Himmler the Henchman of the NSDAP | Hitlers Circle of Evil Ep.7 | Full Documentary

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[Music] in 1939 the Furious declaration of war Heralds the rise of one of the most fanatical figures within Hitler's Inner Circle SS boss Heinrich Himmler the outbreak of War gives Himmler the opportunity to realize all his dreams all his Twisted racial thinking for the future of Germany these can all happen in his View to make his dreams a reality Himmler has within his SS the most ruthless Nazi of them all his name is Reinhardt heydrich utterly ruthless manipulative very clever operator and a useful man to have if you're trying to set up a police state heydrich and Himmler make a formidable pair but as they push forward their radical plans Inner Circle Rivals are already plotted to break up the deadly partnership gurring will look at Himmler and think you know what you know your boy's doing really well here he's going to be trouble for you at some point and of course Borman will be taking subtle credit it is a very very old political game and Borman is absolutely masterful at playing it and heydrich's meteoric rides will make him a Target both inside and outside Hitler's Inner Circle inside story of Hitler's henchmen the power struggles blind ambition and falling sycophants that would create a monster and feel the most brutal horrors of the third round [Music] Rock [Applause] all right foreign [Music] the invasion of Poland is underway and for Hermann going head of the luftwaffe and the most powerful man within Hitler's Inner Circle everything is going to plan is incredibly successful it pummels polish towns and cities it destroys polish units it is a you know an essential part of the Blitzkrieg and going takes full credit for itself [Music] [Music] this is a complete turnaround for Gering at the beginning of that year he had been openly against Hitler's expansionist plans for the Third Reich going is a real skeptic of this entire Enterprise but it goes really really well and it goes well very quickly and this gives gurring the confidence to say yeah this is this is a great idea yeah I'm all up for it but there are others in the Inner Circle who also realize that Poland is their opportunity to shine foreign ER the fanatical boss of the SS is looking to set in motion a radical plan to germanize Poland Himmler is an igilogue in many ways he's kind of more ideologically driven than Hitler if such a thing is possible he's anti anyone who's not Aryan and Teutonic the Himmler really is a died in the wall National Socialist ideologue no he's got a vision of the future Germany and it's a frightening Vision it's a vision that the fewer share as he celebrates his victory from the reichester his plans are clear and uncompromising [Music] expression threatens your uncle this is the Furious words confirmed for him that Poland is where their shared ideological dreams can become a reality kimla plans to turn a large part of Polish territory to laban's round or living space for a new German masteries he doesn't just want to get rid of the Jews he wants to get rid of the Slavs as well he wants to get rid of the handicapped as well he's got this idea of you know I'm going to aryanize German Society I'm going to germanize all the places that we occupy Emma's goal is to expel millions of ethnic poles and Jews from Western Poland to make way for German settlers it's a radical project motivated not only by him as fanaticism but also by his appetite for power once they've all been cleared and this has become germanified and they've taken over their livens realm it is the SS are going to be kind of running the show so as they move into occupied territories so himmler's own role an authority increases in tandem and Himmler has his very own example of aryan's Supremacy to do the job [Music] Reinhardt heydrich is him the second in command head of the infamous SD the SS secret intelligence agency while Himmler fixates on detail and Doctrine he's the one that gets things done well heydrich is a cold pragmatic ideologue it's not a a dreamer he's someone who tries to implement that ideological Vision if you want to draw the cartoon version of an evil SS man you're gonna draw heydrich [Music] heydrich is tall he is blonde certainly he's clever he's a brilliant fencer and he's deeply ambitious such as heinrich's reputation even him needs to watch his back heydrich was absolutely ruthless and he really knew how to terrorize people he managed to put fear both into friends and foes alike you can make people's blood run cold just by being in the same room but when him he was a man without a future [Music] thank you back in 1931 while Himmler was building up his new paramilitary organization the SS heydrich was unemployed and desperate before heydrich joins up with Himmler this is a man in disgrace after all he's lost his officer's Commission in the Navy the cause of heidrich's disgrace wasn't embarrassing love trying he was simultaneously engaged to two women and one of the women's father uh a very influential man with good contacts to the senior Naval command heidrich made the mistake of dumping the wrong girl and her powerful father demanded that her honor be restored heidrich was dismissed as a