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what is up guys let's dive into care aggregation welcome welcome welcome to my beautiful friggin masterpiece guys it doesn't get more ghetto than this [Music] can you make sense of any of this oh boy where do we begin okay so this is going to be very similar to the video we did on the chalkboard i just kind of made questions for you guys okay and i'm going to answer them as i go don't judge i will get closer so you can see the board okay so happy saturday this is what i'm doing on a saturday night yo this is only what friggin nerds do uh people that don't have lives like myself so i figured why not make you guys another carrier aggregation video i mean what the hell else is there to do especially when i don't drink other than coffee so friggin all right so check this out guys you bought you you got your rural internet setups and you're looking for a way to to speed up your internet you got a mofi 4500 sim 4 combo um okay for those of you who have the sim 7 combo i'm sorry this doesn't apply you might be able to get a couple tips from this video though um as far as direction and things like that but other than that um this is for my peeps that are going for carrier aggregation or trying to figure out how to do it uh it's confusing i am not an expert i know there's a lot of you all that think you're experts and like to troll me on my freaking comments and but that's cool i'm gonna do it my way because my way i know works this is from tested theories um i'm not in the north carolina home no more that has the mofi and antenna so i can't show you stuff but i can write it out it's still all right here in my brain as i'm tapping on my head okay so we're gonna kind of go through this little questionnaire i'm not gonna try to make this slow and long i'm gonna i talk a little fast so i'm gonna try to come out carrier aggregation for a mofi sim4 combo what is carrier aggregation guys uh carrier aggregation is basically when you have multiple bands um connected together okay so you know typically a mofi it has the band lock feature we all know and it you can lock onto one band so it doesn't bounce around on you you know that one band is your fastest band gives you the best speeds so you go with that band okay well sometimes that band goes down or sometimes it's really degraded sometimes it gets bogged down by traffic too many people on the tower and so you're just getting pissed so what do you do you try to mess with the aggregation like as i did so that's what it is it's merging two bands together the mofi is only capable of doing two bands ie band four band 13 that's an example okay that's how it works you merge two bands together okay how do you know if you're on carrier aggregation okay so how do you know well there's another part on this piece of paper i'm going to show you okay so i don't even know why i even threw that freaking question in there um do you need carrier aggregation and is it better uh yes in some situations carrier aggregation is better because if you're only using one band it only might be capable of those speeds on that tower if you have multiple bands ie maybe antenna pointing to one tower and your other antenna pointing to another tower you can aggregate and you can make a stronger signal because they combine themselves they actually one one band will try to compensate for the other band okay keep that in mind so if one band is getting shitty the mofi realizes it and tries to jump on the other band simultaneously okay tries to right now which multi model does carrier aggregation support we already said that the sim 4 combo guys okay the sim 7 combo unfortunately that's why you notice it is cheaper when you go on amazon to purchase it why i don't know why they didn't add that feature they thought hey everybody's getting banned 66 and 70 whatever the hell else so they're getting their damn uh you know sim seven combos and people are getting them and they're just having a hard time a lot of people can't get them to get on the internet i spoke to a guy earlier today he was like man i couldn't even get it to work with a t and it works and it's a hot spot plan and blah blah blah i told him did you do this did you do that he said i put in a verizon center at work hey when i bought the sim 7 combo i couldn't even get my grandfather verizon plan to even work and i know it works because it works on this m4 so sim 7 comboers hey more power to you if it works for you great if you got time send it back get a sim 4 combo highly recommend it all right so how do i acquire a sim that supports the mofi uh going back to kind of like what that guy said he tried a different sim different carrier um okay so you're really just you're just going to go to this link right here it's uh well should i lose this slide um okay uh do your damn research people i know that's that that was the best thing ever wasn't it yeah that was kind of lame but anyway you got to do your research okay so what what do i need to do and how do i turn on carrier aggregation okay we're going to get into that that's what we're going to get into guys i don't even know why i wrote those damn questions down like that was just them first of all i'm showing you the different carriers on this side okay that's a t and t that's