The UNSURPRISING State of British Airways (24 HRS IN BUSINESS CLASS)

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I can never make my mind up about British Airways at least not until this trip are they a disgrace as I said in my review of them last year or are they a national pride for the UK today I'm flying their Club Suites on a Triple 7 from Nairobi Kenya before continuing on their classic e380 Club World from London to Miami join me Dan an avgeek who's been reviewing Airlines for over a decade for an honest self-funded review as always as I spent almost 24 hours on British Airways let's go good evening guys it is way past my bedtime but I'm about to embark on 18 hours of flying with British Airways a 22-hour journey from Nairobi Kenya to Miami Florida I pull up to Nairobi airport check in past this stunning artwork behind immigration and head to my lounge of choice today the plaza premium Lounge long story short it's a remarkable lounge and far exceeds my expectations compared to say the Kenya Airways Lounge wow what a dinner this is an unexpectedly good end to the day we didn't expect to eat anything tonight so the fact I got such a big spread is great the buffet in this Lounge is truly topnotch not only do they have a lot of options but the food actually tastes so good oh wow so it's time to head to the gate this first flight is on a 7200 it was supposed to be on an a350 which luckily it's the same seat but it still feels like quite a downgrade to go from a brand new beautiful a350 which keeps you feeling fresh to a 22-year-old tri 7 and of course Oscar is coming along I'm back back back again I'm back back back back back again so today's flight is completely full it looks crazy I don't think I'll dare to Vlog at the gate cuz it's going to be awkward but this is an overnight flight we're about an hour delayed so it's going to be leaving at about midnight close to midnight local time in Nairobi Landing in London around 6:30 a.m. at this point I think tonight's flight is in club Suite tomorrow's flight is in the old classic Club World on the e380 so we're going to get a really nice compare and contrast there and honestly I'm really excited about both today's flight is mostly sleep though this part of Nairobi airport makes Heath thr look like Singapore Changi but given that I've arrived at the gate quite late I can step aboard this oldie but goodie in no time I love how you can see the mood lighting doing its things so clearly before you even boor so the British Airways 7 200 Fleet comes in quite a few different configurations the most important thing to know is that all these aircraft based at Heath now feature Club Suites which is great this specific bird does not have a first class cabin instead offering 184 economy class seats a massive 40 premium economy seats and an even more impressive 48 seat business class cabin on today's flight since I know I'll be sleeping almost the whole 8 hours I've opted for one alpha as opposed to my usual spot in the last row given how loud the 7200 is this is a good choice from an engine noise perspective as as well both the last rows in this configuration row 7 and 14 also have missing Windows on ba which obviously isn't very fun there are three business class Laboratories in this config spread between 48 passengers for a great laboratory ratio of 16 to1 if you're on the configuration with first class this is what your bird will look like inside instead it's similar with three Laboratories but there's one extra business class seat here the mini cabin at the front is definitely the place to sit if you're in this configuration so so let's hop on board since I'm boarding on the later side and sitting in row one oh boy is it difficult to record in here but hello doesn't my seat look [Music] stunning so if you want to see more of a review of this specific product in daylight check out the review in the car now the title is negative but the flight itself not too bad so we have some beding which is what will come in handy tonight from the white company I'm going to talk about this in a second or actually when I go to sleep a very plush lovely pillow it's 11:00 p.m. boarding is complete and I am ready for some Sleek so we've got our menu I don't know if I'm planning to eat maybe if I wake up in time for breakfast we can check out the breakfast options but dinner is going to be a noo tonight and uh so far no predeparture drinks or hotels or anything like that so let's see what happens but wow it's such a beautiful sort of nudie cabin with this mood lighting it feels good as I mentioned I have a detailed review of this seat in a video linked below but to summarize it it's a great seat it's not perfect few seats are but I'd gladly sit here [Music] anyway I especially appreciate the copious amounts of storage as a seral [Music] overpacker the predeparture service finally commences I go wild and order water before I peruse the menu this is all Kenya based catering and sounds pretty good I'll be saving my eating for the next flight though since the plan for now is just to sleep we soon blast out of pitch star Kenya heading Northwest toward London so for me you know I'm trying to maximize sleep I have a 4 and 1/2 hour oh my God this is hot okay okay we took off about 10 minutes ago now I'm just waiting for the seat belt sign to turn off so I can get