The Ultimate XDefiant Settings Guide (PS5/Xbox X|S/PC)

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with the exify server test starting shortly I'm sure a lot of you guys are really eager to get into the game so to help streamline that process and get you guys set up I've made a settings guide this settings guide is going to cover settings for all platforms first and then it's going to cover PC specific settings next and a couple little extra tweaks I found now this is going to be a pretty fast-paced guide so feel free to pause where you need to to keep up as well I'll be including chapter markers for you guys so you can go back and find certain sections more quickly and before we start the video all I ask is that you leave a like on the video and consider subscribing to the channel as it's going to help me get closer to my goal of becoming a Ubisoft partner now with that out of the way let's jump right into the guide now starting off in gameplay in UI we have field of view personally I would set this to a value between 103 and 120 this is mostly personal preference I personally like 120 but I know many people like 103 or 105 or around that range especially if you're on controller a lot of people say that that gives the most consistent a assus personally I'm on mouse and keyboard I prefer a little bit of a wider field of view so I rock 120 next we have ads field of view this again is personal preference most people are going to be rocking consistent as that is a little bit more zoomed out when your ads the other options going to leave you a lot more zoomed in ads Behavior hold this is what most people are used to if you come from shooting games like cod this is the default so usually go with hold ads sensitivity transition prably Rock instant again personal preference melee ads can be on or off aiming interrupts reload personally I have this on just so that if I need to cancel my reload for whatever reason and start shooting I'm already starting to ads as I do this or I can just tap it very quickly to reload cancel the end of my animation for Crush Behavior I personally like a toggle but this personal preference for spr Behavior this is essentially a difference of hold versus toggle tap being toggle and hold being hold personally I run tap so I don't have to be holding down sprint button the entire time now personally for auto Sprint I've gotten used to having this on on most games so I will be keeping it on but if you don't run it just turn it off that's fine now for Sprint interrupts reload personally I would almost always have this off as this allows you to Sprint around while reloading which is very key to making sure that your up time on the map is very good for slide Behavior I would have this on tap so that we can slide cancel easier Auto reload weapon have this on have this off doesn't really matter same thing with auto switch weapon personally I keep them both on auto grab ledge I would personally turn this off so that you don't mantle edges accidentally scoreboard Behavior I would personally put this on hold now for adjusting HUD limits you can go in here and pull in the edges of your screen a little bit and your HUD so that everything is a little bit closer to the center of your screen and you don't have to move your eyes as much personally this is what I do I just pull it in on the sides and in the top just ever so slightly so that everything's a little bit closer to the center of my screen and I don't have to move my eyes as far that's very comfortable for me for damage numbers enemy health bars and mini map rotation I would turn this on distance units keep this on meters as in the gunsmith all weapon ranges are represented in meters ping display you can turn this on or off if you'd like to see your ping now for team composition overlight not a lot of people know that this is in the game but I would personally turn this on this is actually really useful it's going to show you the names and HP and status of all your teammates and the enemy team so when they're alive and when they're dead what their HP is like if they have their Ultras or not so this is very useful it gives you a lot of information without having to hit the scoreboard moving on to controller settings here we we have Dylan Arco settings friend of mine and Call of Duty Challengers player his Twitter will be linked in the description you can see here he's rocking the brawler flipped button layout this personal preference you can change this to whatever you prefer aim assist on standard he reduces his aim assist strength adjustment to minus one what this is going to achieve is this going to make your aim feel a little bit less muddy and sticky it's not going to affect your rotational strength is that falls under the follow adjustment so this is just going to make your aim feel a little bit more responsive when you're on target as a response curve he rocks reverse S curve and for his Zoom multipliers he just rocks 1.0 on both as well for sensitivity he rocks 4242 with a 2X acceleration multiplier and a low dead zone of three on both sticks with controller vibration off as far as what controller preset I would recommend you guys run I would say skill thumb brawler is a good layout if you guys don't have paddles this places crouch on your R3 and jump on L1 this preset is going to allow you you guys to slide cancel without taking your thumbs and fingers off of any important buttons as far as audio goes personally I just turn down the music volume to zero and turn down the dialogue volume slightly and I leave everything else untouched in language and accessibility we can set our color volum mode and flashbang effect personally I would turn the flashbang effect to dark and for color blind mode I don't remember exactly which one it is but one of these options is going to highlight your enemies in yellow which I find really makes them pop out on a lot of maps so consider tinkering around with that setting and seeing if you can find one that you like the look of now in matchmaking an account you can find the toggles to turn off crossplay and input based matchmaking personally I would leave both of these on to make sure that you're both getting the fastest match possible and that you're playing against people who are on the same input device as you now for all my PC people I'm going to be going over the graphics settings that I ran in the last test these are still the best settings and what I'm personally going to be running this test these are my Graphics settings that I run full screen obviously you want to be in full screen so there's no input lag if you're on like windowed full screen or just regular windowed there's going to be extra input lag personally for res I this is a stretch resolution I run 1720 x 1080 most of you are going to be running native just one click back and you have 1720 refresh rate make sure this is on Max for me it's 240 it's the only option even available monitor this is if you have multiple monitors most of you don't so that's not important you want this on for this um if you have a weaker system enabled plus boost if you have a pretty beefy system just leave it un enabled for brightness around 10 I find is nice I also like to bump up the contrast because I find it helps me see like um Echelon players and stuff when they're in the invis suit you can kind of see the edges of their like they kind of Shimmer when they're invis so I find that this makes that effect stand out a little bit more if you bump up the contrast you want to enable dx12 render if you have um a newer graphics card if you have like a really old graphics card you might want to leave this uh to know but if you have like Nvidia like 10,000 series or or older probably just run the dx12 it it tends to run a little bit