The Tumblr Iceberg (explained)

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through time tumblr has gained renown for being sort of weird and having a lot of off-the-wall stories to the extent in fact many try to document all these stories thus coming into play is the popular format of the iceberg containing information layered in an obvious to obscure manner the one i'd like to delve into now is one made by tumblr user minecraft jukebox pertaining to these strange tumblr stories i'll try my best to explain it thank you please [Music] enjoy the background color for the tumbler dashboard has gone through a couple changes which is not the biggest deal generally but within the days it happens there are a ton of posts about it nowadays you actually have the option to be able to change the color palette between the new old and a bunch of different ones being canary ghost vampire pumpkin true blue dark mode low contrast classic cement and cybernetic [Music] dashcon stood as a tumblr convention spanning the weekend of july 11th to july 13th 2014 in schaumburg illinois and is known infamously for its massive failure allegedly due to management issues such as allegations of mismanagement and corruption among organizers an alleged abrupt demand by the hotel for an upfront payment of cash for use of its facilities and celebrity guests being forced to drop out of the convention after they were informed by the hotel that they would be responsible for paying for their rooms an article by mandatory claims a thousand people showed up out of the estimated three thousand to five thousand though i've seen other sources guesstimate a bit of a lower turnout than that the most widely known and joked about part is most likely the ball pit one of the only real features of the con which was a blown up kiddie pool placed in a nearby empty room besides maybe the bouncy castle and i have a feeling i heard something happening to that too but i just it's i couldn't find anything i didn't look i didn't look i didn't also due to a failed panel organizers offered an extra hour in the ball pit as reimbursement the source of many later jokes those in charge alleged a 17 000 demand by the hotel or else the con would get shut down asking for and managing to receive donations fulfilling the goal however the hotel claims never demanding this giving a decent probability that this was just a scam by the creators primarily when factoring in the other issues along with it i'm not sure how far it spread in other places but breadsticks was a meme originating on tumblr in a november 11th 2014 post by user chris pratt's gf in which the speaker is on a date their date says something the eop thinks is alarming or upsetting and the speaker responds again with something along the lines of stuffing breadsticks in my purse sorry i gotta go super hootlock was a very popular combined fandom on tumblr in the early to mid 2010s especially around 2012 to 2014 mashing together the show's supernatural doctor who and the 2010 sherlock series commonly known for hijacking usually unrelated posts with gift sets gif sets [Music] from the series or somehow bringing at least one of the shows into the conversation they eventually began to annoy people outside the fandom and became the subject of a lot of jokes [Music] it's april fools 2013. you get on your computer to check tumblr as usual when suddenly it seems the site has been completely overrun with photos especially one in particular of supernatural star misha collins plays castiel icons photos buttons it's all misha that's all you see you can't escape it he's just here the scam trifecta were serious pitches usually based off popular posts that were able to climb all the way to getting funded just to turn out to be either scams where the creator runs away with the money or otherwise total disasters and nothing ever comes of it [Music] starting as a tumblr post by user discontent ramblings all or nothing was based off the concept of two roommates living together one being pansexual and the other being asexual hence the all or nothing this concept was picked up by a group in nevada and turned into an indiegogo fundraiser in 2014. according to the indiegogo page the project received 5 899. 983 percent of their original six hundred dollar goal from 305 backers this concept then gained the iconic fan art created by user schroedinger's nerd who has since made a post specifying their involvement and basic details of the project which they say was solely through this banner but still attempt to apologize and help in whatever way they can since then the main person involved in the scam end of things user kitkat paddywhack has spoken up as well in their own tumblr post seeming as a classic i was young and dumb and thought it was a good idea especially because of peer support but it ended up going awfully story including the money getting used by the person trusted with it because they needed it without much more elaboration in the post they also mentioned they will try to refund the money as best they can but i do not know much further on that [Music] part the ark project was a 3d rpg video game idea sprouting up around 2012 advertised primarily with the allure of lgbt and poc representation on the surface this could very well seem like a nice indie game to support even showing off some pretty nice artwork however beyond this there were many problems from start to finish the head of the game riley referred to in the project's blog as rose gold has become infamous for those who know about the game concept due to their behavior according to a 2012 post by tumblr user yamino titled about the ark project riley has quote a history of starting up and abandoning game projects and generally exhibited behavior denoting they were scamming people and only in it for the money there is also a post by user glumieta claiming many harmful things riley has done including racism ableism and telling someone to commit suicide over a fanfic