result not so much of the Dual engagement but because he treated the case with contempt which was deemed to be unacceptable for a German naval officer [Music] heydrich's timing could not have been worse with the onset of the Great Depression he was left high and dry with zero career prospects but his favorite Fields provided a lifeline the woman who he was going to marry Lena Von Austen had unlike him been a supporter of the Nazi movement for quite some time it was her who introduced him to the movement and also who encouraged him to seek the interview with Himmler [Music] Himmler was looking for someone to create a new SD secret intelligence Service as part of his SS Hydra could never worked in professional Espionage but he didn't let that hold him back what experience does Heinrich have about intelligence networks none all he has done is read as a boy some detective fiction and some spy novels and he uses his knowledge of those Thrillers to impress Himmler as to how an intelligent service would work luckily for heydrich Himmler the wannabe Soldier was dazzled by the former naval officers Swagger Himmler is someone who always aspired to be a soldier without ever having been a soldier is impressed by that military bearing the military language the physical appearance and he decides to charge heidrich with the task of of building up the SD having successfully completed his First Act of deception heydrich was Now himmler's new spymaster that is the limits of his experience but it's enough and as we shall see heydrich learns on the job like no one else [Music] in heydrich Himmler had found a ruthless right-hand man prepared to do the Dirty Work others couldn't stomach he's sublimely efficient heydrich he's efficient because of his cruelty 1934 while Himmler drank tea with the fury it was heydrich orchestrating a bloody Purge of the essay the Nazi party's original paramilitary group what takes place of course is one of the most sort of Infamous acts of political violence ever known it's called The Night of the Long Knives and boy were those knife Sharp [Music] it's believed that in just three days between 150 and 200 people were murdered [Music] but the principal Target was the sa leader ernstroom boy Miss in fact The Godfather to one of heidrich's children so they are willing to sacrifice close personal friends for their own political and personal gains the night of the Long Knives would establish the SS as the Nazi party's foremost agency of security surveillance and Terror making the diminutive figure of Himmler Hitler's new leading henchman but it's heydrich who becomes the one to watch in many ways the extraordinary success of the assess can only be explained because Himmler and heidrich work together so well they have complementary talents one is someone who manages to cultivate very close relations within the Nazi leadership the other one is clearly a very efficient and talented administrative Terror [Music] ah five years after the elimination of his essay Rivals heydrich is now in charge of every police and security agency within New Life and it's as the Nazi regime's top policemen that he receives a short but highly sensitive Memo from the fuhrer's second in command Hermann gurring it instructs him to Begin work on a solution to Hitler's so-called Jewish by means of emigration or evacuation in the most convenient way possible heydrich in 1939 is still very much in his 30s he's still comparatively young he's a rising star so when he is given an order to start looking into the Jewish question of course that is a massive feather in his cap and you know that someone like heydrich is ambitious enough ruthless enough motivated enough that he won't disappoint heydrich has an effect been chosen by the fuhrer himself to make the Nazi dream of a racially pure Germany a reality but as the Army prepares to invade Poland he will soon acquire almost 2 million more Jews for which there appears to be known definitive plan orders from the top of their particularly particularly strong they're quite often quite vague Hitler never says I want them all to be executed he just says we've got to get rid of all the Jews now what does that mean who knows you know just just sort it out and the interpretation of those orders is left to heydrich [Music] as German troops pour into Poland it is tasked with securing and preparing the new territory for germanization to do this he has formed special SS task forces or einstat's group to terrorize the civilian population into submission the task of the under scrotum in the Polish campaign was to decapitate the Polish Society you have to kill the Polish Elite you have to kill the priest and you have to kill the professors the politicians the the economic leaders and kill them in the tens of thousands this was the task of the iron that scrum [Music] merely groundwork for more systematic measures to make himmler's dream of new German living space a reality heydrich's men have new orders millions of ethnic poles are to be moved East to make way for German settlers and as for Poland's Jews their fate is even less certain they are all to be corralled and held inside Urban Getters ready future deportation they are suddenly marched out at gunpoint in the middle of the night with every other