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what's up firefighter my name is karen fire and welcome back to a brand new video today i'm doing a video about the age of calamitous mod now this is a guide for gardening flowers and where to find certain things that you need and as always with mods things may be subject to change in the future so this is what it is like now and it has been like this for a very long time actually so unless he changes anything uh i will definitely pin it in the comments below just in case that does happen but for now i'm going to show you how the growing system works here i'm going to show you where to find aoc plants and flowers and all sorts okay so you've gotten into aoc you need some plants to be able to do things perhaps you're looking for bluebells dragon fern aurora herb widow's leaf you name it there is a bunch of different plants you can get and i'm going to start off with the bitter cornelia and that is harvested from true indigo which you can find around here on the map with the imp temple you can see in these little uh rotten looking bushes you can see we're getting a bunch of that stuff already as well as other stuff with it actually now you can farm this with like any sickle you like of course the better the sickle the better the yield so if i'm going to use a better aoc sickle you're going to see i'm going to get a lot more and then i'm going to use a chronixium one and you can see i'm getting a bunch more so i can just happily just chop away over here and get a really nice yield this is also a nice way to get luna hemp as well while you're here and yes farming some of these also will give you the seeds for them that you can grow in gardening which we'll discuss later this location is not only great for the true indigo but you can also farm a lot of purple lotus around here which gives a different plant which would be your mystical plant group for once and then it gives you aurora herbs also so you can get those two types which is going to be very good for your aoc crafting either way if you want the place uh location of this this is right here you can see it's right by the eastern barracks and just around this pool and on the bay here you'll find those plants next plant we're looking for is bluebells which can only be found from a false mandrake plant now these are found pretty much all over the map but a very uh reliable spot is the highlands for sure kind of near fryer's watch over here so you can find these kind of looking bushes and that's how you know you found the right thing some of these plants share multiple plants you can get them from but how you know that you're looking for the right plant is usually when you look in these bushes they have different flowers on them as you can see this one's slightly different so if i go down here a little bit more and then we try and find another one you'll see if you put your face in it there's this purple bits and that's how you know you kind of got the right plant there so you just go ahead and boom it should be giving us yep blue bells and you can see there's a nice chunk here so i've got a bunch of that you can also see it's giving me widows leaf as well this can also be obtained via the gray flower lupine so we did see some over here actually i believe yeah gray flower lupine so you can see i got some more out of that one so if you're looking for that too this is an area you can also get that and that place would be here on the map and you can get it a lot of places on the map as well but this is just one of the spots i'm going to show you if you're looking for a slightly more consistent fun spot for gray flower loop pine though which is the main plot you're going to need to farm for dragon fins and again you can also get out widow's leaf from these as an uncommon item you can always go to the circle of swords which is where you're going to find some of the stuff so again this is kind of the bush it has these little white flowers on it you're going to hit it and you're going to get some dragon ferns for doing so again these gray lupine bushes could be found like all over the map this is just one of the spots you can find like a little bunch of them and grab them um i would highly suggest actually looking at an interactive map for locations on exactly where is your like most closest spot but for now this kind of just gives you an idea of where to go now we did see aurora herb earlier when we were picking up purple lotus it also can come from yellow lotus and allows so ideally a spot like this is great for it because there's tons of aloe and there's some yellow lettuces in places around here so you can see i just got some aurora herb i have these of course again the better the sickle the better the harvest etc i think aloe is probably my favorite to probably get it out of unless i've got a really nice yellow lettuce spot which there are plenty of in the new river you'll see lots and lots of yellow latest um but yeah this is a good spot for aurora herb it's actually my favorite place to actually farm aloe in the game and this is right here on the map just below cannibals rest this whole kind of arch shoe thing you might as well stick around in this area as well because the next plant we're going to look at is califulia i think that's how you pronounce it since we've already found widow's leaf because that's found from false mandrakes and gray flower lupine which we both covered already we're next looking for the orange ficus which you'll see just by kind of coming over here and do you mind a little scary you know anyway since we're under here and uh not getting spooked too much after that you can come under here and you're looking for this kind of stuff and you can see uh we can just go ahead with the sickle finding them more crooks are gonna jump out of me and we can go and get a bunch of this stuff it's really easy to see it's all along noob river you can find tons of it um i'm pretty sure you can find stuff in the jungle for this as well but there's loads and loads of it so yeah definitely come along the new river have a swim around see if you can find some and that's how you're gonna get your california should be one of the easiest ones to get if i'm honest now we did see luna hemp earlier but there is another place you can get it more consistently and that is out of midnight blue plants which are these tiny little flower plants you'll see around the highlands and different places like that i mostly find them in the tundra area which is this kind of area though but you can also find them on this area too for our next flower we're gonna have to go for a dip in the cold for one of the best locations to farm a ton of this stuff and we're looking at the mystical plant now we've already seen a bit of it from purple latest and midnight blue um but it also comes from glowing goop which of course one of the easier places to get this early on which of course would be the entrance of the drags if you go down the drags the entrance bit there's tons of glowing goop however there is another location uh which providing you've got some nice diving you know breathing stuff and then you've also got preferably a uh some warm clothing on for this you can find a bunch down here too you're just looking for the lights you should be able to find a bunch as you can see right there boom tons of it's breaking off from down here probably the easiest to find i mean look how much is down here so much so so so much of this stuff you can even see some more orange ficus down here so yeah just glide along the bottom with