The ULTIMATE Backyard Garage is Complete! - DIY Epoxy Floors

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the last year you guys have been seeing us making videos inside of this garage we bought this house literally almost one year ago and since then we've done tons of work you guys have seen us lay a new driveway we've got a whole fence around the whole thing we painted the garage we've done tons of stuff inside built shelves hung cabinets did a lot buddy we've done a lot of cleaning up inside of this garage we put a heater in there but the one thing that we have had since i even before i owned the house but we haven't done yet is epoxying the garage floors and i showed you guys the actual product that we were going to be using when we painted the garage because we color matched the walls basically which might sound a little funky but we have a really cool idea to do some trim and stuff you guys will see thing is when you do this stuff yourself or even if you pay someone it's a long process to get it done so we have been on the struggle bus trying to find time october's coming up and if you aren't if you don't have a certain temperature you can't do them yeah that's another thing too yeah it's either we do them now or you do them next summer we basically wasted a whole summer away talking about doing them and not doing them we're gonna treat ourselves this week we're basically blocked off the whole week to get this done we're doing an excessive amount of prep but let me show you guys what we're working with and what's going on one of the best things that's going to come from doing the floors is we're actually going to get to fix all the cracks and all the little pits and holes in the floor which i absolutely hate i do know though that when i point it out to you guys you'll notice way more i don't know if you noticed them in the videos regularly but there's like a little hairline coming up here this is a big boy that basically goes side to side then there's like a little crack here this one kind of comes across and goes all the way up there's tons of like cracks that we got to fix there's also oil spills you guys can see the floor is just not one color coming across i'm gonna show you guys what we're working with and then we need to get started because it's gonna take us literally forever to get this done this project we're actually pairing with the canadian company which you guys know i absolutely love to do and we're working hardcore with rust-oleum so i showed you guys this when we did the walls gray garage floors with like the little flake kit and this gray is actually almost the perfect color match to the walls we're gonna separate it with a really cool trim but we have tons of steps that need to happen before first things first we gotta get everything out we gotta get the cars out we got to get the lift out we're going to get literally everything out of this garage so that we can access every inch of this floor [Music] uh [Music] oh that's not bad it's definitely wet a couple drill bits just chilling not bad though [Music] now is the fun part [Music] i might do just a kiss of reorganizing while we're doing this i'm uh thinking of moving some more stuff over here and leaving this bay just completely open maybe move those cabinets over there i don't know for sure i wanted to demo it but we had everything kind of out of the way i feel like we just opened this day up a little bit more [Music] this guy is vacuuming my garage floors he had a good point it's a good way to get like all in like the little pits and grooves and cracks and stuff in the garage that sweeping doesn't get it's not natural once you get everything out they just have stains like not one spot on this floor is a solid color it's terrible next up we're gonna degrease the floors we actually went out and we grabbed one of these like proper floor scrub brushes this is going to be the most intense clean i think this floor has ever actually gotten and on the floors we're going to be using this crud cutter so this is a cleaner slash degreaser this is very similar i guess if you don't know what this is to like spray nine or something like that but this one is non-toxic and good for the earth so we're using this guy we also degreased these guys our little squeegees which are going to become probably heavily used once these floors are done because we can literally squeegee messes away time to start making some real progress [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh dude it is the crocs youtube debut the greased the bottom of them and from now on out uh anytime i come in here i'm putting on the crocs anytime i leave i'm swapping back into my shoes so that i don't bring stuff in and out of the garage but check it out it's actually uh been about three just over three hours since we did all this and it's mainly dry there's a couple spots that are a little bit wet a couple spots where i guess it kind of like dips there's like a little bit of a weird spot here since we still had a little bit of daylight inside to work with i'm gonna go right on to the oil grabber step which is another credit cutter product actually this was also the crud cutter cleaner and degreaser this is an oil grabber this is a stain remover and essentially what you do is right like it shows you right here hopefully it works like this at least you pour this on where there's an oil stain you leave it for like eight hours and then it turns into dust you sweep it up and it's gone i'm gonna say we start with this boy because this is the most definite oil stain there is this one wasn't even me i actually have no idea if this is even oil but it's definitely a big stain and we're gonna put the oil stuff on it we just kind of put this on where we have our stain here [Music] that one was not so prominent i just know i've spilled tons of oil there but there's some weird ones going on over here i'm just gonna start hitting things that look like they could be oil spills [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude look at this you can actually see it like pulled stuff