not an eight i can't draw that ant thing i've never been able to it's weird um these are just a couple of the bands the main bands that these carriers support i just put them over here so like 18 t uh their main band is like band 12 and five and two is one and four they use all those okay i just put a couple up there for example verizon's main is 13. so the two big one takeaways from this is 18 t's big busy band is 12 and verizon's big busy band is 13 okay they're big busy bands they're usually really slow um but you you might have great decibels with them you might have great great signals with them so maybe you can use them to aggregate so we'll get into that t-mobile sprint sprint's t-mobile t-mobile sprint whatever the hell um somebody corrected me via troll go yourself um bands four and two i don't even know what the rest of the bands are in fact we're going to tell you how to actually see what all the bands are i don't have my mofi in front of me so i can't tell you exactly what all bands those support others now i'm getting lots of questions about other carriers cricket page plus tracfone cellular one straight talk visible otr and unlimited build these are these are carriers and they're also third third-party providers okay so uh if you look at the ones with the stars we've talked about this many times why is my siri going crazy dude shut up ah this happened the last time i was doing this video remember with the chalkboard my watch has a mind of its own okay so the ones with the stars actually work i've said it a million times visible if you get a visible account get a visible phone for some weird reason their unlimited hotspot works in the mofi the mofi has a drop down that says visible in the apn so i recommend visible forever all my clients even though i don't have any clients for all you peeps that subscribe and follow and all that wonderful that's what i recommend otr is the only good working one i know of for a t verizon a t works 40 something bucks 80 bucks unlimited bill 120 bucks i don't know do the damn research go do some research to find your sim card like these like little guys like i know work off different towers okay like somebody like when i went to page plus they told me that tracfone works off rising towers straight talk works on verizon or att tower so do your research guys like when i say research you're not going to find videos on youtube but you know give it a try they'll give you your money back you don't get the sim out but you but but here's the key and the takeaway with the mofi guys it has to be a hot spot plan data plan like a sim like a jet pack like a a little thing that you take and that's your moat like your internet device okay like a hot spot if it is not hot spot data good luck trying to get any of this to work okay the only one that i know this is actually a cell phone plan but it's a third party with an unlimited data plan so some weird reason their sim card works in a mofi you like how i put sim there okay so keep that in mind um just you know you can go to google you google uh you know unlimited data plans and rural internet plans and like you'll see there's a bunch of them out there guys um and or i recommend ebay there's a lot of people that rent them you pay them monthly and they sell it go that route ebay but message the seller make sure it's a legit thing make sure it's already pre-activated because you're gonna get a lot of page plussers when i tried page plus we couldn't get it to work but people are telling me it works and there's a drop down in the mofi settings for page plus now maybe that's why i couldn't get the damn thing to work all right so so real quick uh that's just a little orientation of the mofi hey you know some of y'all are like hey i'm not getting the internet to come on maybe it's because you got the wrong kind of sim like i said it's got to be a hot spot sim you pop your sim in make sure that the micro chip part is facing up towards the top of the mofi typically you would think it would go in downwards like a cell phone does um with the mofi it goes up it just go clicks in and depresses it comes with a bunch of different sized adapters for depending on your sim okay it should just click right in and it seats in the clear coated part that you know it's just like putting a puzzle piece in and it sits right in there a piece of cake right a lot of you guys don't know what all these lights mean on the mofi just remember this one you'll always have these three and then this one is skipped and then that one's lit okay but this is your big one that is your internet that is your internet like guys that means you have internet the mofi has picked up internet where is it getting internet from it's getting it from these these are your antennas that come with the mofi it's not coming from these these are just your wi-fi when it brings in the lte it converts it to wi-fi so you can log on just like a router and have internet okay which i don't recommend using this i recommend as i said in my millions and videos we lose the paper okay now i have this feeling that i might have to do this so we'll look at it from this angle okay cool now when you have your mofi getting internet it's all up and running and you were using these and you know you're getting good internet great all you