The Brothel Killers: The Gonzalez Sisters and Hell's Whorehouse

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just before we get started with today's episode I do want to say that it's brought to you by the Legends over hello fresh and I'm going to tell you more about them in just a bit Hello everybody welcome back to another episode of The Casual criminalist as always hello there I'm your host Simon I'm here one of my writers in this case David thank you David has written me a script brothel Killers the Gonzalez sisters and hell's whorehouse David I don't know if you what I know are wondering about the politically correct word for whorehouse I don't think we can use that in the title it's probably been changed by the time this episode comes out because one I want to be monetized and two I don't want to get canceled come on David it's 2022. oh the the former here on this show if you're new welcome welcome is that David has written me something I'm gonna read it and uh yeah I've never read it before we're all gonna learn this together here we go yes my master [Music] is the month of January 1964 Catalina Ortega was a Mexican girl in her late teens she was small approximately five foot two inches with black hair and brat tan brown skin looking at her face one would say she was beautiful young vivacious pixie-like Catalina she had Delica features a petite nose and a mischievous but ravaging ravishing smile yet there was something troubling about the girl although just entering adulthood in some respect Catalina looked far younger than her age almost pre-pupescent this was because she was real thin and malnourished and that wasn't the only troubling thing about Catalina Ortega she was filthy not having bathed in weeks she was dressed in the threadbare rags of a well-worn nighty she did not have access to other clothes when she awoke in her bed she was drenched in a layer of cold sweat suffering withdrawal from heroin with which she was forcibly injected on a regular basis Catalina's eyes were glassy and day yet she felt stricken with fear she also thought she might be quite ill she was unsure if she had contracted a venereal disease oh my God I you know you're in for a rough episode when that's the opening paragraph don't you Catalina Ortega climbed out of bed and walked across the room inside of which she had been imprisoned with several other women disorientated from heroin dosages she had no idea what time of day it was or even the day's date all she knew was that it was dark it must be night she'd lost count of how many times men paying customers of the bodeon which she'd been held captive had entered that room and raped her Catalina was a victim of sex trafficking along with millions of other young women around the world she had been lured to the bordeo with Promises of a legitimate work only to be beaten starved drugged and forced to serve as clients without pay but not only that Catalina was a prisoner of the world's most prolific team of serial killers she had seen some of the murders first hand and Catalina knew if she did not somehow Escape that one day she would meet the same fate whoa so not only are we talking about sex trafficking but also the most prolific team of serial killers how do I not know of this I've not heard of this before and we've covered some pretty insane stuff on casual criminalists I mean okay let's let's carry on continue with the operation Catalina had grown thin and frail during imprisonment weighing no more than 85 pounds or 38 kilograms Jesus and her skin clung with sickening tightness to her bones rendering visible every single one of them in her rib cage in the corner of her squalid little bedroom was a small hole a gap that had worn into the wooden panels from nearly 10 years of wear and tear no more than a foot in diameter not large enough for an average human being to slip through but thanks to Catalina's weeks and weeks of malnourishment and deprivation she laid on her chest and managed to wriggle through dragging herself over the grit that lay upon the ground and arriving on the other side of the wall Catalina did not stand to her feet she crouched and listened carefully for any noise any sign of movement any shout of alarm nothing just silence Leary item with a little concept of her surroundings Catalina knew to head away from the house away from all the sources of Lamplight and into the darkness Barefoot she ran across a gravel path then into the bushes and then into an open pitch blackfield staying quiet she began to move slowly unable to see very far ahead of her and not wanting to fall ninja herself every so often Catalina would pause listening for any sound of pursuit her brutal captors had roughly half a dozen men working at the brothel who served as henchmen drivers bouncers bartenders in forces and torturers occasionally these henchmen murdered some of the girls themselves and invariably they were the ones who buried the bodies they were led by a particularly sadistic and cruel man a former Army Captain known as the Black Eagle once the instrument noticed Catalina's Escape they would be combing the countryside to get her back whereupon Catalina would be returned promptly killed and buried in a non-marked gray on its grounds the methods of our execution were open to speculation sometimes woman was merely shot in the back of the head other times she was locked in a room for days and deprived of food and water until she expired and sometimes the other girls Enslaved the brothel would be ordered to crowd around a woman kicking punching and striking with makeshift bludgeons until the starving mob of fellow captives beat The Condemned women to death this reads like fiction in the way that you'd read this in a book and you'd be like oh man it's good stuff like that doesn't exist in real life and like I know human trafficking exists and it's a terrible thing but then you read about something like this and it's just so like it's worse than you even imagine like it's I I mean I I don't like those movies there's that movie What's it is it sicario I I didn't like that movie it's like way too intense and you're like oh yeah but it's just a movie and then you but then you think and it's like oh my God [ __ ] like this does happen in the real world and it's just up hours later still under the cover of Nightfall Catalina Ortega made into the main road far enough from the bordello to reduce the risk of the passing cars being driven by our captors there she flagged down a farm truck the driver seeing this frail half naked young woman in considerable distress agreed to drive her 42 kilometers or 26 miles from the outskirts of the town of Lagos de Moreno where she had been held to the city of Lyon in the shadow of the Sierra de Lobos or the mountains of the Wolves they arrived after roughly half an hour's Drive although exhausted only half conscious and suffering the pangs of heroin withdrawal Catalina Ortega managed to give the driver