The Untold Story of The Hello Kitty Murder

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hello everybody and welcome back to another brand new episode of the casual criminalist hello i am your casual criminalist simon uh what happens here is uh i have a script about this is the hello kitty murders which i have to say sounds like the most clickable title of an episode ever because you're like hello kitty murders i feel like when you take something cute and combine it with something horrible it's like oh what why oh i must have to click on that and i'm sure if you're watching this on youtube i had a appropriately click baity thumbnail to go along with this because that's how the game works isn't it everybody this app has been written by a first-time new author for the casual criminalist rounds of applause please jen our wonderful video producer in the sound of flex welcome george thank you the hello kitty murders is his piece this is uh now there's callum there's david there's george um it feels you know this is in my endless endless attempts to keep up with casual criminalist content because this episode we do two of these a week that's what i aim for they're bloody long and i realize poor callum can't do it all himself so george is also uh writing a little bit of something for casual criminalist uh if you're new here i've never read this before i'm gonna read it it's called a cold read which is also that thing that psychics do which is a bit weird i always just had it from the drama thing where it's like uh you know to test your abilities you'll be given like a page of a script and be like read that oh god okay like a sight reading music i guess you could also call it like sight reading but uh anyway not important why are we off on a tangent before you've even gone let's jump into the heliketo hello kitty murders let's go hong kong in 1999 was a rapidly changing city in search of an identity two years prior in 1997 british administration of the burgeoning metropolis ended after 156 years and 6.5 million colonial subjects returned to chinese rule sort of right they didn't remain in they didn't become entirely chinese because now there's that whole thing about the protests about how now they're worried about becoming fully chinese there was something where it was like that the laws didn't come into effect in like 2050 or something i believe i made a video about it and now i've forgotten all of the pertinent facts as i am uh as i want to do to be honest anyway i believe george lives in hong kong if i'm not mistaken i think he said that in an email to me which is intense uh initially a scattering of fishing villages and a small chinese fort numbering no more than 7500 people hong kong had transformed into asia's world city a huge pouring in of chinese capital following the sino-british joint declaration in 1984 had morphed the city into the jungle of glass steel and concrete that we know it for today more construction site than city in this period huge swaths of the territory's green space were disappearing to make space for 70-story high-rise tower blocks i've never been to hong kong i have to say i'd really like to go it seems like i don't know so super densely packed isn't it the most expensive real estate in the world just because there's so little space and so many people living there i can't remember the is it because it's like free trade but it's also china is that why it's so popular wow my my lack of knowledge about hong kong is really showing um huge land reclamation projects forever changed the coastline and provided the space for some of the world's tallest buildings the familiar landmarks of the colonial period were disappearing kaitak airport would no longer provide its famous views of jumbo jets kissing the rooves of tower blocks being replaced with a cruise ship terminal and a housing estate it's a bit of a change from an airport isn't it kowloon walled city no longer stood as a monument to barely organize self-determination and was torn down to be replaced with a public park kowloon walled city is crazy that was like this entire sort of city town that was just built in this really small area of hong kong and uh there was kind of like no rules there was no like building permission so it was all this crazy hodgepodge of stuff um which kind of i don't know it's a shame it's gone i'd love to have visited there i made a whole geographic video which is a youtube channel i do about that and again i've forgotten many of the details about it but i do remember it being cool the historic star ferry once the only way of reliably crossing victoria harbor was relegated to little more than a tourist trap as tunnel boring machines worked 24 7 to give the city one of the most advanced and widely served subway systems in the world likewise extreme triad violence appeared to be largely confined to the annals of history as hong kong transformed into the picture of modernity and splendor that was until may 1999 when a distressed 14 year old girl entered yao oh god oh no george included these pronunciation guides for me but for some reason my uh whatever i'm i'm using my ipad to read this instead of what i was reading on the computer and they've all gone away and instead of being a professional and going to look them up and fixing this problem i'm just going to guess i'm so sorry george but i'm on a time today because i want to get home and see my family contrary to popular belief despite how many youtube videos i make and podcasts that i film i do like seeing them so here's my best guess yamate yamate police station claiming that for several weeks her every moment both awake and asleep was plagued by the ghost of a bloodied and beaten young woman it sounds like she doesn't need to be going to the police but she needs to be going to a hospital the phantom barely recognizable as a human for the physical suffering it had endured frayed strands of electrical wire that had