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now with solo leveling a rise one thing which I'm trying to do is I'm trying to build my jinu this guy yeah the main MC I'm trying to build them up in a crit manner um in terms of artifacts and whatnot of course um purely because I'm really liking pretty much the dark weapon set up but more importantly the katana sword in terms of the crit side of things and so I feel like for the most part A lot of people are putting their time into agility which completely makes sense um it really is going to be strength agility and perception is what a lot of people are kind of focusing on of course and so one of the things that I'm trying to do which I'm struggling with as of right now is I'm trying to build him in that crit way so what I want to do is get my artifacts sorted out so that way I can support more for the crits through the artifacts that way it opens up more for my stats and the reason why I'm mentioning all of this is because look solar leveling arise right now it's in the Early Access side of things right some people have decided to start the game a little bit early like myself and many others and truth be told yeah I've put money into this game I'm enjoying it I'm I'm I'm enjoying creating content on it I'm loving the grind and I can't wait for the global release and I can't wait for the future of this game because it looks good I mean yes there's a few things that they need to kind of touch up on before Global release but if they do so then we've got something great on our hands now there isas why mentioning all of this the reason why I mentioning about J's build is because we might have just found found the perfect build AKA we might have just found probably the biggest if not the biggest the biggest if not the basically the number one way see huge shout out to Nat of course um I came across her Channel cuz I I I saw uh it was on my recommendation she was doing like over 1,000 sermoning tickets and I'm just like yeah I'm watching that I want to see what's being pulled here so yeah pretty much um I I I do recommend you I mean I'll leave her um Channel link down below check her out subscribe show some love um she does amazing uh videos in terms of explaining things when it comes to certain fights to certain bosses which will give you the upper hand in in actually doing these fights a lot more easier right and all that good stuff so highly highly recommend you guys check her out of course but she did an account review and she I wasn't okay so I knew she was kind of cracked out in terms of having a stacked account but I wasn't expecting none of this so this is a true whale insane the weapons are maxed out look at the stats so what she's got going on with her Weaponry to her stats is kind of what I'm trying to replicate is what I'm trying to do so obviously by having the weapons maxed out what not that does help power her perception by getting it I think she gets like an additional 4,000 I want to say maybe so that's kind of helping the stats out so that way it does ease up uh to the amount that she needs to put into the stats so I mean there's that to factor in about obviously Max and figure things out now I'm not going to play the whole video if you guys do want to watch the whole video which I highly suggest you do again I'll link all of that down below but we'll just go through certain things just to give you guys an idea on well this is personally my perfect build for Jim Ru I know others will want to build Jim Ru in a different manner which is completely fine but I think as of right now majority are trying to go down that line of the H crit when it comes to Jim Ru and so if you can cater to where the crit Buffs are coming from the weapon well not the well yes the weapons cuz the katana you know but from the artifacts then it eats up on the stat side of things where you can just go full on strength and then obviously you know with the artifacts giving you the crit and then your stats giving you the strength put that together you're doing high amount of damage clearly um so that's uh something to take note of of course uh what she's also doing so obviously this is um so the the artifact that she's running oh my God I'm looking looking at that crit hit rate and crit hit damage I'm just like God damn this is what I need this is what I want so she's got some good artifacts on but um I also spoke about this in in my video previous not previously but a while back when it comes to the position um I did say that you know once you get to that level 40 mark you might want to C to this so at bare minimum she's keeping it to 90 for you know the the bare minimum damage to bosses of course so that's kind of where you want you want you don't want prision lower than 90 keep at 90 if you can get to 999 get to 99 but she's hitting the be uh line of being 90 so fair play on her on that one and this is the crit build if you guys didn't know this this is this is pretty much what I'm trying to I'm telling you my luck is horrible I've got amazing boots trash hands I've got a solid um top uh and then I've got nothing for the so basically I need hands and um head but yeah I'm I'm I'm not exactly having good luck with RNG right now especially with certain sub stats but this is essentially the the the the crit side of building Jim Wu if you wanted to of course so yeah uh it seems that HP is being catered to but I'm pretty sure she's got one she's got water damage there I would that's interesting and that's interesting I thought it would have been oh well then again you got to be get lucky of RNG this is insane to me bro plus three on attack HP and then crit rate this is a godsend of luck to to get boost like that obviously when you do uh awaken your weapons obviously it's it's random like one of these fours will get randomly buffed to have all four go towards well three of them go to attack and one them go to