THE ULTIMATE 1.13 TRIDENT FARM..? (Deep End Survival #12)

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it begins look at all the drowns and they see the villager from so far away this is so many blocks away they're all slowly making their way over to the poor cartographer oh bless his heart hey what's going on guys log that zip here welcome back to the deeper episode 12. you're here for the drowned farm and trust me i'm here for the drown farm too i'm tired of not getting a trident it's been 12 episodes well i mean 11 this is the start of the 12th and we don't have a single trident yet so what you're looking at right here is everything we're gonna need to make ourselves our very own drowned farm that's right we're still drowning them well the mobs are called droughts they drop the tridents they also drop nautilus shells which we can use for conduits so that we can breathe underwater so that i can finally start decorating underwater near my island i'm excited to get into that but as you can see there's been a whole lot of changes to the basement baby now this is a work in progress we're not entirely done yet yes i know y'all see this like i was literally just working on it replacing the quartz i don't know something about granite you know you can do granite right right right it's been sitting on me for a little bit we're trying to figure out how to make granite look right i'm gonna make some modifications but the quartz down here oh it's beautiful anyways yes so i'm gonna go ahead and just get into the drowned farm tutorial right now so that anyone that's just watching for the drowned farm tutorial can watch now i did want to say that this is entirely me just following ill mangoes redstone tutorial so you can check out they link to that in the description as well but here's everything you're going to need and we'll go into further detail in the description of exact amounts you need but kind of get a grab at this have a nice gander and when you see me next it's going to be us starting the farm but also you should check out the deep end it's 1.13 survival with a whole bunch of youtubers that you should subscribe yeah hit that bell like okay bye so we've temporarily switched over to a plain old single player world in creative mode so i can show you exactly how this thing works nice and easy this is the drowned farm as you can see it's very effective with what it does with the drowned get it come on up you go up you go i know you won't get in it come on he needs he needs some help there and he gets pushed in this is a two-part farm one part that takes place in the overworld and one part which is going to take place in the nether and you can see it working in action right now yeah get pushed and what you're gonna find is that you're gonna get yourself a whole bunch of tridents a whole bunch of nautilus shells way more zombie flesh than you know what to do with and you'll even get a nice little set of gold bars every once in a while sometimes you'll even get some experience actually all the time you'll get experience look how much experience i've gotten now obviously we're in creative mode there's a little bit of a different story here but check out this haul tried and tried flash flash flash gold fishing rods and nautilus shells which are the key to breathing underwater so you can make the conduit so we're gonna go ahead and switch back to survival minecraft so you can see how this thing works and like i said so you all know this works in the latest snapshot slash pre-releases where they kind of nerfed it before where zombies don't work anymore and only drowns too that's okay this farm still works all right let's show you how to build it here's everything you're gonna need to do this in an smp server or single player for that matter yeah it looks a little overwhelming don't worry some of these are recipes this 3x3 area right here that's 12 observers in case you didn't know how to make them so you want to go ahead and pause this screen right now and then i'm going to snap my fingers right and then all the things that our recipes are gonna turn in to the actual items so much better a little easier to see so we need 12 observers 12 note blocks 12 pistons 15 hoppers 12 string 12 nether bricks 12 soul sand a lot of 12 64 dirt or whatever block of your choice and then by the way this is the nether bricks that can be any block as long as it can transfer a redstone signal i chose another bricks because oh i think nether bricks look cool moving on though you need two stacks of stain white glasses is going to make up the majority of the build you wanna be able to see through that and of course you're gonna need four cobblestone walls and you're gonna explain you're gonna i'm gonna explain sorry tutorial good minecraft i'm a pro i'm gonna explain what these are all for in a second you're also gonna need sponges a bucket this is supposed to be a villager when i'm a villager spawning we're in survival right now way to light your portal and a collection chest for all your tridents and all your nautilus shells and heck i guess your zombie flesh too now again this is ill-mango's original creation so if you want to see that tutorial it's linked to the description i'm going to be showing you how it actually looks in a survival spawn especially on a multiplayer server first thing we're going to need though is to find where we're going to place it on the server now there are certain criteria we want to hit all right so we're in the middle of the ocean if you look at f3 we are in a deep ocean it doesn't have to be lukewarm it doesn't have to be cold as long as the ocean is deep because the way these drowned mobs work is every single block of water is a potential spawning spot for a drowned mob so the deeper the ocean is the better chance you have of spawning in drowns i should note that this drowned farm it works after the change where if a drown doesn't spawn with a trident there's no way for you to get the trident basically the old farms used to work in a way that you would turn zombies into drowns and then you'd spawn those right no longer the case that is not how this farm works because that way was broken this farm works with normal drown so you can make this