🔐 KeePassXC 🔐 - A Secure and Feature Rich OFFLINE Password Manager

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there's a lot of reasons to use a password manager it's more secure than just keeping your accounts in a text file and you can use a different password for each account to maximize your security and the password manager will remember them all for you but you want to pick the right kind of password manager right off the bat I can tell you that you want to avoid password managers that store your credentials in an online server most password managers follow that method of storage as well as advertise that they will keep your passwords backed up and safe so you don't have to worry about losing them or them getting hacked but the problem with this is storing your passwords online exposes them to any hacker on the Internet willing to try and hack that password manager and because all of those password manager users are stored in one database it makes them a very valuable target to any hacker because they can compromise the accounts of potentially millions of people but if you use an offline password manager then the risk of a third party exposing your passwords is mitigated and it becomes your job to secure the passwords also your passwords are a less valuable target in this scenario because only your passwords would be compromised by someone hacking your offline password manager and chances are a professional hacker wouldn't be interested in your passwords unless of course your last name happens to be Snowden which brings us to key pass XC this is an offline password manager that I've been using for a few years now it's open source community developed and it is built using the Qt 5 libraries which makes it a multi-platform application you can use it on Linux Windows and the Mac OS it's available in most software stores too so it's easy to install on Ubuntu and mint based distros just search for a key pass XC in your repository so to get started with it we can either open up a new day base or we can create a new one I'll be making a new pass a new database for this video so go ahead and give your database a name and give it a description and with the encryption settings we don't really want to change anything here because keep a sexy automatically chooses the most secure settings it uses aes-256 for the encryption and it will store your database format in the latest most secure format k DB x 4.0 so let's hit continue and then here you want to go and set your password so with a password manager they just use a master password so this is the only password that you'll have to remember and it will unlock your entire database so you want to make sure that this is something that is super super secure and after you type it in you can hit this I here to double check what the password is so make sure that it meets all of your security requirements I'd say probably good idea is a password that is this length but don't create it out of a bunch of dictionary words like I did so just because the passwords long does not mean that it is secure you also want to secure it against dictionary attacks which this has poor security against that and then we can also add additional protection so you have the option of using a Yubikey which you may have heard of before a Yubikey is basically this flash drive here which allows you to generate one-time use passwords so in order to unlock the database if you're using it with a Yubikey you would need to also have a password generated on this and then insert it into the computer that you're trying to unlock the database on and use this password at the same time so it's a two-factor authentication that really helps to make your database more secure because if a bad guy tried to break into it he would need to not only need to know this password but he would also need to have access to that you became and you can also add a key file as an alternative or in addition to using a you became so we're gonna go ahead and generate a key file here and yeah it'll store it in keep a sexy demo we'll call it key file all right so then we have that generated and let's hit done what do we want to call this database we'll call it demo database all right so let me show you guys what this key file is all about let me open up this here and open terminal them key file so it's kind of the same idea as the as the Yubikey except this doesn't cost you any money because you don't have to pay for the Yubikey hardware it's just this really long cryptographic code here so you need to have this file on your computer that you're trying to unlock the database from now as far as backing up this database and this key file goes I recommend backing them up separately as well as storing them separately because it's just a little bit of common sense if you think of it so if a hacker was able to access your machine and thus compromise the security of this database itself like they could copy the database you don't want them to also be able to copy the key file because then they will have one of the two factors of authentication now they're not going to be able to get in with that all by itself like if I go and close this database and then I want to try and access it let's see documents demo so if I go to try and open this database I'll show you guys what will happen do this so we can see all of them and I think demo database was the one so I'm gonna go ahead and try to do with just the password not the key file and we're going to get this error here that it can't be opened but then once we add in the key file go to documents demo key file now we're able to actually get into the database so let me show you some of the options here for creating passwords so you can create groups here say if you wanted to make this group emails and you can just put some notes in here so this is where I store emails and we'll hit OK and so within this folder here you can come over here and start making your account so we'll do a new entry and let's call this Gmail and username I don't know Gmail login and then we'll come down here and then we can create a password and there's an option up here to be able to generate your passwords if we click up here on the icon next to the lock this is our password generator so from here we can set how secure we want it to be so we can set the length here all the way up to 128 if we wanted to I think I'm gonna do 20 keep it a little bit more reasonable and you can select the character types that you want down here so you can do uppercase lowercase numbers you can add in special characters you can add an extended asking if that's supported by the platform that you're using as well and you can also do an actual passphrase as well but I don't really suggest doing this because you can copy and paste these passwords to your clipboard and it's a password manager so the whole passphrase thing in my opinion is really only useful for your master password because that's something you would actually have to remember so we're going to just do the password and we're going to copy this to our clipboard and then we're going to use that as our password you can see that it's letting us use this pseudo random password here and then you can just do the login I mean the URL which I guess would just be google.com and then hit OK so now you don't even have to click into the account to reveal what the credentials are to copy it you can just click this to copy the username and let me open up AG edit to show you guys so I can paste the username right here and I can click this one to copy the password and then the password is right there alright guys so this is keep a sexy go ahead and download it so that you can have a secure password manager
Channel: Mental Outlaw
Views: 43,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mental Outlaw, KeePassXC, password manager, KeePass, offline password manager, linux, passwords, hacking, security, cyber security, secure passwords, terminal, cli, command, line, command line, posix, shell, macosx, tech, technology, computers, pc, unix, gnu, vim, free software, foss, password
Id: xfwQrXSutuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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