The Ultimate Mic Muted Troll (ft. BadBoyHalo)

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yo how's it going guys alright so today I am doing the ultimate microphone muted troll ever did that make sense probably not alright so what's it okay basically all my comments I saw a comment well I saw it on my Instagram cuz someone tagged me but that's not the point here's the point someone told me that I should activate my sounds so it plays out of my teamspeak so it says this microphone muted so what that means is when I play that sound everyone in my channel or room can hear that and then they're gonna think they're Mike it's been muted I don't know if this is gonna work it probably will cuz like let's be real it always works somehow well I mean not all of them but like 90% of the time anyway sort what they listen I literally just messaged him and I told him I want to help him so he's expecting me now and I'm gonna try it out I have a few plans in mind I don't know if this is gonna work bah I'm gonna try let's go you were moved what do you want Skippy in the middle or something wait what are you in the middle of I'm gambling away in my life savings you're gambling you bad influence its roulette it doesn't kissin basically I just wanted to talk to you a little bit I wanted to help you because you're struggling a little bit you mean okay so like you know your streams and stuff yeah okay every time I'm on it it's just people trolling you huh I wonder no no no no every time I look at the chat it's just people saying microphone muted mic muted mic muted so yeah I think you should fix it in a way where they just can't do that anymore they're saying that as a troll Skippy yeah I know but you should fix it fix the troll how am I supposed to do what first of all it's not always a troll cuz sometimes your mic is muted and I've seen it where that does happen so I just want to fix that okay I haven't seen that at all what do you mean you haven't seen that at all I've seen that happen so many times no when is my mic actually been really muted so many times no maybe once or twice listen that once or twice is way more than once or twice because you don't realize it cuz when everyone's man's mic muted you're actually muted sometimes and you think they're trolling but they're not it's actually a muted why no yeah most of the time they say it like 80% of the time you're actually muted they're saying my mic has actually been like all the time whenever they do this less than that but look you read it a lot when they say it you have like some weird you bind or something where you like your mic because it's starting to be like a bit irritating when I watch a stream and you're just not talking to us uh I don't think I do I'm pretty sure I don't you definitely do what do you mean like you're talking about like a shortcut that would Butte my mic yeah so basically like that okay oh sorry that was my one of my Alliance a set is someone fighting in your DMS oh my goodness Skippy what I'm trying to have a serious conversation okay this is serious I want to help you okay listen the simple fact is get me nothing is wrong with my teamspeak I didn't say anything well you're talking about keyboard shortcuts it would have to be saying with either team speaker my computer no oh my goodness I'm using my mic wait so you're telling me on the stream people can't hear me not just into Ustream you're not streaming from TV DUSU from to speak I thought some of the people maybe it was teamspeak okay okay okay it might be you to speak well which is on teamspeak click tools I'm not doing anything that you say okay you probably couldn't get a toaster to work tools no I'm not gonna listen higher if I'm all the time that's literally all I do record and stream okay theme speak will be how I fix my mic settings that's what you said I'm just saying I think that whatever click tools tools then what options options and what have you ever seen this menu now click sounds capture where's capture click the tick which take then go to sound playback oh wait hold on an inch look at the tick what K alright did you do it no what time did you do it oh I click something ok which one did you click the thing in capture alright yeah I'm gonna do right now I'm gonna do right now wait no which is it Debbie which is it ok which one is the mic is muted right now cuz he's just heard the Debbie hello hello so now I ignore what did I press can you hear me hello oh my goodness is my Michael oh oh my goodness I screwed up my mics kepi can you hear me hello can you hear me oh my goodness when do i press can you hear me Skippy hello can you hear me oh my goodness what's setting City click dang it Skippy yes can you hear me yes yes No can you hear me so you're not talking it's that your mic is on but yeah no talking can you hear me what is wrong with this if you can hear me type 1 oh my goodness yeah P if you can hear me type 1 Eppie help are you gonna help me I can hear you hello oh you can hear me yes you can hear me hello my mic working my god I almost messed that up hello I've been saying if you can't hear me type 1 oh my goodness ok stop pressing water dude all right listen I can't hear you but here's what you need to understand it displays like you're talking but I can't hear you so what did you click whatever you click just undo that oh my goodness ok I'm microphone muted