an employee or sales person this is also working with you as a client why should someone what benefits do i get from somebody working with for me working with you what benefits do you offer can you actually write those down you know how many times i've gone through this myself what benefit i sit down with the home office employees with my seven c suite executives what benefits do we offer guys we figured out we just had a meeting two weeks ago in south florida everybody flew in we had a three days you know from 7 00 a.m til midnight all we did is blue ocean strategy on answering these questions for three straight day after swot analysis next in what way do people improve by associating with you if i'm your friend does my life get better if i work with you does my life get better do i make more money how many lives have you changed positively in the past year can you make a list and in what way not in an arrogant way well what's your reputation right what makes your company distinct from your competition what separates your leadership style from others do you have a code of honor that you embody do you embody it what benefit programs will they get from being associated with somebody like you these are things that you think about now let me wrap up here and we bring up cody here's the last thing i want you to be thinking about pre-covet we have different types of problems to solve during covet how many guys were like oh my gosh i have no clue how to overcome how many guys covet was a pretty strange time for all of us yes or no like some problems we have to address that we never knew how to address right it's officially post cobit during covid america printed six and a half trillion dollars of money just so you know forty percent of all the money ever printed in america was printed in the last 12 months let me say one more time please listen please listen to what i just said nearly 40 percent of all the money ever printed in america was printed in the last 12 months 15 months we've been on since 17 7 to 245 years 40 and you know what's crazy all this money they printed let's give stimulus to this to that person to this person you know what happened no matter who they gave the money to guess who the money flowed to to the rich people the rich got richer not because they're bad people because they were ready because poor people don't know how to manage their money when it comes to them there was three types of people those who just became incred the last the last nine months i have made more money the last month nine months in my entire lifetime and i've made a lot of money in my lifetime i've made more money in the last nine months than my entire lifetime okay my entire lifetime why because we were ready for this season but i'm gonna tell you this here money flows so three types of people poor got poorer rich got richer the people in the middle who were ready they got richer there's a lot of new money by the way some of them are in the room here a lot of new money but we're officially at post cobit everybody here leaves how you do the next 12 24 36 60 months will be predicated based on what kind of strategies you have in place if you do it right money is going to flow to you if you don't money is going to flow to somebody else but if you just go wing in it don't expect money to come to you all i'm going to say is if you think money was made the last five ten years nothing close to the kind of money that's gonna be made next 10 20 years if you go on the right run having said that thank you so much for your time everybody appreciate you [Music] you
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 170,973
Rating: 4.931375 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david
Id: o6Xy5EP77to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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