directions to her mother's house where Catalina had lived prior to her abduction several months earlier oh my God this is also one of those things this is like horror movie-esque where you I I don't know what is this in Mexico like I could just imagine like you drive like 26 miles to the nearest town you're going to the police station and they're like yeah yeah we'll take care of you from here oh my God this is terrible and then it turns out the police are on the payroll and they just return her and then No One Ever Knows anything and that's the horror movie script and I'm really hoping that's that's not the script that we have today and I hope 26 miles I'd be like look just drop me off I need to go further or we need to go hundreds of miles to this because I don't or to the federal police or whoever the ones who are less likely to be corrupt in Mexico are I hope that exists like if you were if this was in I don't know the US you know you know just above the border and maybe the local police are on it in on it but if you go to the FBI they're gonna be like what is going on we need to investigate these local police or something right there's there's less corruption a higher level that sounds like an insane statement in a way doesn't it because this is corruption everywhere but I don't know you know what I mean right Catalina stood on the doorstep knocked and the door was flung open she was tearfully embraced by a motherhood not heard a word from Catalina since she had left time for a promising new work opportunity several months ago sex trafficking was somewhat rampant in 1960s Mexico and so when her daughter disappeared Catalina's mother had feared the worst but now after many months alone starved and forced into drug use Catalina Ortega was safe the question was whether she would remain so her captors were powerful people no don't even don't do it don't do it no this isn't the horror movie script she's gonna be fine go to the federal police sort this out rescue The Other Women come on let's go or they may know the people working at the the David calls it like a brothel let's just call it what is a slave encampment and they know that if she gets the police and gets to some police who are not on the books they are it's it's game over it's game over for them that's so that's a fairly powerful motivator to get her back or they're gonna break down that camp and everyone's just gonna disappear which is going to be a very bad outcome the bodies of angels Hill [Music] meanwhile at dawn the Black Eagle and his men began searching the countryside in the nearby towns to find Catalina and kill her that included a drive through Lyon where another one of their brothels was located oh my God there's more than one why in the same city where Catalina was hiding at her mother's she'll be found eventually if she did not do something and running for her life seemed impractical when Catalina and her mother had little money and no real place to go yet it was probably the safest course just to disappear instead Catalina and her mother decided to take a tremendous risk they were going to report Catalina's abduction and the abuse she suffered to the police oh my God but bear the local police they've got a brothel in this town the police are going to be on the payroll oh God so is there not like federales is that the word that comes to mind isn't there like some FBI equivalent come on please why although this would seem the natural response to many of us this course of action was highly risky because the captors had bought off many police in Mexico shocking in multiple towns and cities along with many prominent politicians and high-ranking figures in the Army oh my God you gotta go you gotta flee like you gotta like illegally immigrate to the us or something Christ come on let's go why don't the kids just run if the police officers Catalina spoke to were on the payroll of her captors her claims would be quickly dismissed and she would eventually be reported to her former tormentors this would enable the Black Eagle and his men to narrow down her location and if she did not flee then they would find her and silence her forever it is extremely fortunate that the officers Catalina Ortega Sports spoke to that day were not corrupt they took a claim seriously Catalina told them a harrowing story of how she was held for weeks at the ranch at the loremeda and yeah Angel where she had been forced into sex slavery she spoke of being lured to the ranch with promises of housekeeping work she spoke of being stripped naked and splashed with ice water upon her arrival she was beaten and intimidated into having sex with scores of men who arrived at the ranch girls who did not obey was starved or were thrashed or were forced to kneel down and hold up two heavy bricks in either hand for hours as their arms began to weaken and shake when they inevitably lowered their arms or dropped the bricks or slumped over a man would beat them with a club until they resumed their previous position or else the girls were beaten so badly that they had to be dragged away occasionally in order to further humiliate and traumatize the girls they would be forced to have sex with Barnyard animals this reads like a script for a horror movie what the [ __ ] you man humans why are we such pieces in order to keep the girls obedient they were coerced into habitually taking you the heroin or cocaine and once hooked there to keep servicing class in order to get their next fix they were locked inside not permitted to leave and seldom saw daylight if a girl caught an STD she would continue to work until she became too ill and then she would disappear if a garbage came too weak or disfigured from beatings and malnourishment to be sexually appealing to the clients anymore she would disappear in the unlikely event of the government to survive in captivity until she reached the age of 25 she would she would be quote unquote retired from service if a girl got pregnant from one of her clients should be forced to have a backdoor abortion if she became sick from the procedure she would be removed from the premises on the few occasions girls managed to carry a child full-time and give birth the baby would be taken from her and she would be working again the very next day these girls were disposable chattel to their captors there was always a fresh supply of newly kidnapped victims to replace them Catalina Ortega alleged to police the roughly a dozen girls between the ages of 12 and 18. were still captives at the Loma de Angel Ranch as they spoke to their credit the cops sprang into action first based on Catalina's testimony this cured an arrest warrant for the brothel's owners second due to probable cause that more girls were in danger they obtained a search warrant for Loma de Angel third they arrested a relative of the owners Josephine Gutierrez a local procurist who had been implicated in trying to kidnap a 13 year old girl under questioning Josefina revealed