How To Get Cold Embrace Thralls (Conan Exiles Age Of Calamitous)

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hi and welcome to conan exiles age of calamities in this video i'm going to show you where you can get throttles for the called embrace as i have mentioned in my previous videos i think it's one of my previous videos thralls under a specific faction will always start with the same attributes and growth chances regardless of their tier they will just differ in the base hp and the damage multiplier as the tier goes higher and of course the perks that they're going to get as they level up so for both knight of imperius and the sanguis unit under the golden brace they will have these stats let's start with the captain of the golden brace t6 the same attributes and growth chance as shown earlier but with a starting hp of 6944 damage multiplier 1.98 for melee and 3.66 for ranged and the commander of the cold embrace t7 same attributes and growth chances with a starting hp of 7750 damage multiplier of 2.14 in melee and 4.34 in ranged onto the t8 in paris knight the same attributes and grow chance then again but with a higher hp of 8680 damage multiplier melee 2.48 range 5.04 and the t9 of course the master of the golden brace same base attribute and go chance but with a staggering hit points of 10 168 damage multiplier 2.7 from la and 6.4 for range and on to the sanguis unit let's start with the sanguis assassin she is a t7 there is no t6 for the sanguis unit she belongs to t7 with the archer and the mage the same attributes and grow chance the plus 12 is for the armor that she is wearing right now she starts with 7750 hp with a damage multiplier of 2.14 range 4.34 next is the t8 for the sanguis unit the commander same attributes and growth chances but with a higher starting hp of 8680 damage multiplier of 2.48 for melee and 5.04 ranged and the highest the t9 sanguis superior same attributes and go chance but with t9 hp of 10 168 damage multiplier 2.7 melee and 6.4 ranged so in an early game there is a spot here in l5 right here on the map where you can find t1 to t2 uh there will be like six in combination of t1 and t2 and there should be one profession traveled with them so there we go that's a t2 footmen and okay the profession thrall with them is a lumberjack and you have some tea ones as well the squire of the golden brace so this is perfect for early game if you want a golden brace trial but just take note that the cold embrace is aggressive unlike the stormhold and the elven faction so the first location where you can find a single spawn point for a t6 to t9 called embrace um fighter thrall is right here in the sand swept ruins um for those who are familiar with this place you need to fight these guys right here they're quite painful so be careful if you are still low level and you just go straight ahead so this is a very familiar place for those who have finished the conan exiles vanilla um world where you come here and then you purchase a skirt stone so that you can remove your bracelet and free yourself from the slavery of the exiles land so again be careful because cold embrace camps are aggressive all of them so the only spawn point for a t6 to t9 is right here on the left as of the moment we have the imperius knight that's a t8 and also you can find some crafter trials or a dancer or performer in that spot where the taskmaster was and talking about being careful we have bunch of t5 fighters a combination of soldiers and archers so it's going to hurt a lot if ever you come here alone right here is the vanilla npc where you can buy the scourge stone petrusso so that you can remove your bracelet and then you can go you know beyond the green barrier and this guy in black probe where you can also buy the demonic blood eyes aesthetics if you want that you know just a price to pay coming here getting swarmed by all the soldiers for the aesthetics all right and the last one and of course considerably the most difficult in my opinion is the one in the unnamed city now there are several ways to go in the camp but let's talk about this one first so this is the eastern entrance to the golden race camp so if you're looking at the map the bridge is crossing from here to that spot so if you take this route you have to fight through the van ghoul uh soldiers behind me and also there will be two servants of wraith sometimes it's red and blue or blue or blue both red and red makes it to make things worse and at the end of the bridge you will be welcomed by two hooded figures two zeners mini bosses and not only that you will have a bunch of soldiers behind them with one officer so it could be a t6 7 8 or 9 waiting for you you know just to jump on you and asking you why you're there for whatever reason now just follow the path here and you will see one zener is patrolling the area so there will be like three of them all in all so just be careful because in my experience when one attacks you the other two follow i don't know if it's by design but that happens all the time there's also one spot here where you can check on potential t6 to t9 sanguis assassins unit they're so easy to spot and the only name taskmaster is also here it's a guaranteed spawn because she's the boss and the spawn point for the t9 or the t8 and t9 for the sanguis units this is the only spot where they spawn no other camps now in one of the instances that i came here i was lucky enough to find a spawn a very rare spawn of an armorer a named armorer lucia rose the weaver so that's where you can find her and also she can spawn in any of the spawn points for the sanguis assassin so this time we have the performer so again it's either t8 or t9 in that spot right there now there is another way here we go so from the desert and then you have to go through these guys right here let me show you all right so from afar you will only see some specters you know walking around that's quite easy you know you can deal with them very easily once you're already high level but that's not the case all right as you can see this place has and if my counting is correct all the time four to five scourge reapers lurk around this place now they are not friendly with each other that's why they're fighting and you're probably you know you can probably hope that the skeletons and the specters would win but no right and the way to go inside is not that easy because of those two spikes at the side of the ladder there we go see that's that's gonna be a problem because you cannot go up straight and sometimes it will force you to you know just drop and you have to climb again and if you are not in cloak mode you can you can only imagine what's gonna happen so once you get in the camp right here just have to jump off the wall into the camp there will be three frost hounds the welcoming party they're not friendly so um their aggro radius is very very short so you might think that they're friendly but once you get near them they're going to attack you all right so you just go straight and then there you can see the the path that i was following earlier and you just have to watch out for the um zaynaris or zenaris and make sure that you don't get his aggro so what i'm trying to do this time is to check if i can easily just go on top of the crates because this is one of the the spots where you can cheese them um if ever you want it to you know to be easy but i tried this one time and it was not easy because once they're already attacking you and you're getting hits it's almost impossible to to move even so if ever you're planning to get throughouts or to raid the place or resources or mine the nodes then make sure that you bring your whole squad with you or at least a considerable amount of people raiding the place now if ever you're able to manage to knock down a fighter thrall or any of the crafter thralls that you want to get i haven't found any other way aside from you know the bridge if you've found an easier way please let me know in the comment section down below but so far the only way out if ever you're dragging someone from this camp is through the bridge so i think it's advisable that you bring your horses in and then you just write off and just let them chase anyways uh from the bridge you're able to cross through the the war front and then you're already outside of the unnamed city now i found a an exploit i think or a sneaky way in and where you don't have to fight the guys guarding the the wall and also you don't have to fight the guys guarding the bridge and i will put that link in the description below because i don't want to include it in this video because i'm not sure if this is something that is official or if this is an exploit then they might fix it in the future and that is all for this video if you find this guide helpful please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel to see future guides and tutorials thank you so much for watching bye for now you
Channel: FingerPanic
Views: 15,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cold Embrace, Sanguis, Sanguiss, Sanguise, Assassin, Archer, Mage, Commander, Superior, Eliza Cole, Lucia Rose the Weaver, Sanguine Relic, Lord Gorethorn, Thrall, AoC, Age of Calamity, Age of Calamitous, Raid Camp, Capture, Walkthrough, Walk through, How to, Conan, Conan Exiles, Where to get, Location, Tame, Craft, Named Taskmaster, Named Armorer, Named Armourer, Where to get cold embrace thrall, Where to get sanguis thrall, How to go in Cold embrace camp, Cold embrace camp, Unnamed City
Id: 0CLoTR3mP18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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