ok ok yeah I'm gonna do it again right now - yes it what's my muted ok can you hear me now Eppie oh my goodness if you can hear me type 1 I can hear you can you hear me I'm just gonna unplug low back and microphone you I actually like that time every time I do that it means for me - hello hello can you hear me can you hear me oh you flicked it back I see it came over here mihawk talk hello I am talking can you hear me talk oh my goodness dude this is why you need to fix your settings because every time you stream people say my commuted and this is what they mean Gibby can you hear me oh my goodness my my mic is working fine can you hear me ok if you can hear me does it show that you're talking for you do you see a little bar moving yes I do heavy hello can you hear me hello can you hear me hear me now why is he so bad oh my god you should hear me so I can hear you you'd understand ok yeah oh my goodness are you are you messing with me can you seriously not hear me Stephie I broke it you told me to click something I can't hear you okay I can't hear you you don't say that I'm so you can hear my gosh oh I was just talking to my friend can you hear me Gibby can you hear me are you just messing around tools options so we heard that your talking is so frustrating oh I know what the problem is I literally had its problem that week what's the problem okay if you can hear any Time Warner okay cool here's what you need to do are you on a Mac or you're on a Windows this Windows okay cool do you see the little windows button on your keyboard yes okay like that okay okay now okay now okay type fee and the EMD command prompt why am i opening command prompt hello why why because it's an IP config renew release that fixes it it basically unmuted the particles I mean it's the particle seriously there's a scabby oh my goodness stop saying gibberish you muffin and ecology bridge you okay fine bye I'll just leave no no no no what next next next okay oh my goodness are you on the commitment go to discord can we just go at this work okay fine but this will be broken forever oh my goodness microphone Oh what can I hear you are you on microphone stupid hello what next what next are you on the ceiling yes yes wait do I need to type to you maybe you can't hear me do I can hear you I can hear you oh you can hear me okay well I can't hear you Hey okay you can hear me alright are you on this are you on the CMD yes yes okay cool what next are you on the CMD Oh [Applause] what next microphone muted why next hello white max I'm Titan like 50 times microphone muted hello oh my goodness oh yeah microphone okay stop spamming me then tell me what next oh gosh my type mic underscore muted muted okay no what did you hit Enter oh not yet okay hit enter hit enter no wait don't hit enter okay what do I do hit enter don't hit hit it go ahead don't hit don't hit hit or miss one I guess they never met oh my goodness dude I just burned you for a second I just heard you're a second I literally just heard you for a second waiting have you been talking this whole time can you I can hear you I can hear you I can hear you oh my goodness yes can you hear you fix it you fixed it the mic go just from you to fix it oh my goodness wait have you been talking this whole time yes I'd been talking this whole time why would you be like wait wait why would you be talking this whole time if you knew you were muted that makes no sense no I was typing too you know could you hear me so you were typing and talking yes you knew you were muted so why would you do that what do you mean why would you talk that's weird it's a force of habit I what do you fourth of habit alright dude I don't even know what's going on anymore oh my goodness alright okay I'm microphone you allow oh my goodness why did you play that sound oh my goodness can you hear me hello can you hear me oh my goodness it says okay is it permanently skippy did this fix it oh my goodness why what was that oh my goodness can you hear me Debbie Debbie can you hear me unmute your mic and on my show that it doesn't go or if I play right now microphone oh my good man why is it doing it again what is going on can you hear me hello hello Kippy can you hear can you hear me dude what you just fixed it hello can you please talk microphone can you hear me what is wrong with my mind Debbie why did you have me do Danu eerie dead again microphone muted oh my goodness why is it keep doing this can you hear me you see this on your own oh my gosh no no don't leave help me fix what you broke help fix it okay can you hear me type one okay listen open CMD again oh my can I stop this stupid thing again hello this is that even a command this didn't even say anything hello yes yes it's okay type teamspeak hello m ski it holds on alone oh I'm just gonna play the end microphone muted okay can you hear me can you hear me I told you I can't so many times why can't I hear you but you can't hear me because output and input settings are two different things how do you not know that oh my candidate I'm so dying what do you know what a playback devices yes I do then you wouldn't ask that question I do what do I do stop spamming me oh my can ass I'm gonna put a message right now microphone muted oh my goodness what is wrong hello I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm gonna restart my computer lo I am going to restart my