The ULTIMATE Fire Emblem Engage Tier List!!! /w Choops - All Characters Analyzed

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hello hello humans welcome back to another Fire Emblem engage video today we are back in the Clack with the wonderful choops and we are doing a tier list for all of the units uh in Fire Emblem engage based on how good we think they are and how bad we think they are so welcome troops how are you doing I'm doing great how is up everybody it's your boy chupi choosy back in the Clack with another link king7 tier list video Hey listen listen link I gotta interrupt the intros I always pick it up damn but yeah so we're gonna we're gonna try and do a tier list between the two of us because having more than one opinion is usually a little bit humbling to hear that someone else calls you an idiot for putting a unit in s t or an F tier I know the comment section does it all the time true yeah feel free to do that in the comments section too we really don't mind yeah we we like it in fact I'm a big uh a big fan of pain and uh you know I'm a big uh what's his name griss fan so oh yeah masochism yeah definitely so keep it coming keep it keep it as hard and as as uh aggressive as possible guys we got this absolutely so a couple information things before we start number one is that there will be spoilers in this video for the last two recruitable characters in the game uh I'm pretty sure everyone knows who they are by now but just in case you don't this is a spoiler warning in the timestamps they will be spoiler tagged as spoiler one and spoiler two and you can see on the bottom here we have the pictures of the characters themselves those two characters will not show up as the characters slowly move up onto the tier list because I have them set all the way at the bottom so you don't have to worry about seeing them by accident unless you actively click into the spoiler section so I'm really out here thinking of every way possible not to spoil people but it is what it is yeah you don't want to spoil this this game's story that's for sure yeah absolutely you know but just Justin just in case you know for people who don't know what they're getting into yeah you know we got you covered the second thing before we start I also realized I have not started my recording so the recording is starting now for the the video itself you guys won't miss anything the second thing is we are rating these characters I don't know how do you want to do this troops do you want to write the characters based on like their maximum potential including no definitely not definitely not but it's got to be the same way we always do characters we got we got a few aspects here we got availability contribution um and potential you know and you can't rate them in a bubble you gotta rate them within the context of the game that means tools that are available when they're available the maps that are available that you're playing through with them how easy is the game if you use them how much harder is the game is if if you don't use them you know I I like that a lot actually because a lot of people whenever I'm talking about either classes or units as I have done before they'll be like well have you tried using this unit with Erica and I'm like well I mean Erica makes every unit really really strong so it's not really specific to this unit it's very difficult for that reason to do this because in my opinion I think the Rings are more important than even the characters themselves you know and everyone has access to them you can do some funny wacky things with these characters and we're just scratching the surface here I don't I don't think Preamble I don't think that I'm able to I'm qualified to give a tier list uh I don't think that you are either but I definitely don't think that I am I I can only rate like maybe concretely um like four units that I would say are definitely s tier but as Gamers and Gamers with lizard brains we have to create a uh order to everything we have to manufacture and order everything and that's what is fun and that's what we do as Gamers on the internet that's what we do to make content or else we die right I mean look I've built my channel on the back of telling people that Arvis did nothing wrong if the if I can't make a tier list then what am I doing here really yeah we have to do it we're doing it for fun guys it is this is mostly for fun it's also what we think so let us know what you guys think as well and maybe we'll revise this in a couple months once the the real engage meta settles down and we actually see what the proper tier list is for these kind of characters yeah that'd be fun all right so let's kick it off with alir and since you're the guest I'm gonna let you start uh a leader I would put a deer because availability every chapter you use them uh their passives are really good just the three damage extra that you'll be using all the time you'll be using that three damage extra all the time I don't know about you but I'm always off by one hit for a kill and I'm just always setting up a leer to help me not only that uh one minus one damage for defense uh if you're up on enemy phase and uh Dragon class is [ __ ] awesome is [ __ ] awesome Liberation refined is so cheap and a really good sword for early to mid game and um obviously they fall off real hard there are when it comes to Lords they're a little bit underwhelming overall but there's no denying how powerful they are and how powerful they become in end game because of the the whole uh well we're not gonna get any spoilers right right yeah yeah okay so we'll just say the dragon class is also pretty good in terms of how they turn into a Swiss army knife of a character with all of the different engaged weapons it really sorry not engage weapon well I guess engage weapons but also emblem rings uh one thing I did want to note is on my most recent playthrough I was optimizing SP this is before I looked at your guide but optimizing SP with them because they get forced Marth for the first couple chapters you pretty much already have them at a thousand SP by the time you can move Marth onto someone else yep yep and so alir also doesn't have any issue with getting Cantor very very quickly which makes them very very strong in terms of Mobility like you said repositioning around the whole aspect of getting that extra three damage because if you're hitting an enemy you're cantering out one space to bring someone else into whack a boss or an enemy or whatever then that just makes a leader that much more capable not just as an offensive unit but also as a support unit yeah and we're not I feel like their their bases are nothing special because they start out at level one and their growths are actually pretty decent across the board especially their speed stat and so you can really do whatever you want with them flexibility wise they have pretty good defense and resistance growths and they start out with you very early so even in terms of second sealing if for some reason you don't want to keep them in the dragon class um it's a it's just a very flexible unit so I agree with the at replacement honestly yeah uh swords are a little bit underwhelming in this game overall uh but they're obviously they're not sword locked but when you're going into Dragon which you're probably going to want to do for all of the skills emblem ring sync skills you get with them um it's their what's again they're a Swiss army knife I feel like the swords are definitely holding them back for sure I don't think swords are very good in this game uh comparatively to like lances and magic and you know axes as well it's just crazy yeah they have less availability they have less things available than the only two range they have is 11 sword and their magic isn't good enough to like justify that um but yeah good person to have mentorship on too because you're going to be using that uh that bonus all the time so definitely do that and it's cheap as well but yeah they have so many options they're great I agree I'm glad we agree on the first one because I don't know if we're gonna agree on this second one and I'll try to test the waters with with Vander personally uh Vander is also someone who you get in the very very first chapter so availability wise he's great and you can say he's like pretty much of a Cornerstone to have in chapter two for tanking that Lumera sigured combo because he's the only one who can really take the hit pretty much um but Vander very quickly falls off a cliff yep despite how useful he is in the early game but you do want him in that early game for chip damage and you do want him in the early game for a little bit of tanking so I don't want to put him quite in D or F tier I mean maybe D but I'm feeling like he like hovers around the bottom of C tier I agree I agree I totally agree with that everything you just said um once again it's about availability guys it's about how much they contribute to the game how how much more difficult the game would be without him it would be quite difficult without him honestly um he is just there to deliver big damage and because he's an ax user effective damage you get a bunch of effective Weaponry right at the start and the weapons that you get at the start are cheap to refine they hit hard they're accurate um it's all good with him he won't double but he'll do big damage and he'll save you he'll save your ass often also another thing is now that we know about healing XP his internal level is 13 from the start so healing him is going to give the most SP and XP back to your Healers so he's really good for that reason as well yeah that's a great point but I totally agree yeah I mean as soon as we get like the chapter seven or eight units and you get a ton shoved at you it's kind of like okay that Vander there's no more space for you on the team anymore you gotta yeah I I keep him up until about chapter 11 and you know I I hold on for a while yeah yeah I mean I mean as soon as the other internal levels of the other characters starts to have class I might put them away because having a high internal level once again is really good for uh healing him with great sacrifice it gives the most SP back it's good to have high level units on the field regardless if they're useful or not that's interesting he drops off for me a lot once Louie comes in because I just put like everyone else I put Sigrid on Louie and Louie just tanks everything um and then once I get like Anna and Jean and all Chris and yeah there's just no space for him anymore especially once Amber gets in here it's like okay you're gonna be my main guy now sorry Vander that's okay I I can't personally use Vander because I I don't have a hearing impairment so I can it's really difficult for me uh that's really holding him back in my tier list but besides that yeah I don't know I I keep him on my on the field just because of his internal level honestly and the and the axes you don't have a good ax user uh until well I'd argue not even Jade is well I don't know well after chapter eight once you get the opportunity to reclass anyone can be your ax user really so yeah it's true it's expensive yeah it does take a while to get a good ax user you're right yeah okay let's move on to Clan uh I'll let you start this one out bro I don't I don't know I don't use this uh I don't know I can't I honestly can't rate this one I mean just by virtue of the fact that you don't have you not even tried playing around with them oh I have I mean it's I feel like the tools that they the the the clan the Fram and the the uh van all three of those that's like your tool set that are there to support alir uh everything that a leader can't do these guys are there to not only in their their skill set which is there to you know literally boost specifically just a leader and themselves but you got the guy who does big damage with Vander the guy who does magic damage with uh the clan and then you've got the Fram um who's healing you know they're there to support alir in the early game so I don't know I I I don't use him because there's you get so many good magic units I've heard great things but I've I haven't used them so I don't even feel like I can properly rate him what what do you have to say about him so that is an interesting unit for me because in my first playthrough he was really behind and then he caught up very quickly to Celine and outclassed her because his speed growth and his base speed are high enough that with a couple levels once he hits the right growths he outstrips her on fixed maddening it's actually the same thing at some point he gets enough speed to start doubling and so it's like well this guy's kind of useful but then again like you said once I have my Anna promoted and reclassed to Sage once you get citrine if you want to get an olwen Bond ring for example for her she like completely outstrips him once you get Ivy she also completely outstrips and anyone that has the Celica emblem ring in the early game is Just immediately a good magic user and so Clan really doesn't do anything special but he's nice to have oh yeah the problem I have with Vander Clan and Fram is that all of their skills are so centered their personals at least are so centered around alir that they give nothing to the other team or the rest of your team but at the same time you're always deploying a leader so and it doesn't just how believer it also helps themselves as well it does but would I rather have someone else that helps themselves more and only or more I mean that in the whole team yeah I get that see this I can't rate them they I mean they offer good magic damage but it's not great magic damage great early game like you know so I didn't personally invest in them they're just annoying characters too I don't like them so that's why I didn't use them I say this a bunch of times that this game is self-aware and that these two characters are the represented representation of main character worship literally yeah Fire Emblem like they did this on purpose but if I was gonna put Clan in the tier list honestly he's below Vander for me for sure yeah yeah so this might be our first d-tier and hopping straight off the back of that frame is actually immediately more useful than Clan probably almost on the same tier as Vander because she has chain guard chain guard is good but I think it's more about healing who who else is healing at the beginning of the game well as soon as you get the Makaya emblem you have a Healer on anyone you want and so I feel like fram's Universe usability also falls off quite a bit for some reason there are a bunch of people who have used Fram all the way in the end game and put her into the Marshall master class for some reason we have no idea why I honestly I don't get it I I genuinely don't get it I started using the general frame for that last video but I don't think I that was just a play file that I didn't even keep uh but yeah I don't know um I think early healing is useful obviously and staffs are useful and um and I think that you know Makaya ring is great but like two healers on your team is better than one and you kind of I mean it's it if you're going to use the Makaya ring you have to heal Makaya back up how are you going to heal otherwise I mean I mean as soon as you get citrine that's like an instant promotion Sage even if you don't have your Anna at level 10 by then like I would immediately put Makai on Anna and in a couple levels she's she's level 10. yeah I I level 10 and she gets staff access in her unit you only have three Master Seals early game you only have three Master steals I don't know if I could justify you know the potential to promote as like I mean everyone's gonna promote but if we're talking early game not everyone's gonna promote only three of your units are gonna promote so