once bound the spirit's arms still embedded in the gashes inspector's wrists oh my god you need some drugs like not recreational drugs but the drugs that make you stop seeing this stuff because obviously phantoms aren't real and and you're imagining it because your brain's not working properly which is the ongoing and never-ending theme of casual criminalist whether it's a psycho-murderer or a girl who is imagining ghosts it's all lots of people with slightly broken brains and all the people hitting me up on twitter being like ah simon the ghosts are real i've seen one all i'm thinking is like well your brain is slightly broken too just for that one little moment where you saw a ghost something misfired and went wrong which is a far more reasonable explanation than ghosts yes it is its face disfigured and warped as though it had endured weeks of cruel and unrelenting beating the ghost wailed like a banshee begging for its torture to finally be over initially the police paid the younger girl no he dismissing her claims as an elaborate ruse to garner attention or a drug-fueled psychotic episode the desk sergeant sat the girl down and now becoming rather fed up with having to deal with the girl picked up his phone and tried to contact her parents the girl then shared one detail the then slammed the receiver down and give her his full attention she had killed her oh oh oh oh my so this is like some sort of psychotic con confession where you've killed someone you keep seeing their ghost i mean it's not really their ghost you're just haunted by the fact that you murdered them uh-oh how old was she 14 under further questioning the young girl revealed that a nightmare was anything but a fantasy and in fact she was seeing the spirit of a young woman that she and three other men had jointly tortured for weeks and in before she passed away the girl offered to lead the police back to the scene of the crime and two officers raced with the girl the short distance to the third floor of number 31 granville road simsa oh god george i'm so sorry i can i know i even vaguely remember seeing the pronunciation in the guide with this one ah but i haven't done it also it's interesting with hong kong right because it's like granville road it sounds like super british but then tsim soy sounds like well well not because hong kong an interesting like hodgepodge of cultures fun as colonialism that was sarcastic by the way as they ascended the steps of the decrepit and derelict old walk-up tenement the girl ushered the officers inside a particular flat and they were met with a scene more befitting of the brutality of the japanese's occupation half a century century prior oh my god the japanese occupation of china was insane i feel like all i'm doing today is mentioning previous videos that i've done but uh god what was it called uh there was that the rape of nanking was crazy like unbelievable war crimes and brutality i can't remember if it was on geographics or into the shadows somewhere i did a video out there see i'm not really plugging it because i don't even remember where i did it so i can't even give a proper like do proper marketing can't even do it but just boy was that crazy you don't want the japanese occupying your country you do not the beige paint of the once prestigious property peeling away leaving large patches of exposed concrete the floor littered with the collapsed remnants of furniture too large and valueless to be removed when the property was abandoned bamboo scaffolding and lengths of 2x4 scattered around the peripheries of the apartment relics of aborted attempts at renovation a dirty and soiled single mattress sat in the corner of the room flanked by multiple piles of condom packets and discarded needles lovely in the kitchen a small gas stove sits beside a rusted refrigerator the girl now pale as a sheet leads the officers to the aforementioned fridge slumps ahead in silence and simply points at it oh god don't be like there's gonna be like the head in there or something like american psycho style sorbet oh [ __ ] the closest officer follows her direction and slowly opens the door he pauses to take in the scene that greets him bewildered why a fridge in such a derelict department would be packed with so much crudely butchered meat if it takes him more than two seconds to put that together be like oh wow that's a really good oh god what have you done it took mere moments for the obvious realization to dawn on him he slams the door of the fridge shut and charges into the hallway of the tenement to vomit the girl informs the remaining officer that pack tightly into the fridge as the butchered remains of fan man yi god damn my dudes why why i mean i no i don't even want to say that i'm like at least it's in the fridge but that just sounds like oh there's a what the officer's eyes are then drawn to the large hello kitty mermaid doll to his side it's a little bit of a contra like not a contradiction what's it called like a weird tableau what's that called there's a word for this maybe it is contradictory it's not everyone in the everyone everyone right now listening to that is screaming that word in their mind aren't they because whenever i'm listening to a podcaster so i can't come up with a word i'm always like it's this you idiot um so enjoy that moment you big brain moments ago this dollar blended unnoticed into the general clutter of the apartment now however he notices a certain redness to the dirt that stains the doll almost akin to dried blood he puts on plastic gloves and goes to inspect the doll further the body of the doll seemed normal enough but there was a certain hardness to its head he couldn't particularly squeeze it or compress it has he some have they somehow put the skull of a woman inside that hello kitty skull what the what is wrong with you he then noticed some crude stitching on the and they stitched it in what is up on the rear of its head he unpicks the