want to do is turn the modifier around uh do not use the wan port you want to put it into port one or two or three or four your ethernet cable okay and then you're gonna run it to your your personal router a gaming router any ac type router okay you're not gonna go from port one to port one you're gonna go from like port one to the wan port on this one okay which will be like yellow or blue it'll be a different color because the lan port on this one is the main source of internet so all you're doing is you're taking one of these you're sharing the internet from the mofi converting it into here and then you put it in the lan port on here you go into your settings on your route your personal router have it should have instructions if you don't know it google it like i know netgear is like and then you're going to put in your name and password and then you're going to go and you're going to make an ssid name which is your wi-fi name and a password and as long as you see lights that indicate you have internet just like out of mofi you're straight you can turn the wi-fi off on this and just use the wi-fi from this and then the wi-fi from this you can still access this okay be sure you can still access this before you turn the wi-fi off on the mofi please thank you okay great now here's another cool busy picture okay number one so we're going to get into the carrier aggregation let's make this quick you're going to log in all right you're going to go over to the left side of the settings you're going to click mofi internal modem i think it's what it says all right now for carrier aggregation you can't use regular band lock you have to go to advanced band lock okay select the two bands that you know are known for example it's gonna show you all the different bands you're gonna check one and check two okay if it's not cdma then select none okay all right but if it is a t or cdma pick your two that way or hit all lt all uh cdma or all lte and let the mofi figure out your carrier aggregation for you because you have to play with it you might have multiple bands you might have to select band 4 and band 13. you might stuck band 2 in band 13 maybe band 5 and band 13 if who the knows so you gotta mess with it okay now once you've selected the two bands that you want to try to aggregate hit save and then jump back to the home screen and go to the quick check signal strength right it shows the bars it shows your decibels and at the bottom to the left but look here god dang man i'm sorry about this shadow okay if you don't have carrier aggregation let's just say carrier aggregation not a sign or if you do have carrier aggregation so when you go to this screen right quick check signal strength give it 30 seconds to settle itself after you selected your bands let it calm down and then let it kick in okay so for example it'll say band 4 of the active cell band 13 that means you have carrier aggregation that's what it'll say it will not say this it will say something like this or it might say inactive cell meaning it'll jump on to the cell when it needs b when your speeds are not up to par it'll be active if they're if they're good they'll say inactive that's that's all good these are both good that means you are aggregated okay if this goes away and it says not assigned and you thought you were aggregated and you selected two bands that means that your primary band let's say band four is getting great speeds means you're getting great speeds or great great service and they just don't think you need to aggregate so we do things like forced aggregation and say well i don't want 25 down i was getting 40 down so what the so we'll get into that so what if it's not carrier aggregating that's what we just said what are we gonna do how do i make it carry aggregate that's what we're about to do do i know which bands to choose okay or how do you know which bands to choose okay how do you know which bands to choose well i'm gonna just talk you through it okay you're in your settings go back to mofi internal modem on the far left scroll down to where you see band scanner right click band scanner and then you're gonna hit start scanning you're gonna wait about 30 seconds to a minute right then all these bands are going to show up and they're going to even show like decibels so it might say like band 5 negative 108 band 4 negative 110. you know that's what it's going to do that's what band scanner is going to do your antenna is gonna shoot out here somewhere and see what bands are floating in the air this tower if you look at this tower is not a beautiful tower that could be band 2 that could be band 4 that could be 13 and that could be 12. it could be all those bands right so when you do your scan it could find all those bands if it finds all those bands guess what you have the potential to aggregate with one antenna and maybe your second antenna that's just below it or wherever you have it orientated on the same tower so you'll hear a lot of people commenting in my feed and and say no well i got i got a parabolic pointed this way and i got one pointed that way that's great but you might be able to get it all from one tower okay so just keep that in mind in fact i think that's what i was doing for a majority of my time or i was on a tower because you know when