however the links to evidence on this post have broken over time and so i can't really access it and thus can't prove it the indiegogo page ended up receiving six thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars being 167 percent of their 3 900 dollar goal [Music] miss officer and truffles was based on a popular 2014 post with as of today nearly a hundred and eighty thousand notes by user tim betts of a canadian police officer and a as i have typed small little bear this concept was illustrated by user lemon t flowers spawning a t-shirt and a theme song by user sean of the bread miss officer and mr truffles you know they're gonna get in lots of trouble catching criminals and there's a bounty but they're no match for this bearing mountain when trouble comes their way you know they're gonna have a good time and when they save the day you know that everything will be fine miss officer and mr truffle as it seems things were going peaceful until the creation of a kickstarter the kickstarter created by the original artist lemon tea flower along with a co-creator listed as erica reached nine thousand three hundred and seventy two dollars of the eighty thousand dollar goal or just under twelve percent from 244 backers before being cancelled on july 14 2014 many found this 80 000 goal much too high even suspiciously so for the fact that the plan was a seven minute pilot aimed at children aged 8-12 featuring quote positive representation of lgbtqia people the disabled and people of color and aiming to quote provide opportunities to animators in remote locations there is also a planned budget listed on the kickstarter consisting of wages production and merchandise specific enough to go into the hundredths place of the percentile according to a post by user potential for art artists working on the project were also being put under unfair conditions such as being rushed overworked and underpaid though i do not have specific proof on whether any part of this was an exaggeration or not more controversy came with lemon tea flour's previous url which contained the gay f slur and was still allegedly being used on their shop page they used to sell the merch for miss officer and truffles a few years later lemon tea flower made a post attempting to clear things up apparently majorly because of their new work on villainous while the tone here comes across a bit irritated to me it was possibly just their frustration showing through on the situation as a whole and wanting it to be over they also claim the project was controlled much more by the other creator erica with lemon tea flour basically just doing the original art and creating the characters though most articles and posts seem to hold their focus on lemon tea flower possibly due to already having the spotlight [Music] the hat post was a lengthy tumblr post created around seven years ago by user lucky dreaming in which users would make the same joke along the lines of surely fedoras aren't that bad with a series of accompanying images in which they would put the hat on and momentarily turn into a stereotypical neck beard or nice guy the post then continued with people doing the same thing but with different hats and type of people such as user void ethered and their boating hat or user james bleach putting on a baseball cap and becoming a stereotypical fuckboy especially popular in the early to mid 2010s tumblr users would frequently make fake posts trying to disguise them as real stories with the goal of gaining popularity or trying to prove some point [Music] a post made may 6 2015 by ironically user forever honest about an alleged encounter by one of their friends stating basically we were walking down the sidewalk talking about something meaningless i think it had to do with a movie then this bus screeches up stops next to us and a bunch of people with down with sis shirts climbed out and started beating him up i was punched and kicked a bit too but i managed to avoid brutalization by going for their faces after figuring out what's happening i started attacking them back getting them off of him he was quite injured but i called 9-1-1 and he made a full recovery at the hospital i was fine with only a cut on my arm that they patched up now i feel like it's not too much of a stretch to say this person most likely did not in fact get randomly attacked on the sidewalk by a bus full of people with dallas shirts especially noting the fact that the phrase didn't even exist or at least was extremely unknown until this post was made and really sort of became popular because of the sheer ridiculousness of it despite this some people still believed it i'm not sure how far it spread outside tumblr but i know down with sis became an extremely popular phrase on tumblr being used in arts and edits and extending even past the original post where you could easily hear or see it and not even know the original post in early 2011 youtuber and tumblr user tyler oakley posted a gif of a cockatoo and a chocolate fountain originally from the 2011 adam sandler movie jack and jill created with cgi as in the bird was not actually in the fountain despite this seemingly completely unaware of the origin another user proceeded to make a post calling out the original bird post and anyone who enjoys it due to the fact they believed it to be genuine animal abuse seeing as chocolate is toxic to birds and well they shouldn't be coated in it yet another unknowing user replied attempting to give a counterpoint that maybe the bird just liked the chocolate to which the op replied back in a well clearly enraged manner spawning a copy pasta especially if the first few words passed the opening line listen here come [ __ ] i bet you 5 million dollars that you don't own a bird but guess what i own seven and i can tell you right now that a bird would never just walk into something like a chocolate fountain they'll rarely walk directly into water but say that your idiotic theory is correct say it did actually walk