I don't think that using that as a you know potential or especially as an early game like uh Boon to her is really fair but I mean Chloe for example is also a popular one when she gets into Griffin night that's also staff access so you have a lot of options and like are you promoting Alfred Boucheron ettie and Fram all over salian or Chloe or yunaka or Anna you know like yeah odds are you're not if you are like sticking with all the fairness characters then sure I can see an argument being made for fram but in a vacuum by the time Fram gets to level 10 yeah odds are you have one of these characters also level 10 by now who is ready to promote who will give you better utilities especially Chloe yeah especially Chloe that's exactly I don't know who wouldn't I mean whatever we'll get to that I don't know uh anyways yeah uh I agree uh well I'm surprised you put Clan uh below Vander but I I'll go with it if you I'll concede to you because once again I I don't feel like I can give Insight on a character that I've you know used when they were forced deployed used when I needed to fill out my Barracks contributed in a meaningful way during those times the same same with same with ram but then just put in the put on the bench as soon as better things came along so I don't know because you have them for the first two chapters and then immediately you have Alfred Boucheron etie and then right after that you've got Celine Louie and Chloe you've got six characters in The span of two chapters that all immediately I feel like Clan contributes the least out of all of these she heals she heals I don't know I would pram Clan yeah I can't remember this well you said plan and D tier I haven't put framinants here yet I think I would put her on the same level as Vander at least probably if not maybe a little bit higher uh I would stick to C I would stick to C I think that I would say vanders I would say vander's better than her honestly with contribution because again uh no actually you're right let's let's go higher than Vander let's go hire them I think she's higher than Vander just by virtue of chain guard chain guard plus healing gives her a little bit more like she won't have any down time if someone if everyone is healed at the very least you can set someone up to chain guard and I think healing is more important even than Vander all the tool kits that Vander has I think that the fact that you don't have any healers except for her for those first maps are pretty important and she has the potential that Vander doesn't have do you also get the obstruct staff pretty early so that's pretty good yeah so I I could agree with that yeah late game I honestly don't have much experience using her as a marshall Master but I feel like all the builds I've seen for her are very highly focused on getting her as much attention as possible and that attention being dedicated elsewhere would probably benefit another unit much more so that would be my justification for keeping her a little bit lower on the tier list yeah for sure I'm I'm good with this all right what do you think about Alfred I think he sucks I think he [ __ ] is terrible well he's annoying as hell and first of all I don't want to use any annoying people on my team this is he's so annoying and he is just like does nothing good I don't know I just feel like he falls off so hard and his bases are comparable to vanders like if you look at them they're very comparable but man I don't know he's just and it's good to have a Cav early in the game he just falls off so hard you know we all tried using him at the start because because of cab movement and he works well he seemingly works well with sigurd because he has all that movement but then you realize that when you're bonded with figured you already get the max amount even if you use an armor for momentum to to work you know I don't know so one thing I will say about about Alfred is like I I made the mistake in one of my previous videos of saying that he falls off and everyone in the comments section wanted to say oh he was good for you for him to fall off like he would he never even got going for him to fall off yeah and they made a very good point at the fact that he has like seven build or eight build or something he gets weighed down by his lances to have like three speed and he's getting doubled in the chapter that he joins in and stuff like that so he doesn't have bad growths and I think if you can get him into like the great night class he could potentially be very good but doing that means that you are dropping some of these great early game characters here in order to dedicate this exp sink into someone who doesn't even have a very good personal skill who doesn't have a very good unique class yeah his growths aren't terrible but his bases are pretty low he manages he manages to like undersell cigarette when you first get him So to that for me that's like a huge indication that he's terrible because everyone is good with sigard and this guy who comes in I don't know you're just like wow override sucks as soon as you get him and he doesn't get better um no he really doesn't once you put cigarette on anyone else you'll be like wow this is one of the best emblems in the games and yep I think that definitely speaks for how not good this guy is why would you put him in F tier I don't think I would put anyone in the beginning of the game in F tier I don't think I would because honestly they fill out your deployment and they do their job and you need them I mean it's not like the this game has a difficulty curve unlike any other Fire Emblem game where it actually scales you know so I'm not saying that the early game is eat harder than the ER the later game by any means but you can't cheese the early game you have less tools available so as a tool and as a a piece of Kit in your in your set that you have to use he does his job he's on he's on par with Clan you know I agree I think I would also put him in D tier yeah all right I'm gonna take the reins for Boucheron because I have been very well known to be very vocal about my feelings for Boucheron in my videos and I think Boucheron is terrible I genuinely do he starts off with about 27 base HP he has the highest HP growth in the entire game but he also has the lowest strength growth in the entire game and even with his class bonus of ax fighter boosting it by 20 it stops at a middling 40. he's got otherwise pretty decent growths across the board and because he's an early game unit he will utilize those growths and he's a backup unit which lets him do follow-up attacks which is it's really it's a 10 chip which with a hand ax is nice but I would rather deploy someone who's going to give me more utility over deploying Boucheron like reclassing Gene immediately into ax fighter makes him a better unit at level 1 then Boucheron is at level 4 where he starts which is saying a lot uh I think he's really essential early game he's like one of the best tools early game 100 again like you said only backup unit has access to hand ax pretty quickly I think on the next chapter um nobody else is doing backup damage and that 100 makes the game easier when you deploy him and you get other backup units but the other backup units are locked to swords so having that one to two range really really does help um never used in past chapter 11 of course um because you get so many other tools and options but that early game I don't know man and I I've seen some I think compare I think putting him in other classes could Salvage him like putting him into reclassing him into armor or reclassing him into you know a Berserker or something like that he's got a good growth pill or build growth he's got good HP I I think you're going to make a a sequel to that Raphael HP uh video you made a while ago I already did that with Gene oh really damn gonna do it with a Boucheron it's for the memes someone didn't watch the video I did the math on them and I was like because of the way Gene's growth Works Gene actually at level four as an ax fighter ends up with one more HP than Boucheron and for Boucheron to catch up to that it takes like 20 levels or whatever it is and for him to Eclipse it it's like another 10. so it was like with Jean's gross being way better in every other category it's really not worth it putting all that energy into Boucheron who's going to be a slog to train all right well you sold me d put anybody in lower than in F on I can't in the early game oh I've got I've got an F tier character there is one for sure that you will agree with me on but it's not early game you're right I know who you're talking about but yeah I think I think everyone knows at this point it's like um yeah I do agree that Boucheron is the I don't think he's an f-tier character I do think the backup utility is nice and I do think like he starts off with 10 base strength which with which with axes is not bad it's just it doesn't grow much more than that and so he's very like he hits a wall very very quickly in terms of doing damage especially on a mode like maddening where enemies already have much higher defenses much quicker and so once you hit those more difficult areas of the game where you do want to deal that level of damage it's just gonna be kind of like okay Boucheron you're you're stealing all of my energy drops I put him above Alfred would you sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you I would put him over no you're right I was done anyways but you're right yeah I think he goes above Alfred probably under Fram because uh or Clan because Clan has magic damage and farmers in the early game are annoying to deal with yep exactly all right so after Boucheron we're going to Eta oh God yeah go for it I don't know I I don't think NTA is good at all but I've seen people take ETA into the late game on maddening with you know no DLC nothing like that uh the person who I collab with to make my guides like swears by ettie but I haven't seen it bows are great you get long bow right at chapter six I want to say you've got right you get it it's a unaka chapter right yep and then so that's [ __ ] freaking great as I almost swore uh that's fine okay uh uh you get it right at the start and that's great three range is a fantastic she seems she has a lot of covert class in general is really really good the bonuses you get with the rings are always unique and pretty powerful stuff so I mean I'm gonna go D again because early game crazy early game why what do you have this is crazy the flyers in this game are a real problem and etia's got a pretty high bass strength as well as the strength growth to back up like one shots for flyers I know all Chris joins and all Chris in general is the better better Archer and he does like consistently have the strength throughout the game to one shot Flyers but I think having ETA with allcrest early on to defend against all that flyer pressure is really really good now do I think it's top tier like a or S tier absolutely not but like in the chapter she joins in you're immediately mobbed by Flyers like she's immediately great for one shotting two or three of those throughout the course of that chapter yeah you sold me you sold me right there so I think I think she's definitely even she might even be better than Vander and Fram honestly now does you get to be tier I think maybe this might be the one that sneaks in here for now she might go down towards the bottom of B tier and we can revisit this tier list at the end to re-modify things Eddie is pretty solid like you really don't need the speed if all you're doing with her is one shotting Flyers yep and her strength growth is one of the higher ones in the game she reclasses into Warrior which is great because of her bow proficiency and she just keeps going from there so I actually think she's pretty underrated in in and engage honestly I I I I I you know your perspective I I I uh your your Insight and my other friend's insight and I don't use her so I'll adhere to that you know I mean the next one you really do use so you're gonna have to give us Insight on a unit that I otherwise don't like very much so yeah take it away well you know I at TA I I uh I just want to say like that's how I really appreciate that uh we can like uh you know give each other uh different perspectives on the same unit and like it changes just one one little Point can change the entire argument and like uh yeah I I really like how that can uh that works out like that anyways um so saline I'm not sure man I'm not sure because I use a lot of favoritism with saline I admit that like I really like hybrid units a lot I really like that she's like so unique in this game she has a niche that nobody else has You could argue that you could reclass other units to Mage night you could argue that she could be a Mage Knight and do something's better but in my mind vaidame the the bonuses the perks what she the what she contributes it's unmatched especially early game um take the saline ring off of or take the uh the Celica ring off of her she doesn't need that you got the leaven sword right there early game nobody else makes use of it better than her I know it's a sword you can give to anybody but there's nobody with the the magic the strength and uh the the magic damage output that she can she can deliver and it 100 is one of the most powerful early game tools and I'd argue one that will take you all the way to end game sure if you look at the raw gross and numbers within a bubble she falls off but that's her utility goes so far beyond that um staffs ignis um the bonuses that Mystics give I don't think there's many people that keep their units in Mystics besides sages I guess but like the bonuses you get for the emblem rings that Mystics give is so they're so good like they give if you put the corn ring on her you get the Flames if you put cigarette on her you get the Mystic boost with a 25 magic just hard true damage if you put the with anything if you put the Marth ring on her you turn uh lodestar into a magic attack if you it's just so many things and it's so nice having this unit that cannot be silenced uh if she does hit silent she still contributes she does just does so many things I just love her I just love her but I admit that she's not you know I put a lot of favoritism in her especially in this last run I pretty much dumped every spirit and speed wing on her um to keep her one-rounding everything so I would go I want to say I want to say a honestly all right well I'm not gonna let you get away with that because while I do agree she is a decent unit and probably better than we think she is one of the main things that really differentiates her is that her personal class has ignis and ignis is really nice um as like a personal class skill very few uh units in this game have good personal class skills and ignis is one of those good ones her personal class also gets staff access and staff access in this game immediately makes you good no matter what you are a contributor because staves are really good I mean you've got obstruct you've got in trap you've got warp and rescue you've got re-warp like there are so many things that you can do with a staff bot and saline being able to use swords tomes and staves in her promoted class is good you mentioned Mage Knight and there's an argument to be made for Mage Knight versus her personal class I think the Mage Knight growths help her magic movement strength a little bit better than her personal class might I can't remember the exact spread on it it gives her another five percent speed it gives her some defense it gives her some resistance but chaos Style is the speed plus three if you're doing magic against physical or physical against magic and that is really really good the speed plus 3 makes a difference for her so I don't know you do lose staff access