The Ultimate Jack Daniel's Buyer's Guide

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hey welcome to super social club I'm Jeremy today I've got the entire Jack Daniels core range Jack Daniels the best-selling whiskey in all the United States one of the most recognizable brands in the entire world but let you know why this Tennessee whiskey is not considered a bourbon when i knowes it taste it and give it a mark so I've got eight bottles here Jack Daniels has a lot of special editions that are released in different markets throughout the world but currently this is the core range and even though some of these whiskeys are meant to be mixed I'm still gonna go through know some taste them give them a score just like I would any other whiskey I do on the channel then at the end I'm gonna go and make some cocktails out of some of these see how that turns out if you want to skip ahead to any point in the review use the timestamps in the description down below and because these whiskies are gonna be different prices in different markets when I give points for value I'm gonna use a standardized price which I got from Total Wine right in Tennessee right where this stuff's made also big thanks to Lucy she is a national brand ambassador for Canada she provided most of these bottles for the review so let's get into it I said before that Jack Daniels is not considered a bourbon and that is because of one additional step that this whiskey goes through before it's barreled what did you eject Daniels is a charcoal filter all of their new makes period so right off the still they take their spirit they filter it through a 10-foot vat of charcoal that they make right on-site they use sugar maple wood takes about three to five days for the whiskey to travel down these 10 foot high batting of charcoal and essentially what they're doing is they're pre aging the spirit according to master distiller Jeff Arnett charcoal can accomplish in days with the barrel takes a couple of years to accomplish so essentially they're melding the whiskey with this like pre aging process and because bourbon laws are so strict you can't have any additives and that process of filtering through charcoal would be considered an additive so that's why this is considered a Tennessee whiskey not a bourbon starting off with one of the most popular whiskey's in the entire world the old number 7 from the purposes of this review I'm just gonna list my tasting notes here kind of add to it as I go through let's see how this is on the nose so right away I get this really nice nutty kind of note it's almost like an almond peony kind of mix you definitely get maple on the nose too maple sugar maple syrup kind of thing then you get like this the kind only youthful kind of sharpness you definitely tell us this is a younger whiskey I almost get like a shoe polish kind of chemical kind of note to it which I equate to like youthfulness but overall there's some nice notes in here for sure it is an enjoyable nose in my opinion it's a co palette so again that maple definitely carries over your a little bit like Cola notes in there that nuttiness to that almond that sweet almond peanut combo really really nice but again that finish medium and length I'd say you do get that like sharp youthful harsh ish kind of bite to it that like chemically kind of like shoe polish note does come in right there on the finish but those notes those those like cherry notes the maple the naina is all really nice it's just you get hit with that that harshness that comes at the end here but I do like this whiskey it does have some really nice flavor to it it does pack a punch it is one of those ones to kind of like it hits you hard but you kind of enjoy taking the blow I'd say you know so to speak score on this one I'm given a nice 70 nice around 70 out of 100 things are well deserving score nice whiskey just like a staple classic you know value wise on this one twenty dollars us at the Total Wine in Tennessee I think that's a very justified score and when I think scores are justified I don't add or subtract value I keep it at zero so let's go 70 out of 100 on this alright moving on to the gentleman jack the main difference between gentleman Jack and number seven is that the gentleman jack has been charcoal mellowed twice so they put this through their whole charcoal infiltration thing an additional time both at 40% ABV I didn't mention this is also for divorce and ABV so let's see how the gentleman deck is on the nose so very very similar to the number seven you get those maple notes that cherry note but everything is just completely turned down let's say the volume on on the number seven was like an 802 ten here it's maybe like a four and a half out of ten so yeah a lot less sharpness as well that chemical kind of shoe polish note I was getting on the number seven not don't pick it up really here at all maybe a little bit out vanilla because this one on the nose but again everything is more muted calm less harsh let's go palette again that Cola maple shirt maple sugar maple syrup chocolate note well they're all really nice all nice notes for sure on that one but finish a little shorter maybe definitely smoother in profile I'd say you don't get that chemical harshness as much as you do with the number seven but yeah it's like less like vibrant version of this now a lot of people are gonna like that I kind of like the rough notes you kind of get with this it gives it more character it gives it more vibrancy definitely a muted version of this in my opinion score wise for me I don't like it as much I do I like the profile this one a bit better I like that punch I'm gonna give this one 65 out of 100 for value this one cost $24 at Total Wine in Tennessee so you're paying a little bit more money for in my opinion a lesser whiskey so I'm gonna take off one point for value bringing down a 64 out of 100 let's move on to the single barrel all right single barrel is select if you don't know where it's exactly what it sounds