to the police that lometer angel was the center of a sex trafficking ring on January the 14th 1964 the police raided the ranch they took with the mcgaggle of newspaper men and photographers along with a mob of angry townsfolk had been tipped off about what was going to happen the police wisely did this so that the raid would have too many witnesses to be swept under the rug buying of their corrupt colleagues or a bent judge this is super clever I'm very impressed with what the police were doing so far because at some point I was just expecting this story to be like and then they decided not to and the search order got overthrown by a more by a politician or a senior judge and uh nothing ever happened by bringing and the cops were the cops disappeared and I'm just like by bringing along the newspapers and the townspoken making it all extremely public is a genius move well done police there at Loma to Angel they found over a dozen malnourished girls locked in bedrooms closets and hidden behind panels of the walls suffering from various wounds and diseases a few of them have been bound in Chains these girls confirmed Catalina's story The Crowd grew angry and demanded that the police lynched the owners of the ranch to short middle-aged women dressed in black funeral attar and their half dozen henchmen the back Eagle amongst them then the girls began pointing out spots on the property where the police would find bodies the police grabbed the Black Eagle man responsible putting any of the bodies there in the first place and set him to work digging them up over the next hour the crowd watched in Horrors the Black Eagle on Earth to mass grave containing 10 adult corpses nine of them female one of them male along with smaller skeletons of several aborted fetuses and dead babies character term David David did you have to ruin my Monday why why you do that this is this is one of the most miserable scripts I've done in a long time all of them are laying in the pit for quite some time and still after all that the girls insisted that there were many more mass Graves to be found Elsewhere on the property the two owners of lomondor Angel the middle-aged women clad in Black began to shout angrily and defiantly that these were lies in return the angry mob began hurling insults at them the mood grew venomously tense the matronly and harmlessly looking women were arrested and taken in for questioning police would be shocked to discover the full extent of their crimes if that turned into like a Lynch Mob and there's just a people just like ran over and beat them all to death I'd be like I wouldn't be upset if that's where our story ended today although I guess now they're going to be taken into custody the extent of their cries is going to be revealed hopefully a bunch more people will get arrested and then they'll all be hung because there's another one where I'm like yeah no death penalty is okay like this is fine in this case like we know they're guilty as sin or you know they've done something that is something that humans should not be capable of and they I I don't again I don't want to get into the debate on the death penalty but Jesus some people don't deserve to live do they so let me interrupt today's episode it's really about today's fantastic sponsor hellofresh hellofresh recipes are absolutely delicious you know that's true you've heard me talk about them before you can experience a harvest at home with hellofresh's newest seasonal recipes packed with the flavors of fall like scallops over butternut squash risotto oh that sounds great I love butternut squash that sounds amazing or balsamic rosemary pork chops I love pork chops talk to me hello fresh this is what I want to eat are these autumnal yeah I guess squash is very autumnal or full LOL is that what you would say in America I don't know look it's autumnal stuff isn't it it's easy I save money time and stress all things that well we want more money in our life and we want more time and we definitely want less less stress Don't We hello fresh isn't just for dinners though you could shop hellofresh market for quick breakfast it's wholesome snacks even desserts you'll find everything the status about your Cravings without stepping foot in a grocery store or Mini Mart I was thinking the other day how cool it would be if I never had to go to a grocery store again that'd be legit by just not not having to do that I get no joy out of that it's like I don't mind like shopping for like some sort of stuff I like you know they're going to the electronic store and look at all the new gadgets from companies or big TVs I'm like wow look at that but go into store and looking at the different types of baguettes I'm like yeah hard pass that's what hello fresh is for also help you reach your goals they've got you know if you're vegetarian they can handle that pescatarian yes fit and wholesome yes I'm none of those things I just like taste which they also do uh hello fresh also makes it more sustainable all of their packaging is recyclable which is sorry nearly all this recyclable there's always something you can't recycle it's just the nature of the world isn't it but if nearly if then if it's nearly all that's bloody good isn't it go to and use my code 65 criminalists for 65 off plus free shipping again go to and use my code 65 criminals for 65 off plus free shipping yes thank you Ali profession now back to today's episode made the Gonzalez sisters the Gonzalez sisters were born into poverty in the town of El Salto de Juana catlan in the Mexican state of Jalisco between 1914 and 1924. the country had undergone a massive Civil War and in the 1920s was still racked by violence between revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries the predations of military Warlords and the ever-present turmoil created by corrupt officials in rigged elections the ordinary people not very well to do at the best of times struggled life was cheap and many people cast aside their Scruples and did whatever they had to do to survive although only two of them were arrested during the raid of January 14 1964. there were actually Four Gonzales sisters who would later devote themselves to a life of crime the eldest born in 1912 delphina the Tyrant the second eldest born in 1918. Carmen the [ __ ] the third eldest born in 1920 Louisa the leggy one and the youngest born in 1924 Maria de Jesus or Chewie for short their father was Isidro Torres Gonzalez who when Delfina was born in 1912 was a peasant worker on the LA on a large cultural estate I'm sorry like I get that we're setting them up to have this like poor backgrounds and it's like you've got to do you know uh what did David say um people I'd cast aside their scribbles to do whatever they had to do to survive um yeah but no like I don't care how bad things are and people will be like oh Simon you'll understand what it's like you get such a privilege and I'm like no it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how