Wartales is BROKEN and Addictive - Review

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there is something upsetting about being one paycheck away from final to ruin and then hopping on this Fantasy game called War Tales where the same thing as uh happening however in war Tales you can get away with a little more as the guards come to rest me for stealing food so I put the blame onto my pony for committing this atrocity they hail it off to jail and I'm free to steal another day wartels is a game about Abandoned mercenaries going out and solving everyday problems like go deliver this to electing a new blacksmith chopping heads off to assassinating for minimum wage but before you get to enjoy a militia of civilians wanting to burn you at the stake for existing you start off by picking your mercenaries life stories as well as a difficulty mode between adaptive in-region lock personally it makes more sense to go with region locked as I want to come back to the start of the game and turn this dude Inside Out starting with four mercenaries you can change how they look but I didn't come here to play Sims so let's just name them all right we got John Marston Laura Croft saitama and butter each having different skills suited for battle eventually unlocking specializations better suited for your team or to kill everything in sight only we get a pony first out of the womb you're met with combat turn-based tactics but you get to pick on who goes next in the turn order if one of your mercs gets slapped or Boulder falls on his head they go into dying mode whereas Sneads will send them Six Feet Under And if they die they are dead forever though they can only run away and hope for the best to get them out of slump is to either let them die or have someone heal them or win the battle only a few Champions carry the ability to heal and they can't heal themselves you need ability points to cast well abilities they are shared among the group you can use your mercs abilities as much as you like until you're out so nobody can use an ability it took me a little longer than I care to admit to figure that one out these Bandits of course picked a bad day to be alive and we take their stuff as well as we take their bodies to um well uh eat as they're exploring the great world of lush flowers to zombie hordes and religious seed Lots you unlock research points to make your journey a little smoother additionally your beloved mercstead will certainly not die to pitchforks because you made it oopsie they get to learn respective job like being a blacksmith were a thief to pick locks out of Skyrim when you start the game really doesn't tell you on where to go or what to do in reality you could do whatever you want go hunting get hunted be a bounty hunter or turn to a life of crime and regret your choices when you die but the game has Regent based missions you can find a major settlement to guide you along usually you will find yourself between two rival factions and you get to pick on which one to side with I used to pick on what was morally correct however now I picked based on what offers the best loot or items doesn't matter if the good guys die I want your gear an unforgiving world this infected man with Bubonic plague where the wife is asking us to take care of him instead we just take your [ __ ] and let them figure it out stealing is pretty simple you can take as much as you want as long as you don't go over the hundred mark threshold the guards or anyone won't care but if you do go over oh boy good luck to you the game will spawn guards just to hunt you down you could just run away and hope they lose your Trail but there is something called fatigue where your Champions have to rest and regain making you set up camp where you might get jumped if you're in a bad area Camp starts off with a fire and a workbench but then turning into something where you would call home however Camp is where runs start to get a little dicey your Champions require food and money if you can't feed or pay them bad things start to happen they will either develop bad traits or just leave the group your mercenaries will usually establish relationships with each other becoming best friends or wanting to kill one another like if you're in battle and one of your archers decides to miss the enemy and hit your own or if they do get hit they can develop a positive trait another great way to build a relationship is to have them sleep with each other take up the bore I found in the wild and I took it by force and it happens to be a drunk Mario had to be slipping at some Mead you're going to lose mercs like teacup and now it's a poor chop in Mario's belly host a funeral in our honor in towns you can buy mercenaries but I wouldn't recommend that as it's expensive instead you will find able bodies willing to join for free like the dude with Bubonic plague and you're going to need them to take on the elites aka the bosses take on some bounties to earn some gold and better gear before heading into a new area because War tails wants you to feel the struggle of heading into battle and watching all of your troops die before your eyes or gold means more food you can buy as food is a rare commodity sometimes have food that you can buy that will last you a day or two the more troops you have the higher upkeep in food capture the local Wildlife to help you kill other wildlife animals are AI controlled but you can pick up a skill to control them in battle which I highly recommend your mercs may have a death door but your pets don't and they will just die from any lethal hit so make sure they stay alive by having them be far away from the battle oh and uh watch out for traps around the battlefield fire is the worst thing than when it comes to combat as soon as one of your merch gets lit on fire they're going to stay that way for the rest of the combat expressed to anyone that they are touching that means with some [ __ ] runs up on you and hits you with their torch they will also catch themselves on fire the only thing fire is good for and that's exploring the tombs tombs are big and dark your merchants [ __ ] but the enemy can see you always take the smart route and save this or else your opponent that somehow came inside gets a concussion solve puzzles to get legendary loot except some puzzles make me want to bash my head in but I guess it beats running into a ghost pack for the very first time and being very under