if you go Mage Knight and it's only one extra move it's kind of like maybe one is one is Big the difference between five and six is big I think I don't think it really is I feel like this game is much less focused on move the Cavs are like more hindered by terrain and stuff like that so I I'm not sure the feeling between I mean I'm advocating for vaidame and and I think that the difference between five and six is is pretty huge but again most of the time I'm using her with sigured um because she also has a balanced strength stat so she can actually make use of Rider's Bane as well with effective damage and get some more strength growth than she does magic I think it's like 35 and 30. so but let's remove the gross from this conversation because at the end of the day the growths are pretty good all around especially with the modifiers that's true it's really about how she functions within this game um she hits so hard at the start uh and you have the options of tomes or swords magic swords she makes the best use of magic swords and the leaven sword is one of the best weapons in the whole goddamn game um just with what you could do with it uh you can break with it it affects it targets res one two range you can if even if you're silenced you can still use it um it it's just so good um I just I really just think that and again staffs are great having an um a mage that can also use the swords with the staffs are great I try putting her in Mage night I didn't have a good luck with it so I went back to vidame I tried putting her in Griffin Knight I didn't have good luck with it so I put her back into my name um it wasn't is what is as powerful for me is the vi Dam class I think ignis is also just really really strong as well when it procs it's just kind of like okay I'm gonna hit delete here I mean igneous is nice ignis is nice I'm not gonna deny Ignus and it also works with the the skills like it will work with the emblems uh attacks which is fantastic but on my tier list of things why saline is a tier I would that would be the probably the least you're gonna put her in B I would say probably I would probably put her in Upper B honestly if I if it were up to me like if there was a tear between b and a maybe but I think just looking at the rest of this roster there are a lot of other units who are more deserving of the a tier I would put her even above a leader but yep I'll go let's revisit okay let's revisit this at the end for now I think I would probably keep her here just realistically based on the stuff we've said alira is forced deployed on every map yeah um so you get her on on chapter one three or four yeah you get her pretty early yep uh next is Louie and I'll take the reins with this one because I'm gonna take a hit for this one Louis is not an S tier unit and before everyone jumps at me and says you're crazy or whatever Louie on normal mode probably s tier Louis on hard mode most likely Ester Louis on maddening mode let me tell I used him in my most recent run and up until chapter nine amazing unit especially with a Sega drink Louis just makes things so much easier but once he hits a certain Defense level nobody attacks Louis anymore and so he's a very slow unit that doesn't double anything and that doesn't one shot anything and so even with sigurd that distance that you send him out on he's not enemy phasing anything the most he'll do is get enemies to trigger and walk past him which I guess is acceptable if you really want it and he'll be able to tank bosses but aside from that Louie for me falls off so much in the mid game and doesn't come back into relevancy until the end game when the enemies get so much stronger that they do start chipping him again and so that little period in the Middle where it's not a little period it's like six or seven chapters probably until chapter 16 or 17 or something like that he is borderline unusable to the point where I would rather have another player phase unit or maybe a Dodge tank take Louie's spot and so that to me brings him down from s to an a you're gonna put into a I I was I thought you're gonna put him like C or something I agree that no that he's not um I'm using him right now and he's easily one of my best units but my anecdotal experience is is colored because um you know I realized that his role could be fulfilled by so many other units uh in especially mid game I have very much agree with what you're saying with the mid game he reaches a point where he's just too slow doesn't do enough damage but then by end game because he his strength keeps on leveling because he gets this HP because he gets all these tools that you know let you kind of bypass speed in general um he starts becoming incredibly good especially if you put Roy on him him with Roy and the great night class is an amazing combo I I got him right now with uh Erica we were talking about before uh in halibadir now reclassing he doesn't for the pincer attack so he with a brave Lance I mean that's a lot of items that are going on him but he's doing without crits he's doing a hundred plus damage he has like 40 with a brave Lance you know uh it's crazy uh but I concede that probably there's a lot of units that could do the same thing you know um and he's slow but I would say he's beat here and I would I would definitely put him below saline like this is my I would 100 put him a little saline I would say he's B tier but for me he's my best unit but that's my anecdotal experience and I can you know he's got a good perf man and uh generals are are and he's he's the he's your only armor in the beginning of the game which is really good at the beginning of the game not just for the break I don't even think break is that big of a deal honestly like what's the what happens when you get broken you can't attack back oh my God what that sucks like what I'd rather survive like who cares about it's nice in the early game when you don't have the mobility and the flexibility to make sure that your units are dodging the brake mechanic because sometimes you do want to attack back I mean you always want to attack back like that's why we use hand axes and [ __ ] like that but is it really that bad to get broken I don't think so if your unit's not dying I don't it's really not that big of a deal especially it becomes less of a consideration in in the in in the last two thirds of the game I would say it kind of doesn't become a consideration you can't even break bosses on maddening so what the what the hell like yeah yeah no I mean it's more for break immunity for yourself than Breaking other units but I agree with you I think that the brake mechanic like at least in the second half of the game just becomes a little bit less relevant because you're a better player by then you're learning how to play around it so you're not really getting broken you are making use of the break and against bosses it doesn't matter on maddening but there's a lot of I just think slow physical units that can be reclassed and the same things that he can you know yeah but for the early game contribution again until you get those slower physical units like a diamond or an Amber or you then you get Jade stuff like that Louis is indispensable in the early game like easily a big crutch for choke pointing when you like for me Louis shines in chapter five that choke point on the left hand side debate like the entire enemy Army if you want down that choke point just stall with him in chapter five which is not not an easy chapter it's like the first main difficulty Spike for me at least uh many tanks the boss as well like you can he can take an entire round off from the boss he's he's very very good that early on and will crutch you through like the first like chapter five six and seven for sure especially with cigarette like you can just toss him out there and not be worried about it and make sure you're hitting your time sensitive checkpoints or whatever in the Anna chapter get him up there to help with the gene paralog like he's so so good he's good with all the Rings he's going with I would say he's good with Celica as well because it's really nice to warp Ragnarok to unavoid tile or somewhere that's what I was doing it was really really good um I mean it's you're not going to be making use of like the tomes or anything like that but it's just nice to throw it on him and then warp him wherever you want to and then I was using him with Makaya and now we know that the armor bonus is absolutely [ __ ] broken on armors now uh for SP gains so getting him levels is no problem now um and those are the and then obviously Marth is good on everybody and obviously um he works so well with stickered sigured because of his his raw physical output pairing with override um I mean I think I would still keep him in a tier I think putting him in B is a little bit harsh especially since we have ETA and saline there I think he's definitely like more useful than a leader in the early game that's the issue for me because now we got this this uh sort of bracket here that I have to deal with uh are they better than saline or are they worse than saline and I would definitely say he's not as good as saline but I'm just gonna I'm gonna re-title this video and it's gonna be like is your unit better or worse than say exactly that's the cutoff for me so I I can't agree with a I don't think so I would definitely put him in the same bracket as as saline uh and I would say that saline is better but we can't we can't if we can't decide on this wall could I'll concede to your judgment here let's see how things go after the second half of the video I feel like our tier list might be shaken up once we get into like the latter bunch of units that we get because a lot of them are really really good um but next is Chloe uh I'll let you start off with this one right here yeah she's so good she's I mean all right the badges utility she's your first flyer like um flying is is good it's not the greatest but flying just having that that tool of a flying unit no there's no terrain Effectiveness there you don't have these terrain like modifiers as well to deal with um the toolkit is limited and um she's fast she's got great growth she scales well um lances are great availability yep just like fantastic all around and um yeah I don't know she's just fantastic all around um no matter what you do with her griffinite as well is is great because she also gets staff access like she's just a great unit surprisingly High magic growth I would say if you look at her stats comparably to sailing she has better stats than saline it's just the fact that she has like only she doesn't have that class and she doesn't have you know um those little niches that she can occupy like they should have flipped their growths yeah I I'm okay with it regardless um I I was sailing because of ignis and whatnot and and you know you get you can like mix and match with weapons and whatnot you have just more of an inner tool kit you can deal with but saline is definitely or uh sorry Chloe is definitely s um some people have had issues with her in my run she's she's not like the best member at my team but then again I haven't been really prioritizing her at all she's still contributing really well in a meaningful way I usually ground her um I put her into a paladin uh because uh bows are that oppressive for me personally and I run a Cav a Cav line if you will from faith faith I do I do uh I have her as the Lucina Bond ring and then I have a bunch of other calves like I got a wolf Rider and I have Aaliyah right now as a paladin um have you used the heroes Lance on her the fenciler I don't play firearm Heroes no I know but like if you it's it's like it takes two minutes to link a hero's account to this game and get those for free um but for anyone who anyone who does use those like that Lance is quite light and it's very very strong I think it starts out with like 12 might or something crazy and so if you just combo that onto Chloe in the early game with her high speed she is very very strong she's great she scales very well and she once again she comes in in a niche that nobody occupies which is flying yeah I agree there's not very much to say honestly about Chloe other than she's very very good lances are great in this game you know you got effective effective damage becomes into play towards late game like Lake effective it goes like magic is really powerful and then late game when the enemy starts scaling and having like super high res effective Weaponry starts becoming really prevalent again um okay yeah so that was easy all right I can't stop saying his name wrong and people get really mad at me you're saying Gene but he's John yeah but I said we're American so it's like we're gonna say yeah but they're like oh there's voice acting in the game you should say it the way they say it I'm like yeah okay fine so Jean um uh I struggle with this one right because I didn't use him on my first playthrough until very late in the game and then I leveled him up via skirmishes for the for the genre video that I did specifically so he turned out really good because I just caught him up instantly from level one all the way to like 11 15. it was easy to do because the ex the your other guys were so over leveled the people that it was healing were so over leveled so he could probably get pretty much a level oh no I didn't heal I just put him into uh the ax fighter class immediately and I had him with like a forged ax um and then other people doing backup damage and chipping for the last one HP or whatever that's one way to do it yeah I cheese leveled him up in ax Fighter for that video specifically but in my maddening run I made it a point because so many people told me this unit will not work on maddening and I was like you know what fine challenge accepted um and so I waited until after chapter eight to get ax proficiency off leaf and then reclass him into level 1 ax fighter and I couldn't quite get him to level 10 before chapter 10 which was my aim in two chapters it was enough even with the Makaya ring on him and spamming great sacrifice and all that stuff because I didn't want to sit there and just cheese it and grind it over and over again I wanted to like actually put it through a viability test as if you weren't purposely trying to grind this unit up so it took him until I think it was chapter 12 to hit Level 10. and once he promoted into Warrior like this guy's gross as an ax fighter are very very good that once he promotes into Warrior he's immediately quite strong like he has like a base 18 strength with 14 or 15 speed like he's on par with the units you are getting in the mid game just as a level one Warrior so he does work I will say that the fact that he takes a while to get off the ground until the mid game and he gets even stronger into the late game but the fact that you have to sort of wait for him to get there you don't have to you don't have to wait you have to actively be making your gameplay slower and making the game no no he's good no he contributes and bass strength strength 7 base speed as soon as he reclasses I would I would definitely put him in F honestly I don't know that's I cannot justify putting a growth unit higher than F because he doesn't contribute everything you're saying everything you're saying is you prioritizing this this person this unit everything you're saying is stuff that you could do with literally anyone else for a unit that could be contributing while also growing in a meaningful way and when you prioritize someone who's not contributing you are funneling resources from other units that could be using those resources uh in a more effective way so I don't really care about the potential end game because it's not about all about the end game and I argue that the units that are just the ones that are contributing