stitching and fan magne skull stained red and gray from her partially boiled and rotten brain matter falls onto the floor dude i'm he's probably glad he was sick before but now he's probably just wretching an empty stomach which is the worst feeling the victim [Music] the victim fan many was not a woman who found herself particularly heavily laden with luck even before she crossed paths with the group that would eventually brutally end her life a young man ye was abandoned by her parents when she was still an infant and raised in one of hong kong's orphanages hong kong orphanages in the early 1990s were not exactly temples of kindness and caring living conditions were often brutal and unforgiving and children residing within them rarely got the qualifications and care they needed to succeed in adult life thus it came to be that at the age of 16 in this tragically common pattern manu was evicted from the orphanage being deemed by the state to be an adult and fully capable of fending for herself despite all evidence and common sense the contrary unsurprisingly this did not yeah 16 is it's so young i remember being 16 like the end of my gcses before you go on to do a levels or go into the workforce i was brought up in like a well-balanced happy family you know things were good and i just can't even then even after like good upbringing decent gcses the idea of just going out into the world at 16 and defend for myself things would turn to disaster fairly quickly as i'd realized that you know i can't just play video games all day and there's things i got to pay for i feel like that dis difference between like 16 and the end of university which is like 2021 is so huge that's such a big four years i feel like 20 year old simon could kind of cope with stuff i mean he was still an idiot but at least he could cope 16 year old simon no he can't even grow a proper beard unsurprisingly this did not end well for the young girl who with nowhere to live no job no qualifications and no one she could turn to for aid and support quickly found herself treading the ever-tragic path of prostitution drug abuse and petty criminality at some time in the seven years between her eviction and a murder she had a son but it is uncertain whether he was the result of liaisons with a partner or a customer her son has also never come forward for interviews or to discuss his early childhood perhaps if one day he does we may be able to shed more light on the early years of fan many's life yeah he's got no reason to do that don't do that just get on with your life that doesn't sound like a good time for you the 23 year old woman worked as a prostitute in kowloon's poorer districts of which there were plenty in 1999. when reading about this case you will often encounter two clashing claims some sources identify as working as a nightclub hostess others as a prostitute articles contemporary to events and the police report from the incident all identify her as a prostitute with latter and more recent english language articles on the case tending towards identifying her as a nightclub hostess the initial change in story cannot be tracked down to an initial initial article but likely it spawns from a well-meaning if ultimately incorrect attempt to allow the victim a greater degree of dignity it's a bit of revisionism then isn't it which i mean i get but we shouldn't like it's easy and then you get the internet thing where it's like it just copies from and copies and copies and you know someone telling the story like and i'm sure i'm guilty of this i'm certain as well you see something you know someone finds a reliable source cites it but that original reliable source was wrong and then another reliable source is saying and then you got two and it perpetuates itself i think george even said ah this is why i know he lives in hong kong because he said he was going to go to the not to the police station or something but some records he could look up somehow or maybe that's why i thought he was in hong kong i guess i don't know um how fun in 1997 when fan manu was 21 years old she began working in a brothel rather than on the street prostitution in hong kong sat and still does sit in a murky gray area of the law not exactly illegal but not exactly legal the act of prostitution itself was legal but pimping keeping a vice establishment causing or procuring another to be a prostitute and living on the prostitution of others were outlawed this sounds like a fairly common way that countries do it though prostitution itself is illegal but you can't pimp um there was a guy here in uh in prague who went to prison he ran some like nightclub and it turned out he was a pimp and he went to prison for ages and i was like well good you deserve it don't be a pimp this created the uniquely hong kong situation in which pimps branched out into real estate buying apartments and units and cheaper buildings and converting them into numerous micro flats the landlords then just happened to rent them exclusively to prostitutes at far above the market rate where the girls plied their trade perfectly legally that sounds like the sort of loophole that should be closed about a week after someone discovers it i'd be like why are all these guys buying us apartments and putting young women in there oh i see i see change the law come on let's get that you know get that dynamic law working and let's stop this from happening it is this type of establishment that the 21 year old many found herself residing and working in the young woman believed herself safer in such establishment and statistically she was but a landlord and many of her clients were still triads meaning she was never truly safe now just before we continue with today's video i do want to take a quick moment to thank today's wonderful sponsor hello fresh with hellofresh you get fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep that sounds convenient and delicious and who doesn't love