things are you don't do this it's like that oh it's just following orders if I didn't you know um if I didn't round up the Jews I would have been killed and it's like to be killed I'm sorry it's not it's not good enough in the early 1920s Isidro was recruited for the rural Defense Force this was a police force recruited solely from laborers to fight the private armies erected by were Mexico's wealthiest citizens the rural police also helped Crush peasant rebellions lastly the rule Defense Force played a sort of Highway cop role in the countryside and small towns by all accounts Isidro was a violent alcoholic and had a reputation for abusing his authority as a police officer he rode his horse through the town on patrol hurling threats and verbal abuse that passes by occasionally he'd Dismount and beat people in the street very often he did his patrols drunk the police drop however did not pay well and Isidro was always struggling to find enough money to support his growing family Isidro was married to barnardino Valenzuela extremely past Catholic woman she frequented church every single day prayed obsessively and was consumed by the ideals of faith family self-denial and bubble obedience to her husband whose bad habits she enabled when it came down to choose between Isidro and her daughters bernardina always sided with her husband it's difficult to tell how faithful of a Catholic Isidro really was but one thing is clear he was a fanatical traditionalist he took the view that his wife and daughters were his property to do with as he pleased Disobedience was to be violently punished and the regular beatings were fueled by isidro's abuse of alcohol he viewed women as inferior physically and intellectually and believed that they were easily LED astray more specifically believed that if his wife and daughters were given any sort of Freedom whatsoever they would generate into Wayward his words as such the Gonzalez sisters were kept under lock and key as they grew up if Isidro found that they were wearing clothes that were too revealing or excessive makeup that would make them look like streetwalkers he would beat them and he'd lock them in their rooms Bernardino meanwhile sexually shamed her daughters and told them to pray and ask for forgiveness for their low impulses and sinful Natures it doesn't take a child psychologist to figure out the Gonzales sisters resented this repressive and abusive upbringing the Gonzalez sisters were never examined or diagnosed psychologically so it's difficult to tell whether they were born with mental disorders like congenital psychopathy and neurological inability to feel empathy for others which would explain their later callous Behavior despite the fact all four Gonzalez sisters grew up to be bloodthirsty sadists it's highly unlikely that all four of them would have been born genetic Psychopaths yet the odds of that even if it's like you know you're coming from the same uh two parents the odds of that are just tiny the altar that would be one in 100 million well there we go those there are those odds instead it's likely the Gonzales sisters had their minds contorted by a child at a Relentless abuse and impoverished environment in one of the most turbulent times in Mexico's history in other words nurture instead of Nature and so surprise surprise on the Casual criminalist we once again fight feature a pack of murderers created by child abuse yes agreed horrible upbringings excuse no reason yes excuse no no because there's plenty of people who suffer child abuse and don't go on to run sexual slave encampments where you were murdering babies um so yeah them what is perhaps more intriguing is how isidro's treatment of his daughter's strict discipline beatings being locked up and being treated like property would later be echoed by how the Gonzalez sisters would treat the young girls that they abducted and forced into sexual slavery isidro's heavy-handed police work an arbitrary abuse of townspoke gained him many enemies in El Salto One account says this is Joe even went so far as committing extrajudicial killings shooting unarmed men during confrontations triggering feuds between him and other townsfolk whatever the reason all accounts agree that Isidro was in danger of being killed by the angry locals if he remained in El Salto and so Isidro Gonzalez moved his family 175 kilometers or 108 miles to the town of San Francisco Del Rincon called San Pancho for short in the state of Guanajuato once there Isidro signed up again for the rural Defense Force and became San Panchos de facto Sheriff love it love the fact that this is the guy they chose for Sheriff a a violent murdering sadist brilliant in 1931 Carmen Gonzalez then aged only 13. met a man in his late 20s named Louis Haso they ran away together with the intent of getting married Isidro tracked his daughter down beat her black and blue and dragged her back to San Pancho where he threw Carmen where he threw Carmen in the jailhouse a few hours later on that same day today was ordered by the state government to arrest a man called Felix or Nellis or Nellis resisted arrest and in the scuffle Isidro shot and killed him but on others a powerful allies so it's a drought to flee town and go into hiding all the while Carmen Gonzalez was still locked up in the jailhouse without having been charged with the deputy sheriffs refusing to let her out Carmen sat there for days until a local grocery shop owner in his 50s bailed her out common must have been an attractive young lady because soon after the shop owner proposed marriage he was refused but Carmen did become his lover and boreham's Son in 1932 when Isidro Gonzalez was still in hiding his eldest daughter Delfina aged 20 began an affair with a man married man who was in his 40s when it's a Dre returned home after his 14-month ex-arp he found out about the affair and became so enraged that he nearly beat Delfina to death Witnesses say he injured her neck to the point that he nearly paralyzed her as it was Delfina remained bedridden for many days after she recovered she was placed back under lock and key by her father yeah don't [ __ ] your kids don't do it don't do it this is so bad but it's the drove's reign of terror was coming to an end in 1935 he fell into ill health and could no longer work as a result the Gonzalez sisters had to take jobs to support the family and they began enjoying a measure of freedom in heaven and Independence for the first time in their lives Delfina the Tyrant and Louisa the leggy one both took jobs in a textile Factory meanwhile Carmen Gonzalez aka the [ __ ] became the lover of a local small town criminal named Jesus Vargas whose nickname was the cat does everyone have cat have nicknames in Mexico I feel like we're in a gangster movie oh Anissa Dro died in 1938 she used a rather Megan inheritance from him to open a small Cantina back in her hometown of El Salto however Vargas quickly squandered all of the profits