Jewish Family with one suitcase for their belongings then they put on these long train Journeys to Big centers in occupied Poland where they're crammed in into tiny tiny rooms literally crammed into them like sardines it is inhumane it's disgusting and it's barbaric [Music] by early 1940 hundreds of thousands of Jews have been crammed into ghettos inside a newly created Zone known as the general government heydrich has no moral or practical concerns for their living conditions partly because it is only supposed to be a temporary measure the impact of these huge forced migrations is upsetting other Syrian Nazis [Music] Hans Frank is the powerful new Nazi boss of the general government which includes the Polish Capital Warsaw and its Second City Krakow is not happy about heidrich and Himmler using his new fiefdom as a hold of the station for their Jewelers Frank becomes increasingly concerned that his General government would become as he called a Dumping Ground for undesirables from other occupied territories Frank also happens to be an old friend of Herman Curry himmler's Inner Circle rifle Himmler will refer to Gering as the king of the black market he always put his snout in the trough whereas of course gurring will look at him learn write him off as this sort of priggish schoolmasterly Bourgeois you know self-denying sort of shrew of a man you can't get greater differences between two individuals [Music] the viability of the general government it's the perfect opportunity to throw his weight around so he calls Himmler and his old friend to a meeting the real problem was Hans Frank had been given this job of running the general government in Poland and of course Himmler was given the task of germanizing Poland we have these disputes between Frank on the one side you're saying look stop dumping all these people on Poland you know and him was saying look where else are they gonna go fur is number two and minister of going forces Himmler to agree that no further deportations can happen without Frank's consent [Music] for Himmler it's a frustrating reminder of who holds sway within the Inner Circle heydrich will have to find a new plan for Poland's Jews as for Guri his priorities are on the front line as a new theater of war is about to open emboldened by his success in Poland Hitler decides to strike at his enemies in the west it's now their turn to experience the devastating effectiveness of guring's luftwaffe started on in early April with Norway in Denmark then on the 10th of May 1940 the Vermont attacked the Western countries of France Luxembourg Belgium and the Netherlands and flying combat missions over Western Europe is none other than Reinhardt Heinrich unlike his boss himlin the frustrated Soldier heydrich satisfies his craving to see real this was an incredibly risky undertaking for a man of his immense importance and position within the Third Reich and it says a lot about his desire to prove that he wasn't just a man who could fly a desk but he was a man who could fly a plane he could take risks and he was the kind of alpha males as we call him today once again the luftwaffe has close support of the Army is instrumentally defeating the French and the British in just six weeks Western Europe is under Nazi control and gurring is the one of the moment going became after the fall of France the highest decorated and and the highest rank of all German militaries decorated as Nazi Germany's new reichs martial gering's position as the Furious successor appears unassailable [Music] the Nazi occupation of France has also potentially provided a somewhat far-out solution for heydrich's Jewish Problem the island of Madagascar heidrich sees it as a huge opportunity in using the former French colony of Madagascar as a new Jewish Home heydrich's plan is to ship all of Europe's Jews almost 13 000 kilometers to this remote island of the east coast of the African continent it's a terrifying sign of the cruelty heydrich is prepared to inflict millions of people of course it is always assumed that because Madagascar has a very inhospitable climate particularly for Central Europeans that many people would die in the process but that is is part of the calculation but there is one major obstacle to his plan the British Navy the plans for Madagascar are very much dependent on of German victory over Britain as long as Britain is still in the war the sea passage to Madagascar cannot begin teeth Gering flying high on his success in France is about to take his biggest gamble yet he promises the fuhrer that he can bring Britain to her knees by air power alone during his very keen that love office should be seen to do this that that somehow rather will it will put the luftwaffe on a pedestal above the Army and and the Navy and at the same time enhance going his own reputation was was Hitler [Music] going throughs the full force of his luftwaffe against the enemy but his Pilots meet unexpectedly stiff and well organized resistance they didn't understand the British Air defenses and they didn't understand the radar system and how it was organized so they didn't quite get where the weak points were so therefore it was an intelligence problem for months caring personally assures Hitler the RAF will be broken but as the conflict