into it that animal still probably died is that still funny to you do you still get your kicks out of knowing that that bird was probably terrified and opening its mouth to scream in that last panel and if you say yes then you seriously disgust me as a human being this one is either referring to when the notes on a post disappear or when something on the website glitches typically after an update and enables people to make oddly formatted posts that often stretch outside the post itself i think it's more likely the latter however i'll try to explain both anyways [Music] according to a post by user sign side answers notes on a post will sometimes disappear due to a window of desync between when tumblr updates and when the page is refreshed sometimes the notes will reappear later and sometimes they never really do the op goes more in depth and honestly i'm just not too knowledgeable on what all they're talking about so if you'd like more info look at the full post i will link but it's sort of basically just being in the right place at the right time [Music] while i haven't seen it happen nearly as much as it used to every once in a while a fixer update would come out which itself would break the website or glitch posts and cause your dashboard to be flooded with cryptic broken texts and images one i especially remember was when text would go past the post either above or below which would often run over other posts and make them hard to read or impossible to interact with such as the the the [Music] rat rat rat joke that i'll get back to at the end of level three [Music] so basically there was this guy user perch who would get irrationally angry at any sort of oreo food that wasn't just the original oreos beginning in a post about the oreo product marios they commented on which had rows of cookie on the sides and filling in the middle allowing you to put on however much you want the primary ones i remember were the original mario post and the follow-up reply on the oreo dessert pizza the original mario's comment read are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me this is [ __ ] this is a piece of [ __ ] no human should ever have this much power this is [ __ ] [ __ ] there was a set amount of icing on each [ __ ] oreo and that's how it should be give us this much power the icing will be so uneasily split that we will have like 20 cookies left and no [ __ ] icing left this is ridiculous this is the kind of [ __ ] that destroys society and topples the government this is trying to spark greed and lust and gluttony tumblr has a daily post limit set at 250 which may sound like nothing to worry about since it's so high however a large amount of people including me would hit this limit on a regular basis it doesn't quite happen as often with the average age on tumblr seemingly rising as the popularity lowers to be fair it's still a lot but i think out of any social media it's honestly the easiest to post the most on tumblr with its focus on sharing other people's content and easier access to older posts than places like twitter once upon a time tumblr users were able to freely edit other people's posts when they reblock them deleting and adding words to make it look like they said something different entirely and to see the original you would have to first know the post was edited and then go back to the op or an unedited reblog to even see the original as you could imagine this is a power usually abused and almost guaranteed to eventually be taken away the particular reason it was eventually removed was due to a 2015 post author john green near peak popularity might i add wrote on his blog fishing boat proceeds infamous to the point i don't remember nor can seem to even find the original unedited version but according to a reblog from crooked penguin it was about quote trolling and a non-bullying anyways the text was edited by user katara to be very sexually explicit and eventually turned into a copy pasta reading [ __ ] is one of my favorite tastes not only that but balls smell amazing it makes me go a little crazy on it to be honest like i cannot get it far enough down my throat to be satisfied i'm only satisfied when i feel those intense powerful salty hot pumps have come down my throat when i sit back on my heels look up at you with [ __ ] all over my mouth and slobber running down my neck hair all [ __ ] up and wiped my mouth with the back of my arm and ask you if i did a good job and you cannot even speak because i've drained all of your energy out the tip of your dick that's when i'm satisfied now i've seen people pop up saying they feel bad calling the post bullying and slander green actually replied to the post seemingly more annoyed than anything and clearing up that he has nothing against the sexuality of anyone which i honestly didn't really even gather from the original post until he brought it up but i suppose the distinction was important especially knowing the way a lot of people on the website were at the time while i think it's obviously a joke and is generally known to be fake i do understand where they're coming from currently the post sits at over 216 000 notes [Music] pretty much tumblr has a page full of custom themes you can apply to your blog you used to be able to put your own custom code in or copy paste someone else's i'm not sure whether you can do that anymore but at the very least it doesn't remove them because mine is still there anyways tumblr has some themes that cost money and of these there is a section labeled premium in which you can buy themes mostly priced at 49 which is uh admittedly high especially when you could get something almost exactly the same that's free or at least cheaper there was probably an outrage when this was added or noticed but i can't really remember or find much significance past that [Music] [Music] in 2015 a call-out post often referred to as bone gauzy was made by zer pastel provere concerning user little [ __ ] monster named ender claiming they