rest assured without worrying about it being obsoleted i mean unless they change something else i doubt they're going to what i'm doing right now is just clearing the area where the farm is going to be there's a whole bunch of kelp that doesn't need to be there we want to avoid that as best as possible oh my gosh that is a mess up there so i'm going to keep clearing this once it's nice and clear i'll let you know what the next step is and give you a hint involves building oh my gosh look at how much kel it's so laggy that it hasn't even finished there's so much kelp up here okay have a guess i bet you every single slot that we've got left fills with kelp just by just casually walking it's not even collecting that's how much lag there is oh my gosh the kelp it's unending yeah look at me look at me there's so much lag right now for me trying to collect the oh my gosh come on well that's one way for it to happen we'll just skip to the building part all right got an area nice and clear judging by roughly the center i want to say we should probably place our goodies right here gonna place one lone sand to kind of help center us now one thing we will need to do i need to kill it more kill dang it we're gonna start with another portal it's gonna be like another portal cube more than anything and you're going to start it five blocks above the bottom floor of your area so we're gonna go one two three four a five right and then we're gonna grab our obsidian and start building it right there so one two uh-huh we got three uh-huh four and then five and then you're gonna proceed to do it the same way two three four five one two three four five right right right one two three four and then five now you can go a step further even gonna cubify it up here so you're going to build up on all different corners the same steps up and at them you're basically want to ensure that every single little line here is 5 wide you see just like that you've got your nether portal cube now what we're going to do is switch over to our throwaway blocks and we're going to go ahead and make this area inside the cube air tight as in there's actually air in there so we're going to block up all different holes that we're seeing around here until we can go right inside it and use a sponge to clear it out now if you want you can go ahead and use the glass or whatever your decorative block was i'm using white stained glass somewhere to ill mango here and instead of right outside the portal area as you can see right here you're going to want to actually make it flush with the bottom here so see how we're inside of the little square area as opposed to th you know right you pick up what i'm putting down okay good now that we've got the inside here nice and set i'm gonna break that so it doesn't keep growing look we've technically got a little area in here where if we were to drop a sponge down we could in theory have a completely water free little area right here in that just lovely now normally i'd place another sponge but these things they're kind of hard to constantly come by and you got to cook them to dry them so i'm just going to quickly place some more dirt and get rid of all the other water in the places that it's left over and i'll go ahead and mine those up just like that good to go perfect now we can actually light these portals which is the next step here because once the portals are lit the water will not break them unless it directly goes in them and the way minecraft works with its portals that won't be the case so don't mind wala yeah sorry yeah i guess anyways we're gonna go ahead and you know get rid of these now check it out check it out check it out good to go break it break it break it et cetera et cetera you're gonna clear out the whole area as you can see the portal still stays just fine awesome we got our sponge good to go once the dirt's been cleared and you've got your four portal cube ready to go with the glass right there still on top it's time for us to essentially build the little structure underneath that's going to be containing our villager which is going to act as bait for the drones that's right we're gonna be lowering them with fresh meat er and bad trades presumably so go ahead and do a five by five you see all the way around like this slowly but surely with the block of your choice making note that on the bottom row of each side you're going to want to leave the center block right there with no glass none at all in fact you could in theory take this next step right here and just place the cobblestone walls instantly this is essentially going to allow the drowns when they spawn all around this area to see the villager which can be placed right in the middle there but not be able to reach him and the reason we use walls is so that even the baby zombie drowns can't reach the villager either so i'm going to finish up this wall we'll catch up in a second and until we have the full area set with the villager and we're nice and good to go i'd leave at least one of these without the wall so we can easily zoom in and out of it as we need all right grace is up to no good he plays something for me grazer you crazy boy oh cursive cursive cursive binding we monster you monster what did he do i can't take the armor off it doesn't even ein i come on hey a match better at least whatever oh crazier i'll keep that in mind no no no no no oh really with the frost walker you you must be joking you must be joking frost walkers too get real you play too much nerd this game i right whatever we're here at h-bomb's house we're gonna steal a villager show me the villagers at least i can't even talk please please no no level no no no bad okay yeah okay we're gonna steal a villager from h-bomb if you see the video h-bomb i'm sorry okay it's gonna be good you can have free use of the triton farm whenever you want within the first six hours yeah all right here we are inside and we got a whole gang of villages oh my gosh quite literally wow how do i how do i even get him out just take a path through the wall you can use a boat ah good call good call i'll do it right after i plot how to kill you for your prank thank you grace hey okay here we go makes you block everything up after you don't yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we got oh we're gonna get a village i want a green one because they're stupid so you can come with me nitwit we're gonna dig it out here oh it's gonna be a grand old time actually thinking about it we may need to make a boat to get them out i don't entirely know in fact i don't even know necessarily where i'm digging right now we'll find out soon sorry boys you can't all come we gotta push some of you back oh great the water flow is what's i all right mr villager you're coming with me you're part of a new experiment you're gonna act as live bait get in the boat call it a day come on come on there we go passenger ready hey now hopefully this lets us float up hard to tell are you gonna can you where are you gonna work with us can you can you work with us work with us aye is gonna work with us maybe i gots an idea okay villagers float so if i'm not mistaken what i could do is break the boat oh well that mean that i flew the other way well my friends to be honest i don't care to tell you how long it took to get the villager but all that matters is we got the villager and the other thing that matters so not the only thing that matters right sorry i'm good at this game is we need to get the villager in the center of this thing so that we can begin using him as bait and so i need to build a tunnel and so you're gonna need to do the same if you are building this along with me a tunnel leading up like this so that you can just siphon the poor little guy down until you get them right where you want them it's good and you'll want to make sure that the area down there is mostly clear of water before you drop him down or you know he's going to have a bad time you're going to want to clear this pipe out as well so that he can drop it hey what's good boy hold on i'll do it now here's what i'm thinking takes a lot less time this is different from well i mean i don't know what el mango did exactly i'm gonna grab some magma and use the magma to suck him to the very bottom and then i'm gonna break the magma block before it kills him because he'll get swept it's so fast oh wow okay we're at surface so great we'll be able to prepare him for extraction very very soon i need to go back to base and get a magma block you might want to and thankfully base is literally right over here this is like the quickest like this ain't no accident i put this near my base by the way anyways you're not here for that oh and if you're not here for that you should be hey subscribe it's an awesome smp series seriously okay yeah come to think of it why isn't this water sorry i keep coming back i forget i mean it is for my fans too so deal with it so you sit tight here's what's going to be different we're going to place magma right at the bottom here but we need to empty this oh i for oh we kind of emptied it i'm probably going to place down a nice swim okay so how do i do this let me see maybe instead we'll just go ahead and place a magma guy right here right will that do it is that gonna is that gonna is that yeah that's dragging down alrighty now we just gotta get out of here now warning there's a chance you might you might kill the villager doing this so oh look he died and he's like what did you just say so you know your results may vary we're about to find out if that's uh a reasonable expectation like is the villager going to die well we'll know soon enough in you go mister i'm gonna be chasing you down come on get on down goodbye you gonna get get sucked down come on get uh what gives is it even is it even working it's what the heck what the it's not even working okay you know what we're gonna use sponges sponges wow and so then use another sponge to empty out the rest of the area you'll have the water flowing in as such to form the nice little center zone and you'll want to decorate these corners appropriately so that the villager isn't squirming around when he's inside you want him to be nice and boxed in so that he cannot escape so just like that now i have to hope if he falls down that he's gonna oh boy all right mister i hope i steered you right otherwise i'm gonna be so upset you need to fall down and not die now get in there if you know what's good oh oh boy uh huh uh um okay well now i'm a little concerned because we're gonna be how does this happen down you go get [Music] i forgot the other sponge all right let's try this again you get right on up here mister you get run on up here come on almost there almost there good good no good wait i'm gonna check we're clear get in there and survive no get in please okay so close he made it thank you now you get rid of this so your villager's nice and secure and the top of your tower is nice and prepared now what you're going to want to do is right at block number four see one two three four five at height four you're gonna want to place a little belt around the area this is gonna be the start of an isolation tank chamber tank and chamber chamber combined you see it's gonna look a little light place place place and then right there and gonna follow that pattern pretty much across the board please don't hit me drowned i got from there you're gonna want to build up each wall two up from portal height so all the way up to there all the way across the board yes look at that that's good and then once you reach here that's where you grab your pistons and you don't want to place these parts with the glass super far instead you're going to place a piston i've messed up i meant here here and here yeah and then they'll get teleported you want the pistons right there that's very important now behind the pistons that's where you're going to place the note blocks because these are going to allow a signal to travel through them then on top is your luck lovely decorative blocks yes boom boom boom and then finally we've got observers next to these guys being placed within and then i think i kind of place these out of order you can do it this way it's just a lot harder instead you want to place the observers first come on oh don't disappear from me and so the observers are supposed to go like this making sure that the little red thing is facing outwards then place your block down hey good to go