into bed mode go to sleep I brought pajamas so we have a Virgin Atlantic top which I love and Emirates bottoms which are just the most comfortable airplane pajamas in my opinion so I'm going to get into that they said we have a slightly longer flight time than usual which I know to some people that connect might be a bit concerning but for me I have a 4 and 1/2 hour layover in London so definitely no rush I would rather shave time off of that and just get to enjoy this beautiful little Club Suite I make the bed which looks oh so comfy but the seot sign is never turned off so I can't change into pajamas as you can see we have 8 and 1/2 hours left to London so if I'm going to catch my 8 hours it needs to happen stop this is one of those moments where I just feel so grateful to be flying in business C and I paid like the deal I got on this is absolutely incredible for now good night you guys I will see you as the Adventure Continues unless I wake up in the middle of the night cuz of turbulence or God forbid like diverting somewhere why why am I thinking this path okay anyway good night I'll see you in a few hours know I said I was going to sleep but they turned off the SE Bel sign so I managed to record toward the seat I just have to comment on how comfortable this bed is you know this is an underrated feature in business class some seats look very amazing like cter arrow is Q suet I love that seat it's fantastic but in bed it's not the most comfortable it's quite hard you have to really squeeze in by your feet but here it's like okay the bed is soft the seat is wide the leg space is so plentiful which is really really underrated and you know I always always think for an overnight flight I love choosing Club Suite I flew it a few years ago from New York to London slept like a baby so now officially good night hoping to sleep like a baby right now again 8 hours later that was quick ah the magic of YouTube good morning so supposedly according to my watch I slept 5 and 1/2 hours which I guess isn't too bad I was hoping for a bit more I know the Sleep didn't feel very good I think actually the times I sleep well on a plane are ultimately the times when I'm fully exhausted so that's the difference here there's one thing I really appreciate about British Airways that I'm going to talk about after landing a really underrated feature at many airlines when it comes to sleeping on board for now let's quickly check out the entertainment system because is hopefully it's as good as last time I flew and we can say something good about that well you know I was going to show you this but it is not responding at all no okay we'll do it on the next flight never mind it works again let me guide you through this British Airways continues to have an incredibly impressive and extensive inflight entertainment selection definitely among the best in Europe just look at how many seasons of Friends they have [Music] who even though I tend to criticize he thr a lot I'm always very excited to land there just because of the food options so we have 4 hours now well I guess three if you consider boarding for the nice flight but 3 hours to just eat eat eat I have some things that might want to have already and of course I'll share all my favorites with you on today's flight we flew over all types of places which um let's just say diverting to would have been a real Adventure although I've been to 102 countries the only country we flew over in Africa that I've been to before is Uganda and in typical fashion we touch down in the most British weather I can imagine I'm really happy and excited to be here though bye to my my beautiful Club Suite see you not so [Music] soon Terminal 5 Petra only allows a limited number of arrivals before 6:00 a.m. today there were 10 we were the very last one but there was no plane that landed within the 20 minutes before ours which at he thr is absolutely insane there were tons of planes circling ready to land at 6:00 a.m. on the dot and after that so now BAS basically what this means is that there are no planes that have landed for quite a while so we get really a head start to the lounge to the showers and uh to Transit security so that's a a nice bonus to get everything over and down with and skip to the good part so we just made it through Transit security super easy I'm thinking we're just going to go straight to the lounge Gallery South take a shower and then have some fun in the terminal maybe go to wag Mama's pret IU oh my God there's so many places I won't even need to eat on the next flight so uh yeah now let's get this layover started what a luxury to be at Heathrow before the morning Rush has even started at least during Transit the departure area on the other hand is crazy here's hoping the line isn't too long for the showers because security ended up taking quite a while cuz my bag got randomly selected to be searched and there was so many bags waiting to be searched but anyway now we're on our way the shower weit is a total of 0 seconds success score okay there was no wait so let me quickly hop in the shower and then let's go explore Terminal 5 because we're not staying at galleries lounges Ba's shower rooms are much appreciated even though they look and feel like you're on some sort of tiny spaceship with limited space and no room for luxury that was refreshing wasn't it was and