Treehouse Utopia: The Finish Line

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boy this I love it here I really love it here utopia stands up to its name it's got a certain smell this time of year is so beautiful to the needles are starting to come back onto the cypress trees so you know you can see them coming in now that beautiful green color but it gets electric green here in the next couple of days even I'd say [Music] I'm so unbelievably proud of my guys you know making this happen really appreciate all the hard work they've done and this place is turning out much better than I ever imagined we've got six weeks left and so we're sprinting to the finish line we've got quite a project in number four carousel to to complete in that time and a long long punch list I say blend into trees as much as you can and that's hard to do when you're creating full houses with bathrooms and kitchen etson living rooms and decks and bedrooms but but it it it does seem to blend well and and I'm really thrilled at how this is turning out so these guys always make miracles happen so we'll just cheer them on from from wherever we happen to be doing our TV show [Music] guys it's Jeff again still down here in Texas on to treehouse number four or like we like to call it the carousel treehouse we welded that in place one giant solid frame now as you can see they're putting up the walls now in the first level and this will actually be a split-level treehouse to get done with that we'll start rolling joists and a couple beams out on its open side the tire so rolling joist is what we say when it's time to put joists up for the floor and the joists typically will run perpendicular to your beams and then on top of the joists we'll throw down our subfloor and then our flooring which you can't see but it's over there [Music] hey there my name is Hayden we're here working on the fourth treehouse and utopia Texas got one side close to dried-in and the other side platforms nearly complete we're gonna have walls going up this afternoon and basically we needed the first section built so the second section could tie into that and we put in a ledger we're going to connect it with a deck and also a really cool corridor leading to the bathroom so good things are happening walls here we got a lot of walls probably like eight or nine different walls because it's a eight or nine sided polygon so we're going to start with the river side and the biggest walls we've got them pre-wrapped so no one has to be out there on scaffolding except for when we get to the exterior siding so we're gonna get chalk line snapped once the platform gets cut out and the walls sit on those chalk lines and if everything goes good we should have everything up by today [Music] [Music] today we're here down in utopia Texas and the weather has taken a turn for the worse this is John John was a Sawyer now carpenter so our Sawyer Swede Sawyer what's the story Sawyer it's someone that Nils lumber from trees you know someone last name Sawyer that's where it comes from [Music] [Music] hello everybody Pete here we're on the Sabinal River which is gin-clear it turns this beautiful blue shade after it gets to be about two or three feet deep out of this riverbed grows the most extraordinary cypress trees we're in Texas Hill Country about 68 miles west of San Antonio and it's a place that I'd never been to until a few years ago and we built a tree house in Lake E which is just the next Valley over and I just fell in love with the place so I'm excited I mean I think it's change is good changes something you can always rely on non-stop treetop I have a dream of creating treehouse hotels all over the world like my favorite parts of the world and and so this is technically the second treehouse hotel that we've created and the first one being treehouse point in Fall City Washington we've got six treehouses there and I'm thrilled with how people respond to these places I'm gonna just do one more check here since there's six right there [Music] [Music] so it is Wednesday just after lunch if you've ever thought carousels were odd or interesting things this is every bit of odd and interesting wildly circuitous quite complicated to build the theme of this treehouse is the carousel well we have procured or some ancient wooden carved carousel ponies but we do have an issue with supporting the roof load roof system with all these hips don't exactly join over a wall so they're floating the idea is that we need to build a column of some sort to support this close proximity to the wall we got a kitchenette going there with a nice walnuts slab steel pipe it's gonna go from the floor through the corner of that kitchenette catch the ridge figure out how to turn these two ponies mount those on the sides of the pole and make that the chandelier retrofit these with LED lights it's a bit of a stretch of the imagination it's either gonna be really gaudy or it's gonna be maybe a stroke of genius yet to be seen don't break it they're not particularly light it will be interesting it might be the one and only carousel miniature horse chandelier on the planet when we're done and we'll see hey guys Jeff with Nelson treehouse and supply currently I'm working on a splinter got a bunch of my thumb this far as progress over here goes it's Monday we're kind of at that point right now all for treehouses are up their structures and starting to get a glimpse of that finish line it's a little a little bit out there see it though I've glasses now so my scene better help we're cooking we're really moving along everything's just coming together and yeah we might we might actually leave Texas some dad cool [Music] [Music] we're working on a yet another steel project we've got to chase coming up into here this is going to be a what will look a little bit like a tree but it will be a steel support that'll take a platform a landing for the staircase and then inside it is gonna have all the conduit and all the left go lines and water lines that run up into it and then at the top it serves a multi-purpose what we're hiding everything that we don't want to see which is really a nice feature because watching all that stuff go up the side of the tree is not attractive and it's adding a lot of strength and support to the treehouse and the platform so solving a lot of problems with just this one thing but it's rather complicated that it's got to have notches half-laps welds here and there we got a door going on it the pad is already poured we've got the ring down ready for it so it gets set on top