your um tickle i highly recommend you getting a underwater breathing mask for this kind of thing because that would make it most uh bearable to do roughly about here on the map near the bridge you can take an obelisk here actually and just come in the water it's really easy to get to for our next flower is compulsory to have a gas mask otherwise you're gonna have a bad time because the only place to get fire bloom is the black lotus garden and there's only one of those on the map which is over here at the black garden in the jungle so you have to come here to get it and you're pretty much just looking for the black lotuses as we can see right there you get some fire bloom from them just go around this area and you should be able to find tons of this stuff and monkeys as well so be careful of those while you're here but it's all around these ruins in the gassy parts you'll be able to find some of this juicy stuff so for another refresher come here on the map for my last plant or well you could say b actually would be well anywhere really it comes from plain bushes but it has a very low drop rate it's called the vulcan b they're very red you'll see them now and again but pretty much can come from anywhere as you can see i just got some actually just from the bushes but yep that's pretty much all the gatherable flowers and herbs and stuff like that and bees don't forget these things also can drop from aoc things uh sometimes but i'll be honest with you the better way to do it is just farming it out these items it's not a reliable way to go farming aoc mobs for this kind of thing i'm not gonna lie while i'm here i could pretty much simply demonstrate that you can see they have a high health pool and then not every time but sometimes they can drop like flowers and stuff like that i'm just gonna kill them all um let's see what we get so you can see it's it's very rare but you can see in this lady she got some aurora herbs so it's not the only place you can get plants flowers and herbs but you can also kill things for that kind of thing as well um i just personally don't recommend it over farming but if that's how you like to roll then touche so being a gardener you're actually gonna need some of these planters from this feat of gardener in aoc and sometimes for some things you might need speciality farming as well to be able to get items like this um but if it's not that you can also buy seeds from an ingredients trader as you can see with an ingredients trader you can buy tons of seed of every type but it is going to cost you a little tin to be able to do this and as you can see there are many types of seeds in the age of calamitous if you're looking for the more useful 80 kilometers star seeds you'll be looking for george mcwhillan currently in the game who is in a location such as this right by the bay of the hulks so you could talk to him and you can buy for 37 copper coin a special reality farming book and that will enable you to have the option to buy those special seeds from the ingredients trader otherwise it will only trade you the most basic seeds now in the age of kilometers there are different types of planters now this is an outdoor planter so as you can see outdoor planter this enables you to have 50 crafting speed uh extra when you're using one of these as well as they have an indoor platter which we have set up in here with some plants and this will give you 50 yield on whatever item you are growing now as you can see in some of these planters i have a bucket of water for a lot of the aoc items you're actually going to need to be able to grow with the water and you can pretty much make it once you've learnt the gardening feet you make a bucket in the woodworking bench and then all you need to do once you've got your said bucket it's pretty much just equip it or you can just use it like this or you can use it in the hot bar and then you use it on some water and you're able to get a bucket of water and then you would go ahead and you would feed that to your plants in the inventory as you can see it works quite a bit faster than how a normal vanilla you know planting bench would work it just you put in the stuff and it will craft it also some of this stuff will want like a potent compost some of it will be happy with just a normal compost it depends what you use i've noticed like the food in the game like apples cabbages stuff like that it will want the normal compost but if you want something special like bitters uh crinelia i hope i said that right you're gonna need some potent compost if you're wondering what uses what though it can be a little confusing but thankfully i'm gonna leave this guide in the link down the description down below on this page and it gives you a whole list as you can see on the screen right now of what needs what and etc so you can see what kind of compost it wants if the water is needed and if the seeds are harvestable and then you can also see what it does for you so there's all these sorts of things like you can see the red cabbage seeds you know that would give you some cabbages and that gives you some cider bath and some you know pluses and your stats etc so this is handy to look up and plant that's pretty much how gardening goes in aoc oh there is an extra thing though that is the elvenar faction gets an extra planter called the temple planter which has 50 yield and crafting speed which makes them the farmers of the factions so this will be very very neat to have on its own um it means you get that extra speed and you get the yield all in one in a tiny little bench which is very very handy anyways let me know if this guide was helpful i've been given a few comments in the past about making aoc guides and things like that and i thought i'd do this as a kind of trial you know test kind of thing see if you guys like it or not let me know if you want to see more let me let me know what you'd like to see more of as well if you'd like to see any more asc guides in the future but i don't know if i'm going to go completely integrity or if we're just going to do some surface things that you know are very essential to the main kind of mod or what else you know we might just cover things like that because i know there are some really good channels that cover things like this like uh i'll give a shout out to uh yorkshire puds that's a very good channel um for aoc information which might be worth checking out as well if you want to delve into things a little further yeah i just thought i'd try this video out today see what you like about it i really like this mod it's been a absolute staple in the workshop for the longest of times and they're doing absolutely wonderful work on it it's a great mod it adds a nice bit of challenge and story to the original conan game yeah let me know what you think thank you for watching i love you and i'll see you the next one bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: KiahOnFire
Views: 19,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kiahonfire, Kiahonfire Youtube, Girl gamer, Conan exiles, conan exiles gameplay, conan exiles 2022, conan exiles mod, conan exiles, conan exiles overhaul, conan exiles modded, conan exiles age of calamitous, conan age of calmaitous plants, conan exiles calathuia plant, conan Aurora herb, conan bitter crinila, conan dragonfern, conan firebloom, conan lunar hemp, conan mystical plant, conan widows leaf, conan blue bell, conan aoc guides, conan age of calamitous guide
Id: o9K9OioBGJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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