now we are like um what are those squirrels called in English oh yeah we're kind of matching um so we are heading to the lounge quickly because I want to see if they have some potato chips so as you hear the plan is to get potato chips but we might as well check out the whole breakfast bread right can you predict what's going to happen here okay we found probably the most private place to sit I always have the impression that Gallery lounges are kind of like a zoo and sometimes they are but this part here all the way at the end toward I guess security is out here there's no one we have complete privacy so we're going to bring some food actually and just start our day of eating here with a little bit of English breakfast the English breakfast in question naturally sweet chili and bread pepper chips these are good I went to the ba Lounge a few weeks ago and I was devastated when they didn't have these so this to me is like the best thing in any British hairways Lounge they cost like two three PBS at the store so grab several and you know get your money's worth so guys what I wanted to tell you when I woke up one very underrated feature which I never talk about in my reviews I feel like most people don't talk about it when they review Airlines but what happens when there's turbulence does the captain turn off the seat belt sign immediately do they make an announcement because I can't count the number of red eyes I've been on where you're trying to sleep but every little bump you know every 30 minutes the seot sign is going on and off and then the cabin crew make an announcement or the captain saying uh please suspend H beverage service everyone return to your seats and it's like yeah everyone is in their seats cuz they're trying to sleep so that's something I really appreciated on this flight that there were bumps along the way but they didn't turn the SE belt sign on there were no announcements so they just let people sleep which is so valuable so breakfast we have a couple hash browns and baked beans for the Brit in me and one of my favorite fruits grapefruit tiny bit of grapefruit yeah I mean I love grapefruit and some uh grapes grape and grapefruit oh my God so I was born in the UK I lived here until I was N9 and one of those things I don't know if you guys like baked beans but to me it's like yeah Everyone likes baked beans and then I moved to Sweden and everyone was like what you like baked beans so I love baked beans besides sitting in this corner as I mentioned this is far from my favorite Lounge so once we've eaten it's time to leave oh what do you check that out it's our aircraft for the next flight so we're just going to stop by some places now fast buy some snacks and then head to our A380 we're actually jumping onto this flying to Miami we're holding on to it yeah and just [Music] like Terminal 5 is absolutely chaotic today so we only make it to Pratt no time for Wagga mama no time for shop that will all have to be next time so I'm a little disappointed in us we only got Pratt out of all the options a 4our layover actually isn't as long as you think it is because this just literally flew [Music] by after taking the train we Ascend to the most satisfying thing ever the exact aircraft that flew Us in from Nairobi not only that but our next aircraft to Miami is literally parked right next door work and as we come up from the train what is this our aircraft the e380 just wow there is no better way to fly doesn't matter if it's the old seat well we'll see what I say after the flight but before it now I'm just like every time you see it it feels like such a treat it's like the most decadent chocolate cake equivalent of airplanes so this is my plan plane or our plane from Nairobi and this is our plane going onwards but we had to go all the way over here to Transit this absolute stunner is mothering its way around herro and I cannot late to board but not before okay they have one more fave that we can add before the flight this is what I find so fun about transiting in London even if there can be so many problems at Heathrow the stor is I mean look you can buy so many books like I just feel like so many airports in Europe lack the Basic Essentials like easy to accesses or grab and go foods that are not like super strange so yeah this this is the perks I can't believe the layover is already over it is time to hop on board our 9-hour flight 9h hour plus flight to Miami this is so like someone coming to the UK for the first time being like they have to have Harry I get an out one so quickly before we board you may be wondering Dan why are you flying from Nairobi to Miami and let me tell you that's not even the end of this ticket I'm flying Nairobi London London Miami then tomorrow yeah tomorrow I'm flying Miami Washington DC DC Pittsburgh and then a week later I returned Pittsburgh New York New York London London Nairobi but I don't think I'm going to actually be able to make it to the Nairobi flight we will see so it is a crazy itinerary and I paid about $1,500 round trip for all those flights in business class what if I told you that almost 500 people like you from my viewers have changed the way they travel and managed to save between 20 and up to my best savings 92% on a business or first class ticket using what I teach in my points master program now before you click off and you go