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okay we're finally gonna we're finally gonna play this this is twitch reloaded which is a new isaac mod that allows you guys to interact with my game so i'm gonna do a fun thing called i'm gonna play an isaac run and we have to do dogma as isaac right so i'm gonna do it but now i have to do stuff so i gotta go to i gotta go to then i have to put in my my stream name game and then i have to hit this and then it's going to connect oh baby it made a noise i don't know how it's doing this but i'm good with it i'm good with it and then um sure we'll just yeah this all seems fine um easy mode default mode or crazy mode let's do a default mode to start and then friggin let's go crazy for another run after all right we are connected a new poll will be starting soon in four seconds and then theoretically something something should uh something should happen something should happen so now you guys can select an item to give me move face cam yeah i did all of that and i'm gonna end up moving the freaking face cam up here again anyway so glad that we we decided to change some stuff but that's fine okay so you guys are giving me uh a planetarium item it's good to see this is working so you'll be giving me tara which is a good item thank you you're very kind chat um i'm going to like not wait for you though i'm gonna okay okay sure sure i'll do it i'll do it because i'm not afraid to okay i will also not open up your freaking website it opened up the website dude i do this so creepy it's a little creepy i accidentally hit it okay i didn't want to hit the damn button but alas here we are alas here we are okay we're fine let's just do the run so you guys are gonna is gonna give me the item so just plop it on a pedestal oh no it just gives me it just gives me the damn item so i'm stuck with whatever the hell you guys choose i'm game right i'm game explosivo is uh it's a very good item don't do this for unlocks it's insanely easy okay we will not do it for unlocks then since it's insanely easy i'm fine with that we won't cheat our unlocks i'm not i'm not some filthy unlocking cheater i'm good with that i'm good with that so does it just like continually give me items because i mean yeah this is going to be uh it'll be pretty easy um if it just continually gives me items for the entire run it does appear that you guys are going to remove my d6 from me here momentarily so you know what um frick the police i'm out that's fine you want to take away my d6 i'll take it away on my own accord how about that how about that so now i have uh mother's bra very nice to to have it what is what a heck of an item a heck of an item and we'll see what happens so apparently there's other events and things that can occur select an item to remove okay well now now things are getting a little spicier than before and now aren't they so you guys gonna start removing my items i have a sneaking suspicion oh frick dude it's yolo man 1612. shout out yolo man he he's gone but not forgotten gone but not forgotten goodbye yolo man you lived a good life you really did you really freaking did um so you're removing my nine lives from the equation very interesting yo ginger f pog champ dude ginger ginger f with the the prime sub and also the the sands green buddy if that's not a pog champ ble banner games oh my lord dude this is gonna be a mess ain't it blep thank you for the sub as well oh this is gonna be a total mess i'm down i'm down welcome to the party my two small familiars they appear to uh to not oh no they appear to not do anything howlingblade with the prime sub this is uh put your name on the screen simulator apparently harold harold the retail hero has gifted two subs bath the last thank you thank you for the the sub as well egg has gifted a sub thank you for the oh my god is this is too much for my tiny brain to come this is too much for my tiny brain to comprehend okay we're fine it's good it's good welcome to the party everybody um i can't keep up with all of the all of the subs following me around they do shoot oh my god they all shoot dude they all freaking shoot what the heck is this galley thank you for the the five dollars checking if dono's do anything um they probably shouldn't they probably shouldn't i don't think oh my god man i like how the the bits do this um panic basket throws a fire from a twitch mod okay oh pardon me i i'm getting killed in this room literally everything is trying to kill you okay you know what that's fair i respect it i do i do i respect it do i like it no but do i respect it i do i do oh my god if you don't select the golden catholic chat i will never forgive you i mean you have to choose that yo thank you everybody for the the bits thank you very much you're all very kind unstable strafe with the year much appreciated welcome welcome to the the game welcome to the freaking game welcome to the team together we will uh we will beat all of the bad people okay in 22 seconds i get the the golden kaffa casper the friendly potato thank you very much for the the prime sabarooski you you are literally just uh i mean it actually looks like the bullet from from enter the gungeon which i didn't know was a familiar in the game so that's that's wacky that's wacky and extraordinarily pog to be honest very very cool stuff very cool stuff okay the pole is gone and i did not get i just realized the golden kappa is nothing never mind it's back electric judas thank you so much for the the gifted subscription very kind of you very kind okay i will receive my golden cap as soon it should give you nothing to be honest i think that'd be absolutely hilarious if it gave you nothing max mortal you're getting your ass kicked um i got the golden kappa the entire screen is is gold now but it was just in that room i was sneaking suspicion the golden kappa it actually get it turned all of my stuff to gold and gave me a ton of money i got infinite keys dude okay never mind the golden kappa is extremely extremely pog um i don't care about that though i do not care about that i i have some bits thank you i do not know what the bits do but this is something that i i'm sure we will figure out uh in due time for sure i've got tons of money so life is good um electric judas thank you thank you for the two two month in a row resub now making you the rare buddy on the screen twice that that's extremely interesting you