like someone has selected one single barrel to be bottled whereas something like this or this they're selecting hundreds if not thousands of barrels from the warehouse value matter all-together bottling that as one giant batch here someone is hand selecting the barrel making sure the quality is good enough to be bottled by itself you might get a cast it's like off a little off here and there it's just gonna be masked by the giant batting that comes with batches like this here with a single barrel you're looking at probably getting this Hillary's better quality barrels so this was bottled in 2018 and it's at 47 percent ABV it's a little bit of higher ABV than the previous two let's see how it is on the nose yeah so completely different from the first two whiskies for sure hearing a lot more bolder notes here a lot more richness to it you're still getting that like maple that black cherry those really good almond notes here but everything is a lot more rich a lot more enjoyable for sure in the nose I'm not getting any of that youthful kind of bite too it so I would say this whiskey is definitely older than the previous two for sure yeah that's a lot that's really really nice I get this like bubble gum no great on this one let's go palate mmm it's really good maybe like a little bit of green apple coming in on the palo and this one really like that note but the finish here this is all about the finish longer finish that almond note that comes through really really good spiciness that comes on this one that spice note really really more refined a lot more enjoyable than the previous ones that harshness its mellowed out for sure you still you still do get that like enveloping heat it's not over-the-top like maybe like the number seven was where it was like that almost chemical kind of like shoe polish note that doesn't exist in this one so i'm definitely saying this one is older than these two for sure a lot better this is like a this is like a whiskey drinkers whiskey here this is the one you can drink meet really really good really nice viscosity on this too very enveloping mouth coating really really nice stuff definitely a bolder finish really like this one score wise for me this is get an eighty 80 out of a hundred for value forty dollars us so you're looking at you know double the price of the original but i think you're almost getting like double the whiskey this is something that you know a whiskey connoisseur is going to enjoy this is something that you know it's in a different league of this stuff i remember them they first started releasing these single barrels and they they started in around 2015 give or take i was like finally jack daniels are sharing some of that really good whiskey that they they know they have their you know i'm sure the people that jack daniels were drinking this stuff for a long time you know picking out the really nice barrels showing them us themselves you know they finally started to share it with the rest of us so really awesome stuff something you wouldn't really expect if you're just used to the number seven this is completely different whiskey really really good forty dollars definitely worth the price i think it's justified gonna keep the value at zero so 80 out of 100 on this one alright moving on to the sea barrel barrel proof so the main difference between this and the select is that the barrel proof obviously coming in at a strength sixty seven point nine five percent ABV on this if you're unaware whiskey for the most parts coming out of the cask around sixty to seventy five percent ABV give or take it depends on age and a bunch of different factors but let's say that's a good ballpark then distilleries are watering it down to get it to 40 percent ABV like these two are forty-seven percent ABV this one no water added right from the cask let's see how this is on the nose before I know is that one more thing the one of the great things about high ABV whiskies is that you can add your own water and in my experience with this it does take water really really well I do like to add a couple drops so I'll do one two three four let's do six drops of water on this one what it does is it brings down the ABV just a little bit releases a little more flavor into the glass on the nose yeah again completely different beast than these two for sure a lot more bold a lot more intensity on the nose you get all those nice flavors you know they get the maple the almond like you did with these but here you're getting this brown sugar note it's very very rich very awesome love that note on this yeah I mean this isn't really nice whiskey cue things and some herbal spices in here some clove even vanilla caramels there of course yeah this is like this is a whiskey drinkers whiskey for sure let's go palate that's really good so pretty much everything I got on the pallet I'm sorry on the nose is coming in on the pallet now that almond maple you know brown sugar no that brown sugar note is so good lingers to the finish finish is nice and long this is where these two whiskies standout from these two is that finish drawing out much longer listen tit banana note I'm gonna finish on this that is really really nice like that a lot like again it this is more like that whisky connoisseur is kind of whiskey and you wouldn't really think Jack Daniels is uh you know you drink this and you you're used to something like this and it's just completely different I mean you still get a little bit that like house kind of style that maple kind of almond D note but just way more complexity finish a lot more drawn-out way bolder and more flavor for sure don't get that kind of chemically kind of shoe polish note the young kind of harshness on this one this whiskey's definitely older for sure score wise for me on this one this is an 85 out of 100 for value you're looking at $56 us for this so at $16 more than that for the barrel proof I'd say it's definitely worth it I'm gonna say it's even a great value at that price this can compete with some