wears on it's also clear that the luftwaffe was never ready for long-range operations over the channel and of course there was a problem the Germans just don't have long-range Fighters and long-range bombers so as long as the British don't lose their nurse it was no chance whatsoever for the German air force to win air superiority over Britain for going it's a personal disaster having promised so much all he can deliver is Nazi Germany's first major military failure it's the start of a growing distrust between Hitler and during a growing distrust of gehring's boastfulness it was going to ask himself the question how much longer can I put up occurring how much longer can I entrust him with things that I thought he could do by October 1940 the Battle of Britain is all but over for heydrich the Madagascar plan is effectively shelved but gering's failure will lead to new possibilities for the SS as Hitler focuses his attention back towards the east with Britain standing defiant the fuhrer decides that the Soviet Union now holds the key to Nazi Supremacy over Europe Hitler's decided now that they could defeat the Soviet Union you have huge resources then to turn against Britain and anyway if you defeat the Soviet Union the Britain has no more hope in Europe so you know a bit more recent agreement for gurring invading the Soviet Union while Britain is still a threat strategic suicide but since his own military failure his credibility is at an all-time low [Music] the going the British Empire is really the critical Enemy at the moment Gary makes us clear to Hitler but never actually pushes it he is a point at which he realizes you've pushed it any further he's in trouble Himmler and heiferek on the other hand have a rather different View the 22nd of June 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union for Himmler and heidrich this is the battle they've been waiting for The Showdown with what they regard as the arch enemy of Nash socialism what happens in the evolution of Nazi ideology and Hitler's own ideology is this merging of bolshevism and the Jew together as a combined Menace so it becomes the Bolshevik Jew and anti-Semitism runs at absolutely the heart of it Russia's vast territory also offers Limitless living space for their new German Empire and they will give No Quarter in trying to win it this war against the Soviet Union will be fundamentally different from all the other Wars certain rules which could not be broken quite simply do not apply in the ideological war that will be waged on on the Eastern Front Himmler predicts that millions of Russian slaves will die through starvation alone as the German Army tears through Soviet territory in its week the iron sights group in the fall and it's soon clear that heydrich has ordered a terrifying escalation of violence against the Jews very quickly hydra's task forces begin killing Jewish men of military age and then very quickly thereafter start to kill Jewish women and children as well [Music] at this point Hardwick is moving from a territorial solution to an implementation of genocide heydrich is proving to be the inner circle's most committed follower of his fear as Creed of hate foreign just weeks after the invasion he visits an embattled Guru to sign off on what would become known as the final solution hijack comes to gearing with a document which will authorize hijri to undertake the final solution to the Jewish question the term final solution is deliberately vague but what is clear is that Hydra wants to be in control of it Patrick is looking for assurances from the Nazi leadership essentially from Hitler via gurring that it is him not the Army not the Civil administrators who is fully responsible for finding that solution a solution that is becoming bigger by the day foreign the man who only joined the SS because he needed a job is now stepping out of himmler's Shadow as he takes responsibility for the policy that lies at the heart but the fear is ideological Ambitions but ironically it's anti-Semitism that almost ended his career before it began when heydrich was only one year into his new job a file claiming the young SS officer was Jewish arrived on the Furious desk it revealed that heydrich's paternal Grandmother Had remarried a man with a supposedly Jewish surname these accusations that he's uh tainted quote unquote with with Jewish blood which of course in the Third Reich is the worst thing that you can have or a serious thing the story had originally been used to tarnish the reputation of heydrich's Father Bruno heidrich a well-known musician even though this idea that uh heydrich has any Jewish ancestry has been shown to be nonsense by his father many years before it's still dogs and haunts heydrich though heydrich could easily show he had no Jewish blood he's well aware that inside the Inner Circle even unfounded rumors are dangerous therefore himless support was crucial there's no doubt that heydrich does need himless support and you know we see repeatedly within the Nazi regime how it doesn't matter whether you know an accusation is true or false it'll be used against you anyway because the Nazis make up their own truth heydrick knows this because he's one of the people who does that [Music] armed with a fear as Authority