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what's up guys yes the time has finally come everybody we are no longer limited to only five slots you can now carry everything with the unlimited inventory backpack unlimited meds unlimited consumables ten scars six spazzers five snipers six consoles send computers literally anything you want you can pick up so let's see how overpowered this is remember to subscribe leave a like and of course just go fresh in the item shop also epic don't bear me i'm just doing it for the content okay the unlimited backpack everybody the time has finally come where epic have added a way that we can hold a lot more items than five slots now epic didn't add it on purpose but it still counts as a backpack so i'm about to show you guys how it works i'm literally gonna pick up every single item we come across every time i lim someone i'm just gonna i'm literally just gonna stash all of their items into our lovely backpack it just involves a couple inflatables and yeah you'll see what i mean about how this works i'm landing towards the middle here because there's a bunch of io chests and obviously inflatables are very common in the iron chest now you may be wondering an inflatable is not a backpack well apparently they are now so that's what we're going for all right come on i just want an inflatable come on give me a ball nope how did i not get a single one out of four damn i o chest oh oh okay do you have a damn do you have a cow for me okay this might be a stop around here guys this might definitely be a stuffed round this guy's got a spaz as well oh i have no mats i have no oh okay he had a ball he had a damn ball that's exactly what we needed you may have a spaz champ but i'll do whatever i can to get that damn ball all right let's start hunting for our second ball okay never mind we don't have to start hunting for our second ball we can now already damn do our damn backpack glitch 12 seconds later all right now i think i've done it i think i've damn done it so as you can see guys i have a full inventory okay we have a full inventory i'm gonna go over to the loot we got from this guy as you can see we have a backpack on our back guys it is not just a cow anymore it is a literal backpack it's a backpack we can just stuff all the items all the meds into and the way we're gonna do that is we do this and as you can see i'm just i'm just picking everything up the literally just disappeared i still have the damn cow on my back the pistol is now in my inventory somewhere as you can see if i just drop all this it's there oh wait gosh damn it i lost my backpack everything's fine okay no dude let's get rid of this guy first i may have accidentally broke my backpack guys but it's okay it's okay oh my gosh okay everything's fine everything is damn fine all right give me my balls come on give them to me no no no no no no no no no we have oh my gosh two balls oh my gosh this is so scuffed i just want to make my backpack come on guys come on chill out are you kidding me no oh gosh dude okay everything is fine guys everything is fine we are now back with our backpacking come on why is there always something trying to be annoying oh great now i'm being shot at by oh my gosh dude leave me alone it turns out in fortnite you're not meant to entirely just unload your backpack guys i'm gonna fix it this game it's all good i'm gonna get i'm just gonna eat all the items that i come across and we're straight up just gonna drop it all in front of someone's face at the end game all right our backpack is ready but our problem is i literally have terrible weapons i need to at least find a shotgun and stuff and then i'll start replacing and getting our damn inventory up instead of only holding five slots guys we're gonna be holding like literally 50 slots and i'm not lying you'll see what i mean so as you can see this rail gun right i have a full inventory we're just gonna do this and now i still have my back bling and now i have the rail gun look i'm just gonna pick up this plasma cannon as well and the plasma cannon has disappeared picking up this pulse rifle the pulse rifle has disappeared but my plasma cannon is back in my inventory it's an interesting backpack guys it's an interesting backpack then like you saw as well when i broke the damn backpack um i can unload literally everything it's more so once i unload everything everything just disappears but now every time i open now i just pick up random crap it's just gonna keep them going through all of my loadout look at this it's going through everything to pick this up i've just got so much crap in my inventory i'm just juggling multiple things right now what am i wait oh my gosh i lost my cow wait did i just break it again okay nevermind i got my cow back we do have the cow back and now let's just eat this pulse rifle get the cow and there we go we have eden the pulse rifle oh gosh i didn't realize the backpack glitches my whole inventory i don't have a shotgun wait there's a shotgun over here if i do this smart i might be able to fix this i just got to scroll through all of the other items in my inventory because right now i literally have 20 items in my inventory no my shield oh gosh damn it i actually ate the shield pop without actually eating it oh my gosh where did my okay there we go i took that off and now i'm picking up this shell pot dude what the hell this is so scuffed man okay we got the cow here and eating it okay i got it back i got it back all right we have a great attack we got a purple pulse rifle and everything it's pretty damn scuffed for um actually sorting my loop but who needs loot right who needs luke we have a backpack that can hold literally unlimited item slots i just got to find some better damn weapons instead of a great attack because this is not going to do the damage we need well that is a nice shotgun it's just hiding in a bush so that is not helpful oh my gosh are you kidding me dude okay this guy literally just has a spaz and he's just pooping on me are you kidding me dude this is so annoying all right everyone we now have our backpack once again for the third time but i think i'm finally figuring out how we do this so plasma cannon back in my damn inventory there we go pick this up all right we