convenience and deliciousness this winter there's nothing better than cozying up with the comforting home-cooked meals recipes like chicken ramen in shoyu style broth i'm not the biggest ramen fan i was talking about this in in another ad i did for hellofresh and i was like it's not really selling it but ramen reminds me of being a student i know people like oh but simon there's these delicious fancy ramens and i've tried them and i'm like yes all right it's not bad it just reminds me of being a student and eating crap food um brilliant job with hello fresh read their fat boy brilliant job but they have something that i would find delicious peppercorn crusted beef tenderloin now that sounds good forget the ramen get that crusted beef tenderloin you know what's nice about hellofresh ah you get to choose they're not like guess what you've got to eat ramen even if you don't like it no there's a wide selection which i think i have to talk about later but uh yeah you get to eat what you like which is which is nice hello fresh makes eating well easier with many family-friendly 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25 percent compared to grocery shopping source university of michigan wow they got the university of michigan to study this summer that's crazy i mean i like it because the amount of food i waste is is terrible and that's what you know hello fresh help people prevent that which saves the world or i mean at least helps save the world somehow in your own little way and by all of us doing that it adds up to a big deal doesn't it go to and use the promo code criminalist 14 for up to 14 free meals and three free gifts as if 14 free meals wasn't enough go to and use code criminalist 14 for up to 14 free meals and three free gifts fantastic yes thank you hellofresh and now back to today's video the theft [Music] after two years of plying our trade in this brothel fan man yi was by all accounts something of a favorite among the establishments unsavory clientele one of her regular clients was the 34 year old chang man lock manlock often asked for many personally in his police interrogation he went into rather explicit detail about exactly why he took such a shine to her but for the sake of simon's monetization we shan't dwell too too much on these particulars george i hate to break a tee but when we talked about the uh the police officer opening the fridge full of human meat i'm fairly sure that if we lost our monetization we already lost it but i'm happy to also skip over this stuff because it just sounds uh a little bit unpleasant anyway so the important takeaway is that through this regular liaison man he became intimately aware of man locke's triad profession and the bountiful dividends it yielded onto his bank account you the audience as the intelligent worldly big brains that you all are would probably agree with me if i were to claim that stealing a triad member's wallet isn't exactly the greatest move for an individual seeking to live a long and fruitful life yes that sounds like a terrible idea like i don't know gangs are scary i've seen enough movies to know that i don't know mafia gangs governments of countries where they don't have proper rule of law just don't just don't go there you know there's there's videos that i've not made and stuff because i'm like why would i go there why would i'm not a journalist i have no desire to be a journalist i don't know journalists i have deep admiration for the stuff that journalists kept up to where they dig out stuff and then it's like they release and it's like yeah yeah this guy was doing this and you're like oh my god oh my god you're gonna get murdered someone's gonna get murdered for this and then they do get murdered and then you see on that press feed at freedom index and it's like oh my god i have a huge respect for this but i have no desire to do it myself because i like to be alive i'm glad people do but i'm just not that morally good i just just like boy i'm too selfish i just want to live what were we talking about that was a mega tangent sadly fan manu was not exactly level-headed and rational during this period those two facets of her person having been slowly eroded by a lifetime of pain suffering and drug dependency when clear-headed and supplied with a fix she would no doubt concede as readily as you or i that such a mood would be a very move would be a very very stupid idea yeah this is the thing like uh how much percentage of it is like you know uh small crime is committed by people who just uh stealing things so they can sell them for drug money it's like it's crazy like my uh my mother-in-law runs a a guest house like a b sort of thing and one of her one of the people staying in her place stole from her and she's like you say you know i take your id when you check in and it turns out that it's stolen all the [ __ ] to sell it for drug money and stuff and it's like this is the craziest thing ever it's like they know who you are it's like we know you know who did it and it's like oh yeah yeah because people who steal things for drug money they don't think properly they're just like it's just the short short term thinking to the point of the next 20 minutes not the next week even which is crazy i don't know i want those people it's just like i live in the future to the extent of not enjoying the present which i know is not a good thing either but one night in march 1999 with her son desperate for food and every cell and fiber of her dependency riddled of her dependency riddle person screaming out for the next fix she saw an opportunity and in the heat of the moment she took it after a session with chanman lark she looked to the floor and saw his handsomely filled wallet protruding from his crumpled trousers the opportunity briefly overtook her reason and before she could even stop to fully consider the ramifications of such an act she glanced over her shoulder to make sure he wasn't looking