Millionaire Gives Teenager The Ultimate Advice He NEEDS To Hear!

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what are your five regrets of becoming a millionaire i want us to have like an online business and stuff but i just feel that like so many of the like gurus are like fake do you think that grades really matter are there any good business advice for a 16 year old my parents is kind of forcing me to go to college what are your thoughts on asteroid mining and making bases on asteroids oh yeah that that's quite a loaded one isn't it what's the best like long-term investment i can do as a team i'm 14 years old i was looking where i can make some sort of easy income if you know what i mean hi it's mark so recently i launched a competition on my instagram for a 30 minute mentoring call with me ultimately the aim was to help you increase your wealth i was blown away to say the least with the amount of people that entered i think it totaled around about 600. i promised i'd select three winners but that didn't seem enough so i've decided to open it up to everyone so today you guys will be asking me anything i have created a discord and invited people on instagram to join my discord it could be about starting a business help starting a side hustle investing or maybe you just want to tell me a joke i'm up for anything so let's do this so you're through to mark with your question far away i just wanted to ask the um what are your five regrets of becoming a minion one is i let out too many of my secrets of what i wanted to do too early and someone stole my ideas i should have started investing a lot more money a lot earlier i worked too hard probably for 10 to 15 years and i lost my whole social network because i was at work all the time probably three things there far away i want to start like an online business and stuff but um like on shopify but i just feel that like so many of the like gurus are like fake and they don't like say a lot of real things is it true or not like how could you believe all those gurus are fake how could you possibly believe that is it the fact they're always leaning against a lamborghini they've borrowed from someone or is it uh yeah or a house they obviously don't own if someone's going to help you out in business the most important thing is they are actually in business i think one of the things as well if someone's trying to sell you a course straight away and they're not giving you content they're just selling you a course i think that's pretty much is a it's a red flag for me that's for sure and watch what should people do if they like the videos smash that button smash that like button and don't forget to ring the bell that's brilliant far away do you think that grades really matter it does depend what job you want to do i mean if you want to be a doctor you've got to go to university aren't you you've got to get the exam results because no one's going to employ you to do a heart transplant unless you're qualified to do it but depending on what you decide to go into doesn't necessarily mean that you need qualifications to do it if you came to me for an interview and you said to me look i've got straight a's in this i've got a cns and a b in this it'll give me an idea of what you're interested in and your learning capabilities wouldn't necessarily mean that you've got to have the specific exam results far away who do you think is the best lightsaber tool list of all time darth maul he's pretty good with a lightsaber yeah he's pretty good he is pretty good innit far away are there any good business advice for a 16 year old the world is your oyster don't let people tell you the economy is rubbish don't let them tell you we're in recession well we might be in recession it doesn't matter the one good thing about recession is recessions are always followed by growth ignore it to a certain degree you've got time to be able to jump around so many different businesses meet so many different people you don't have to stay in one place just pile up a little bit of money as you go but learn as you go and that's got to be the main thing at some point they'll all come in very handy far away so currently i'm doing my last year in high school just recently launched my business and i already have a few clients my parents especially my dad is is kind of forcing me to go to college he's telling me that even if i don't need the college degree in life he would like would like me to get this just for these social status well i can fully understand that i'm a parent myself and parents are proud of their kids as long as you don't get into debt by going to college and you keep all your costs under control you can keep your business running you know you can take the subjects you want so if you want to keep those subjects to a minimum then that would probably be my advice try and look at what's going to help you out and going to help you in the future it doesn't hurt to have some exams behind you because if things do fall foul and go wrong you might want to go into other areas marie's scared because college really is very expensive nowadays if your parents want you to go i guess they need to pay your way don't they give them that answer you know you're going to pay for them away if not okay then i've got to uh make my own decisions here far away what's the best advice that can you give me to create a future advanced aircraft aerospace manufacturing company oh yeah that that's quite a loaded one isn't it i'd say certainly from an early age just learn as much as you can there's lots and lots of apprenticeships and things available within the aviation industries what are