you've somehow mastered the art of uh clogging my screen fantastic okay attack on titan i am aware that attack on titan is an anime okay i this seems fair and balanced um uh dude it takes like 800 years to kill this guy and they're they're firing some big ass shots let me tell you uh yo gally thank you very much for the the gifted sub my dude together us three oh what in the world select more or less to select a heart what um together we're all gonna take down this this enemy he will not survive it's just it's taken a hell of a hot minute to get this guy killed we we gotta we gotta get it going we gotta get it going i've got a whole freaking squad of uh hey okay we we have made some progress i'm a little bit afraid of this though like what the hell is this dude's hit box i feel like i could okay well you know what we have to test okay uh it does not work for the record it does not work i thought for a chance that i could just like slip right below him right i got a bone heart yo chat are we are we taking our relationship to the next level i'm also getting those look like nickels right but they they are not nickels they are just pennies that are flavored like a nickel a nice metallic taste and texture this is the world's longest first floor boss by the way just want that to be extremely well known he's almost dead some some day this century i'd i really like last run back that was you know like extremely good um but i was sneaking suspicion that this one will probably get to the same point over time come on dude we can only do this for so freaking long i lost the key what the hell chad i thought we were friends okay we finally did it um i will take the tier delay downgrade item the screen is so cursed looking dude they're so cursed yo jace thank you very much [Music] for the sub much appreciated dude the screen so is so freaking cursed they're so freaking cursed i hate it i really do we gave you a boneheart you lost it oh i'm sorry maybe you shouldn't have turned the enemy into um the world's largest enemy of all time i have no idea what the hell the item is that you guys are giving me so that's gonna be good i see no way that ends poorly oh dude i got infinite keys what the hell am i doing just get me out of here no don't do this dude all of the enemies are big i hope that this stuff refreshes when we go down also like the room is so so wacky it's so wacky keeper's kin i don't know what keeper's kin is but sure use gold bombs on pots that's fine it'll be okay all right we're we're still in a weird chroma chroma grayscale action that's okay uh dude it's very like the chests are very bright oh you guys are giving me a pocket item look at the size of the spider dude they've got so much health oh my lord this feels uh this feels bad we have so much firepower too with all of our uh freaking familiars i need bff is what i need we get bff and we're we're in good luck we're in good luck give me a holy card i i could use a holy card guarantees are our devil deal on the floor probably i would pop it immediately oh okay okay okay i'm gonna tell you in terms of how things go this is uh this is probably bad this is probably bad okay select an event i don't even want to think about what the hell gravity means oh my god dude oh my god how just just stay [Music] won't you stay with me because my little friendly subscriber babies are all i need [Music] to do [Music] okay i also uh i do now understand that um what the heck are you doing what the heck is going on i feel like i can't touch the walls and they're pushing me around okay i big enemies that they're so fun they're so funny such an enjoyable mechanic in the mod really happy to be uh a part of it okay we continue we continue i'm gonna need a hell of an item here soon chat uh and you're already picking another another event to occur how lucky am i how freaking lucky am i do they ever end it's looking like no it's looking like no to them ever ending how lucky am i okay please item room it's just not really good enough neither is that dies pretty okay though that's pretty okay um what the hell is going on what the hell is going on why am i shooting out minnie isaac's okay i think they're friends what the hell does name mean nay skips current poll no i i won't i won't skip your polls chet i won't skip your polls you you guys like your pulls oh my what the hell what is going on okay yeah yeah i don't know what the frick this is but i'm i'm here for it for sure so literally like everything is isaac that that's that's the thing for sure i just don't necessarily comprehend it yo mega stanton thank you for the 1000 bits here's a joke for you what do you call two octopuses that look the same identical phantom mods get them out of here i'm just kidding don't don't do that but that is a uh that is a horrific joke thank you for it i appreciated it a lot actually it was very good very good i think events end when the next one starts is that so uh i guess our enemies are back to being a normal size and the the color of the floor is back to being in normal size dude i almost went down here on the spikes to pick up the freaking money that is that is pretty bad um dude we're like cracked out of our mind levels of strong what the hell happened okay thanks for the damage up i'm gonna go back and re-roll may and then all you naysayers in the chat can get the hell out let's move let's move there's some bits on the ground we still don't really know what the bits do but that's okay ghost pepper is a very very good item now very good item buy this why not box of friends you coward you coward how does it not synergize dude that is so upsetting to me okay lovers spawn charge battery i couldn't remember what the hell lovers did so that that's fine uh just go down goodbye i'm out i'm out we could have taken the poop card but i'm i'm not about to be out here min max in chat this run is wacky and weird i don't i don't need to min max a wacky and weird run um i do have you guys gave me a freaking magic skin heart are you serious right now you guys gave me a magic skin heart are you trying to all throw hands with me me meet me uh meet me outside my apartment back back door we're gonna have a little fight i think just a small one throw some hands get a little crazy lovers is a one-time magic skin okay so you guys didn't do it now i feel uh now i feel a little uh a little less less upset with you because otherwise you guys have