ripped the wallet from his pocket and hid it in the clutter of the room as he went to put his trousers on the realization hit her all other emotions evaporated from her in an instant replaced only with dread and dark fantasies of what would happen to her when a client felt his now empty pocket much to her dismay and relief he did not realize simply thanking her as usual and going about his way she breathed a deep sigh of relief as the door closed behind him and she sank onto the bed that was stupid but it'll be fine it'll be ages until he finds it missing and then he'll just assume that he lost it on the way home she thought uh yeah no he's not gonna he's not gonna think that that's not what he's gonna think he's gonna be like he's seen like i don't know he's seen movies he knows that she took the wallet that's how it is every every movie is like that sex working they they took the wallet changman lock was feeling thirsty after his session with van maaney so he headed to the nearest 7-eleven and grabbed himself a zesty and refreshing beverage like anyone would he panicked when he couldn't find his wallet and began to retrace his steps he had had his wallet when he paid many only half an hour ago he thought and as the realization hit him the panic in his mind was replaced by all consuming anger he stormed out of the store with a ray with the rage of a man possessed by a demon and headed back to the brothel he barked at the crowd of men waiting outside get the [ __ ] out of my way that stole my money he slammed on manny's door threatening to take it off its hinges if it wasn't open immediately batman yi pale as a ghost and consumed by fear slowly began to open the door which was barged through by a client at the moment he heard the lock click he pushed to the floor grabbed her by the collar and pulled her head up to him his and snarled at her two words wallet now manny released his grip on her and she handed him the wallet it took him he took a moment to count his cash and make sure that his four thousand hong kong dollars about 400 pounds was accounted for he then explained to her that compensation for this insult she owed him ten thousand hong kong dollars about a thousand pounds couldn't you just like i don't know maybe it was just not how it works but i'll just be like i know you want it what are you talking about and then it you'd search around for it and clutter around the place and just be like yeah it fell out no one noticed i mean it's it's not super believable but it's also better than being like yeah i took it please don't murder me triad obviously fan manu did not have this kind of money either on her person or in her bank account she pleaded with chan manlock explaining that she had every will and intention of paying but she needed time to find that much money with little else he could do he left her room and wanted and warned her that he would be back soon to collect the money the kidnapping [Music] chad manlock knew that fan man yi had ample opportunities to escape within 24 hours she could have fled to the united kingdom or disappeared deep into the chinese mainland and with her would disappear both his compensation and his pride satisfaction how's she gonna flee to the united kingdom she doesn't have how much money was it a thousand pounds how sh where's she gonna get the money she doesn't only wear close to a thousand pounds she doesn't even i'm assuming she has less than the guide in her wallet his wallet so 400 pounds how on earth are you gonna get to the uk in 24 hours with less than 400 pounds that's unrealistic accordingly you went to pay revisit the next day and remind her of the dues she owed him the gangster was enraged albeit not surprised when he entered the brothel and found the enticing purple lights of manny's workplace switched off with her nowhere to be seen the girl had absconded he enlisted the help of two criminal comrades 27 year old lung shin cho and 21 year old lung wai lung to search for fan man yi dude just let it go i'm sure it's 400 pounds if you got foreign look the amount of money you carry in your wallet is generally an insignificant amount of money to you or maybe you know it's like a few days worth of money right of cash spending and i guess maybe it was even less back in the day when they didn't have cards and stuff all the time so you could assume that 400 pounds equivalent is not a lot of money to him so why are you so bothered if someone stole my wallet i'd be like oh man someone stole my wallet i better get a new one i'm not going to like have some crazy ass grudge or is this just how gangsters think i'd be like don't you have other bigger gangster problems to deal with aren't the people like i don't know interrupting your drug shipments and i don't know like what other gangsters get up to in hong kong in the 90s like don't you have bigger fish to fry they had no idea where she lived so they resorted to night after night meticulously searching hong kong's various red light districts reasoning that if she was still in the city she would be in need of money so she couldn't so she couldn't have ended up anywhere else dude what are you doing wasting your time like this with some stupid revenge if this person like murdered your family i'd be like yeah yeah yeah go get em go get em but they stole a wallet with not even that much money in it for you they searched wan chai a district of hong kong island frequented mostly by european expats believing she may be using a change of clientele to hide they found no sign of her they searched sham shui po a heavily ethnic minority district of hong kong whose differing circles may provide her some cover again they found no sign of her the men were unrelenting in their search until by pure luck in march 1999 they found her working on a street corner how long are you doing this for you'd like traveling around hong kong it's going on for months this is ridiculous unified behind their purpose