throughout the entire game will still contribute on end game as in a meaningful way because of the snowballing effect um I do I completely disagree so I hear you I hear you and I will raise you this immediately after reclassing Gene or Jean he immediately contributes more than Alfred more than Boucheron more than Clan more than Vander more than Fram and probably right under ETA and saline with a second seal just just yes with a second seal yeah with a second and you're also saying he didn't pick up until chapter 12. and you get him in chapter seven no no no he immediately contributes this is immediately after reclassing now like he starts snowballing once he promotes okay is what I said because his growths are so strong that he will be getting consistently HP is 100 like as soon as you reclass him his HP growth is 100 I hear you but in doing that I'm funneling resources from units that could be making better use of them contributing and also getting Cantor on units that you know if I do that then I'm not that's one unit that I'm not getting Cantor on that I it was contributing then now and for the rest of the game um right but again when you only have three Master Seals second seals cost a lot of money I don't know man it's just I I it's a lot of caveats and I don't personally agree that not using him makes the game harder I don't agree that using him it makes the game easier and I don't agree that he contributes in a meaningful way when you get him all for all those reasons no that for all those reasons he's f for sure but that's that's my standard that's the standard that that I've been using the whole time and that's that's why I had to put him in I'm willing to concede put him above Fram and C tier okay sure why not that's the average I guess I'm not letting you put him in half okay just just know that I would put him in F for sure this guy becomes so insanely powerful right after the mid game that like his contribution for the entire second half of the game is insane for just three or four chapters of middling contribute it's not even bad it's like it's like average I'm telling you he's better than these five like he will instantly be better than Boucheron in his contribution he'll be a backup unit immediately once you reclass him and he'll have more strength but you can reclass anyone into a backup unit just putting that out there you can literally do it for anybody and they'll right they'll interview so okay but not everyone is going to have the gross Booth the growth boost that John has yeah but right other people will have the ability to you know actually grow with the game you know and contribute in a meaningful way when you get them and not be like funneling resources away from them for the potential I didn't see it as much of a resource loss to be honest like again unless you really want to use these units that are below him like he's costing you one second seal yeah no you only have people are you second seat yeah you have you have a few second seals I I I can see with the second steel it's a 2 500 gold which is a lot but I mean you have a few of them where else are you going to use them right um he doesn't have to promote instantly at level 10 you can wait on him a little bit at the same time who you want to promote you only have so many much SP you only have so many units that can get Cantor before you lose sigured you only have he doesn't want Cantor who the hell doesn't want Cantor John doesn't want cancer trust me what he wants is 500 SP for Vantage oh my god dude okay bro that a unit doesn't want Canter literally every unit in this game would be better with Canter there's no the losers not your Vantage Brews 100 how is okay whatever because you want Vantage and pair up over Canter you want Vantage which is how much SP 500 500 and then you want pair up which is how much is SSP 2000 and you get it at chapter 15. right so by the time you get it you probably might have that sphere a little bit after I've been prioritizing SP I'm at chapter uh 20 and I just got paired up on all on the units that I want to which were zelkom and pin at yeah so I don't know about that but that's kind of a crazy uh whatever you you call me crazy for Saline or no no crazy so let's do the math let's do the math I don't right yeah so he starts out with 300 at level one again this isn't just about like these characters in a bubble you can do the math and do the way the gross and whatnot and but at the end of the day you're taking resources away from units that are already pulling their weight and will continue to pull their weight forever and he he is going to be one of your best units forever right after the mid game like but you have to you have to you have to feed him kills you have to prioritize them first what I'm saying is he's not a bad unit even before the mid game like his strength is good he will have ax access which are good weapons you don't get the killer ax too late you can put it on him like the like the rest of the units here like if you look all the way up until chapter 12 like realistically who else are you putting in axes Vander are you keeping like who else um I don't know anyone you want literally anyone you want you can put lapis and axes you can put DM on an axes promote is the only one I can agree on like he's pretty good if you're gonna immediately second seal him but why would you take him over away from his successor class uh because it's not that good uh I don't think successor is very good I don't think diamant in general is very good but we'll get three months better as an armor honestly I don't know why his class wasn't a bad class I feel like dmod sucks but um yeah anyways We're Not Gonna agree on this we're not going to accomplish this he's link says you know very good unit I say one of the worst in the game uh better than Anna but one of the worst in the game oh come on 100 we're going there definitely better than Nano but still bad okay let's let's be friends for this next one let's talk about yunaka yeah I would say unaka is definitely asked here as well yeah 100 percent easily yep um and it's not because you know everyone's gonna say well when you get Zill cuff I agree zelkov is out classes outclasses her entirely like um they're I don't care like zelkopf is 100 you were you were going to be replacing you knock it with zelkop unless you really like yunaka I fed yunaka so many kills and it wasn't because I was prioritizing her it's just because she was that good and she was contributing that much on chapter 10 she took the entire Left Flank by herself no one hits her you don't I didn't even do that I want units to hit her I want her to bait I you have the option to either have the units avoid her if she's in terrain and just block or with you know Don refines who else you're going to give that to she can stay on a off a Terrain go anywhere and have reliable reliable sustainability I put her with the Roy ring I love the Roy ring on thieves it works so well with them it boosts their strength up and gives them hold out makes their sustainability even better all these and it also gives you another you know use of the Flames which is freaking great um she's great and her contribution when she joins is unparalleled thieves are so good in this game and she's a great unit but she does get outclassed by zelkoff yeah falls off a little bit even but you know like her speed will always be better than selkoff's like for me at least she the problem with her versus zelkov is that by the time you get zelkov you knock has like six levels lower than he is I don't care about the I do not care about the levels well it's because the bases end up being so much higher that's why like if you level her up to 17 she outpaces him in resistance and speed and in skill and her strength still lags behind by a few points which an argument can be made that daggers forged get so strong anyways that the strength difference doesn't really matter but I think it's the bases that are immediate like okay zelkov is better and his personal is a little bit better yeah zelkov is better his personal's better it's he has more I think I feel like people sleep on the fact that he has so much build and are like well what's the point he is daggers well if you put him into like you know a wolf Rider now he can use axes an effective Weaponry really really well you can do things that other units just can't he's so good okay we're talking about silk anyways no no we can continue you know what we'll just rate zelkoff as well because I feel like you're also going towards s tier yeah I would put zelkop above you knock honestly but um but I'm not gonna argue very much there yep but yunaka is still really really good if you just keep her investing I'm sure she's going to be amazing but I don't care about the levels I don't care about the growth rates the growth rates are fine I care about the hard numbers okay and it doesn't matter with my anecdotal experience where I was she was just killing everything constantly MVP it didn't matter zelkov still was so much better than her in every single stat except for like magic and resistance you know that yeah she goes outstrip him in speed and speed mathematically she does yeah okay but I think that it's not by much by the way it's it's like it's like she's a little bit faster and he's a little bit stronger and that's it so it's really down to preference on what you value do you value the strength more do you value the speed more and do you value the level boost quickly with the bases more on zelkov enough to drop you Naka you can use both of them honestly oh yeah for sure for sure um they're both fantastic units oh yeah I agree okay all right let's let's have another fight about oh man this is I'm the worst student in the game I you all are smoking crack y'all are smoking we [ __ ] crack if you keep her as an ax unit yes here we go but the fact that she starts out at level five means she only needs to level up five levels in order to promote and then re-class now again I'm using her on my maddening run in order to test this out so am I listen listen to me you might be you might be a little bit more pleased about this analysis than you were about the John one just hear me out right okay sorry sorry I don't think she's as useful as my initial Theory crafting came out to be because what right now I imagine right now for me she's at a level I think 12 or 13 stage she's still one of my best units just by virtue of being very powerful in the magic Department she's got like like 22 magic and something like 22 speed so she doubles reliably she kills things quite reliably the thing that I'm finding underwhelming about her is her personal is not procking as much as I figured it would be because one I don't have the SP to get her luck boosted very high and two I only just got the bileth ring so I couldn't put her bond level at Max to jack up that luck even more three I'm not even gonna put the bileth ring on her because it's better on someone else and four I'm also not putting the Erica ring on her because it's also better on someone else and so my view on Anna is that she is a very strong individual Mage probably the strongest Mage in the game hands down and she doesn't really take that much effort like as soon as I got her I put Makai on her and she easily leveled to ten easily yeah like nobody else could do that everyone else can do that everyone else can everyone else could do that everybody and by doing that you're taking away resources from units that are already contributing that can already do those things have access to all the things the money making thing is so absurdly overblown that's what I'm saying I agree it should not be a factor in her viability I have her right now at 40 luck I mean once again and it's you know it's about half the time that's great but the amount of effort it took to get there is ridiculous my dude it is absurd and I'll tell you how I my whole plot that I did I didn't use I didn't waste a master seal or a second seal on her because that's stupid I wouldn't do that I I just wouldn't do that that has kept her in Warrior I kept her I just didn't use her until chapter 10. until I had everyone with Cantor that I that was that I knew I'd be using that I knew would be contributing and I kept her at chapter 10 because I knew that keeping her at a lower level she'll gain levels faster if she's just healing you know and then she was able to get to level 10 by uh chapter 11. you know it only took two it only took two chapters I got as many heels on her as I started prioritizing her in chapter 10. got her through then chapter 11 she you know got a few chain attacks and I fed I fed some kills to her it wasn't easy she [ __ ] sucks it's when you get her the chapter you get her deployed she cannot hit anything she doesn't get cannot get above 60 chance to hit and she dies to everything and that will not be changing she does not contribute at all in that class you have to reclass or you have to put her in all these rings on her you have to have a constant IV of resources drip fed to her and all you're going to get at the end of the day I'm sorry is an okay unit she's the worst unit on my team she's doing okay I have her in Warrior with the radiant bow and she kills you know she one shots Flyers but she never doubles and um yeah it's just not worth the investment like these growth it's really not you're the potential is you're doubling in Warrior with that 65 speed growth that makes no sense uh because the radiant bow is heavy um I also disagree with bile I think BioLife is actually incredibly good for her it works so well and that's a that is a boon it works it's like perfect for her honestly um you know because you get blue game you get the magic boost you get the lucky the luck can stack twice so you get the but again I don't think that a random proc to get 500 gold is and something that you can rely on quote unquote until you know very end game is enough to like I agree and then you don't need the money at that point anyways like I mean the money's always good but there's other ways to save money like you know using Hortensia or um you know not going overboard with your donations um there's other ways to make money turn online features on use DLC there's like so many other ways to get make money um do some meow and anyways I just I still think totally overblown and it's it's I look overrated yes but that doesn't take away from the the indisputable fact that if you can take two levels to put Makaya on her she is the best magic user in the game once you can request as such yes works on anyone the best magic user is a user who would contribute throughout the entire game you don't need to do any special treatment you don't need to hook up to an IV of resources to and you don't need to prioritize her killing things even in Mage night when I used her mid game she could not she could not kill anything with dire Thunder even armors no come on I'm not even I'm not exaggerating P I have this recorded she could not make no sense that does make sense because she sucks because she [ __ ] sucks dude that makes that makes zero sense because I'll show you the footage right now if you want to see it well not right now because we're recording that's really weird because mine easily kills armor knights she's like she's stronger than ivy in the magic Department right now like it's uh I mean that's not that's not a high bar in my opinion but whatever well uh I would say last year 100 but well I would at least put her higher than than John I think she's easier to get off the ground than he is would you disagree with that I definitely would not because at least you can second seal Jean uh immediately and he gains levels faster because he's at a lower level and um but she doesn't need the second seal so she's consuming less