computer that won't fix it fine choice hello can you hear me type 1 if yes I can't hear you type 1 if you can oh my goodness one microphone it talks to me like he's not muted but I mean I can't hear him but what I hear ya there press Alt alt hello have you pressed alt yes oh yeah what okay hope it held down alt ok and then press f11 and then press f2 f2 and then press f3 all at the same time of 3 okay then to f55 and then f4 my goodness if I do that that's gonna turn my computer off and low done it and that stupid Skippy hello oh my goodness a my mike oh this is so stupid what is it stupid command thing what was a command thing oh my goodness what was the command thing it was hold down alt this factory resets all your TV settings F 1 F 1 F 2 F 2 microphone muted at 3 3 5 5 and then F 4 and user disconnected from your channel user joined your job my goodness oh my goodness can you microphone muted oh my goodness this is so stupid oh my goodness hello discord this isn't working this isn't working oh my can a student when you were doing the whole thing were you pressing shift no hello ah no no I why were you know I'm pressing shift microphone muted I'd say the press shift no try it with chip if factory reset all the TV settings shift shift F 1 X 5 3 hello is connected for those owners [Laughter] [Music] loser joined your channel like a bastard this better at work Chevy can you hear me can you hear and clear pretend look handsome you know I'm here I'm actually me I'm not good oh my goodness can you hear me oh my god I can hear you what you can hear me hello hello oh my goodness it must have worked why why would it work I literally was not typing anything on my keyboard it kept saying my mic is moving what do you mean you kept saying your mic is is it on the time delay what is this stupid team's what are you talking about time delay it's the factory flash no listen I would literally be sitting here not touching my keyboard and it would say microphone muting what do you mean I'm gonna do right now for microphone teamspeak oh my god dude this is dumb is teamspeak factory my plant server catch there's clients I can't - OH - I can hear you I can't hear you oh my goodness it's so stupid what what in the world is a DNS cache okay if you can ask what hello I'm gonna do it now microphone music oh my goodness why what did I press who are you what can you hear me yeah oh my goodness it's gotta be some stupid keyboard shortcut you had me turn on dude every time you say like oh my goodness why'd that happen I hear you say that and can you hear me yeah under me right now okay good touch my keyboard I'm literally I move away from the microphone negated Oh what no can you hear me yeah you near me I just heard this sound again oh you just stop talking oh my goodness I didn't mean to touch anything I literally did not touch it a thing can you hear me I think you hear me join this cord ah ah discord join join join join join join alright you want to switch to discord yes alright well guys this is so stupid call me you and discord Columbia at this course hippie this is so stupid what did you make me do to my team speak you up on TV my cloud muted hello hello okay you're actually you know talking this time hello I can hear you I can hear you can you hear me mm-hmm hello hi it's working mm-hmm hello hi can you hear me yeah it's a yes okay well I couldn't hear you okay great okay listen all right my whatever you did to my teamspeak help me undo it okay great what do i press alt shift F 1 F 2 F 1 F 2 F 5 a 3 F 4 I'm not pressing that Skippy why that closes my teamspeak and my stuff whatever I'm in very great washes it oh it factory washes it that is nonsense there's no such thing as a factory too funny are you doing about clearing a DNS cache that's what it says in Google kids what it doesn't say anything about a teamspeak factory knowledge that's exactly what I'm talking about it's when it clears the DNS and cookies you just want me to run a DNS cache clear that's it yes hello do you press it no I'm not gonna press it ok keep it open on discordant do it oh that it's gonna close now to disco it factory flushes in you just try it right ok thank you sound resumed oh my goodness can you hear me oh my goodness damn can you hear me can you hear me oh this is so dumb I knew it dude I knew it every time I try and rapport with him or stream with him you just can't even afford a mic it's so annoying I can hear you oh you hear me Oh sandwich what oh my what can you hear me again mm-hmm oh my goodness you were never muted yes I was I could hear the sounds what did you tell him microphone muted yes oh my goodness were you playing oh my goodness got me that wasn't funny I thought something was wrong with my team with my mind this is such a waste of time why do you do this I'll do it I'll do it yet microphone music oh my goodness no I'm done I'm done I'm never falling for your stuff no this time I mean it's kepi what so don't ask again you were banned dude how many times am I gonna get bad subscribe bye do it like video bye [Music] you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 2,524,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, mic muted, mic muted troll, microphone muted, minecraft roleplay, minecraft skit
Id: Fw_QKXaMHq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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