were quote stealing human bones from cemeteries in louisiana which was then backed up by screenshots from user nopath followed of a discussion on a facebook page named the queer witch collective where ender mentioned going to a graveyard generally assumed to be holt cemetery near their house and gathering bones that would stick out when it would flood further controversy came with the fact that the cemetery was generally used by people who couldn't afford an above ground grave as interstates as well as that the majority of those buried at the location were people of color living in new orleans it was also revealed that the police later raided ender's home finding quote at least 11 bones and 4 teeth this situation as many do resulted in a variety of responses especially at its height ranging from discourse to jokes though it was accepted by most that you probably should not be digging up random people's bones and using them for your practice if you'd like more info on this one i would recommend the double cast video or the wang video on it [Music] this was an annual halloween joke where users would talk about the skeleton war and whatever could fall under it slowly building up lore it most likely originated in a 2013 tweet from user drill stating if your grave doesn't say rest and peace on it you are automatically drafted into the skeleton war it was more popular in the mid-2010s as i don't think i've seen it nearly as much in recent years [Music] there used to be a popular blog with the url pizza and while you can't see the follower accounts of other users on tumblr a sydney morning herald article from 2016 claims they had reached 1 million followers by june 2014 the same year that put them on this list it was also stated in the article that pizza was receiving thousands in advertising through their blog and with this newfound money it seems they were searching for more as they took up advertising a diet pill this turned out to be a scam and pizza along with other popular blogs who had advertised this pill were deleted overnight before deletion controversy was also held over the fact that pizza had a tag on their blog containing the n-word followed by stories which they alleged to be from when they were 13 years old [Music] as user stop making liberals look bad states tumblr funnymen are quote social justice [ __ ] or anti-sjws who have gone overboard and revert to a bunch of offensive ignorance with little to no decency they're never actually funny either i'm pretty sure i've seen posts with the people they're talking about plenty of times but completely honestly i think i was out of the circles that were having this discourse so we'll just have to go off that some people also try to define tumblr funnyman as simply someone who just consistently makes funny and or popular posts though i'm not sure which definition is the most popular as of this video [Music] sixpence was and still is a horror blogger known largely for their multiple controversies [Music] one of these controversies was with the fact that their family living in india has a child slave they actually admitted to this when asked about it skipping any sort of apology they could have given and saying that that's just how things are for wealthier families in india and the philippines they further mention how if they quote had control over anything they'd prevent it and that it really sucks but at the same time tries to claim that their family does it just because that's the way it is [Music] though not a mental health professional in 2017 six pence tried to offer a therapy service called six pence heels in which they would charge thirty dollars to listen to people's problems and give them an individualized and personal report that will really help and guide you they claim this service to not be a substitution for mental health or medical treatment however there are obvious flaws and hearing people's problems not even knowing them as a person or spending time to work through things and then acting as an authority while having no training especially when your followers likely contain a large amount of vulnerable teenagers in many posts sixpence is claimed to have made horror stories and entertainment out of mentally ill and disabled people if you'd like to look further into specific examples on this i found a post by user bondsmagi that seems to list a lot [Music] another post from the being able to edit other people's text era by user our milk breath which is supposed to look like milk breath and it actually i mean it looks cool in which the word [ __ ] was changed to meaners and fudgers as well as adding i will kiss the popsicle don't tickle me jamboree in their final four three blog with the user getting progressively angrier [Music] best known for being the human pet guy user the cybersmith is the author of an infamous post talking about human pets which they claim should be fine because it doesn't quote infringe upon your freedom the post begins with a scenario five to ten years in the future where the user would bring their human pet into a restaurant wearing underwear of course in an attempt to prove how okay it would be further he creates another more extreme scenario about having a quote surgically modified pet lit in on a leash i won't read out all the details on this one because it makes me uncomfortable very much so but i will point out the point where they say perhaps i've even humanely removed its eyes making it less independent after receiving backlash the cybersmith claimed it was all just a hypothetical scenario taking out of context also saying that the problem with tumblr is that if you mention many times your interests in transhumanism philosophy politics history and human nature you get few if any reblog slash asks about it but if you mention just once that you want a human pet people never let it go they seem to have an interest especially in transhumanism which as i can tell is the modification of humans technologically they also