resources and she also takes less of an investment she only needs she doesn't need the second steal she [ __ ] sucks she's not doing anything anything for five [ __ ] levels she [ __ ] what do you mean she doesn't need the second seal what is she gonna do you know what you're right she needs a master seal what I would suggestions and I did for my last video I suggest actually going down using a second steel so she goes back to Mage because because so I did that in my video I did that in my video and I instantly regretted saying that because of the way internal level works the the difference in stats between those agents age is it really that much no it's not like that's what I'm saying is like if you go ax fighter to Warrior and then reclass to Sage the difference between that and going back to Mage and then progressing is like it's not even one I don't think it's even a single stat like maybe it's one stat Point um so I this is so funny no this is not I would not recommend second sealing her back to Mage because then you're wasting resources there I mean you'd be resourcing racing resources regardless but I I think that you should second class because then she can at least contribute to combat in a meaningful way besides just chain attacks which he doesn't even get experience from no she doesn't but that's why I put in early games see any other justifiable reason to put Makai on anyone else like Kaya gives SP to every everybody and if you put in armors now you can get for zero setup you get like Free level UPS on an armor yeah yeah I know I don't know you're trying to you're trying to show well I'll leave a link to your video for people to take a look at yeah um maybe I'll have to look at this again but to me I would put Anna over Jean honestly but I would still put her in C tier well for the the standard that we've been adhering to for this entire list of the way I review units I'd have to put her in F because how easy is the game if you how much easier is the game if you do user how much harder is the game is if you don't use her does she contribute when she comes in and her availability and I'd have to say like she doesn't fit any of those she doesn't fit anything but how many units are like are you saying that every other unit in the game is better than her are you actually saying that no so then maybe I don't know again look at these five units we have in D and C right and she comes in pretty early like she's a post chapter six unit like but those those units do have a job and they do it well when they're deployed she doesn't she is literally a liability on the field that you constantly need a baby until she gets to a point where it's acceptable and then she skyrockets I guess I've I've been told she's skyrockets it hasn't happened for me and I prioritize the [ __ ] out of her but I I have her in Skyrocket mode right now and she's like with dire Thunder anyone any Mage is great with dire Thunder but with dire Thunder she's just ridiculous like she's killing everything isn't that cheating so you okay go ahead put it above Gene I don't think so but I'll concede I haven't even used Gene enough to like you know I just use him as a Healer until he died I killed him you know he's disgusting in the late game he's just disgusting like it's not even funny you just warp him in the middle of everything and everything dies if you put Ike on him now granted you know I will rate panette eventually higher than him because she's just so much easier yeah well let's put her in s as well right now why not panette yeah panette is definitely an ass here 100 well wait let's let's rank Anna so I'm gonna put her in C for now I'm gonna put her above Sean sure and we can think about it um I I there's nothing to think about it goes those two should be an F tier for sure but it's okay we can we can agree and we'll come back to it yeah we'll come back to it um I mean okay let's talk about Pinette let's put pennant Nest here yeah for sure yeah I agree her bases are disgusting um she has access to an instantly good combo with Ike and wrath she's got very high HP to make use of it in very high strength and the very high bass ax use personal um and her personal yeah which Stacks with wrath as well and whatever crit you give her so like easily easily she's getting like 70 crit yep native ax users are really hard to find that are really good in this game are hard to come by and she fulfills she is just so [ __ ] good man I'm so I killed her in the in the the my first run in the in the first chapter I got her because I don't like the way she looks I'm like why is this person so white living in the desert I don't get it so like I got rid of her but that's not what the person living in the desert should look like but that's just me so I killed her but used her a second time on people's recommendation and uh yeah wow that's all I can say is wow she is so good um yeah that's disgusting um I've been watching verbs LTC I don't know if you've seen it I'll send you a link he just finished it but panette is was just like as soon as he got her she was one of the cornerstones for the LTC she's great yeah I don't have anything bad to say about panette other than the chapter she joins in does her really bad like it makes you feel like Pinette sucks in that chapter that she joins in just because you like you don't have the killer ax on her you haven't really looked at her kit like she doesn't have an emblem ring on her so you can't like once you tank her around with her just a little bit she goes from this unit feels very very bad to this unit is incredible yeah yep totally agree so yeah it's an easiest here with very minimal investment she becomes extremely good and just stays that way for the rest of the game I don't think anyone in the game outscales her in natural strength um even with reclassing and stuff like that she just always is higher this is true I agree with all that very good unit yeah uh okay what do we think about all Christ uh I want to put alcrest in s I really like Al Chris uh but I think that Al Chris I mean yeah I'll do it as we'll do ass why not uh I think yeah I would say Al Kristen s for sure because once again it's the same thing with etier Flyers are very oppressive in this game and you need bow users early game he's so useful during the time that he's deployed and you know for him for you to see the payoff in the investment doesn't come until you know you get Luna you start getting a couple chapters later because he can immediately promote if you want to do that yeah for sure it's not too long yeah but I just feel like he's you know bow user with a lot of flyers on the map Flyers are in literally every map there is no there is no map without Flyers so having boat users is great having a person with a unique class that uses bows is great um it's so fun he's just fun to use I know I shouldn't be a unit being fun to use doesn't you know isn't applicable to this tier list but he is just so fun it is so fun to see Zero times two turn into death you know and that will happen all the time with algress he will turn he will make [ __ ] water into wine you know it's like it's crazy um and um yeah great unit I think I think he's an ass I I wouldn't put him above panette but I think he's definitely up a nest here I I think I would I would he's high tier I don't know if I would put him higher than a like he might be high a for me because unlike Louis he never has a point where he falls off he just keeps getting better like all the way into the end game contributes really strong he's getting better yeah um but I don't know if I can like put him in the Chloe zelkov yunaka panette here just quite like you said you wouldn't put him higher than Pinette but I want to put him in a just because Luna is again Dex based now he does have the Dex growth to back it up but by the time that gets to like the 30 tier you're hitting the end game at that point he's at 40 right now for me and I'm in chapter 21. did you give him boosters uh I think I gave him one secret book I did give him one I'm trying to hold off because I'm afraid he's gonna hit his cap soon I think his cap is 41. yeah he's hitting he's about to hit the 40s so I kind of regret that but I don't know man he is yeah he does have he has like a 70 Dex growth in his in his class yeah um which is really really good like he will be procking Luna like often yeah um and when he doesn't you're kind of going like really all Chris like really and he does double he does double yeah he doubles yeah he does have the caveat of needing a little bit of help help in the speed Department I will say yeah like if you wanna then that's why I would probably put him in a tier and not s because if he's not doubling then unless he does proc Luna he's really not going to kill anything I mean um once again Flyers are always on the map yeah um and but it's just the down time if he's not killing a flyer or if he's not like he won't even double Mages and his strength isn't high enough to One-Shot them yeah without yeah it's true so I mean that kind of holds him a little bit back it's not he's not a bad unit he's still fantastic yeah is really really good but that's what would prevent him me from putting him in s tier personally I still think that I mean just the fact that I mean it's it's good chip damage access to longbows regardless if he's not gonna double why not take the take the hit either way yeah um and he has the potential to do more damage than even you think with that chip I mean you're trying to get as much damage as you can with a chip so um but I I'll agree with with this placing I would put him in s but I I think High a is fine as well yeah hi I think is a good spot for you all right let's talk about lapis I have absolutely zero experience with lapis because I take a look with at her and I'm just like I have all these other units that I want to use and then Amber joins the chapter after and you get Ivy and kagetsu and I already have a bunch of units that I already want and Lapis is just weird like she's got 25 bass strength and Magic growth she's flexible you can do whatever you want with her and she's got very high speed but I'm just like what do I do with this unit yeah I don't know do you have any experience with lapis oh yeah I used her on my first run and all the way tell us about lapis I mean to me she's kind of like I I have no idea I the word I want to say is inhibitive because um and this might sound crazy but having below 40 HP on a Frontline Bruiser is is just that it's inhibitive the amount of enemies she can you places you can put her in the amount of enemies that you can initiate on is just inhibitive um she doesn't output enough damage for me to justify uh using her and while I really like the character and I think she's super cute and I wanted to use her and use her well it's just so many other units will do their job better um that's it and her perf is [ __ ] terrible her purpose is awful yeah oh my God it makes her worse I don't like why would you not you want a sword user to crit why are you taking it away this is like ridiculous yeah I don't get it for hit she's a sword user she had should have no problem hitting things like yo it's absurd anyway so I would put her D maybe even on I I would put her F honestly I I agree I just uh so I'm only judging off the numbers alone and off the numbers of alone I just I I wouldn't know what to do with her I would agree with you in F tier Because by the time she comes in everyone else is online yeah that you really have to go out of your way to make this unit like mildly usable mildly like she doesn't even scale well into the late game because of her growths and her bases and whatever like there's just no reason um and following that I will talk about citrine I tried to use Citron and I think the only way she works is if you have the dire Thunder ring yeah I'm not a huge Citron it's citrine is a [ __ ] uh Min maxer's like wet dream here like you know it's like a oh best best magic growth and good bases and but at the end of the day she's a [ __ ] frail Mage that a lot of people have more options and more things available to them more personals more I don't know I would put her I still think she's really good I would put her in C personally I mean she suffers from the same problem that lapis has albeit she is online and and does contribute yeah exactly more than lapis stuff for sure just by virtue of being a mage being mystical being able to instantly promote and decide getting staff access like all of that goes in her favor but she will never double anything um and like like I said with panette panette no one passes her in strength growth no one passes citrine in Magic growth even after like second ceiling re-second ceiling like no one will pass her in Magic growth so if you have the dire Thunder ring she will probably Skyrocket up to like a or S tier just because of the damage output that she can't but you will have to like either hit the jackpot on that or saves come for it and I don't think that is grounds in order to rate her on a tier list of having to use and abuse a very specific combination and so I agree I think C tier I would be willing to put her over Anna and John okay I I have no basis for this so I I would say c for sure yeah uh I tried I really did try to use her for a couple chapters she's like not she'll she'll double armors but that's it she'll help in in important chapter she'll help in in um uh the map she's deployed in she'll help in nine she'll help in 10 she'll help in 11. for sure she's going to contribute in a meaningful way during those chapters and you're probably going to deploy her because magic damages is that scarce and it's that powerful especially at the beginning of the game right and then you get Ivy soon after who's just better yeah I'm not a huge fan of Ivy to be honest with you but I have learned so I we'll get there but not a huge fan but yeah yeah I've I've sourd a tiny bit on Ivy in my second playthrough because I knew what I was doing but we'll get there uh Diamante we've already kind of thrown some shade at Diamond I really do not like diamont I think his class kind of sucks the fact that he's a DEX cap of 22 sucks the fact that Seoul goes off decks kind of sucks um he's just he's just average he's like painfully average yeah I think people wanted to like this guy because he's really cool looking and stoic and he looks like he should be the main character um but I don't know he shows up with Roy in the trailer yeah yeah and I mean his personal does make up for the fact he has bad dexterity but at the same time it only works on initiation and you're giving hit back to the person that you're fighting I mean there's better ways to make up for bad hit and that's like use a different unit with good decks you know um seeing a lot of [ __ ] stupid builds with Ike uh with him that try to justify his his use I mean the guy with soul you're giving the giving wrath too I don't get this like it doesn't make any sense and also Ike just goes better on panette like instantly better on anyone who doesn't like have uncontrollable healing you know that you can't that like he procs 20 of the time at Max I don't know it just confused and people put axes on him like I could I can't even imagine this [ __ ] with accidents they use him as a backup unit which is like again you were saying this earlier anyone else can be a backup unit yeah so I don't know I would say F personally but maybe I wouldn't go I wouldn't go below d i ins like my instinct would be to put him in D because like his bases are really really good when he joins like he's got high speed he's got high strength and his growths aren't bad and he's got pretty high defense so like I feel like reclassing him into some sort of armored class might not be a bad idea because it just supports his