other really really good high proof Bourbons in my opinion so I'm gonna add one additional point for value 86 out of 100 on this alright moving on to the rye whiskey is this is the straight rye ball that 45 percent ABV let's see how this one is on the nose so you get some typical rye notes here and the little spiciness um I do a little like maple maple sugar to this but everything here is very like mild it's very like toned down almost almost like the step between the number seven and the gentleman this one seems very very muted as well I do get a little bit that dill pickle note sometimes like do get dill pickle notes in rye whiskies they can be okay that a little off-putting I say this one's just a little off-putting for me on the nose let's go palette you pull the maple on this one seems a little more artificial where those getting it more kind of like authentic natural maple notes on the Rye a little more artificial in my opinion a little bit like spirity alcohol taste just a tad on this but again everything is just like very muted finish pretty short I'd say very light which is interesting because this is bald at 45 percent ABV maybe they bald at a 45 just because putting this at 40 might be just completely washing it out it's okay I've definitely had better ride whiskey's score wise for me I'm gonna give it 66 out of a hundred and for $30 u.s. I think at that price point you're getting into some rise that are a little bit better in my opinion so I can take up a point for value bring it down to sixty five out of a hundred on this one all right the single barrel ride this one is also bald in 2018 forty-seven percent ABV on this let's see how it is on the nose so you get that like rice spice and yes on this one some horrible notes definite like a walnut kind of comes out big-time for me on this but again it's very muted it's very toned down it's very subtle for forty seven percent it doesn't knows like it's a forty seven percent whiskey it knows it's more like it's forty or even maybe less than that yeah very mild let's try pout saying a horrible notes here a little bit of maple I do get a really nice finish like a almost Christmas style baked goods on this one almost like maybe like a fruitcake or like a some kind of Christmasy dessert do like that note don't get the dill pickle note here which I didn't really enjoy too much on that one don't pick it up on there nicer finish for sure the finish kind of where this one shines decent whiskey but again the whole volume the intensity on this is very low you wouldn't expect this to be 47% it's decent not in love with it but I'm gonna give it a decent score let's go 73 out of 100 on this 42 dollars us at Total Wine in Tennessee for this one I'm gonna take off a point for value I think that's a little bit too much for what you're getting here let's bring it down to 72 out of 100 let's go on to the flavored whiskey's alright Jack Daniel's Tennessee honey this actually isn't even a whiskey it's a considered a honey you look cure what they do is they make a honey look here add Jack Daniels and then they blend that with some Jack Daniels number seven bald at 40 sorry 35 percent ABV you whiskey needs to be bottled with at least 40 percent to be called whiskey 35 percent this is considered a look here normally flavored whiskey like this would never touch a glass like this but for the sake of the review I'm gonna nose it taste it give it a mark just like you would anything else on the nose it's actually like a decent nose it's very very sweet it's all honey almost like a honey like cough drop kind of get that note some caramel in here very very sweet almost like an artificial kind of caramel note though I should get like a golden gram sure you'll kind of note to this one you ever had golden gram cereals I get that on here but yeah it's like it's artificial smelling it's like it's artificial honey kind of but very sweet it's a it's not off-putting whatsoever though let's go palette so it tastes like literal honey it tastes like cheap processed honey that you get at a store very very sweet almost like overly sweetened caramel maple a little bit it's just way too sweet to drink I mean you can't drink this it's not meant to be drank like this obviously I guess some people would throw it on ice but you wouldn't be able to have too much of it it's just way too sweet it feels like a lot of sugar has been added to this one but I mean this is meant for cocktails and ashlee tastes like it would make a good cocktail so we'll see how that goes at the end this review I'll do some cocktails up but I mean you can't drink it you can't drink it like this skull rise for me since it's undrinkable I'm not gonna be able to give it over 50 I'm given uh actually 48 out of a hundred but again keep in mind this is a mixing look you're not meant to be drink like this alright the tennessee fire this is a cinnamon look cure again they make a cinnamon liqueur in house they blended with Jack Daniels number seven ball that 35 percent ABV so technically not a whiskey cinnamon Lee cure let's see how it is on the nose it's just all cinnamon hearts just pure liquid cinnamon hard candy that's all I get on this maybe like a little bit like like an authentic cinnamon stick maybe perhaps but if they wanted to make like a liquid cinnamon hard liquor they did it this is like perfect replication for sure if you like cinnamon hearts you'll like this nose but again really really sweet let's go palate 100% cinnamon heart it's just liquid cinnamon hearts not that that's bad I actually really like Simon hearts and that actually tastes free decent but again you can't drink this stuff it's so so sweet there's got to be some added sugar in here for sure a decent amount maybe I actually probably a lot so again keep in mind my score it's not whiskey it's not meant to be drank like this I'm giving it 49 out of 100 value 20 bucks a bottle this was also 20 bucks a bottle I think that's for a mixer this is actually I have a good feeling it's gonna be a good