seem to think of themselves as a lot smarter than other people or on another level such as when you live in shadows the light hurts your eyes they would rather live in their ignorance than embrace your illuminating wisdom indeed i must not allow myself to forget that the average person not yet ascended to my level of sophistication i must be patient with them so that they one day might learn and seems to try to use a lot of big words to prove this which to clarify is completely fine on its own if you're not hurting anyone then like whatever and talk the way that makes you happy just don't try to act better than other people [Music] okay admittedly this is one i was really into at its peak i didn't read the actual comics but i saw the designs and i thought it was really neat um i haven't gone back and really looked through it or anything recently to see if the quality holds up so i don't know this is just the type of stuff i was into at that point anyways the interwebs was a web comic on tumblr starting around 2012 and gaining popularity pretty quickly about the personifications of different websites it didn't have too much of plot and mostly consisted of the websites interacting with each other a video made by the creator in 2017 why the interweb series is over over why the interweb series is over basically explains everything from start to finish and in a very concise way so honestly go watch that to learn more [Music] this originated in a post made by user gummy eyelids or lana concerning an amputated toe they received in the post from user royally oily or hayley to which they stated they would quote change its solution put it in a new pretty jar and potentially make it into a wearable pendant hence the necklace part a lot of misinformation spread about this post actually things like claiming haley cut off their toe specifically to make jewelry or like it being sent in the mail as a threat or like generally to someone who didn't want it and as things seemed to go on the internet people got very loud and at times upset before knowing the truth only building on and reinforcing the misinformation in actuality the toe was removed for medical reasons years beforehand and according to an interview conducted by insider haley feels as though she wants to keep her body parts because they hold an energy and it would be important to her to preserve the toe and potentially relieve some guilt of it being removed by wearing it if you're interested in this aspect of the story i'd recommend reading more thoroughly through that interview also lana the recipient states that they were actually fine working with body parts having worked with human teeth in the past alongside some animal parts [Music] user kami eyes yes this is the same on a person as before made a post around 2018 from what i can tell containing pictures of assumity them with a skeleton they state my baby girl emily at queen of the wild things got this gorgeous antique partial human skeleton at a flea market for only 30 bucks and continuing on to describe the skeleton and ask if anyone else could provide more information based on the pictures according to a comment by user a human disaster under a reddit post pertaining to the story quote opinions of people who know about bone stuff is that this is a young like not an adult asian girl skeletons used for academic purposes especially ones that are not disposed of respectfully were usually obtained via gravel rock being grave rocking grave grogging yep great grogging were usually obtained via grave robbing rather than donation though also others claim there's no way to really tell the origins of the skeleton past being female and likely is not a child as some are stating some also believe the skeleton could be fake but the majority believe it to be real as stated in the original post this is sort of vague like most things about this post really going into it any further seems to just be discourse on the general potential ethics of the whole thing so i think i'll close it out there [Music] biggest gaudiest patronuses often shortened to god is a popular tumblr user known particularly for eating crayons on a live stream for rent money and revealing that they bought alcohol with the money instead which caused other users to go back through their posts and compile material into a call out post particularly one i found in a lengthy google doc posted by user rodent including various screenshots accompanying claims of things such as attraction to minors anti-semitism doxing a 12 year old interacting with pedophile supporters lisbophobia trans misogyny and racism i'm not here to make a particular stance so i would recommend going through the doc and reading a bit further from there if you would like to look more into this going back to the broken posts i don't even know what to call it rat rat rat rat rat rat was famous or infamous maybe due to an update around 2018 or 2019 you know the post and its variants would extend way above their bounds often obscuring the posts coming before especially one can imagine with many of these posts showing up on your dashboard at once copies sprang up as one of tumblr's various april fool's events this time for 2015. it was a parody of the 90s microsoft office assistant clippy except as a copy machine named copy who would pop up and say a bunch of random jokes and stuff despite its one day lifespan tumblr uses grew attached to copy spawning jokes fan art and even a t-shirt in the official tumblr merch store which the side note they had one of those they had one of those so i can't find it but i know around 2018 tumblr had a whole rabies thing like i don't know it was a big thing that was a lot like more recently when a bunch of people started saying feral and it sort of ranged from people joking to people being serious about it but with the added effect of like i think there are a couple people who actually tried to get rabies i don't remember but i remember i don't know i i just remember