The ULTIMATE WARP STABILIZER Guide For Premiere Pro (Best Warp Stabilizer Settings Premiere)

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so warp stabiliser is one of those tools that can help you smooth out your footage make a nice and buttery but I can also do the exact opposite effect and make it the worst-looking jello ah most of time most people just slap it on and then just call it a day but that is not how you get the best results out of it and today I'm going to show you how to do just that now I also post it up on my Instagram I've got a few fans are sending some clips I'll stop just my clips so that you have to just like take my word for that it works on I've actually just got some random clips that they've sent through so I can show you my process that I would go through to stabilize each one of these clips alrighty let's get straight into us the first that we have is this shot of my beautiful fiancee ash walking up to a Riley's it's a few different parts in this so I wouldn't use this whole clip in one the first clip will be from kinda like yeah go out of there I don't reckon that we'll be able to go after there about cuz there's big whoop it's gonna definitely struggle up there and then the second portion will be kind of like walking in so with what's there wise you want to trim you clip to the right length otherwise you're just unnecessarily stabilizing portions of the clip that you're not going to use it's gonna go to effects tab and type in warp stabiliser drag it on and we are really go so as soon as you drag it on it'll start stabilizing the clip we want to allow to do it is to go through and actually stabilize it and then after it's stabilized and we can start tweaking the settings and getting it looking just right alright so it is now done and straight away I can tell that we're gonna run into a few problems so let's play the clip and see just how well the warp stabilizers actually done so it's not bad not bad at all at the end here this red starts going wrong the reason that I said I can tell from the get-go that there's going to be some problems is that this auto scale number is at a hundred fifty percent basically what you want to do is you want to bring that down as low as possible while still keeping a stable because this is when you start running into all these and weird like jello effect that's low you'll avoid that by keeping the auto scale quite low all right so let's just quickly break this down I'll tell you why this isn't working so it starts off really really good there's a few little like weird jellies like here it kind of jell-o's a bit and the reason that is is that if we zoom in a little bit you can see that it's actually the image is actually blurred and the reason that is is because I have my shadow tu-154 the second to get some nice motion blur but the problem is that warp stabilizers needs data to track and if there's motion blur and there's it like weird artifacts and stuff it's gonna make it real hard for the software to analyze where those points are and then keep them consistent so when it starts getting real funky is when the motion blur starts getting light considering how much motion blur there is I'm surprised how well it's done but I just can say that as I starting to come up here there's a lot of motion blur and that's where it's finding it hard to actually detect those points and then keep it consistent that's why it starts to get in that rear'd we're weird gel effect going on so essentially in this case what I would do because I think this doesn't look good the first thing we could try to do is bring down our smoothness to say like 20% and just see if that fixes it and again we can see this auto scales coming down a bit let's try this again so it's better but again this is weird zoom at the end now my rule of thumb foot using warp stabiliser is this auto scale i never go above 100 very rarely will I go above 110 percent so basically if we Pete bring us down get after 5% I'm trying bring up a lawyer 110% 4% hundred ten percent so let's just watch this back so that looks pretty good now for me personally if I was gonna use this whole clip I'll bring it down even more say like two percent just and just try to get rid of that weird jello bit at the very end so that that's quite as good as we're going to be able to get it the other thing we could do is go down to the Advanced tab and do a detailed analysis so let's just quickly do that and what that does is it just spends more time going through and trying to pick the points so without it it just basically smacked a suit goes true and spends more time picking those individual points now while awaiting what we could have done to fix this shot is that we could have upped our shutter speed so instead of shooting at one fiftieth of a second and trying to get that nice motion blur I could have roughed it to say 1/100 of a second or 1/2 hundredths of a second and what I would have done is it would have made sure that the edges of the actual image a stay sharp and then when we're stabilized we don't get that weird like edge blurriness effect that's going on let's quickly check this out for a detailed analysis and again not much difference if I was going to use this clip which I personally wouldn't I would kind of trim it to about here and not use this bit going up just because it still looks a little bit funky but if we were to use it that's kind of I'd be happy with a this is the whole clip that we're going to use all right so let's jump onto this second portion of the clip now straight away we can see that there is a lot of kind of like back and forwards which should be okay doing but as I'm stepping the perspective is moving up and down so when you try to shoot clips that you know you're gonna warp stabiliser later try to avoid bigger movements like this kind of little movements are fine that's where it will work but also avoid doing this as well because this is where you start getting some real wid stuff happening because it will stabilize the footage but then you get a weird perspective shifts and then it doesn't understand how to stabilize we can't stabilize that because the whole perspective is actually changing alright so perfect example of a super jell-o shot so this is exactly what you want to avoid when you're using the warp stabilizer tools essentially what's happening is as the