actually been very kind to me so that that's fair he also gave me a little haunt um i'm okay with little haunt little haunt's fine little haunt's not something that i'm gonna you know start you know screaming at the top of my lungs for but uh i i can get down with it i can get down with it um we could take that funky stupid weird item which uh would basically re-roll our d6 the next time we use it i think i would rather just annihilate this run because this is getting uh this is getting real freaking strong sure let's do it i'm gonna go for mother um i feel like there's there's no reason not to that does mean that i have to get the knife piece i kind of forgot about that kind of forgot about that stream labs died that's good dude no it's still alive don't worry it's still alive i'm i'm positive it might be a little fricked but a little fricked is fine with me a little frick just means that it's it's having a good time that's all i like it uh i have soy milk i'm okay with that too it's just soy milk for right now we'll be fine um apparently i have to go re retouch myself for phrasing phrasing a little bit okay we're moving we're moving the soy milk was actually it was pretty good dude while it lasted i i guess maybe it does it come and go maybe it's when i first enter the room no i think i think we are now done with the whole soy milk thing that's fine that's fine dude can you imagine like a big big streamer playing this and how many freaking names here would be on the screen i mean i'm i'm very very blessed to have such a loving community but i i am still a small community and there's there is a lot of names on the screen they're also like they're not even lined up with the where the people are [Laughter] very good it's very good are you calling rito not a big streamer uh yeah i'm talking like what if ninja played isaac right ninja's still popular right he still gets viewers well what if like xqc played it's mirrored you're right chat that's that's exactly what's happening now what if xqc played isaac on twitch right do you know how many eight-year-olds would would flock to see their name on xqc's stream as an isaac buddy oh my god they'd go crazy okay i'll take the this hill cap that's fine i could have black ruined it actually and i probably should have black ruined it ninja can go die in a hole oh um what the hell is going on here i can't get out because it broke the mirror we start again we start again it's explosivo again i mean look how am i supposed to freaking know that a giant-ass brimstone beam from heck spinning around the room's gonna gonna break my mirror i mean it could have probably been the mama mega part that i uh like blatantly saw and then to to not care about uh blowing up in the room makes for a good clip right makes for a good clip in the end is crap like that it goes into the goes into the the pre pre-show clip show right works out fine to me uh let's see chat is going to take point of view which i don't even want to comprehend what the hell that does [Laughter] okay little do you guys know i am i am actually like completely proficient at playing games where the controls get fricked up and i get messed around with it stuff like this normally does not bother me now they did invert both shooting and um both shooting and uh moving which is significantly harder that's significantly harder um but it's it's not the end of the world okay what the hell what the hell dude okay um okay i mean congrats congrats you figured out how to break me you figured out how to break me it was it was by swapping that repeatedly for a while that hurt that hurt the brain that hurt the brain but that's okay that's okay we got there in the end it's fine i got a bomb thanks chad here i'll find a secret room in my favor that's that's a freaking spike that's a spike the pole being upside down is a bit of an issue it's only an issue if you make it an issue is the way that i see it i've seen no problems infested pretty fly two good pills two very good pills we're happy to see him we're extremely happy to see him i have no idea by the way if chat is trying to kill me or help me i feel like there there's a bit of an unwritten rule that they're supposed to kill me if we're playing on twitch but i i really don't think that they are trying to kill me i i think that it there's a constant internal struggle between wow okay i think there's a constant internal struggle between them as to whether or not they should you know kill me or help me and in the end it creates this fun dynamic where a lot of the polls end up 50 50 in favor of good and bad it's a strange uh strange yet yet satisfying bit of realization super secret thank you thank you coming here weird but i'm with it sure i have nothing else to really do so i go down uh it would be lit if i could make a pass downpour too by the way which would be good reminds me to slay the streamer it does um which i mean slay the streamer is freaking great man it was great so i am uh happy to be a part of it we're also look we're we're gonna get wacky and weird in here because depending on how many battery charges your boy gets it's not what i wanted to do but it gets the job done depending on how many battery charges your boy gets we could get some some interesting stuff going on in here kind of start cycling through get get some uh infinite item action here i'm gonna need keys right definitely gonna need keys but i i can make the whole key thing work we can also black ruin it you're not wrong check we can black there's a freaking battery beggar in here okay okay this is an interesting one it's a terrifying one as well okay okay okay yeah i get it i should not go into new rooms while the lights black okay i think it's over yo what the hell is that middle item though i ain't ever seen that a day in my life so i feel like we about to either have a good time or a bad time no in between we will find out we will find out this has to be your super secret room never mind it's your secret room hey dirk three months in a row so glad to catch your streams after working 12-hour days thanks for all the hours of entertainment and relaxation dude thank you for being here i am more than happy to be a little bit a little bit of rest and relaxation after a long workday thank you for the support all right let's go back and i'm going to re-roll our shop well no i can't re-rule the shop yet i gotta i gotta i gotta think about