Painting my Garage Floor with 1 Part Epoxy

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what's up everyone welcome back to the channel today I am going to epoxy my garage floor I'm going to do a one part epoxy so first we have to put down this acid etch on the garage floor so I already cleaned the garage floor I don't have any oil on the floor or nothing everything's ready to go I blew the whole thing out with uh leaf blower and yeah we're ready to go so I'm going to mix this up and this is 24 oz per gallon of water and then they say to use a watering can to put it down so we're going to run through put all this down on the floor get it etched then get it dried and then I am going to start painting get the floor done because we have some good weather for the next couple of [Music] days [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I did this kind of backwards I should have started here then went there then went there and then went there because now I have to rinse it all out there was two oil spots over there that were old so I dumped just the asset on there to see if it would lift some of that up to make sure it'll be good but I'm going to run through this quick cuz you're only supposed to let it sit for 5 minutes and then wipe it off so I'm going to do all this wait 5 more minutes so that'll sit for 10 and then we'll move forward to the next [Music] one [Music] [Music] it doesn't feel like 100 grit or 150 Grit sandpaper that's what it's supposed to so I'm going to go thicker so if I were you I would have done I wish I could go back and do double so I think I'm going to go like half and half I'm going do it all over again so everything I'm finding so far with this garage you do the square footage figure out the paint and it takes it was supposed to take uh 1 and 1/2 gallon gallons two at most well it took 3 and 1/2 and I'm finding at the floor di acid was supposed to go 2,000 square ft that should have been more than enough to do this garage so and it went way more than that I should have got two jugs I went through one full jug I should have went two jugs and just mixed it way stronger than I thought at least double so that's going to help someone out there hopefully if I were you I would just do double the amount it's not going to hurt it's going to get more pores for the paint to hold on to so oh well I did my best for what I have so I'm going to let this sit for a couple minutes and then we're going to go in rinse it all off squeegee it out then I have to let it all dry before I can put down the first coat of it's like a primer bonding for the paint we put that down and then we're going to put down the paint so the epoxy part so you don't have to do this but I figured the etching actually worked on this last time again so I'm going to take the pressure washer make sure the floor is super clean pressure wash everything out it's last [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] time and that's a wrap now I got to put up a fan and shut the doors so no dirt and stuff blow in there let it dry off probably tomorrow let the fan run and everything tomorrow start painting so this is a little trick I saw Al lumna do and I thought it was brilliant taped a paintbrush to a stick so you don't have to bend over so we're going to put down the primer first and I'm going to go all the way around and do the primer on the floor around every little nook and cranny I possibly can and then I'm going to put it on the main floor now I was told it's going to soak it up fast and if it does really fast your floor is going to be really porous and it's a good thing you want it porous so the paint can hold to something and you'll see here it does it really fast I just poured it out of the can because it's like watered down milk and I put it on as fast as I could rolled it out really good I here I used a 3A snap 9in roller and it worked very well I also changed the roller after I was done with it and threw it away and you'll notice I did that every time I painted also the rollers don't last too long on this concrete once you let it dry for 4 hours then you can come back and [Music] paint [Music] all right it's been 4 hours now and you can see I'm doing the same method with the stick and the brush I'm going around and do the trim some of you guys might be going well why aren't you doing the sidewalls I will just not yet first I'm going to trim everything out get everything good layered on thick and then I'm going to roll out the garage and when I'm done with the garage we have to wait until the next day because I ran out of paint so two gallons should have been enough for this two-car garage I was told but I wanted to do two layers so it was not enough I was short because it was porous and soaking up a lot of the paint as you can see I'm going to work my way out of the garage towards the door I had to shut the garage doors cuz a little too windy out that day and leaves kept blown in the garage so I'm going to get everywhere I possibly can and we're going to do the first coat down the first layer and then after that dries we're going to come back and then I'll paint the ledge and the concrete on the [Music] wall [Music] now it's all done and it is looking sharp I'm glad I went with the one part epoxy here I am painting The Ledge in the wall and you can see there's box held that running up by my head right there this is probably the part that took the the longest painting all this cutting all this in it took the longest because it's just tedious work but once it was done I only did one layer on there and that's all you needed is what I was told the guy I talked to at Home Depot did this for a living and he liked the one party epoxy because it was a little bit more grippy compared to a two-party poxy and he said the price point you can't beat it which he's absolutely right the other thing he told me was to make sure you do your prep work right if you don't that's when it'll start to peel you have to make sure it feels like 150 grit to 100 grit sandpaper on the floor once it's dry you can't feel it once it's wet because it won't feel like that you have to wait until it's dry and then when you wipe your hand on the floor when it's dry there can't be any residue left over or it just plain won't work so now I'm going to do the floor I can't have that fan and this one going so I leave that one on so circulate this way that going to shut off because I'm going to start throwing flakes let's get the floor go I'm excited to see what it's going to turn out to look like so now we're coming back to do the second layer this is the exciting part it's a lot of fun he also told me for this square footage of a garage 26x 26 i' would only need one bag of Flakes and I wanted to make sure I was going to be fine so I did two well you can see when we all done one would have worked if I went a little lighter but it's okay I opened another bag and I probably used a quarter of it out of there I'd rather have it than not have it and have to repaint the whole thing again so now I feel like a little child sprinkling glitter all over the place but hey it looks [Music] sweet again you can see that I'm trying to work my way out of the garage you don't want to paint yourself into the back corner because you'll be sitting there a while until the paint [Music] dries now that is looking mighty fun F I am pumped for how this is turning out it is awesome I'm really liking this I'm putting caulking on every crack I possibly can and you can see this wall I already started the white yeah yeah yeah I know I have some stuff to touch up got a little crazy with the gray on the floor but then that wall I didn't do see the difference that is just crazy I'm I'm pumped I can't wait to move in this is awesome so you see that little trick that I was doing with the the cocking on the floor I was putting it down on the silicone and I was using a paint brush or paint stick and I didn't do it a certain way my son was asking so I figured I'd tell it in here I explained it to him too also so he said why don't you tip it this way Dad and pull it I said well this way you're going to have more surface of the floor so if the floor is uneven then the silicone will be all in one side so if I do this side and pull it like this it's only meeting on the top two parts so it'll stay even more flow I'm pumped this I'm really excited I actually I kind of don't even want to move my stuff in here because this is so nice maybe we'll turn this into our dining room well that does it for this video next video will be me probably doing a exhaust to do that system yet I have to order the lights I haven't done that yet I'm still being fussy about those but those can come in after I get the stuff in here yet for how I'm laying it out so I'm not too worried about that yet but these lights are bugging me they're good but I'm still getting a lot of Shadow I don't like that so I got to do the exhaust get that done I'm going finish that wall over there and this one over here with silicone touch some things up with paint and I'm good to go I am pumped this is great what a good feeling this was so that'll wrap it up for this one glad you got to see me again [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Laser Engraving with Matt
Views: 153,625
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Keywords: laser engraving with matt, laser engraving business, laser engraving trade, engraving with matt, laser etching with matt, laser engraving, should is sell online, online business owner, etsy shop, glowforge, full time etsy vlog, selling on etsy, etsy shop vlog, full time etsy seller, etsy seller, etsy business, day in the life, etsy studio vlog, make money online, etsy full time, full time etsy business, small etsy business, expanding laser engraving business, xtool, workshop
Id: Ke1vMcPVRyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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