natural growth rates um a little bit but you really have to go out of your way to make diamond good in this game and keeping him in successor like he was easily my worst unit on the team uh and I I actively made an effort to keep him in my team because I wanted to use him I wanted him to get better but he was just mediocre just like he oozed mediocrity if he was sweating his sweat particles had mediocrity inside them like that's just what Diamante was yeah and so uh yeah I guess you're right he contributes pretty well when you get him like he would be on on par with these four like for the point you get him he's good but then shortly afterwards you would probably want to use other units like immediately once you get access to this Avalanche line right here yeah diamant kind of gets pushed I think boucheron's better than Diamante but not not for potential but for the way he contributes if you do all of these four d-tier units like I think the differences between them are like micro differences I don't really think there's like that big of a difference here okay I can agree with that yeah for sure okay um I want to talk about Amber because Amber is a personal project of mine speedy and Jay were roasting me on the stream the other day they were like link says Amber is really good and it's only because he got the crit with the killer Lance that he came with and like yeah remember the character if you get the crit he's good and if you don't get the crit he's bad I disagree Amber has a really nice personal skill which if he's solo um it boosts his hit by 20 and it decreases his avoid by 20 which like might not be something that initially is lucrative but in a game with like relatively dodgy hit rates it made Amber a reliable unit for me like if I and he's got really high strength his base is really good and he has the highest strength growth in the game on par with Pinette the only unit in this entire game that keeps Pace with panette strengthwise I think they're almost identical if you promote and reclass them into into Berserker like she is I think they will be almost even on strength power Amber is really really strong um my recommendation that I've been toying with on my maddening run before this video comes out the Amber video will have been out is halberdier Amber because of the way pincer attack works with his really high bass strength he will melt units completely if you proc a pincer attack it doesn't make use of his personal but it'll mean that you don't lose the Dodge or the avoid sorry but pincer attack Amber's really really strong he has instant access to promotion he's got very high basis he comes with the killer Lance which like aside from all that a unit that is bringing you a killer Lance is immediately contributing to your entire team that's all right that is a weapon that is a weapon that you take off of him and you put on anyone else even if you don't want to use him yeah right yeah um go saline comes with a uh the uh Celica ring so can we put her higher I don't know I I don't I've never used him be but at the same time I don't think that my criticism is valid because the sound is optional you can you can mute the your TV if you want to and use them yeah or use it play in a different language yeah exactly oh yeah that's right use Japanese how's the Japanese step of with him it's actually decent uh I've been playing a little bit on Japanese like back and forth in maddening because I'm recording bits and pieces and I don't really want to record it in Japanese yeah um for video purposes I usually turn off the voices too now that's oh you can do that for the sound effects and whatnot yeah I mean I don't really want to talk voice acting but I like the Japanese I mean some of the characters sound really annoying in English but I think part of that is because we understand what they're saying and maybe in Japanese I don't really I don't know um but either way I think Amber is great I don't think he's like top top tier but I think he requires very little effort to make pretty good to the point where I would argue for at least upper B tier if you don't want to put him in lower a tier like the points you were making about your Louie in halberdier Amber does that yeah a lot of people do that that's true and I I I've never used him to you they do that's the thing exactly I'm going to concede that to you you can put him wherever you want I can't really contribute to this because I'm gonna be fair and I'm gonna put him in Upper a okay and upper B sorry uh for now because I I'm looking at this list and there are so many other units here that immediately go into a or s that I'm okay keeping Amber an upper B but the people putting him on like d and f tier this is ludicrous like you guys need to play the game again because we did not play the same game yeah um yeah do you want to talk about Jade because I I never used her like I tried using her um for my first run to me yeah she got ax uh Focus though which is nice once again it's hard to find good ax users in your game but by the time you get her you have leaf and he can give ax access to anyone at least for one chapter though I don't think that's a strong argument I I know but that's the chapter that after like before she joins in so like you're getting her but before that you have access to Leaf in the somniel so anyone you want to put into acts you already just did kind of right yeah oh yeah okay but it's the thing is I don't like to discussing the the class changing too much when it comes to early game because again your resources are are really limited I keep forgetting that there's resources you're right you're completely right yeah and you only have three Master Seals sticker seals are expensive and you have limited ones of those as well okay you're right but I don't know I yeah she has niches that could easily other units do better than her she comes in great uh bases because you know she's a little bit later than Louis everyone who comes in later than anybody else has good stats at the start yeah it's just a matter of how much uh you want to invest them she comes in with 800 SP too right which is really really good and if you leave the paralogs for after recruiting her you can get her Cantor really easy really [ __ ] easily but I don't think I don't know I don't think that's enough to justify I would put her I would put her in D as well she has a magic growth which I mean this is just my theory but her growths are like all like 30 to 35 percent like almost across the board to me this feels like a unit that has a DLC class coming that is going to be Mage Armor like honestly I don't know I hope they make DLC classes man no there are DLC classes that's confirmed already oh really awesome yeah but it feels like Jade is created for one of the DLC classes in mind which is Magic and armor I don't know if magic and armor is a thing I really hope it is it is a thing you gotta use Celica okay you know but I mean like an armored class that has an actual magic growth like without Celica yeah um that's what Jade feels like to me like she feels like she's a mage tank yeah I mean with her but we don't have access to right now so it's weird I agree with you she's probably in deter just because like you probably get her and you're Louie's doing really well because he does really well in the early game so he's probably on par in levels and you're probably just looking at me like okay Louie has higher strength he has higher HP and he has higher defense like he's more optimized for what I want him to do like why would I ever use Jade yeah and and also it's like she also kind of performs well enough without promoting that you wouldn't want to use a Master steal on her if that makes any sense yeah um but at the same time doing that makes her fall off that much faster because of movement she never deployed for me ever she just I I used her quite a bit in my Madding I tried to make her work and um for all the way into mid game but it's I don't know not a little too late too late no I would say D I would put her I would put her uh I would put her below booster on honestly that's fair I I'm gonna let you have the reins with this one honestly Ivy I mean no no no no with Jade oh no Ivy I have I have I have stuff to say about ivy Ivy so Ivy's an interesting unit in that in my first playthrough she was an absolute monster because I was playing on hard random growth and she got super blessed with getting a bunch of build and speed early on so she was doubling everything and she had really high bases but now that I'm playing on maddening and her growths are fixed she's still very powerful just by virtue of being a mage flyer in that class being locked to only two units in the entire game and the fact that she has staff access at B Rank and S rank tomes doesn't really matter but she has that but she feels like she's not as strong as I initially thought she was she's kind of tanky actually which is surprising but I'm finding it hard to have her much higher than my other units at the moment like she feels a little bit above average but if I was initially looking at this tier list like am I putting her higher than my Amber right now I don't think so yeah I I uh again magic is King in this game it does especially mid game it she's flying she does the thing where she does big damage she probably is not gonna double anything um and she's going to contribute in a very very meaningful way for the time she's deployed it's just that the potential I feel like really falls off especially endgame she will not be doing anything but supporting and that's because man did those stats get inflated at the end of the game her Dex is not in the hit rate is not enough to carry she will not be hitting things consistently you have to play you Need to forge those tomes for her to really like you need to forge an engrave yeah you need a fortunate which sucks because the higher level tomes are so expensive man yeah it's like not even it feels not like you were telling me about the killer weapons are great to forge because they're so cheap I think the balance of the both getting getting into something else I think the balance of the the infinite durability is actually very good in this game because of the refining system it's awesome yeah very thoughtful much better than the way Fades hailed it of course um but it's the opposite for all the other characters we were arguing she has great contribution she has great utility she does she fits a niche that nobody else fits but that investment will not pay off an end game it just won't uh the best I can say about her is that she will chip bosses for like half their health bar or more but that's pretty much it it it's yeah I guess she's a Marnie killer that's for she's a Marnie killer yeah she will obliterate Marnie up until Marnie has Roy but uh like she will destroy Marnie yeah I mean that's not a great threshold to judge any unit a lot of units Will Destroy Mario because she sucks but the only reason Marnie is even somewhat challenging is because of holdout that's it yeah that's literally it like you are if you're not getting shaving the whole HP bar off then maybe you should use a different unit if especially if it's magic um yeah I would definitely put her uh below saline I know that for sure uh I would put her in b probably at the bottom of B yeah I can I can see that I'll take that honestly like she again she is great for the mid game but then at the end of the game she's just not doubling anything sometimes she's missing like kills she's awful like even on armors sometimes she's not killing when she doubles them and I'm like really well you can do fun things with her I still I I don't think that flying is that you you have your options limited for really powerful uh emblem uh pair up mechanics or like you know uh sync skills when she's in flying unfortunately I think Mystics get the ridiculously good sync skills um or type bonuses I guess you would call them type bonuses uh which sucks but yeah she loses out on that yeah but I mean you can reclass there but at the same time then you miss out on a gaping void is that what it's called grasping grasping please though we don't need that anymore you know where my head is uh yeah oh my God uh yeah so it's like confused a little bit um people are gonna disagree people I think she's awesome I like her character and her I love her design yeah her design I love the sarcasm like yeah she's great voice yep I S ranked her yep in my first one yep um okay so that's that's good yeah so kagetsu kagetsu is what I just said a I've never used kagetsu honestly but I can already say hey dear so kagetsu I was I was telling Mecca about this in the growths video kagetsu starts as a level one sword master and as a level one swordmaster his internal level is set at 15. but he's treated as if he was leveled up to 20 based on average gross and then promoted so his bases are just cracked like he's got 17 strength 22 decks and speed as a level one swordmaster with a 15 internal level so he's basically got like a five level head start on everyone else and Marin has the same thing which is why she's so good as well kagetsu's join time is also pretty good although I mean you can debate that he doesn't really get much use in chapter 11 when he does show up but like it's a pretty decent join time and if you reclass him into wyvern he's instantly insane he gets access to axes like I think you get Ike a couple chapters after he joins so it doesn't even take that long to like side grade him into wyvern it does require a second seal but he's already promoted so he's not costing you a master I think kagetsu is really really good just by virtue of his bases and growths being so good he is an endgame viable unit is he on the tear of panette no I wouldn't say so honestly I've never I do I let's once again I haven't used him I can admit that he like by the gross and bases alone the fact is uh he's I mean you can reclass into whatever you want obviously but he's a sword Focus unit he's got that sword um that sword uh proficiency built into him I don't think that swords are that great in this game no yeah and the fact that sword Masters and Berserkers don't get that like innate crit really hurts him like he would be great if he had a little bit of like proper swordmaster love um I would probably put him in AIDS here just based on how easy he is to use like he's a plug-and-play unit like you don't need to do anything with him and he's great yep exactly right off the camera I would put him uh below Al Chris above um I agree I think Alquist is a little bit more specialized and a little bit more useful yep and more available yep yeah now fagato I'll let you take the reins on this one because I I've got some interesting I mean I just use fagato as a filler unit but he worked really well as a filler unit especially for the chapters that he's you know you get him at because again Flyers are pretty menacing especially on that uh chapter was it chapter the one where the you get uh Tamara his sister yeah 13 I think it's good to have him there he I mean mounted flyer he's got a good magic growth so he can use the radiant bow pretty well you know um uh starts off ready to promote good stuff good stuff all around I'm not sure where I would put him but I I'd say definitely a good unit so fagato for me needs to leave his his special class immediately because even though the magic growth is nice and it's a little bit boosted by his cupido class I think his his personal in that class isn't great um and I I don't think you can justify the movement oh yeah remember his personality I can't remember sorry what it was but it's called back at you and it reflects I think half the damage you're going to take he deals it back and it's also a deck space proc which in his base decks isn't really that High