this i i can't reroll the shop yet i need keys man if i just stay with the events going eventually it's going to give me keys this is this is a really lame way to play for the record but it it would work over time i think um we could just farm chat for resources which would be something it'd be something i want a bomb for the super secret room okay bombs are key bombs are key bombs are key bombs are key bombs are key okay good talk um we did get two bombs and most importantly we we've got dirk is on our side now which this is uh this is a great situation for us let's let's make our way back walk in fast strangers pass and i'm homebound i don't think i wanted to come in here i will take this but i'm not sure i wanted to come in here i i need me some uh i need me some keys please frick where the hell am i getting keys from chet it's like the time to remove why are you getting rid of quinn's chat quince didn't hurt anybody quince is a beautiful item do we still have uh yeah okay you ready you ready for this set of plays we're gonna get keys out of this sucker this is this is foolproof i lost quince a bunch of [ __ ] okay um we're gonna we're gonna get this to work i know i said i didn't want a min min max but i'm on a min max i'm gonna min max anybody know why the only quality option is 1080p uh it means the twitch decided that i don't deserve trans codes even though i have 300 people watching my stream um that's called twitch is a bunch of a-holes today that's all okay key you love to see it you freaking love to see it it's like that i'm to remove what's the hell is your guys's problem okay uh well lucky for you i'm not going to take the d6 back i'm gonna do exactly what that was it was black roon not blank room that's fine that's fine put down the book and see what happens how do you expect me to put the book down i don't have butter right i don't have butter okay um how am i getting one more key there's gotta be a way to get one more key we would take another book okay yeah that's fair that's fair okay let's i'm gonna bomb here i'm gonna get my heart back terrible bomb right i'm also you know what you win some and also lose many bigger chance for some soul hearts that i could play for a little bit more a little bit more moolah [Music] okay we like that however obviously that comes with a little bit of uh an awkward kind of moment right we re-roll telepathy we we actually did make it through the books which is it's it's a bit of a miracle for sure it's just we're now in a position where there's not actually like not really any value to be had here did we go in here [Music] we didn't if there's a freaking key in here i'm going to be pissed uh high priestess don't care pick up isaac's heart you coward what the hell are you talking about like you know in all seriousness what the hell are you talking about pick up isaac's heart you coward yeah let me let me just find the random isaac's heart and pick it up i'll take damn isaac's heart if it's there but in case you haven't noticed i don't freaking see isaac's heart man i can't take something that don't exist someday you guys will learn someday you'll learn someday you'll learn it ain't today i get it it ain't today but someday in the future you'll learn one of these days i'm gonna be sipping a frozen margarita laying in a lounge chair on the beach somewhere on my own private island and you all are gonna go you remember you remember uh alexa kid64 he was this uh extremely charming very handsome hunk of isaac content creating variety streaming madness you remember him and uh i'm gonna be sitting on that beach sipping my my frozen margarita and counting my freaking dollar bills and by that i mean i'll be counting my welfare check okay we have fun here we have fun here um yeah so you guys voted for an event that that auto killed me uh when i got hit very cool very fun it's a good good event for sure gonna have to pay attention more to the events uh i do see the event called bad music coming um and i am i am so interested to be honest i'm so interested that that sounds absolutely freaking brilliant i you could not even you could not convince me that bad music is not the best choice there super hot obviously is is fun right it's the super hot seed in isaac dude i'm gonna accidentally walk into that machine ah i got nothing to be honest i got nothing i got nothing yeah that seemed like earthquake not not bad music which does make me like extremely upset for the record because i was promised some bad music and uh all i got was this stupid smelly earthquake so kind of want my money back but it's fine you know it's fine all right all right so far this runs looking terrible tap the blood machine again you won't die i'm not gonna do that for the record even if that's not how it works anymore which for the record i would still die but even if it wasn't how it worked like i'm not gonna put myself in that position i'm good getting nickelback would have been bad music dude what freaking year it is it right what freaking year is it are we back to where nickelback is our our standard for bad music that that was when i was in high school dude or even grade school we were on the hating nickelback train is this still cool to hate nickelback i thought nowadays it was oh you want bad music let me put on a justin bieber album or let me put on uh freaky nicki minaj or something like that also mamba's the chicken question mark mambo's the freaking chicken and he's gonna kill me mamba's gonna kill me i got soul hearts from something i don't know what mamba the chicken almost killed me i got kids drawing how interesting that's a guppy item okay bomb it goodbye range down lit hating justin bieber was so 2013. god i gotta catch up dude so we we've gone full circle we're going in 360. and now uh we're back to hayden nickelback dude has nickelback even like released an album in the last 20 years i'm pretty sure their last album was uh the one with gotta be somebody on it there's gotta be somebody for me like that cause nobody wants to do the night alone and i'm gonna pay on a telephone or something something you know what i'm talking about uh that's a cray-gasm by the way craigasm random effects for oh what the hell is going on random effects for for enemies in room sure seems like extremely terrible for the record oh i don't like the pipes coming off the wall with that did you see that that's extremely disturbing