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so if you've ever used premier then you probably used its built-in warp stabiliser if you've used that warp stabiliser then you've probably noticed that a couple times when you use it you get this weird warping effect that doesn't look too good in your videos so what do you do well ideally you'd want to go back out there and shoot it again with some sort of gimbal or stabilizer but for most of the time you probably can't go back to that same location if let's assume it's an event or a travel video in another country so you can't really go back out there to shoot it again well what do you do now you really need that clip and there's not much to do about it well guess what you're in luck because today I'm gonna show you how to turn that super shaky video into some almost game bully super smooth video yeah [Music] [Applause] hey guys we're here back in premier and here's her clip right here play it real quick it's quite a shaky clip it was shot handheld should use the gimbal but I didn't get it at the time so that's the clip and if we apply warp stabiliser you can see near the end it has this warping effect that jello effect that doesn't look too good so what we're gonna do is we're gonna stable this in After Effects stabilize this in After Effects don't worry it's easier than you think all you have to do is right click to the clip right click the clip and hit replace with After Effects composition and that's gonna open up After Effects and here is our composition right here this is our clip I'm gonna cut it just about here just to make this tutorial faster and delete that it's better if you don't know how to cut in After Effects it's command shift D or if you want you can just do it in Premiere and it'll automatically get that same length of clip and After Effects so here's our clip now what we're gonna do is track the motion or stabilize it if you don't have this panel right here go to window and select tracker and it'll show up so we're gonna select our clip first and go to stabilize motion so for the first one we're just gonna select position and leave rotation and scale off and you're gonna see this tracker point over here so what you want to do is select this tracker point move it around in select an area that's got some good contrast and is uniform throughout the clip so what I'm gonna do is select our subject over here right let's just select this area right by the hand in bag so the first area right here is what it's gonna track and the second box is where it's gonna look for the smaller box so it's not good if you set it too big because sometimes it gets confused and then moves around and also it's gonna take a lot of processing power so keep it reasonably sized and we're just gonna go here and hit and lies forward so far it's doing a pretty good job tracking our subject staying on spot throughout and if we skim through we can see I think it did a pretty good job tracking or subject so what we're gonna do is simply hit apply and hit ok and there it is it's tracked only the position so far and you can see these transparent areas at the back that's because it's moving the frame around to compensate for that movement and the shaking or your footage the more you're gonna have to crop in to get rid of this so we're gonna skim through it and I think it did a pretty good job what we're gonna do next is we're gonna get rid of these edges over here by simply zooming in and adjusting our frame around so we get rid of it showing it a bit over here move it up so I think that's pretty good right now so what we're gonna do next is right-click our composition and create a new composition from selection this is gonna start fresh and we have our position tracked right now but it's still a little bit shaky yeah that's because we then tracked the rope we didn't track the rotation that's what we're gonna do right now it's stabilized motion again this time click rotation and on tick reposition but this time you're gonna see two tracker points instead of one so where you're gonna put these well what you want to do is find a place in your frame within the horizontal or vertical axis so a good candidate would be this bar over here we can select this vertical axis over here well we can select the tree if we want and the longer it is the better so I'm gonna select this point over here because I think it's pretty good and we're gonna move our first tracking point to one end of it so right about here and we're gonna move our second track point to the other end right there it's good to watch it while it's tracking to see if it gets off point and if it does you can simply stop it any time and then readjust your track points put them back in their same position and continue analyzing forward so so far it's doing a pretty good job I'm gonna wait for it to finish and come back alright so finish tracking the rotation I think it'd been an okay job we'll find out so what we're gonna do is hit apply go to the beginning of the frame and apply and that should stabilize the rotation let's take a look I'll look at that that is really smooth and you could see the transparent thing again so we've just compensate for that by zooming in so I think it did a pretty good job of stabilizing it it's it's definitely not a hundred percent perfect but it is really good now if we go back into Premiere Pro it should update in real time I've already done this ahead of time so I'm gonna show you the final result so I think that looks pretty smooth that is silky smooth right there so if you take your time and make it perfect it'll end up looking like this is really good so if we look at the before right here look how shaky that was and the outcome silky smooth it almost looks like it was shot with a gimbal so this is a really powerful technique if you got a clip where you really need to stabilize it and you don't have another option this is a way to do it and that's it for this one now that was pretty impressive don't you think so that's it for this video guys if you liked it and enjoyed it learn something give it a thumbs up and that's it for this video also don't forget to follow me on Instagram that's where I post a lot of stories of places I go to bonus tips all that kind of stuff so check me out there and once again that's it for this video and I'll see you guys next time you [Music]
Channel: Ali Amar
Views: 61,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xA0yCtfSbC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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