it being like a whole thing but who knows uh anyways the idea of rabia sexual gained some popularity around the same time in 2018 most things listed as a parody sexuality which is the way it originated and a lot of people seemed to react but like i said became a serious thing as well according to blog rabiosexual info in a mid-2019 post radiosexuality is the attraction to those who are figuratively rabid or wish to be so the attraction to those with symptoms of being rabid and or the attraction to those who act rabid rabiosexuality is not wanting to get literal rabies or going out trying to get rabies rabiosexuality started out as a joke created by a tumblr user actually it's pretty wild but simply put it can be understood if used figuratively it's the literal attraction to those only who are figuratively rabid the main take on this one seems to be not actual rabies but a more figurative rabid personality which is described as having and being attracted to symptoms that could be considered of rabies such as acting crazy odd or unusual from the norm hissing sensitivity to light fear or avoidance of water mental confusion and identifying as figuratively rapid the post ends with rabiosexuality is not lgbt in the least we like to consider it something else and by itself this blog serves the purpose of answering questions and sharing information regarding radio sexuality [Music] oppa homeless style was a screenshotted tumblr pose to put up march 2014 onto the r slash that happened subreddit for stories deemed obviously fake by the posters titled fedora villain shames woman for giving to the homeless in which in which i did not read the post in just description okay in which you know maybe this one's worth a read okay i had a good day of tips waitressing for once so i gave a homeless man 20 on the walk home homeless man there must be a mistake no mistake i can afford to cut back a little have a wonderful day suddenly a shrieky little voice rang out a pasty dude wearing a trench coat and fedora barreled toward me the [ __ ] are you doing he yanked the 20 bill from the homeless man's grip slicing his fingers on the paper he stuffed the bloody bill in my face no no you worked for this money while he sat on his ass and jerked off you keep it he threw the money in my face what the [ __ ] is your problem [ __ ] listen to me you [ __ ] useless female i'm from new york city where the homeless have the decency to try and work for money whether it's shining your shoes cleaning your windshield or just doing a little dance on the street corner i once saw a man with one leg hop in a circle for hours to make six dollars and change that's the difference between a classy homeless person and a bum well this is my money i earned it i'll use it any way i like how do you get your money if you're so important i don't need a job because my mom gives me money a crowd has formed everyone was glaring at the scumbag and a few were even cheering me on you wanna dance you little prick everyone turned the scene the homeless man rising to his feet to our amazement he began to perform a pitch-perfect style dance oppa homeless style the crowd erupted we all began to join in the dance safer [ __ ] who turned bright purple everyone up up up obama style i threw my 20 at the homeless man's feet everyone else followed suit tossing money at him a woman in a suit gave him her gold watch [ __ ] took off running while the rest of us danced into the night this is oh this is just such a good post where was i despite this the post has yet to be found actually on tumblr and with some believing it's even too bad to be real the suspicion sunken that the post may just be faked user waltzing bears also pointed out that if the screenshot was a reblog then the way it was tagged would be odd as many just put comments or don't act tags at all however as either heritage pose claims an anon stated a plug-in frequently used called missing e actually automatically fills in tags used by the person you are blogged from i've even seen something like this on my art posts where i'll leave long personal notes in the tag and it'll be auto copy pasted into a reblog so while it's not wrong i don't think this point really adds much certain did you i don't think this point really adds much certainty to how real or fake the post is corroborating with the claims of fakeness user heritage posts further claims the reddit op mechamu 2 when asked about the post stated they found it on 4chan so it's probably fake to anyone unaware my immortal stands as an infamous harry potter story posted 2006 to 2007 on to by user xxx bloody wrist 666xxx tara gilsby centered around an original vampire character ebony darkness dementia raven way and her relationship with character draco malfoy and overall had this 2000 z gothic sort of emo vibe if that's a decent way to put it many regard this work as quote one of the worst works of fan fiction ever written as it's known for its quote constant grammar and spelling errors plot inconsistencies and complete disregard for the original harry potter source material and it's thusly debated on whether the fan fiction was actually real or satire especially due to the fact basically nothing was known about the author besides their alleged name a near unsolvable mystery truly however for a moment a light shown in this tunnel in 2017 when one going by the name of rose christo sprang up claiming to be the real actual author and confirming the work was that of satire with documents proving such and everything christo stated she was a native american cree lesbian in the interest of creating a memoir which held the name under the same stars detailing her search for quote her younger brother as a teen after being placed in new york city foster care as a victim of child abuse and child pornography which seems to be the reason held for writing the story in the first place for which she provided enough proof as it seems to macmillan publishers to believe and take her up on