extremely disturbing yo what the hell's that trinket yeah it seems like uh bad music maybe maybe bugged and and not actually work also i feel like i didn't necessarily think this one through but in the end i'm actually okay with all my decision making on that stolen 100 chance of a deal so kiss my ass basically oh the game tried to crash right there really bad bits give tear effects interesting interesting tooth and nail do that's a fantastic item one of my new favorite items in the game is very good very very good item uh we we could test it too and see if we can like extremely break the game with this interesting very very interesting very interesting okay it's uh again also known as i think that was eric 31 393 it was a great try eric you gave it your all but in the end uh isaac trumps all um i am extremely sorry to let be letting you know right now um but little spewer is going to have to die now he's going to have to die now it's it's very upsetting for all of us um goodbye little spewer hello abaddon yes then no i'll take the speed up i lost tooth and nail a bunch of a-holes a whole lot of you just a bunch of a-holes explosive diarrhea no from me uh what do you got bombs are key emma hemma walking on sunshine okay okay we go down we go down what's happening i don't freaking know dude you think i'm freaking though i'm just trying to comprehend what the hell my middle name is i'm still trying to figure out the whole nickelback thing to be honest i can't believe that people hate nickelback this much great great there there is nothing i love more then getting marked when i don't want it okay and i don't have tooth and nail so i i mean i probably should have walking on sunshine out of there but oh well oh well this run is not terrible for the record i've mauved the void now i also have an infinite pill and if you think i'm not afraid to pop every last bit of it who do you think i am victor okay chad i will keep on hydrating here's the thing right i made hydrate so that you guys could feel like you were helping my life in some way in the end all you do is you make my life just that much more miserable with the hydrate command i'll drink my freaking water i will and and you all will be very happy when i do it but in the process you better shut the hell up about it you better shut the hell up okay this run is busted by the way like i don't i don't know why these items are are so good also cn firebird i'm so sorry you're already dead you saw your name on the screen for like four seconds if that i got dog tooth that that is not at even close to where the secret room could be i was actually probably my worst play of all time in terms of finding a secret room i mean that's a freaking pog champ dude but his old pog champ never mind it's it's it's a old pog champ that's a little cursed um you guys are gonna give me genesis i i just you know i i don't hate it i really don't i don't hate it you're all a bunch of memers but i don't hate it genesis makes life interesting there's no denying that so uh sure let's do it let's do it right i mean i'll get cute oh i should not i should not be the lost though doing this i mean it makes for good content i'll clip farm that's a creeper i feel like what i have done is maybe bed okay pop genesis let's do it what could go wrong okay um welcome everybody thanks for joining this is the drafting of isaac today we're going to be drafting our run sorry i forgot that uh i needed to take a sip of water right there i'm going to take analog stick i'm going to take binky i'm going to take experimental treatment i'll be taking the pact i think on this one i'll take safety pin um sure let's get funky i'll take a tiny planet we'll take consolation prize here kind of feeling like uh like booster pack could get a little wonky and weird uh two of spades we'll just pop that real quick i also see ace of diamonds you know what sure just do that real quick i'm gonna re-roll this one yeah we'll take uh we'll take cricket's body here i'll take a bad in again um and then we'll take uh bob's curse okay how do i get out i just soft blocked myself by using it in the mirror dimension you son of a gun guess what [ __ ] he's back who needs soft locks all right it's almost like you all forgot about my secret power it's the fact that i cheat all my runs using the debug console no that was a joke please don't take that to heart don't take that to heart okay i'm gonna tell you right now i'm gonna freaking lose my mind if i have to listen to this freaking teleport for the rest of the day thank god it stopped uh we do have to essentially like redo the run again though genesis does it it starts you from the beginning does it not now i don't remember i don't think i've ever like actually gotten genesis oh god why floor one why didn't you just teleport yourself to the is that what genesis does does it just teleport you back to the floor i don't remember it takes you to the next floor okay then that except then i don't get the the knife piece i mean i guess oh well i'm gonna put myself in the mines though i don't know i mean look we're we're doing some some weird freaking stuff if we're gonna do weird freaking stuff then we're gonna we're gonna do it right right give yourself a knife piece that does seem like an intel oh my god the entire chat is every being part of it's so so alarming so alarming chat look at all you i can't wait to ruin all your lives sailor moosh magic frog the the only survivors the only survivors it's unfortunate that oh there's one more in there but i can't see who it is what the hell science cybermatic something like that i can't see who the heck it is man that's so disappointing uh okay yeah we'll take this and then i don't need that i'll give myself the knife piece can't do that by the way gotta put a c in front of it sorry it's been so long since i've used the debug console to cheat my runs i forgot how to do it course now i have it back never to be forgotten again okay i feel bad too we lost dirk because of uh genesis i think did we or was that the last run i don't remember who the hell was was subbed during this uh run might have been nobody to be honest i don't remember okay the isaac of isaac is coming again no never mind it's ghostbusters who you gonna freaking call it just spawns ghosts for every living being fantastic well congrats we have found my least favorite event thus far i'll take the one that insta