himmler's Protege is proving that he is capable of anything heydrich's final solution has evolved into a campaign of mass murder as his task forces develop their brutal methodology Roundup predominantly Jews from a given area they would March them to a wood or a nearby field and they would get them to dig a deep Trench and they would shoot them on the bed of a head the next group would then have to stand at the edge of the pit they would be short and they would fall on top and so it would go on until the pit was filled and then they would cover it over with lime and soil and that was repeated right across the whole of the German front genocide instigated not only by fanaticism but also a cold calculated bid for power Inland Hardware has certainly convinced that they will be rewarded for implementing what they consider to be Hitler's will tens of thousands of Jews are now slaughtered at a time in sites such as a ravine of the Ukrainian capital of Kiev would become forever synonymous with mass murder the mental image that we all have of the Holocaust is fundamentally the railway tracks its lead under that famous building at Auschwitz but the Holocaust really began with executions like babiar [Applause] in September 1941 more than 33 000 Jews were systematically shot dead and thrown into the abyss but how the SS leadership justify these atrocities both to their men and themselves people like kimla and Hardrick would have rejected our Western moral code as as weakened decadent as something of the past and their commitment was primarily to the Germanic race so what we consider heinous crimes from their point of view was a service to their people but for all of Himmler and heinrich's commitment to the cause the fuhrer has decided that once Russia is defeated control over this vast new territory will be will be give not the asset the asset Hitler is always careful not to concentrate power into too few hands and even though he's extremely grateful to them he is actually trying to limit the power of the SS and other agencies run by him land heidrich [Music] but heydrich is far from giving up he has already in his sights the perfect opportunity to gain real political power its Target the protectorate of bohemia and Moravia in Czechoslovakia for the Nazis the protectorate of Bohemian Moravia is particularly important in an economic sense there are major armaments Productions in the protectorate and with the beginning of operation Barbarossa we see a massive increase in resistance activities Czech saboteurs are severely damaging the Nazi war effort the Hydra hydrax is a job for the SS but they need an ally someone who has the Furious ear to help make their case there's one man that heydrich has to impress in order to take over Bohemia Moravia the man he has to impress is Martin Borman who is head of the party Chancery and is basically in the shadows behind Hitler all the time that's why he's called the brown Eminence and I think that you have to realize just about every member of the inner circle's root to Hitler is through Borman heydrich mobilizes his intelligence Network to compile reports to disparage and denigrate the civilian Administration in Prague what they are saying is that the civilian administrators in charge of these these territories are unable to control the situation and he is desperate to you know seize control of a place like that and literally grab it by the neck and strangle it until the people stop doing as they're told [Music] Borman needs little persuading as heydrich's promotion give the Wily bureaucrat a way to control himmler's writing star if you look at Hitler's in a circle and you look at how Borman behaves he is incredibly cunning he knows that if heydrich goes to Prague that means he'll be porting directly to Hitler but that actually means he's reporting directly to Hitler through him Martin Borman when Bowman presents heydrich's report it has the desired effect Hitler is furious the checks he says need to be taught a lesson Hydra is coming to Prague on his arrival Heinrich wastes no time getting to work Hydra he cracks down very hard on the resistance as soon as he arrives in the protectorate hydrick strategy is brutally effective now the common perception is actually what he just does is he just rounds up everybody and shoots them and that's how he takes control but as well as that ultimate stick he also offers a lot of carrot so he improves the rations of workers this is going to make people happy essentially what he wants to achieve is a situation in which the laborers of the Armament factories and in other important industries will no longer succumb to the propaganda of those inciting them to go on strike it's an incredibly devious plan because he is taking away with one hand and he's giving with another strategy soon yields results specs appeared to have been brought to heal and production figures of baka [Music] when heydrich returns to Berlin he is the man everyone is talking about gerbils the Nazi head of propaganda and one of the fuhrer's closest confidants is particularly impressed as Goebbels wrote in his diary he managed to play cat and mouse with the chacks and really managed to get them under his thumb and it was really then that hydrish was increasingly seen by