finally and you're going to want to do this on all four sides and to make them all match breaking news we interrupt the previous interruptions with another interruption namely how come these don't work someone in the comments it doesn't there's no bubbles going down and the soul says no bubbles going up i try to replace the stairs but more importantly we have a little bit of a problem so part two of the farm which i'm going to still show you regardless on a creative world involves building some buildings in the nether through this portal because that's where the drowns end up appearing well bad news my friends nether linking very weird look where it leaves us uh we're linked to my portal which means a couple different things namely it means we're going to have to move my island portal somewhere else because look what happens now when we go through this portal it's not going to take us back to the drowned farm like it needs to be able to it takes me back home so yeah we're gonna have to go ahead and show you the next part part two of the farm in a creative world which i've gone ahead and built look at this i'm lagging like a ridiculous eye it's so frustrating so this is pretty much the step we're at anyways we have the pistons going in sideways the observer is going the opposite direction into the nether bricks and the note blocks underneath once you've got those on all four sides you're going to want to cover the top of it you can literally just build against the top of the portal just like that this is going to be where the drowns eventually get caught up in a bubble storm which is where the soul stand comes in in a hot second so once these all have ceilings next step is going to be emptying out this little area where this is all taking place one sponge block should do the trick or you can go the alternative route and you gotta put the blocks all on your own and in this creative mode lovely i literally did this entire build that you're seeing right now in like three minutes in creative mode it took like three well like an hour and a half probably not including resource gathering for it to happen in survival mode anyways these are all nice in place now nice and hollowed out up here next step is going to be placing string right in front of these observer blocks because the string is going to act as a pulse for the observer blocks to cause the pistons to activate and so what you'll see in a hot second is the fact that the drones will hit the string with their heads and that will cause the pistons to push them into this portal now i'll spare you the scientific details behind it but essentially when a mob goes into the nether portal it doesn't it doesn't contribute to the mob cap anymore and you can only have a certain amount of mobs in game anytime before the game lags out and crashes right so this helps in preventing that remember that bucket of water i told you guys to get yeah make sure you fill up this section once again to just under the pistons you only technically needed the sponge to get rid of the top two yeah that's my bad final few steps see these three blocks right here on each side place soul stand why well it's so that the bubbles will push up those drowns like we were just talking about very important step i have fallen on the ground so your structure is nice and complete water up to the portals bubbles leading up to them and a piston pushing system we're now going to replicate a whole bunch of drowns finding this poor pathetic villager yes it's good it's good it's real good now look they all start heading from check out what happens they get hit with that bubble column they get pushed into the nether almost instantly each time look at that and they come from all four sides i mean this is a little exaggerated i understand i did just spawn them all in but you know there's actually some pretty decent spawn rights because every single water block like i said earlier acts as a potential spawn block and even a little bit i'm gonna try and get a little baby zombie yeah look at him oh my gosh we're gonna test to make sure that he's not gonna get through this guy right over here and look we're gonna let him do his thing right right right nope not today he gets sucked in and now we will show you what's on the other side all right part two here we are in the nether this is the portal we came out of as you can see it's lovely and shaped but it's not big enough this is what you're going to want to make right where that portal initially spawned you in the nether we've got a 17 long portal which means 15 slots of this portal if you don't count the walls right here are accessible for the drones to appear and don't worry if you go into the portal even though it's this long again it's still going to look like your normal portal in the overall it's not going to mess anything up and you even go through a different portal like the one on the other side it's still going to take you the same nether portal in here now the other thing i'd like to let you know is ill mango did not give item count amounts for this side of the nether portal so i'm going to guesstimate with you because i had no way of knowing and yeah okay let's go ahead and get started first thing you want to do is block off one of the sides of the portals so that the drowns won't fall out of that side of it and so for this example we're going to go ahead and fill this side of it so i'm just going to use a nice little command here and it's going to make everything go way faster to be honest so check this out boom boom boom white stained glass yes that's good so block off the side there and shut up guests in ill mango's video this side where all the glasses he's got a piston system that further pushes the mobs once they reach like a certain amount of mobs in the area to be honest with you i don't have enough supplies on the deep end server i was recording on a little bit ago to do that however it is an optional part of the farm it makes the mobs get pushed out a little faster they'll naturally push themselves out over time either way next thing you're going to make is the containment chamber for these guys which means you'll want to give a little block of space as you can see right there of space for