crit hit raate that is insane to me like how lucky do you have to be obviously when gear substat reroll comes into place um that will help us out to find the perfect gear and then from that point we just got to get lucky in in leveling up so yeah that that's kind of what work what we're working with uh in terms of the build for Jim Ru so yeah if if if if that's something that you're catering to like myself if that's something that you're interested in especially with the dark weapons of course I mean as long as you're using the katana obviously that second slot weapon could be whatever you want but um if you can K to benefit in the crit hit rate and the crit hit damage through the artifacts then yeah then your stats basically it's it's it's a big open play for it I mean realistically if you want to further more you can actually put a little bit into agility but the fact that she went all into strength that is cracked that is is absolutely insane furthermore as this is a uh a whale account seeing this makes my wallet and my bank just cry like tears of river like God damn I mean here's the thing right now in order to summon you have to go through that regular banner and to see maxed out characters fair play to her fair play to her so that is insane to see including the weapon his Troy's weapon is well then again if you're going to if you're going to max out Troy then I do assume the amount of dices you get should give you more than enough to max out his weapon so yeah I can I I cannot imagine on the amount that has gone into this but fair play um so she does show off some of the builds for some of the hunters of course um so yeah this is pretty much uh what I'm rocking with right now of course so fair play on that I'm surprised on why she actually kept the attack cuz of course with um Choy himself once you Max him out to plus five um you can also run the ultimate set I I I assume she's got an ultimate set set are ready but um yeah I mean this is also perfectly viable so that that's completely fine too um but uh what else we got oh yeah so this is this is one of the builds which I was very kind of um interest well surprised in cuz I know the HP running double HP is fine but the fact that she's gone given the full set you know that that's kind of intriguing to me cuz obviously with myself I've got the brake full set which works just as fine cuz she's a break unit of course um yeah that's fine to me and and then yep I've got the exact yeah so I've got the same build here um I know that a lot of people are leaning towards the attacking side of her like the lean cuz of course um liora you can use her in the in attacking manner but I've got her in that power ACC gauge side of things um yep yeah same build for the Healer same build for the Healer uh this isn't I mean yeah so jiu this is another unit that I I want to look at into because she holds a ton of power crit wise um fun fun fact yeah she she she is a crit unit so I've got shield on her in terms of to provide me with more Shield but I'm probably going to give the shield to Kim and then I'm I'm going to see about oh if I get lucky cuz again there's three characters now that I want to BU build crit jimu chyen and juu of course so a lot a lot of crit to invest in of course so there's that um yeah there there's that break damage uh for yunho of course so that's that's that's perfectly understandable um but yeah that I mean again I'll leave it there um I mean she does go through her weapons oh Jesus Christ almighty oh you know what I'm just going to say I am so glad that we are not on the same server oh that's a blessing thank god um but anyway yeah there is a whale and she is killing it absolutely killing that being said actually let's see how much solo leveling he's made so far hold on let's have a look okay solo leveling let's see leveling a rise damn that's not bad fair enough for an early access or soft launch being available in Thailand and Canada half a m that ain't bad well we know where most of it is coming from let's be honest um damn okay Canada what's what's this UK bro that's me I'm representing I'm joking I haven't spent that much but like I I assume there's a few of us from the UK representing fair play what the freak they must be like how much money have we made so far you know with the with the soft launch okay UK we're not doing a soft launch in the UK oh God account gets banned boom now I'm only kidding but yeah an insane account an awesome account thank God I'm not in the same server and again just to clarify for the global players that are probably looking into all of this um obviously when you start your Global accounts when when it go when the game goes Global you guys will have your own servers however we can still interact with each other through Guild and all that good stuff whenever they add that in but when it comes to your own sub servers you won't have to um fight with anyone who's been playing the soft launch or the Early Access version you're going to be fighting with brand new people starting the game fresh just as you so so when you're seeing myself and others and Nat of course you know you don't have to worry about us um but yeah that's pretty much the end of it boys there you go that is uh that's a whale account God damn
Channel: Shiney
Views: 13,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solo Leveling, Solo Leveling Arise, Solo Leveling Arise Gameplay, Solo Leveling Arise Open Beta, Solo Leveling Arise Release Date, Solo Leveling Game, Solo Leveling 2024 Game, Solo Leveling PC Game, Solo Leveling Mobile Game, Solo Leveling Mobile, Solo Leveling Global Game, 나 혼자만 레벨업: ARISE, Solo Leveling Arise Boss Fight, Solo Leveling Arise 2024, Solo Leveling Arise Dungeon, Solo Leveling Gameplay, Solo Leveling Arise IOS, Solo Leveling Arise Android
Id: UcIwBa60NcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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