better graphics quality on custom vsync always off frame limit I mean you can have this off if you have it on the max is 200 but if you have it off you can actually go way past 200 so if you get more than 200 frames you can um leave it off but if you want to limit it say you only have like a 144 HZ monitor or something you can turn it on and limit it to 144 it's fine Shadow quality low spot Shadow low all this low contact Shadows off res scale if you turn this down you're going to get more FPS but it does kind of look pretty trash so I just leave it on 100 cuz I get pretty good frames already sharpening you're going to want to crank this up a little bit like by default I think it's on like five or something but I keep it on 10 just so that edges are really crisp and stuff and it helps with like seeing detail from really far away especially again like the invis suits kind of really pop out when you bump the sharpening up a little bit particles put this on low volumetric fog low all this low low off low subface off Parallax no ambient No Object detail you're going to want to keep this maxed extra streaming distance this is like how far your um view distance is so you're going to want to Max this out so that people that are way way far across the map are going to like load in properly and they're not going to look all blocky lens flares obviously turn this off this is super distracting water quity low chromat aberration just turn that off it's distracting high res don't need Sky textures turn them off terrain low apply apply and then yeah that's all the uh in-game graphic settings that you guys should be running if you want to make sure that your game is running as fast as possible with the in-game graphic settings handled we're going to hop into the Nvidia control panel settings sorry to all my AMD guys but I don't own an AMD GPU so I can't provide any settings for you guys in that department but I'm just going to scroll through this really slowly and you guys can double check everything on your own and just pause the video if you need to see anything specific [Music] next we're going to come down to resolution here we're going to make sure that we're running the maximum refresh rate for those of you guys who want to run stretch resolutions what you would do here is you would come and create a resolution and you would change this horizontal pixels to whatever you want for example 1720 x 1080 let's go test for me I already have it so it's just going to say it's a duplicate but if you're just creating one it'll run a quick test and if you're able to run it it will say test successful and then it will pop up here in this custom resolution bar and then you'll just tick to enable it and click okay and then it'll pop up here in this custom tab I handle my stretch resolution in game instead of actually changing the resolution of my monitor so I'm just going to stay on Native for now as well we can come down here to desktop color settings and mess with digital Vibrance like this if we want to really crank this up and really saturate those colors we can personally I handle this with another program that I'll show you guys later so I just keep this on 50 as well if we come to desktop size and position if you guys are going to be wanting to run stretch resolutions make sure that you perform full screen scaling so select full screen and come down here to perform scaling on if you have the option to use display use display delay but I only have the option to use GPU so I use GPU and then take this box to override the DPI scaling settings as well come down here to gsync and personally I keep it disabled as it does add some input lag if you'd like to run gsync you could I would enable it for full screen mode very quickly here I'd like to just highlight a program that I use called Vibrance GUI now what Vibrance GUI does is that you can come in here and add manually and come to program files U for Ubisoft Ubisoft game launcher games extra and we can grab the extra exe and then set a Vibrance in-game level and now what Vibrance GUI is going to handle is it's going to automate our Windows GUI Vibrance level for when it detects certain games running and so you can add all the games you want to play and you can set individual Vibrance level and it will all be handled automatically and then when you exit out of the game it will return to your standard Windows Vibrance level that you set right here as well for this program to run we're just going to click auto start and effect primary monitor only as well as never change resolutions this is very important if you run stretch resolutions make sure that you take to this box and as well um don't close the program you need to keep it open for this program to work so instead of hitting this x button we just hit this minimiz press button and then it's going to go into your process tray and just live here it's a very lightweight app doesn't take up a lot of system resources so it's fine to just leave running in the background as well if we open our file explorer and navigate to our program files you for Ubisoft Ubisoft game launcher go into games and then ex defiant and scroll down until we find the exify exe there a couple more tweaks we can do here come to the compatibility and disable able full screen optimizations as well as override High DPI scaling on the application then hit apply and okay as well if we come to documents my games and then exify and here if we find the file labeled BC gfx UI config do config come in here we can actually set our mini map scale to higher than 1.0 basically what this achieves is that I don't have to move my eyes very far and I I can see more of my mini map in my peripheral vision because things are just extra big extra scaled up this isn't going to make you see any extra of your mini map but the size of the mini map is just going to be blown up in scale by a factor of 30% as well if we go to our search bar and look up game mode settings we can turn game mode on as well if we come to graphics and change default Graphics can turn on optimizations for windowed games as well we have Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling and this is going to depend on what update version of Windows you're on personally for me Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling on my current version of Windows works just fine for me so I like to keep it on but if you guys are having issues you can turn this on and turn this off and see if it helps you at all and that's it you guys that's all the settings you guys are ready to hop into game and start frying I hope to to see you guys out there and good luck this weekend if you enjoyed the video and watch to this point I just like to thank you guys for supporting the channel it means a lot to me personally and I'm very happy to be able to play exify again as well seeing as I have the whole day off I'm going to be streaming over on Twitch all day it'll be linked in the description and in the pinned comment if you guys want to come check me out and hang out that' be greatly appreciated that's been all from me I will see you guys in the next video peace out [Music]
Channel: ClueFPS
Views: 9,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XDefiant Settings, XDefiant Graphics Settings, xdefiant launch date, xdefiant launch, when does xdefiant come out, xdefiant season 1, xdefiant release ps5, xdefiant update, xdefiant release, xdefiant release date ps4, xdefiant release date xbox, new xdefiant update, xdefiant new update, xdefiant game, xdefiant release date, xdefiant gameplay, xdefiant release date 2024, xdefiant release date leaked, xdefiant news, xdefiant leak
Id: 5mViV6qXV58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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