this as it went however things quickly toppled when the memoir was pulled from the macmillan release list as christo confessed to the forging of documents though as she claims only to protect her family this occurred likely because of a kiwi farms user claiming to be her brother stated rose christo was actually theresa who was white and had never actually been in foster care it was really just for attention for her novel this user was never fully confirmed to my knowledge but proved believable enough as it seems to cause doubt in people really it's all just unsubstantiated he said she said you know while there isn't no chance teresa could have written my immortal and was just lying about other aspects it's all so unsure it's really just back at square one apparently this one was just generally the fact that he's done so many different popular things that people don't really connect the dots on which really broadens my horizon on this one but i assure you this would become a neil cesariga video if i truly allowed myself that so i will try and keep it short so basically neil also known by lemon demon while being an active tumbler user well more active in the mid 2010s i guess and making some popular posts you may also recognize him for lemon demon albums such as spirit phone view monster and dinos orchestra the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny two trucks brody quest harry potter puppet pals and the comic ariel needs legs i would also like to highlight the first postdyne's blog from june 20th 2009 not because it's his most significant but because it's important to me personally which is titled welcome to neil's sex blog thank you [Music] around 2012 a new feature launched on tumblr in which you could pay five dollars to pin a post your followers dashboards for 24 hours which they could hide by clicking a red pushpin this was assumedly an attempt similar to promoted posts on other social media platforms but it seems it died out with people either being afraid spammers would abuse it or just thinking it's a waste of money especially since i can't really find people talking about it past the initial launch nowadays you can pin post to your blog and without any cost [Music] this was basically a post about this shy boy and like this other outgoing guy and there and love and people kept adding on to it in a bunch of different art styles it goes for a while i don't think i've seen a lot of these editions before but i definitely know the original after seeing it also it wasn't actually about a bully but with the way it goes i totally get how they could have remembered it that way woody's roundup was basically a collection of people who would take all the orioles from people like nazis turfs and pedophiles and turn them into role play blocks for woody from toy story all with the same icon saying things like howdy partner the person who started this was user snooping as usual i see who also held two brand parody blogs aquafresh and kitkat official both of these accounts however ended up getting taken down for impersonation notably enough though many at first thought aquafresh was taken down under hate speech for posting infinity war spoilers but this ended up not being the case [Music] brandon was the brand fandom phenomenon in which people would role play as brands this originated from previously mentioned user kitkat official [Music] wayne radio tv made half-life vr but the ai is self-aware or hlvr-a-i alike half-life improv machinima sort of thing streamed on twitch with the first part having nearly four million views on youtube i've seen a good bit of fan art for it i'm pretty sure actually so while i don't have personal experience with this i can imagine it's pretty popular by the iceberg op minecraft jukebox quote wayne radio tv was included since wayne and his friends made hl vrai parentheses wildly popular as well as various other viral tumblr posts to the point where it's rather funny to learn that they made them so basically hiv living was a tumblr blog for hiv awareness ran by a white college student in the u.s pretending to be a couple consisting of ezra a 19 year old chinese pakistani non-binary bisexual living in india with hiv for three-ish years and naj an 18 year old cis lesbian of color born in the us but also living in india in order to justify their 170 000 word long hamilton fan fiction in which alexander hamilton is a high school student in the 1980s with hiv that's the general idea of it oh also the user who found the info and called them out allegedly wrote a quote lin-manuel miranda slash anthony ramos rpf or real people fiction thick where lin was a cannibal mermaid it featured romance and murder but no war to ao3 or archive of our own and which user communism kills due to a lot of drama and [ __ ] takes that i do not want to dig that deep into here made a post announcing a patreon in which you could quote buy their silence for a certain amount of money meaning if you gave them money they just wouldn't post for however long this is the origin of the popular by my silence permanently for eight thousand dollars a month i will stop mean [Music] okay so pretty much kong palpinus was started as an edited political cartoon with bernie sanders saying the phrase posted by user snooping as usual i see this evolved into where a lot of people would actually know the phrase from with the user commenting it on a post by user trial lizard or trill lizard infamous for trying to act smarter than other people and generally just having absolute [ __ ] takes saying that quote all y'all treat straight men on this website like in cells treat women this kong pal penis reply seemed to get him really upset and so more and more people would comment it [Music] in which a homestuck cosplayer filled a hotel bathtub with a mixture of 70 alcohol plus black and gray sharpies assumingly in an attempt to dye their skin gray like the character they were going to cosplay to rezzy according to a post by user