you're in a city well i wasn't living in a city but cities have towers that are like within a mile from each other so there could be a tower here and a tower here so your antenna orientation you might have one antenna pointed this way and the other one pointed slightly this way that's it that's a whole nother tower when you go over a course of range okay think of a bullet when you shoot it and it just kind of drops after so far it's the same concept you're gonna kind of it's gonna gradually go that way okay so that's my pretty house i drew that you like that so you know you got your wire going down wherever you got it going into a window to your mofi okay so typically you want two antennas i just put one up there um and then i drew this for you guys to understand that listen cell towers you guys when you're putting your antennas up right they don't have to be so goddamn high up like you don't need a 10-foot pole on top of your house to get signal okay unless maybe you got trees and stuff even then you could actually overshoot the signal do you see where my hand is pretend your signal's right here this is the goldilocks zone for your signal these towers are shooting down if you look they're actually not really flat they're actually kind of pointed i don't know they're kind of pointed down because there's an umbrella effect with these signals because we are down here on the ground walking around and driving our cars in our houses the signals are down here they're not always way up here okay you hear a lot of people say things like line of sight line of sight can i can i still shoot the tower if i have a lot of in the way absolutely so higher is not necessarily good because you could potentially overshoot the signal i know at my house because it was way up on stilts i would overshoot the signal if i went up another you know foot so i had to bring it back down and that was good okay and you guys already saw that slide you like that all right now [Applause] now we're getting to the aggregation piece you guys chose two bands um you know and you're freaking you're trying to aggregate man so you're at your house i'm just using two yaeggis for an example okay let's pretend you got a parabolic and a yagi maybe you've got uh a yagi and a log periodic or maybe you got two log periodics whatever the you have set up um you know is is where you can aggregate okay so so pretend that uh jimmy he's got a house over here right it's five mile he's got a tower over there you see that tower it's five miles it's got band two band four band 12 right he did a band scan with his antennas pointing that way and he saw band two band 4 and band 12. so he knows he has those bands but then he orientated his antenna this way just to see if he could get any other bands and he realized oh eight miles out there's a tower he's getting banned 13 2 12 and 4. you're not going to see like say yeah there's bam 4 there and there's a band 4 there there's a band 12 there and there's a band 12 there you're not going to see band 12 on there twice you're going to see band 12 once so it can get a little confusing because you won't know if you're on this band 12 or this band 12 so just be cognizant of of your orientation of which band 12 you're on they might be different in megahertz okay but then you really are playing with it and then and you know you know this one's getting you some decent i mean it's five miles you would think that this is the go-to tower it's closer but look like they're low in megahertz you'll see your megahertz it'll show you like lower the number the less power the tower has okay because it knows how far it needs to blast out okay um and or medium you know band 4 is decent but band 12 sucks band 2 sucks it's low it's low on the on the megahertz spectrum so this tower is 8 miles and you were getting 20 down here now you're getting 30 down over here but it kind of it like the signal quality kind of fluctuates it goes from negative 11 to negative 9 to negative 8 to negative 12 and it's pissing you off because you've got trees you've got structures okay um and you really but you saw like 20 down here and 30 down here you really want to get on here so you do some more looking and and you notice okay here's a tower it's 10 miles it's um it's real it's it sucks it's super low i don't think i can do anything with it like i was barely getting five megabits down on this this band 13 like that's out and then you see that this one is thir it's 15 mile it's 15 freaking miles this tower is and he found band 4 and band 5 and some for some reason it picked up band 12. even though you were pointed this way it was still picking up some of the band 12. okay now you tried this maybe you got 10 down right so now you know you have you can use cell mapper you can use whatever the you want with all y'all trolls i keep saying hey use this app you're shooting in the dark go screw yourself i've already tried all those apps they don't work for okay you can try it if you get it to work and understand it beautiful if you can't remember you can just go in your mofi hit band scan find what bands are around right and then you can go to advanced band lock or band lock and lock on each band individually and then look at your quick check signal strength and look at the decibels okay if your decibels is negative 108 start turning your antenna up it's going up to 109 110 111 uh don't go that way come back to 108. start turning it this way i'm getting 107 105. 