out of the concrete a lot of this is just still white but like where there was oil but it's not wet anymore if you look at it it's kind of like grainy like look at that it's just a dust so that's kind of weird but i do like how you can see that like i specifically knew there was an oil stain there and yanked it out before we sweep up any of this we're also going to hit it with some rust stain remover because this stuff as far as we can tell has no dry time this looks like you pretty much put it down wipe it off and then you're done so i say we do this before we soak the floors so that we can do kind of like a two for one a couple lines here and then a huge amount of lines over here like i said i'm pretty sure this guy just had a plow like on his atv that he put here and then over here was just his metal dumping corner where he just completely ruined this corner is that a little is that a little peepy hole oh it's oh that did something all right let's go i'm just gonna soak all the areas and then you can come through and scrub it [Music] another step down in the books kind of stained the floor we actually went around again with the degreaser we basically just degreased the whole floor again and it still has this stuff so i'm thinking this is basically just like a chemical stain like it lightened the color brought it honestly this looks like fresh concrete this is more the color of like a fresh pad this is more the color of like a used pad and of course we let it dry for i would say about two hours-ish we're gonna go ahead now we're gonna move on to the etching process which is the first time we can open one of these boxes so we actually got four of these guys these are the ones we're gonna use they're all the same the gray with the the flake whatever you wanna call it in here we should have our next step you guys can see the chips dude this is gonna look so cool rust-oleum gives you a fresh pad which is cool i actually bought a couple pads because i thought i was gonna need some and then this is the actual floor mixture i'm gonna leave that in there for now and this is what we're after right now this is the etching kit some people may call this like an acid basically this stuff is gonna open the pores up on the floor extremely well and basically make it so that when we put the stuff on the floors like the actual epoxy uh it sinks into the pores it's like an exfoliant i guess for your floor then the process for this one is actually like the most deadly process basically you pour it on scrub it in with the brush rinse it off then you go over the whole thing three times i'm just thinking that like it wants nothing left over they want no residue no etching left in the floor so they make you literally triple check and scrub it again and again and again while rinsing it the whole time be thankful you're watching this and not doing it [Music] boom diy watering can it doesn't work at all you want to give that a little test scrub it's like fizzing you can see it right there it's like bubbling all around that stud [Music] the con it looks like concrete like you didn't even know before that it didn't look like concrete yeah i think that for everyone watching they at this point should be able to see like a wicked change oh oh yeah if i overlay like a beginning to now clip of the garage it's definitely got a couple of like you know stains and stuff from where the acid sat longer in some places than other places the cracks are way more profound now because they're dark dark compared to the floors how they got brighter it's looking like concrete and it looks good so we let this dry for i don't know a couple hours we went we filmed a completely different video now we're back to pound out the last step we're gonna get done today which is the moisture stopper so the moisture where we live we have a really big problem with temperature change in the summer it can be like 40 degrees with the humidity and in the winter can be literally minus 30 degrees celsius because we're in canada so there's hella change always the temperature is not consistent at all especially now like in the fall so honestly uh moisture coming through here is inevitable basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a moisture barrier down it sinks into the concrete and creates like a vapor barrier essentially so that the moisture doesn't come through the concrete and push the epoxy off the floor not everybody needs this but we're going to use this uh rock solid moisture stop this stuff you got to put it down and then it says you got to leave it for 45 minutes and slosh it around wet so we got to pour it down and then we can't let it dry we got to keep it moving keep it moving so it doesn't dry then after 45 minutes we can take it out so this is going to be just a really slosh slash like dance party yeah exactly [Applause] [Music] drive [Music] so [Music] day four of this process yesterday we came in here to do the cracks and the cracks weren't dry so the cracks have been drying now for 48 hours almost yeah two days two full two full days it's late in the day it's literally 5 23 the civic just blew up at the dyno and we're back home to finish doing some so it's been over 48 hours probably the cracks are dry so the very last thing that we got to do before we epoxy is fix the cracks and this is it's a two-part epoxy it says it is stronger than concrete basically it won't crack if the crack continues to spread over the years it might separate from that stuff i'm sure but it's gonna fill all the cracks for now a lot of times people epoxy their floors to hide cracks actually they just box you right over it they throw chips and you will never see them unless you're right above them which honestly we could do none of our cracks are really that bad they're just little boys but we're still gonna go ahead and fill everything make sure the floor is 100 dialed in you know what this is this is concrete bondo that's all this is this is literally concrete bond i don't i honestly dude i'm so sorry that i have no idea how we're mixing it i can't promise you the ratios are