camera is going up and down and moving left to right it's trying to warp the image different axes to try it make the image look the same but because the movements way too big it's just getting this real weird jello effect that it's just not looking good at all so again first thing we're gonna do is come to the smoothest and bring that down let's go down to say 20% again hasn't really helped that much so next thing I'll do is go right down let's go like five percent now we can see this hasn't actually dropped my don't drop to 107 % and actually do something and I'm gonna drive it till one percent now thinking about this initially it's like why would you apply a warp stabiliser effect and only put it at 1% and the reason is is that if the movements way too big you won't try to reduce that gel effect but still keep it smooth so at 1% it might be good enough to just smooth it out enough but avoid that real weird jello effect and we can see now is that the jello effect is gone but the camera movements still there so personally for me I would prefer to have a bit of camera movement like this but at least it's smooth and have that real weird jello effect and again ever really want it we could do a detailed analysis but for this I don't think it's gonna do too much but there's actually done a pretty good job of stabilizing while avoiding those like real weird jello effects now what now the cool thing we can do is that we can actually nest this sequence after we've stabilized it so it's pretty smooth so it's nasty we can apply warp stabiliser again now the reason that I do this sometimes is that if you try stabilize it too much too quick you stuck in that jello effect so by incrementing it what you can do is you can fix the clip a little bit and then you go reapply that effect and because it's smoothed out some of that motion it actually just it it has a better time analyzing it and figuring out exactly what is actually going on the clip now this is especially good if you are trying to stabilize drone shots where you're kind of like speeding up clips or doing a rap or something when you're doing that kind of stuff you notice those micro jitters quite a bit so by doing this and then doing it again kind of like will stabilize that those micro cheetahs then you can stabilize the actual full clip itself alright so now we can see that the clip is actually a lot more stable it's still a bit of jell-o in there but from the initial one it is so much better so again we'll bring this down to say 20 percent and that is looking so much better towards the end it start to get it a little bit more weird and stuff so that's rad just cut it a little bit earlier probably cut it like here by compared to the original it is looking so much better now quickly one thing I want to know is that even though the default settings for the warp stabiliser is 50 percent smoothness very rarely we actually use it at that full 50 percent or higher like very rarely we ever use it at that default setting when you do that is where you're stuck in that real weird warp II jello effect happening because you need to tone it down a bit telling you tone it down a bit too much going on now this next clip is quite shaky and I think it's gonna have a hard time smoothing it out while trying to avoid that gel effect I got out to my surprise this has actually done a ridiculously good job that honestly looks like it's on a gimbal hi guys that has even surprised me how good that is there's a few things we can take away from this to help improve our shots when we're shooting them in the future and that is that even though it is quite shaky the actual camera movement isn't like really really vigorous or really really big and the other thing is is that there is a lot of detail to actually analyze so up here there's a lot of detail in this roof bit on this tree down here is a lot of stuff there's a lot of like high contrast areas down here that the software have an easy time detecting and then tracking it throughout the scene now honestly for me I would leave it like that I maybe try Briand out of 20% and just see if it changes because sometimes it's just like adding more smoothing that doesn't actually need another thing is is that more you smoother the more cropping it has to do so you can bring the smoothest down you lose less on the image right so those are my clips that I just randomly selected to try to give you a bit of an idea about how to use the basics of warp stabiliser but now challenges have got some fan clips and we can see just how well we can stabilize each of it so straight away I know this is going to struggle and the reason is is that the focus is shifting quite a lot and the depth of field is quite shallow so the software needs points to track and I used to track those points throughout the clip to be able to analyze and then figure out how much it needs to move it but if the points that is track and keep changed you like say you're shooting a tree and the leaves are movie gonna have a real hard time tracking that movement and then trying to stabilize the Clips around that I'm gonna try to avoid the out-of-focus vector I'll leave the out-of-focus bits in just so you can see what I'm talking about a good thing to measure as well is that down shot these clips at 4k so obviously the more resolution you have the easier it's gonna be for the software to pick points and to track them throughout scene but we have to remember that if there is more resolution the image is just gonna take longer for the clip to analyze okay now considering how much the focus changes it's actually done a pretty good job again there's that weird jello effect and as it's going out of focus you can see here that it starts to get like real jerky and that is because those points that it's tracking and now moving or changing so it can't track those anymore so again the first thing we do would be to bring the smoothers down that has helped a bit and I bring this right down to 5% just to see fix it now honestly for me if I I had this shot I wouldn't use this it just because I know that it wouldn't stabilize well and what I do is I reshoot it with a lower aperture or just try to avoid those in and out of focus bits that so there's actually a lot of data for the software to analyze now there's definitely portions in here that you could use another fix you can do is shoot