by dipping into the tilled fuel his own chronic case of alcoholism the container soon shut down Carmen took the remaining Capital she had invested in Cantina rented a small building and opened a fairly sleazy Saloon delphina Louisa and the youngest Maria de Jesus AKA Chewie moved back to El Salto investing their own inheritances in the saloon and began working there it was a steady earner then while not immediately profitable it kept the Gonzales sisters out of poverty after a few years of operation Delfina came up with the idea of bribing the local constabulary with sexual favors in order for them to turn a blind eye to the saloon's activities this allowed the Gonzales sisters to stay open all night and to engage in gambling and eventually running prostitutes out of the bar it was that last part that pretty particularly profitable gradually the business transformed from a saloon to a full-blown brothel and that is where the nightmare which would ruin the lives of hundreds of children teenagers and young women across Mexico began beneath can tell it running a border that was free from police scrutiny would have been profitable enough however the Gonzalez sisters had no intention of paying them when he worked for them instead each sister would take turns traveling the countryside looking for the most sexually attractive young girls they could find they would pray mostly upon poor peasant girls looking for a way out of their impoverished and humdrum lives the Gonzalez sisters would off the girls some workers Maids waitresses or secretaries The Fairly generous wage and reasonable terms many girls jumped at the chance and their female employees employers seemed harmless enough when the victims arrived in El Salto they would be stripped of all their money clothes and possessions and thrown into a life of sexual slavery beatings starvation and injection with narcotics quickly broke the girl's resistance to the idea of working as prostitutes in the Gonzalez sisters would be careful to travel hundreds of miles to find their targets so their sex slaves now penniless and alone could not easily return home or be located and rescued by their friends and relatives even if they escape the brothel they could not run to the local constabulary for help since they were paid off bribes and sexual favors by the Gonzalez sisters the girls ranged between the ages of 12 and 25 most of them being under 18. the older ones did not survive long and the younger ones were easier to intimidate and manipulate While most of the girls would simply be offered to average to the average client to the brothel those girls who were abducted while they were still virgins would be offered up to wealthy men VIPs and political figures for a premium price once the virgins have been deflowered they would take up their place for the rest of the rank and file occasionally if men arrived from out of town with a lot of money on hand but he was of no particular political significance or Public Authority the Gonzales sisters would decide to rob him and kill him rather than let him frequent the brothel then the unfortunate lecture would simply disappear since the Gonzalez sisters didn't have to pay the girls they started raking the money hand over fist the only overhead was the girl's food which was loquant's quality and never abundant if they were lucky they would receive a couple of tortillas and a plate of beans for a day if a girl starved and died she could easily be replaced the prophets allowed the Gonzalez sisters to start setting up franchise locations starting in 1946 they began to spread their particular brand of Cruelty across Mexico they purchased a bar in the town of San Juan De Los Lagos 78 kilometers 48 miles south of El Salto to transform it into another brothel the previous owner of the bar was an openly homosexual man named El poquianchi which translates roughly into a little white the nickname was inherited by the Gonzales sisters and less pokianches as they came to be called Always despised the nickname this was because of the physical implications as they matured in age and became a rather squat plump Little Women and also the history of the name had with a gay man in mid-20th Century Mexico the gonzalesist is not being big fans people in general particularly despised homosexuals possibly due to their Catholic upbringing EU would certainly not refer to the Gonzalez sisters as Las pokienches to their face and expect to get away with it unscathed no I'm happy to those little last pokeyanches that's what they were squats speaking of unflattering nicknames Carmen the [ __ ] Gonzalez remained in charge of her former Saloon in El Salto and the nearby second location in Las Lagos in the state of Jalisco meanwhile Delfina the Tyrant and Maria Chewie Gonzalez returned to their old stomping grounds in the town of San Pancho and the state of Guanajuato establishing another brothel soon afterward they started another bordello in parisima darinkon a mere 20 kilometers or 12 miles to the South and yet another in the city of Leon 22 kilometers or 13 miles to the north the Leon brothel called the Golden Boat it was less discreet for VIP members but highly profitable due to its regular foot traffic the trio of brothels was managed by Delfino and Chewie while Carmen Gonzalez died of cancer in 1949. oh no uh Delfina and Chewie took over management for Jalisco establishments in 1954. Delfina expanded the Enterprise to include one more bedello in Lagos de Mourinho which she called Guadalajara by night in addition to being a brothel Delfina also rented rooms for couples to carry out a list Affairs The Establishment became the most lucrative of all the [ __ ] houses in the franchise chain and catered the most frequently to Specialty acts demanded by VIPs who consisted of some of Mexico's leading Lawman judges politicians and businessmen the mayor of Lagos de Moreno himself signed the permits required to open Guadalajara by night in exchange for a payoff and free access to the Gonzalez sex slaves whenever he wanted yeah this is why going to the police at the beginning was such a huge risk for them because the level of corruption is just so huge and the fact that all of these people all of these like notable politicians and police and all of this stuff know exactly what's going on and do nothing I feel just speaks to now like I don't know I like to think that humans are are good like that we're not pieces of but then you hear something like this and it's just so many people when if there's no pressure who just do nothing it's really horrible finally the sisters set up another brothel in San Juan de Rio approximately 160 kilometers that's 99 miles Northwest of Mexico City this brothel fell under the management of Louisa the leguan Gonzalez Delfina and chewy supplier with girls in order to reassure their VIP customers that the sex slaves imprisoned at these brothels were healthy and not riddled with venereal diseases then gazala's