kills me over over that to be honest yo draco boy welcome to the team now we're complete now we're freaking complete the gang is back together as me and his draco selected i am to remove you freaking coward stop removing my items especially i like all these items don't remove experimental treatment i need that item what the hell chat bunch of little a-holes okay okay we're looking for uh some heat in this item room for the record some kind of wacky fun synergy because i'm going to be real with you we we don't we don't have what we need goodbye experimental treatment it's been good and fun i will take odd mushroom for a massive tears up and by massive i mean 0.3 plus of minus 0.72 damage down so sure enough uh probably the worst play i've ever made in this game very good very good okay hello dig and hide you're gonna freaking want to dig and hide when i'm done with you get out of here get out of here justice for barb joint and joint we already have our devil deal but give me the the five cents never mind goodbye okay it's only uh never mind is minus two so we have to uh dude where the hell it didn't spawn the chase because i didn't have the knife piece very very good and fun there's a flash mob that's nice um i'm just gonna spawn the knife piece okay what does the twitch integration do i don't just watch oh dude i went down to the freaking depths okay i guess we're not fighting the witness man because clearly i is not meant to be on this one your boy is a dumbass and i've skipped it like 18 times now i i've made all of the bad decisions so at this point i i have to live with some of them dude what the hell is going on with my run run though also what the hell is going on with the enemies so every time i move everything gets fricked right now oh lord glitch lit being near a fireplace increases your stats and you don't take damage from that seems like really good actually seems very good yeah i guess i could just go down to moz on this floor that is a possibility what if i did boss rush on this floor that can get a little wonky why am i getting godhead tears why'd you guys take ocular rifts oh i'm shooting at nothing if i go to moz it triggers the beast it doesn't open up a door to mausoleum after the boss fight i don't remember dude i i i literally for a game that i play a lot i know nothing about it i i truly am uh a master of of nothing i'm a slay the spider master that's what i'm a master at you all saw my great plays the other day trainer blue slaughter heart heart and burster burst the rhymes i i love having people be named purplish renegade it's the true fight of your life also dabbles has has snuck into the the fight far too many times it's impressive all right give me the negative let's get weird and then honestly let's do it you think i'm afraid of a little uh little boss rush i do boss rush in my sleep at night you can take yourself to the floor if you want to yeah i'm not going to do that to be honest jaw prime pablo el penguin the next decade watch out dude 2030s here yo do we got hoverboards should be sleeping permafrost again guys there's some lucky ducks in chat keep on getting picked man be sleeping i agree to be honest i should be sleeping too hello quack and also uh monothonk a name i definitely recognize unstable strafe congrats on on becoming war a true pleasure and luge hello luke a very good name as well got some good names in chat today i like luge honestly it's a great name luge hey luke oh dude you guys are gonna freaking give me sadderness and this runs gonna get real weird i'm down i'm held down i know you guys are doing it too all right who who is this xxx s spark keyword and petite okay this is the round of ones i don't understand your name peridot stingray nine i like to think that stingray one through eight were taken okay we we got extremely circular tears star gas sargasss and scyther rack you were you were part of the the fight earlier i remember i freaking remember all right i can't read all that but cool kade i can read that some things i can read seleuci and raw dealer 777 raw dealer seven seven seven dude i'm gonna be honest with you i want there to be a game you you wanna know how to make big bucks on on twitch make a game that is just like funny words that you then force me to say i'll play that literally every stream i freaking love just funny words also chat all of these items except for bob's curse yo next decade 2040 all of these uh items make the run more interesting except for bob's curse so i feel like you know what to do polly on the pinata fang fafner okay so re-roll yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah down we go would i play whiplash with the stream ever there is a there is a zero percent chance that i will ever play equip lash that is open to chat zero there is an above 50 percent chance that the wholesome verse will play at some point in time whiplash again we have in the past yeah chad why'd you take tiny planet away i mean like to be honest and make the run better for sure but it was definitely fun to do it yeah chant doing whiplash here's why chat can't do quick flash okay i've explained this many times in the past because it's not the first time i've gotten the question but it's basically like by by letting chat to do quick flash you're basically asking hey alexa are you okay with uh you know a chance for someone to just like type the n-word on your stream and then your twitch gets deleted and the answer is no right not really high on my list and then you're like oh well what if it was only trusted members of chat it's like oh well now that it's only trusted members of chat uh still a hundred percent no because what the hell is a trusted member of chat and i'm just gonna look i'm you're not ready to hear this one to be honest so please like close your close your ears right but here's another issue with uh you guys being being in whiplash right you guys aren't that funny there i said it i'm sorry i know it it's painful to hear it but you're not really funny so it's it's it's tough to sit here and be like uh oh i wanna i wanna read a bunch of uh a bunch of funny things from the chat cause they're not funny if a projectile hits nightbot all projectiles will be removed sure hello nightbot i removed you from my twitch four years ago but it's good to see you for sure i hope there's no bad blood look who's talking dumbad look who's talking dumbad all right well guess