um but for me like if you promote him and then instantly reclass into Warrior he gains six base strength it goes up all the way to 19 and he only loses one base speed it goes down to 18. and he maintains the bow axis he gains axes and because of his bow proficiency he has B so he can still use the Silver Bow like he loses out on Brave bows rank bow oh what about radiant you can still use radiant bow he can still use radiant yeah what's his magic growth like after Warrior though it's this Warrior doesn't give you any match yeah so he loses that I'm not really sold on radiant boat to be honest really good man I think giving him backup access more than compensate for compensates for that though radiant bow one shots everything even even late game dragon Riders because it's both the magic the targeting res and it's the effectiveness together it's like I mean that's why my Anna's doing anything honestly is because radiant bow I am really liking him in Warrior right now yeah Warrior's a crack class Warrior is like easily with the best class in the game I think because of his growths and his bases he makes use of it like almost better than most of the casts um so he's great I mean either way I think if you keep him in cupido if you put him in a warrior I think his utility and usefulness in general with bow axis and bow proficiency just keep I think it keeps him in a tier honestly yeah I would I would put him I mean maybe towards the bottom okay I haven't used him enough to give a good I've only used him as a backup and he did a or not a backup like of a deployment filler and he's somewhere in a tier for sure he's an a-tier yeah yeah there that's that's good yeah yeah I think I think he is somewhere in a tier I don't know where exactly in my first run I didn't use him at all and I was like yeah not really feeling it but once I put him into Warrior and I really got him rolling like like him at level one Warrior and Gene at level one Warrior like Gene is a tiny bit behind him like he's he's faster and stronger at level one so yeah just a great solid unit all around as with most of the middle middle game units that join you they're all pretty good with which I mean we're following up with pandreo pandreo just in high priest with the staff utility he comes with a warp staff pretty good I didn't use him as anything more than a staff bot in my run though so I don't know how high I would even put pandreo that's my thing with staff Bots like do you really any unit can be a staff bot yeah and you have units that have you know higher offensive capabilities and more utility also with staffs you know so like when we get to Hortensia I'm gonna be stuck [ __ ] torn for sure but like I haven't used pantryo at all but I'm just and I know he has good good offensive capabilities and like potential and whatnot but I don't know I I can't give a good I I mean he he's he's good I would put him in B if I had to you yeah I think so I mean would I put him higher than Ivy though I'm not sure because like the only Advantage he has over ivys he can use fordify yeah so fortify sucks in this game actually all healing is not good in this game healing is not great um but um I just sell your fortifies honestly it was like 16 heal per per uh tap with fortify it's like a it's like an AOE heel staff pretty much yeah but it's like it doesn't do much that's the thing like it's not very encoded um okay so how about below ivy I think that's that's probably a good spot for him I mean he has the advantage that he's already promoted but but it's like whatever I am the resident boonet expert here sure yeah I use Pune in my first run uh prioritized him uh gave him you know reclastman Warrior you know um he gives he's one of the only units who gives SSS rank foods which is couldn't be have huge bonuses uh so he's F tier 100 uh he is [ __ ] terrible do not use this unit uh his personal is a joke it's like goody basket 2.0 and um he is the reason why my first maddening run was probably so difficult uh because of this [ __ ] the only good thing about him is his voice actor yeah you know he's he's one of the funniest units he's his his supports are hilarious it's it's all like an affront for him like being really homoerotic I feel like he just wants to lick and eat everything and everyone yeah um but yeah the SSS rank food bonus is really good but I mean Anna does that too and you know um so yeah I would put him there yeah at Frank yeah I I'm not gonna argue at all his bases are bad his joint class is bad his growths are terrible like it's just a no it's a no for me by the time he comes you've got so many other good Alternatives it's like why unless you really love Ian Sinclair or you really like Boone's design like I thought it was cool and so I used him and I was like I need an ax user so I'll reclass him into warrior with axes yeah it just doesn't work yep um I haven't have enough experience with Tamara but I tried I really did I like I I hated on her in my unique classes video and I said she was terrible and so like uh as a man of my word I really tried she needs a lot of investment she needs basically the Erica ring she needs to have her decks boosted she needs to proc Sandstorm she needs to have the brave like there are a lot of Tamara needs one two three four five to be good and even when she's good the way her skill works is not true damage I had people telling me it's true damage it's not true damage I tested it I confirmed it it just converts her defense to her attack and then it does the calculation off that her defense cap is I think like 35 or 36 in her class anyways which isn't super high you can boost it but the problem with boosting defense is like once it's high enough nobody's attacking you anymore so it's kind of like no you do want to be attacked so that she can proc it and she will be relatively tanky she's very fast she has a really high Dex growth so she will and she has a high Dex cap it's like 50 or something so she is going to be procking her Sandstorm skill quite a bit but it's just so much investment so much to make this unit good in a chapter where you have panette and Marin who are some of the best units in the game that join and you're like you want to use Tamara yeah I really wanted to use Tamara so much I'm so disappointed it's not worth it when she joins I was just viewing like the stats the potential the attack oh my god um it's just and the worst part is that she's the build oh my God yeah the worst part is that she's her person if you want a user you do your in her personal class right uh she's Lance locked so and you have so many good Lance users in this game that it's just it's just like what like Alfred you have yeah I don't know but like lances are so good there's so many good Lance classes and it's just the tools this why would you want to put the tools on her I just I don't get it um there's a lot of hype builds going on that revolve the brave lands but I mean for me it's a lot of cherry-picked builds that are very high investment I've taken a look at some of those videos and I'm just like it yeah okay so I would say F personally but I don't know I agree she's right there with Pune where like maybe she's a little bit higher than Boone yeah she at least fulfills some sort of Niche right yeah but it's just like she joins on chapter 13 or whatever and she comes with Ike and it's like you need to do this and that and this and that this and that and it's like no I would rather move icon panette and I would rather not give her Hector and put her on somewhere else if you're cheating and using the DLC oh my god um but yeah just not not worth um especially when you've got an absolute goddess like Marin who's joining who yeah she's great I love Marin I didn't think I was gonna love her this much but I just like there were two units that I was looking forward to pre-release it was Ivy and Marin and honestly by the time the game was ending for my first playthrough I was like maybe I like Marin a little bit more than ivy I I don't I I mean again same as fagato she was a deployment filler for me but as a deployment filler did her job contributed in a meaningful way comes with the silver you know it's it's all good baby it's a and I can imagine using her is probably going to pay off as well in the long run hobble hobble is so good hobble is good yeah okay I don't I don't know that's not exclusive but it's not exclusive to her but because you know you don't really need to invest in her she has really high bases and her growths keep her up like if you don't like again she's Plug and Play just kind of like kagetsu is right yep exactly she's got high speed she's instantly doubling everything she's got access to daggers which are really good to forge she comes with the silver one again you can give it to Zell cover you can give it to you not go by that point in the game you could probably just forge another one um but giving her a forged dagger is not a bad idea at all it really boosts all your damage especially because her speed is so high for sure always Force the daggers daggers are great um yeah steel and silver hobble hobble is just like a bonus like you don't need to use a second seal on her you just need a level her to five which is going to be really good she has the 15 internal level just like kagetsu with the leveled up to 20 and then promoted so that's why her bases are just ridiculous I wasn't sure I'm not sure if I would use hobble as as a as a boon personally no no it's not it's not a boon but the Boon is that she doesn't need to Second seal yeah yeah to get exactly well to get hobble I don't know like there's a lot of ways to to um I had a lot of fun with hobble and Canter there's I'll tell you that like I put Cantor on her because she comes with like 1500 SP too I I get that but you have so many other more effective mob control tools like the veins and like uh demonic aura or whatever it's called the one that that I don't know I wouldn't I get it I get it it's the thing that she doesn't have to know investment to get but it's not minus two move um I don't know it's pretty good man okay I'll take your word for it uh but uh of where to put or like I I would put her right with the gato honestly next to fagato yeah she's she's like similar she's like in a similar vein to kagetsu to me like it would be here maybe here yep more than see this is hard because I don't know if better than a Lear I feel I mean a leader Aaliyah we can move alir I don't mind like I think we put him here as a placeholder but like these two join in and they sort of take over the Louis role right this is where Louis begins to fall off somewhat and you're sort of got you've got your mirrors you've got your kagetsu who are like immediate damage boost okay let's put I just don't feel right putting a lyric that low because just simply because of the support bonuses and whatnot yeah I don't mind do you want to put him like under alchrist is that yeah yeah that's what I was thinking I didn't want to say it I didn't want to say it but I'm glad you said it okay no no I don't mind yeah like we can totally move Alia around this was just like he he just ended up there yeah um but I I do think Marin and kagetsu are pretty much on par with each other okay yeah I can go get that Hortensia I don't think we even need to talk about this one I'm not sure because I'm torn man she's so good at her Niche she's the best healer she'll save you more money than [ __ ] Anna ever will with very I mean with zero investment right off the bat and she's hilarious and she's adorable and but the thing is like do you really need a dedicated staff bot because she's not doing anything else right that's where I'm torn because I use her personally but would it be better for me to use somebody who can also who also has some offensive capabilities with staff botting do I really need the S and the a rank staffs that's where I'm torn on it personally it's a good point I guess it comes down to how much are you spamming your warp rescue your obstructs your utility staves and how much value are you getting out of world tree and how quickly are you able to consistently proc world tree right because you do need to level up that luck is it luck or I thought it was Dex it is Dex sorry she has a big she has a good decks at least mine is a good Dex growth and her Dex cap is like 36 or 30. yeah that's pretty it's up there yeah it's decent and the nice thing is her personal is one of the few personals that isn't completely useless like you get plus one healing range on your staves yeah that is awesome dude it's freaking awesome I mean and also I mean we're not we're factoring rings for citrine but you know that that one that uh gives you the crom ring that gives you an extra five percent hey that could be good for her as well but I think you would put Makai on her for sure definitely yeah that's like no contest yeah yeah she is the penultimate Mikaya user yeah I would say yeah um um so I don't go lower than a honestly like there's no way we go lower than a foreign just because of the sheer amounts of support she gives so like I would put her below alcaris but between above a layer yeah I think that's fair this is really hard I mean I'm not sure like I'm still again that's the the caveat is do you really indeed a second staff but a dedicated staff bot that's the thing because it I think so let's she will not contribute right now we'll contribute it all to combat like it's not gonna happen she'll do like maybe a chip or two when you need to maybe put Thunder on her or or else under she can't use thoron unfortunately yeah I mean she can use wind tones she's fast enough to double flyers for example yeah I guess so so yeah I mean Hortensia is pretty much just I mean she chills there I was gonna say like we're gonna go back to your rule of does this unit make the game easier yeah I think she does yeah um and so by virtue of that she warrants an a tier just like above all the other utility ones because she does make the game easier just by virtue of her having extra range and she does save you staff uses which if you want to spam your warp and rescue and all that stuff I mean we like to think about the game as having like 26 chapters right but there's also 14 paralogs too and so and you'll get her in chapter 14 which means she's usable for over half the main game and also over half the paralogs by that point which you probably haven't done any by the time you get Hortensia um so she does have a lot of mileage to go and and the utility stapes really really are very good and so she's saving you just like a use here and there and everywhere you're getting that use somewhere else on a different map so she pays it forward in a way um so I like that placing for her I can agree with that and then the one right after Hortensia is like yeah easy do you ever really talk about the dancer yeah like you just immediately top of us yep 100 gives an extra boost of action to whatever unit you have the nice thing about the dancer is they can also be goddess Danced by biles and so you're getting two in one in one turn yep it's ridiculous like I we don't need to talk about I would I once again give give seat all mentorship because violence dance gives a lot of SP especially Med game for sure as soon as you and he comes with a ton of SP M you're probably not even going to use because he does nothing but Dance I mean you give him Canton he has enough to get well he doesn't get Cantor until you know you get stickered back but I mean right which isn't that long after anything yeah but yeah that's enough to get Cantor give him mentorship encantor and he's good for the rest of the game yeah very much pretty much these next two I've struggled with honestly yeah I used Rosado through until the end game but he just mine got strength screwed even though his growths