the drowns to fall through so not right next to the portal but you know one block away now one small thing to note you're going to want to make sure that the floor underneath your portal in the nether is four blocks below the portal itself aka one two three blocks of air in between because you're gonna need to start placing some hoppers that's why we're finally using our hoppers for this part so it's simple enough right where the mouth of the portal is two blocks below it start placing your hoppers now you'll want to make sure that they're linking into the appropriate thing and not into the netherrack block like this so if i were you i'd start at block number eight which is the middle of the portal and work your way outwards from there now all the hoppers are leading into each other which is exactly what you want because this is gonna filter all the drops to the center hop or where you can start to collect them in whatever chest system or storage you decide to combine it up with it could be as simple as a single chest a double chest these could lead into additional chests there's lots of different ways that you can do this you see check it out oh it's looking good final thing to note i kind of goofed you can either make the hoppers at this height or make them one block lower but either way the bottom most block here needs to be a half slab so that you can reach the drones and kill them without them attacking you back however as you can see here i accidentally placed one extra layer of glass my bad it accomplishes the same thing just make sure that your half slap system looks like this so that when the drowns stop pouring in you can attack them and they can't get you back final polish to your farm may involve you clearing sea kelp so that it does not get in the way of the drowns line of sight it begins look at all the drowns and they see the villager from so far away this is so many blocks away they're all slowly making their way over to the poor cartographer oh bless his heart i hope you make it buddy nah just kidding you'll be fine you're nice and safe in that cage because as we saw before these guys in you go and now let's check out what it looks like on the other side wow and so here's what we have waiting for us and as you can tell the mobs just gradually push themselves down to the lower layer i'm gonna go ahead and give myself a lovely diamond sword we're gonna chant it up chest is empty and so here's what the looting process might look like we've got smite five sweeping edge three looting three so this is with a looting three sword but i think it's fun all the same and if you notice with smite five these guys are pretty much all one hit not only is this insane experience but you're gonna be able to grab yourself a whole bunch of items nautilus shells tridents etc now if i'm not mistaken drowns have about a 15 chance of spawning with a trident in their hands that's the only way you can get tridents you can't get them from converting zombies anymore no longer works that way oh my gosh the experience is insane and once they have a trident i believe it's an eight percent chance to actually get it as a drop which is something like a one in 58 chance of getting a trident from a drown that has a triton let's see what that looks like oh i mean it's still filling in give it a sec looking through a couple of these we've got nautilus shells gold ingots hanging out i know i saw a couple of them holding tridents we'll see if we actually get tridents now my understanding is you should be able to get somewhere between seven and eight tridents per hour using this method not the shells which you can see in my inventory right oh look we gotta try not even notice that nadler shows have a three percent chance of appearing inside of drowned sands however they will always drop them if you happen to see one in game so not as big a concern i'ma kilty look at the levels it's unreal i love it not a bad haul this is good stuff my friends the drowned trident farm working in the latest pre-releases as well no less so look forward to that and a big special thank you to ill manga unfortunately like i said it didn't work on the smp server but that's only because i want to get this episode out sooner like i said like it's hard to like constantly have two of these a week because it's all survival there's no i can't just going to create and give myself all the stuff so before the next episode ends we're gonna have it done yeah so expect that we got a nice little i mean well i'm gonna look into it right we gotta see if the portals can be fixed otherwise i might have to rebuild the whole thing oh i don't wanna think about what you take a long time but don't you worry my friends we'll be getting to it in due time oh by the way did you like all the the work we've done with the area so far this is beautiful love it love the quarry we got awesome basement plans coming soon to the deep end also please someone let me know about the elevators i have no idea why they're not working it'd be great if they did if you enjoyed today's episode let me know baby drop a like on that video subscribe hit that bell to be notified and let me know if you found the farm useful again check out ill mangoes it's it's way more concise i'm trying to be a funny man the whole time sometimes it sometimes gets a little more confusing it's okay the full tutorial like i said in the description but you can also use mine and if you do let me know thanks so much for watching my friends have a good one we'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 932,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, trident farm, drowned farm, working trident farm, working drowned farm, new trident farm, trident, minecraft trident, how to get tridents, trident in minecraft, trident tutorial, 1.13, working, minecraft trident update, minecraft trident crafting, new update, deep end, minecraft the deep end, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, logdotzip deep end, logdotzip smp,, minecraft 1.13, minecraft 1.13 update, update aquatic, funny, how to, tutorial, no cursing, no swearing
Id: VsGpEx1Ya2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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