90. holy i'm at 90 negative 90. that's that is how you can freaking find the strongest signal yourself with your mofi settings in your mofi settings go to quick check signal strength and look at this page okay get these decibels as low as you possibly can okay don't worry so much on the damn bars i had one bar and i was getting 40 down one point okay so it's really the decibels is your main piece remember if you're above a negative 115 for signal strength your quality is going to be and everything's going to be you better get that sucker down okay all right back to the other slide now all right so now you know we are surrounded by towers but they're just so far out there's towers all over the place i don't know what to do john this is so confusing what do i do okay lock on to one band that you know works so remember you were getting 20 down with this 30 down with this so we took one yagi and we pointed it this way and then maybe we took another yagi and we pointed it this way okay now i do an advanced band lock on band two and this is verizon let's say verizon and band 13. now i'm getting 40 down that's carrier aggregation guys that's carrier aggregation orientate your antennas until you make it aggregate if you're only pointed to one tower it might not aggregate it might if you want to force it you might need to turn one antenna towards the other tower if you turn it to the other tower you might end up getting off of band 2 and getting totally on band 13. so that's the other shitty part if you saw from my other video i would have to force aggregate it so what i would do is i'd i would move my both of my antennas slightly this way right about there so i'd get the speed from this one because this was 20 and the strength from this one because the strength on this one was insane this is a negative 90 decibel band 13 and this is a negative 110 band two or four so i want to merge those together so i'm going to take band 4 and band 13 and merge them that will give me carrier aggregation guys how do you merge them adjust your antenna move it a little bit go to quick check signal strength move a little bit go to quick check signal strength till you see it click on when you see it click on you're good if it clicks back off move it a little more if it totally jumps on the other band come back a little bit so you got to go left or right you don't really have to go up or down so much unless you want to um it's always good to explore all options with your antenna orientations guys okay um and then maybe now that you have it here this one this tower is running like so maybe you might want to try this tower but i'm not i'm gonna be honest guys sometimes the farthest tower could be your fastest tower you might get one bar but you might merge this band 5 is a 18 t band but it works with verizon you can carry or aggregate remember we can we can merge carriers with the mofi you can't do that with other devices and you're gonna get banned two and boom before you know it you're getting like 50 down okay just keep that in mind question leave it in the comments i'm going to tell you the answer what type of antenna would you think i'd want to use for a 15 mile for a 15 mile uh tower what about a 10 mile 8 mile what about a five mile well let's look let's let's take a look at my um my graphics this is a jaegee antenna guys it's memo this is what they look like you guys have seen these so remember what i tell you guys all the time to crawl walk run right crawl walk run when you get your mofi it already comes with antennas you don't need that if you are one mile from a tower two miles three maybe this might be all you need man if but if you're only getting like maybe 20 to 30 down just with that can you imagine what adding this would do you could orientate your yagis this way or this way uh you can have one flat like this with the cone like this and one like this that's what this is okay but they're only nine to ten decibels of gain so so for whatever you're getting from this which i don't know the gain on these you're now converting to this this is directional so these are panel antennas so they're only getting the lte that's around it's not going to shoot out so far so if you want to bring in better lte you want to try the yaegi antennas be my guest they're the cheapest antennas you can get them for like 50 bucks a piece on amazon the pros are you know they're good for short range because that's what we're talking about if you're only a couple miles from the tower got it uh signal loss you will experience some signal loss especially with swaying in trees and things like that um because it is short range so i don't recommend this for a 10 plus mile tower even though even though you guys remember i had the wiring they're already 45 all i did is slap them on the pole that's what i first had when i started doing these videos and guys it gave me 25 down at a negative 114 i had one bar it was good but it wasn't great i was still able to play call of duty and get online and we could stream and but i was tired getting on the roof and with it so then i got this idea i saw some reviews on amazon about these