are actually really good um but he joins late chapter 16. by then you've pretty much got an established roster unless you really want to use Rosado his growths are genuinely super good mine just got screwed and I haven't used him since so he just felt like he does he definitely doesn't have the build for axes which is what he comes with yep um it slows him down immensely to the point where he's not doubling and he he joins with the Erica ring so that join chapter is kind of deceiving uh for him because if you take the Erica ring and put it on someone like an Amber or someone like whoever you want your your Destroyer to be Erica's good on anyone so it's not a good measure of power well maybe not Mages but anyone you know yeah anyone physical physical yeah which is weird which is hard anyways we'll get that's something else I I don't know what to do with I would say a genuine I would say I should say below citrine yeah I mean he's a solid unit he fills a slot if you need a slot Phil I used him he was okay but he was you know a repo flying bot with sometimes would have chip and the a good personal a really good personal yeah I mean his growths are good so I it's just like but by the time he grows into that it's just a little bit too late I think and so his bases are decent but he's got kind of like that low strength that they hope the axes patch up and the build doesn't help that it's just it it's kind of all over the place um yeah his personal is really good because most of the units in the game are treated as male I think anyways most of the enemy units so he does end up making use of it uh unlike gold Mary who I think is a really weird she's the highest defense growth in the game at 55 which is wild yeah um I would put her below Rosado yeah um they're they're weird units it feels like gold Mary was meant to be a halberdier and they put her in hero for some reason um to show off that she has Lance proficiency which is odd because one it's hiding the halberdier class from us and I think it's a really good class um and two again her growths are every like why does she have 55 defense let's make her an armor like it feels like she should have been Jade yeah and Jade should have been maybe a hero instead like it's it's just weird yeah gold Mary's weird yeah I I tried using her in my and I tried doing the whole like you know Ike thing with you know in in the hero and but just turned out just be you know a backup filler for a while yeah nothing's too special I agree yep with hero once you get them to level five she starts at level four I think or three or something like that they get Brave assists yeah which is great fantastic which is fantastic um so once she gets that it's nice but again anyone can do that and if she's not contributing another I think she's got she's got a pretty good basis though yeah I mean they all have good I mean Rosado has good bases too it's just like it's just a matter of where they come in at the game like you're already yeah like once you get Rosado and gold Mary you're not dropping kagetsu you're not dropping Marin you're not dropping fogato you're not dropping Ivy probably by then you're not dropping Hortensia or alchrist or sea doll or Chloe or any of these units here and so who are you drop unless you love her who else who are you dropping to put her in you know um so yeah I mean I think she's probably on par with Rosado they're just really hindered by their join Time chapter 16 is really late I'm I'm starting to like this tier list I I'm thinking it's looking pretty good not not gonna lie yeah I mean you just have an issue with these two but I mean it's fine I feel it's fine yeah I would put it in F but I I can see I understand the other side of the argument you know yeah I'm happy with how it's looking so far because like if you use these two right by the time you get Rosado and gold Mary these two are better than them they just need a little bit more of a Kickstart right not my in my experience but yeah well we're gonna go back into this the only thing I would do I'm not gonna have this argument we wasted like I think 40 minutes between Anna and John yeah I think they got more than enough discussion yeah I would I think okay let's keep on going let's keep on going so this is where I say the spoiler warning just in case I know it's probably time stamped already but I have to give a quick uh vocal of vocalization of the spoiler warning you have two seconds to get out of here before I scroll down and grab the two units okay one two I'm going all right so I'm gonna grab movier and Veil and these are really huh where's Linda [ __ ] where is Lyndon I was gonna make a Linden joke okay who are you doing for Linden can we just put damn okay we'll use we'll use this guy for a little yeah we'll use that guy I don't even notice Lyndon the that's the thing with Linda like he joins and you don't notice he joins like he's pretty good okay you used Linda and I remember seeing one of your your stream thumbnails so I'll let you talk about Lyndon and we'll sub this guy in for him instead that's funny I didn't even realize Lyndon off the bat it comes in with 2000 SP and good bases you know and it's it's whatever he's got a sage he's got you can get him wrath immediately and that will synergize with his his personal and get you know you can give him dire Thunder and thunder Tome the issue is he just doesn't scale he doesn't scale well when you if you get that all set up he'll he's really fun to use of course but he doesn't have enough base might using lower um lower level tomes to really justify the damage and pull enough might to you know amplify with the critical to be able to kill in one shot okay and that's really what you want to do because it's not enough critical to make use of it as well it's still going to be hovering around the 50 to 80 Mark which is still a chance to you know [ __ ] yourself uh yeah I mean can he function as sort of a wrath Vantage L Thunder user potentially to want to try things with like a may ring Maybe I guess I mean yeah that could work too it's still a chance it's still a chance and these still a liability yeah like he won't hit 100 but yeah yeah it's a fun unit he's a fun unit to use but he doesn't scale well especially and like he will not have enough might to justify using him in the later game and that's all he has is the late game so I would put him honestly I'd put him in f as someone who like really invested in him I would put him in F I would put him above all those other units though but no maybe not above Tamara I would put him yeah like here yeah I would put him here I agree I looked at him and I was like this guy looks interesting but no I it's also by the time he joins he just doesn't he he once you get that set up though it's really fun and he will kill things quite often but it just does not scale for late game it will he will not be able to keep up and he's just staff botting or you're taking huge risks to make it work yeah I agree um we also forgot saphir as well oh who joins right after Lyndon so I'm going to substitute this I'll edit it I'll fix it I'll edit it in yeah that's right that's right I I don't I usually a deployment filler and she dies pretty like she's the person that like if the the enemy's Target and if they Target and they die and I like the turd I just leave her dead so in that way she does have some utility you know it's interesting because she also has fairly High bass strength but like she joins it with level six or seven or something and she has the same bass strength that Pinette has when Pinette joins and it's kind of like Again by that point your roster is pretty filled out um I guess if you need the substitute then maybe I would say Lyndon is better than her yeah I would also put her in F tier honestly yeah she also doesn't look like she's 35 so yeah um there's that too all right anyways I said the spoiler warning too early so now I'm giving the spoiler warning and you have two seconds okay well these are those guys are I mean you never did you see you know what's a it's an end game sort of you never know you're gonna recruit old people that's anyways I don't know what's considered a spoiler these days you know um Mojave ones are just story spoilers but yeah let's talk about so how do you pronounce interesting thing movier and failed so the one thing I want to say about movier and Veil is that when they join you immediately get extra deployment slots and so if you don't have anyone to fill those deployment slots movia and Veil are just there by default like it's it feels like the game is saying you either deploy these two or you don't deploy anyone because I think you're pretty well set on 12 deployment slots from chapter like 16 or something all the way until 21 or 22 which is when you get movie and fail and so it feels like you do have to deploy them good movie is decent again it's staff utility he's got great bases his growths are honestly not bad either for a unit who joins so late um but again it's like availability and it's like he's a filler unit and increased deployment slot so because of that alone for those four or five last chapters it makes me feel like both of these characters just because of the The increased deployment slot immediate filler way I mean Veil I guess is a little bit better utility wise and we'll talk about that but you immediately have to put them at least in B tier uh you don't have to deploy them I mean you really don't but then you go without two deployment slots it's I guess so I would put to see I would uh I don't know man I I don't think I would put it this guy I don't know I'm gonna put him in D honestly top of d ude I disagree I don't know where you can put it wherever you want because I really have no I I don't think he's that good I was gonna put him at the bottom of B just by virtue of who else are you gonna fill that deployment slot with because it really is like a stack it was better they're so far behind I mean he is a staff bot I guess yeah I guess you're right it also has like he can use the flame Lance too his build isn't terrible like he he's functional by the time he joins yeah you know and so like he will contribute and he will fill that last opponent slot for you in that chapter I'll give you that Veil is a little bit higher because she's a dragon and so whatever emblem ring you're not using you can toss on her and get that added utility from like you can give her Corin for example oh that's what I would do immediately because it's not at that point what it's great for is giving her the corn ring so that Aaliyah can use something else um you have so many rings at that point and like as corn is so good with the dragon bonus that having another one is just awesome I don't know it's just like you always want that dragon that Dragon bonus with corn I feel like it's just so powerful and so it's great you can either keep it on a leer or you get dragon bonus for other things too which is great with Spectrum dance you know like that's fantastic there's just it's just a second dragon so that classic even if you want to just give her Celica because by then you probably have no idea what to do with your Celica ring like she works with Celica because she has the magic I mean otherwise she's not good but it doesn't matter like those two utility yeah the utility is is so good I would put her above I'm not putting her above saline that's for sure but I don't know personally I wouldn't put a remote sailing but I guess above ATA yeah I mean I'd be fine with putting her in beats here she's definitely better than movie yeah for sure yeah 100 I mean I would I would I do want I have I don't have much experience with her yet I haven't gotten to this point in maddening where I have her um but theoretically I want to say that her utility for those last five chapters may be warrants and a placement I don't know her her usability is not high the join chapter you get her in is 22 where you're like running around collecting the Rings anyways so it's like does that chapter even really count and so she's only there for like the last four dragon type bonus drag Dragon type bonus is why our Alia is up there right so yeah you get a second one it's more utility you can put a leader in a different class you don't have to restrict them to the dragon class you can put them in like something more useful like Paladin or something like that with more movement with better weapon access um and that alone is great you know yeah I agree um I think this is a pretty solid tier list I think so too No One's Gonna disagree with this I think everyone's gonna disagree with some some part of it but um I do like the balance I feel like it is it's pretty evenly distributed honestly s tier D tier and F tier have the same number of units B and C which is like your middle average have the same number of units and a I mean a really only weighs up more than these because you have the double alliters if you take the layers out a b and c of the same number of units in them so I like it I think it's good yeah I think it's good I would put say lean up but I'm happy I I feel like that's I'm my perspective is mostly anecdotal experience but she's just so strong for me but chat yeah tubes there you go yeah she's just so strong um but I mean if I were being objective about it I would put her in a but even even so I think I'm being generous by putting her here in B and that's all I'm gonna say okay I hope the comments you know what the comments can let us know about the saline oh yeah they're gonna they're gonna love you know if there's anything the Fire Emblem fans love it's it's hybrid units with with uh middle and gross they love those yeah yeah Marshall Masters I got so much [ __ ] from Marshall Master levels lovers in my video for hating on the class yeah well it sucks I don't know what the [ __ ] they're they're smoking uh anyways uh yeah this is great and thanks for having me that's pretty much it thanks for joining me honestly it's like a two and a half hour discussion I don't know I'm gonna have to edit all of this by this will probably be live like a week after we record this is gonna take me a while to get through this but um yeah thanks for joining me honestly guys I'll leave a link to troops's channel in the link below he streams a lot on Twitch as well like you do 10 hour sessions it's crazy I go to bed and wake up and you're still streaming I have fun man yeah um then he makes pretty good guides nicely edited and fun so check them out and uh yeah thanks for joining me anything else you want to say uh don't forget to like comment and subscribe and until next and until next time y'all go ahead stay frothy uh yeah I love doing your outro I think we did that once in your video when you came over yeah oh yeah that was great fun all right yeah that's about it guys uh we'll catch you I'll catch you another video soon if you if you liked this maybe we'll do a tier list for the emblem rings and we'll bring troops back we'll see that's it yeah that's about it I'll see you guys in another video very soon peace bye bye
Channel: LinkKing7
Views: 69,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fire Emblem, Engage, Fire Emblem Engage, Fire Emblem Switch, FE17, Ivy, Gameplay, Review, Positives, What Engage Did Right, LinkKing7, LinkKing, TheLinkKing, Mekkah, Faerghast, Zeshado, Alear, Mechanics, Music, Fire Emblem Engage OST, Engage OST, Fire Emblem Engage Guide, Forging guide, SP Gain, Choops, Game Review, Complete Review, Spoiler Free, Yunaka, Meme, Analysis, FE Engage, Tier List, Maddening, Best Units, Classes, Builds, Anna, Jean, Gameplay Analysis, Biden, Trump, Obama
Id: V4mhiErp2OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 10sec (7870 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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