like a hive mind the three gangsters took no refrieve to consult one another or formulate a plan they immediately looped around the block and pulled up to fan man yi as though there were perspective clients and they dived out of the car and bundled her into the boot before she could identify the men and flee the scene they screeched off into the night and drove many to one of their tribe's properties number 31 granville road sim cha a place that should be hauntingly familiar from our introduction the torture [Music] at this point jan manlock liang ching chol and leung wai lung had a simple enough albeit already abhorrent plan established the decrepit apartments as a brothel imprisoned fan man ye inside and forced her to have sex with clients of the gangsters choosing to pay for debt this plan quickly changed however and evolved into one of stomach churning torture and brutality the men were then joined by the teenage girl from our introduction the unnamed then 13 year old girlfriend of 34 year old chan manlock chan man lock mate what are you up to i'm 34 you sicko then the group of the group of four settled in it's not a girlfriend that's not a girlfriend george i would say that is a victim the group of four settled in for the night satisfied in there having secured fan man ye as the drink flowed and the drugs were snorted the group began to be overcome with an all-together more sinister intention toward the ill-fated girl anger consumed the three men who began to chastise and berate their captive then they slapped her slaps turned into punches which turned into kicks which became beatings with kitchen utensils which became beatings with bamboo poles and metal bars the crescendo of violence escalated throughout the night as fan many was stripped of every shred of humanity and reduced nor but a punching bag for a group of sadistic and warped animals masquerading in the image of petty gangsters shockingly still the 13 year old girlfriend of victim of chan manlock became a willing accomplice to the violence inflicting violence upon the poor girl as many of her as as as great as many of her male accomplices she's still a victim and now she is also a criminal this horrific torture was sadly not relegated to a single night of drug-filled barbarity either this became the group's routine barely describable torture being constantly inflicted upon fan manny the only reprieve from this physical humiliation being the periods in which she was subjected to the emotional humiliation of being forced to service the clients that came to this brothel this too worsened with time as word spread about the local area that there was a prostitute who could be roughed up without complaints from a pimp her increasingly broken down state only drove away relatively conventional clients and drew even more sadistic ones in their place this is a horrible situation as the situation worsened for fan many over the following weeks physical torture was no longer enough for her captors they began to torture her emotionally too forcing her to smile through the beatings to thank her for her punishment to give monologues about how much she loved being punished and how grateful she was for being given the opportunity to be absolved by sin against chan man locke predictably refusal or lack of enthusiasm in the execution of these commands only resulted in harsher beatings this is one of those this is the sort of thing you read about in a fiction book or see in a movie there was this movie this horrible movie about mexican gangsters about like the drug cartels and like juarez and [ __ ] i think it had penelope cruz in it maybe it was called sicario that might have been a different movie though and it was just like man it did not let up about the depravity of these mexican gangs and you're watching the movie and just oh my god i'm just so glad this is fiction and then you read something like this and you're like humanity [ __ ] us all with such pieces of the condition of the poor girl eventually became so poor that even the most depraved men of hong kong refused to sleep with a woman who was orbited corpse the group became unable to make any money from her and she wasn't able to do anything to clear her debt not that this mattered to her captors for them this had long stopped being about clearing a debt now they just reveled in the twisted ecstasy of their brutality then they graduated to birth burning her they would drip hot candle wax onto her body use a lighter to mark plastic on her and set short lengths of wood on fire and place them on her body they held the palms of her hands and the soles of her feet down on the gas stove so that she couldn't even grip or walk without crippling agony this was still not enough they poured stronger okay okay enough enough yeah enough they bind her i just don't want to read this anymore the murder [Music] the inevitable finally happened on the 15th of april 1999 the group went out to a party as per their routine they locked fan mae in the bathroom so she couldn't escape when they returned chan man locks lest we forget 13 year old they're just going to cross that word out and in my mind victim went to use the toilet if our man you dead in the bath she could take no more punishment and finally had passed away after a month of brutal suffering so tortured was a body that had appeared as though she had entered the early stages of decomposition before she even died blood pus removed so like gangrene gangrene that would be gangrene blood pus from her wounds and other bodily fluids were pooling in the bottom of the bath and they and she lay in the smell of putrefying human flesh which filled the air of the apartment i am it's been the last episode as well or two episodes ago i came away being very much like yeah uh these guys deserve death penalty and i'm really crossing my fingers that although was hong kong no it wasn't british in 1999. so maybe it does have death penalty that'd