Soba Master Tatsuru Rai Demonstrates His Craft
Video Statistics and Information
No captions available for this video.
Channel: MAD
Views: 4,152,509
Rating: 4.6182647 out of 5
Keywords: Soba (Food), Food (TV Genre), demonstration, Japanese Cuisine (Cuisine), Kitchen, Recipe, Cook, soba master, Tatsuru Rai, Sobatei Rakuichi, worldβs great soba, craft, relaxing
Id: L0b-QYFQTuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 27 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The announcer is just ridiculous
"13 minutes, that's too long to just watch someone make soba noodles"..."Oh there's an audience, why would people go to just watch a guy make noodles?"... "That was incredible I need to find more videos like this."
Don't know if anyone cares, but i was actually a volunteer at MAD that year, and was Tatsuru Rai and his wifes chauffeur for the week. They were some of the nicest and most polite people I have met, and their warmth and affection was contagious. I was front row for this presentation, and it's great to re-experience it now.
I'd suggest posting this in /r/asmr as well. It'd be right up their alley.
Guy who received the noodles: "Yo, can I get a fork and some spaghetti sauce on this, please?"
In the part of the world in which I live, everyone's encouraged to go to college and become a doctor or a lawyer or what-have-you, and it's nice to know that this is still a world in which it's possible to say "I'm going to spend my entire life making noodles, and dammit I'm going to be the best noodler there ever was"
this is over the top
What the hell happens @12:37? It's like he gets angry at someone.
We are noodle folk! Broth runs in our veins!