The Ultimate e-Ink review for note takers - Remarkable 2, Kindle Scribe, Boox Note Air3 C and more..

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so here's the problem here's my use case if I'm on a zoom call with person a person B and me and I'm mainly listening in I can type all my notes on a separate screen using error note or one note or some digital mechanism but when I'm on zoom and I'm driving the call and I'm presenting it's very hard to make notes electronically because I'm talking and showing slides or maybe I'm in a one: one it's very hard to open up your laptop and start typing in notes on a digital medium so inevitably we move to paper we move to a notepad and the great thing about a notepad it's got the pen which is awesome for your brain But ultimately the notepad runs out of paper so I start using sheets of paper and I write notes and I write more notes and then I run out physical paper and then the worst thing is they're not stored so this story starts with me looking for a way to augment the process and replace this paper process with an alternative to my digital notes but getting something closer let me tell you a story so it all happened one day when a colleague brought along his remarkable and showed me the amazing remarkable device which I will show you shortly it was great device but at the end of the day it just took notes no matter how hard I tried with this there's nothing it could do for me to take notes and I have been an Apple guy for many many years and so this was such an inferior product uh I couldn't use it so we moved away from that and simultaneously it was Christmas or was just after Christmas and my son's birthday and my wife had identified this amazing device called the Rocket book and what's amazing about this rocket book is that it has a series of pap Pages it looks and acts like paper it's cheap it's effective and it's kind of digital and what I mean by it's kind of digital is that you take you write your notes you take a photo of this and this literally by put in a a cross in the symbol at the bottom you could send it to a variety of cloud services Google Dropbox Evernote OneNote really cool the downside is then after that you basically use if it's a Down side you use this cloth and you clean the page you basically wet it you clean the page and you've got a reusable book with all different types of templates in it fantastic so super cheap super effective but you have to clean it and you have to take a photo and in the end that was just too much of a faf for me so that got put in the magic cupboard so I was still in search of the ultimate device so I decided to treat myself to yet another iPad I've been using many iPads for many years and decided to get myself the new iPad Mini this is an awesome device but it's premium it's multifunction but my use case was all about notes and the problem with notes on the iPad is you're basically writing on glass which is actually quite hard to do and get used doing it doesn't feel like paper it's too slippy so therefore the option was to buy the paperlike screen protector which is quite good but it's still too slippy the net of that is that this device was a keeper but it was very expensive so I needed to look for yet another device so still in search for an e in device I decided to try the Kindle scribe it's cheaper it has usability in terms of Kindle books and it has notebooks but as you'll see later fundamentally it was very limited Kindle books yes it had basic notes it had but actually um the cloud storage was virtually non-existent and for that reason kle scribe got returned so it was on to my next device so the next device I chose was the books Nova air 27 8 here's a picture of it a mockup on my iPad and it was a great device the good thing about this was that fundamentally it was Android it was multi-function it was portable but ultimately it was slow the notes app was complicated and it was expensive so whilst it kind of worked but it was slow whilst it was portable it just didn't work and it as a guy who's always used an iPad it just wasn't for me so yet again this is another one that got returned that then moved me into a new league quite recently when I moved on to the books note air 3C now this one is an Android device as you can see as I'm struggling with it most importantly see its color so this has the potential to be the device you can see here it's got a variety of Android apps it's color you can see some colors on here hopefully and if I click on Sky News for example you can see we have color here but unfortunately once it's got color the colors are pretty hard to see it can run video you can probably see that but it's pretty hard to to view so albeit the technology is difficult on e e in the advantages of color are pretty minimal likewise the notes app itself was also as mentioned before pretty hard to use so here we can see here we can write in the notes apps it's Android it's multifunction it's color but it's expensive poor color and the Notes application whil it's quite good and complex is nothing like the iPad Notes application and also it's limited CL cloud and it whilst you can download Evernote OneNote and all other applications that are supported Android they don't really work very well and they don't work very well with the pen so the the pen only really works in this in this proprietary Notes app so unfortunately this got rejected at 500 it was way too expensive so off to another device so I went back to another device I rebot The Scribe I looked at the notes and I was much harder with my could I survive with this I bought it in the Black Friday sale so it was cheaper so I can put here it's cheap but the fundamental problem is it's cloud and synchronization it is basically zero no sync this was an absolute no-brainer not only that in terms of annotations if you annotate a document on the Kindle subcribe it goes nowhere it stays on this device it doesn't sink anywhere so it's completely an utterly useless for reviewing a PDF and annotating it and trying to send that to somebody else guess what this is going back so you will be amazed to hear that this has taken me an in entire year to go full circle and I've concluded after a year are are reviewing all of these different devices they're remarkable to then the rocket book then the iPad Mini The Scribe the books Nova air2 7.8 the books note air3 C the Kindle scribe that the remarkable to at least for my use case is far superior and in this case it's just it just takes notes great notes great interoperability as I've discovered you can read PDFs on here and UB documents annotations are synced and the only downside for me is that it has no backlight it's a really great device I can send PDFs to it uh you can go into Google Chrome you can basically one click of a button you can basically save a web page and send it directly to the device um and it syncs so if I just show you this here I'm going to basically uh annotate this device I'm going to or this particular document I'm going to put a smiley on there and I'm going to write YouTube across this okay I'm going to save that and what I'm going to do now is to move essentially to the remarkable app on my iPad and here what you should see is that that file that I just annotated this one here has already synced and in fact it's even in color so actually the remarkable 2 app on the iPad actually store any other device stores uh color and the original source so the net of all this is remarkable is the winner after all these time all these months this is the guy that I'm keeping and I hope you've enjoyed this review I'm pretty exhausted that's a whole year of reviewing e tablets this is the one thanks for watching
Channel: Healthtech Gizmos
Views: 102,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eink, remarkable 2, kindle scribe, iPad mini, boox nova air 7.8, boox note air3 c, rocketbook, digital notes, note taking, note apps, digital paper, evernote, e-ink
Id: HEOz199aeDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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