be pretty sweet to be honest i'm kind of like yeah i mean not for the 13 year old obviously she's 13. um but for the two gangsters let's hang those pricks it will come as no shock to learn that fan may you was given no dignity even in death her murderers wanted her corpse disposed of as quickly as possible they also didn't want her to be identified if found to this end they butchered a corpse into parts small enough to fit in a cooking pot boiled the remain so that the flesh could be easily rendered from the bone in case you happen to be wondering yes it was the same cooking pot they'd used and continued to use to cook their meals in they then stored the remains in the refrigerator to stop further decomposition and to attempt to contain the smell there's a perverse trophy to affair manus the murderers sewed up her boiled skull in the hello kitty mermaid doll mentioned in the start of this episode it seemed that as much as they had the pragmatic common sense to want to dispose of her remains they couldn't help but keep a reminder hang him hang hang him tortured them to death and hang him normally i'm like we shouldn't be torturing people to death that's cruel and unusual we should just you know flip a switch and turn them off uh i'm coming around to the torture the arrest [Music] fortunately this is the part of the story where chad manlock's now 14 year old girlfriend victim became consumed with guilt as we discussed at the beginning of the episode whether or not she was if if this was me if that i would that guilt i'd kill myself i'll just kill myself unquestionably i would kill myself whether or not she was actually seeing fan mani's ghost i would leave it to simon in the audience to decide sure i mean not a ghost obviously but i believe she saw her that's the kind of guilt she was feeling too scared to admit her anxiety to her boyfriend her predator and too ashamed to admit it to her parents she turned to the one organization she felt could bring justice for many and he's a conscience the hong kong police force thus how she came to be where we found her at the start of this episode in yao ma tay police station a territory-wide manhunt was immediately launched to bring all three men into custody ah less than 24 hours after his victim not girlfriend victim had walked into yao maite police station but it's complicated because the victim is the woman who was murdered as well as this girl that he's grooming uh had walked into yao mate police station changman lok was sat enjoying dim sum in a street side restaurant several blocks from the murder scene in simsa soy where a 12.5 ton armored truck locked its brakes and screeched hold in front of him special duties unit officers clad head to toe in black poured from the truck before it had even stopped dragged him from his chair and placed him under arrest with the arrests of long xing cho and long wai ling following shortly after under questioning the three suspects all had the exact same testimony they were just running an illegal brothel and that fan man yi had entered into their service consensually manu is an addict who died of an overdose they claimed and that out of fear of reprisal from both the legal system and their triad superiors they tried to make her disappear they knew that they had been caught red-handed and that they were going to be that they were going to go down for a long time their only concern was protecting their own skin and presenting the most believable story for the minimum amount of jail time all three men were thoroughly interrogated by psychiatrists who shockingly found nothing wrong with them okay unlike so many of the cases we investigate on this channel where there is some kind of trigger some kind of trauma we can point to in order to explain such great evil in this instance there's nothing the three men were simply evil inhuman animals consumed by the intoxication of a blood frenzy yeah they were also gangsters they were driven to you know criminality in the underworld and and this sort of stuff tragically the despite the explicitly detailed testimony of chang manglok's girlfriend victim from which large portions of this video are derived there was sufficient gray area and evidence and testimony to spare no no fan menus murderers from the most extreme punishment in the hong kong legal system that they could that could be brought upon them please tell me the most extreme punishment is being tortured to death and the less extreme punishment is death because i'll take it if that's it i'll take just death i won't take life in prison or less it's not acceptable her remains were suitably mold and incomplete that it ultimately couldn't be proved beyond doubt exactly how she died the jury couldn't rule firmly that she'd been murdered and hadn't died of a drug overdose as the men claimed but it did rule that irregardless of whether they carried out the act they were responsible for her death all three men were sentenced to life in prison with no review for parole for 20 years until 2020 oh god that was last year ah chang menlox uh victim girlfriend victim due to our age i don't know what the better word is i don't know what i'm supposed to say because i can't say victim because the other one was murdered but every time i said girlfriend victim i felt myself cringe a little inside because girlfriend's not the appropriate word uh due to her age assistance in helping the police and questionable responsibility for the killing that had all charges against her dropped the most brutal episode in hong kong's recent history and let us play its future had drawn to a close this is not okay these guys might be out of prison by now they tortured someone to death over a month in the most horrific way you can imagine someone like where's liam neeson when you need him what about my family he should be out there he should be out there helping and by helping you know what i mean damn i mean not like miami neeson the