but I'm not American I don't want credit cards don't worry you can live anywhere in the world with any citizenship to take full advantage of what I teach in my points master program it's from a decade of traveling on award flights all around the world we're talking hundreds and hundreds of first and business class flights all that knowledge is condensed into an efficient program you can complete anywhere you want with lifetime access so you can potentially be booking your first or who knows 10th or 100th business or first class flight with huge savings within a few hours of joining points Master but better yet if you're catching this video early there are 17 discounted spots left with my late planner sale where you can have a pretty nice discount if you claim one of those 17 remaining spots before July 16th you know this video not having sponsor is a huge risk and a huge investment I made and the best way you can support the channel is to join Point Master but it's really a win-win because you're pretty much guaranteed to to recoup the investment you make on points master in your very first premium cabin booking with that let's get on with the video so without further Ado let's check out this beauty I know the seat map looks like the Frontier Airline of seat Maps but I can spend almost a whole day making another seat map for an aircraft that's going to be reconfigured very soon so here we get to enjoy a 2021 seat map which can also make us appreciate the progress I've made in designing those the British Airways airus e380 comes in a four class configuration with three classes of service on the upper deck which is quite rare there's first class downstairs and some more business class seats you'll want to avoid but up here we have economy all the way at the back premium economy in the middle and then two business class cabins in a 232 layout this seat is being phased out and will start being replaced by Club Suites on the A380 next year but for now it's still a decent option you'll see the main reason the upper deck is PR able on board but keep in mind British hairways charges over $100 per flight on many sectors to pre-select a seat crazy but if you have a choice the window seats in row 53 and 59 are the best since they have direct aisle access unlike all other rows you'll see why as we hop on board welcome to this unique looking cabin I have the feeling this will be the last time I ever get to fly this revolutionary seat so I'm going to make the most of this okay I'm obsessed with Oscar's seed here this is 50 50j Jewel yet and it's like literally just in this like stair area I'm the captain now so we realized a drawback I mean I kind of wish there was like a wall here or something a divider cuz the toilet door it's right there like I'm going to get a peek inside everyone's business this cabin is such a fun Relic from the past the A380 aror deck offers these huge storage compartments along the side in all cabins that make the seat go from having barely any storage to having insane amounts of storage if you're sitting by the windows well if your row has Windows RP so let's have a little bit of a look around here on the side you see we have all these lockers which is what I love about sitting on the upper deck of the 8380 these are not available on the lower deck if you're in business class and we have our predeparture orange juice my hopes are not too high maybe I'm being critical [Music] but no I'm I'm exaggerating but it's no airine orange juice the nine out of 10 times is not good right isn't it yeah it's Oscar agrees I concur that's one thing like I feel like a lot of people when they fly business class for the first time where they see a video about it for for example they think that everything is going to be better but this is the same orange juice you get in economy class guys I think the difference is maybe more in the Champagnes and that kind of stuff I've said it before but I'll say it again the old Club world I don't know the name of the seat specifically but it is actually pretty amazing when you're traveling with someone else because okay stay in your seat what I meant to say is it's nice to face each other so our little entertainment screen pops out like a [Music] this hello this is so flimsy okay if there's turbulence the screen is just going to be going like this oh my God crazy movie starting next year these aircraft will be reconfigured with Club Suite so it is kind of a nice Last Farewell to normal Club world today but I think Club Suites will be a very nice upgrade when the eighth rate is already so amazing to add those amazing seats to it beautiful although the real question is the soft product on ba which is what we're really going to test out today when I eat when I unbox the amenity kit there's so so much to see so down here sorry oh actually maybe I can okay I'm going to place this here and then we can close this the whole design of the sea feels very outdated but down here we have our m main other storage besides the sides so here's the amenity kit here is a water bottle and charging which is very nicely located not really but also please if any of you are very technical can you tell me what are these cables for is this for plugging your computer in so you can see it on the screen or I know this is very retro these days but I can't imagine someone bringing this