your thoughts on asteroid mining and making bases on asteroids well at some point it's going to happen isn't it that's without a doubt now whether or not that's going to happen in the next 50 years 100 years i don't know but if you watch on netflix there's a series called mars very very good and it actually gels 2020 all the way through to 2030 plus and how mining on mars and things like that will take place far away i'm wondering what's the best investment like long-term investment i can do as a team if you're going to actually physically invest and invest in stock you're going to need to get your parents to open an account for you which isn't necessarily a problem i would invest in index funds because the cost is spread do look long term don't just look every week at your investments and go oh they've gone up oh they've gone down the first hundred pounds you put by the hardest hundred pounds that you can save once you've done a hundred pounds it's not that difficult is it you think i've done that i wonder if i can get to 500. it just becomes a habit you actually want to get to the next level so if you get into that mindset of enjoying the investing and enjoying looking forward once you get these habits ingrained they're very hard to break if that's fifty dollars a month a hundred dollars a month or whatever the amount is you choose it's got to go in there every single month and when you can afford to up it a little bit you up it a little bit and just keep investing the sooner you start the sooner your compound interest will start amazing you or build up a massive fund so you can start when you are 18. far away is there any like habits or like tips which i should start doing now which would like get me above everyone else you've got to read read as much as you can i mean you know you can't believe it people's lifetime of knowledge is in one little book and it takes you a week to read it i mean that's nuts isn't it even if you don't fully understand it read it again you're ahead of your competition if you understand some of what's going on meditate a little bit you know sit back and think about where you want to be you know every day at some point i i don't sort of call it meditating really i sit back in my chair and i think you know what what where are we going what what ideas have i got what's floating around here and try and make a little bit of sense of it most people don't really want you to succeed they want to keep you where they are they're very comfortable thank you very much don't want you having more than our what you want to do is get up to these people that enjoy a bit more in life and then you can also do the same thing far away who is your mentor my mentor unfortunately left this earth around about 13 to 15 years ago i'd have to say that i didn't even know he was my mentor that's how good he was he would give me snippets of information he would know my route before i did and you know that's the best thing if a mentor's not taking money off you just like that every five minutes then you know he is the proper real deal seems to me that a lot of people are lacking that i mean i took that for granted because from i know 14 15 he was around always around and i had that information coming my way i didn't have it from my family because they're the hard-working family but they're not business-minded i would say richard branson is certainly a bit of an idol i got to meet him a few years ago he made me how about this he made me lunch he made me spaghetti bolognese and i sat down at a really good conversation with him and his son absolutely fantastic they say don't meet your heroes i'll tell you what my ones have been fantastic couldn't have been better i'm 14 years old my interests are sports computers i was looking at somewhere where i can make some sort of easy income if you know what i mean easy income's always a hard thing to to come across because no one wants to give you their money you've got to work out what your niches are digital marketing is just shouting out at me from what you're saying there you've got to reach out to whoever you feel you can be a benefit to and you can offer that for free as well and just say look i think i can improve your digital marketing i'm interested in your products i'm interested in what you do i've looked at your social media there's not a lot going on there and you're missing out how would you like me to help you for four weeks you know you might think i'm young but i've got all the ability and i can do this for you if you've proved that after a month they don't want you to withdraw that that's the point that you can go in there say look i need to learn now from this uh can we sit down and have a chat so i've got another video for you i'm going to leave it right there but don't hit it just yet if you enjoyed the last video don't forget to give it the big old thumbs up smash that like button and ring that bell you can go for it now and i'll see you on the other side
Channel: Mark Tilbury
Views: 117,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Millionaire Money Advice For Teenagers | Students & Young People, Millionaire Money Advice For Teenagers, Investing Advice For Teenagers, fake gurus, starting an online business, how to invest as a teenager, personal finance, financial education, how to make money online, investing for beginners, how to invest money as a teenager, millennial money, MARK TILBURY, how to make money online as a teenager 2020, how to become a millionaire as a teenager, self made millionaire
Id: wFwC7mwBJWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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