sisters purchased fake Health documents from the Mexican Ministry of Health and again I wonder how many people there knew what was going on and saw it all and provided these and did nothing as the Gonzalez sex trafficking ring expanded the sisters brought on more staff to assist them delfina's lover Herman glidel zeniga AKA The Black Eagle and Estrada bokanegra AKA The Executioner headed up the Gonzalez hit squad of roughly a dozen hardened criminals their job was to protect the brothels keep the girls in line and kill them when was deemed necessary the henchmen would also travel across Mexico to Simply abduct girls in broad daylight if they like the look of them rather than try trying to lure them with Promises of employment before handing the girls to the brothel the henchmen would usually rape them the Gonzalez sisters also began to post job ads in local newspapers requesting a photo from applicants and if they passed inspection the girls would be sent a train ticket and be immediately taken into bondage when they arrived when the girls became too sick too disfigured too old or tried to escape they would be killed without hesitation the most common method of execution was the girl being locked in a room for days without food or water periodically one of the henchmen would enter the room and beat the girl with a wooden board studded with a sharp nail this means of execution was meant to be long and agonizing to inspire fear in the other captives once the girl was near death she would be taken outside dumped in a ditch and buried alive other girls would be killed by being lit on fire or thrown off the roof or beaten to death by their fellow captives or shot or of their heads smashed in with a bludgeon pregnancies were frequented the brothels and primitive abortions were mandatory the survival rate was not good as a result a number of girls tried to keep their pregnancies when they gave birth the baby would immediately be killed and tossed into a shallow grave only one infant was allegedly the exception to this rule the newborn baby was reportedly sold to a wealthy quote-unquote specialist who wanted to quote unquote experiment on the child wow just when you think it can't get more [ __ ] up and it [ __ ] does when delfina's son Raymond Torres okay El teppo came of AEG into the family business and joined the other henchmen in their Grizzly activities so much for wanting better for your children the life of a sex slave could be tossed away at a whim because between 1946 and 1964 the Gonzales sisters were abducting such a large number of young girls across Mexico a murdered captive would immediately be replaced the sisters could operate at such volume because the authorities all turned a blind eye to the reports of disappearances in order to deal with the quote-unquote surplus of sex slaves that the Gonzales sisters purchased a ranch at Loma dear angel on the other on the outskirts of Lagos to Morena according to witness statements they transformed the ranch into a virtual concentration camp surrounded by razor where the bodies of murder victims were buried in the fields the Surplus girls were also sometimes sold to other sex traffickers for roughly eight hundred dollars in today's money in addition to their male henchmen the Gonzalez sisters were also aided by six former sex slaves who aged out and became brothel madams and forces and torturers in exchange their own lives they would keep the girls in line and if the girls did not obey the female enforcers would drag them by their hair across the brothel throw them in a room sex slaves turned in forces was named Esther Munoz the aka the top pimp who appears to have been particularly depraved and sadistic and enjoyed beating girls to death her favorite method execution was reportedly caving in a girl's skull with a heavy chain of padlock there were also allegations that the meat from Recently murdered girls were sometimes sold at local market markets for three pesos per kilogram but this appears to just be a folk groomer along with allegations that the Gonzales sisters engaged in satanic worship yeah we don't need to make stuff up about cannibalism and Satanism this is already about as horrific as it gets all told the Gonzalez sisters presided over the abduction torture and murder of at least 80 young girls during the time they operated their sex trafficking ring in addition they robbed and murdered 11 male clients who showed up to the brothel with too much cash on hand and buried them in the same mass Graves this brings the minimum kill count to 91 people in addition to that authorities Unearthed the tiny skeletons of tied dozens of fetuses and newborn babies and yet again in 2002 excavations at the low murder Angel Ranch uncovered another Mass grape containing an additional 20 skeletons that were carbon dated a distributed to the Gonzales sisters this brings the body count to 111 yet not to count the babies which should be counted it's believed that a number of other Mass Graves remain unidentified across Mexico and that the true kill count of the Gonzales sisters is somewhere between 150 and 300 people the range puts the Gonzales sisters at the top of our category of quote-unquote Team killers and some of the most prolific murderers in history and certainly among the most rapacious and brutal female killers of all time the top figure of 300 also approaches the estimated totals of the most prolific solo serial killers Luis garavito and Pedro Lopez Savage Empire oh my God can we get to the part where they're caught and then they get tried and they hopefully get executed let's go in 1963 delfina's son Raymond Torres lka AKA El teppo was drinking and playing cards with some policemen of course he was in Guadalajara by Night the brothel in Lagos de Merino one evening there's so much wrong with that sentence that is just unbelievable this level of friendliness was not unusual given the local castablury in glos were more than thugs and entirely in the pocket of the Gonzales sisters the police also Avail themselves of the services of the sex slaves that evening however when they settled down to play some poker El Tapo became frustrated after he lost several hands he started to cheat the police officers caught him in the act and threat tensions escalated with verbal abuse thrown by both sides the situation was exacerbated by the fact that all men present were heavily intoxicated a fry broke out and altepo was shot and killed by the officers the police then shut down Guadalajara by Night citing the illegal prostitution on the premises despite the fact that they're just partaken in sex with those prostitutes themselves Delfina the Tyrant was enraged to the death of her son she vowed revenge and ordered a lover and enforcer the Black Eagle to track down the officer's responsible and kill them for the next several weeks the eagle and his men track down each of the officers and murdered them either in broad daylight or in their homes and in