type of cable on a flight so during takeoff since I need to record out the window and I want to see out the window this is going to be me stopped in here and then just trying to get a view but at least once I sat down it's not as far as I thought it was when I initially saw it when we boarded then I was like my video is screwed but I think it's [Music] fine we have a lot of time to sit here after boarding since the E3 board premium cabin so early I basically have time to show you almost everything what do you say we check out the amenity kit from the white company okay what do we think about the classical music on ba8 let me just unbox the amenity kit so I have a feeling this table is not remotely clean so in fact I'm going to just quickly sanitize it before I put any of this stuff on it here we have the kit contents pretty nice I'm amazed that all this fits in here okay I also just tried the lip balm it's actually not bad I also have a moment to show you the forward laboratory before we push back it's crazy to think this is where Emirates puts their shower spaws eventually we start our taxi toward Runway 27 left so Club world menu what is inside what well let's check it out if I can open it so okay this looks familiar nice have non-alcoholic beer and afternoon tea I have a feeling it's a good thing we bought extra food because this is not that much food for a 9 plus hour flight and the wine and champagne list welcome everyone so long London as we enter the clouds the cabin suddenly looks very Sleek but in the moment I don't quite appreciate that apparently so we just took off I'm sitting here and I go why do I feel so down what's going on and I realized look how monochrome this cabin is like where's the color where where is the life after flying Emirates yesterday which is literally the polar opposite this just feels so I don't know I don't know why I just identified it to but feels a little [Music] sad due to the unique configuration you don't technically have direct aisle access but it has nothing to do with Oscar next to me the person I have to step over is the guy in the row behind [Music] to start the meal service I enjoy this beautiful drink so I'm starting out with the drink I had last time I flew well not on the previous flight but my previous trip in club World the Fizz Berry mocktail which I remember being really good it has cranberry juice which was my favorite juice as a kid and I always felt like so amazed when I boarded United or Continental Airlines back then and they had cranberry juice and I was like oh my God little did I know how much sugar was in it but oo this is this is good stuff it served along with some nuts yum while I wait for the meal service to truly begin let me show you one of the coolest things about this seat the Privacy partition here in the middle when you raise it you're really in your own private cocoon I remember being so blown away by this the first time I flew this seat because especially back then even today this day if you're in a window seat here it is so unbelievably private it's more private than Club Suite I would say unless it's down and you're staring at a stranger next to you but yeah it's it's oh okay here's the stranger next to me [Music] now okay food is here about 70 minutes after takeoff the meal is pretty much all things I love Beluga DS semi-dried Tomatoes roasted eggplant at the bottom delish the side dish looks a little more sad and so does the bread this is all part of my special vegetarian meal by the way the main course arrives and looks interesting I was hoping for an Indian or Thai which British Airways catering company do and Co usually do well but regardless let me dig in and let you know what I think okay listen I'm probably one of the least picky eaters on Earth I like pretty much everything so my question is did anyone at British Airways catering try this dish before they decided to serve it in a many, business class product because it's just not good at all so I'm very glad we got Pratt I mean I've said it before I'll say it again if Marks and Spencers or Pratt could do Ba's Long Haul catering instead of do and Co I'd be down for that dessert a tiny chocolate with berries how was it delicious at this point we've made it about halfway across the Atlantic and given my limited sleep last night it is time for a nap but first I need to try out the Wi-Fi okay let me show you this cuz I tried connecting to the Wi-Fi and I'm quite impressed browsing Stream So basically for 18 lb you can get a pass that is supposedly fast enough for video streaming it's only on one device unfortunately but I'm going to try this out and report to let you know how it is okay I tried loading Flight Radar 24 to track our a specific flight this is the first thing I'm looking up and so far not even this is loading so the fact you're allegedly supposed to be able to stream a video on this I don't know let's forget about the Wi-Fi then and check out the bed this is a happy reunion with brti Airways awesome pillow honestly how cozy does this look the seat is definitely a need of being replaced padding wise but I'll sleep just fine here how do you spot the Americans and how do you spot the Europeans and how do you know if there's more Europeans on a transatlantic flight than another one like this more than half the cabin or about half the cabin has their