of the ring that's got all the bolts that bolt it down and then it gets welded directly in place so there's a lot of welding that has to happen in the next three days and Erin had the pleasure of doing the first of these he got two of them to do and lucky for me that I came back and Erin was sent off to another project which gave me the opportunity to be able to do the welding now so I think Erin and I are the only ones offhand that are the only structural steel welders and the company so that worked out nicely for me I suppose everything we're doing for it right now is prepping to be able to stand this thing up and get it upright and get it welded in today so it's gonna be at least five six passes across the entire bottom of it it's two feet in diameter so there's there's quite a bit of welding that has to happen on this thing so it'll take a couple days to finish it but it will be upright and standing by today yeah so Travis here with Nelson treehouse and supply and Adam and I mostly Adam we're installing the support structure as well as the conduit for all the utilities on tree house number four Adams up there right now he's welding the pieces together we have a temporary support structure right now supporting these two beams that are coming out from underneath the treehouse that's going to be the permanent support I'll have some knee braces that match the other knee braces and I'm stun doing all this welding will remove all those extra supports and we'll begin building our deck on top of these steel substructure that we're building right now this is ideal see that normally you got to chip this off if it dries in flakes on its own like that that's a good time birdie no undercutting no longer cutting almost looks like I know how to do it [Music] I'm here with John lamb and today what we're doing our task on hand for the day the exterior window trim we got this awesome genie here to assist us with that and we have this very safe ramp that we've made I guess falling in the water won't be so bad but it's not super deep trying to stay up here the whole time and stay safe so [Applause] [Music] it's been your favorite treehouse here we'll do this hold on we're here with John lamb John what has been your favorite tree house so far probably number 3 bibliothèque biblethump why why simple shape came together really easily for some what were some challenges you've you've encountered out here working with Jack we just fall that's me I'm John just took a vacation home how is that tell us what you did I moved out of my house for you did you move out or were you kicked out I moved out he was kicked out it wasn't his choice what's longer do you think you'll be in Texas here forever your favorite part about Texas the Sun is nice you miss Washington kind of do you miss Connecticut no John's from Connecticut John you want to give them a weather report or anything say hi to your mom [Music] hi there this is Adam cage with Nelson treehouse and supply you can see we've got some stairs up we got some more stairs over there we got some more stairs up there got back and I've been doing stairs we're gonna be on stairs for the rest of the time between all the railings pickets everything else there's a ton of stuff that has to happens till I get done with this build then I will ride my motorcycle home to Seattle fly off or Pennsylvania where we have a kids camp we're going to do a really cool sunny treehouse for a bunch of children I think better than building a treehouse and then watching hundreds of kids just flock it you know so when we built for children there's something really special about it for sure [Music] today we are wrapping up coming very close to wrapping up the last of the decks this is the longest bridge out here the most amount of posts railings pickets everything else and it has been a picket post party for sure we got Jeff down below doing all the cutting and prepping we got John doing the install on all of the railing part while I'm coming in and doing all the posts before they get to me so it's been a pretty good little machine here working out on this treehouse bibliothèque killing it is what we're doing today because well that's because what we do we are actually approaching the finish line here which is very exciting this was been a wonderful break in the shade over here out of the Sun but the only way this thing is going to get done on time and cross the finish line is I get busy I got to go out there all right [Music] hey y'all it's Jeff down in treehouse utopia and we are done we got four treehouses built and ready to go for you Tarentum it's a really good feeling to be honest with you I'm the last one remaining everyone's totally JumpShip and ran home they left me with all their stuff and just a dirty yard to clean so I'm over here picking it all up and I had a big long truck back to Seattle with everyone else's gear so that'll be cool but we're done whoo we did it for four tree houses built prepped and ready to go so the most fun I've had down here is just the learning experience I've been able to get I got to see four houses from beginning to end with immediate repetition you know I've always bounced around a bit and I sometimes don't get to be on a full build from beginning to end with this one I got to see four start and four end we built two bridges that was a first for me to be part of something like that the amount of metalwork we had to do down here being a newer carpenter the learning experience was amazing get to hone your skills in a bit more it's a different experience being able to spend seven months somewhere you don't live seven months in Texas pretty much local got a p.o box and everything well I guess that's it for me I'm signing off I got to start making my way back up north I can't thank y'all enough for being part of this I hope you all at home have loved what we've been doing I've really enjoyed the videos we've been making and the work we've been doing down here in Utopia maybe learn something or two things it's just been an unbelievable experience and I'm so glad I just got to be part of it so catch y'all on the flip side and some other state or something [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: NelsonTreehouse
Views: 1,773,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: treehouse utopia, texas treehouse resort, texas treehouse, pete nelson, treehouse masters, treehouse hotel, treehouse rental, treehouse resort
Id: 3aK1lUM4Fko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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