The Underdog Of American Aviation l Grumman Tiger

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good morning YouTube like here welcome back to module group today I'm checking out another airplane out here in Atlanta and this is an airplane that you guys have requested it is si as a matter of facts and everything that I've always wanted to check out so today we're gonna go around and check it out I'll show you a few features stay tuned so guys here we are we have the Grumman tiger for those of you who are not familiar with this brand of airplane grumman is actually a staple name in American aviation and this particular model I would say for the civilian market is the top dog but tiger a little history Grumman started making airplanes way way back and when they decided to design an airplane for the civilian market the first model was the Grumman Yankee and that was a two-seater airplane which they did that towards trainers or for new pilots to train in at the time Cessnas and Piper's where the you know on the market for trainer aircraft and so the Yankee was a competition to the 150s the 152s and then you had your pipe of Cherokees and the grumman Yankee actually for the training market was not all that great in the sense that it was a little too fast a little too unforgiving but it was successful none of the less and Grumman because of the success of the Yankee decided to make a for place airplane and that's why we have this design today that you see right now initially the first models where the Grumman traveller and then the cheetah came along and those had a hundred and fifty horsepower engines in them okay it was until later on in the 1970s I believe the first Tiger came to market it's 75 and so consider this a more beefed up drum and traveling okay because here the powerplant you have in this particular model is a lycoming I or 360 which I'm very familiar with this is a 180 horsepower engine and so that boosts this airplane to fly much faster than a cheetah or a traveler okay and as you can see it's a two bladed prop it's a fixed pitch prop so and I'll show you the in turn a little bit but the airplane looks beautiful you know i sat in it for the first time today and man you know I'm gonna show you guys just how nice it is in there and I talked about a couple of features that I personally like about it so as you can see here the wings I would say are pretty standard I don't think they'll actually think that the wings are shorter than some of the other airplanes that I've seen they are wider but they're shorter in length and each wing you can put 25.5 gallons of fuel so one on that wing and also on this wing and so you have about 50 gallons of fuel total to work with and this airplane will go you can travel at least 500 miles on it five six hundreds even 700 miles while you're only burning eight to ten gallons of fuel per hour your cruise speed you're looking anywhere from 135 to 140 knots and this thing can also climb you know again that 180 horsepower does injustice now one of the things you'll notice about all the airplanes or I would say early airplanes that were built in the 56 and 70s the material used back then was metal and so with the tiger this is an all-metal body frame but not completely also most of it is metal but if I take you back here you have some fiberglass so if you knock on this you see that's not metal that's fiberglass okay so some parts of the airplane was designed with fiberglass material but most of it is metal all right now let's check out the interior one of the coolest features of this airplane is that it has a sliding door okay and for those who are not yet flying and once you become a pilot trust me you're gonna appreciate this sliding door so much more especially during the summer all right to get in you just step on the wing tip there and you grab on the let you let me show you you grab on the door and just pull yourself up and before I get in just let me show you the interior here for older airplane now this airplane like I said is a 79 model and you can see that it is well capped if you look at the dash here and let me just show you how far the interior goes so you've got two seats in the back and you've got some luggage wrong back there okay and that will take up to 120 pounds of luggage and also to give you an idea of the lead room you see there's more than of lead woman in there but let's jump in so my first impression of sitting in here is how high up the seats are okay you see my head do you see the top of my head now once I closed this door I still have some some Headroom but I love that I can sit up straight you need to sit in one of this to see what I'm saying I love that I can sit up straight and I can see the whole front of this airplane usually even during my training I'm sitting really low and especially if you're training to say you're flying to a sportier everything like a light sport even the da40 that I trained in you're sitting much lower and you're not able to see everything in front of you whereas with this you sit a really upright which me I can totally appreciate now also the length I mean the width of the cabin is really nice all right I had Chris who was the owner sitting next to me earlier and we had more than enough shoulder room in here so in terms of comfort you wouldn't have a problem in this airplane okay now let me show you the - all right so you see in front of me first thing you notice is that this is a six pack all analog but one thing I want you to put your eyes to is this when I again this is the very first time I'm sitting in a Grumman tiger and I've seen a lot of pictures and videos online but one of the first things I notice is the size of this yoke for whatever