mixing whiskey value I'm gonna leave it at zero that means I put prices justify 20 bucks sure 49 out of 100 alright so there you have it there the scores definitely the single barrel barrel proof was my favorite definitely a whiskey drinkers whiskey I can compete with some of those higher-end Bourbons out there being a single barrel they're all gonna vary I did review a 2016 one that I scored 89 out of a hundred - definitely there are some batch variants for sure you're going to get that with single barrels but there are some gems out there for sure absolutely the rise wasn't too high on the mixing whiskies we'll get into some cocktails right now and see how they turn out I pulled a couple recipes from the Jack Daniel's website this first one is a take on the original Jack and Coke it's called The Godfather number 7 use a little bit of amaretto in the mix let's see how it is it's actually pretty solid the Disaronno here adds a little bit of that almond kind of marzipan sweetness to it kind of plays well with the almond note that I was getting on then number seven a little bit of sweetness for sure maybe a little bit too sweet I don't know Jack and Coke so we drink as it is you're adding a little bit of Disaronno to it brings up that sweetness but this is a really nice cocktail I'm gonna give it a seven out of ten all right next up this is called the gentleman and ginger so it's just simply gentleman jack ginger beer or you could use ginger ale little lime wedge let's see how this is oh yeah that's nice and refreshing I'm a big fan of ginger beer really like that lime works perfectly with this great cocktail and go seven and a half out of ten on this one next up is the Tennessee riled fashioned it uses the Jack Daniels rye couple dashes of bitters some simple syrup an orange wedge I'm a big fan of the old fashioned cocktail is by far my favorite whiskey cocktail for sure one very important thing that I like to do when I can is use a big chunk of ice in there I like to use like the two inch by two inch square ice definitely controls the amount of water in the cocktail slowly slowly dilutes as opposed to like in multiple ice cubes you can definitely control the amount of delusion in there well let's see how this one is that's all right I'm definitely getting a little more of that Roy spice in here that I was even when I drink in this straight probably that bitters has a little bit something do with that the orange does work really well with the notes in here although I'm you know I'm very very specific about my old fashions I think for me for this one I would probably be looking for a different rye or possibly a bourbon for it okay cocktail but I'm a very strict marker when it comes to old fashioned so I'm gonna give this one a five out of ten all right next up is the Jack honey smash this one uses the Jack Daniels honey liqueur mint lemon juice simple syrup some crushed ice I've had a couple decent whiskey smashes before most of them bourbon I've had a really nice scotch mash before a used bell Feeny twelve double wood that was really really good I'll see how this one goes really nice and sweet the mint in that honey note work really really well together love that the lemon no I'm not sure that lemon juice is really mixing well with this the honey the lemon kind of clash in my opinion I think if I remade this I would probably swap that lemon out for maybe something else okay cocktail what that lemon is kind of heard in it I'm gonna give this one five and a half out of ten all right this one's called the cinnamon smashed apple uses the Tennessee fire the cure lemon lime sour mix and some apple cider I'll see how this one is never quite had a cocktail like this before it's actually pretty decent that cinnamon apple cider thing obviously go really really well together sour mix kind of interesting that like citrus note the kind of companies that it's actually a pre refreshing drink considering the heaviness of that cinnamon in the apple cider really really sweet though that is really sweet definitely can only have one of these again I decent I like it it is a degree very decent cocktail I'm gonna go six and a half out of ten on this one all right there you have it there the scores this is by far the biggest review I have ever done Jack Daniels what do you think how is the brand stack up to you how the old number seven is it a staple in your bar is it something you kind of went to maybe earlier in your whisky journey is it something you still kind of drink nowadays Jack and cokes let me know what you think single barrel barrel proof what a great whiskey like I said before this one can compete with some of those bigger brand-name Bourbons that are out there the barrel proof bourbon so get a lot of notoriety I think this one can stand with them the rise you know wasn't too big on the rise let me know what you think maybe they'll make like a single barrel barrel proof ride that'd be pretty interesting they did that the mixers you know they were decent some decent cocktails the little bit of a morado when the Jack and Coke was a pretty nice touch but the Gentleman Jack with the ginger beer that was one of my favorite kind of refreshing cocktail like that one so let me think if you want any super social club merchandise glass a coin a shirt hat whatever check out super social club everything's available there and I really appreciate you guys watching thanks so much for tuning in let me know what you think in the comments down below like comment subscribe also good stuff coming up on channel as always thanks again have a good one guys Cheers
Channel: Sippers Social Club
Views: 384,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack Daniels, Jack Daniel's, What's the best Jack Daniel's, Is Jack Daniels Good, Jack Daniel's No 7, Old No 7, No7, Gentleman Jack, Jack Daniel's Single Barrel, Single Barrel Barrel Proof, Jack Danie
Id: g7LKu-jUr14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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