gonna be like what it specifies concrete bondo baby this is 100 not how you mix it [Music] i've been using 120 grit uh discs they suck i'm not doing any good so i just ran out and i got some 60 grit and some 80 grit hopefully that will take a little bit more off it's the the issue is the concrete is wearing out the pads really quickly and then they don't do anything plus 120 seems to not be putting up a very good fight you guys saw my progression over there it was depressing hopefully we could speed things up over here with a little more aggressive pad [Music] [Applause] i tried hand sending some stuff i got rid of some like whatever chunky spots just to you know try and like take down some time for him but man he was he was at it literally like probably for two hours before i got here so he's been at standing for seven hours today and he's still going [Music] so i guess like for anybody who is thinking of doing this if you're gonna use the crack filler put it on thin if there's anything we learned put it on as thin as you can with still filling the crack you put a lot of time into doing this so you want to try and get it right the first time but [Music] double strip of duct tape is what this calls for apparently painters tape isn't thick enough for this it'll just kind of go right underneath the painters tape because it doesn't adhere to the concrete properly today we are finally on to the good stuff which is honestly going to be the easiest of all the jobs we've done so far that doesn't do it i literally don't know what was oh that was beautiful so now we just mix them up are we ready [Music] i'm just gonna put this stuff on as thick really as thick as i can i guess is it weird painting your floor uh the painting actually is the most natural thing we've done so far spraying the floor of the hose that's the weird part [Music] oh that was harder i feel like that's way too dense in the corner there but now we have a very specific uh that's where i learned area obviously way too many chips there [Music] [Applause] [Music] this looks freaking cool it does look really cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this guy is standing up this white guy is standing up a couple of these ones are standing dude the initial throw just just sucked i was about to give you guys a little edit but we are literally not even there yet dude we have one more step before i can really like flex this and show this off to you guys but i'm literally in here in my socks when we came back in i was so worried it would still be kind of wet i just feel terrified that i'm going to step in a spot that's not dry nice it says 8 to 10 hours before foot traffic but then like a day before cars but like it started raining too so i didn't know if it was going to be perfectly dry hello echoing here right now and dude it's just look at it look who we're in here in socks dude now this stuff dry is actually extremely high gloss and for a lot of people this is it you're done final step no more wait one day pull your car in and you're good to go for me since i'm gonna be using this like on a daily basis i'm gonna put a little bit of extra effort into it tonight we are hitting it with the clear cups and i don't know if i showed you guys this or if i just meant to show you guys this but this is the clear that we had originally this is a textured clear coat and it's also a satin finish so basically i was worried when we got this it'll be too glossy and me filming in here would kind of like the reflection of everything will be too much but let's be real it looks really really good uh and after seeing it like this i was like okay we can't put satin over this it'll just destroy it so instead of using this textured uh it says it has like a powder coat finish but you guys can see on the side it literally shows it taking the glare right off the floor instead of using this i ran out to the store because you guys can get the stuff i like the entire home depot whatever and i picked up the extreme gloss clear top coat which basically is gonna protect in my most important thing i think is it's gonna protect these flakes because the flakes you throw down on top and sure they sink in but i just have a fear that when i'm rolling like a jack around or i roll my engine hoist around if it bites one of these and rips it up it could actually cause like more of an issue than just pulling the flake out it could start appealing and on top of that it's gonna go on and it's kind of like self-leveling so it's gonna go over all the little rigid bumps of the flakes and make this extremely smooth which will be slippery but it'll be sick for cleanup i went through three of the uh floor coatings so i picked up three of these clear coatings basically the exact same thing as the floor coating i just want to get this down dude this step isn't this fun because this already looks good but i got everything prepped on a trailer outside underneath the tarps because it literally started raining i just want to start it can be done that way i can put everything back inside oh [Music] because you can't see it i can't see anything dude i don't know what's happening you can't see anything either right it's not just me no yeah i can see when you pour it like i can pour it right over top where i already went [Applause] oh [Music] this looks so much better than i could have imagined it looking like dude just picture me filming and look how much brighter it looks in here i mean the bottom of the wood got a little dirty from us washing it a lot but we're about to solve that in about 10 seconds asides from that though dude it's just so bright like the lights actually reflecting off the ground now it doesn't just get absorbed in it used to just be like kind of dark and looked kind of wet in here and it wasn't nice i did go pretty heavy on the flake like i told you guys but i want that look i i do enjoy the flake look i'm super pumped i'm just extremely pleased with like the coloring and how everything went it was extremely easy to do there's a couple spots i'll show you guys that you guys will notice