leveled I mean look what happens to this NPCs if they enter it let's not go that way except let's try this area with people with tattoos on their head that look like outcasts from Diablo 4 that couldn't get to level 10 on Hardcore Mode wait a minute no one getting packed up back to the other side where we find a quest where a homeboy joins us forcefully and who doesn't do anything except eat all your food you have to complete the request or not say goodbye to your food and hello to starvation there are a couple of things you should know the game doesn't really tell you about in Camp you probably build some things but you actually need to assign your mercs to them for them to actually work you may have already known that but uh I didn't for a long time next is these things will help you scale up and down Cliffs getting to secret loot or hopping the Border Banner description makes the banner sound absolutely useless go ahead and craft it and find some game-changing [ __ ] ever buy skill books it is a waste of money instead just steal them you'll be three stars into the wanted level of making every guard and their mama look for you all you gotta do do is use them on your mercs and you're all set to turn yourselves in find a guard which won't be hard to find just pay the fine which is 20 gold so either pay close to a thousand gold for a couple of books or just take them with a thousand gold you saved you can buy a travel post that you will never use like most stuff in your inventory you will never use it and is poorly designed spending a little too long finding junk to sell do every available Arena you come across only a select few can go in so I send the best of the best Kratos Commander Shepard Laura Croft and of course Bob Kratos will kill you and all of your friends before his turn is done Chef will make sure you end up in pieces or crop will shoot you a lot and Bob is a god Destroyer we'll make sure you wish you never touched a win after win the world will know your Reckoning as this priest wants us to help him out by blowing up this bridge and taking our supplies in the name of the All-Seeing Eye instead we just have him join our collection of food the religious Z loss didn't like that so we find ourselves surrounded by zombies in a whole new area wherever you go you will find things that want to eat you from mosquitoes to zombies to what the hell is that better come stock with food because there's really no place to find any in the most towns are overrun by zombies to enter these towns your mercs need to be ninjas and not make any noise too much noise the zombies will come and eat your face in two less well nothing will get done so I just bring everyone so stay prepared for the elite boss who if you don't kill quickly enough will send an army of zombies not good plus you don't want to deal with The Walking zombie or just going around in circles I guess we'll have to just sit here and wait until they go by psych we don't wait for anyone as we are late for our football game Fredo sure loves taking people out and winning after some killing going in this Arena then another Arena that sucks ass you will find yourself in the end game regions with the worst mission that made me want to commit war crimes on my own computer if you're tasked with protecting some Ambassador in the town's people don't like him so they want to kill you to get to him the only way to win is the ambassador survives and your mercs flee the battlefield highlighted in the green area I place them right next to the exit so he can just flee and survive foreign villagers don't mess around as they are bloodthirsty and hit hard oh and there is a dump truck amount of them I probably spent around four hours on this Mission trying every possible Strat I could think of at least three of the hours is me just sitting there watching because of the stupid amount of villagers taking their sweet ass time deciding how they're going to kill this bastard and he deserves every bit of it and I know what you're thinking why wouldn't I just load a save and come back at a later time while I haven't saved in quite some time so uh that ain't an option so if you're like me and stuck with tired mercs and a [ __ ] you don't want to lose a single Merc or a doggy well follow exactly what I do Place [ __ ] and bear near the Green Flea Zone pedals the bear will be placed somewhere close but not too close where you want calls to take on many villagers as possible these are most tanky units to engage your combat leading a path to flea Zone leaving enough room for dogging swishing units to make their way through never using them to engage or be engaged on or else they die broke shover don't stay with a convoy they'll start somewhere else and to extract some villagers and then we'll make their escape make something like this have a tanky unit like drilled up Rivia and a choke point do the same with some others placing them so everyone can escape one by one move everyone to the choke point and Escape so that's how you beat this Mission any questions oh keep in mind they keep chasing you in the campaign app so you better be hauling ass or else you have to do this Mission all over again you must be thinking that was hard and you're right but that is nothing compared to the most common thing in the game XP you see Ernie XP makes no damn sense you kill a level one wolf you get 200 XP give or take if you kill a level 8 woof which is certainly much harder and takes a lot longer you only get 200 XP give or take to reach the last region I had to be level 10 and it will take me about 100 hours of farming to make it so [ __ ] that I slapped on a mod to crank the XP up and now everyone is level 11. walk into the Tomb of the Thunder I think to be met with a creeper king who doesn't play very nice and now I'm wishing I was farming those level one wolves the game is costly being updated with new things to explore or try out all in all great game hope you all enjoyed this video like And subscribe if you did my name is Lando laters
Channel: amLando
Views: 22,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wartales, amLando, wartales gameplay, wartales review, wartales hard, wartales tips, wartales 1.0, wartales guide, wartales walkthrough, wartales beginners guide, wartales tips and tricks, wartales lets play
Id: obI_5fS9z9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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