currently have seven items in my inventory i wonder if we should try and crap we'll try and count this game so this is number three all right this is number four all right i currently have nine items in my inventory and we're gonna try and get a lot more than that oh a cheeky llama are you doing buddy oh this mats i definitely need these bats we got okay let me just get my llama why are you running towards them llama no just got hit by a big ball oh come on not this just chill out buddy before i eat all your loot you best be careful boy you don't know who you're going up against here oh this guy what this guy just dropped all of his loot i'm not even streaming right now but this guy just dropped all his loot okay now we're just gonna eat all this loot there we go there's eating yep give me all this give me it takes a while once you start getting a bunch of items guys it takes a damn while to start you know grabbing at it all oh my gosh yep i just have so much stuff in my inventory that this is just taking so long to do okay i lost count guys i i lost count i straight up lost count i have no idea how much stuff i got in my inventory my inventory is now all stuff all right i'll try and pick up this shield pipe but it's a okay i've lost my shield putt my shield pods going somewhere in my inventory i don't know where it's going yep okay the shield is just gone okay i'm pretty sure we have at least like 20 items in our inventory right now guys i just want to get to the final guy and then just troll him with the amount of items i have in my inventory blue are here okay nope it's now gray ar a green tack a plasma cannon and another attack a green ar my blue are disa okay now i got my blue eye off what the hell welcome to when backpacks come to fortnite everybody who plays with five damn items guys i play with at least 50. oh my gosh i'm getting a shotgun delay i'm literally getting a shotgun delay because of the amount of shotguns i have in my inventory that i can't even see this is so scuff dude all right pop these minis and then we eat this loot as you can see yep it's going through all the items i have in my inventory right now six and a half hours later all right well guys remember when there was a bunch of loot here from the guy that died yeah i i ate him i i literally ate him and i'm not joking he has been eaten 18 other people left guys i've only got three eliminations but it doesn't matter what matters is i have 50 items in my inventory right now and i'm going for more how you doing rick i want to eat your loot okay well that guy launched padded away he's cracked he's low all right gamer down oh my gosh there's so much stuff in my inventory i can't get through it all right remember how there was a all those weapons there well they're gone now i literally have like 100 items in my inventory right right now guys oh okay ah this is not a fight i want to be a part of gosh damn it dude he's trying too hard i've just got my backpack full of items man come on let's chill out a little bit i don't have the health for this because all my items are so scuffed okay he's cracked gamer down oh gosh no no no no chill out i'm not even gonna eat all that luke i think we've eaten enough guys i think we've eaten enough i just need to focus on my hp i just want to find the campfire heal up and make sure i win this game dude i am not losing this game i got my backpack with all my loot and i'm not dying with it i will win this game i have the most stuffed loadout right now but you just wait until we have the final guy you just wait i'm gonna drop all my loot take it all out of my damn backpack and we'll see what this guy thinks two damn people left hopefully we can find the final guy that's willing to be friendly so i can just drop all my loot in front of him okay i can hear someone in the car there's a solo there's a solo up there behind the boulder shooting damn chug cannons up there i don't think i have enough room for a damn chug cannon to eat you know what i could eat these three weapons right here nothing wrong with getting some more weapons in my belly okay there we go we ate one item oh gosh there's someone sitting on my head i didn't have the time to eat all the loot gosh damn it dude i'm just out here trying to eat bro hey this guy's just running away always cracked it's dirty white oh my gosh this guy's so low i'm coming for you buddy that guy's literally one hp no the other guy's gonna take him out here's mine leave him alone okay he's taking him out okay wait wait wait let's be friendly i want to show you all my loot i can be your friend buddy i can be your friend okay oh he's being friendly he's being friendly look i'm dropping everything ah get back get back let me drop all my loot let me drop on my loot oh look he's dropped his loot as well but he doesn't realize look at all the stuff coming out of my inventory it's everything look at the stuff i had in my inventory guys had one two three four five six seven eight 23 24 25 26 20 i think i had like 30 items in my inventory are you not weirded out by that champ oh you want a pickaxe fight huh you want a damn pickaxe fight all right let's do it to the end for the damn unlimited okay he had way more shield than me this is not fair okay gosh damn it second place we brought like 30 items to the end game not gonna lie i don't think backpacks and fortnite are that great all right i don't think backpacks and fortnite that great clearly because um yeah it was uh it was pretty scuffed i don't think this guy even realized how much items i just dropped i don't recommend using the backpack and fortnite guys because it scuffs your whole inventory like you saw i was stuck with a great pump pulse rifles and a grey ar in my loadout the whole time we've got so much items to the end game and that's what matters you can never have enough loot guys you can never have enough damn loot the inventory backpack guys oh my gosh that was so strong
Channel: Fresh
Views: 1,826,279
Rating: 4.9433179 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnitebr, fortnite battle royale, mrfreshasian, mr, fresh, asian, fresh fortnite, battle royale, challenge, meme, popup
Id: AM7fbH3M1h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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