anyway so i'm just gonna show you guys this is where our huge split in the floor was and uh obviously right over here if you look real close it was a little more sunken in than we had realized when we went ahead and did it now what's cool is it's flat right now the epoxy actually went in there and filled this you guys look there's no dimple you can just see it through the clear it will fill the crack but you can still see it it's a little bit of a weird situation but i'm still super pleased so like i've been hinting uh the garage floors are done but we are not done with transforming this garage i figure while it's all kind of a mess there's some things i've wanted to do some things that i think will finishing touch this garage so moving on from the floors we have something that i actually said i would do like the day i bought this house boys we found the freaking trim that they had in your elementary school i swear to god they have this stuff in every school it's like a vinyl baseboard trim and i can just put it on the wall and it'll protect the wall from any sort of spills any sort of like raining snowing i can literally let it get wet like it wasn't we're washing the floor in here but it won't sink into the wall anymore it'll just build up against this trim so check this out and we got a hundred feet which should be way more than we need of this i'm gonna just go ahead and call this school trim it's final and it's white and it just looks so good so let's go ahead start rolling this stuff out so we can start assembling this garage [Music] you can't you literally can't say this wasn't the icing on the cake [Music] oh [Music] so we got the whole place done little spot there corner all the way around not only does it look super cool but somehow from out here it makes the garage look taller probably not on camera but in person so the only thing left i want to do really before we start putting everything in the garage back is i want to get rid of this hard airline i mean it's cool because it has like the pulley guy right here but at the same time it just looks absolutely terrible i want to move the cabinets over it's kind of going to interfere with them and the water trap hangs out over my tool bench like crazy so i think i'm just going to put this over there with the compressor there's plenty of hose to stretch around the garage it'll clean up that kind of make the garage look a little bit nicer so we're going to go ahead and start with that it looks a little funny right now because this guy's still hanging but instantly looks way better i just gotta go around touch up a couple paint spots no more blabbing today i want this to be done when i go to bed we got work to do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh my god insanely better than i thought i didn't put the lip back first thing i was gonna notice i interrupt this video to tell you by the time it was edited we got the lift in it looks freaking cool because the blue flakes go with the lift it just looks un real just like look how bright this is it's like pitch black outside and look how bright this is in here and the doors are open which cover two of the lights up there like this is nuts dude i can film in here now like if we were to put the doors down it would be so bright and so perfect for filming like all hours it's just good it's just so good i'm so happy and i feel cleaner inside of it obviously i haven't made any messes yet but i feel like it's nice to feel good it's like when you clean your room or whatever you feel better about it i feel like this is super nice it's nice to feel like i'm in a clean and nice space here's what i can tell you i left this wide open basically from where the edge of the lift is straight to the toolbox nothing here you guys seen me pull out that bench before when i was putting an engine in the s10 and doing all kinds of stuff i wheel that bench out of the way which i left wheels on it on purpose to do that but i figured i wanted to try this out and just give me the extra couple feet um and also i noticed i was always having two clutter piles i'd have clutter on the bench that was over here and clutter that was on the bench over there so i feel like sometimes less is more and cutting down on bench space might help me not clutter so bad i made this whole thing as if i only had like a one car garage and that's like my bonus working bay kind of thing is what i'm trying to do i actually flipped over the boards on top of this table you can see that they have a little bit of like an aging mark but i flipped them back over and i stained this side because this side was getting a little gross and oil spilly so i put some clear stain on there and put another layer of clear stain on there and hope that it prevents anything bad from happening i'm just i'm never gonna get over just how this looks in the background it just looks so good so clean and like professional and i'm just i'm so happy we finally got to do this so like i said huge shout out to rustoleum and all the products i'll leave links down below to everything i use that's pretty much all i got for you guys today i hope you guys are super pumped i'm just gonna i'm just gonna end this video just like this i'm just gonna let you guys look at it that's all i got for you guys make sure you guys are subscribed if you're not already i'll catch you guys next time peace out and stay committed [Music]
Channel: Robbie Ferreira
Views: 387,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the ultimate backyard garage transformation, backyard garage, building dream garage, building garage, ultimate automotive garage, robbie ferreira, garage transformation, transforming my garage, tj hunt, Evan shanks, dustin williams, how to, install, honda civic, ek, brz, Subaru brz, karma brz, installing widebody, epoxy floor, diy epoxy, diy garage florrs, best garage floor, best epoxy, rocksolid, review, rustoleum, eg, massive dream shop, how to epoxy, rust oleum epoxy, best
Id: 0OkpqO8b_Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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