other people within the Nazi hierarchy as a leader in his own right [Music] foreign is personally congratulated by the fuhrer himmler's Rivals watch with interest everyone wants a solidic Stardust it's like a kind of soap opera Hitler's Inner Circle they're constantly looking at who's doing well who's doing badly and gurring is watching heydrich's Supreme efficiency and he can sort of look at Himmler and think you know what you know your boy's doing really well here he's going to be trouble for you at some point and of course Borman will be taking subtle credit he's very much associating himself with success it is a very very old political game and Borman is absolutely masterful at playing it himmler's Inner Circle rival see hydric's success as a way to break a formidable partnership hydrick now reports directly to the furo some people perceive that as the beginning of a rivalry between Himmler and heidrich in the sense that heydrich is becoming a lot more independent heydrich is fast becoming a leading member of Hitler's Inner Circle in his own right now is the perfect time to take his final solution to the next level [Music] foreign on the 20th of January 1942 the Berlin suburb of vansi is the venue for a top-secret meeting of high-ranking civil servants party officials and members of the security services chaired by heydrich it will be one of the most infamous gatherings [Music] Hydra cultivanda conference really for two reasons first in order to to gain control over anti-jewish policies and second in order to coordinate other German state agencies in the implementation of the final solution heydrich's Final Solution will involve corralling and moving up to 11 million people across the continent and he'll require almost dictatorial control of numerous government agencies to make it make it project wants to make it clear that he is number one when it comes to this program I'm in charge uh this is what's going to happen and nobody's going to get in the way the meeting is shrouded in bureaucratic detail about how they will identify and to classify all of Europe's jury and then move them to their final destination they've now reached a new level with the Jewish Christian they were going to be deporting Jews to the east meeting didn't spell out that they would then be killed but the implication was that they're not coming back with millions of Jews imprisoned in ghettos all over Europe idrich's final solution is about to evolve into a genocide on an industrial scale [Music] water heidrich and the Gustavo officials are attracted to it's the idea of setting up purpose-built camps where you can kill those numbers in one day and dispose of the bodies in other words you moved from a very violent face-to-face form of killing to a more abstract industrial form of killing by March 17 1942 the first stationary gas chamber at belzech in eastern Poland is operational where in just three months 80 000 people are killed and that's what happens after the van State conference these camps are set up by March 1942 and that's where millions and millions of Jews are murdered Himmler and heidrich are planning the systematic murder of millions of innocent men women and children perversely the management of this depraved project the Pinnacle of heydrich's career [Music] as spring arrives in Prague heydrich is celebrating as Overlord of the Czechs and architect of the final solution the days of Defending his family's racial Purity and appropriately he marks his new status with a concert of his father's work this is a moment of self-celebration through music something that of course throughout his career in the third right he was very close to his heart heydrich is now at the Apex of his power he's in charge of the protectorate of bohemia Moravia he's in charge of all the security apparatus within the Third Reich and he is effectively in charge of another one of Hitler's pet projects the genocide of the Jewish people [Music] features a new his personality he was schmoozing he was very gregarious he was very sociable and it seems ironically that he was actually now had found a kind of social confidence that he had never really had before so it's a mark of the fact that he must have felt on top of the world the following day heydrich is expected in Berlin to meet with the funeral after his success [Music] control of security in the occupied territories of both Eastern and Western the SS leadership's ambition in 1941-42 is to expand their powers to the rest of Eastern Europe and then to Western Europe which is still very firmly controlled by a military occupation regime it could be a major breakthrough for the SS Rising status Circle could also make him a Target foreign [Music] takes his customary journey to awaiting play it will take him on it's a mark of heydrich's arrogance that he travels around in an open top car not for hydric the idea of cowering an armored limousine with a whole line of tanks and armored cars and outriders no he wants to show you know I can go around in an open top car and No One's Gonna touch me it's a journey Heinrich has made many times before and with the hope of a new promotion his spirits are hard he must have been feeling super confident and very happy about how everything was going the reports back