these are log periodics the verizon makes one it it's kind of hard to say but there's there's a couple different log periodics on amazon there's one that says it's like a verizon antenna and it says it's 18 decibels of gain well the ones that everybody sees that are like 110 bucks they're like a negative 15 okay decibels of game negative nine to ten fifty bucks a piece hundred bucks a piece hundred a hundred fifty fifty okay you're gonna spend some damn money if you want two antennas to make memo multiple in multiple out multiple in multiple out two by two two antennas okay um all right so when i went from this to this instantly i found extra bands i was only getting like two four and thirteen i think it found five so then i was able to see five why because i had more gain so instead of being at a negative one fourteen now i'm at like a negative 112 111 okay it didn't bring me down that much but it brought me down some still about 25 to 30 down two up same as this piece of i was i was good with it but then when it rained i got up there with a leaf blower had to blow all the rain droplets off when it done when it was done raining and then it started working fast again so that is a con if they're long as uh they're they're longer than these huge papers guys probably put two of these big ass papers together that's how long they are i'm joking they come with the brackets but you can't orientate them they're hard to change directions so if you want to go like this or like this you can't because it's just a c and then they just go straight okay so you can buy special uh adapters and mounts for these things to orientate them different ways if you want one that way and you want one that way okay so amazon does not give you those with these so just keep that in mind when you're buying these guys you're gonna have to stack them okay distance everybody talks about distance with these things distance distance distance guys you have to play with it raise them up bring them down drop one down a foot then drop it down two feet three feet do a speed test check your decibels see which way is making your decibels go down and get better you got to play with these there is no exact right way people think they got it all figured out guys there are so many things that come into play when orientating these antennas this is why i know what i'm talking about it is the distance the direction the obstructions everything plays a role in how these antennas are going to work for your landscape got it so you have to play with it just do the standard point it straight and and see what happens got it last but not least my favorite and we all know this the parabolic grids they're memo they are negative 26. holy negative 15 negative 9 to 10 negative 26 oh my god oh my god why because the damn thing looks like a satellite dish it's probably picking up it's picking up the signal memo same way but you got this bounce back with the grid okay ah this is super super directional when you turn this to find your to find this you have to turn it like this you can't be turning it a half a foot at a time you have to turn it like this get right on it got it just remember that guys when you're trying to dial these in and find your towers okay just if it says no signal and you have no bars it's okay don't freak out just try to point it in the general direction and then just start inching it watch your check signal strength for a few seconds give it 10 seconds give it a second to kick on then you'll see a bar and you're like oh thank god there's my decibels now i can walk it in and bring the decibels down okay i had to do it it's fine it freaked me out at first you can get a second one the most optimal setup would be to have two parabolic grids why because they're the strongest okay they're the strongest now when i did it like i didn't see a difference okay best for the farthest towers 15 miles you want this do you need two of these no two is optimal you could get one of these and you could get one of these you could get one of these and you can get two of these you could make two of these get a cable and get a combiner and take these two and make it one two into one would be that would count for that okay keep that in mind same thing for this or you could just have one or one for your secondary antenna okay keep that in mind guys your antennas are gonna plug right into here all right your wire is gonna come through your house and it's gonna plug right here don't plug it into the wi-fi ports plug it into here got it holy guys you like my artwork dude i did all this for y'all 33 minute video of carrier aggregation what do you think crawl walk run sprint okay you could skip the whole drama with these and if you know what you want then go and get it like i was far as from the towers this took me down remember negative 114 negative 112 negative 104 103. the proof is on my videos you go look at my videos i have about 50. all right do we all understand the concept of carrier aggregation with the sim 4 combo guys it is not that damn hard just go to advanced band lock select two bands if you don't know what two bands to select do the band scanner it's under mofi internal modem it'll show you your bands if your antenna is pointed this way you're going to only see the bands in this area but