The Ultimate Guide to Reverse Parallel Parking | Advance Driving School

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foreign and welcome to this video The Ultimate Guide to parallel parking parallel parking maneuver is one of the four Maneuvers that you need to be able to demonstrate on your driving test and a maneuver that commonly might need to be used in your day-to-day as well whether you where you live where you work etc a lot of people find it quite a tricky maneuver it can be there's reference points that are very very key to you being able to demonstrate it correctly and also lots of observations as with all Maneuvers but there's a couple of vulnerable places within the parallel park where observations are really key so I'm going to be going to Dem oh I'm going to demonstrate three parallel Parks one as if it was in test conditions uh the second one with a vehicle behind me so I'll be reversing between two vehicles and one on the opposite side of the road parallel parking to the right so as always before we get started please click the like button and the bell icon and then that way you'll be notified whenever we do a new video so I hope you enjoy it and here goes so I'm going to start with the parallel park as if we were in driving test conditions so the examiner will look ahead and find a suitable vehicle for you to carry out the maneuver and as you approach that vehicle they will ask you to pull up on the left in a safe place just before and they will be very clear with the vehicle so in this case we're going to pull up on the left just before this blue driving the school car and I wonder whose that could be um so we're going to mirror signal and maneuver so that we pull alongside and you don't want to get too close because you want to be able to come out around the car safely so I've made my car safe The Examiner will then give you the instructions to carry out the maneuver which will be something like this I would now like you to pull alongside the vehicle in front reverse behind finishing parallel to and close to the curb within two car lengths so sounds quite simple and it is if you know the reference points and how to do it so a few things to remember at this point um one they want you to be parallel and close to the curb so try not to touch the curb try not to rub the curve you want to make sure that you're just about where we are now are stopping distance between the tire and the curb here is absolutely spot on also they want to see lots of observations lots and lots of observations so before you move away and get yourself ready for maneuver the first thing you must do as we always do is prepare observe and move so lots of blind spot checks you need to keep really really good control of the car going at a nice slow walking pace snail-paced steady speed um don't rush it take your time and lots and lots of continuous Maneuvers throughout throughout the parking maneuver that you're doing so on your test they will only ask you to do it on the Left Behind one vehicle without a vehicle close to you behind so that's a good thing now the way we teach the parallel part method is by using some reference points and a way to remember it we call it the one two one method and I'll explain to you what that is as we're going through the maneuver so the first thing we need to do is get ready and pull alongside our vehicle so as I said we're going to prepare we're gonna observe all the way around checking our mirrors and then we're going to maneuver our car so that we're pulling alongside my husband's car in front leaving about a door with scap okay and just stop just past the car is absolutely fine okay so we're at our starting point and the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to look for my first reference point where I'm going to do the first part of the one two one method so my first reference point is when my wing mirror is in line with the wing mirror of the car that I'm parking alongside and behind and at that point I'm going to do one full turn to the left so as always we are going to prepare our car lots of observations and then we're going to carry out our maneuver so remember good control of the car and I'm looking for when I'm in line which is about now and I'm going to do my first part which is one full turn to the left all the while I'm looking around making sure that it's nice and safe and if anybody approaches I've stopped now here I need to be looking for my second reference point and my second reference point and remember reference points are personal they depend on your height your seating position lots of things so it'd be good to work out what yours is for your driving instructor with your instructor they'll help you be able to set that reference point so mine is when the curb just disappears off the bottom of my left mirror that I'm looking in so but still there a little bit lots of observations it's gone so I'm now going to do the second part of the one two one method which is two full turns to the right so again lots of observations keeping good control of the vehicle there's one turn and there's two turns so I'm just going to keep doing that going backwards again keeping an eye out and then just when I think I'm straight behind the car there's someone coming so I'm just going to let them go selecting two and then just when I think I'm straight and parallel to the curb I'm going to do the last part of the maneuver the one two one method which is one turn back to the left which is that now how have I judged how I'm straight one I'm using the left door mirror I've also got blind spot mirrors on this car they're really helpful when you need to check your distance from the curb and I'm also using the car in front of me now when we drive we use our reference points in front of us other vehicles in the road to determine we're straight and that same perception Works in exact in this situation as well now what's important The Examiner said they don't they want us to stop within two car lengths I am easily within two car lengths I could in fact afford to go back a little bit more if I wanted to but what we tend to say is when you're straight and you're happy just stop don't try and think oh I've got to go back further or I've got to be closer no within two car links they don't want you really close they don't want your miles away but as soon as you're with it you're straight and you're happy that you're within the required distance just stop the car make it safe as soon as you make it safe The Examiner will then say if you'd like to drive on when you're ready so you prepare You observe and you move away from behind the vehicle now if you are too far away you are absolutely allowed to go back out and give it another attempt and I've had pupils that have had two maybe sometimes three three goes at a parallel park and they've still passed their tests they've probably got a minor for control and things things like that but they you can correct and still pass your test if you hit the curb or rub the curb unfortunately you probably will fail what I would say is if you think you're going to hit the curb stop before you do and go back out restart and complete the maneuver okay so that was parallel park as per a driving test behind one vehicle on the left okay so I'm just going to do another parallel part to the left behind one vehicle I'm just going