we'll be going down to um the dark room now how i will be making it to um the rest of the way i don't know but we'll see no like chat look i we we run community events right in the discord immediately accepts the current poll stop the count stop the count give me it beautiful never mind i didn't hit it in time okay stop the count brilliant what a weird item i don't need it i don't need it uh but look we run community events in the discord and like several times we've done jackpot games and every time i look at it you know you guys are playing whiplash or something and the prompt is like uh what don't you want to find in your ice cream sundae and like two people start going [Laughter] oh my god dude this one's gonna be so funny this one's gonna be so funny and then you get to the the prompt and they're just like come and it's like okay well guess what um it's not not really funny right it's not really funny and that's why we we can't do whiplash with subs it's like i get it i'm not funny either dude i never claim to be funny i always get these comments right and people be like you know tyler this episode didn't really have any laugh out loud moments and then i'll look at the comment i'll be like dude do any of my episodes laugh out loud moments i'm not really trying to be funny i'm just kind of trying to like take up space in the background of your your homework right that's all i'm really trying to do i i purely exist as a distraction from doing productive things that's it it's almost like party games with complete strangers aren't fun yeah it's something like that it's like if if you guys were funny then it'd be one thing but it's kind of like when when jimmy fallon uh played played uh i mean i think he played whiplash actually um that wasn't good either because for the record like 95 percent of random celebrities that are not comedians what the hell is going on uh are also not funny i'm like jimmy fallon made a career out of like pretending he's funny but jimmy fallon's not that funny either right might have been jimmy kimmel i don't do here's the greatest mystery of life in my opinion jimmy kimmel jimmy fallon and jimmy carter are all the same person and you can't tell me otherwise okay we need this to stop it sucked up the chest dude okay we're gonna have to really figure out a new way to end this run i think but we'll we'll make it happen we'll make it happen gonna like really need a sacrifice room on this floor all of a sudden so that's good this mod is soft lock heaven there's like a lot of soft locks in this there's there's no denying that try re-entering the room we did like 15 times right the genesis soft lock wasn't the mod yeah but like that shouldn't be a soft lock either for the record like that that's kind of a garbage garbage mechanic it's like oh let's just punish you for when you take an item like haha oops you didn't know all right well guess what chat this is what you call we're screwed we are screwed there there is no possible way to get out of this floor never mind there is okay there is we can find a crawl space should have not done what i did because i i can use this okay chat you you really had to do this right now don't don't don't you have something better to do don't you have something better to do than to make the screen freaking dark when i'm trying to direct this troll bomb over to this freaking rock oh my god dude oh my god this is this is a nightmare okay okay just use the damn console don't tell me what to do we'll find a freaking crawl space and when i do you're you're all going to be the ones laughing i have freaking missing though when the hell did you guys get me missing though i just realized this is a completely different run i got missing node and i didn't even realize boy that that's a bad look for me to be honest that's a really bad look apparently i don't even know when i have my run rerolled okay crawl space will be a brown chest what the hell does that mean in the curse room okay you know what if mama's right this is going to be a hell of a hell of a thing i got news for you though guess what he wasn't right lock up lock up i can see forever good enough get out well it has to be in here if it's gonna be in anywhere right we're feeling good about this i'm telling you if i if i pull this one off i'm gonna feel pretty good about ourselves we're also dude the glitter bombs are paying the hell out right now okay just just keep it coming paris is a great item dude we love to see it judgment could be good it could be good i i don't want to play him that feels like an extraordinarily poor idea okay why can't we leave this floor i was booking my vaccine appointment first of all congratulations on your vaccine appointment um that's very exciting very very happy for you that you are becoming a vaccinated um but secondly the reason why we are stuck on this floor is because the the chest got sucked up by an intergalactic black hole when we finished the satan fight um so yeah i mean you have as much understanding of the situation as i do i'm out of bombs man i'm out of bombs i've i've i'm not out of bombs now i'm out of bombs i've bombed every rock i can so there we're we're in just a state of disarray right complete state of disarray i'm out of ideas i got nothing so so here's the new play okay i hope you guys are ready for this i refuse to use the debug console but you guys you guys do not necessarily refuse so here's what we do we just wait we just wait until the poll gives us something right right also we're gonna we're gonna like bump this down a a ounce because that looks better right this will take 40 years oh no no no no it's brilliant i don't see any way that this won't won't work now we just chill now we just chill it's so simple i could try to speed up poles right but i feel like i can't do that so we just gotta chill how's my day going dude it's fine like actually a fine day it started a little janky to be honest um i had something in my job i had to uh i had to get evidence from a guy and i uh when when i asked him for the evidence he replied and he was like uh i can't give you evidence for this and you should know it and like why are you so dumb and aren't you stupid and you know i basically just got like verbally berated at 8 30 this morning so that was a great way to start my day but then i was like oh well [ __ ] have fun getting audited in july um and that's that's the end of