phantom shadow after two hours of waiting their roommates finally opened the bathroom door to find the scene to which they kicked the person out and made them pay the 700 damage fees and as a result of the sharpie alcohol mixture they also received as the post states skin poisoning slash [Music] damage among the decently large other kin community of tumbler carrion flowerkin is a user who claims it can a carrion flower however most likely is a troll they are known particularly for a post garnering over 300 000 notes which states friendly reminder that keeping plants in your house without their permission is slavery and kidnapping from what i can tell user omega otaku is known for basically harassing a bunch of people with threats insults guilt tripping and a lot of repeated points about like zionism and something about trashy tasha from the total drama fandom as well as for being an alleged predator which which seems to originate in a post made by user angie the witch the op of the iceberg minecraft jukebox states apparently some racist [ __ ] was done by this user their blog still exists but a friend recommended they be included due to infamy not super familiar with this user otherwise i cannot seem to find info confirming that part however if you're interested i'd recommend starting from the aforementioned andrew the witch post [Music] this user is actually named joey under the username whatever child however i believe the op got jake from the fact that what got them popular in april 2013 was a cosplay of jake english from homestuck people felt was especially accurate to the character this newfound popularity however transferred into an ego as joey would gatekeep what people ought to cosplay believing one should only cosplay characters that match their physical appearance whether it be body type gender race anything along those lines obviously people did not like that and it eventually escalated into a post which became a copy pasta reading i'm sorry you must not know who i am i'm joey the cosplay elitist and i don't have time for talk of cosplay that isn't canon i cosplay hard i cosplay with passion and i cosplay correctly this is a passion this is a talent and this is something i do not have [ __ ] suggest for me to hey dude do this casually with no reasoning behind it in which a post stated it's fun to stay at v and four users individually replied ymca in reference to the popular village people song however the blog connected to the letter c was apparently a gay porn blog and so had a sort of perceived shock value causing a user to simply say don't click c to which people obviously would want to click on it more whether this was the intention or not [Music] tumblr sexy men are largely agreed upon as characters who had a big falling of people who found them sexy though didn't seem to follow some usual taste or standard ideas of what makes a character attractive often people would use headcanons being their own ideas of the characters or humanization of non-human characters in order to make them more attractive some aspects of the definition are sort of loose and debated as many say only white skinny and cis human characters are preferred but basically they're characters people obsess over that a lot of people agree is questionable though right now i'm not going to go into whether each one is or not primary examples of these include the once-ler believed to be the original tumblr sexy man bill cipher and sans undertale to some extent i'd also throw nagito kamida in there these are ones i'd figure a majority of tumblr users are at least aware of however those are not the only examples as a google doc called the sexy pedia created by user sickly white dudes offers a uh hopefully exhaustive list of tumblr sexy men including characters such as reagan arataka black hat darkiplier eggman eraserhead herobrine jack skellington jfk clone high junkrat megamind professor membrane murdock nichols purpleguy rick sanchez robbie rotten roger kefly sideshow bob slenderman waluigi the warden wheatley professor venemous and victor corpse bride the dock goes more in depth and provides some proto-sexy men such as loki snape and the tenth doctor as well as the camita archetype checklist though already mentioned i'd argue wheatley is nearly also a proto-sexy man as although he wasn't quite as popular as the once-ler he received basically the same treatment and a bit earlier almost bridging the gap between the proto-sexy men and the current sexy men anyways with that being said the tumblr sexy man dating sim seems to be a project minecraft jukebox was involved in personally with the tumblr sexy man popularity hitting a high level in early 2020 a discord server was created within the server 15 to 30 of the 250 or so total users got involved in the making of a dating sim concerning these characters though it fell off and never got finished a sample of the game was uploaded to youtube showing the title screen and early gameplay though that seems to be as far as it goes [Music] thank you i believe that's all if i missed anything or if you know other tumblr things that weren't mentioned here feel free to comment it i was actually planning to do another video as a sort of extension of this one going through things i felt were significant going through things i felt were significant enough but not in this chart thanks again please have a nice day [Music] you
Channel: spacemanFinn
Views: 157,656
Rating: 4.9426594 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, tumblr iceberg, iceberg, internet, boneghazi, sixpenceee, neil cicierega, miss officer and mr truffles, dashcon, superwholock, john green, john green copypasta, cartoon, internet history, bone stealing witch, art, animation, explained, explanation, homestuck, homestuck sharpie bath, sharpie bath
Id: O5EIAgyr5gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 58sec (4018 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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