this at 50 frames a second slow it down and then stabilize it by slowing it down it just smooths out those movements slightly and then again it just gives it more chance for the software to analyze the clip and smooth it out and now it's probably a good time to know as well that not every clip can be stabilized like you're trying to warp stabiliser clip and it's just not working sometimes you just have to either throw it away or try use something else so again in the second one we can see it is kind of struggling as well we'll bring the smoothness down but again the reason is because that focus is shifting because that focus plane is so small it's just having a hard time picking those points and then tracking up throughout the clip okay now this is the point in this clip that we've tried a whole bunch of different stuff and we still can't get it smooth and it's where unfortunately you just have to throw in the bin or try find a different clip sometimes you get it sometimes you don't there's not enough data for the software to analyze it doesn't matter how much tweaking and how much you play with it it's just never gonna be smooth this next clip we have is from Harry again I can tell straight away this bit in the middle where it gets real shaky this is where we're gonna have a hard time and then we can see this move from here to here is a big movement like at the start here it's quite small so it should be okay to analyze that but as soon as it goes to here and it starts having those big movements this is where it's really going to show it let's just quickly throw the stabilizer on and just see how it goes stabilize in the full clip and then we'll start chopping up into the different sections that you can actually use from this clip all right so just as I expected premiere has a giving us a warning basically said to avoid extreme cropping set framing to stabilize only so let's just do that let's just see how much it's actually I had to warp the effect so look how much it's had to crop the image to try stabilize it and on it is actually smooth you can see as well when we stuck in those big movements look how much the frame light has to move ah here it is and has the most so much to try actually keep us stabilized so again at 10% smoothing it's still autos going to 150% so we need to bring this right down so let's go down to 1% so now we've got an auto scour down to 106 so let's have a look at this I can do that is still like quite handheld II if we actually split the screen and take off the warps they was you can see just how much it's actually doing but again what I would be doing is I would be cutting out this middle section where we get this massive movement and then essentially we've got two clips here and I still have that hand how do you look but they just get rid of those micro Judas so it kind of looks more like it's on a gimbal and again the name of the game is to avoid all that weird jello effect going on and the last shots we have are from Chester or C shots almost got some dope arrow shots from a helicopter and as you can see if we go through them they're really really shaky now again some tips to get the best results out of this situation would be to up your shutter speed so you just avoid that motion blur so you got nice sharp edges for the software that align now this has actually done a really good job and you can see just how much it's stabilizing it by the lens fluid here look how much that's moving around that's what shot is still buttery smooth now this next clip has quite a bit of jitter but also a camera movement so actually did a pretty good job apart from about halfway through when the camera member starts happening and that's why we start getting that weird jello effect happening again the first thing we do is bring the smoothness down and see if that helps us out which is actually done a pretty good job of also these shots Chester's got a friggin dope the Sidney now the last shot we got there's a lot of contrast so this should be no problem to analyze what's cool is that chest actually shot these are 50 frames a second so what we're gonna do is we're gonna slow it down by 50% and it's gonna give us more time to basically soak in the shot but it's also gonna give warp stabiliser and easy time analyzing this clip however the problem that you gotta run into is that as soon as you slow down a clip you can't apply warp stabiliser as well so it's two different ways we can do this so we can nest the clip by right-clicking and choosing nest and then we can apply water stabilizer to that clip and the other way we can slow this down is if we right-click and choose reveal and project we'll find where the shutters and then we right-click this and choose modify interpret footage and under framerate we can see that it's 50 frames a second but we can actually assume it's 25 frames a second or making it twice a slow and now we're just going to drag out the clip so we have the full clip interview and now we can apply the warp stabiliser straight to here without having to nest it now if you don't want your clip to playback at half speed you won't actually play but I have full speed then all you do afterwards is right click Choose nest and then speed that up to 200% or doubling the speed and it'll play back out real time but they don't have that nice smooth stabilization as well so guys I hope you enjoyed this one and you picked up a few tricks and tips along the way over how to stabilize your footage and get the best results if you did enjoy this tutorial then consider liking and subscribe and if you have any questions and feel free to leave them below in the comments and as always stay creative and just me see ya
Channel: Andrew Murphy
Views: 13,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultimate warp stabilizer guide, warp stabilizer premiere pro 2020, best warp stabilizer settings premiere, warp stabilizer premiere pro, premiere pro warp stabilizer, warp stabilizer, warp stabilizer tutorial, how to use the warp stabilizer effect in premiere pro, warp stabilizer premiere pro cc, how to use warp stabilizer, premiere pro stabilization tutorial, stabilize shaky video in premiere pro, premiere pro stabilization, andrewmurphywa, Warp stabilizer guide premiere pro
Id: rHZjs-9prJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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