you might pick up one or two of these it just depends man turn your antenna and you might see more bands that's where you can aggregate bring them together does it work all the time no it's technology nothing works all the time but it's something to keep in mind when you really want to aggregate i recommend if it's really pissing you off at the very bottom you'll see under advanced band like it says all lte bands get all the lte bands and then go to check signal strength right here and see if it just merges two on its own let it play with itself because at least you'll have a peace of mind that if you have all lte bands selected you'll always continuously have some sort of internet might not be the fastest but you might not notice okay at least it keeps you going that's kind of how your cell phones work that's kind of how boosters work they have all the bands that your devices are capable of and they will jump around on bands if you ever do a field test on your freaking like iphone or something like one minute it'll say you're on band 2 the next it'll say you're on like band 66 i'm sorry the mofi sim 4 does not support like band 66 but you can with the sim 7 you can just lock onto a band 66 i think those higher bands um you got to be closer to the tower just keep that in mind guys okay so i think that's it um all right let me pan over to myself so you frickers uh can see my happy face one last time how do i look oh we're live hey uh so anyways guys don't get too confused over this crap man like i kind of laid it all out you can rewind the video and go through the steps i i kind of laid out the steps it's kind of like what the purpose of this was and just explain how the aggregation works how to get to it how to make it happen if it doesn't happen turn your antennas simple as that right um so i just wanted to kind of just put this out there uh guys this mofi is kind of there's got to be something new coming out man this shit's been around for a minute so keep your heads up um be willing to spend a little bit of money um in the end it'll pay off guys i i'm still having tons of people hit me up about um where's the camera located on this am i just looking into space people tons of people hit me up about hey they're still getting um they're still getting internet thank you so much they weren't getting nothing thanks to that video my coffee is cold uh you know it's just it's just great to see people have internet man people from mexico people from africa people from canada somebody hit me from south africa like i just got people hitting me up from all over man like this shit's like wildfire man and it's not too complex honestly it's a router with some cables and put some antennas up man it's like hooking up tv antenna you know i never thought i'd go this far i never thought this videos would go this far but i want you to know it is totally attainable males females young or old you can do this you might not have to get up on your roof you can actually put a pole in your yard like they do with directv and try it that way and this you know angle them up a little bit and see if maybe you can grab a signal that way you don't uh put them in your attics if you want to keep them out of the snow and the rain um put them you know make a plastic case for them god dang man this phone's getting heavy i'm getting like shoulder failure i got these huge ass shoulders and yeah so anyway guys um i hope you guys are having a great weekend as always don't hesitate to uh give me a call um i forget anything aggregation aggregation my neighbors getting aggregation right now with visible visible visible i'm still getting heat not emails that's so old school i'm still getting comments saying visible is working great for people so still go man otr still working for people for uh att okay if you want internet you got to pay for it guys you got to pay for it if you don't got the money at least get the mofi that's a start you need the mofi and you need to plan worry about the antennas later but get the damn mofi and put it near windows with those little antennas that are on it okay try to put it upstairs the least if you get 10 or 20 down with it without an extra antennas plug your freaking gaming router or any other kind of router into the mofi or you will regret it do you have do you understand if you do not put a router on your mofi router you will lose at least 10 to 15 megabits of speed that's huge okay just remember hook up a damn router and one more thing i do not hook my booster up to my mofi capisce you got it good i'm not gonna answer another booster question again now if you've got a question about a booster that doesn't pertain to a multi well that's different don't ever put mofi and booster in the same category again because i lose my mind that's a that's a that that's deranged um okay love y'all
Channel: John Barth
Views: 4,194
Rating: 4.6869564 out of 5
Keywords: How to use carrier aggregation, Carrier aggregation, Aggregate, Mofi, mofi4500, Yagi antenna, Mimo, Antennas, Lte antenna, Wide band, Gain dbs, Rural internet, Parabolic grid, LTE sim, Unlimited sim, Unlimited data sim, Grandfathered plan, LDPA, Log periodic antenna, Draw LTE
Id: o28CNLaew0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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