window shades open I have a feeling if there were more Americans on board everything would be closed which I don't know I love being able to look out I love the daylight so for me this is a benefit of flying with European airlines with more European passengers the last step lowering my footrest so we have about 6 hours and 40 minutes left to Miami meaning I've already spent about 16 hours on my British Airways trip which is crazy not only that but I started my journey in Dubai 30 hours ago I flew Emirates down to Nairobi to position for this ticket which is wow I am in very good shape considering I've been traveling for that long I'm going to take a 2hour nap now I just have to show you something because this seat is incredibly private once you raise the partition and you're in bed mode here in the windows are you ready for this check this out a literal private cocoon see you guys shortly 2 hours later o good morning that was a nap I really slept there for a so that was amazing again I'm noticing this awesome thing about British hairways that honestly we have pretty moderate turbulence right now we have had it for about 30 minutes that's why I woke up and there's no sign of a seat Bel sign being turned on there's no announcement so I mean at a certain point it's like okay maybe you should turn it on but at the same time I appreciate that it's like people can make their own decisions people are smart if you feel it's really bad bad and you don't want to get up then don't get up but also if you need to use the toilet then you're smart enough to be careful just so I'm going to show you here how much the water is moving just for reference about the turbulence the Wi-Fi still isn't working and I'm hungry so I head to the onboard snack bar bar to check that out most people seem to just be chilling on today's flight which is so nice to see in our toxic productivity culture huh given what I just said this isn't a good look but I do actually need to attend to some work before the pre-landing meal is served ironically this afternoon tea is so much better than the prior meal and I actually love this we have everything from avocado to smashed peas to sundried tomatoes to an absolutely delicious dessert not a huge portion but I'm happy I just looked at the map and like we're approaching the coastline but somehow my brain does not compute that we've already arrived when I started this video I felt like it was going to be the longest travel day ever but somehow it feels like it has gone so incredibly fast I can't believe we're already here I'm just hoping for a speedy immigration getting to our hotel so we can get some sleep but wow this has been so comfortable so easy but as always I have some constructive criticism that I'm going to go over in a second and so we approach Miami it almost feels like an honor arriving somewhere on an e380 since you just know you're a big deal am I [Music] right what can I say about British Airways guys to me they are the definition of average I wouldn't avoid them at least if it wasn't for Heathrow but I also wouldn't seek them out by any means and I wouldn't be excited to fly them the C and crew on both these flights were fine they didn't go out of their way to make the flights feel special or memorable but they also weren't bad I guess the conclusion is that there's almost always a more exciting airline to fly whatever your route is but British Airways also isn't a bad option so don't be sad if you end up on them the real interesting thing is comparing them to Virgin Atlantic which I'm not going to do today all right we made it to the US hopefully now yeah no line for immigration or very little and hopefully we'll get some good shots of the e380 as we're leaving I still can't believe how fast this journey went so we made it out passport control took all of 1 minute and then we waited for the bags for like 45 minutes so I guess you end up not really saving much time anyway it feels like I feel kind of tired but the weirdest feeling is being in the US like my brain cannot compute right now but hopefully tomorrow morning it'll all settle in time for us to pretty much leave again thanks for joining me in today's video guys I just want to point out now there are 15 spots left so even fewer than when I recorded the earlier clip to join points Master at a discounted price you can do that by scanning the QR code or tapping the link at the top of the description regardless of whether you get the discounted price or not points Master can be lifechanging for you as it's been for hundreds of other people I cannot wait to see you on my next video it will be about 3 weeks until that but hopefully from August onwards from the second week of August onwards there will be a video every 10 days until I see you in the next video as always guys fly safe
Channel: Nonstop Dan
Views: 121,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nonstop Dan, Flight Review, Luxury Travel, Flying, Airplane, british airways, british airways business class, british airways club world, british airways review, business class, british airways a380, british airways a380 business class, travel vlogger, british airways business class 777, luxury travel expert, ba club world business class
Id: SNepBRl6J_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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