reason I thought they would be much bigger I don't know maybe some of the pictures I saw they just looked bigger but these are actually very compact and I have big hands so I like that the the yokes are smaller all right same on the other side now I maybe might move back a little bit you may get a better perspective but anyway let's check out the - alright so here in your but you have your six-pack ok you move towards the right now here are some of the upgrades that were done in this airplane this tiger is I have first certified so you've got your radios here the Garmin 430 and also ATSB I was told by the owner they just installed this so that's really neat and then you've got your radar altitude there you can set this either VFR and ifr but if you're flying IFR you can this will come in handy because it will let you know if you're too low to the ground so you can set it to whatever altitude that you want and the below that you've got some of your circuit breakers down here again with some of the comments I get on my videos are oh what are all these buttons or wider airplanes have so many buttons so I think you can appreciate sometimes when you don't have a lot of buttons but let's go through it so from here from this side you've got your headset jack okay your ignition slot there your master alternator and these are your lights so a lot of the electronics just below and the main stuff here you've got your throttle and your mixture now with this mixture leave or you don't have this function where you can lean you make sure but it still works great you can pull in now I did say earlier that the the prop is a fixed pitch prop so you don't need you don't have any lever in here to control your prop but this airplane still performs great with a fixed pitch okay you've got your carpet there and then cabin heat here if you look below those are your fuel tank selectors again they're two tanks 25.5 on each and then down here not much main thing here is your flaps okay you see the degrees of flaps you can have there and let me get you if I can get you to see that it's it's really dark down there but I was gonna show you the rudder so like a lot of the other airplanes in this class you can see the rudders there you've got your rudder and then you have tow brakes at the top there so you've got your tow brakes we really need in here and I can appreciate the soft touches on the edges of the airplane and if I close the door if I pull the door close here see what I was saying you saw earlier it looked like I was just as tall sitting down in the airplane but you see I still have quite a bit of headroom here now again comfort will honestly depend on your size I've been told you know people over 6 feet tall find it really nice in here I'm only 510 and then also I think it depends on the structure of your body frame some people have longer legs some people have longer waistline so it depends on that your body frame for you to see you know if it's comfortable in here but for me it's absolutely comfortable and again I just love the fact that I can sit up I can see everything let me show you let me show you what I mean see this is my view I'm you're looking at what I'm looking at I love the fact that I can see everything a lot of times in the past this is what I can see all I see is my - and a little bit of the horizon at the top but with this look this is really my view that you're looking at right now and I appreciate that so guys for a lot of pilots out there myself included if you're looking to buy an entry-level airplane as your first airplane this is definitely a great choice this is one of the airplanes that a lot of you have suggested that I look into and sitting in one today I'm definitely will be considering it the only thing is it is above my price range but you can find Tigers anywhere from $50,000 and up but the average price for these are around 50 60 grand but there these are great airplanes and especially the power plant I owed 360 is a bulletproof engine as you hear a lot of people say I've never had any trouble with them and most of my hours actually are in a like home and I owe 360 so if you're out there and you're looking for something a entry-level airplane to get into definitely consider a tiger you can take your family and friends on a road trip this is a true cross-country airplane and again I didn't sit in that back seat but I can just I it with my with my camera to see okay there's a lot of good leg room in there so these are really good airplanes to fly in and for the for the money value what you get with them I think you get a good deal with them now I'm gonna talk to the owner and who will give you a lot more details what it takes and owning one of this and what the ownership cost is and all that good stuff but that would be in my next video so stay tuned okay so this is my quick review of the Drummond tiger I hope I've covered enough stuff for you let me know in the comments below what you think and if you're a grumman pilot please comment below let me know what your experience is thank you guys so much for watching make sure you give a thumbs up if this is your first time be sure to hit that subscribe button for me again my name is Mike thanks for spending time with me and I will catch you on the next video peace [Music]
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 56,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rumman tiger, grumman cheetah, grumman traveller, grumman aa5, grumman american, grumman yankee, piper cherokee, money m20, cessna 172, diamond da40, cessna 182, grumman aircraft, aviation pilot
Id: Tknex0kH6Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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