hiding places out of town in a series of gruesome public assassinations such was the power of the Gonzalo sisters in 1963 that they were not prosecuted by the authorities nor even questioned for the series of cop killings instead the Judiciary quietly swept the bloody incidents under the rug as if nothing had happened and if the authorities didn't care about dead cops well what chance to the Gonzalez sex slaves have meanwhile Guadalajara by night was reopened without difficulty or delay the year 1963 marks the height of the Gonzales sister's criminal Empire they had come extremely wealthy a while connected and feared across Mexico but they'd also generated a great deal of resentment among the Common People dozens upon dozens of them most beautiful girls were plucked right out of their towns and Villages and then raped tortured and murdered in the most brutal of ways and because the Gonzales sisters hand-picked their victims for beauty quite literally the most beautiful young girls in the country were being taken as if the Gonzalez sisters were Vikings descending on Dark Age Europe and in a country of blood feuds with every Abduction the Gonzales sisters made an enemy of another extended family while the Gonzalez sisters looked Invincible their methods of rising to parad actually generated quite a few enemies they were sitting Atop A Tinderbox of public Fury yeah I mean at some point aren't you it's like you kidnap some girl and it's like her uncle just happens to like be a billionaire and he's like well I'm extremely rich and uh I'm very upset about this so I'm just gonna take care of this we just throw some money at it because we all know there's nothing money can't buy isn't that like one of the advantages of being like Mega rich like especially like I don't know well look at all this corruption corruption goes two ways at some point aren't you just gonna upset the wrong person or like you kidnap like Pablo Escobar's like second removed niece or something and he's like guess what this is not okay and is can't the corruption go the other way please come on that'd be even better let's not even have the police take care of them let's just have like some other like some super powerful person who just doesn't care about rule of law just come in and just you know Murder them all that'd be pretty nice [Music] and then came the flight of Catalina Ortega from Loma to Angel in January 1964. such was the indifference with which the Gonzales sisters viewed their sex slaves the Catalina's absence was not even noticed until the following morning by that time she was safely hiding in her mother's house in Lyon nonetheless the Black Eagle was dispatched to try and find her given the Gonzales sisters had committed a long list of crime so blatantly all of which were ignored by Mexican authorities Catalina's disappearance was not treated with much alarm operations in Gonzalez brothels continued as normal no real attempt was made to hide the sex slaves at various locations or to hide any forensic evidence of the many murders and so when police raided Loma de angel on January 14 1964 the Gonzales sisters were caught red-handed the next day an additional seven bodies were found buried near the bar formerly owned by El poquianchi in Jalisco when a police custody still dressed in black fought from morning following the death of El Tapo Delfina and Chewie showed no remorse Delfina in particular was defiant and spoke coldly in matter of factly about the sex slavery in the killings she smoked she grinned she insulted the officers who questioned her Chewie meanwhile was quieter and more somber it seems that if there was a congenital psychopath in the family it was Delfina Gonzalez her behavior ticks all of these boxes a lack of empathy for the victims and her exaggerated confidence was palpable additionally it was Delfina the Tyrant who was the architect of the entire sex slavery scheme in the first place and by 1964 she managed all but one of the brothels in Mexico Carmen the [ __ ] was on dead and Louise the leggy one only managed one brothel New Mexico City and the youngest sister Chewie played the role of delfina's faithful sidekick rather than equal partner throughout her interrogation Delfina was incredibly confident that she'd get off on the charges given her many Connections in government the Judiciary in law enforcement when she was asked what had happened to the wealthy men who had disappeared at her brothels over the years she Shrugged and said quote they died when asked about how those men died dafina replied to quote again the food didn't agree with them gleefully implying the men have been poisoned nevertheless two days after her arrest the Grim reality of a situation seems to have Dawn on doubt dawned on Delfina and she tried to hang herself in her cell meanwhile an angry Lynch Mob had gathered around the Jailhouse in San Pancho many of them were relatives the girls who had disappeared over the years exiting authorities had to call in the Army to prevent Delfina and Dewey from being butchered by the crowd under heavy guard the two sisters were transferred to a more secure prison in the city of arapuato for a week following the arrest of her sisters Louisa the leguan Gonzalez was hiding out in San Juan Del Rio 155 kilometers 96 miles away despite having successfully evaded authorities such was the air public anger towards the Gonzalez sisters that Louisa feared she would be lynched by an angry mob should she be spotted on January the 21st yeah rightly so like people are up and at it you're gonna get no sympathy I feel like okay good on January the 21st she turned herself into police and was transferred to arapato prison to join her sisters initially a judge granted Louise her immunity from prosecution but that was later thrown out much of the annoyance of all three Gonzales sisters the newspapers referred to them as lapocian she's nice a nickname that they despised on January the 24th a series of arrests began a police officers judges and public officials who had taken bribes from the Gonzalez sisters sword otherwise participated in their crimes excellent love it let's get those guys locked up in prison as well forever many of these charges were subsequently thrown out largely due to the corruption in the system and the connections these men had well that sucks in the end only a few low-level police officers saw actual jail time such was the price Mexico's Guardians and Elite paid for betraying the lives of over a hundred innocent young women in reality the total number of victims was probably closer to 300. the Restless Dead over 20 accomplices of the Gonzalez sisters were also arrested with the Black Eagle being foremost amongst them police also managed to round up all of the Eagle's henchmen along with male caretakers of the various brothels who had raped and mistreated the girls and the former sex slaves turned tormentors who had participated in abuse and some of the murders also