that do you guys want to try quitting and continuing i mean i i can i can mess with it i can mess with it [Music] let's let's quit and continue try dancing around the place where the chest should be what do you expect from me what do you expect from me what do i do for a job uh i i work in security computer security crawl space time then you guys did give me bombs okay you know what fair game fair game very fair game you did give me bombs i'm back on my bs again very good very good we still have some potential rocks at the top half of this map so let's do it let's do it i'm game crawl space right here bang okay on crawl space right here bang bang crawl space in the middle bang okay gonna need more bombs from you guys can't read option one because of the trinket everybody's a freaking critic there oh now i can't read select events okay you know what there's something there's something here right there's something here it's good for the storyline to be honest we re-summon the multi-dimensional rift and then it's gonna bring back the chest they're honestly i see no way that this this goes poorly it's gonna bring it back oh my god it ended before we could bring it back chat what the hell what the freaking hell that's fine i uh i don't have any food in my apartment right now because i'm uh i'm extraordinarily terrible at living 95 of the time yo vor thank you very much cursed name uh no actually casper for gifting a sub tavor thank you very much i don't know why casper did not show up uh but much much appreciated for the gifted sub very very kind of you um anyway i have no food in my apartment because i i suck at living 95 of the time uh dude i theoretically crawl space could be in here we got 24 bombs make em make em work make em work is right here show me the money and the money is disappearing from our very eyes but i'm terrible at life i i do not have um the thing known as food so i i got take out tonight i went to chick-fil-a ah because there's there's a chick-fil-a nearby ish um i here's the thing with chick-fil-a right everybody at chick-fil-a is normally like super kind like overly kind this chick-fil-a probably like the nastiest dude i've ever had to deal with at a chick-fil-a right so i i roll up in my car and uh i asked the guy well i mean the guy first he goes um you know like hello welcome to chick-fil-a may i take your order kind of thing and and here's the thing right chick-fil-a during pride dude chick-fil-a undid all of their uh homophobic policies and they stopped donating to um conversion therapy what the hell it's rewinding time and i really don't like it they still support child labor okay i got news for you there there ain't a single corporation major corporation in the world that ain't supporting child labor like all companies suck chat this is not the point of the conversation chick-fil-a has good chicken okay um but i i got in line at the drive-through and the guy's like you know hi may i take your order and chick-fil-a is doing this new thing where they have this like tent sitting outside and this stupid-ass tent um you drive up to it and it's just it's just one of their employees sitting outside the the tent uh taking your order which is fine right it's fine it speeds things up a little but in the process they took out the uh like menu you can't see what the hell is on the menu anymore so i go up to the guy and he's like what do you want and i have nowhere to look at a menu or anything so i mean i i remember like i i just wanted some chicken nuggets right so i i went yeah i'll have a nine count nugget meal because in my brain i thought it was nine counts nine nuggets was the count for the nuggets and the guy's like um we don't do nine count nuggets it's either ten or 12 and i'm like well pardon me [ __ ] i want to be like here uh yeah i can't say that on twitch um but i was so mad dude it was like frick you're out here telling me i uh i can't can't get a nine count nugget meal just like upgrade it to 12 and i'll pay the extra money i don't care so i was like oh sorry i'll take a 12 count meal but i didn't really say it sassy because i was uh anxious and you know talking to people's heart but boy i was pissed dude i i really was so you got the nerve to remove the freaking menu and then uh i should have kept that to be honest you got the nerve to remove the menu and then get pissy when people don't know what they want like no no duh we don't know what we want you didn't give me a damn uh didn't give me a damn thing dude does one number one send me to the void let's do it let's do it chad oh you know what to do you know what to do send me to the void give me a void portal oh no oh they're all friendly oh that's weird we were so close we were so close to greatness so freaking close to greatness so anyway that was my experience at chick-fil-a today um i also i i got a milkshake because i'm eight years old and uh here's here's the biggest issue with milkshakes man especially for a stream like this right like a milkshake is is obviously always good but when you're planning on talking for like four hours straight kind of thing um milk has this quality we talked about this recently too milk has this quality where it just like coats the inside of your mouth and it makes you feel like you're you're losing your damn mind and it's horrible also isaac is super loud i think why did none of you tell me that isaac was so damn loud now this video is gonna be uh gonna be messed okay it's fine though yara the boss room dude i love that this has just turned into like try stupid stuff until one of them works it's it's a brilliant idea to be honest oh my god i died it was a good run chad it was a good run we gave it we gave it some good tries we did we did okay here's what we're gonna do [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 14,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, slay the spire, slay the spire mods, slay the spire gameplay, slay the spire game, slay the spire mod, slay the spire modded, slay the spire guide, lets play slay the spire, mod the spire, let's play slay the spire, mods, spire, replay the spire, ascension, slay the spire ascension, ascension 20 slay the spire, slay the spire mod guide, slay the spire tips
Id: Tv6PhOlznrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 45sec (4965 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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