to do it in one motion this time without any commentary so you can see what it's like to do it as one fluid movement just see what that car's doing he's going around around about lots of times that's great lovely so prepared observed and moved away so first things first pull alongside leaving that Gap undo into reverse lots of observations come back one turn looking around keep looking around looking for that reference point and the curb's gone do it in one and two he'll beep at me okay so I'm hitting my husband's car but I'm not looking around looking around looking around straight one turn to the left and stop there we go did it could be closer but it's within a drains whip which is what they require [Music] okay so now we're going to do another parallel park maneuver to the left but this time between two cars which is much more true to life I personally did used to live down a street that if you couldn't parallel park you would have had to park probably about two miles away from the house so um I used to do this day in day out and sometimes didn't have much more than an inch to spare but my husband's positioned his car with another car so we'll see how kind he's been to me on the Gap he's left oh nearly forgot those blind spot checks didn't I before I pulled away there we go okay so just like before I'm gonna pull alongside the vehicle in front oh yeah he's left me a nice enough Gap lovely so pulling alongside leaving about a door's width making the car safe okay so I've got my starting position alongside the vehicle I'm going to prepare observe move and look for that first reference point now we're going to use the same reference point but this time instead of doing one turn two turn one turn we're going to do full lock full lock so I'm going backwards I'm at my reference point I'm going to do full left lock and the reason we do this is because the gap is smaller so you want to be able to turn in much quicker so I'm looking for that reference point my curb has dropped lovely so at this point just full right lock now got to be mindful of your front left being close to the rear of that car but I'm okay that's just my senses telling me I'm close but I know all the time we're checking around and again when you believe you are parallel to the curb you are going to return your wheels back to Central steering wheel back to the central position put it into park that quietens down my beeper and there we go so I'm nicely close to the curb between the two cars now if in real life you've ended up a bit closer to the car at the rear and you've got loads of room in front it's okay just to drive forwards to give yourself a good amount of room to move out but actually you do want slightly more room at the front however don't park too close to the person behind you need to leave the leave them a good amount of room you don't want them you know hitting your car um as they try to move out of their space so a nice Central position so just like before I'm going to do it again but this time I'm just going to do it in one movement I won't commentate much just to point out what I'm doing when so prepare look around now to get out because it's tight just go straight to full right lock and you'll come out at the same angle that you went in okay there we go so let's get my starting position back again doesn't matter if you go slightly beyond the car giving yourself room is perfectly acceptable so into reverse good look around come back looking for that first reference point where I'm going to go full left lock all left lock get it on quick looking around watching for that reference point in that mirror and it's about there for right lock oh we're a bit close to the car what do you reckon we're good just going to keep coming back until I believe I am parallel to the curb which is about there wheel straight Park done that'll do wouldn't it so there you go parallel part to the left between two cars cool okay so finally I'm going to show you the last parallel park maneuver in a different scenario this time I'm going to be doing a parallel part between two cars on the right hand side of the road now this is not normally something that you would do in real life it's very rare that you would probably have to do this um the one time you might it could be that you're in a one-way Street and there's parking on both sides and the only space available is on your right so there are times where you might but it's not very common and you try to avoid it if you can so I'm going to do the maneuver I'm going to talk you through it you use just like the left reverse I did between two cars you're going to use exactly the same reference points and again full lock when you're turning because it's between two cars so let's see how I do on this one I haven't done one of these for quite a few years so checking all around and moving off so you need to make sure the other traffic are aware of what you're doing so I will indicate to say that I am pulling up onto the right hand side of the road I'm obviously crossing the road as well but in a one-way Street you wouldn't have to worry about oncoming traffic but I need to make sure that people understand that I am going to be parking and pulling up to the right so I pulled alongside the car trekking all around making sure that there's nobody that I can hurt and we're going to go backwards until now the tricky thing with this is if I waited until my wing mirrors are in line I've missed the Gap completely so you're going to do it when you're roughly parallel with the car okay which is about now so I'm gonna go full right lock because we're turning to the right keep checking all around and again I'm looking for the same reference point so it's when the curve disappears from the mirror which is about there and we're gonna do full left lock whilst we're continuing to go back saying I'm close to my husband's car but that's all right and we keep going and when we think we're parallel straighten up and into park there we go that was better than the lefts oh actually the house I lived in with the street where I always had to do it it was nearly always on the right that I had to do a maneuver so probably why that one was a little bit better but there we go okay so do it one more time foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] okay so that was The Ultimate Guide to parallel parking um I hope you learned lots of things from it so a few key things to remember find your reference points um we would recommend using the one two one method and there is another video specifically on that as well so go and look for that one lots and lots of lots of observations making sure that you're checking all your mirrors Through the Windows back window all the time so stop if anyone approaches and make sure that you demonstrate really good control of the vehicle so as always if you liked this video then please click the like button and subscribe as it helps other people find our Channel and we have over 150 more tutorial videos to help you so yeah thanks for watching bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Advance Driving School
Views: 197,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New, UK, World, Driving, Test, Learning, to, drive, manual, stick, auto, automatic, DVSA, safe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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