actor but whoever he played in those uh not wanted were those movies called hunted i've got a very particular set of skills what are those what's that movie called where he goes and he hunts people it's awesome wrap up let's not let us not reduce the tragic case of fan man yi into a gruesome spectacle for us to gawk at yeah to be fair at that point where we were describing her torture like that was the point where i'm like i listen to i listen to and i watch some true crime stuff and i'm like sometimes it's just this is too much i know some people might listen for that but i don't want you guys to be listening for that that's not like i want it to be like where the the the person gets their comeuppance not where we listen to how brutally the victims were tortured that just i i don't want this to be like murder porn that's not what i'm here for and that's why i stopped reading it and skipped it remember her name remember her image and remember her tragic tale every city on earth has a plentitude of women just like fan man yi who are handed a bad hand by fate who have to scavenge for scraps on the edge of polite society's splendor and plenty of animals such as her killers who would seek to exploit them they are human just like you they have wants fears desires and dreams just like you and any one of them could have been one bad decision or encounter away from suffering the same fate as fan man ye are we really doing enough for those women both individually and as a as a society no obviously not after concluding this episode let's take a few moments to consider this question and maybe some positives that could be yielded from this most tragic affair no doubt this endeavor into the macabre has left many of us feeling less than chipper yeah this is uh i'm glad i'm doing this at the end of the day because uh it's not like great is it it's not a nice thing to have in your mind knocking around it's probably gonna stay with me though this one's particularly horrible so let us close by focusing on some positives despite this gruesome outlier to the country hong kong was a very safe city at the close the millennium and only continued to become more so in the following two decades in 1999 they had 63 homicides and 91 rapes for a population of 6.6 million 20 years later in 9 2019 the city had 24 homicides and 50 rapes despite an increase in population of 7.5 million much the relief of myself as a resident ah it does there we go i knew it and everyone listening who may find themselves in hong kong in the future homicides of any kind let alone homicides of the brutally sub of the brutality suffered by fan man yi are very very rare dismembered appendices on the culpability of zhang mang lok's victim girlfriend her responsibility for the fate of fan man yi is the great moral conundrum of this case sure as most 13 year olds tend to be she had some morality sufficiently developed to be aware of the fact that torture is among the most abhorrent and evil of crimes but to what extent did she truly comprehend the ramifications of her actions to what extent did she even have a choice yeah i am like i mean i glazed glossed over that a little bit because it's a really hard moral thing to kind of explore but obviously someone who's 13 has less culpability than someone's 18. i honestly feel like someone who's 30 has less culpability than some has more culpability than someone who's 18. like as we get older we become i like to think more ethically aware more understanding more wise more moral more a little bit more of everything maybe and an experience and i think that obviously we hold everyone over 18 to the same standard and i don't think that's necessarily fair obviously a 13 year old has more culpability than a seven-year-old i would say she has some but obviously she doesn't deserve to be in prison for the rest of her life in my opinion i think probably she needs help counseling probably prison until she's an adult and has been deemed not to be a risk to society by the justice system psychiatrists who knows what like something needs to happen to turn her life around would she suffer the same page as a victim if she didn't comply and appease her um oh god what's the right word predator her predator that also doesn't sound correct i feel like with all the like talk of this in the news the last few years i feel like i should know these terms better but i don't weird equally what stopped her going to the police at any point after she got involved in the brutality hindsight is 2020 of course but the fact we still don't know her name 22 years after the murder certainly implies she was safe to come forward questions like this however are significantly above my intellectual pay grade as a humble researcher and writer so i shall leave it to simon and yourselves in the audience to attempt to answer this question i don't think it's something that has an answer i think it's just something that you know morally we discuss we debate we think about we question i don't know if we ever arrive at an answer for that that's why justice is complicated this has been an episode of casual criminals thank you george i i can't say i liked this it was horrible um but your writing was excellent and i enjoyed i enjoyed that i hope you enjoyed this episode as well dear viewer or listener if you're watching this on youtube i can't even ask you to do it don't even don't subscribe don't click that like button it's just not right because it's just not right um yeah if you're listening to this show it's a podcast please do give it a review that would be grand and as always i'll be back next time thank you so much for watching and listening [Music]
Channel: The Casual Criminalist
Views: 296,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime
Id: pnjBXSJDj0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 14sec (2774 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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