to Berlin were looking good the reports from Berlin were looking good everything looked perfect car slows to take a tight corner something isn't drowned the next thing he sees is a man step out in front of the car with a sting gun and pointing at him heydrich immediately goes for his guard foreign [Music] thrown by a Second Assassin explodes by the side of the car all sorts of stuff is thrown into heydrich's side but it doesn't seem to affect him he continues to fire at the conspirators as they run away [Music] but he then slumped back he's wounded he falls to the side of the car [Music] he is now in a lot of trouble on hearing the news of the attack Himmler immediately sends his personal physician Carl Gebhart [Music] Rich's wounds are serious but do not appear to be life-threatening [Music] seven days after an operation to remove deadly from his spleen heidrich appears to recover thank you but then without warning he goes into shock falling into a deep coma from which he never recovers [Music] news that heydrich was killed reaches Berlin there is enormous shot within Hitler's Inner Circle it makes not one of those men himself feels safe if this can happen to heydrich then it can happen to any of them [Music] as investigators soon discover that heydrich's attackers were checks trained by British secret intelligence but the fact that heydrich died under the watch of himmler's personal physician Sparks rumors within the Inner Circle there's a lot of conspiracy theory attached to Hitler's Inner Circle and you know we even see it in the case of heydrich's assassination did you know Himmler deliberately you know get hydric's treatment wrong why the theory is that in the long term heydrich could have been a threat heydrich was unique you know you couldn't have had a more ruthless and efficient mass murderer than heydrich um you know he could have easily been the fuhrer there's no doubt about it my own view is that had he survived I suspect that he would have ended up getting rid of him eventually because I think he's he's probably cleverer and better at the job than Himmler is despite the rumors and speculation at the time experts are skeptical that Himmler really wanted to cut short his deputy's career the rumors about internal involvement in the assassination of heydrich has really been around since the day he died some people I'm pretty certain were relieved when he died although I wouldn't count Himmler among those [Music] heydrich died because medical science at that stage couldn't save him it's as simple as that you know it's a cock-up it is not a conspiracy Himmler was absolutely mortified that heydrich was killed he needed heydrich he could not replace heydrich [Music] if the SS boss did have any concerns about heydrich's rise to power they assumed overshadowed by outrage this is the first time a leading member of the Inner Circle has been assassinated but Himmler is not the only one who Wants Revenge that urad apoplectic you know he really wants the chicks to suffer heidrich was so popular and then it was clear that they they have to do something two Villages are identified as being connected to the resistance but it's merely a pretext for merciless Revenge I mean there was it was a brutal and a very Fierce reaction I mean they they totally wiped out in two Villages uh lilici and lizaki and they killed nearly 500 um civilians men women children full view of the world the male inhabitants are executed on site while almost 300 women and children are sent to concentration camps where almost half of them would perish in the gas Chambers while the two Villages are literally wiped from the face of the Earth heydrich's body is returned to Berlin for a lavish State funeral in the minds of Hitler's Inner Circle heydrich's death is a shock but also a moment to take stock for Guri isolated over the decision to invade Russia it is time to get back into The Fray [Music] whereas Bulma will have to find new ways to play his Rivals off each other as for Himmler it's horrifyingly simple just continue with his Fallen left tenant had started himna begins to take more of the if you like direct responsibility for pushing the genocide on as fast and extensively as possible she's very keen that heydrich's memory stays alive that the final solution is a final solution signed off as operation Reinhardt him low will green light the murder of over 6 million men women in what will become the single worst crime against humanity in history the Holocaust [Music] [Applause]
Channel: criminals and crime fighters
Views: 396,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: himmler, heinrich himmler, reinhard heydrich doku, reinhard hirtler, reinhard heydrich, Nazi Party, facism, nazism, nsdap doku, nationalism, full documentaries, full documentary, Hitlers Circle of Evil, Hilters Circle of Evil episode, Hitlers Circle of Evil 07, history documentaries, history, nazi, nazi documentary, nazis in germany, nazi history, nazi hitler, adolf hitler, propaganda hitler, nazi members, rise of the nazis, nazis ww2, nazis world war 2, history documentary
Id: ALokgYp-O-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 47sec (3107 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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