arrested were numerous probe kukuras contract kidnappers drug Runners a wider circle of people who regularly aided and abetted the Gonzales sisters totaled an estimated 50 people but less than half of them saw actual charges and only a fraction of these were brought to trial Delfina Chewie and Luisa Gonzalez were charged with murder torture kidnapping extortion bribery rape assault child prostitution fraud blackmail drug possession and veritable smorg is bored of other offenses at trial dozens of freed sex slaves recounted what had happened to them in excruciating detail as the girls tried to speak their former tormentors shouted insults and abuse of them from the dock in response the girls and their relatives and supporters in the gallery shouted insults right back the judge tried in vain who was generally unable to restore order the trial only lasted a few days the abundance of Witnesses in the mountain of bodies were just too damning to prolong the proceedings having been found guilty Delfina Chewie and Louise were all given the maximum sentence possible at the time which was 40 years oh come on we need more than that do you it's 1960s Mexico you don't have death penalties still didn't the UK slab death penalty at this point come on that's not okay I it's not okay they weren't executed depending on what estimated kill count you could use that's only a month to a few months in jail per victim the Gonzales sisters never outright confess to their crimes and never aided the police in finding the mass Graves thus bringing closure to dozens of anxious fat anxious and grieving families whose daughters have been taken over the years Delfino Gonzalez was held in arapato prison for four years and she was widely regarded as the most hated woman in Mexico apparently Delfina was well aware of this and she sank deep into paranoia she grew increasingly unhinged ranting and screaming in herself most staged from dawn until dusk on October 17 1968 a construction worker repairing the roof above her cell tried again catch a glimpse of Delfina the Tyrant he accidentally dropped 30 kilogram bucket of cement on her head breaking her neck and cracking open her skull Chilean Agony in hospital for 15 days before she died age 56. oh no whoopsie it's like guys I was fixing the roof and I dropped this bucket of cement on ahead by accident and the guard be like oh no or at least that's how the story goes whether or not delfina's death truly was an accident or an act of Revenge hastily covered with a story of careless construction worker remains a matter of speculation Louise of the Lego one served 20 years in prison and a physical and mental health gradually eroded during her sentence some accounts say she eventually lost her mind on November the 19th 1984 she died in a Cell at the age of 64. her body was not found for an entire day such with the poor conditions of her imprisonment that Louisa when Louisa was discovered the rats had already begun to eat her oh no Gonzalez also served approximately 20-25 years in prison she was freed well before her 40-year sentence ended in 2004. what are you up to you impose the maximum sentence and it's not nearly enough 20 to 25 years for this are you smoking crack Mexico it's very likely nobody knows exactly when she was released or why Julie married a 64 year old man named Antonio Hernandez who had courted her in prison from there to be retreated into hiding reportedly dying in her early 70s sometime in the mid-1990s it disgusts me that she was free when she died what the [ __ ] man such was the pathetic end of the Gonzales sister who for two decades presided over the rape torture and murder of countless girls young women men and infant children numerous public officials who enabled and perpetrated their brand of callous cruelty were never brought to Justice and doubtless many more victims still lie undiscovered and forgotten underneath the silent and corrupted soil dismember dependencies number one an estimated 5 million in the no way five million people in the world today are currently victims of sex trafficking that's mental that's roughly the population of Ireland and approximately one million of the victims are children well [ __ ] that number two while Catalina Ortega's escape from captivity brought down the Gonzalez sistersist believe she was not the first young woman to have successfully's Escape between 1946 and 1964. unfortunately other escapees were not listened to at the time and law enforcement took no action some escapees were later tracked down and killed number three in tallying up the total body count it's been very difficult for forensic anthropologists to discern how many newborn babies were killed and buried in Mass Graves compared to the larger number of late-term abortions that were discarded in the same pits number four the life and Crimes of the Gonzales sisters were depicted in the 1976 film laspokine cheese and provided inspiration for the 1977 fictional novel by Jorge e baring Gates here but despite the horrific nature of the story it has not been depicted in many films or television shows and remains a little-known case in the English-speaking world as well hopefully we changed that today I'm I mean it's again one of those things where it's like for the better no this was a horrible story but you know what I mean hopefully it brings what could you I mean I always like want to draw like something out but it's like yo um if you're just corruption man corruption is don't be corrupt don't [ __ ] your children and sex trafficking and sex slavery it's five million people it's still a huge problem number five aside from creating a mountain of bodies the slapped apps operations of the Gonzalez brothels led to a spike in sexually transmitted diseases in Mexico between 1950 and 1964. since they took no precautions to prevent spread of disease and kept infected girls working until they were too sick to do so it would seem that the Gonzales sisters genuinely didn't care whether their customers even the VIPs became ill from frequenting the brothels the sex slaves who worked at the brothels were also instructed to try and quietly steal from their clients while they were with them and were threatened with punishment if they did not steal enough it is perhaps small consolation that some of the corrupt officials who escaped Justice may have wound up robbed or with a nasty case of the clap and that is where we end today's brutal episode um yeah that's all I'm gonna say thank you for watching or listening [Music]
Channel: The Casual Criminalist
Views: 186,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime, german brothel ww2, killer, german military brothels, german military brothels women, killed, german military brothels ww2, women of the german military brothels, kill
Id: _HX3W6jYLdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 35sec (3095 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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